The Real Reason Why Inside West Coast Customs Ended

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west coast customs is probably the most popular custom shop in the world it was the custom shop behind the first really mainstream car show pimp my ride and since pimp my ride ended the shop has gone on to be behind another car show named inside west coast customs the shop has a very interesting history too and is probably the one shop in the world that does not have an exact founding date according to some the shop was founded way back in 1994 and others say it was 1997. in any case what we do know for sure is that the shop was incorporated in the year 2000 by ryan friedlinghaus a young mechanic who had a passion for building custom-made cars however free link house had discovered quite early in his life that there were almost no garages that could do all everything needed to make a custom car in-house so he created west coast customs as a shop that could make custom cars from top to bottom without outsourcing any part of the vehicle that was his vision for west coast customs and for a while that was precisely what the shop was at first the shop did not get a lot of orders but soon celebrities like shaquille o'neal started bringing their expensive cars around for custom effects and that is when west coast customs blew up before long the shop drew the attention of media giant mtv and they pitched the show pit my ride to fringling house but here was the catch freeling house was not going to be the host of the show it would merely be hosted in his shop and he would be the one to coordinate the actual work on the vehicles the real host of the show would be a rapper named exhibit in the end pit my ride was a successful show but after the first few years west coast customs started seeing the first problems that would eventually run the shop out of reality tv shows forever here's the thing customizing cars is not just a fun and fancy job that you can do on the fly it's a very difficult job because many people you're messing with the original design of the car and repurposing it for something else under normal circumstances repurposing one part of a car if done carefully enough does not have to be a disaster but doing that over multiple parts of the car over just a few days can be very bad for the car and that was precisely what happened to pimp my ride even if we decided to ignore all the fake parts of the show and by that we mean the fake auditions the fake sob stories of the people who had their cards pimped and the fake cars that were to be pimped the resulting cards were simply not that good a lot of them actually ended up breaking down just a few weeks after the show and eventually had to be torn down and sold for scraps but fringling house did not really care that his shop was basically making custom cars that were merely good for looking grand on tv and not much else as long as he got his beloved recognition from the media he was okay with messing up perfectly good cards with customs that basically worsened them but that did not stop pimp my ride from being extraordinarily successful it's fun so many international spin-offs and the success of the show increase the profile of west coast customs enormously however at the end of an initial four-year contract friendling house decided that he would go in a different direction with west coast customs according to him the format of pimp my ride meant he had to build cars for tv instead of building cars on tv a lot of people thought this meant freeling house would stop being irresponsible with customs and actually start building usable cars those people would come to be disappointed in the fullness of time that same year freiling house announced a new tv show and called it street customs the format of this show would only be different from that of pimp my ride in the sense that it would only follow ongoing customizations done by bonafide customers of west coast customs this meant that there would no longer be fake customers or sob stories everything would be real or at least that's how it was supposed to be however freelinghouse did not find instant commercial success with this new format it appeared that people actually preferred fake clients and theatrics which isn't that surprising to be fair over the first few years of the show street customs would change its name and network about four times but freeling house stuck with the format of the show the west coast custom shop itself also suffered setbacks that really tested the shop's ability to continue as a corporate entity first of all the new format of the show meant that mtv was no longer footing the bills of customs it meant customs could only be done for customers who were rich enough to get new cars and then pay for full body customizations this meant that the pool of clients west coast customs had to choose from got dramatically smaller the next year was a dreaded 2008 financial crisis and it meant that even the richest customers could not afford customizations anymore and most people just wanted to repair their cars thankfully west coast custom survived that period and continued making cars on tv by 2010 the shop was even making customized cars for movies for example the shop designed three identical customized 1955 ford f-100 pickup trucks that were used in the movie expendables after the movie one of the trucks was sold at an auction for a hundred and thirty two thousand dollars but sadly the shop was yet to experience the height of fame that it experienced while it was pimped my ride this led to friendlinghouse doing incredible pranks with celebrities in fact one such prank almost put him in jail for the prank he and the ripper will i am connived to get will i am's car was stolen by a fake crew the car was a delorean modified by west coast customs and was supposedly worth seven hundred thousand dollars after the fake theft of the car greenling house pretended to find the vehicle with help from the crew of west coast customs the truth behind the prank was leaked by jalopnik and freeling house never really admitted that it was a prank however when people found out there was no missing car report filed by will i am at the police station they quickly realized that the leak was probably right and it was indeed a prank in any case the sun was not successful and did not make the show which was called inside west coast customs by this time successful while freeling house continued filming the show its off the screen gaps continued to pile on one of the most significant car failures from this time was the firefall bus a huge project that was supposed to introduce west coast customs to a different demographic the firefall bus was a contract for a custom-made epic gaming bus that was given to west coast customs the contract was super expensive and cost about 3 million dollars the gaming company that ordered the bus wanted to use it as promotional material and a mobile server to host games via lan asides from that the bus was supposed to resemble something otherworldly and was meant to expand via hydraulics to increase in size instead instead of delivering a good bus in perfect working conditions west coast customs went over the budget missed several deadlines and when they delivered the bus it was missing several important specs and was unusable aside from having problems with work quality the show also had problems with treating its employees with basic decency in 2014 the shop itself was accused of not paying its employees friendling house struggled to keep the issue in house and eventually had to defend his company in court federal investigators were eventually involved and they discovered that west coast customs had instead been paying their employees on a set salary when they should have been paid hourly with regards to overtime free link house then had to agree to settle for paying 150 000 in back pay which was owed to low-level workers but paying salaries wasn't the only employee related problem freeling house had he was also a horrible boss and ran the shop like a dictator he forced many low-level employees to work for up to 12 hours a day and made a point of overworking every single person in the shop however no matter how he tried inside westwork custom simply didn't take off as badly as he wished he changed networks multiple times changed the name of the show multiple times and it simply didn't work after touring multiple networks for almost 10 years friendling house finally decided to move the show to velocity a division of discovery communications velocity renewed inside west coast customs for an eighth season but the show's rating simply didn't improve with car complaints continuing to climb and employee complaints piling up as well velocity decided that it would not renew for the ninth season right now freiling house is probably searching for a network to take its show sadly the effect of the corona buyers pandemic means that a lot of narrative are simply not taking on any more new projects will freeling house find a way to get inside west coast customs back on tv that doesn't look likely but with west coast customs you can never really tell
Channel: Quick Shift
Views: 784,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quick Shift, west coast customs, west coast customs youtube, youtube west coast customs, inside west coast customs, west coast customs cast, end of inside west coast customs, when did inside west coast customs end, where is inside west coast customs, inside west coast customs full episodes, what happened to west coast customs, west coast customs full episodes, where is west coast customs filmed, west coast customs job, ish west coast customs, west coast customs cancelled
Id: bUyfZ6hBCxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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