The Real Reason Why I Own 5 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren!!

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hi guys I know I've been missing in action from YouTube channel but I'm back today I want to feature my white SLR roadster my favorite out of all fired [Music] [Music] first and foremost did you know the entire body of this car is out of carbon fiber so this car has a lot of carbon fiber and as you know I love carbon fiber and it's very you eat in a sense where he has a long hood it's got the exhaust right below the door and you can't not fall in love with the gullwing doors it's just a overall an awesome car supercar for the price that they're selling in this market so it's a lot of car pooling money wash power wise 617 horsepower supercharged 5.5 liter and gas mileage not so great 30 miles per gallon and he has a 300 SL brain interior which was almost a $10,000 option and it's roadster I mean you have to have a convertible for California and this is very unique paint so I am told there is only a handful of SLRs in white from factory and this happens to be one I had one celebrity offering me good money to buy it but I know it can't be replaced and I love it so far so it's not for sale let me pull it out so I can give you a better look oh my god I was trying to pull the door Oh Norton what happens when you have too many cards always went in other car apart mean our garage door Dornan this boy is so damn blow let's make sure you remove the key with her I'll be gone in 60 seconds all right well go ahead pick up the trickle charger you don't want to drag that around so much more I'm already tired they'll find the keys comes the best part [Music] the one complainer I do have a SLRs aside from the expensive maintenance it is the door sharks these door sharks every few years you got to replace them they just lose their pressure and just needs a little left I'll just hold this one so this one here particular model has the carbon fiber trim and that means the center console it usually comes with the aluminum finish and he has a carbon fiber the door has carbon fiber trim and sometimes it is three realized but this one doesn't have the carbon fiber trim on it but that little carbon fiber just adds a lot but they all come with this carbon fiber trim on the seat and this thread really pops so Mercedes I think they produce two different Reds one was cherry and this is a 300 SL red interior which is the extra premium to pay however we pop the hood because the hood is really a cool feature about this part [Music] and then it was the doors so to open the hood there is two levers here you got to pull the levers and then I slowly pull it towards you and then you left so light this whole thing is carbon-fibre he has did the beautiful karma fiber from his site veinte it's just a really nicely designed and built it's so nicely tightly popped in there and a lot of torque 18 557 torque 670 horsepower and a lot of carbon fiber so what do you say we take it for a spin Wow so all SLR is come with ceramic brakes which is fantastic let's turn off the AC because I'm freezing all right okay here we go so ceramic brakes the weight distribution is not great but that's also another reason I like it because it's different you know especially going on turns that long hood always the front engine and they call this not a front engine lot of people say it's mid engine because the engines really right over here in the center and the rear is very short [Music] got a warm up the tires no don't forget to warm up the tires so most modern supercars have like 7-speed transmission and this car has five speed [Music] or this corner always gets me just so much torque you can feel that pressure right here your seat such a unique sound experience having the exhaust right below your feet [Music] that sound sounds like a lion roaring it's so quiet but it's so loud when you want to be great GT part I don't care he's 60 years old the and very much of a joyride for me those ceramic brakes once they warm up there really that's cars not so much fun on the turns when you're going straight guys all joking aside I think I'm gonna buy more SLRs Wow oh I can smell those ceramic brakes so cool and this is to test your rear air brakes you can look like there it's pretty cool huh that was a joy boy and you can hear the fans because I push this car pretty hard so they may about 2100 units of these beautiful monsters worldwide for us and want to say about six seven hundred units came to us but I got five of them whoa there was a fan nice and quiet but I love these cars they're not the fastest supercars in their era but still zero to sixty three point eight seconds for the regular model of course at the special edition the 722 version coupe and 72 s which I used to have a 72 s roadster and there are about 650 horsepower so I guess you they're a little bit faster I think it's three point five zero six II but there you have it I hope you enjoyed this video and you fell in love with these SLRs as much as I love them until next video make sure you subscribe and like my videos and see you next time a lot of my success has been true trial and errors over the past 28 years have I had a mentor early on I would have saved a lot of money and lots of time and avoid a lot of pitfalls so lucky for you I'm giving you the opportunity to be mentored by me I created something I wish I had when I got started we call it many cars means millionaire mentorship
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 961,049
Rating: 4.8728576 out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khoshbin, Never Give Up, Hypercar, Business, Success, Investing, Real Estate, Investor, Millionaire, Wealthy, Car Collector, Orange County, Lifestyle, Vlog, huntington beach, California, Only one in the world, Carbon Fiber, Race, Mercedes, SLR, McLaren
Id: GFoBtmcUYl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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