The REAL King Von vs K.I Story

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we have 16 people who have been injured two people who have been shot fatally one of them being 17 year old jakira barnes who was just walking with a friend and neighbor say a gunman fired striking her at least nine times now we spoke to her mother her grandmother and uncle who all say she was a great girl she's more than just a statistic [Music] kakira barnes was born into the south side of chicago in 1997. at one years old her father was shot in the head with an ak-47 outside his home on 79th and avalon after this kier and her twin brother george would live with their mom and grandmother off 63rd and st lawrence growing up she was known for being shy and was never really the troublemaking kind she was attending a math and science institute and wanted to be a social worker when she grew up the area she lived in was controlled by the gangster disciples though and this would start to influence her over time in her early teens she began attending parties and associating herself with the gds she noticed the respect and protection the gang members received at these parties and she envied it as like most teens growing up in the rough neighborhoods like this by age 13 she had already lost friends to the violent war making her cold-hearted she eventually joined the gds and started repping her set stl if you don't know what stl is you may be familiar with one of its most popular members fpg duck she gained the nickname k.i or snoop which was a reference to snoop from the tv show the wire as the war in her neighborhood heated up her priorities started to shift towards status and reputation something she was willing to risk everything to gain being a girl she felt the pressure to really prove herself in the streets in order to get the respect the guys were getting one way she could earn this would be to take out a high-ranking shooter from her set's biggest ops wick city or parkway gardens the home of people like chief keef wick city and stl are located literally across the street from one another and had been at war for years but things would escalate in january of 2011 after the death of fifteen-year-old sean dale gregory shondelle was murdered by wick city and went by the now infamous nickname tuka rival gangs would mock the death of took on social media and in songs because tuko was only 15 when he was gunned down at the bus stop this hit stl hard and they even renamed their hood tukeville at the time k.i was only 13 but she and tuka were friends and this was her opportunity to put on for her set and get revenge eight months would go by the war only getting worse making the cross streets of these neighborhoods one of the deadliest in america od perry a man from wick city was rumored to have been one of tuka's killers on august 10 2011 stl would celebrate tuko's birthday and film fbg ducks freestyle music video where you can see a young ki in the cut [Music] shortly after the video was filmed k.i and a few other gang members would slide over to parkway gardens looking to start trouble od perry would be riding a bike home from the corner store just outside parkway around 11 30 p.m k.i and stl member bostro would open fire on od shooting him in the neck and killing him wick city or parkway gardens would then rename their neighborhood in honor of od they now called it obloc this is where king vong comes in the story [Music] word on the streets spread fast and k.i was seen on social media with what looked like odie perry's gun proving she had caught the body oblok quickly got word about who was behind this and its members were all looking for k.i and bostro king von was one of the people taking interest in getting revenge for oblock vaughn who was 17 at the time was in and out of prison and was suspected to have a few bodies already the first interaction k.i and king von would have was on a train where vaughn and other o'block members jumped and stomped her out but soon after k.i would lose her cousin and friend taekwon tyler who was just like a little brother to her he was only 13. she cried all night and made a promise to avenge him in any way she could she changed her twitter username to taekwon assassin for him and would go on shooting sprees often in his name becoming a real problem oblok needed to get rid of her king von would write k.i on twitter taunting and flirting with her at the same time he enjoyed messing with her head telling her that he liked her and wanted her for real sometimes they would argue dissing each other's dead homies and other times they acted like friends they even spoke on the phone a few times one day vaughn went out looking for ki at a popular store her gang hung out at when he was spotted they would lock the door to the store to keep him out vaughn went to twitter saying they were scared of him k.i replied back saying she was on her way but nothing happened until days later when king vonn and his best friend t-roy were shot at vaughn was hid in his leg but was fine he and t-roy tweeted that they were gonna kill ki for real these threats would go back and forth until other members from stl also jumped in the beef [Music] would get in an argument with vaughn on twitter the day after his cousin modell was killed in the same month kai's friend p5 was set up for a fake drug deal and was also gunned down shortly after bostro the man who she killed od perry with was also killed k.i was losing more friends back to back and now had even more reason to find king von he was suspected to be involved in at least two of the three murders that month things were getting scary for both sides vaughn was fighting a few cases and would end up in jail shortly after for over two years while he was locked away artists from oblok like chief keef were blowing up which actually made the war between oblock and stl worse seeing the mainstream success of their ops stl also tried to get their artists popping as well fpg duck was the most promising of their crew but was struggling to get anywhere close to the success that the old block rappers were seeing bodies all over the city vaughn would have his sister right ki telling her to come visit him in prison refusing to let his absence get in the way of trolling her she obviously never did as she was busy turning into a cold-blooded killer taking the life of oblox j-money and possibly others her twitter following had gone up by almost 4 000 as people around chicago heard the stories about her king von was later released from jail in february of 2014 almost two years after this personal beef had started the first day he was out he was tweeting ki asking if she missed him but the conversation quickly turned into discussing dead ops once again she teased vaughn about j money and von teased her about modell things would go silent after this but king vaughan knew what needed to be done in april of 2014 chief keef's cousin blood money was back in town visiting the hood he was pulled up on and shot 10 times some believed k.i was involved with the hit but it was never confirmed only two days later stl was set to have a barbecue for bostrol's birthday and in remembrance of him k.i of course was to be in attendance she left her home around 1 30 p.m and walked down the street of 63rd and st lawrence around 3 30 p.m k.i and 20 other gang members were outside hanging out king vaughn and big a from oblok would get the news about this and immediately headed to 63rd street vaughn got out of the black car and walked down the alley between the neighboring houses he then warned a few people to get out of the way before firing shots k.i was hit nine times and died on the porch after attempting to crawl away the police found 14 shell casings in the area and asked witnesses for information vonn was taken into custody and was even identified by a few witnesses as someone who may have been the killer but he had an alibi and he said he checked into his parole officer that day and it checked out although there was still a 30 minute gap where he could have committed the crime the police dropped the case due to inconsistencies and he was set free to the public none of this information was known at the time and only those closely involved with oblock and stl knew the truth king von was later jailed for another case but never tried for the death of k.i over five years later a e produced a documentary about the savage life k.i lived they reached out to people who knew her for interviews after all the tweets between king vaughn and ki were recovered years later they thought it would be a good idea to interview vaughn about her they thought he was in love with her because of the nature of their tweets back and forth little did they know they were interviewing the man her up and kill her that's what she told trying who killed me she's like i think he's just trying to kill me he don't like me with the life [Music] let's see
Channel: Publish X
Views: 917,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king von, ki, K.I documentary A&E, king von documentary, Chicago, o block, stl, stl ebt, 600, stl vs oblock, fbg duck, wooski, boss trel, parkway gardens, 63rd st, king von and K.I, ki vs king von, tooka, king von lil durk, king von demon, king von and ki, king von type beat, king von interview, took her to the o, gakirah barnes, gakirah barnes documentary, gakirah ki barnes, gakriah barnes a&e
Id: Ydf4Kmp0Uu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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