The RAREST items in Risk of Rain 2 - Drop rates & effects (Elite Aspects Guide)

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hello everybody and welcome to a complete guide to the elite aspects and risk of rain - I've gotten many many questions about the aspects practically since I started making content what did they do are they good how do they even drop except for my item and equipment tearless I haven't addressed them outside of answering direct questions on my stream slash fully gaming by the way so I figured it was time to make a dedicated video on the topic without further ado let's begin first off to acquire these aspects is rare very rare currently the only method of acquisition aside from for spawning them via mods is by receiving them as a random drop each type of elite has its own aspect that can drop so fire ice lightning malachite and Celestine I should note here that this video is as of the hidden realms update so if you're watching in the future then there very well may be additional elite types and therefore aspects but as of now these are the five that we have access to upon killing any elite monster they have a point zero five percent chance to drop their respective aspect on death not 5 percent not point 5 percent but point 0 5 percent those odds are extremely low for every 5000 elites you kill you will on average receive one aspect that's so rare that I bet plenty of you said whoa I didn't even know these things existed in the first place I haven't seen them at all in fact they're so uncommon that you cannot rely on them drop it maybe with some Reds like clovers you can hope to see one during a given run but these aspects no I had the force spawn the aspects and the background footage you watching because out of the past 25 streams I've done I've had zero aspects to drop speaking of clovers though interestingly enough having 57 leaf clovers does increase the chance of the aspects dropping refer to the formula of the clover to see how much it impacts their drop rate but it's safe to say that it will drastically increase your odds of receiving one alright alright they're rare okay we get a mr. streamer if they're that rare they must be pretty good though right right well funny you should mention that did I forget to tell you that they kind of occupy your equipment slot and that they are purely passive benefits and do not have an active component at all yeah the elite aspects are essentially equipment that behave like an item would there are no active effects on any of them and they take up your equipment slot meaning you won't be able to use a pry on capacitor tonic etc if you choose to run with an aspect to determine whether or not this trade-off is worth it let's go over what the aspects actually do as stated each elite Monster has a point zero five percent chance to drop their respective aspect on death and as you may expect these aspects simply turn you into that elite type here's a quick overview fire aspect gives you a burn on your attacks and some fire damage via a trail when you move note that this trail does not inflict ignite it simply deals damage as long as the enemy is on it ice aspect makes your attack slow on hit and when you die you'll leave a huge ice explosion that damages and freezes enemies which it's on death effectiveness is quite limited to say the least the lightning aspect turns half of your HP into shields and gives your hits both items and abilities lightning bombs that deal half of the original hits value as extra AoE damage malachite aspects to give you the big urgent bombs that fly out occasionally as well as negating all enemy healing with your hits and finally The Celestine aspect gives you an even longer and larger slow on hit compared to the ice aspect and it makes your allies invisible within a certain radius now to go more in depth let's start with the aspects that are pretty self-explanatory there's nothing special about the malachite aspect while indicating healing is very strong versus you it's not nearly as effective on monsters very few monsters have any form of healing with the obvious exception of a scavenger with foreign fruit which Spri redirects medkits or something like that the malachite aspect would be pretty useful then but outside of that specific scenario its effect is pretty much useless so less line is also who lackluster the slow on hit is just a stronger chrono bubble that's it and I'll say it as I do every time when talking about slopes they solely affect movement speed and nothing else it slows affected all actions such as animation and projectile speeds they would be extremely useful since they do not however all the Celestine aspect does is provide you with an uber Chrono bauble and an area of invisibility for your allies hold on you may be saying if my allies are invisible does that mean things like my drones beetle guards and engineer turrets cannot be seen by anything isn't that ridiculously opie yes except it doesn't change your allies interactions with enemies all in my testing drones minions turrets you name it functioned exactly the same inside the zone as they would outside of it the invisibility did nothing for hiding them from enemies as literally everything could see them as usual it appears the celeste line invisibility is not a permanent old war stealth kit for your allies meaning all in all the celeste line aspect is a chrono bottle with the ice aspect again it's a chrono bobble with the added effect of attempting to avenge you on death with this explosion I I don't think I need to explain why doing something after you have already died isn't very useful right so that leaves us with the fire and lightning aspects thankfully these are a bit more interesting and have some broader uses in the case of the fire aspect the focus is on the burn it grants your hits and not the trail of damage you leave in your way again the trail does not stack burns like your hits how the burn applies is easy enough every hit you deal adds a stack of burn to the target each stack has a duration of 4 seconds which is affected by proc coefficient and the duration is separate for each stack of burn that you apply this means while the per tick damage of the burn does go up the more you hit a target once the initial stacks time has expired its damage is removed from that total burns pool you can't endlessly refresh the duration however the actual damage the burn does is a little more convoluted than its application I tested the fire aspect for 30 minutes straight throwing any and all test scenarios that I could think of at it and I just could not determine how its damages scale thankfully our boy har bit came to the rescue once again thank you as usual my good sir the fire aspects damage is calculated as follows taking 5 times per second each tick of damage deals the smaller amount between 1% of the targets max HP and shields or 10% of the attackers damage note that the attackers damage is your base damage and not the overall damage of your hit that proc the burn meaning you can have a prion accumulator which proxxon 80g but that burns damage will be exactly the same as if you had only use your primary attack in the first place now ok how does this formula apply in game how good is the scaling of 1% of the targets HP or 10% of your base damage because the burn chooses the lower value between the two the scaling potential of its damage is also quite low yes in the early game you absolutely feel the power of it but once you get even just a few stages into a run its damage starts to become insignificant take this example of me fighting some bosses in the first clip each stack of the burn ticks for two damage which is exactly 1% of the targets HP this is because my base damage is the higher value between the two remember that the burn chooses the lower value in the next clip each stack of the burn takes for five damage which is equal to 10% of my base damage because 1% of the targets HP would be significantly higher than that amount now you may be saying here well if your base damage was higher from shaped glass or spindle tonic oh wait you can use the tonic anymore because it takes your equipment slot well if you had some shaped glass the burn would be dealing damage based off of the targets max HP and a minimum of 5% per second which sounds pretty o P to me okay here's what killing a similar boss looks like having just a few stacks of shaped glass okay not too bad it's definitely dealing some nice damage for sure five percent of the targets HP but oh wait I literally have no other items let's see what this looks like when I actually have some other items on top of the burn hmm how much damage did the burn do versus how much everything else did maybe 10% 15% if I'm being generous and it's not like I went crazy overboard with the items here either no Red's pretty good crit chance a few syringes ukuleles and 80 G's nothing too fancy at all add some more items into the mix and it would be even clearer that once you get some items going in a run the amount of damage that burn provides you is very insignificant to your overall DPS the point is that the fire damage does not scale well at all period it's not like a cure its poisoned which always at a bare minimum will be dealing damage based off of the targets HP if you're fighting a super tanky enemy the burn is going to scale off of your base damage because it will undoubtedly be the lower value between the two and even if you get to a point where your base damage is significantly higher than the 1% HP then your items will be blowing everything up in an instant anyway the burn would be irrelevant especially when you consider taking another equipment in its place add in the little cherry on top of the aspect taking away your equipment slot and there is no justification for taking the fire aspect in any situation outside of the early game but hey remember that drop chance yeah you're not going to be getting this thing early on into a anyway so the conclusion fire aspect is not worth it finally let's talk about the lightning aspect to put it bluntly it is definitely stronger than fire but is still not worth the trade-offs the effects of the fire and lightning aspects are not too different in their theme for each hit you deal there will be some additional damage occurring after a period of time simple as that the difference with the Lightning aspect is twofold first its damage is not instant and rather in timebomb with a pretty short fuse its damage is based off of your total damage as in the higher the damage of the hit the higher the damage of the lightning bomb also the bomb deals damage in an area similar to that of the artificers plasma bolt which is actually a decent sized area the second difference is that a pawn pick up half of your HP is converted into shields permanently at least for as long as you're holding the aspect so right off of the bat the lighting aspect seems promising at least in the damaged apartment if you've been looking at the background footage for any period of time you'd see that it's dealing quite a significant chunk of my overall damage to any target determining the overall output of the bombs is much easier than the burn of the fire aspect as well each orbit lightning deals 50% of the hits damage as simple as that even if that hit is a critical strike the bomb will always deal 50% of the total value of the hit period take this example on Huntress where I first attack with no crit and then with cap current both times the orb deals exactly 50% of the ballistas damage despite also having the crit damage text there are no double-dipping shenanigans with crits that's the point interestingly proc coefficient has no effect on the bombs at all normally proc coefficient would affect an on hit item in some way whether it be the duration for damage over times the size of the area for AoE damage and simply the damage value otherwise nope with lightning orbs every single hit from every single item and attack will proc an orb that deals 50% of the damage however it is important to note that the damage fall-off such as with commanders attacks does affect how much damage the orb will do it's all about the value of the hit the lower the hits damage the lower the orbs damage this seems pretty good on paper if anything it's essentially a slightly weaker version of a behemoth right 50% more damage across pretty much everything to me it's trade-offs come in the same context as the fire aspect it's good early on especially when you have little to no damage items in the first place but the law the run goes the less and less impactful the lightning bombs become and remember that drop rate again yeah you're not seeing it early on think of it like this and warning we're about to get math heavy let's say you have a lightning aspect plus 380 GS and the hit which procs the 80g deals 500 damage this is an entirely hypothetical number and the reason I chose it is because most non equipment hits around this time what deals some point near this ballpark of damage around 30 or 40 minutes into a run note that we get an orb from both the hit itself and the aegs impact so the hit dealt 500 damage and the orb from that hit deals an additional 250 then the three stack HTG deals 900 percent of the original 500 which is 4,500 and then we get another orb from the ATG which stills an additional 2,250 in that very short example we received an additional twenty five hundred and our total damage was 7500 remember that the Lightning aspect as with all the others is taking up the equipment slot so we must now compare it versus the options in its place let's use the same example now without the lightning aspect and instead having a royal capacitor in its place it's safe to say that whatever ability did 500 damage before the capacitor would deal significantly more damage then it but to play it safe let's just say that the capacitor only deals three times they mail our initial hit now deals 1500 damage the three stack ATG procs and deals 900 percent damage which equates to 13,500 damage our total damage in this scenario is 15,000 you may be saying wait we tripled the original hits damage but ended up only dealing double the overall damage isn't that a sign of the lightening orbs scaling better no again these were purely hypothetical examples and I definitely played it on the safe side with the numbers as in I gave the lightning aspect much more of a chance than it would likely have gotten in the context of a real run I'm not gonna sit here and crunch endless amounts of hypothetical numbers to reach hypothetical results when the context of what goes on in a run is simply too vast to ever completely cover without massive amounts of real concrete samples your personal experience is by far the best way to determine what will likely happen across many mini runs and given my experience scaling your overall damage through higher initial hit values is much are impactful than simply scaling the rate of hitting things period and that is why I also believe the lighting aspect to not be worth the equipment's lot it takes up all in all there you have it a complete explanation of all the elite aspects in the game what are your thoughts think overloaded multi is the best survivor of the game and deals equivalent damage to a prey on accumulator per hit let me know in the comments below consider leaving a like or dislike on the video depending on whether or not I wasted your time here hopefully not again you could check out my stream over at slash wooly gaming and also join our discord server if you'd like notifications when I upload a new video here or go live on Twitch thank you for watching and I gotta go continue the one run challenge so wish
Channel: Woolie
Views: 590,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, elite, aspects, equipment, guide, tutorial, are they good, explained, damage numbers, drop rate, description, gameplay, malachite, blazing, fire, ice, glacial, silence between two strikes, lightning, burn, bomb, proc effect
Id: 6AlUdLLnbzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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