The Real Reason the TVA Needs Deadpool | Deadpool & Wolverine Theory

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Deadpool and Wolverine's villain answers a major X-Men question welcome back to nerest news I'm Dan Casey and today we're talking about the hotly anticipated Deadpool and Wolverine trailer that aired during the big game on Sunday this multiversal buddy comedy is the mcu's sole cinematic outing this year and between the steady trickle of rumors and the new trailer it looks like this will push the Multiverse Saga to its logical limits and while the MCU may be relatively deced for the foreseeable future it seems like mult Universal war is back on the menu boys or more specifically a deadly threat that only Wade Wilson can stop but why is Deadpool being recruited by the TVA what's his real Mission here and who is pulling the strings well we've got a theory and it all connects back to Professor X the dark Phoenix and X-Men the Last Stand remember that movie I wish I couldn't anyway it has major implications for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe we're going to break it all down for you in just a moment but if you want to go into this blissfully aw like blind Allen Wade Wilson's apartment leave now before it's too late why is your hand so tiny again it's not my hand oh Merry mother of Joseph part one Deadpool kills the Multiverse okay let's get into it shall we the Deadpool and Wolverine trailer Wast no time at all in establishing that they are here to tear the Multiverse a new one it's no secret that Marvel's Multiverse Saga has been extremely Hit or Miss for many people myself included while Loki managed to expand the mcu's multiversal lore in meaningful ways while telling a thoughtful story about Free Will Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness didn't push the envelope far enough yes it was cool to see the Illuminati and see them turned into a fine Red Mist but I want more than just a reality where traffic lights are different colors and food is inexplicably ball-shaped now obviously the concept of the Marvel Multiverse runs the risk of feeling like this infinite Cameo engine in this trailer alone we see Iron Man Captain America Hulk and even pyro everybody's favorite hot-headed member of the Brotherhood of evil mutants he's back in POG form but here it seems like the cameos and guest stars will serve as a swan song for the fox Marvel Universe before it officially merges with the MCU following Avengers Secret Wars in this trailer is chalk full of delightful background details and Easter eggs it ranges from what appears to be the Fant ftic car from Fantastic fourrise of the Silver Surfer to a crashed Helicarrier to an extremely literal reference to Secret Wars and Beyond and by and Beyond I specifically mean a bottle of the soda that killed Stan Lee in The Incredible Hulk wow now we'll talk about all of these contextually but first let's set the stage for our larger Theory now back in July of last year we posited that Deadpool and Wolverine could be Marvel's opportunity to do a take on Deadpool kills the Marvel universe that was a 2012 Limited ser Series where a brainwashed Deadpool murdered his way across not only the universe but the Multiverse itself and while this movie might wind up being closer to Deadpool kills the fox Universe it could incorporate elements of that original story thanks to the Omega Level threat they're seemingly going to introduce folks I'm talking about Cassandra Nova part two the dark Phoenix connection now you might be wondering Dan who's Cassandra Nova that's a great question the prevailing theory is that she is the mysterious character played by Emma Corin glimpsed ever so briefly in the trailer and if you thought that kind of looks like Professor X well you're not wrong for those who don't know Cassandra Nova was created by Grant Morrison and Frank Whitley first appearing in 2001's new X-Men number 114 she was basically Charles Xavier's evil twin and they did psychic battle in the womb after she tried to kill her brother and I say brother in air quotes because Cassandra is actually an entity known as a Mamud in the comics Mamud are powerful entities that dwell in the astral plane they're basically the anti-self the shadow version of yourself you have to defeat before entering into this world and while Charles Xavier did Go full Mortal Combat and perform a Babality in the womb Cassandra Nova somehow survived like basically everything in X-Men lore her backstory is complicated to the point of needing ibuprofen she often takes the form of a psychic parasite inhabiting host bodies and manipulating them to her own gruesome ends case in point she used her immense psychic powers in an army of Sentinels to engineer a mutant genocide that left 16 million people dead on the mutant island nation of josha she also has the power to manipulate the DNA of other people and cause secondary mutations so you can understand why it would be dangerous for her to gain unfettered access to Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the MCU and why the TVA might have a vested interest in stopping her now her presence here in the Deadpool and Wolverine trailer is seriously bad news because that means there are two distinct possibilities which we will explore number one Cassandra Nova is a known quantity she's been banished to the void at the end of time that chronological Dumping Ground we saw back in Loki season 1 or number two she managed to infiltrate the TVA and somehow is manipulating events to find the perfect host body that will let her wreak havoc across the Multiverse we'll come back to those in just a moment but first let's try and answer the question of how the hell did Cassandra Nova appear in the fox universe and now in the MCU well it seems like there could be a connection here to one of the most enduring Unsolved Mysteries in the X-Men Universe remember back in X-Men the Last Stand how Professor X got absolutely annihilated by Gan gray when she became the dark Phoenix dude was basically atomized well as it turns out reports of his death were greatly exaggerated in that film's post-edit scene which I did not realize it had until recently because I left the theater immediately because it was a very bad movie we saw renowned geneticist Moira MCT tager checking on a previously comos patient who shocked the good doctor by suddenly speaking out loud in Professor X's voice hello Moira now according to movie web the DVD commentary revealed this was apparently Charles Xavier's brain dead twin brother P Xavier this character was basically a narrative meat suit engineered from Whole cloth for old Chucky boy to inhabit but consider for a moment the circumstances of Professor X's demise he was rent aunder by a primordial Cosmic force that serves as a Nexus of psionic energy across the Multiverse at least according to the X-Men Phoenix Force handbook while Charles managed to beam his Consciousness to his very convenient offscreen brother at the very last second what if in doing so the Phoenix Force also created a doorway that let something else in something from another plane of existence something powerful vengeful and intimately tied to Charles Xavier at the exact moment of his rebirth something like Cassandra Nova now Cassandra's appearance in the trailer seems to take place in the vast desert of the Void but we have no real sense of when that moment takes place and since the timeline where Professor X inhabited his brother's body was basically erased in Days of Future Past it makes sense why Cassandra Nova and Company might wind up here in the void this could be towards the beginning of the film with her escaping from this nightmare realm or or could be where she winds up after getting exposed at the TVA only time will tell and speaking of time let's talk about when this film takes place and why the TVA is recruiting Deadpool of all people part three why the TVA needs Deadpool now as you may recall in the post-credit scene of Deadpool 2 Deadpool borrowed Cable's time travel device to save the love of his life Vanessa and the hapless task force ex-member Peter from their untimely deaths especially Peter being melted by acid is no way to go for a man without superpowers it was just brutal oh my God what the but that wasn't all Deadpool also decided to retcon a few other events by murdering The Merc without a mouth from X-Men Origins Wolverine and to stop Ryan Reynolds the actor from making Green Lantern he also basically sets up the big teamup in this movie as well he says one day your old pal Wade's going to ask you to get back in the saddle again and when he does say yes now as we can see during the scene of Wade's birthday party all of his friends are alive and well negasonic teenage Warhead yukoh dopender shatter star Vanessa Peter Colossus blind Al and buck you know buck one of the guys from the biker bar why who else from that bar would be here I can't think of a single character now you might be most surprised to see shatter star because it wasn't clear if Wade prevented his death as well but now we have confirmation he did and I say Wade's friends because it seems like Wade and Vanessa are no longer romantically involved and despite his insistence that he's happy and the luckiest man alive that seems to be a lie he's telling himself to make it through the day it seems like he's hung up his katas and his handguns to work a day job at Drive Max so maybe deep down he's relieved when agents of the TVA forcibly kidnap him when Wade wakes up he's in a TVA interrogation room with Matthew mcfaden who's playing time WS Gans or if the rumors are to be believed he's playing Paradox in the comics Paradox or The Honorable Mr Paradox if you nasty appeared in a single issue 2005 She-Hulk number three in which he presided over she-hulk's trial for trying to alter the sacred timeline it's also notable that in the comics Paradox was another mobious variant whereas here he's an entirely separate person what and that makes sense given what Loki established about how the TVA recruits its employees from across points in space and time and as much as we love Owen Wilson Mobius is ending in Loki season 2 is pretty perfect so I'm glad we get to have Matthew mcfaden instead what and honestly that wound up being one of the most helpful details and clarifying when this takes place in the MCU timeline the time variance Authority that we saw at the end of Loki season 2 seems to be a much more benign organization than the one we first met it's all thanks to Loki's big sacrifice although the TVA appears different and we don't see any familiar faces from the Loki series there are some subtle details that help ground it in the post Loki season 2 era in the background you can spot some designs that seem to incorporate The tva's Hourglass logo in what appears to be a picture of igdrasil the world tree of Asgardian Legend as you may recall from the Loki season 2 finale he basically recreated igdrasil to reshape the sacred timeline to Encompass the Multiverse in its Myriad branches but the question who remains is why do Paradox in the TVA actually need Deadpool Paradox tells Deadpool that he's special and this is his chance to be a hero among Heroes it seems what makes Deadpool so special though is his ability to break the fourth wall his Cosmic awareness that he's not only in a movie but a Cinematic Universe from meta jokes about how challenging the last few years have been for the MCU to Deadpool's R-rated humor being at odds with the Disney brand the trailer makes ample use of Deadpool breaking the fourth wall when he calls himself Marvel Jesus that's not just because he can save the universe but because Marvel are hoping this will be their first movie to break a billion dollars at the box office since Spiderman no way home ouch no offense and that brings us to part four Deadpool's real Mission revealed now early rumors suggested that Wade would be sent across the Multiverse to recruit versions of various Heroes he needed them to stand against Canyon company in the upcoming multiversal War which will culminate in Avengers Secret Wars but given the TVA previous Mo about pruning people they deem threats to the sacred timeline and the Bloody trail of death and destruction we see Deadpool leave in his wake I'm not so sure after all he does have ample experience traveling through time to kill variants Paradox shows Wade footage of Iron Man Thor Hulk and Captain America who he instinctively salutes the footage comes from Avengers Age of Ultron Thor Ragnarok and Captain America the Winter Soldier and if you look closely there's also a snippet of Ryan Deadpool themed Emmy acceptance speech for welcome to reom at one point it looks like Deadpool gets sent to the winry sovian forest from the opening of Avengers Age of Ultron where Earth's Mightiest Heroes assault a Hydra facility language oh my God what the so what if Deadpool isn't being sent to recruit and rescue these Heroes but to kill them and disrupt the flow of the timeline now if that seems at odds with the tva's new mission statement well you're right but remember what Tom did to the Roy family he could do it again and worse because maybe there's more to Paradox than meets the eye maybe he's harboring a psychic parasite who thrives on death destruction and Chaos maybe it's Cassandra Nova because remember that detail in the description of Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe about how he was effectively brainwashed into murdering the Multiverse yeah that sounds like it could easily fit into Cassandra Nova's body of work now regardless we know that eventually Deadpool will want up in the void given that we see aathy purple murder cloud from Loki absolutely eviscerate some poor TVA goon but it's not just Loki the void is also packed with relics and detritus from tons of other moments across the Marvel and fox universes in one shot we can see a far-off convoy of vehicles led by what appears to be the fantasticar and this version seems to be inspired by the one used back in 1962's Fantastic 4 number 12 and seen again in 2007's Fantastic 4 Rise of the Silver Surfer he h of course there's also the Von Darman cupcake truck that Steven Grant and Mark Spectre took for a spin back in moonnight we also see a shield Helicarrier maybe referencing the crashed ones from The Winter Soldier and one of the chitauri leviathans from the Battle of New York in Avengers and that's to say nothing of the Planet of the Apes inspired giant 20th Century Fox logo which suggests that maybe this whole Cinematic Universe has already been pruned and by pruned we mean acquired by Disney the real question seems to be how does Deadpool wind up teaming up with Wolverine it definitely seems like they're going to do battle in the void before teaming up to stop Cassandra Nova and anyone else in their way and that whoever else in their way may also include pyro because it looks like things get pretty heated between him and Deadpool but you know what I'd be pretty steamed too if I hadn't appeared since X-Men the Last Stand which is legally a movie Bad sequels aside maybe this is the version of Wolverine we saw teased when Deadpool's walking through a gambling Den in what appears to be mad report because this white tuxedo clad version of Wolverine is an homage to his identity as patch from the comics it was an eye patch clad Persona he adopted when he was sleazing it up in madrepore in the old Marvel presents Comics or maybe that's another variant and we'll see yet another version of Wolverine in that brightly colored Comics costume we've come to expect from the Cavalcade of set photos that I haven't seen and neither have you wink now regard regardless if Deadpool does wind up getting manipulated by Cassandra Nova Wolverine's probably the best person to potentially keep him in check and when their powers combined there's going to be an awful lot of dead bodies left in their wake but as we know recruiting Wolverine is easier said than done go [ __ ] yourself anyway folks there you have it that's our working theory about the True Villain of Deadpool and Wolverine how it answers a major question from X-Men lore and what it could mean for the future of the MCU we'll have even more deep Dives for you in the days ahead over on Nerdist but for now tell us what do you think of the trailer did you spot anything that we missed like how Deadpool's gun says smile wait for the flash but whatever you do don't say Dr Doom standing next to a satellite because that's not him he's on the secret ORS cover on the ground that satellite though does kind of look like the Westworld maze logo anyway let us know in the comments below and for the latest and greatest in the world of Pop Culture make sure you stay tuned to [Music] what
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 55,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Marvel, MCU, Deadpool, Deadpool 3, Deadpool & Wolverine, Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, X-Men, Mutants, Cassandra Nova, TVA, Fan Theory, Theory, Breakdown
Id: 89MFe5CfdTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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