The Real Mob Talk: Mafia Secrets with Chazz & Mike

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I know when we go out I mean people obviously recognize me but they also recognize you yeah and they go oh can we take a picture with you guys I go okay yeah I go okay now me being with you now they go Chaz was definitely in the mob that's I know I hear that [ __ ] Chaz I hear it all the time too now I knew Chaz had connections I knew Chaz had connection I saw with Michael Francis and I go no I've always said that from day one I said look I was never arrested I've never been in the here never even close all right hi this is Chaz paler wise and I'm Michael Frances the wise guy so Michael what are we going to talk about today well Chaz it's been a while first I want to tell everybody you know it's been a while since we've been together and busy I've been busy you know I've been in in London for a week and a half and just traveling all over the country but we're back we're not going anywhere people we're back we're back that's right you know Michael I wanted to talk to you about something um I've been watching these you know I get on I like to see what anybody else is doing and I see a lot of legitimate I mean there's a few legitimate real great podcasts by some guys like yourself that are really made guys obviously Sammy the bull who's who's real the real deal you but then I I've been noticing I see all these like podcasts pop up of all these like and again I'm you know me I'm the one guy I I play Wise Guys but to me they're fake Wise Guys I mean fake I mean you know a made guy is a made guy a fake guy or we used to call them disappointed Wise Guys you know what I mean who really never uh you know they're on the fringes and now they're getting these podcasts and it's giving them legitimacy and they're coming off like they were like they had a button or something no do you find that well you know it's funny Chaz the uh the genre on YouTube for you know this genre the mob stuff it's growing and there are a lot of guys coming on now some guys like you said very legit and other guys are just talking about the other guys you know and they're like they say they're investigators or reporters and they're you know they're making their way on the channels by talking about some of the other guys myself included I mean you know I've been the subject and not too flattering at times of many of these guys you know but I mean I get it but you you know Chaz the genre is not that big I mean if you take myself out of it for a moment and even take Sammy out cuz I think Sammy has a half a million followers uh but if you take the two of us out there might be another 10 guys on there and maybe maybe between all of them all 10 they have 200 or 250 uh, followers which is not a lot yeah so the genre is not really that big but a lot of guys are trying to get into it yeah I I guess see I I don't like people who talk about they're investigating and they heard I he say drives me crazy you know hear say hear heay you know is is it do you know for a fact I mean maybe this a good question for me to ask you out of all the people on on the uh internet who have podcast talking about the mafia and kostra how many of them made is it just you and Sammy no there was uh I don't know if he's still on but a guy by name Joey Molino who's legit guy out of Philadelphia oh he was made yeah Joey was made yeah who else I think you know there's some controversy about this I don't know for a fact there's a guy by the name of Larry Maza who I happen to meet you know he came here to La I didn't know him but he was a Columbo guy and he says he was made I have no reason to dispute that but a lot of other people do say he wasn't really made right um I don't know but like I said nice guy I met with him he was close with Vic Arina and then there's a guy by the name of Johnny panesi another guy made for sure so I think it's there are a few other guys who were made yeah yeah a few and then there's a a bunch that aren't that just talk about the guys that are made you know that talk about the guys that are made I mean sometimes I wonder I want to ask you these questions what were the old times think about things like this they would just they would go crazy right they they would frown on it I mean you you couldn't still be in that life and be on YouTube or anywhere on social media no no way no you you'd be you'd be in a lot of trouble myself in might yeah they might clip you right oh absolutely because you can't be talking about the life on social media you know that's uh that's crazy You' be in a lot of trouble do you really think I'm interested because Joe pistone is a friend of yours and a good friend of mine was he really like when he did the what he did when he did I mean he put a lot of guys away was he really in trouble to get killed after that happened well in other words the Wise Guys had to realize that if somebody kills him if he dies somewhere they're they're going to they're going the heat on them would be incredible so were there still a contract on them or they said no we better wait well listen you know during my time in that life it was hands off for law enforcement you never right hurt law enforcement anyway too much heat you know they'd come down on you I mean so I don't believe that uh he was ever in trouble in that way I mean the only way he might have been in trouble is if he was still undercover and he walked into a situation and while he was undercover somebody clipped him they didn't know who he was but um yeah once it was over no I don't believe he was in trouble all yeah so the rule was that he had was that while he's under cover he can't kill anyone obviously no no and that's why they took him off I think right I think yeah what happened they were going to make him they were going to straighten him out and as a result of that he had to clip somebody and the FBI pulled it at that point and said no we we can't go that far you know and and during my time there's only and I think I've said this before there's only one time when I ever remember a discussion about killing a prosecutor and that was Rudy Giuliani and that discussion came about from Kamai persal my former boss he want he wanted a Whack Him who was a discussion it obviously didn't go any further and I don't know how serious it was but he really had it in for him and you know I always said the the other guy that I remember who was outside of our life that they were talking about was haraldo Rivera he was hated on the street hated why just you know a lot of things that he said about guys when he was a reporter and the whole thing he did with uh with Capones you know empty safe and all of that they hated him now now he could have got clipped really clipped he could have yeah he could have and somebody called it off I don't again it was discussed I don't know if it was ever serious or anybody got the contract did you ever tell him that I did tell him that I was on I was on Hannity it was me him and uh and one other guy I forget what did he say when we took a break I told him he turned white I said yeah I said haralo was only two guys that we ever talked about killing one was Giuliani the other was you and he like turned white you know and Hannity kind of left when when I told him that but yeah wow yeah nobody you realize that if they would if you guys not you but if if your crew would have killed Giuliani the heat would have been incredible it would have been oh yeah absolutely they would have you know law enforcement would have came down on everybody worse than they already did I mean they did anyway but that would have been forget it yeah it was for those reasons Chaz that we you know in Italy they do things different as you know they go after everybody in Italy and they don't yeah they kill judges cops anybody families they don't care but here was always you don't touch law enforcement you don't touch anybody's family and stay away from drugs on a at a major level so because of the heat that it would bring and those that you know a lot of people dispute that oh come on Michael you keep saying there was no drug you know a law against drugs I was told straight out if I dealt with drugs I die straight out and that was all five families thought that way but I always say were some guys doing it on the sneak yes cuz we're Street guys so guys were doing it not me I hate anything to do with drugs but we were not major drug dealers and we were not allowed to deal with drugs and unfortunately I knew guys that got killed because of it if you were on the wrong side of that you know you you're G to be in trouble and I know guys that that were in trouble yeah well uh what do you call Angelo rerio I think Angelo I mean look Gotti's crew one of the reasons castalano was upset because he knew the crew was dealing with drugs I'm not saying John was I don't know that but his crew couple of guys were and and uh John was responsible for that in castellano's eyes so that's why they put a contract on John obviously yeah I mean that's that that was a story on the street you know that was a story yeah and then John just struck first yeah exactly but do you find that when people meet you what what is their first impression of you are they afraid of you Michael when they first meet you or you're talking about now or back then now now no I mean you know Chaz I gotta tell you you know since and this is the truth since I got on YouTube and my YouTube channel you know pretty well exploded over a million I get noticed in so many places I mean it's mostly I know I've been out with you yeah and it's uh and everybody's nice you know hey could I take a photo with you and they talk and they complement your channel and so I have I haven't had any blowback from really anybody now of course you know I I operate a little bit differently now than I did you know 25 years ago so I guess more approachable but no that's great yeah you know no I know I know I notice that I know when we go out I mean people obviously recognize me but they also recognize you yeah and they go oh can we take a picture with you guys I go okay yeah I go okay now me being with you now they go Chaz was definitely in the mob that's I know I hear that oh [ __ ] Chaz I hear it all the time too now I knew Chaz had connections I knew Chaz had connection I saw when Michael Frances and I go no no and and you know what's funny about this the more I deny it the more they keep thinking it but I I I I gotta tell the truth absolutely I've I've always said that from day one I said look I was never arrested I've never been in the mafia never even close you know could I have been if I wanted to yes but I never did I never did and it's so funny when I hear that you know Chaz guys guys say to me come on how long do you really know Chaz I said couple years years I said no come on you guys go way back I said no we don't you guys used to run in the street together I know yeah I he no I hear that no I did not I I you know I want to tell the truth you know um I mean so did you have a good time in London you know it was really I tell you I love I love the United Kingdom and and London uh people are just great we did a lot of media for my upcoming tour so they had me going crazy I was doing two or three a day for some big podcast you know they were they all went well and we ended up with Pierce Morgan he was the one that we did the last night and you know he's got you know he he roughs people up a little bit but he was really nice with me I think they're going to air it uh you know today or tomorrow something like that but it was it was great I love that City Chaz if you you as you know when you go to London you see where New York came from New York was born out of you know no doubt yeah and the thing I love about London is very civilized yes just it really is people are very nice I like it there very much I haven't been there few years they're so proper you know they're Court very proper very nice you know it's funny thing about Wise Guys uh when I think about that and and people always say to me why are Wise Guys so a lot of Wise Guys the bosses usually are very so nice and I go well the reason why they're so nice is they want to justify what they're going to do to you if you don't pay up and that makes them feel better I tried I asked them I came I I told him straight up now be a nice guy and pay up and he still didn't want to pay and you know I did what I had to do you know and and people laugh about that I go yes that's why they're so very nice because what's about to happen is not going to be pretty you know um I mean the oldtimers Michael they would keep really they would never draw any attention to them right no the oldtimers no they didn't uh listen you look at you look at Carlo Gambino the guy lasted as a boss under the biggest family really in New York biggest family in the country uh for 20 years I think he he may have did two three months six months in jail his whole life and when he died he died at home peacefully you know after a 20 year rain and again he he just he ruled with an iron fist but quietly undercover and he had investigations on him all the time but you never you never really heard much about him you know I mean he have the RICO Act did he have the RICO Act in his did he have the Rico Oh see now yeah see that's they had no RICO Act then it might have been different if if they had Rico then because then you know the guys underneath them become in forance and then you're in trouble but but you know him I mean even I gotta say perso they didn't want the attention you know the two guys that I don't know if they looked for attention but obviously it was John Gotti he got a lot just the way he carried himself and then Joe Columbo but Joey you know he he really had a purpose with that League he was really trying to do the right thing with that league and he just got a lot of attention you know but right and look at how it ended up for the both of them you know not good now Michael you're you're a little after The Godfather but was that stuff true when I I watched that movie The Other uh the offer excuse me the offer did you see the movie the offer I did I watched it I thought it was great no I thought it was great I loved it was that true about the whole thing with Joe Columbo and all that uh Chaz that was my era I was there through that whole thing oh so you were there oh I thought yeah and I was close with Joey back then and his family I mean a lot of it was true you know Joe Columbo did have control he did look at the script he did knock uh the word mafia out of there uh he did stop the production at one point in time he called the unions to stop the production Al rdy did come down to uh to the park Sheridan Hotel yeah wow yeah oh yeah all true all true and they did have a screening you know before the movie went out they had a screening for a lot of the guys on the street that time yeah really oh yeah yeah no he had Joey had a lot of control over that was was was Columbo a good boss I thought so I mean I loved the way he carried himself and I mean I had a lot of you know involvement with him because my father had just gone away and Joey was a boss and he kind of took me under his wing you know and his his sons Anthony and Joey Jr I was close with them and now Chris close with him um just a good family and and I like Joey very much I thought he would have been he would have led the family in the right direction now now Michael is a lot of people say these things that I don't know if they're true is is the is is the life of the mafia is it is it still there it's still there right absolutely yes but it's very it's kind of like it's not are they as strong as they once were no no listen I always say this Chaz the Golden Era of my former life was from the late 40s early 50s through the mid 80s when the RICO Act came and destroyed everybody that's when we had real control not only in New York and Chicago and Kansas and Tampa and New Orleans obviously but really in a country and um you know that's when we had it going on we controlled all the unions you know you control the unions in America you control the country to a great degree because you got votes and you got money and politician want votes and money you know to to support them so we had it all um but now it seems seems that all that a lot of that was taken away but the guys have gotten smarter they've gone undercover you know there was when I was when I was during that life chz you know this you remember I'm sure there wasn't a day or two that went by New York Post New York Times New York Daily News there wasn't a story about us guys every day every other day now I read the New York Post every morning maybe every six months there's a a story about somebody you don't you don't hear about it anymore you don't hear about it anymore but I mean it's it's is it still the same in Manhattan where you can't get Windows you can't do that you got to go through no still change no I remember where every private sanitation carding company was all Wise Guys absolutely we had the association wasn't a union but it was the association if you aren't part of that Association you're in trouble you don't get your garbage picked up yeah no you're in trouble that's um and they came in and they destroyed all that everything you know I said this many times a lot of people people want to put the blame on John Gotti for taking the the the mob life down it wasn't Gotti it was Rico 100% Rico Rico yeah once that I don't know who thought of it I forgot the guy's name name was Dei Dei that's it Robert de bakei that that thing was on the books for 10 years before Giuliani was the one who said aha this is a real tool I can use and then he goes out here's the story he said okay I can use this law nobody had used it they didn't understand it and then he goes out to see Joe banano after Joe banano wrote his book um I forget the name something thy father I forget and in that book Giuliani says that bonano laid out the whole case for him to go after the commission he laid it out in the book and that's what happened he jumped on it I mean weren't they upset with Joe banano for writing that book oh yeah oh yeah they were they were very upset with him look what I was always told banana after he made that move because he was a boss they gave him the respect of they saying get out of town or they were going to kill him and that's when he went out to Arizona but he was he was abandoned by everybody in New York it was wrot the book yeah I mean he laid out the whole case for him wow yeah laid out the whole case in the book did Joe badam go to jail for that no no he when he after he went out to Arizona I don't think he ever went to jail his son Bill banano did I met him in prison uh but Joe Bano never did wow that's just the you know it's funny you know people always say oh I love when you and Michael talk I get all these comments they oh I could listen to you guys talk forever you know and I always go uh well you know we just talk how it is you know what I mean well you know you know Chaz this is how I feel I I have an artist I'm going to show you this you're gonna you're gonna flip out over it he made these two canvases one that you're in with all the guys that played mob guys you Bob Beno p peshi every I'm I'm going to bring it to you as a gift right you're going to love it beautiful the other one he comes to me this guy is a tremendous artist and he says Mike I want to do something special about you know the mob guys he says what would you do I said well I said there's about 50 very prominent guys in that life and it's history I it's in the media movies books shows everything I said let me give you to 50 guys and you go out and create whatever you think you want to create so he created this canvas that's Second To None right it's unbelievable I'm going to bring one to you too so 50 made guy 50 made guys there's actually 501 because he threw me in there I didn't ask him to but he put me in you know but uh yeah 50 guys that were part of History all the biggest names right right starting from Al Capone and mauia and magadino and all of them all the way up to Gotti and and the latest guys right and he makes this beautiful canvas so I I have it as a backdrop we're going to start to be offering it but I have it as a backdrop and some people are saying Michael why are you glorifying these guys and I'm saying wait a second I never glorify my former life I left the life I've always said it's a very destructive life to Families my family was destroyed my father 40 years in prison the whole bed I've been through it I said but you can't deny that it's part of History it's a huge history in the United States I said remember this the CIA came to Ken orra three times that's how powerful of presence we were they came once to assassinate Castro in Cuba they came another time and to uh to help the World War II effort they came to luchiano to help them in Sicily and to help them at the Docks here in the United States these are facts and I'm telling you this chz and I I I will take this to my grave and I believe one day it'll come out out uh they were part of the assassination of John F Kennedy no question in my mind I've heard this whole life my whole life and I think there's enough evidence there and I always say this if those classified documents are ever released that they've been holding for all of these years it's going to show that it was a mob related hit there's no question I heard it from all the main guys throughout my whole life so you can't deny it was a major presence and so I'm not honoring these guys it's just looken there's movies there's books there's YouTube there's everything we're just offering it up because there's a lot of people that are interested in it yeah I mean I I hear that people go well you're always fortian American rights but then you play Wise Guys I go yeah so I'm an actor I'm a writer this is what I do you can't talk about the light unless you talk about the dark you could talk about the good side of Wise Guys or the bad side the Wise Guys are no different than Cowboys were it's Cowboys Absol bad guys good guys I'm talking about the good guys and the sheriff what's the big deal I'm not glorifying anybody no you know so I I I don't believe in that I hate when they say that to me and Chaz what's the biggest if you look the biggest genre on television is crime the biggest in the movies it's crime everybody's interested in crime of all kinds so you're not glorifying it when you show you know uh movies or stuff about crime it's just it is what it is it's reality yeah I mean I don't like when there's a a movie just with gratuitous killing and there's not a point to it I mean I I could understand people some people like that I don't like it I like you know I like there's got to be a point to the to the violence you know yeah you know what chz I went to see uh the Whitey bulja movie what the heck was it called with Johnny Depp you you know it was a big movie Black Mask black yeah black black mask you know now you know I was on the street for 20 years I walked out of that theater and I said this movie is so dark there was no redeeming quality of anybody entire movie and it kind of turned me off too I said you can't root for anybody there's nobody that you like not one person in that in that movie that I like I don't know that was just my feeling so I agree with you yeah yeah no if it's if it's too dark then it's like some movies I just go all right get me out of here I can't take it anymore yeah you know it's just too dark so I absolutely know you're saying but Michael it's great to uh just chat with you about the life because you know I'm like a little kid too you know no matter what anybody says I didn't run in the streets with you I don't care what they say uh you know soon as I soon as people saw me you and I going out they said ah I know it I know and I'm just like oh man forget it uh uh there was another question I wanted to ask you and I oh yeah when you were in that life I have one more question when you were in that life when you walked into a place it's kind of intoxicating when they know who you are isn't it when they absolutely I mean listen it it it's a good feeling there's no question about it but and uh yeah yeah I mean fortunately you know I still in some places have the same thing it's just nice when people recognize you and they treat you well I'm not going to lie about that I mean you you experience that all the time you know me for a different reason but yeah I mean look but you know what Chaz you know what I found out I I have to tell I have to say this my father always taught me something he he uh he was very wise in many ways you know what he said to me he said to me Michael remember this in your life always take care of the little people now when he said little people he didn't mean it to be demeaning it was just his way of saying things and I said what do you mean Daddy he said the valet Parker tip him well shake his right make him feel good the waiter the waitress you know the M he said those are the people that make you strong he said in our life it's not the people on top the people on on top are going to look to cut your legs out he said it's the people underneath you and the people in the community that make you strong and I noticed that about him you know I'll tell you a story we were in the Copa one night and I was young you know I used to go to the Copa with my dad all the time we've seen everybody there as you know and I watched the way uh uh Sherman treated my dad and everybody in that place love my dad and I'm not going to mention names but I saw the Wise Guys came come in that were even higher than my father and they weren't treated the same way but I watched the way my father treated them he was so courteous to them he was he was in a way it was humble I mean you you still know who he was but he had a humility about him you know right it was very attractive very attractive he knew the father knew who he was yeah yes he did and uh and it always stuck in my mind so I tried to always behave that way and and it's paid off for me yeah me too I always take care of everybody because sometimes I'll meet somebody go hey you know I waited on you seven years ago you had the chicken pom and John with the broccoli and I go you remember what I they go oh yeah and you tipped me really nice I go okay and I and I know I always see that happening well Michael listen this has been great talking to you and U you know anybody has any questions about anything we talk about about the life about Michael about myself please you know send them in and uh we love to answer your questions so again this is CH pal Terry wise and I'm Michael Frances the wise guy and we'll see you next time take care see you next time
Channel: Palminteri & Franzese “The Wise and the Wiseguy”
Views: 31,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Franzese, Chazz Palminteri, The Wise, The Wiseguy, The Wise and The Wiseguy, Leadership Podcast, Knowledge Podcast, Life Lesson Podcast, Life Hack Podcast, Book Review Podcats, Moblife, Mob story, Faith, Success, How to Be Successful, How to be a leader, mob, mob stuff, mafia, mafia secrets, mob vloggers, mob youtuber, mafia youtuber, mafia genre, mob genre
Id: uh3MKOx7NlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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