The REAL 5-5-5 MODDED Spike Factory!

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guys the 2d merch is back make sure to go to the description down below and get yourself a tooty t-shirt or a mug or or a hoodie or whatever you want to get guys look at how fashionable i look guys i didn't even have to put on a suit or anything i'm just wearing my bow tie and i look classy look at this look at how awesome this shirt is guys this is my favorite shirt guys but there's still four other awesome designs to choose from banana man banana squad you can get a 2d one that's just amazing and they're all cool so make sure to go and check it out guys in the description down below and i hope you guys enjoy the rest of the video alright guys we got an awesome mod for you today in balloons td6 that's right guys we finally have the ultimate 555 spike factory all right guys as you can see permanent carpet of mines here it is it's so beautiful 164 000 that's pretty expensive but it's going to have permanent super mines that get launched out constantly with carpet of spikes it's going to be a crazy 5-5-5 tower and i can't wait to see it in fluition guys fluition is um it's a word that um um sam put the to put the definition of fruition on the screen maybe we'll learn something today let's do this guys first thing first we're gonna need some money okay we almost like never use an engineer let's put down let's put an engineer down and our engineer is gonna he's just gonna put be an engineer and he's just gonna shoot balloons for us and just put down he's just gonna pop things look at him go look at how beautiful well could i oh you know how funny it would be if like so the century's gonna cost money like having that you could sell this entry gun and just make money that way that'd be so good okay we need to start making money though because um well 160 000 is a lot of money and we i want to get 160 000 before we get started though guys i need a pontoon i'm putting a pontoon right here because that is definitely where i want to put the carpet of spikes like that is that is where i want to put the the bomb of permanent explosions i don't know what to call it guys okay i mean the official name for it is the uh the spike industry which is pretty awesome not gonna lie guys alright guys i gotta get myself some valuable bananas look at that we're so close to getting the monkey bank do i wanna get a monkey bank or do we wanna go ahead and get ourselves like a banana farmer and just get like banana plantation i feel like i almost never go banana plantation i feel like i should go banana plantation this time pin is pretty good by deconstruction nail guns do extra damage to moab class and fortified balloons do i want to do that or yeah probably larger service area and then let's first things first is let's get a banana plantation up and running i want to get sprockets i almost never use an engineer like engineers are awesome all right well we're going to need twenty thousand dollars because that gives us fifteen hundred dollars every single round but we're having troubles here so let's get sprockets century expert and deconstruction so now we can make different types of sentries that are gonna do different damage and pop different types of balloons and and just do more in general and for this guy let's go ahead and get enhanced eyesight so we can get camo blooms do i want to get triple shot or get crossbow let's get crossbow and and then have this guy because like having a sharpshooter is really nice luckily what oh my goodness we need something okay we need to get a bomb tower yesterday oh i almost got the the dartland gunner i i always fall for it i always fall for those shenanigans okay let's do there we go and now we can deal with pretty much everything that comes our way let's put down a grim reaper guys having i know it cost it's a kind it's kind of expensive guys here we're gonna put him right here man he's in the uh all right i guess we'll put him right here that'll be our grim reaper and our grim reaper tower is gonna do a great job against like the moab right because he's instantly gonna be able to take out the moab which reminds me let's do strong so that way he can pop the the main the main balloons coming his way right we can also get stronger souls and uh rebirth and target camera balloons with the flames so being able to get camo balloons i actually don't think getting that upgrade is that important the main reason we want to put them down to just to one shot that moab as soon as the moab shows up right and then we don't really have anything to worry about he's just going to be like a chunk this crossbow monkey's actually doing pretty good round 38. all right now we have three or four banana plantations oh we need more guys all right we need to get 160 something thousand dollars okay hopefully this guy's going to be able to completely shred the moab when it shows up and just like get rid of it instantly look okay watch this so as soon as we hit round let's do this ready and boop there you go he just instantly pops in that's so satisfying like that is so very very satisfying okay there we go can we get let's get another banana research facility is this enough what's in the range i think i can put one more can i put up oh no oh wait yes cool so we can put another banana farm here as soon as we get this guy surrounded with banana farms i think we're gonna be okay uh oh camo balloons that's okay this guy should be able to that he was not able to deal with it okay so we need more camo detection maybe we could just go ahead and grab like a ninja or something okay we're gonna put one more banana farm right there and that's in range okay so there we go those are all the banana farms that we're gonna need as we make up money to get this amazing attack pack shooter guys i mean spike factory i always get the two mixed up i i think it's because i'm a dum-dum okay let's get a ninja all right we're going to put a ninja down and i mean balloon jutsu and then couch drops okay there we go we're pretty much good to go now with our defense right our defense we got the grim reaper monkey okay we got our ninja we don't need any like god towers or anything like that maybe we can put down like a center we don't need to put down anything extra oh here we can put our energizing totem down so that the energizing totem does extra damage and just fires back right there we go look at that it's already got five pops that's a lot of pops guys okay so we need twenty thousand dollars for our first banana farm we're getting close but we're not there there we go okay finally our first banana research facility each banana research facility gives you one thousand five hundred dollars every round right because it gives you it says here five worth three hundred each and then three times five is fifteen hundred i can't wait to see what this looks like guys i'm genuinely so very very excited okay so that's that's eighty thousand dollars and then this is that's 80 that's that's 90 and that's a hundred thousand dollars so that's a hundred thousand dollars that's a lot of money so selling all of them gets us to 100 total thousand dollars do we want here i'm gonna get recursive cluster because recursive cluster is gonna help out and we seem to be having just a little bit of trouble with these balloons just a little bit guys so now like i said so that's that's going to be oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i need a ninja i need another ninja right now if i didn't get that ninja we definitely would have lost there okay i also forgot that we're gonna be able to sell all of these guys as well but we're at thirty four thousand dollars so like i said eighty thousand dollars and this is gonna be another twenty thousand dollars so that's a hundred and twenty thousand dollars we have enough money so now guys we're actually going to turn off hero start and now it's time it's time to sell everything okay that's 155 160 okay guys that's everything and now we can finally get it guys the tower we've been waiting for this whole time the spike industry if you guys have been excited for it up until now hit this like button get yourself some 2d merch because 2d merch is amazing and awesome guys let's do this it looks so cool like it looks amazing guys let's do it auto start and play oh my gosh it's amazing does it automatically throw out oh that's so overpowered how in the world are they supposed to beat this and it automatically just sends it out holy cow look at it sends out three at a time i oh my gosh every round it like glitches out so it doesn't stay permanently but i guess if it stayed permanently that would be so overpowered guys oh my gosh literally every round oh look at that oh that was the bfb by the way yeah no big problem oh my gosh ready let's just use this ability that takes out everything that literally takes out everything that's so op look at that it does it sends out three at a time which is absolutely amazing guys what do you guys think in the comment section down below would having all of these last forever be way too overpowered or do you think it's much more balanced that every round it gets reset i don't think it really i think this is so overpowered as is like this is so overpowered just as is i mean i can know where i only at like around 60 right now but the fact that this is as crazy as it is is like no balloons ever gonna get by especially with like we just have like look at those moabs moabs are just gone like one of these just instantly takes out the mob and then it like lags the game and the game's just like uh yeah no sorry we can't do this it's so satisfying having like all of these red spikes all the way down and around these are way stronger than like from look at this look at that that was just a bfb like it just freezes the whole game just for a second it just like lags just because they have no idea what to do with it not only does like you have the ability to send it out when you need to it just automatically sends it out anyways i would love to see how what like what this could go up against i bet this could be like probably this could probably be 100 bad blues what do you guys think could this be 100 bad balloons how many pops does it have right now the pontoon has zero pops if anyone was curious the spike industry has 91 000 pops considering that we're only around 70 that's kind of crazy i mean it's popping literally everything just watching the pipes go up is like the pops go up the spike industry is like almost 100 000 pops let's go yeah 100k pops this guy's just chilling he's like yo what up he's just he's just big chilling uh i'm at round 74 guys i feel like oh my goodness i don't have the ability i was a little bit worried there for a second guys but i don't think it's that big of a deal okay look at this here we can use this ability and wait for it wait for it wait i don't know why we're waiting there's no point there's no point doing this guys there's literally no point in like doing the the thing i can't wait for the zone g to show up and be like yo what up almost omg and we're like no you're not oh my gosh when the round starts lasting too long they all start exploding there we go rounds oh look at all these ceramics ready all right all the ceramics are gone that was one round guys by the way one round defeated with a click of a button we're around 77 only three more rounds guys and then we then after that we 100 percent have to see the true power of this thing like what happens if we take it up against us omg or not as omg like a like a bunch of bad balloons right like get the longest map possible and just send like a hundred baboons right go on go on like cubism or logs and just send it send it and just see what happens guys i want to buy more why can't i buy more of these why why can i only have one of these this this tower isn't that overpowered guys i'm telling you it's i can't even lie this tower is so overpowered guys i can't even say it with a straight face like it all just explodes oh here we go this is the rainbow rush look at that like look at that just a giant rush of rainbow balloons and they could just barely like by the time they like get to right here it just sends the ability out again look at that that's amazing here let's get a submarine guys i guess it doesn't matter it's already around 79. here we go round 80 is right around the corner guys come on round 80. let's go that all right guys that was around 80. thanks for watching i hope you guys enjoyed it's time guys uh this might lag and break the entire computer so uh yeah let's do this so we're gonna put him there and now let's send let's send ten bad balloons with zero spacing send okay so there's 10 bad balloons that was 10 bad balloons guys and they did not they did not last 10 bad balloons didn't stand a chance okay so so now with 10 bad balloons let's try 100 bathrooms 100 bad balloons stacked on top of each other oh my goodness well 100 bad look at how many pops this guy has look at that oh my goodness okay let's try 1 000 bad balloons let's see what let's see if a thousand baboons can get by this the thousand bad balloons oh my goodness no way there's no way a thousand bad balloons can get i don't know which i don't know which one's more likely to win oh my goodness they're all exploding they're all exploding oh we need more abilities we need more abilities we need our ability to come off cooldown there we go i don't know how many bad balloons are left they have to all be taking massive damage right now right oh my goodness they they the explosions have to be damaging these guys pretty severely right oh there we go i get once we get those abilities it's really nice because it just covers the whole track this is definitely the most dangerous spot for all of them because of all the damage look at how many pops oh no is it gonna stop it i don't know once we get rid of the bad balloons i'm not gonna be too worried but i don't know if we're gonna be able to get rid of them oh that might be it that might be the last bad balloon the bad balloons all look pretty damaged they look pretty damaged to me guys this might be it this might be this might be the last bit for him that was it 1 000 bad balloons guys holy cow that's amazing guys if you enjoyed hit that like button subscribe get yourself some tuning merch in the description down below you guys are amazing i love you all and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content stay classy everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 408,285
Rating: 4.9286299 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Spike Factory, BTD 6 Spike Factory, Bloons TD 6 Spike Factory, 555 Spike Factory, 555 Tower, Bloons TD 6 555, BTD 6 555, 5-5-5, Tier 5-5-5, 555 upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Spike Factory hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Carpet of Spikes, Super Mines, Perma-Spike, Spike Factory Monkey, Spike Factory Hack, 5-5-5 druid, Tewtiy Spike Factory
Id: nlehdUXm16g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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