ALL Monsters and Bosses Tierlist & Strategy-Guide (Risk of Rain 2)

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hello everybody and welcome to a tier list of all the monsters in risk of rain - i'll separate the monsters into three categories normal champion and boss monsters and inside of those different categories give each monster a rank and explain the reasonings behind my choice note that each rank reflects a given monsters a threat level so there will only be low mid and high threat rankings and not the usual s ABC rank etc also if you are a newer player I'll explain the strategies involved with taking down each monsters you can also kind of think of this as a guide and not just a tier list alright let's begin here with ranking the normal monsters starting from the bottom here in low tier with beetles the marion's and jellyfish hold on remember when I said they're only gonna be three ranks to give ya I'm at a 4th right here real quick the extra low tier super low tier think squid a pod lip low tier well each of these monsters provide little to no danger once you get your first few movement related items the beetles deserve to be in a separate tier because they are literally a non threat so long as you aren't standing completely still for multiple seconds at a time for some reason the marian's can always toss the range attack out and smack you through some hefty damage and the jellyfish could sneak up on you if you're not paying attention but neither can compare to the beetles the only way you're gonna get hit by a beetle is if you let them hit you so for beetles just keep moving and you will never take damage from them however one quick thing to mention here is that the malachite and celestine elite affixes make any enemy yes even the beetles a top priority threat to deal with so keep that in mind always take out malachite and Celestine whenever you see them and never get distracted or complacent while doing so because just one seemingly small mistake versus a malachite bomb or an invisible elder Lemurian inside of the celestine will spell the end of your run for taking out the low threats of the jellyfish and lemurians just keep moving and make sure to tag any jellyfish that come near you as that will almost always stop them in their tracks and even interrupt them at mid explosion I have such a small HP pool meaning anything more than your survivors primary attack will be enough damage to stagger them and render them useless otherwise just let your various AoE effects take out the jellyfish and Lemurians and focus on the higher threat targets instead movin up here to the mid tier we have imps soulless probes hermit crabs and mini mushroom imps despite being purely male it can be quite dangerous if they are left unchecked they're extremely mobile and can catch up with you in an instant and smack you with their double hit attack which inflicts a small bleed as well toss in and overloading or blazing ethics and the imps can easily chunk your HP bar in a flash they'll keep them at a distance and kite them in circles and always be wary of them coming up to gank you from behind these soulless probes don't dish out a ton of damage rather they can come in large numbers and have a very consistent attack they essentially fire a tiny stone titan laser beam all the time so if you do not take care of them fast enough they're consistent firepower will eventually overwhelm you luckily they also have a tiny HP pool and this makes them very susceptible to your AoE effects so once you take one of them out the rest should explode shortly thereafter hermit crabs and mini mushrooms share a similar story both have a long-range artillery shot that deals significant damage if it lands on you so as you may have guessed the best way to deal with them is to keep moving and eliminate them as soon as you can of course only after the highest threat enemies have been neutralized first speaking of the highest threats these are the lesser wisps and alloy of vultures and pretty much any point in a run if you see a wisp or a vulture you take them out immediately now there are some other enemy types that are overall more dangerous however due to the low HP of these two you should prioritize the wisp and vultures above everything yes even the teleporter boss similar to the other regular monsters we discussed the vultures and wisps have a pretty low health pool and thus don't require much effort to take down but what separates these two from the rest is the danger of their attacks vultures hit like trucks and wisps do moderate damage but fire essentially hitscan rounds meaning their shots never missed and they come in huge numbers which means they both need to be taken care of as soon as you see them note that the vultures fire their shots according to where you were not where you currently are so never backtrack when fighting them keep kiting in the same direction and do not stop for a second or else you will get hit if you're struggling on monsoon difficulty in general due to the sheer number of months responding the reason is almost always because you're not prioritizing the right monsters to kill first and an easy fix would be to start taking down lesser wisps and vultures as soon as you see them moving on here to the champion monsters starting here in the low tier we have just the bison byeson are like the beetles of the champion monsters now a bison is much more of a threat than a beetle but relative to the other champions bison are actually quite easy to deal with if you get caught by their charge you can say goodbye to a chunk of your health but avoiding the charge is trivial if you're playing your survivor with mobility skills or you have just a single hope ooh feather or wax squib otherwise just kite them around in circles and always keep an ear out for the start of their charge and just deal with them after the other action dies down or the mid tier champions we have beetle guards greater wisps parents golems and void weavers each of these champions have a very hard-hitting attack that becomes extremely dangerous if coming from an elite version of the monster so the name of the game is dodge until you can kill I put them all here in mid tier because the danger of their attacks is not as high as well the high threat monsters the beetle guards thunder moves pretty slow across the ground and can be jumped over or strafed the greater whisps shots are very predictable and really only a threat if they catch you off-guard parents are just huge in general and it's easy to say hey maybe I should stay away from that massive hulking dude over there columns beams are trained on you well before they fire and could be dodged if straped in a circle except when they randomly snap their aim to you or the last second and finally the void rivers explosion is super easy to predict because it only happens after they're already dead so if you remember to not get up and go get your pizza rolls out of the toast drop in the exact millisecond that you kill a void river then you should be good to go now you may have picked up on a shared thing when dealing with the various threat levels here which is pretty much keep moving and kill them before they kill you it sounds like a simple and obvious rule and well that's because it is if you're struggling with any of the monsters I have mentioned and will mention you're either not moving enough or not killing the right things first it's as simple as that how well you understand this rule is pushed to the max when you deal with the final tier of champion monsters the high threats which are brass contraptions clay Templars and elder lemurians contraptions hit absurdly hard in fact I wouldn't be surprised if their attacks are the strongest non boss one in the game so if you get hit it's safe to assume that your HP bar will be blinking red if not totally gone so how do you avoid getting hit you guessed it kill them before they kill you and make sure to keep moving wow dude surprise alright alright there is an actual strategy when fighting any number of contraptions simply move around them in a clockwise that's it if you always move to the left their shots will never and I do mean ever now you can't always guarantee that you're moving to the left relative to every contraption on your screen because the groups can be spread out quite a bit but if you keep moving clockwise relative to the largest cluster the other contraptions should eventually fall into the whole group and then be able to be avoided entirely if you thought contraptions were annoying to fight oh boy look who's coming up next clay Templars they're many guns seemingly target you across the map and had the smallest spread known to man meaning your only option if you're under their fire is to either get behind cover and line up side them so that they stop firing or get as close as you possibly can as quickly as you possibly can to also get them to stop firing if you can't do either one of those things then you need to run around in a circle like a madman and kill them as fast as humanly possible or else you will die period finally the elder the Marion's these boys shoot a spread of ranged fireballs if you're too far away or eat scorching streams of fire on you if you're too close and also move at the speed of light to come chase you down also that I mentioned that there are literal ninjas and will be behind you the second you turn away yeah that's elderly Marines in a nutshell keep as much distance as you can between yourself and the Lemurians and just step between or jump over the fireballs whenever they're headed for you and that should be enough we have come down to the final category of enemies bosses I'm actually going to separate the bosses here into regular and special categories because the alo worship unit irelia night and twisted scavengers are only accessible by performing a specific action in a run and will otherwise not be seen starting here with the lowest threat bosses we have okay wait hold on again I got to do it again beetle Queens I'm sorry but you are relegated again to the extra low tier beetle Queens are the take a deep breath and relax boss fight whenever you see them spawn from the teleporter do you know you have as much time as you could possibly want to take care of any and every threat before you move on to the beetle point there's not much strategy involved aside from keep moving and as long as you pay attention to their acid spit and don't stand a little beetle wasp looking debuff thingies for too long you'll be perfectly fine so let's go up to the low tier with magma and overloading worms and the soleus control units both of the worms are essentially the same with the only difference being the lightning orbs from the overloading worm instead of fireballs otherwise they are essentially the same monster just with the overloading having more HP and damage thing to do is just track the worms at all times especially when they go underground and be ready to avoid the chomp in their mouth at a moment's notice when they come back up if you keep a distance and pay attention worms provide little to no threat themselves and they're really just a big distraction for the other monsters to come and take you out souls control units are little baby versions of the alloy where should be in it secret boss and well they don't do much you may be like me and a PTSD from the pre nerf alloy mm-hmm so your heart may skip a beat or two when you hear the plasma barrage charging up but I can assure you that the world spawned version of the big orb boss is a non threat keep a distance and be ready to avoid their ground pound attack that launches you in the air once their HP gets low enough and that's really all there is to them next the mid threat bosses are the clay dune Striders Grove attendees and overlords Stone Titans and wandering vagrants each of these bosses are fairly easy to deal with alone but once you get multiple of them spawning the second loop and beyond they could become quite a threat with the dune Striders be sure to avoid their heat-seeking balls at all costs which those are the ones that they fire while they're standing up and speaking of standing up try to get their HP to just above the big suck threshold and then save all of your damage for when they stand up next that way you will completely bypass the big suck if you manage to kill them while they're airborne otherwise if they do the big suck just run away break the tether and kill everything but the dune Strider that way they'll just stand right back up due to not having any targets to suck the Grove attendees aren't too dangerous with their own attacks but rather if you don't have a lot of AoE the little pink wisps that they spawn will overwhelm you quickly and are a major issue to deal with so be sure to stay near a wall pillar or other piece of terrain for when they spawn the wisp so that way you can quickly line-of-sight the wisp and let them harmlessly slam into the wall instead of you imp overlords are probably the most dangerous out of the mid threat Bunch due to their high mobility and very fast attacks avoiding their bleed spikes is basically the same process as dealing with the elderly marine fireballs just keep a distance and either strafe between them or jump over them however do not strafe in a circle but rather run directly towards the IMP Overlord once they throw the spikes as more often than not those spikes will just fly over your head and not actually hit the stone Titans and the vagrants are pretty easy to deal with due to their attacks being clearly telegraphed so just keep some terrain close by and retreat behind it during a Titan laser or a bigger explosion to negate their damage finally the high-threat bosses or just boss rather the scavengers I mean nothing can compare to an enemy that gets access to items think about the power of your survivor if you didn't have any items relative to when to get some crit on hits AoE yeah that's what the scavengers are all about their power was toned down a bit by not being able to have ceremonial daggers anymore but they are still a force to be reckoned with when they get Tesla coils etg missile launchers disposable missile launchers prey on accumulators teddy bears clovers you get the picture your absolute best bet is to observe them from a distance because thankfully they're agro range is pretty small and take a look at their items and equipment before you engage if you see anything overtly dangerous consider skipping them entirely unless you have a lot of damage and can take them up before they start scavenging for more loot otherwise it's just a classic case of kill or be killed with the scavengers these special bosses are different from the rest again and that they require a specific action to be accessed you're never going to encounter them at the same time and thus they don't really require ranks however if I had to compare them then I would say irelia Knight is the easiest as he's just a souped up stone Titan the alloy worship unit is medium difficulty due to having to wait for his shields to go down like 15 times during the fight which can make it drag on for seemingly ever and finally the twisted scavengers are the hardest to deal with because they're scavengers with the artifacts 2.0 update the choices scavengers were buffed heavily think of the pre nerf alloy and multiply that by a butt ton and you now have the power of the post artifacts update twisted scavengers they are nutty do not pick up a beads of fealty lest you have nothing short of a god run on your hands because by making the smallest mistake in the fight you will die instantly and that does it with the tier list and guide of all monsters in risk of rain - do you have different thoughts on what I've said here let me know what they like or dislike on the video and a comment below you can check out my stream at slash world of gaming and consider joining our discord server as well thank you for watching and boys the full release of risk of rain 2 is coming up way faster than it looks
Channel: Woolie
Views: 181,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: risk, of, rain, ror, woolie, xbox, playstation, switch, console, ps4, tips, guide, tutorial, tierlist, wooliegaming, monsters, strategy, rankings, gameplay, scavengers, twisted scavs, beads of fealty, obliteration, stone titan, vagrant, jellyfish, worms, parents, elder lemurians, brass contraptions
Id: ijR0hdGKli8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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