The Real Reason Why Misfit Garage Ended

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this was as odd as anything i've ever done with you we just made five grand we're 5 000 richer right now because you know what i always say you make your money when you buy them not when you sell them the last season of misfit garage aired in 2018 and since then fans of the show have been waiting for another season sadly they will not be getting one because the show has effectively been cancelled while there is no word on an official cancellations there's also no word on a renewal either this means you probably will not be seeing new seasons of the show anytime soon this news might be hard for fans to take and we certainly understand that the effective cancellation of misfit garage has left so many questions unanswered and this video is our attempt to answer some of those questions of course the answer everyone wants the answer to right now is why why was misfit garage cancelled that question is precisely what this video will be answering but first let us take how misfit garage became a thing in the first place come on guys let's go to work we got stuff to do man hey we're gonna build it but we ain't unloading it y'all suck you know that misfit garage started when gas monkey garage a famous auto restoration shop in texas owned by richard rawlings decided to dismiss two employees these two employees were tom smith and jordan butler they were not just employees either they were very popular characters in the fast and loud reality series based on gas monkey garage tom for one was not just a great mechanic he was also an amateur comedian a singer a master heckler and a man of a thousand talents when he was younger he was a state spelling bee champion of course people watching misfit garage may not believe that because of the way he behaves now but it is true you ever heard of the doctor's hot rod the doctor's hot rod was normally the the grand sport buicks whoa are you kidding me you knew that why wouldn't i know that some days you're just a complete genius and some days you're like not a complete genius interestingly tom dismissed this feat and said it does not count because he was from georgia we have no idea what that means but we guess we will have to take him at his word in any case tom got exposed to cars at an early age as he was allowed to work in his uncle's garage as a young child at 10 years old he was already driving cars unfortunately during one of his escapades with a 74 ponica granville he crashed into the police and yes all this happened when he was just 10 years old when he was done with high school he immediately opened an auto shop and started pursuing a career as a stand-up comedian he was pretty successful at doing that and managed to perform on several stages around the united states interestingly tom came up with the name fired up garage why that name in particular you ask well as a child he wanted to own a garage named fu garage but that name could not be used so he came up with the closest name to that and that name was fired up garage which could alternatively be written as fnu garage you may not like that name but you cannot deny that it's clever unlike tom there isn't a lot of information about jordan butler all we know is that he's a pretty good mechanic who believes in saying it as it is he does not believe in sugar coating words because of a superior and he also believes in being as straight as an arrow this is probably why you would not be too surprised to discover why he and tom were fired everybody knows we got fired from gas monkey which isn't a good subject with me because that is the only job i've ever gotten fired from and the reasoning i got fired from not really a good one according to tmz both men were dismissed because they had got into a heated argument with a supervisor rawlings the owner of the shop happens to be someone very big on respect between colleagues so he decided that he had heard enough and then terminated the employment of both men rolling said that both men had been fired not just for the arguments they had with the superior but also because they had an unfortunate habit of disrupting the dynamics of the garage once smith and butler realized that they no longer had jobs they decided to start their garage together but they could hardly do it alone they needed help and soon they called up other skill technicians before long the team opened up fired up garage the first person the duo caught up to help them open up a new garage was thomas weeks thomas was not just a part of the misfit garage crew he was also a co-founder and co-investor in the garage like tom thomas had grown up watching his father work on cars and by the time he could hold a spanner he started working on them too after high school he opened up a business buying and selling cars and richard rawlings was one of his biggest clients the second person tom and butler called was scott mcmillan a mechanic like thomas and tom scott had spent most of his formative years with his father working on cars his father taught him everything he needed to know about cars by the time he was 15 he had already managed to build his car and flip it to earn a tidy profit however by 19 he abandoned his car fixing journey and went on to join the marine corps he went on a few military tours but was nearly killed in an accident in iraq this left him disillusioned and he decided to leave the army and return to his first love cars once the new crew started their new shop discover channel signed a deal with them and they got their reality tv show and that show was called misfit garage hold up hold up hold up we know what you're thinking how and why did fired up garage get its reality tv show so soon after it got created well here's something you might not know according to people in the know the firing of smith and butler by rawlings was staged it was not a real firing and it was just a way to get both men to exit the show and start a spin-off show the evidence for this assertion is pretty glaring too as richard rawlings was revealed to be the landlord of misfit garage and was also a producer on the show to make things even more incredible there's the very credible claim that fired up garage the garage that misfit garage was based on did not exist in real life the shop was never accessible to the public and there was always a huge sign in front of it telling everyone that it was a close filming set now if the garage itself was not real then the show would technically be a drama cosplaying as a reality tv show sort of like modern family or the office it was just a scripted tv show like every other tv show every restoration every client and everything else was staged this also meant that the on-screen rivalry between fired up garage and gas monkey garage was all stage two this rivalry became a huge subplot in the show and many viewers started looking forward to times when rollins and his crew would clash with the folks over at misfit garage in a way it all looked like one huge garage cinematic universe all this meant was that misfit garage is technically a spin-off of the original fast and loud series and that is an important details since misfit garage is a spin-off it was naturally supposed to be shorter than the original series and here's the thing fast and loud has been cancelled however this does not mean that misfit garage was not renewed because fast and loud came to an end it may have been a compounding factor but there is surely more to the show's ending than that when misfit garage aired its last episode in 2018 none of the crew members thought it would be the last season they all believed that the show would be renewed by the discovery channel but as time went on it became clear that would not happen the fans and crew of the show were so frustrated with the development that thomas weak made an exasperated comment on twitter when a fan asked him why there were no new seasons of misfit garage he replied ass discovery they don't like us no more i guess how do you remove a hit show is beyond me there are several theories about why the show ended but the real reason is a combination of all the theories the first reason is that the shop itself was fictional and this meant discover channel had to spend more money per episode on misfit garage most car reality shows are based on successful garages but misfit garage was not one of those this meant that everything from tools to cars to be repaired had to be prepared beforehand that's a lot of labor and money another probable reason was the declining viewership despite what thomas week said a show could be a hit show but could have a steady declining viewership in that case it would be wise to end the show before the viewership is completely decimated and lastly the crew got a really bad rep for the reckless behavior with classic cars and their lawlessness with customizing cars gearheads all over the world simply disagreed with many of the crew's methods and they left very negative views about the show everywhere the real reason why misfit garage is a combination of these three reasons these reasons told the people over at discovery channel that the show was not worth saving and thus had to be cancelled
Channel: Quick Shift
Views: 150,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quick Shift, misfit garage, gas monkey garage, misfit garage cast, misfit garage full episodes, misfit garage cancelled, misfit garage tv show, when did misfit garage end, where is misfit garage filmed, misfit garage season 1, misfit garage season 7, misfit garage host, how did misfit garage end?, misfit garage thomas weeks, what happened to misfit garage, misfit garage episodes, fired cast misfit garage, misfit garage tree falls on truck, misfit garage official end
Id: izX4jOG8W9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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