The Prophetic Encounter - "THE ENDS OF THE AGES"

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[Applause] [Music] welcome welcome to the prophetic encounter this november the years almost over 2021 it is so good to be with you tonight it's wonderful to be here right yes hallelujah my dad used to tell a real corny joke because you know he was a bishop as well you know he would say something like i think he said i'd rather be here than to be in the finest mortuary in town he rest in peace and those corny jokes no it's so good to be with you tonight it's so good are you anticipation for what god is gonna say to his whoo you did not listen or watch on sunday you need to go and watch bishop was on one on sunday i'll just say it like that but it's so good to be with you tonight so we just want to set our hearts and prepare the atmosphere for the miraculous for whatever the holy spirit wants to do we don't want anything in our our immediate surroundings to to prohibit the holy spirit's move amen hallelujah so let's just begin to thank our heavenly father come on just let the thanksgiving just pour out of your mouth right now come on we thank you heavenly father for the day that you've made god we thank you we thank you for the day that you've made god we thank you that we are your people and we rejoice and we are glad in this day that you've made god we thank you that we are your people that we're called to you god we thank you that your voice is the only voice that we hearken to god is the only voice we heed the only voice we listen to god we thank you for for for just renewed passion and zeal in you we thank you for the gift of your holy spirit god we're never comfortless we're never alone god we thank you that we have that comforter by your in your holy spirit god we thank you for what you're doing in the earth not just in englewood california but what you're doing all over the world god we thank you god that you are preparing your people for your son's return we thank you that we are preparing ourselves for your son's return we thank you god that your people will not miss your people will not miss your return your people will not miss what you are saying to the churches your people will not miss what the holy spirit is saying and speaking right now your people will not miss god we thank you that we bind all the distractions all distractors in our lives in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah your people are not distracted your people are not distracted jesus your people are not distracted hallelujah your people we hear your voice in these times we hear your voice hallelujah we hear your voice we know your voice we know your voice god we know your voice we know your voice we love to commune with you we love spending time with you hallelujah god hallelujah and we thank you for the we thank you god for the ability to be able to praise you the ability to be able to worship you the ability to physically get out of our homes and come out to worship you and to praise you when they tried to shut us down god when they tried to stop the saints from gathering together to worship you said not so because your people said not so and god we thank you that we're able to come together corporately and to praise you we're able to come together corporately and to worship you we're able to come together corporately and just encourage our brother and encourage our sister into faith in the name of jesus god and we say jesus be offense around us be offense be a shield god we thank you god that we are protected from the we're protecting god from the coronavirus we're protected from any maladies from any disease from any sickness that would try to overtake your people god we thank you because of the blood of jesus because of the blood because of the blood we are protected because of the blood we are healed because of the blood we are made free because of the blood we are saved because of the blood god because of your blood jesus because of your blood jesus that blood is still speaking your blood is still flowing it's still cleansing in the name of jesus we thank you for your blood we thank you for your blood jesus we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood we will bless you god oh our soul and all that is within us let us praise your holy name we bless you god we bless you god we bless you god we bless you hallelujah hallelujah i will bless the lord at all and his praise shall continuously be in my mind my soul shall make a boast in the lord and the humble will of it and be glad so master pry the lord with me and let us exalt his name together hallelujah come on and put your hands together [Music] [Music] and i will [Music] oh holy days oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] the glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so says [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we came to give glory to the almighty god because you are worthy god you are worthy you've been too good lord we can't stop praising we can't stop dancing we can't stop lifting your name of god because you've been a great almighty god you've been awesome god you've been magnificent god you have been excellent god and we come to give you praise we come to give you worship we come to honor you o god have your way in this place father have your wife in this place oh god dwell in the midst of your people dwell in the midst of your people hallelujah come on don't stop because the song ends come on this is relationship right here hallelujah i can't stop praising him i can't stop dancing i can't stop speaking well of him he's been so good hallelujah come on are you blessed i said are you blessed not only are we blessed but we're blessed in the city we are blessed in the field we are blessed from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same we're blessed coming in going out we are blessed come on can you put your hands together on this yeah come on just let's see can you we're gonna do a little church rock like this come on come on you can do this from the house even in your kitchen you could just hey come on y'all going listen uh there we go [Music] here we go here we go let's see let me hear you say let me hear you say bless me [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] say the devil is defeated and we are blessed is is [Applause] [Music] thou hast walked uprightly that's a light in a dark land since thou has placed in thy heart all the lord's command he set thee above nations and cast thy enemies [Music] is [Music] it's gonna work in your favor it's going to work [Applause] said so i'm telling you later [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you declare it with us [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's gonna work it's gonna [Music] sir can you put your hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] i believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] just like it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] and we [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he says to his word says to his word say yes to his word to your will to your way to your will and what you say to your will [Applause] [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus for we are blessed coming and going we are the righteousness of god in christ jesus we are blessed we're always blessed we're always blessed we're always blessed [Music] even if you don't have everything that you desire i'm still blessed i'm still blessed yes i'm still blessed i'm still believing things to work out but i'm still blessed that is my confession i'm still blessed i don't understand it all but i'm still blessed i can't see it all right now but i'm still blessed i need some things to turn in my favor but until i see it i am [Music] as i confess it i receive the joy of the lord i don't understand at all [Music] move how you want to move [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever and ever my answer will be [Music] yes [Music] and when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart i will be [Music] my answer will be forever yes can we sing that together one good time i say yes to your will to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and holy spirit when you speak with my whole entire heart [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] with my my [Music] yes can you give him your yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] the song that our creation sings the painted skies the sun and stars the heavens tell how great you [Music] the heavens tell how great you are [Music] how much yeah [Music] your name jesus wonderful [Music] is [Music] [Music] how beautiful that is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus wonderful powerful [Music] you're is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus wonderful powerful you're the lord of all how much is your name [Music] how majestic is your name jesus wonderful powerful is [Applause] [Music] our show [Music] down at your feet [Music] [Applause] through all the eternity [Music] down at your feet [Music] [Music] down at your feet [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus wonderful powerful [Music] is [Music] jesus wonderful powerful you're the lord of all [Music] praise jesus you're so majestic in all your ways you're so majestic in all your ways we love to sing your praises jesus [Music] you're so majestic jesus you're seated in heavenly places your majesties [Music] [Applause] how much is your name jesus wonderful powerful [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord [Music] thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let me see [Music] beauty that made this heart adore you hope forever [Music] [Music] here i am [Music] lovely [Music] me [Applause] king of all days oh so highly exhausted [Music] glorious in heaven [Applause] humbly you came to the earth you created [Music] here i am [Applause] you're all together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause you're all together [Applause] all together [Music] here i am here i am together someday i'll know how much it comes to [Music] how much i know how much [Applause] hallelujah come on and lift your hands in the presence of the lord how many of you came to worship tonight those of you watching via live stream at home wherever you're at how many of you have gathered with us there's no time or distance in the spirit to worship god to lift him up to bless his name even though it's in the middle of your week maybe you just got off work maybe maybe you're on your way to work you're working a late shift but if you're viewing us and you can hear our voices and see our faces just lift your hands in the presence of god and father we thank you and we've come to bless you we've come to say that you are our lord and our god and we thank you for what you've already preserved and reserved for us this week and we'd give you the glory the honor and the praise in jesus name and everyone who agreed with that declaration said amen god bless you may be seated in the presence of the lord and as you take your seat this evening i want to welcome you tonight number one of this prophetic encounter this is our last one of the year let's thank god for what he's going to pour out tonight and the rest of this week we're excited about that and uh on the calendar it's the last one of the year but we never know what the spirit of god has in store but we're ready for whatever god has for us so we want to thank god for you those of you who have joined us in the tabernacle live happy wednesday to you this is night number one of this prophetic encounter we're gonna be here tonight at 7 30 p.m it's past 7 30 but we started at 7 30. we'll be here tomorrow night thursday night 7 30 and we're going to conclude friday evening at 7 30 p.m and if you can get anywhere near this tabernacle here in englewood california come in and join with us worship with us receive the prophetic word of god with us there's nothing like being in a worship experience here at the place of grace especially during these uh set apart times of teaching these prophetic encounters that god has mandated that the man of god call and gather the people of god the children of this vision together so that we can receive what god is saying and receive direct impartation how many of you are ready to receive an impartation of the holy spirit a download an endowment literally like someone just opened your bank account and dropped ten thousand dollars in the world this is even greater than that that there's a deposit this week that's being made in the spirit and what greater way to end this year knowing that we're receiving of what the spirit of god is saying what thus saith the lord is happening what god is saying what he's doing where his hand is moving right now so we're excited about it if you can't join us make sure you log on at we want to greet all of our prophetic e-community partners and members that are there this global community of partners and uh relationships that we've built just following this anointing and we send you greetings from bishop clarency mclendon the entire place of grace family and community and all of clarency mclendon ministries thank you for being a part of this prophetic community and if you haven't signed up and you're watching live and you haven't signed up and you haven't joined the pec we want to encourage you we want to direct you to sign up tonight before this uh night is over before these nights conclude of teaching in ministry sign up and join the pec you don't want to miss it it's a it's an exclusive and exclusive community of partners and believers who have decided to level up with this anointing to say you know what god i'm not just satisfied with 30 fold i'm not even comfortable with 60 fold but i'm at the point in the place and my walk with god and my connection with this anointing i'm ready to step in to that 100-fold dimension and when you sign up for the pec that's what you're declaring you're saying bishop i want to get exclusive i wanted to get to where whatever god is saying to you man of god get it to me so i can pray it i can talk it i can walk it and i can see it work in my life so that's what the pec is for if you haven't done it join it tonight sign up tonight it's gonna be a blessing to you make sure you continue to follow this apostolic and prophetic grace on all platforms and social media world that are out there on twitter on facebook on instagram on youtube subscribe to the youtube channel there's a lot of good content on the youtube channel so if you uh times where you're just feeling like you need to be refreshed you need a little watering sign up and uh well subscribe to the youtube channel click on it and there's all kinds of content the prophetic encounters the the academies are on there the worship experiences are on there there's worship there's word there is pure ministry that is constantly flowing and being streamed forth from that youtube platform so make sure you check it out and after you check it out make sure you subscribe subscribe to the clarency mcclendon youtube page as well again we're going to be here tonight tomorrow night and friday night at 7 30 p.m take time out block some time out to make sure you're receiving these nights of teaching these nights of impartation these nights of the releasing of this apostolic and prophetic grace as it concerns the ends of the ages there's a lot of talk there's a lot of news about what's going on in the world and is it the end of the world is it is it the end of all the worlds is it the end of my world is it the end of your work everybody has an opinion everybody has their little two cents but we've come to receive what god has downloaded to this man of god by the spirit of god directly from the scriptures and you're going to get clarity you're going to get insight you're going to get information you're going to get revelation you're going to be strengthened you're going to be encouraged and fear is not going to have anywhere to dwell and hang out in your atmosphere because you're so full of truth you're so full of light and that's what these nights are about it's not just coming and you know we need another night of ministry no we need a night of impartation we need nights of consistent impartation so that's why we are here and we hope you join with us and tell someone text them tell them hey if you haven't checked bishop mcclendon out in a while make sure you hear him these next three nights we want to let you know again this is our season of thanksgiving we're excited about that next thursday is actually thanksgiving day but before that annually we do our thanksgiving outreach and that's going to happen again this year this tuesday uh november 23rd from 9am to 5pm is our thanksgiving outreach and we're uh excited about it this year because we have an opportunity to be a blessing to families how many of you want to be a blessing to to somebody's family we thank god for keeping us safe and preserved and and taken care of and well fed and clothed but how many of you know there's families out there that had a rough 20 20 had a rough 20 21 still haven't recovered from certain things and they're scratching their heads wondering how thanksgiving and the holidays are coming together because the holidays are already here but we as a family of believers and a company of worshipers who believe in giving back to community and being a blessing to people we have an opportunity to sponsor a thanksgiving dinner for a family so you can sow a seed of twenty dollars online at or right there on the app and you can designate it for the c e m m food outreach right there when you click designate it's uh it's for the c c e m m food outreach and so your 20 or whatever seeds you sow is going to go towards being a blessing to a family and if those of you who are watching and uh are here live in the tabernacle there's a table out in the foyer where you can sign up and say hey i'll put me down here's my 20 here's my seed here's whatever it is i'm gonna give because i want to be a blessing to a family for thanksgiving on thanksgiving day we want to be able to make sure we can reach and touch and bless as many families as we can so we can just be a blessing to someone say hey this is from jesus eat your turkey your greens and your mashed potatoes and you know everything your yams on me you know in jesus name jesus is gonna be a blessing to you for you can get your sweet potato pie on and all the good things that happen we want to be a blessing to as many families as we can so those of you who are watching online you may be a distant away from us miles wise but you can still connect and get on this and be a blessing to somebody's thanksgiving dinner again you can register right there at and just when you uh when you when you donate and you designate that donation to the cem food outreach your seed is immediately going to be a blessing to somebody's life and they're going to be excited about it and we're going to be excited about it also if we want to let anyone know who's who who is desirous of joining us next tuesday from nine to five p.m for our actual outreach if you want to actually get your hands dirty and grab some boxes and and unstack some pallets and you know and stand on that sidewalk and and direct traffic and you know and and really get out there and get in and we'll come on in make sure you sign up let somebody know at the uh at the table out front for those of you here in the tabernacle uh if you can if you can't get here uh but you you want to still be a part of it get here at from nine to five p.m if you can't come to the night and sign up at the table show up 9 00 am to 5 pm next tuesday and say you know what i'm here to help trust me we gonna find something for you to do there's a lot of work in getting this done and it's such a blast the community is such it's tremendously blessed by it uh the media comes out to see what we're doing and we just have fun doing it the the band might be out there you know brother mike was leading in praise and worship and it's just on and cracking so we want to get our holiday on starting in a good fashion so again that's next tuesday uh november 23rd 9 a.m to five p.m come and join us if you can't join us sign up and donate be a blessing to someone for thanksgiving and bless a family with a dinner the prophet is on his way into the tabernacle for these nights of teaching so stay tuned get someone to listen to this word and you don't need to hear the instagram you know conspiracy theorists about the end of the world no no no you just need to get the word of the lord on it and you'll be okay so tell someone that the word of the lord is coming soon join us tonight tomorrow night and we're going to conclude friday night 7 30 p.m nightly for these special nights during the prophetic encounter god bless you on night number one enjoy hallelujah as we go back into worship i'd like to share a scripture with you psalms 23 it says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake and then it says yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and my staff comfort me and it says thou prepare a table in the presence of my enemies thou anointeth my head with oil my cup runneth over and the good thing about this is goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of the my life the beginning the beginning part of that says the lord is my shepherd what is a shepherd an overseer a protector right he is your guide so we're going to take take it further he is our comfort he is our peace here is our restore here is our refuge here's our fortress he is our hiding place he is jehovah the all god almighty and so this song that we're going to introduce to you it says simply i am not alone says hallelujah i am not alone he's my comfort always holds me close and this is a declaration that we're going to proclaim in this house right now and you'll be able to go and kind of see this throughout your day so when the enemy tries to rise up against you and try to tell you that you're you're not this you say i am that when the enemy tries to come at you with something say you say i'm bigger than that i'm stronger than that i'm more powerful than that i'm courageous i'm victorious all right amen amen hallelujah and it starts up like this hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] come on say the lord is my shepherd [Music] defender behind me defender behind [Music] [Music] see i'm filled with anointing [Music] no weapon can [Music] come all over the building say hallelujah [Music] and he always holds me closer [Music] through mountains and valleys say his joy is refreshing his joy is refreshing and it restores my soul [Music] gives me a sure is [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your spirit lives within me so i will walk in your peace your spirit lives within me my victory my victory your spirit lives within me so i will walk in your peace your spirit lives within me my victory my victory say your spirit your [Music] spirit your spirit [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] he's my comfort he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's standing with you he's standing with you he'll never leave you he's your comforter [Applause] [Applause] you for being with us [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] say it again say hallelujah [Music] [Music] and he always holds me [Music] thank you jesus i'm not alone hallelujah i'm not alone [Music] yeah he's my [Applause] no matter what the situation is he holds you close no matter what it feels like he holds you close [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] no matter what the news says we're not alone no matter what the enemies says we're not alone we haven't been alone this whole time you guys even though we've been through kobe we have not been alone he's been right there he's been there to cover us to protect us to heal those to restore those to deliver those he promises never to leave us he promises never to walk away see we walk away from god he doesn't walk away from us let's just get that straight we turn our back on god but he never turns his back on us as long as we come to him and we talk to him and we lean on to him not to what we believe or what we think it is but lead on to his word what god says his word is true he says he's always going to be there god we just thank you right now that we are not alone thank you we thank you right now god for you being with us through the midst of it all father that no weapon formed against us shall shall prosper that a thousand will fall to our side but ten thousand and our right hand god that we are more than conquerors father that we have the strength of you god that we have authority over every attack that the enemy tries to place against us god and we thank you right now god last time say say hallelujah [Music] [Music] say he's our comfort [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] always [Music] always [Music] just to be [Music] [Music] just to be close to you is my desire [Music] just to be close [Music] to your spirit to your presence jesus just to be close to you is my desire [Music] just to be close to you the greatest privilege [Music] that's what we wanna be jesus to [Music] that's our greatest desire jesus [Music] that's our desire for us [Music] [Music] let every heart let every hand be lifted just to be [Music] [Applause] if you mean it lift your hands [Music] is come on lift your hands in his presence [Music] father we bless you and we thank you [Music] that according to the word we have been brought nigh brought near by the blood of christ your word declares that because of that blood we are to have boldness to enter into the holiest the scripture declares by the new and living way which you have lord jesus for us through the veil that is your flesh and because of your sacrifice we have the right the privilege the honor to come boldly and so we say thank you for your mercies and for your faithfulness to us thank you for what you did on our behalf and that we can lift our hands and say that you never leave us nor forsake us you are with us always you said even to the end of the age thank you for the integrity the infallibility of your word thank you for your word thank you for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us we acknowledge you sir you are the great teacher have your way in the midst of the inheritance of the lord touch your people everywhere individual by individual and person by person let no need go unmet let no individual go untouched we speak blessing a reason of the anointing upon every heart every life grant us tonight and we have eyes to see ears to hear and hearts to perceive and to understand and so we declare now the release of the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge in the anointed jesus and in his anointing and we declare that we shall be bettered empowered lifted inspired illuminated for having been with you in the name of jesus we pray and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen would you clap your hands and give honor and praise to the lord one more time god bless you and you and you and you and you and if you're you may be seated if you're watching us live streaming once again we thank god for you and we greet you in the strong name of jesus reminding you that he is lord and there is none other beside him we want to welcome you to this prophetic encounter as we begin tonight a very special series of messages and impartation uh entitled the ends plural of the ages plural and what we're doing it has to do with what is and what is to come according to the scriptures the book uh in the book of first corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 11 the apostle paul says that these things in the scriptures are written for our admonition or our instruction upon whom the ends plural of the ages plural have come and some time ago that passage as i meditated on it the spirit of the lord to open to me some vaults of wisdom and revelation concerning it and it is vitally important in these days and in these hours with so many things that are going on in the earth so many things that are going on uh in the systems of the world and so many things that are happening in the spirit preparing uh this planet and the people on it for that which the scriptures have declared shall be and as the people of god in these hours we need to know beyond the shadow of any doubt not only what time it is but what we as the people of god are to do first chronicles 12 and 32 which i'll address in just a moment talks about the fact that in the kingdom of god in the kingdom of david the king of israel the bible says there were men of the tribe of issachar that had understanding of the times and knew what israel or knew what the people of god should do that's a paradigm that's a pattern god will always have men and women in the earth who have understanding of the time understanding the times is to inform us of the kind of people we should be the kinds of lives we should be living and the kinds of activities that we should be involved in oh this is going to be rich over these next three nights i promise you you want to be a part and you don't want to miss it and so let me just greet you uh tonight and thank you for being with us whether you're attending live or watching us on live stream we thank god for you uh text somebody or tweet them or call them and tell them the prophet is on and it's about to get going so you don't want to miss it and of course tonight we begin at 7 30 tomorrow night 7 30 and then friday night 7 30 and i do strongly believe they'll be the last prophetic encounter of this season we've been doing a lot of teaching and preaching certainly not because i need stuff to do because the lord continues to send his word and as a watchman not only me but we as a family of god are responsible for the publishing of this of the word the bible says the lord the word and great was the company them that published it so you're not being taught illuminated related inspired just to be a spiritual fat cat no no no there's something you're supposed to be doing with this in your sphere of influence come on say amen to that and exemplifying certain things that others may not know but i believe god wants all to know and so once again we thank you for that prophetic encounter begins tonight and i do want to just remind you of course and i know excuse me it's already been spoken of concerning our thanksgiving time of feeding our outreach uh on next tuesday the 23rd nine to 5 p.m again this ministry in the last 18 months has ministered ministered to i think in excess of 100 000 families we have ministered food to throughout the pandemic even before it god spoke to us and we have by god's grace received an anointing to be philanthropic to this community and the lord can yeah you can clap your hands for that because it's awesome and the lord continues to provide uh for us as we uh purpose to be a blessing to people and you don't have to be a part of this church you don't have to be a part of this ministry you don't even have to believe in my jesus because he's good whether you believe in him or not amen and so we thank god for those who are involved and again you have heard about how to participate i do want to just add my encouragement to that which you've already had that you can sponsor a family's thanksgiving dinner for twenty dollars and you can donate that you can sign up at the outreach table you can go online and do it you can donate on site you can go to the online you can go to our food outreach and everything you get is going to that purpose there are no other costs involved for that so it goes into the feeding of people who are in need and i you know if you've never been in need like that then you may not understand but i i remember when if i didn't get a thanksgiving something my family didn't eat now i remember that as a young man uh i'll never be in that position another day in my life never i'll i'll never be there again i won't um because uh there's some stuff that i have put into operation as relates to the things of the kingdom of god but god blesses you then to be a blessing and one of the things that we have always wanted to do is to minister to people with dignity no condescension there's no shame in having a need i'm gonna say that again there's no shame in having a need i remember dr oral roberts used to teach all of your life you will be doing one of two things you will either be coming into or coming out of a time of need there's never going to be a time in your life when you don't need something come on say amen to that and so we want to be a blessing to people don't forget it and then i want to encourage you to be with us on next wednesday night for a special time of praise giving the spirit of the lord really spoke to my heart and he spoke to me out of second timothy 4 17 put that up on the screen can you second timothy 4 and verse number 17 and the the lord spoke to me out of this passage and he ministered something to me that was really really interesting it says but paul is writing here he says but the lord stood with me and strengthened me anybody been strengthened by god i mean you know you he said the lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be might be preached fully through me now paul is telling you something there that the attack against his life never trying to weaken him was after him because of the message see some of the sometimes you don't understand that you're under attack because of what you carry it's not it's not even because of what you have said but of what the enemy knows you're going to say if he doesn't bother you some kind of way you understand so he says but the lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the might be fully preached through me and the gentiles might hear and then he says also i love this it's just kind of a parenthetical uh ins also i was delivered out of the mouth of the lion now once again there's nowhere in paul's ministry where we see him confronting a lion so this is a spiritual attack and a spiritual deliverance i came into this i cannot get into this but the lord said something to me about that deliverance from the mouth of the lion and just about everybody in the last 18 months has had one of [Music] a those from the mouth of the lion you say bishop mclennan what lion i'ma tell you on wednesday night and there's something very powerful about this and the lord delivered me out of the mouth of the lion and the lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for his heavenly kingdom to him be glory forever and ever and the lord said to me said i want you to get in front of the cameras i want you to get in front of the people and i want to in i want you to encourage them because there are some things there are some waves of refreshing and revival that are coming upon the people of god and the lord said i want you to encourage the people to come and give a special praise for specific deliverances and protection over the last 18 months anybody been especially protected you know you have come on say amen to this anybody experience some very unique and specific deliverances over the last 18 months anybody got really been good to let me say this i should lift up both hands and feet because god's been that good to me over the last 18 months and so i want to encourage you to share with us next wednesday a special time of worship and praise i've got a very special message from that passage that the spirit of the lord has given me and so those of you that have not dawned or darkened the doors of a church facility in the last 18 months you need to put your turkey down and uh and and make sure you come to the house of god in worship we are prepared for you and of course all of our protocols are in order but you know i've been praying uh for a long time this is a bacteria-free viral free environment right here no harmful virus no harmful bacteria will get you amongst this group of believing saints we kill viruses here we cast out bacterias do those types of things so once again i encourage you to be a part and to come and give god a specific praise as we share with him on this very special praise giving i want you real quickly i've got to get into the word of god tonight but you know with each one of these prophetic encounters i learn i learn a little more many times you know as god gives you direction to do things uh you know when you know you've heard the verse of the lord you just do what he says amen you don't always know all of the ins and outs and all of the uh accoutrements that are connected to what the lord is telling you to do but you know when you hear his voice that uh if you do what he's telling you things are going to work out for good amen and the thing that i love about walking with the lord is as you walk with him and endeavor to do what he directs you he continues to give you insight and wisdom and understanding of how you are purposed and functioning in his kingdom do you understand what i just said in other words you begin to find things out you know as jesus for example when jesus went and he was baptized of john in the river jordan uh you know and and it was interesting when he went to be baptized john said you know uh i need to be baptized of you and you're coming to me but jesus said allow it or suffer it to be so now for it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness and the bible says that when jesus was baptized you know the story the bible says the heavens opened the spirit of the lord descended on him as a dove and he heard a voice that said this is my beloved son in whom i will please now here's there's no place in god's word where jesus where we know that jesus ever heard anybody tell him he was god's son now you didn't hear what i just said there's no place up to that point where we have in scripture that anyone ever told jesus you're the son of god now his mother knew it but the bible says she pondered those things in her heart she didn't keep ever she didn't tell him everything are you there so as jesus set out to obey and as he obeyed he was strengthened and solidified in who he was wait if you understand that that always happens and so even as we do these things the lord continues to share with me and and what i've come to understand is in these prophetic encounters as the teaching as the instruction goes i kind of have begun to feel like the prophet elijah sent to the widow woman of zarephath you know he is sent with a word that is to preserve and to sustain and to keep it's very interesting when you read the scriptures that you often see uh the prophetic function connected with widows elijah is sent to the widow of zarephath elisha works a miracle in second kings chapter four for the widow woman who the creditors were coming to take away their sons her sons it seems like there's a prophetic connection between prophets and widows and one of the things i learned several several years ago is that the word widow in hebrew actually means uncovered or to lack covering or to lack so the prophetic unction the prophetic mantle the prophetic word is often released to provide covering over houses over lives over circumstances over situations there is a covering that happens when a word comes to you from god do you understand what what that what that means and so one of the things that i always try to do is find the mind of god for these times and of course you know when elijah goes to the widow woman's house that god told him to go to he said i've commanded a widow woman there to sustain you but it always struck me as interesting that when elijah gets to the widow woman's house and he says you know make me a morsel of bread she's like i ain't got nothing to give you it would seem to me it would seem to me that if god had spoken to her to sustain him she would have recognized oh this is the prophet that god was talking to me about until i understood that god told elijah he had a widow woman to sustain him he didn't say he had told her no you didn't get what i just said he said i've commanded her but i didn't that didn't mean i told her i'm telling you i've commanded her so he had to go and he had to release the anointing on his life in order to activate in her the knowledge that she was supposed to do something into the word into the anointing of god now i want you to look at something with me because as i was seeking and inquiring of the lord about these three nights that we are going to be sharing in his word together there's a couple of things that the spirit of the lord spoke to me look at once again uh ii chronicles uh 12 and verse number 32 second chronicles 12 and verse number 32 i want you to put that up on the screen if you will second chronicles 12 and verse number 32. there it talks about uh the men which i referenced just a moment ago of the sons of israel it says of the sons of issachar that there are men who had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do everybody say understanding of the times say it again one more time they had understanding of the times so that their unders of the times enabled them and actually god endowed them to have understanding of the times so they could inform their brethren so they could help their brethren understand what it is that they're supposed to be doing in this time if you know what time it is we're talking about uh the ends of the ages go to uh very quickly go to matthew chapter 13 and i want you to look with me at verse 24 matthew 13 verse number 24 there jesus tells a parable and it's the parable of the wheat and the tares a very a well-known parable but it says another parable he put forth him saying the kingdom of god is like a man who sowed good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and so tears among the wheat and went his way but when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop then the tares also appeared so the servants of the owner came and said to him sir did you not sow good seed in your field how then does it have tares he said to them an enemy has done this and the servant said to him do you want us to go and gather them up but he said no lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat let both grow together until harvest and at the time of harvest i will say to the reapers i will say to the reapers i will say to the reapers in other words i don't want you to get involved in it i will say to the reapers you're not the reapers i will say to the reapers watch it first gather the tears and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn now once again this is a parable which jesus interprets go down to verse number 36 it says then jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house his disciples came to him saying explain to us the parable of the tares of the field and he answered and said to them he who sows the good seed is the son of man the field is the world the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom but the tares are the sons of the wicked one the enemy who sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the age everybody say the harvest is the end of the age so jesus is saying that the end of the age is a time of harvest it's a harvest time oh you got to hear me so see if we are coming to the ends of the ages then we are also coming to a supernatural time of harvest now i need you to hear what i'm saying and by jesus's own statement jesus said at harvest time which is the end of the age i'm going to say to the reapers i'm going to say to the reapers in other words i'm going to release reapers at harvest time are you still here and he tells you now who the reapers are look at verse 39 the enemy who sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels so jesus i'm going to commission the reapers at harvest time somebody needs to hear the prophet talk i have come over these three nights to alert you to an increase in angelic activity related to everything you are supposed to harvest have and possess before the end of the age i am coming to alert you to the fact that you are in a supernatural time where reapers are on assignment to move stuff from where it shouldn't be into the hands of the righteous to move things from people who have possessed them abused them misused them not been generous with them they are going to come into the hands of people who will be givers show mercy be a blessing if that's you lift up both your hands and say i'm qualified say it again i have been qualified the holy spirit told me he he said alert the people to an increase in angelic activity connected to everything you're supposed to harvest have and possess i have come to tell you that the house you've been believing for there's an increase in angelic activity to get it to you the car you need there's an increase in angelic activity to get it to you wait a minute not just that the people you've been believing to come into the kingdom of god there's an increase in angelic activity to bring them in if they're connected to you and they're supposed to see jesus there is an increase god help me i feel the holy ghost all over me lay your hands upon yourself i'm telling you i came just out of the presence i just got out of prayer about an hour ago i've been praying for about four five hours i want you to hear i am not confused about what i'm telling you god i feel you lay your hands upon yourself and say there is an increase in angelic activity connected to everything i am supposed to harvest have and possess before jesus comes again now lay your hands [Music] this is not even the message lay your hands upon yourself lay your hands upon yourself put up second chronicles 7 14. god says there if my people see when you know what time it is it causes you to do what you're supposed to do with a whole lot more vigor and strength if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray in other words not take the matters into their own hands but know what time it is and understand anything that you can't handle i got you covered any anything that you can't see how it's going to work out i've already worked it out see prayer is an act of humility because it says god i don't see how you're going to do this but you said it's mine so what i'm going to do is just do what you say lay your hands upon yourself hallelujah glory to jesus the spirit of the lord said to me that as we ministered and as we participated in these three nights of this prophetic encounter the lord said alert the people there is an increase in angelic activity connected to everything they're supposed to harvest have and possess he said my word declares it and i have given you he said the responsibility to understand what time it is and tell them lay your hands upon yourself the lord said to me to say to you that whatever it is you're supposed to possess whatever you know you're supposed to have whatever you know is supposed whatever god promised you now is the time to start calling it in and sending the angels out to get it he told you they're the reapers see you thought you were the reaper no no no no no no the angels are the reapers you're the receiver you're not supposed to work it out you're supposed to stand there and let god's word and his angels do the work i feel god lay your hands upon yourself came out the spirit of the lord said to me over these 72 hours there were going to be miracles connected to things you're supposed to harvest there are going to be some things that will manifest in the next three days but then they're also going to be some things that are saturday morning comes you're going to know that you know that you know the thing is settled it may show up monday tuesday it may show up in a week or two but you will have no one rest about it lay your hands upon yourself i feel god in my soul the holy spirit said to me he said son tell the people it's going to happen i came from the presence of god and then he said i'm sending you to them with the word he said there will be 30 people over these next three nights as you're ministering i've sent you to them specifically he told me this afternoon he said many of them are going to be pastors and leaders because he said i'm signaling the very same things to them some of them don't articulate it exactly the way you do but they know what's going on some of them don't have responsibilities to preach it and declare it as i've given to you but they know what's happening and they know things are supposed to be culminating and coming in this he said there are business men and women there are people with dream and vision and understanding he said i'm sending you to them he said there are 30 of them over the next three days and then he told me he said you are to sow two one for yourself and then he said one for all of your children for all of them so spiritual and natural he said i want you to sow that not one that's connected to your anointing misses their harvest season he told me to sue and i'm gonna one for yourself but he said so one for all your children spiritual nature whoever's connected this anointing i said yes sir and then so he said there will be 30 but you're just so the first two i'm doing that tonight and he said there will be 28 others that are to sow a seed of 714 for second chronicles 7 14 a time of agreement in prayer it's time to call things in and release your angels i need somebody to lift their hands and say call things in and release my angels to go to work now somebody said i didn't know i had angels oh you haven't read the report the bible says that you have come to an innumerable company of angels [Music] to the temple of the living [Music] you don't have just one angel you have an innumerable company as a matter of fact the more you study the word of god and the more you get in the spirit you'll find out that there are angels assigned to every element of activity that you are supposed to be participating in if you've got the responsibility there are some angels to help [Music] i've been praying for months this way i've been praying for years this way sometimes i forget but in the about seven or eight months ago the spirit lord said he said i want you with regularity he said i want you to start releasing and here's the words he gave me he said i want you to start releasing all the angels that have financial assignments connected to i just gave you a key you can sit there and look at me like you crazy if you want to but your boy's getting paid i want you to hear me okay i don't know i and i'm not talking i i i'm talking about getting a raise no not a church raise i ain't getting no to more church money i haven't had i have never had a raise from this never had one as long as i've been preaching in los angeles i have never had a raise i've never asked for one [Music] i don't have to [Music] okay anyway it's not personal testimony time what i'm telling you is [Music] you got help in the unseen realm and you got friends in high places put them to work now here's what the lord said to me i feel the holy ghost the lord said there are 30. he said everyone else i want you to encourage him that's only 30. there are thousands of people that are going to hear my voice over the next over the next three nights so if you're not one of those don't sweat it but i want you to receive the word of the lord and then i want you to give at the level that god designates you to give there are 28 other than myself that are going to give a 714 seed over these three nights there are 28 other than me god told me there were 30 he sent me to you but then he instructed me he said tell everyone else who can to get a seat over these three nights one time of 71.40 714. there's no magic in the number the point is in the agreement let me teach you a secret see the bible says [Music] that god has sins secret things belong to you but then the bible says he reveals some things which means he reveals some secrets one of the things i learned [Music] is if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes i don't know why i'm saying this but somebody needs to hear this see if you can believe i remember i was reading one day the miracle where jesus fed the five thousand and the bible says when they came to him and they said jesus we got a multitude here that we got to feed jesus said have them sit down companies of 50 and 100. how do you think they knew how many they had [Music] jesus understood really know what to ask for right now so i could go to the lord and say i need but when they had them sit down in companies of fifties and hundreds they counted them up so jesus could go to the father and say i need food for at least five thousand at least listening for at least five thousand i was reading that one day i'll never forget it we had a three hundred thousand dollar need in the ministry this was over 20 some years ago 300 000 we had a need [Music] and i i was in a place i don't know why i'm saying this i was in a place where i you know i was that was praying fasting and believing and i was praying as hard as i could to get the need met nothing was happening and i went in and i started praying and the lord asked me he was like you're like i was you know i was going after it it was like he tapped me it's like chill out and he asked me do you know what 300 000 looks like oh sir i i've never seen it all at once he said he said that's why you're not getting it you can't believe for it you have no vision for it [Music] and then he said this to me i will never forget it he said do you know what 300 people giving you a thousand dollars looks like i said oh yeah i know what that looks like because i got more than 300 people listening to me every week that time i had about 1200 physically he said do you know what 300 people bringing you a thousand dollars i said yeah i can believe that he leave me for that he said don't believe me for 300 000 believe me for 300 people to bring a thousand dollars and do you know within 30 days at that time we had it all why because if you can believe it if what i found out is if you can believe often means if you can get it in segments you can see if you can break it into pieces that you can believe i need you to hear me the lord said to me and this is not even knee driven he said to me there there were 30 and he said tell everyone else who can to come into agreement see because if i can get you to agree with me i can believe you i can believe with you you understand if i can get you to agree with me then i can wrap my faith with yours wait if you understand so when men and women of god do things like these are not gimmicks this helps us believe lay your hands upon yourself father i'm believing you for every son and daughter of yours who is being alerted to the time in season i've been sent to men and women who know there are things that are supposed to be coming into their hands things are supposed to be walking in walking on overcoming things are supposed to be obtaining and possessing my father in the name of jesus i thank you for the 30 that are going to sow over these three nights along with me thank you also for every individual who will meet me at that point of agreement and so a 71 dollar and 40 cent seed but even if they can't do that in faith then god everyone heard this word and obeys what you tell them to do i pray the same blessing the same increase comes upon them because it's not according to the amount it's according to the heart you see the first willing heart it is accept not according to what a man has not but according to what he has and so i pray in jesus name and i set myself in agreement that everything this man this woman is supposed to harvest have and possess in these days comes into their hands i feel the power of god in the name of jesus i thank you for it in jesus name i want you to hear me if you're 100 30 and you're sewing tonight or even if you're not sewing tonight maybe you're going to sew tomorrow or the next time i want you to get on the phone especially if you're not sewing tonight i want you to call the number on the screen three two twenty six hundred and say listen out of those that the prophet is sent to over these three days and i'm not gonna show tonight but i'm gonna show tomorrow night or the let us know because i'm gonna start praying for you over these three nights just like i do in every one of these and agreeing with you for the miracles you need as you call make sure you send your prayer requests let prayer ministers know what praying and believing for so we can set ourselves in agreement with you 310-323-2600 that's the number on the screen if you're watching me live streaming and you're ready to give at whatever level there's a donate button on your screen on your smartphone there's a way for you to sew i want you to use it and so as god has directed you or you can text you can text cement four one four four four just follow the prompts and give as the spirit of god has instructed you number on the screen i just spoke to you about you've got the bishop mclennan app you can sew that way you can download it from google or itunes or you can bring that gift here anytime through this prophetic encounter would be a wise thing to do or you can bring it anytime during the week 11 to 3. now if you're here in the tabernacle i want you to get ready to sew as well check make it payable to cement if you're giving cash the envelope is for it if you desire to do this on a bank or a credit card there's someone in the aisle ready to assist you i want every person who is sewing whether you're sowing that seed tonight or tomorrow night or friday i want you to set yourself in agreement with me how many of you in here are sowing that seed one night this week let me see anybody in here gonna sow that seed one night this week anybody oh i got seven she's going so too let me let me see how many of you gonna sew okay well okay okay i got i got several thank god and there are many of you i know that are doing that as well but whatever you're going to sow right now get into agreement with me lift up your hands and let's pray father in the name of jesus lord i have declared your word to your people i know i am not wrong about what i've said and in the name of jesus i set myself in agreement with them reminding you sir that you said if any two of us shall agree as touching they ask it shall be done for them by the father in heaven so i and my brother my sister we agree that as we honor you over these three days there are supernatural things and angelic activity is increasing around us god we receive it and we believe it now let nothing lack that your people in the name of jesus if you agree with that say it is so no say it with some strength say it is so i agree in jesus name now i'm not gonna take this along with this every night i i laid it out tonight and i'll share it the other two nights for the spirit of the lord is directing you to do do it now and let's give with joy unto the lord amen hallelujah let's worship together [Music] [Music] my territory [Music] let's indeed indeed [Music] [Applause] [Music] indeed [Music] come on say increased [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on in your hands here and lift your hands watching say it again the lord and more you and your children my territory [Music] bless me jesus [Music] [Music] put your hands together [Music] god bless you thank god for these singers will you appreciate them i thank you for being here and being you and these musicians as well give the band some love amen god bless you immensely i want you to open with me in your bibles quickly tonight to the book of first corinthians chapter 10. i'm going to read the one foundational verse from whence this teaching and its title [Music] uh emanates and again this first corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 11 i want you to see it in your bible or on the screen and uh again the title that we're getting into now the into is the ends of the ages and if i was going to title this particular message i would title it knowing and being ready for then now knowing and being ready for then now watch this first corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 11 the writer here is of course paul the apostle in his first letter to the church at corinth and he has just he has just gone through some historical things that are recorded in the scripture regarding moses and the children of israel and their journey and walk with god and when he gets to verse 11 he articulates a truth that is connected to what he just said but it is so a truth that is universal in other words it is true context of what he's talking about but it is also true outside of that context that the things in scripture here's what he says look at verse number 11 it says now all these things happened to them meaning these saints that came before us now all these things happen to them as examples and they are written for our admonition that word literally means for our instruction upon the ends and again notice the s on the end upon whom the ends of the ages and notice once again the word s on the word age upon whom the ends of the age is have come so he says all these things that are written in scripture are written for our instruction and our admonition upon whom the ends of the ages have come which means if you are reading this you are one of the people assigned to function in the ends of the ages everybody say ends of the ages now again this has been erroneously misconstrued by religious uh people as the end of the world no it's not the end of the world it's the end of the age one of the reasons that i am not hyper concerned about climate change is because i read the bible [Music] that which doesn't mean that we should not be uh responsible of the planet to which we have been entrusted but the fact of the matter if you read the book you will find that man cannot destroy the planet because he has not been authorized to do so because god has plans for the planet beyond man's usage [Music] and and so and so there is nothing that man can do that will make the planet uninhabitable because man is not in charge of making the planet habitable to begin with now why are you saying that prophet of god why are you saying that bishop i'm saying it to make a point when you understand scripture not moved by people who consider themselves intellectual but have no knowledge of truth i'm going to say that again when you know the word of god you are not moved by people who consider themselves intellectual but have no knowledge of truth jesus said john 17 17 thy word is truth amen so paul says that we are those upon whom the ends of the ages have come i want you to go back to matthew 13 very quickly back to matthew 13. whoa back to matthew 13 because i want you to see something and i read part of this to you already so i'm not going to read it all again but suffice it to say as i read to you in the exhortation in the worship of giving jesus tells a parable in matthew 13 that has to do with the end of the age uh and he talks about this parable of the wheat and tares and if you go down uh and another parable he put forth to them verse 24 saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good feel and so i read the rest of it to you i'm trying to skip uh is that that you know an enemy came and so tears among the wheat and the his men came to him and said listen uh there are tears among the wheat do you want us to pull them out and it says that the land owner the one who owned the field said no let both grow together until harvest look at verse 30. let both grow together until harvest and at the time of harvest i will say to the reapers first gather together the t and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn now when jesus interprets this parable in when jesus interprets this parable in the latter verses if you go down to verse number 39 he identifies he says the enemy who sowed them is the devil well well let me just do the whole interpretation he answered them he who sows good seed is the son so that is jesus the field is the world the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom and the tares are the sons of the wicked ones so jesus in telling this parable is talking about spiritual reality here he's not talking about wheat and tears he's talking about going to happen as the age comes to an end so he says the the enemy who sold them is the devil harvest is the end of the age and the reapers are the angels look at verse 40. therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire so will it be at the end of the of at the end of this age the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather kingdom all things that offend that word offend there is the greek word scandalon from which we get our english word scandal and it literally means to trap now what is i want you to get what god is saying what jesus is telling you and i about things that will be happening as the age comes to an end he says it's going to be a great time of harvest so things and people are going to be being harvested into the kingdom of god in order to happen he says he says god's gonna have to send out angels who are the reapers who are assisting and gathering all that stuff but he says also one of the things the angels are going to be doing is taking out of the kingdom of god all the things that have trapped people things that have trapped people in religion and tradition and rejection and judgmentalism and isolationism these things are going to be taken out of the kingdom without compromising the integrity of the message of the kingdom now the only way that's going to happen is by revelation knowledge word and the purposes of god as the age of grace or the day of grace comes to a conclusion are you listening to me so he says the harvest is end of the eight so we're told now with those upon whom the ends plural of the ages have come but jesus says as a specific age comes to an end it's going to come to an end with harvest stay with me now this word age it is the greek word aeong a-i-o-n and it means stay with me now it means an age of course a period of time go to matthew 24. go to matthew 24 1 through 3. 24 verses 1-3 i'm just showing you a couple of things that are very important matthew 24 verse 1. then jesus departed from the temple and the disciples came up to show the buildings of the temple now i pay attention because matthew 24 is one of those and we're going to get deeply into this probably tomorrow night but matthew 24 is one of those passages which are prophetically that speak about things related to eschatology it is jesus himself prophesying about things related to eschatology and again eschatology means the study of the end times so it is jesus himself talking about things that are going to happen at in the end times but i need you to pay very close because i'm going to say something here that i'm going to build on tomorrow night if jesus is talking in jerusalem in israel to jewish converts to christianity they are christians but they are christians who have come to christianity from judaism wait if you understand that and so when he speaks and unveils these eschatological things these things about the end times what most christians miss is he is speaking about several ages at once not just one because he is asked more than one question and we'll see this in just a moment are you there oh stay with me then jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came up to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said to them do you see all these things meaning the temple and all this stuff around the temple these are things of which the jews were very proud they were they were very very uh enamored with it they it gave them great pride and great esteem you know this temple uh you know solid solomon symbol had been torn down and this was herod's temple that was uh erected that time but it was a magnificent structure and i have been to israel been to jerusalem and seen the ruins and i'm sure many of you have as well jesus says do you see all these things assuredly i say to you not one stone shall be left here upon another that shall not be thrown down so he's telling them you see this temple that you think is such a wonderful thing he says not one stone of this temple is going to be left about el that's going to be thrown down now that which he prophesied to them on that day actually happened 70 years after he said it it happened 70 years after he said it as a historical fact now why do you say that because jesus is responding to a question they asked and look at verse number three it says now he's at now now you got to get it so as jesus says this again he's got these 12 apostles with him they are all jewish men who have who's whose life has revolved around the temple their religion has revolved around the temple everything around them and remember this is where the priests and the sacrifices were now when jesus says to them you see this not one stone here will be left of one another jesus knows after he goes to the cross dies is resurrected as sins and is seated there'll be no need for that temple they don't know that see they don't know that because the temple was the place where the high priest went once a year on yom kippur the day of atonement to make atonement for the sins of the people and jesus knew he was going to do that once and for all in the true tabernacle in the heavens and this whole system would be unnecessary stay with me stay with me so so these guys i was trying to make a point here so these men are walking with him and as he says that they're talking to themselves did you hear what he said could that really happen could the whole thing be shut down and they're walking with him so when they get away a little ways now look at verse 3 they got to the mount of olives it says now as he sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when excuse me tell us when will these things be okay that's one question when will these things be these things that you just said to us when is the temple going to be destroyed that's the first question so you have to understand as jesus unfolds these things over the next 20 some verses he's answering that question he's one of the questions he's answering is when the temple is going to be destroyed and what that's going to look like are you still here now look at the next and what will be the sign of your coming that's question number two and see the temple being torn down and jesus is and the signs of jesus coming are completely separate issues but when jesus answers in the rest of chapter 24 he is answering both and he's going between one and the other and you got to know which one he's taught when or you will not understand your time he was talking about somebody else's time stay with me stay with me he said so tell us number one when will these things be number two what will be the sign of your coming and then number three what will be the sign of the end of the age now remember paul says we are those upon whom the ends of the ages have come not just one age ages this says what will be the time and what will be the sign of the end of the age so the question is what age are they talking about do you see the question is what age are they talking about because we are those upon whom the ends of the ages have come stay with me stay with me and and jesus answered them watch this ah boy watch this that's good and jesus answered them and said take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many and you will heal of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet so what he's saying is what i'm telling you right now has nothing to do with the end no now you're listening what i'm telling you right now the thing about wars and rumors that has nothing to do with the end that has to do with the first question you asked me before the temple is torn right stay with me are you there and he tells you you will hear the wars but the end is not yet in other words this has nothing to do with the end this has to do with the destruction of the temple which is going to happen approximately 70 years from when we're talking are you there then he says for nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines pestilence and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of sorrows now once again i wanted simply to point out to you and show you there that jesus is addressing more than one issue he's answering more than one question and they asked him about the end of a specific and we are those upon whom the ends of the ages plural have come stay with me are you still here go to matthew 28 verse number 16. matthew 28 verse number 16. then the eleven decide way into galilee to the mountain which he pointed for them when they saw him they worshiped him but some down and this is after the resurrection and he has he has resurrected uh he's resurrected and now he's appearing before them verse 17 when they saw him they worshiped jesus came and spoke to him saying all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth go therefore and make disciples disciplined followers of all nations of all ethnic groups baptizing them again that word means to immerse he's not talking about water baptism there immersing them in the word name there again a normal which means character nature and authority of the father the son of the holy spirit teaching them to observe oh watch this teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even to the end of the age ah now what jesus just did which most christians don't understand is he just kicked off a new age when he spoke to those disciples after his resurrection he was commissioning or beginning a new age he was actually with that commission beginning what is called the church age yes and the church age is the one that you and i have been living in and because we have been living in it and it's the only one that we have been knowledgeable of relative to our relationship with god where you know church is being had and services are being had and people are preaching and teaching and the gospel is being preached we have grown accustomed to this age as if it's the only one that there is and the only one that there will be but the bible clearly tells you not self there are a jazz and you are those upon whom the end of the ages come so jesus says to them i'm with you to the end of the age because i have given you an assignment in this age and i have to be with you in order for you to fill this assignment because this is our age what age is it see up until this time the covenant of god was only with the jewish nation they were the custodians and the keepers of the covenant and the relationship with god what none of those 12 men that jesus was talking to on that morning clearly understood is that the age of the jewish people being the only ones to have a relationship with god the age of the sons of abraham according to the flesh being the only ones to have a relationship with god was over [Music] the age of the jewish nation being the custodians of the revelation of jehovah was over it was now being extended to the nations of the earth so that anyone who was not of the seed of abraham could also get into it this is what paul gets revelation of in galatians 3 when he says and if you are christ then are you abraham's seed and an heir according to the covenant are you still here i said are you still here now let's talk just a little bit about that because once again he says lo i am with you to the end of the age to the end of the aeon or to the end of this specific period of time this word aon it means a period of time watch this it means a course of things or events connected to a specific period or purpose or the purpose or the period itself i'm going to read that again it means the course of things or events connected oh please hear me it means a course of things or events that are connected to a specific period of purpose in other words the things are happening because of the purpose of the time no you're missing what i'm saying the things are the way they are because this time has a specific purpose and the things that are going on are connected to my purpose god says for that time or that age which means as that age comes to an end or when it comes to an end the course of events that you are used to are going to start changing see what you don't understand is there is going to be a time on planet earth where there's no need for a church the only reason there's a need for a church right now is because of the period of time we're in adam had no need for church think about that why there was no i can't go there right now i can't go there right now which is why quebec which is why as the church age comes to an end the physical element of church is becoming less and less significant there's a reason for that that's not about covet you thought that was about covered no no no no no this is not about covert this is about divine purpose and you being attached to a certain methodology that was connected to a certain age uh let me let me let me let me let me let me let me stay in here so watch this he says and lo i am with you so let me put it through this uh so i'm giving you the assignment and though i am with you oh please hear me and lo i am with you always even to the end of this period of time lo i am with you in this way always even to the end of this period of time which means it doesn't mean when this period of time is over i'm not going to be with you but when this period of time is over i'm going to be with you in a different way now if you know anything about your bible if you don't oh god if you know anything about your bible you know anything about your bible well no let me not go there yet so let me just read this so and lo i'm with you always watch this even to the end of this specific course of things and events lo i am with you always even to the end of this specific period that is connected to this purpose so watch this see according to scripture go to ecclesiastes chapter 3. ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse number one ecclesiastes chapter three and verse number one says to everything there is a season watch this children watch your bible and a time for every purpose under heaven a time for every purpose under heaven what does that mean heaven has established purposes and heaven has designated times for certain purposes when the purpose is fulfilled the time is over wow no you didn't get it you didn't get it so in the divine mind as relates to eschatological considerations a time or an age changes when one purpose or emphasis of god replaces or becomes the priority over another no you missed what i just said so in the divine mind a time changes see times are connected to purposes i've said this before this is why uh once you step into your purpose things change yes because time is connected to purpose which is why once you step into a purpose time becomes nothing to restrict or confine you because the time is connected to the purpose if you're in the purpose you can actually override time i don't have time to get into that let me let me stay with the book so in god's mind an age so remember he says he says to us upon whom the ends of the ages have come so what does that tell me that means if i am one of those of all whom the ends of the ages have come i am living in a moment where several purposes of god are converging at once oh he that has ears to hear let him hear if i gotta well if i am living at the ends of the ages i am living in a time where several purposes of god are converging at once some of them will be overlapping there will be emphasis of this one that would see you and i have been in the church age when jesus says lo i am with you always even to the end of the age he is kicking off the church age and he is telling you this is an egg this is a course this is a time there are things that are going to happen during this time that are connected to this time and when this time is over that will cease are you with me so so he says i'm with you to the end of the age times then are connected to divine purposes see you and i have been living in the church age where the emphasis of the holy spirit has been on revealing god to peoples who are non-jewish the whole church system in the mind of god i'm not talking about this madness that we have created i'm talking about the church of the lord jesus christ that body of people who are responsible for preaching the good news about what jesus did primarily to not are you here we have lived in the time of that emphasis so right now the emphasis has been on the gospel getting out to the nations of the earth that are not of the seed of abraham according to the flesh and during this age god is is is permitting empowering anything and everything that can be done to make sure that everyone who is not of the seed of abraham according to the flesh hears the message of the gospel and comes into the covenant that god made with abraham and jesus so that nobody will be lost and all this church that has been going on has been primarily for that but that ends with the rapture the rapture ends that age the rapture is the signal that age is over which is why matthew 13 says that at the end of that age god is going to send out the angels to get everything out of his kingdom that offends so that everybody who's supposed to come in can come in without the impediments of religious tradition sanctimony judgmentalism and all the stuff that we have attached to knowing jesus why so the whole harvest can come in and the age is over and the moment that occurs another age begins stay with me we're going to see something why why is that important why because if you are a christian you are living in a time where god has everything connected to you on steroids to get everything you need done anything you need to get done anything he's purposed you to do anything now's the time to believe for the stuff you thought you couldn't have now's the time to dig out the impossible stuff that god told you four five six seven years ago and get in the floor put it before god and say god you said and before this age is over if you are a god of your word this has to manifest that's why it's important to know what time it is because if you don't know what time it is you'll be acting business as usual when the matter is significant and urgent stay with me are you still here so now watch this watch let me show you a couple of things here more go to uh ephesians chapter 1 verses 7 through 11. ephesians chapter 1 verses 7 through 11. watch this in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence having made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times he might gather together in one all things in christ so christ is god's agent for gathering everything christ is god's agent for culminating all the ages oh god help me watch verse 10 then the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one in one all things in christ watches both which are in heaven and on earth in him in him also we have obtained an inheritance watch this being predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the council of his will now what did that just tell you it just told you that god has established how things are going to work out how the ages are going to end and he is working everything according to what he decided and all things are working according to what he has decided that is to happen in all the ages now quickly go with me to ephesians 3. because here's what i want because go to um let me just read ephesians 3 verse 1 for this reason i paul the prisoner of christ jesus for you gentiles indeed if you've heard the dispensation of the grace of god which is given to me for you how that by revelation he made known to me the mystery oh watch this now as i have briefly written already by which when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ in other words he says i want you to know why i know what i know about what christ did the reason i know what i know about what christ did is because god has chosen to reveal to me this mystery and he's revealing it to me in accordance with his purpose for this season for this age i'm supposed to know it and i'm supposed to share it because this is the age in which it's to be known watch this watch this look at verse how that by revelation he made known to me the mystery as i have already written by which when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ watch this which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed by the spirit to his holy apostle what did he just say he just said there were ages before this one and in the ages before the one you and i are living in the things that are being revealed were not known to them and they weren't known to them because it wasn't for their age it was it was for this age are you still here look at verse six now the gentiles should be fellow heirs see this is the age in which the gentiles those who were born non-jews are to become fellow heirs with the jews of the covenant god made with abraham and jesus that's the age we're living in are you still here so all the revelation that i'm getting about what christ did is so the gentiles or those that have come to christ who are not jewish can have more and more information of how equipped they are to partake in this covenant now the gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of the same promise in christ through the gospel in other words the gentiles get to it in christ through the gospel the jews get to it in this age through abraham i need you to hear what i just said in this age because we were in the church age in this age the gentiles those who are non-jewish are to come into that covenant in christ through the gospel in other words christ is your door that's why he said i am the door christ is your door and the gospel is your instruction [Music] do you understand the purpose of this age oh please is to bring those who are non-jewish into that covenant the the purpose of this age is not necessarily to bring the jews into that covenant now there are some jews who have received the gospel and have become messianic jews but this is not the age where that is the divine purpose there is an age coming the moment this one concludes yeah where the emphasis of god is going to shift from the nations to israel and the nations then will begin to be judged for their rejection of receiving the messiah when they had an age to do it [Music] that's why if you are a non-jew you don't want to be here after the rapture because your age is over which doesn't mean there will not be people who will come to christ who are non-jews in the seven years that's called the tribulation i'm into tomorrow now but that will not be the emphasis so if you do you will probably die shortly thereafter because the grace and the protection is not on you in that age are you still here so see here's the purpose of this age verse six that the gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body are you with me of the same of the same body and partake or be able to partake of this promise in christ through the gospel of which i became a minister according to the gift of grace according to the gift of the grace of god uh given to me by the effective working of his power to me who am less than the least of all saints disgrace was given that i should preach among the gentiles why because that's the age i'm in i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of the anointed one and his anointing and to make all see all the gentiles see what is their fellowship quantity of what is their part what is their benefaction what is their participation in this mystery which from the beginning of the ages was hidden ah do you understand what this man of god is saying he's saying you have been given an uh a period of time to accept something that has been hidden in other ages and it's for you right now and there's grace and favor and mercy and might and power for you to get it now don't miss it because you will not have a time like this in the next stage it's not your age which is why you don't want to be here after the first flight see there is in the scripture a second flight i'm going to show it to you which is why it is vital and i've got to get oh god help me it was vinyl i was looking at the clock which is vital that christians now understand the distinction between the rapture and the second coming they are not the same thing the rapture culminates the end of your age if you are around for the second coming if you're still on earth for the second coming and you're a non-jew you missed your age now you can still join the family but it's going to be seven years later according to the scriptures and you will probably be killed i'm going to show this to you it's in revelation 20. see i i said this before i'm preaching some of this stuff for people who will listen to it after i'm gone so they'll know what to do [Music] so what paul tells us here is there were previous ages in which the things being revealed now were not known because they were not connected to the purpose of that time therefore in previous ages these things were hidden go to ephesians chapter two oh watch this go to ephesians chapter two you say bishop mcclendon what why are you saying all this i'm gonna show you in just a minute i'm going to show you in your bible watch this are you getting anything ephesians chapter 2 verse 4. now watch this but god who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with christ whew by grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus watch this here's why he did it that in the ages to come so there are ages to come after this one so that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness christ you know what he just said he said after this age is over and you are with him you are actually going to see how good he was to you you are going to know things about how good he was to you in that next age that will cause you to wish you had done more in the age you were in when you realize how good he really was to you what he really gave to you what you really could have had access to what he really protected you and sheltered you from and you will actually see it from your heavenly sphere happening in the earth and be glad you're not in it [Music] so you will have knowledge of the anyway do you see it in your bible now what is being talked about here see so so here we've seen there were ages before this one there is this age and there are ages after this so we are those up on whom the ends of the ages have come are you still here i said are you still here now go to second thessalonians chapter two you know what maybe i'll do this now maybe i'll do this now and then i'll break it up over the next several days and show you some things because some of these ages are going to be overlapping uh put up put up the graphic i gave you put up put up the graphic i gave you um uh well well you know let's tell you what let's do this don't do that yet take it out put put up 2nd thessalonians 2 let's read that and then we'll go here so you'll see something second thessalonians 2. 2nd thessalonians 2 children pay attention we're going to read verses 1 through 3. ii thessalonians 2 enunciates the events that demarcate the initiation of the changing of the ages i'm going to say that to you again it's a little verbose but it's the only way i could get it second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 2 thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 8 is where the spirit of god enunciates the events that demarcate that make a distinction between the initiation of the changing of the ages i'm gonna say it one more time second thessalonians 2 1-8 enunciate is where the holy spirit annunciates the events that will demarcate or delineate or distinguish the initiation of the changes of the ages now let's look at it second thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 1. it says now brethren now the fact that he says brethren means he's talking to christians okay now brethren concerning the coming of our lord jesus and our gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word of our letter as if from us as though the day of the lord had already come now i need to point out something to you before we go any further in the very first verse 2nd thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1. in the very first verse there is a reference to two distinct things that are demarcations and delineations of separate ages the first one he speaks of in the scripture is actually the second one that will occur so he speaks of the second event first and the first event second what do you mean by that i'm going to show it to you watch he says now brethren concerning the coming of the lord jesus so that's the coming of the lord jesus the coming of the lord jesus and our who was he talking to brethren so the coming of the lord jesus and our the brethren the christians being gathered together to him the coming of the lord is not when the brethren are gathered did you understand what i just said he's addressing brother he's addressing christians so he says brother now concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and our gathering together to him those are two separate things the first one or the first mention they're reference is the second coming of the lord which is actually the second of the two events the second thing he enunciates there is our gathering together to him see in one he comes in the other we're gathered to him they are two separate incidents and the one in which we are gathered to him signals the end of the church age the one in which he comes signals the end of the age which will begin immediately after the church age which is the tribulation period which is seven years according to scripture and the last three and a half of those seven are called the great tribulation so you have the gentile age coming to an end with the rapture then you have the beginning of the tribulation age and three and which is seven years according to i'm gonna show this to you in your bible and then three and a half years into that age that age shifts from the tribulation period to the great tribulation which is also referred to in the scripture as the time of jacob's trouble which we'll point to in just a moment it'll be three and a half years which incidentally is why jesus ministry was three and a half years it is a type of that don't have to don't have time to go into that and then at the end of that last three and a half years of the seven year period is the coming of the lord which ends the tribulation period ends the time of jacob's trouble which is another age within that age and then begins the millennial reign which is the thousand-year reign of jesus which begins with the second coming which those of us who have learned how to reign will reign with him a thousand years in that millennial kingdom those are the ages now let's let's point it out let's point out a and you are involved in all of them in one way or another what a day to be alive what a day to be living for god what a day to be full of the holy ghost what a day to be full of the word of the lord what a day i wouldn't want to live in any other day and i don't want to live one day longer than i'm supposed to in it hallelujah are you still here i said are you still here now let me let me show you let me let me show you let me finish reading let me read here we ask you how to shake mind let no one let no one deceive by any means verse 3 for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed see that's what happens after the rapture see the man of sin cannot be revealed until the church is taken out of the way because it's not his time and his purpose is connected to his time even the antichrist is simply a character actor in jehovah's divine epic play that's all he is he's a character actor he's not even a star he wants to be a star he's not he's an extra he wants to scare you and mask you and make you sick he's an extra [Music] stay with me hallelujah glory to god forevermore look at this let no one to see you that day will not come there's gonna be a following away first and the man of sin is revealed the cinemation who opposed and exalts himself above all this call god in worship so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing himself that he is god he says do you remember or what i said when i was with you and i told you he said and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time see he can't do his thing till it's time and that's what this last 18 months was about it was about the enemy trying to rush in ahead of his time and that's why the thing is breaking and the thing is turning and now they're saying these mandates you can't enforce why it wasn't his time and enough christians who knew what time it is start to tell them get back in your cage till your time and i was one of them now i know you were or else we wouldn't still be hanging out together i'm sure that stay with me stay stay with me are you still here give me just a couple more minutes tonight and i'll i'll let you go he's uh so he's being held to his own time he was trained we'll do so until he's taken away and then the law is one will be revealed whom the lord will cons that's here whom the lord will consume [Music] here it is whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming see that's the second coming see he can't be revealed until the church is taken out of the way that's the rapture do you see it okay now watch this let me let me show it to you in a more pronounced way so that you can see the distinction because it's very very clear the reference of the second coming is spoken well let me let me read go to first thessalonians 4 13-18 because this because the rapture and again the word rapture does not occur in scripture but it literally means the catching away okay and and this is it and it's what the scripture depicts is going to happen look at second thessalonians i mean first thessalonians 4 13-18 but i do not want you to be brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus now look at verse 50 for this we say to you by the word of the lord he says now i'm speaking now prophetically this is what god told me paul was saying that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from with a shout out with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together caught away that's where that rapture comes from caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air where are you going to be in the clouds and where are you going to meet the lord in the air and then it says and so shall we what and thus shall we always see this is connected to what jesus said to them in matthew 28 he said in this age i'm with you alway even to the end of the age but in this age i'm with you through the comforter through the holy ghost but when i take you out of here we're going to be together forever person to person not holy ghost you're not going to need the holy ghost you're going to be like me with me as i am so will you be [Music] you don't hear me preaching this gospel to you this is your destiny hallelujah to be just like him and with him forevermore to know what he knows to do what he do to have what he has [Music] now watch it where's where's this meeting it's in the air we're caught up together and we meet him in the air so jesus in the rapture never touches planet earth see that's not his coming because he doesn't come to earth it comes in the clouds we're caught up to meet him go to zechariah go to zechariah go to zechariah 4 1-4 no that's not what i want no i want zechariah that's not what i want uh what do you mean it's 14 zechariah 14 i'm sorry zechariah i think it is 14. let me just check yeah is that gonna have 14 versus one four one zero watch behold the day of the lord is coming and your spoil will be divided in your mind for i will gather all the nations to battle against jerusalem the city shall be shake shall be taken the house is rifled and the women ravished half of the city shall go into captivity but the remnant of the people shall off from the city then the lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle now this is going to be happening while you and i are in heaven having been raptured and this is going all on the earth why because the church age is over ending with the rapture and now god is dealing with the jewish nation stay with me verse 3 then the lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle and in that day his feet will stand on the mount of olives so see that is when his feet touch planet earth that's the coming how many of you understand and this is what why the bible says when we just read there in matthew 24 that at that time uh he is going he's going to shake the nations and he's going to come in the brightness of his coming he's going to destroy the antichrist with the breath of his nostrils that's the second coming that's not the rapture because remember the antichrist isn't even in place when the rapture happens he doesn't come into place until after stay with me so watch this and in that day verse 4 his feet will stand on the mount of olives which faces jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall be split in two from east to west making a very large valley half of the mountain shall move nor shall move toward the north and have towards that in other words he's saying he's coming with so much glory that when his foot he's coming with so much glory that his foot hitting the mountain is going to split it and cause a valley that's the kind of power he's packing when he comes this is not allegorical half the mountain shall move toward the north and to over the south he says making a very large ballot valley then you shall flee through the mountain valley for the mountain valley shall reach isil yes you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of uzziah king of judah thus the lord my god will come and all the saints with you so when he comes back in the second coming those of us who are with him are coming with him then because he said so shall you ever be with me so from now on where i go you go and that's when the tribulation period ends and the millennial reign begins now we're going to investigate over the next couple of days some things that are actually transpiring in those ages but now put up this graphic so they can see and i'll close with this put up with this graph because here's the articulation of these ages as the scripture says and you have to understand this we shall have overlapping ages in other words we are those about whom the ends of the ages have come so ages are going to be overlapping one will end another will begin but there'll be a moment where they're overlapping each other because during the seven year tribulation period the gentile age the church age will be over but there will still be gentiles coming to christ but since it's not in the church age they will probably be slain that's what revelations 20 says but the jews shall be coming to christ in millions and protected during that time supernaturally because that's their age and purpose to come to messiah where god gathers as paul said all things in christ oh what a beautiful picture it is so watch this so it's number one the rapture marks the end of the church age the church age and the gentile age have been happening concurrently or simultaneously the church age is the age in which the church is functioning in the season of time where the gospel is being preached to the gentiles see once you become a christian you are no longer a gentile gentile means one without a covenant so at the same time god is dealing with the church he is dealing with the nations they are gentiles stay with me so the church age and the gentile age have been happening concurrently put up number two i wish they could put this all up at once the rapture having occurred that the gentile age will still be happening in the earth in other words once the rapture has occurred the church is out the church age is over and there'll be no sunday service they ain't going to be nobody to hold on and the people who are left will be the people who you know may have come sometime but they weren't serious they'll know where the church is the building i mean you don't know they don't know where the church is too because they're going to see us wave from the air the rapture has been occurred the gentile age will still be happening in the earth during which some gentiles will be converted others appointed to wrath see once the church is out there will be gentiles who will come to christ but they are not coming to christ in the church age the church age is over but they'll they'll you know they'll remember your witness your track they'll be listening to maybe this message if they still let it play and they'll and they'll come to christ and many of them will be slain this is what the book of revelation is we'll get to this tomorrow for their witness they says he'll be beheaded their witness okay but there will be gentiles who are coming to christ during that time it'll still be happening during which some will be converted but all of those gentiles all of those people who are of the nations of the earth in that period of time who do who do not come to christ will be appointed to wrath see the bible but why see the wrath of god according to scripture was poured out on christ jesus so if you accept christ jesus then he has taken your wrath from god but if you live without accepting him you still have an appointment with wrath my appointment with wrath has passed because jesus took it let me let me let me show this to you guys uh let me let me uh let me let me show you something because i'm not just talking here with catchy phrases or things that sound good oh goodness i'm going too fast so watch this oh goodness um first thessalonians 5. look at verse 3. i'm going to read all the way to verse 9. for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape but you brethren see brethren talking to christians now but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should not overtake you as a thief you are sons of light and sons of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober watch this for those who sleep during this church age sleep at night and those who get drunk get drunk at night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation for god did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our lord jesus christ who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live so you've not been appointed to wrath if you are a christian your wrath was taken by christ but once the church is out of the way the church having gone any gentile who is converted will not be converted during the church age so very likely they will be slain for their witness in that environment where the antichrist is ruled those who are not who have taken the mark of the beast they are appointed to wrath because they did not accept christ's payment of taking there so they still have an appointment it's not personal it's legal it's a legal matter so so put it back up okay i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm just telling myself i'm done put it back up so the wrap trapping curve the gentile age will be happening in the earth during which time some gender will be created others will be appointed to wrath then verse three i mean number three the seven years of the tribulation that is the next age so the church age will end the gentile age will be going on because the church age and the gentile age have been running concurrently when the church is taken out of the way the tribulation period begins the gentile age continues but then the tribulation period begins that's when the antichrist takes power the seven years of tribulation it begins the tribulation age but is also the conclusion of the gentile age so the end of that seven years will conclude the gentile age so the tribulation period the great tribulation period and the end of the gentile age will be going on all the same time during those three years ends of the ages get it the seven years of tribulation begins the tribulation stage but it's also the conclusion of the gentile aids those ages will be overlapping during those seven years number four the last three and a half years of the tribulation age that's that seven year period will be the time of jacob's trouble this is the hour when israel or the jewish people's redemption draws near see jesus says we're going to look at this tomorrow in matthew 24 because what he actually says to them what he's actually he's actually talking to those jewish believers they are christians but they are also christians who have come to christ through the jewish faith so they are representing both christians and jews before jesus do you understand that yes sir so he's talking to them both as christians but he's also talking to them as representatives of the jewish nation because they're jews and that's why he says oh goodness let me show you something here look at look at oh goodness look at luke 21 go to verse luke 21 verse 24 it says by the edge of the sword and will be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled until the end of the gentile age so watch this and there will be signs in the moon in this in sun moon with stars on an earth distress of nations with great perplexity the seas and waves roaring men's hearts failing for fear for the powers of the heavens will be shaken now watch this then they will see the son of man come now this is at the end of the gentile age the end of the age in which the the gospel is being preached primarily to the gentiles which culminates in the rapture of the church but then the gentile age extends into that period but notice he says then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud that's the rapture now watch watch this watch this then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now he talks to these jewish boys he said now when you see that when these things begin to happen look up and lift up their heads because your redemption the jewish nation's redemption now is going to start when the church age ends your redemption is going to start drawing there do you see it do you see it he's addressing more than one question and he's addressing them as both christian leaders and jewish men and he says the rap jerusalem is going to be trampled to the end of the gentile age but that age is going to end with the rapture and when you see the rapture happen your redemption is is is starting then because that seven years is going to be the years where i'm reconciling israel judging the nations reconciling israel bringing all things together in christ so when he comes the jews who have come to him and received him as the messiah and the christians who come back with him we'll all be won lay your hands on yourself now bishop mcclendon of what significance is this to me when you know what time it is there are certain things that you are empowered to do when you know it's your time you can work miracles that you didn't even know you had in you when someone alerts you to your time you can be the agent of changing things that you didn't even believe you had the ability to change when somebody alerts you and when it awakens on the inside of you hey it's my time the very first miracle that jesus ever worked the bible says they came to jesus mother and she found out they ran out of mind she comes to jesus and he's john they have no wine and jesus looks at her and says what does that have to do with me my hour has not yet come i'll never forget years ago when the lord showed this to me he said son no matter how anointed you are no matter how righteous no matter how holy you are you will always require somebody else to help you get into your time you never get in it by yourself somebody no matter who you are in the kingdom i'm always going to use somebody else to help you get into your moment and you got to be jesus is the son of god but he is not aware that his miracle working moment has come his mother comes and tells it they're out of wine and what does that have to do with me my hour has not yet come mama looks at jesus says okay i know something about this moment you don't even know the bible says she goes and tells him see him see that whatever he tells you to do now he's just said i ain't got nothing to do with this but that means they walk to him and say this woman over here told us that we're to do whatever you tell us to do what are we supposed to do and jesus who just thought it was in his time here's something coming up in his what i heard what tell them to do what fill the water pots with water hey go fill the water parts with water and the bible says when they did it the water turned to wine jesus worked an accidental miracle not even knowing it was his time until somebody jumpstarted it why is this important to you because you thought you were just a retail worker you thought you were just a real estate broker you thought you were just a singer you thought you were just a writer you thought you were just a musician you thought you were just a preacher no it's your time to do things that you thought you couldn't do it's your time to have supernatural cooperation in heaven and in earth lay your hands upon yourself i have come to jumpstart your miracle season i've come with a word from god for you to help you get into a moment that's going to surprise your friends your family [Music] and even you lay your hands upon yourself oh i want to be around to see it when you speak a thing and it changes i want to hear the testimony when you break somebody into a season that they never thought they'd see i want to hear the testimony when you lay hands on the person in the wheelchair and they get up and you bring them to church with their wheelchair not bring them to me to get them out lay your hands upon yourself this is your moment this is your time father in the name of jesus lord i have discharged what you gave me tonight to the best of my ability in the holy ghost and i thank you that your people have heard lord we are those upon whom the ends of the ages have come we are witnessing the intersection the cross-section of times and seasons and these are hours when you said you were going to let your purposes be made known your will revealed darkness and unclarity will cease and clarity and light shall come upon plans and purposes in the name of jesus lord you said it to me even in prayer today that tonight you would release ideas and inspiration concepts in revelation that tonight you would release promptings and biddings of the holy ghost and release words and directions and voices in the spirit realm [Music] so in the name of jesus i pray now for my brother i pray now for my sister this one who is living at the ends of the ages at the section and the intersection of divine dispensations and purposes and in the name of jesus i pray now for this man this woman for this household for this purpose your kingdom come and your will be done as it is in heaven i agree now it be released in the earth unaltered unadulterated unmitigated uninterrupted by demonic force or human in the name of jesus of nazareth i declare this woman this man shall fulfill their purpose fulfill their calling fulfill their assignment and you will have every ounce of equipment every ounce of grace every ounce of mercy every access to resource that you need to get done whatever the spirit of god has assigned you to do in the name of jesus of nazareth lay your hands upon you i tell you as a man of god as a prophet of god i tell you under the inspiration of the holy ghost this is a shifting moment it's a transference moment it's a transitioning moment it's a moment of time where the ends the culmination of the ages have come and you are being resourced renewed revived reinvigorated to get it done get it done get it done get it done and all the help of heaven is backing you and i have lay your hands upon yourself your health is going to spring forth speedily sickness and disease won't be able to stay on you you got too much to do [Music] lay your hands upon yourself but sir i'm talking to you ma'am i'm speaking to you and i'm not going to take a long time with it i'm telling you as surely as i'm standing here i have been sent by the spirit of god with a word for some people that are supposed to be end time generals end time pay masters end time uh system changers in time end-time innovators end time [Music] sons daughters of the most high god lay your hands upon yourself i'm sent the spirit of the lord said to me to tell you that i was to alert you to an increase in angelic activity around you there are 30 men and women whom i'm sent to that are to sow a seed into this anointing into this moment into this time as you and i sit at the ends of the ages of 747 one for you to sow it where's the agreement it's time for you to start asking believing and commissioning your angels he said if my people call by my name along themselves and pray that 7 14 is to mark this is a moment for you to humble yourself and me to humble myself to call upon the lord and to release the angels i'm talking to you sir i'm talking to you ma'am and i'm telling i'm telling at least three people right now who are listening to me that the spirit of god is speaking to concerning that seed there's a miracle on its way to you in the next 48 hours i'm talking about there are three people watching me right now that are going to sow that seed and within 48 hours a miracle of turnaround is going to occur as a witness and evidence to you i'm speaking under the inspiration of the holy ghost the lord said to me he said over these three nights i'm sending you to them he said many of them are pastors some of them are leaders in other areas if you're one of those 30 i'm going to tell you right now as you've heard the word of the lord this is a miracle moment to sow now if you're not one of those then i want you to get a seed if you can and meet me at a seed of 71 40 cents again no magic in the number it's a point of agreement but i know what i heard and i know where my believing is i know where my faith is being released and anyone who will agree with what the spirit of god has sent his prophet with will see see the bible says he that receives a prophet in the name the nature the character the authority of a prophet is going to receive a prophet's word what is a prophet's reward it is the word of that man or woman coming to pass in your life you say bishop what if i don't have that again there's only 30 of those actually 28 other than me so i'm not talking to everybody so if that's not you that's fine then you get the very best gift you can but i am compelled by the spirit of god to tell you right now is a time to so if you haven't done it then it's time to do if you have then i'm not talking to you at this moment some of you have made a commitment you're going to do it another day that's fine but right now as i speak it's time to sew i want you i'm talking to you i want you to get a seat and sew it right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a way for you to do it just so you can text cement to 41444 very easy to do many of you need to call the number that's on your screen 310-323-2600 i got people ready to pray for you and they're fueled with faith this same anointing that's on me is on them if you were in this place on sunday you know they're charged the power of god fell here and everybody left wet glory to god something is shifting in the atmosphere [Music] if you've got the bishop of clinton app you can give that way if you want to bring the gift here or if you want to sow another way you can do it but i need to pray for you because i sense miracles in the atmosphere here and you haven't given already then take an opportunity to do it but i need to pray father in the name of jesus lord i pray over every sower god you spoke in my spirit in the last hours or so before i left to come here as i was spending time with you and you said alert the people to an increase in angelic activity the reapers are being released around their harvest about around everything they're to have and everything they're to possess so i set myself in agreement for that in the name of jesus now if you are giving right now i just want you to lift your hands and say lord i receive that if you've already given just lift and say lord i receive that and i declare in favor in finance in things being added to me in things money could never buy less and highly favored i am increasing on every side my need is met and i have something left over in the name of jesus it is so amen i'm just going to give you about two minutes right now to finish your giving if you're giving in here if you're in the tabernacle you want to give then just go ahead and do something some of you maybe god spoke to you before but then he spoke to you again give do what he says whatever he says to do do it in the name of jesus hallelujah amen tomorrow night 7 30 we will pick up again friday night 7 30 we will pick up again i'm not going past friday night amen we're gonna get it in and get it done were you blessed tonight did you receive i know it took a little time did you receive did you get it we're gonna go deeper into it tomorrow and i promise you you'll be blessed let somebody know let somebody know we're sharing and i promise you they'll be blessed as well lift up your hands if you will as we release you tonight under the anointing of the spirit father in the name of jesus pray now ahead to protection around your people around them their families their household their goods and all they have on their side we declare that everything their hands touch prospers we declare that they increase in the land which you've given them and we boldly confess that the angels of the lord and camp round about us and they deliver us because we are those who fear the lord and all the people said amen the lord bless you good night it's a new season yeah yeah it's a new day [Applause] a fresh anointing is flowing my way it's a season of power prosperity it's a new season coming to me [Music] it's a new season it's a new day [Applause] a fresh anointing is flowing my way [Applause] it's a season of power prosperity it's a new season coming to me [Music] so we'll do that tomorrow get your water everybody
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,294
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Id: qDE33SxhoEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 25sec (12925 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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