Mexico's Cartels Are Deadlier Than Ever Despite the Pandemic
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Channel: VICE News
Views: 4,856,506
Rating: 4.8964791 out of 5
Keywords: cartels, vice news mexico, mexico cartels, mexicos cartel, mexico cartel pandemic, mexico news, sinaloa cartel culiacan, drug cartels, Drug cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, vice news 2020, mexico gangs, VICE News, mexico violence, vice video, cartel sinaloa vs police, vice news el chapo, pandemic, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, VICE on SHOWTIME, Culiacan, police killings, El Chapo, 2020 mexico, coronavirus mexico, Cartel guns
Id: afDI5Uco-O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Vice has not been good the past few years and they as not as trustworthy as they used to be IN MY OPINION but this was a decent vid on the violence
I don’t like Vice news but do like there videos.
Thanks mane
Sinaloa Cartel be treating reporters like actual human beings. Not bad!! I would be shitting myself asking the cartel all these questions.
Being a vice reporter is the sickest job on the planet