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top ten rarest eye colors in the world people affirm that the eyes are the first thing they notice about someone but what would happen if you made eye contact with someone who has weird red violet or even eyes without an iris are you ready to discover a new world of eyes with extravagant colors number 10 hazelnut don't mistake this color with the dark ones this weird tone is between green and brown it must not be confused with the heterochromia either there isn't a clear explanation genetically of what produces this weird color however there's plenty of theories according to dr. Matthew leach from the University of South Australia the mixture between green and brown happens because of materials that can be found in the blood streams in consequence of an unstable liver and something that supports this theory is that people with this color of eyes suffer from stomach problems another explanation proposed by berry star geneticist from Stanford University is that a gene acts above the others and this produces more melamine this color is confused with Brown which is predominant worldwide since 50% of the population possesses it who knows maybe you have these colors but haven't realized it yet so you better run to a mirror and confirm it number 9 blugh according to studies from the professor hans i burg blue eyes were caused by a single person coming from the Black Sea who suffered a genetic mutation between the years 6,000 and 10,000 years later this mutation would spread around Europe North America and Oceania basically the blue color is structural what does that mean these colors don't have pigmentation and are caused by a physical effect which is produced by light incredible right blue eyes don't have collagen either the tonality depends on the quantity of light that's dispersed on the eye a process known as the Tyndall effect just 8% of the population more specific 600 million people have blue eyes so if you have them consider yourself someone lucky although you have to take care of them since they don't have pigmentation and are more sensitive to the Sun number 8 amber color honey eyes can change from yellowish to golden or copper which can be found between hazelnut and green colors they're also known as wolf eyes because the iris of these animals possesses the yellow tone there isn't a genetic explanation for this unusual coloration yet but it is known that the pigment that produces this color lipo Chrome is present in the color green eyes because it gives it a yellowish color ation a lot of the time the amber color is confused with the central heterochromia when you can see a colored ring around the pupil different to the iris if you want to identify one of the wolf's eyes you just have to take into account that the amber color is present in the whole iris and not just in a few parts this tonality is found in European countries such as Romania France Spain Sweden Italy or Slovenia although you can find them in people from Brazil and Asia number seven Green only two percent of the population can have this kind of eyes and the females are the ones who usually possess them although it can be qualified as a difficult color to find in European countries such as Hungary or Ireland it isn't because 20% of males and 80% of females have green eyes the green tone appears because of the low levels of melamine and excess of lipo chrome which gives a yellowish tone and as a result they give a peculiar green color according to studies made by the impulse corporation in Los Angeles most of the people from the USA consider green eyes sexy and also they affirm they'd like to change their color to green what do you think do you consider green eyes attractive or do you prefer another color number six silver this is probably one of the hardest colors to believe actually exists silver eyes are a reality and although they're similar to blue eyes from a genetic point of view they have different hues this color in the eyes happens because of a curious effect because the same thing that happens to the blue eyes happens here the light impacts directly with the eye and gives blue colors as a result but in the silver eyes they have a thin layer of melamine in the iris which doesn't allow the light to totally get in producing this color some scientists say that this thin layer works as a light regulator making the blue color look darker of course this color is only possible if you have the oca2 gene which determines the blue color it's probable that you've seen babies with silver eyes but that's not always the final color because it tends to change over the years this happens because the cells that produce melamine and the babies are still immature but when the baby grows more of these cells are produced in the eyes [Music] violet since it's an uncommon color urban legends trying to explain the origin of this color was made one of them is Alexandria's syndrome this legend tells the story of Alexandria Augustine who was born in London in 1329 with blue eyes however little by little they were changing to a violet color this scared the family because they thought it was caused by a witch and took him to the priest immediately he explained that this color wasn't caused by a spell but maybe the girl had a connection with a group of people called the spirituals who came from Egypt and also had violet eye color according to the priest they have this color because of a mysterious light that impacted them at night leaving them like that with a really white skin since that moment this girl was considered special besides this legend this color is common in people with albinism since it's a product of the lack of melamine and the mixture of red and blue tones however there's people as normal as Elizabeth Taylor who have this stunning color in their hypnotizing eyes number 4 black these eyes are characterized by a dark iris almost impossible to differentiate from the pupil black eyes are uncommon approximately 1% of the population have them it's frequently found in Africans Asians and also indigenous Americans but in less proportion however another reason for someone to have black eyes as a rare condition called aniruddha which means without iris which provokes the absence of iris in both eyes this condition is not common because it only affects 1 in 80,000 people and can be hereditary or appear out of nowhere don't get this wrong the condition doesn't have any goodness because it causes the loss of vision photophobia Genet orinary anomalies and kidney failures sadly there's no cure for aniridia 3 red vampires might not exist but at least the red eyes that characterize them do approximately 0.3% of the population has an iris of this color principally albinos their white skin highlights the red eyes besides red eyes people with albinism tend to have pink or violet eyes it depends on the composition of the iris this is because they grow without melamine and when the light goes through their eyes the blood vessels from the ocular Glover reflected practically you can look right through them despite the fact that this can be considered interesting people with this condition tend to suffer of photophobia squint myopia and astigmatism believe it or not this color has become a trend to these last years because of the vampire movies such as Twilight that's why contact lens companies have dedicated so making unimaginable colors to heterochromia eyes of uncommon colors called the attention but it would be even more rare to see a person with eyes of different colors this phenomenon is known as heterochromia in the iris and it's so uncommon that only 11 in every 1000 people well in the United States suffer this condition there are two kinds of heterochromia the essential and the acquired the first one is presented since the person is born which means it's genetic the second one happens when one of the colors changes for an external factor such as the contact of the iris with iron glaucoma or optic pathologies heterochromia only affects one eye and doesn't put the life of the person in danger there are celebrities with this strange pathology and maybe you've seen them but didn't realize their condition here we have a list of some so you can look at their impacting look David Bowie had total heterochromia which means he had an eye of a different color on the other hand the actor that played Superman Henry Cavill and Jane Seymour also known as dr. Quinn both had this condition partially because only a fraction of what iris was a different color number one central heterochromia this is a kind of heterochromia also known as cat eyes and can be considered even way rarer than the last one it's presented when the diaphragm of a person has the low level of melamine and manifests to different colors in the same iris this way it forms an interior and exterior ring around the iris being the last one the real color of the eye this can be presented in both or just one eye another thing that causes this is ocular damage genetic Jumeirah sysm or mosaic ISM really crazy what did you think of this top don't forget to tell us what colors you would like to have at least in a contact lens don't forget to like this video subscribe and share it and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Trend Max
Views: 8,603,440
Rating: 4.7671289 out of 5
Keywords: rarest eye colors, eye color rare, eye color rarity, world's rarest eye color, heterochromia, central heterochromia, eye color hazel, eye color black, eye color amber, red eyes, eye color by percentage, eye color genetics, 2 different eye colors, eye color green, eye color brown, eye color blue, eye color grey, eye color violet, silver eyes, eye color list, eye colors, eyes, rare, strange, top, list, trend max
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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