The Real Reason Spider-Verse is a Masterpiece

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it's a leap of face that's all it is Miles Spider-Man into the spiderverse is the greatest Spider-Man movie ever made and in this video I'll explain how this film single-handedly created [Music] history you first meet miles in his comfort zone he sits in his bedroom as he listens to music before he's thrown head first into Brooklyn Visions a place that Miles doesn't think he belongs at instead of starting off the movie with the spider bite they introduced miles as a normal teenager with problems like fitting in communicating with his dad and being unable to meet his parents high expectations as any teenager faced with figuring out what he wants he finds it easier to run away he visits his uncle and together they throw up a mural a symbol for Miles internal conflict miles I see exactly what you're doing here yeah a kid trying to figure out who he is in this massive World everyone keeps telling him about this unique spark but sometimes even when you're gifted it's hard to find who you truly are everything changes when miles gets spitt it's a turning point for him since this is now a responsibility that he can't run away from he Witnesses the city's symbol of Hope die in the hands of a desperate Maniac he promises Peter to save everyone and just like Brooklyn Visions he wasn't given a choice but instead more weight was there for him to carry he tries running back home maybe going home would make him feel safe but this time home home doesn't even feel safe anymore he visits Peter's grave in an effort to give up his promise to say sorry for letting him down at that moment he meets another Peter Parker Peter B Parker is a Spider-Man that has been beaten down so hard by his struggles that he can't even stomach hearing Uncle Ben's phrase anymore he is a perfect example of why Spider-Man is so liked by us we don't like Spider-Man because he can climb walls or beat up bad guys but we do because we can relate to him this Peter has gotten tired of what this power has cost him he didn't choose to be Spider-Man yet he gets punished for it every day it has cost him everything he has ever cared about and has made him AF freak to take any step forward he dos miles to give it up be a normal kid but deep inside is still the Spider-Man we all know and love in the end he decides to help miles which is proof of the inner conflict taking place inside Peter a part of him wants to give this all up and be normal go home to MJ and have a kid but the other still knows that being Spider-Man is not a choice you have to do the right thing he takes miles on their first mission and throughout it he realizes that having someone by his side isn't so bad he's been in a spiral of loneliness and depression that finding someone to help him get back up felt refreshing yes Spider-man always gets back up but it doesn't mean he has to always do it on his own sometimes Spider-Man also needs to be saved on their way out they meet Gwen a virgin of Spider-Man that has decided to isolate herself from everyone losing Peter made her realize that letting people in puts her at risk of being being hurt it's easier to stay alone a defense mechanism that allows her to run away from her loss and grief the three of them are running away from their problems each one in their own way but it's clear they all need each other foren meeting miles creates a conflict inside her does she let him in or does she push him away but without realizing it she becomes friends with Miles letting one more person into her world during the meeting at A's house they realize that Miles isn't ready yet he wants to do it but something still holds him back no matter how hard he tries he can't use any of his powers even with all these abilities he feels powerless to his problems so he runs to the person he trusts the most and at that moment he realizes that he has nobody to help him figure this out the only person that can help him is himself moments later he loses Uncle Nar he dies in his arms with the regret of choosing the wrong path but with hope and miles to be better be the best of all of them despite his grief he doesn't have much time to process it as the other Spider-Man tell him that they'll have to do this without him this is clearly the lowest point for all of them in the movie miles realizes that he can't handle being Spider-Man Peter is ready to give up his life and Gwen will go back to her world as if nothing happened miles desperately asks Peter what he can do but now it's all up to him in one of the best scenes in the movie miles dad breaks the wall that has been built between them I see this this spark in you it's it's amazing it's why I push you but it's yours whatever you choose to do with it you'll be great to use his unique spark and become his own person a person that can change the world not because he's Spider-Man but because he's miles it's not about the suit you wear it's about the person underneath it this pushes miles to break free he creates his own suit one that's different from the influence red and blue a suit that truly represents Miles Morales and a scene that's perfectly crafted to encapsulate the weight of the moment he takes a leap of faith miles swings through the streets of New York to meet his friends at the collider where he can fulfill his promise to Peter and send them back home he allows Gwen to have a friend again and else Peter believe that he has a second chance Peter and Gwen also had to take a leap of faith Peter had to trust in himself one more time and Gwen had to give up her isolation and start being vulnerable again miles is now left with fists to deal with his dad stands far away and all he can do is hope that Spider-Man can save the day miles gets speeden down over and over but he knows that he has to do this he gets up and in honor of Uncle Aaron gives Fisk the shoulder touch right after that he finally calls back his dad to reignite the relationship finally he can have his own comic book that tells his unique story the story of Miles Morales this movie stands out in between these multi-million dollar projects because it focuses on building these characters making them relatable to us us the creators behind this movie understand what this character means to each and every one of us most of us can relate to at least one of the three protagonists in this movie and we can all learn something through them maybe you need to take that leap of faith yourself and that's what makes art what it is because art can send a message or create a feeling that's unique to it so that's why I believe that this is the greatest Spider-Man movie ever made
Channel: TheDombbShow
Views: 886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: txmD8xUeFhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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