The REAL Back To The Future Delorean at Petersen Auto Museum

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the Sun is glistening just over the top of the Petersen Auto Museum in Los Angeles California now about to go inside that fantastic looking structure don't pay too close attention to the facade however he might have an incident you could stumble down in there that's a bit of a safety concern welcome everyone Adam and it's a blue here behind this very wall lies a car that I hold a very special place in my heart from Back to the Future the a car the one they used in a multitude of shots Chris Lloyd Michael J Fox we're gonna go back to the future element show a lot of other stuff oh yeah Jay Jay's here with me as well this is gonna be fun once you enter the lobby there are some very ornate lowriders but pay close attention to this one this is not a real vehicle it's a pinata protected by this locked glass door you don't want to take a baseball bat - they're not even though there might be candy in it it's frowned upon I do like the flower decor up on the roof and check out that relic of the past listening to some tunes on an 8-track and tucked away up here is a lamp in the backseat Hey look at that look at that roof lining that's cool this is labeled as the first practical car it only has three wheels and ran off petroleum fueled four-stroke internal combustion engine it's like a little tricycle streamline scooter was created in 1947 and the size I am I don't know if I could fit comfortably the handlebars would be right upon my waist there's not a lot of not a lot of room in there for a big guy back in 1914 you could have seen silent film star Fatty Arbuckle cruising around Hollywood and this bad boy we're getting into the movie cars now while there were 24 plymouth Furies used in the movie Christine there were only two stunt cars this is one of the remaining ones and notice how the window is blacked out because she never really know if the driver the high school student in the movie was going a little crazy or if the car itself was doing the stalking because the window was darkened out he never saw inside no introduction needed for Herbie the lovebug this is not the one from the late 60s film however it was used in 2005 fully loaded starring Lindsay Lohan she was behind the wheel of this car that goes a hundred and thirty-eight miles an hour according to the information placard in front in the early 80s Tom Selleck was sitting behind the wheel of this classic television icon look at the controls down near the bottom very dated but also very retro and fantastic I wonder if Higgins ever took this out for a spin possibly next to the television series the 1989 Tim Burton Batman are probably my favorites this one has been deemed the winged warrior almost twenty feet in length it was based on the platform of a 1967 Chevrolet Impala and the front a rolls-royce engine ooh dramatic music some museums have their artifacts behind glass casing not here you can get right up into the action now we're not allowed to reach in and touch anything but you can get a little bit of a bird's-eye view Michael Keaton was sitting right behind that steering wheel fighting crime the area is secured this gentleman with the jacket to the left is watching closely to make sure no one puts their fingers or hands on what seems to be the most popular item at the Peterson tan tan-tan tan tan-tan tan tan-tan tan tan-tan after appearing in all three films and spending 25 years as a tourist attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood this particular time machine showed signs of wearing a skilled team of fans meticulously restored this iconic car the flux capacitor and all its components to its former glory designated the a car you could still see these Sharpie mark right there on the inside of the door that was placed by the restoration team this is the vehicle that nearly all the interior shots were used for and a lot of the exterior is when Doc's explaining about how did it travel through time so my favorite relics can be seen on the back here look at the burn marks almost from fire has charred the very back that is that is so so cool the plutonium chamber looking nice and cleaned up this is not from part - there was no missed effusion this is old-school he just dropped the plutonium right down in that little shaft first he turned the time circuits on say you want to see the signing of the Declaration of Independence her witnessed the birth of Christ here's a red letter date in the history of science November 5th 1955 yes of course November 5th well the keypad doesn't coordinate with what I'm saying but you get the idea a friend of mine who lives up in Washington was part of the team that helped fix the car up and I was here a couple of months ago with him and he shared with me a couple key points that I'm gonna pass on to you we'll come back to that area a little later they're doing a presentation a movie screen with very loud music so we'll wander around some of the other sections and make our way back to the DeLorean momentarily the 1927 Model T almost has a life of its own it has a face you staring at me once you take a picture the last longer tucked away in the corner against the wall is a really fantastic mural of Los Angeles and Hollywood there's the Capitol Records building the Chinese Theater city hall traffic is shown bumper-to-bumper but then it clears up a little bit farther you go this is not a accurate portrayal of law saying oh Nana Nana Nana Nana bat a race car there's a race car on the freeway and whoa is that the shaggy dog the shaggy dog has taken the wheel shaggy dog take the we he'll that's not how the song goes while this looks like a traditional bicycle in fact it's a motorcycle four cylinders to be exact located between the tires this dates all the way back to 1904 1905 nicknamed the brass era Beauty Jay was my ride but it appears he's leaving without me where you going you taking off course me over I hate to tell you buddy you're not going anywhere no no I hate to tell you you're not moving you're not moving I should probably address that this is one of the few items you're allowed to sit in and touch in fact they want you to hashtag the museum this is one of the few that you can sit in all right back over to this piece of fantastic glory from my all-time favorite film in the doorframe is the manufactured plate even though the film came out in 1985 you'll notice it's dated October 1981 flux capacitor still fluxing also notice the fake piece of paper that's been placed over the speedometer signifying that this car could really get up to 95 which if you're familiar with DeLoreans that is a feat that does not happen too often the regular real speedometer below the prop paper speedometer movie magic all the circuits you see in the background were screen-used they were in the movie including these little beauties up here that have their own writing in marker detailing what each one does now they have been restored and cleaned up but when you watch the film this is what you're looking at every few minutes or so they show a presentation on the back wall explaining the restoration process and they sell a DVD of what they're showing on the wall behind us in the gift shop downstairs I have to be honest I could just sit here all day and stare at this thing I've seen the movie way too many times and just to be standing in front of an artifact that was used so prominently in that classic film I just I just can't can't wrap my head around it Great Scott and I'm also noticing the burn marks I showed a little bit ago are also on the opposite side unless I got very warm well what is it hot and it's called well showing a few more details you don't normally see I've got another chassis at the bottom of the door the wiring goes through this tubing as not to get ripped off of course that wiring was reclaimed up and reattached but nonetheless create quite see the aura of goodness da-da-da-da-da-da-da they restored this thing and it's looking quite originally it was on the backlot tour at Universal Hollywood and it fell into quite decomposed decay and then it was cleaned up and put behind glass on the lower level the lower lot at Universal but you couldn't get close you couldn't really look at it or get a good photo of it because it was enclosed completely in glass and it was hoisted up on a platform kind of pushing the tires away from the chassis now it's back to how it originally looked heck yeah if you had the privilege of riding shotgun sitting in the passenger seat you would not be staring on an airbag but this dial stating the status of the plutonium chamber if that red light starts blinking we got a problem cassette tape located below the compass in case you brought your van Halen cassette try to convince someone that you're from the from the planet Vulcan Steve McQueen formerly owned this Indian cycle James Dean I believe in his life also owned an Indian motorcycle they're very popular back in the day stepping out of the path now and into the present or sort of kind of the future even though this was made in 2015 the hybrid hypercar top speed 217 miles an hour now I know why it's called the hyper car because when you're hyper you just you move really fast what are you doing right now you holding that car in the air hold it hold it tightly don't let it drop keep holding it keep I wait I'm ruining the illusion I gotta hold the camera still er okay take two are you hold what are you doing right now Jay all right get to get to get the lug wrench under there and change that oil while you hold it up keep holding it up in the late 80s this was used as part of a 2,000 mile trek to show how solar power can help fuel to maneuver something that looks very similar to a rocket the Sun is soaked into this back compartment and it just keeps on a moving I've ridden in a go-kart or two in my day but this takes it to a whole other level but check this out they have one of the 1968 Disney Land Autopia cars you'll notice back then there was no track there was no railing if you wanted to veer off the road you could I can't do that anymore as I make my way out once again the big pinata I didn't think this was accessible but here it is impressive most impressive I'm not kidding it's dangling from the roof but cool is that it's the biggest pinata I've ever seen inside the gift shop they have a very nice array of cars themed to movies an interesting story about this particular model I ordered it off a line because it's very difficult to find before I realize you could get it here before my national lampoon's vacation video which you could find over on youtube / Adam the woo this got lost in the mail is said it was delivered to my home and I had a tracking and everything but it never showed up womp womp womp and now here it is in front of me after it was needed as a prop but I had the cardboard car so it kind of worked out this Hot Wheels setup is pretty neat made to look like Los Angeles we got Randy's donuts there the Staples Center LAX it's behind this piece of glass I don't know if they use it but the Hot Wheel would Kareem through the donut that's gonna do it from Los Angeles California the Petersen Auto Museum Instagram Adams Lou ATW Instagram backslash out of new atw if you want to follow me on social media Facebook backslash the daily loop those are the only two social media platforms that you can hang out with me talk with me on the Internet outside of my two YouTube channels be out on the blue channel in this channel which used to be an everyday blogs but now it's just every once in a blue moon everyone's occasionally if you will check down below for my t-shirts also in the description Avenue we've got spread sure calm I will see you guys in the next video thanks for watching give this video a big thumbs up if not for the amazing artifacts and vehicles in there but for the Back to the Future a car oh heck yeah thumbs it up see you later goodbye
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 587,959
Rating: 4.8424797 out of 5
Keywords: back to the future, delorean, the A car, screen used, hero, car, movie, prop, tv, cars, batman, batmobile, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily, auto, automobile, museum, los angeles, california, vlog, magnum PI, herbie, the love bug, petersen automobile museum, petersen
Id: AdZrKwd33bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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