Stop using Virtualbox, Here's how to use QEMU instead

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virtualbox it is a terrible virtual machine manager it's free it's on every single operating system is easy to use that's all it has going for it but when you look at the comparison or performance comparison here let's just launch into virtualbox i want to show you qmu by comparison so here's this little arch one it's using the same setup this uses a vmdk file that both have let's just kind of test how long this takes put a little timer on the screen here just so you can kind of get hey how long is the startup time for this particular one same vmdk file everything's identical with these systems i just wanted to show you virtualbox here which isn't horrible right it has virtualization enabled so it's not super laggy we're throwing six processors at it so it's it's moving along it's not awful but when you compare it to qamu you get a little bit different story so we'll just close that out and we'll launch into qemu or vert manager is its front end and we're just going to open it up and we're going to hit start same thing and we're just going to boot right into it see how this does by comparison just just a wee bit faster don't you think i mean i had a whole giant epilogue there of hey this is everything that's happening with virtualbox and with qmu it was i want to say that was less than 10 seconds we'll know on the replay here but it is just so much performant you also have a lot more going on here i could pass through video cards i can do a lot of things that makes just basically unlocks virtualization it's a true kvm hypervisor and when you hear the word kvm that just means kernel-based virtual machine where a virtualbox kind of does it but not really i think it has kvm capabilities but i find it still to be laggy no matter what i do with virtualbox qmu always pulls out ahead so with that let's get over here i made a little bit of a how-to guide if you use debian uh ubuntu pop os all these are basically the same links distribution this guide should work for you so what you do is you just pull up your terminal and we're just gonna grab this paste it in and just make sure this doesn't read zero what this is doing is it's saying hey how many virtualization threads are available so this is how many processors or virtual processors you could assign and i have 12 threads it's actually a six core system and then you would just grab this these are all the dependencies you need copy paste those in and just put your password in installs all those and then you just double check to make sure it starts and you should see active running perfect cue to quit out of that and then you just install these two things this is actually just starting the default network and making sure it auto starts when you start your linux instance and we're just going to copy that put it over here this just shows you i've already done this if it says not active or auto starts no you probably want to do auto start and you want to start it with these two commands and then simply add your user to it so you don't have to like sudo virtual manager or vert manager uh and what i what i mean vert manager it was just that that gui earlier if we just type vert manager it's just this so that's what i used to manage everything i set it up like this very easy to do but i want people to stop using virtualbox when this is just an amazing thing if you're really into virtual machines you really need to either dedicate a box to use just a bare metal hypervisor like xcpng or you could use proxmox both actually i think utilize qmu i think uh xcpng actually uses a version of zen server so it's not quite the same but still the same kind of technology and it's an amazing thing so if you're on windows and you just can't use qmu or you want to try and use the windows version it's not very good compared to the linux version i say try linux dual boot linux and use it for a virtual machine manager it's pretty darn amazing for this i couldn't imagine doing my work without having a very very good virtual machine manager and if i had to i would probably just dedicate a box to something running vmware you know you could use esxi or you could use proxmox xpng all the stuff i just mentioned but uh i wanted to show this video just to kind of showcase the differences between the two and i'm not saying virtualbox is terrible i'm just saying there's a lot better options it's a virtual box is great for a noob but once you need to actually start elevating and getting let's say you're in here you really want to use it or let's say you want to just have an amazing pci pass through windows vm in your linux box learning qmu is an absolute must it's amazing and i hope this video kind of helps you out and that little guide kind of gets you to that next step it's very easy to set up once you know everything about it and that guide should help get your foot in the door and get it set up to where you should have that if you do have performance problems make sure you go into your bios and obviously check for iomu and also vt or your virtualization it'll vary bios to bios and also if you're using svm or or you know regular virtualization with intel either or you just need to enable those options but with all that said let me know your thoughts down in the comment section as always thank you to everyone that watches this video today is actually the last day you get your debian shirt if you're interested in this shirt by all means uh click the link below today should be the last day and then that batch closes and those will all be shipped out and sometime in the future i might bring it back depending on how everybody tells me about the shirts i just wanted to do an initial batch run so this is the very first merge drop i've ever done so let me know guys what you think and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 701,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: Kq849CpGd88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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