Back to the 2015 Future

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all right doc what's going on huh where are we when are we we're descending Fort Hill Valley California at 4:29 p.m. on Wednesday October 21st 2015 2015 you mean we're in the future future Marty what do you mean how can we be in the future what the hell are you doing no one should know too much about their future future unbelievable I got to check this out doc to go around the corner into the cafe 8s Cafe 8s don't talk to anyone don't interact with anyone what what about Jennifer we're not just going to leave her here don't worry she'll be safe the future this is where the clock tower used to be H there it is this is where it all started 60 years ago you still haven't fixed that clock figured they'd have robots pumping gas by now thought there'd be flying cars not flying Jaws sharks look pretty real though Shadow the president's Goldie Wilson I mean he said he was going to make something of himself president you know that's a good idea I could run for president H I'd be the most powerful man in the world thanks a lot fella DC said to go to the cafe 80s but that doesn't look like a cafe 80s don't interact with anyone you going to order something uh yeah give me a slice slice of what right I a Coke Classic Coke Classic is bad you want a slice of Coke Classic just give me some caffeine in it something with caffeine in it you know what you can go to Starbucks what the hell is a Starbucks you'll find out well I really want was a Pepsi Jennifer's gone no no no no no damn it why do we have to leave her alone wait a minute I've got a time machine I can just go back circuit's on flux capacitor fluxing engine running all right no no no no no no no come on not this time come on come on son of a who are those hoverboards these boards don't work on air you brojo Bojo brojo hey I'm looking for a pay phone now you know where I can find one those little Silvers I I need maintenance for my Mr Fusion thought was a Mr Fusion or uh maybe phone book hey uh can I get one of those at like a bookstore you mean like on Amazon I got to go to South America to buy a book no you go online dude well I can stand in line I mean where's where's the line haven't you heard of the internet yeah it's the when you go fishing it's the inner part of the net I don't where have you been the last 30 years just need to find a phone book so why don't you just use your cell phone I don't need to sell a phone I don't want to buy your phone look on the computer computer you're punking us are you punking us no punk no I'm like Iron Maiden Judi priest you know Van Halen you never heard of the computer have you well yeah I mean I got a Tandy for my birthday I wanted an Atari but a Tandy Tandy the hell's a Tandy take care of this for me what's wrong with you man you got no scro yeah you got no scrot hey it's a good look yeah yeah nice gear bro Joe hey what the heck is it Tandy okay okay stop don't even tell me we don't want to know do me a favor go to the library go on their computers and do a search just do a search Library sweet they still got libraries in the future hey how about that wait a minute if I'm going to library anyway I they got books there who goes to the library yeah and who who reads books anymore I you know what you're out of time get out of here hear him Spike he said he's going to go get books at the libr uh library closes at 5: are you the librarian oh well today I I was volunteer you know librarian and maybe you can help me do you know anything about Mr Fusion um what is that like a YouTube thing me too no I look do you know where I can find some plutonium plutonium uh pretty sure it's hard to come by I don't know man like the internet wait a minute I figured in 2015 that plutonium would be available at every Thrifty and save on uh it's not um but you know come back here tomorrow with your library card and get you on a computer I I don't have a card for this Library the driver's license works this says it expires in 1987 and uh Martin McFly that's my dad's name dad's name yeah my dad is uh Marty McFly I'm Devon McFly not Marty Jr no I'm glad he didn't name me that cuz Martin's an old man's name well hey did your old man ever tell you about a DeLorean a time machine made out of a DeLorean oh my God you're my you're my volunteer librarian and who are you you tell me what do I uh I mean I mean your dad what does he do uh he's the Marty mcfl he's a freaking rock star right now he's on his you know 1000th coming at a retirement reunion tour or whatever um it's so cool peace out bro rockstar I knew I'd make it I knew it Jennifer wait wait wait wait wait look hey you got to help me my girlfriend disappeared and I got to use a DeLorean to find her where can I find some plutonium quick a nuclear power plant nulear power plant what about 3 m Island what about the China Cinder what about Jane Fonda I don't know what you're talking about look the life of a beautiful girl depends on this all right well you don't need plutonium right you just need a lot of power you bet your ass I do 1.21 gig all right I think I can help you all right where do you want the DeLorean m m you can put it by the garage wasn't this doc Brown's Mansion this is great I thought this place was destroyed no he wed it to my dad about 100 years ago he still visits us just knowing that I mean your dad's a rock star I mean you guys must Jam together right you don't understand me any better than he does I don't want to be a musician I guess I'm like my grandpa I want to be a writer by both of them famous rock star best-selling author big shoes to fill you know if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything I know it's good advice then why can't he accomplish not ruining a single birthday party don't tell me he doesn't show up for your birthday oh he shows up and he rocks out for my birthday when I turned five he just jammed out while all the kids peed themselves when I was five I didn't want a famous rock star I wanted a dad famous rockar yeah it's pretty cool I guess check out his Vine what oh like video is this VHS or beta what man this thing is unbelievable you act like you've never seen a Droid before of course I have I mean r2d to what are these pictures apps music games internet whatever you telling me this sucker is a combo boom box record player VCR video arcade telephone and digital watch and this is crazy did do come up with this jeez hi Honey hi Mom Jennifer who was that uh oh no one it it was I don't know it almost sounded like your dad before his voice finally changed I I wouldn't know what that sounds like so listen I'm working late tonight have fun with your dad's groupies and his regular Hangers On sure Mom honey I'm just trying to keep you from being too respectable bye sweetie Jennifer oh man she aide for Sore Eyes wait didn't you say that your girlfriend's name was Jennifer coincidence uh yeah you know I mean that is well there's more than one Jennifer I like my dad's music it just feels like he doesn't even know me I don't even think he reads my blog blog it doesn't matter look you need power for your time machine wait until you see the garage all wa That's Heavy yeah uh probably all of them together way over a ton so uh hooking their batteries up to the DeLorean you think that'll work uh no we're not in the garage for the trucks oh man this is great I'm going to go back to before doc and I left Jennifer alone then everything will be fine hey Devin you I really do like that name all right now you're weirding me out I'm really glad I met you I mean aside from helping me out it's it's been educational I don't know what it is but I think my dad is going to understand me better now oh I guarantee it rnie you got to come back with me where Back to the Future to the year 2105 2,15 no no no no doc I just got the time machine working again I got to go back in time to save Jennifer This concerns her too what are you talking about what happens to us in the future both you and Jennifer turn out fine well 2105 you're dead but it's your great great grandkids Mar something's got to be done about your great great grandkids rock and roll tell me doctor where are we going this time is this the 50 1999 all I wanted to do was play my guitar and say so take me away I don't mind but you better promise me I'll be back in time I got to get back in time don't bet your I'm going to roll of the dice better remember B me never strikes twice please don't dve don't want to be late again so take me away I don't mind but you better promise me I'll be back in time got to get back in time got get back in time get back get back
Channel: Back to the 2015 Future
Views: 6,405,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blade Runner 2019, Blade Runner 2019 The Director's Cut
Id: YE2LZN8ayVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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