The Prophetic Encounter April 23, 2021

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one is when the government uh here in california lifted certain restrictions on the gathering of churches it was went up to 50 the day after when that happened the holy spirit said i'm i'm i'm i'm doing something i'm working something now i want you to hear me and hear me very clearly this is not some magic formula and it's not something that's going to stop after 40 days but the spirit of the lord impressed upon me very clearly that this season and this window that we're in right now is a window where god is going to be showing up in circumstances situations bringing answers solutions opening doors shutting doors are you still here and causing supernatural things to happen in the lives of those who are believing and expecting go to luke 24 quickly go to luke 24 i want to show you something because in luke 24 we have the accounting of one of these appearances one of these personal appearances that jesus makes where he shows up where people are not expecting him to show up lay your hands upon yourself and say these words say jesus is showing up where people are not expecting him to show up say it again jesus is showing up where people are not expecting him to show up and somebody would say well now bishop mcclendon how can you say jesus is doing that well he's not doing it in the flesh he's doing it in the power of the holy ghost but he's going to use somebody's flesh to do it you didn't hear what i just said he's going to use somebody to do it someone that his spirit is in look real quickly with me and i'm gonna hurry with this because i've got a lot to cover tonight but i want you to see this because it is uh it's amazingly powerful what the scripture reveals to us as we read and as we read cautiously and carefully what the holy spirit says to us look at verse ah look at well no that's not what i want let me yeah let me get look at verse 30 where do i want to start let's start at verse 28 it says then they drew near to the village where they were going and he indicated this is jesus that he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us now i love this this was this was when they were walking and jesus shows up with him he just appears in the midst of them as they're walking now clearly stay with me clearly they are his destination he showed up where they were walking so it was his desire to be with them but then the bible says watch this when they drew near to the village where they were going and he indicated that he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us now what does that tell me that tells me that jesus comes where he's invited the resurrected jesus the power of god comes where he is invited he will not force his way into any situation even if he wants to be with you if you don't want him he'll pass on are you there but the bible says they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went to stay with them why because they invited him now it came to pass as he sat at the table with them that he took bread blessed and broke it and gave it to them then their eyes were open and they knew him now we'll deal with this later because there was something about the way he broke the bread that caused them to know it was him i'll deal with that later there was something in that act that caught now watch this it says then their eyes were open and they knew him and he vanished from their sight and i'm thinking to myself i was reading this and i said i said lord help me with this the moment they recognize you you disappear why and and the holy spirit ministered back to me see we're dealing now with a resurrected jesus and in the new creation in the resurrection uh the way we are to recognize jesus is not according to his flesh in the post-resurrection era the flesh of jesus is not how he will be known but he must be known by his spirit and by his voice did you get what i just said see a lot of people say well you know if jesus would appear in the flesh i'd believe no you wouldn't you know you no you wouldn't believe him you wouldn't believe me appeared in the flesh he appeared in the flesh to a lot of people they did not believe him why because the word says my sheep know my voice not my face no my voice and the voice of strangers they will not follow go to second corinthians 5 and verse 16. i want you to see this now why are you saying this bishop mcclendon i'm saying this because one of the things the spirit of the lord said to me very clearly go to second corinthians 5 16 put it up one of the things the spirit of the lord said to me very clearly about these 40 days and the things that would be happening the lord said to me there's going to be an explosion of revelation knowledge coming to believers insights wisdom direction truths are going to be revealed that we haven't been familiar with things about god see listen if you are going to walk in a greater dimension you first have to see in a greater dimension and it's the holy spirit's job to reveal truth to us somebody say amen to that and so one of the things the spirit of the lord said to me he said there's going to be an explosion of revelation knowledge this is one of the things that's going to be manifesting during this season and it's going to continue and as i was praying today the lord said to me he said son tell my people that they are going to become so familiar with my voice and with my leading i'm talking to people now who are saying you know i wish i could i could hear the voice of god i want to i want to know that god is leading me i'm telling you in the name of jesus that there is a dispensation a dispensing in this season the bible says my sheep know my voice he didn't say they learn it he said they know it now there are disciplines that can help you to discern it but jesus said my sheep know my voice how many of you are his sheep then he says you'll know his voice are you still listening to me i said are you still listening to me lay your hands upon yourself the bible says the bible says watch this it says and the moment they knew who he was according to the flesh he vanished why because in this dimension the leadership in the kingdom of god is to be by the spirit not by the flesh that's even true concerning your preacher whoever he is if i'm not him or if i'm not her you've got to know your man or woman of god by the spirit not just amen you got to learn to hear the voice within their voice if you're in a church and you never hear god speak to you through who's speaking get out you're in the way you're in the wrong place whoa lay your hands upon yourself i've had people come to me and say to me often times you know bishop the thing you preached the lord spoke that to me a week ago god was saying something to me like that four or five days ago and i said well that means you're in the right place see because when the man or woman of god speaks to you there should you should hear god's voice in their voice oh i don't know who i'm talking to lay your hands upon yourself don't move me fast lay your hands upon yourself now i'm going to pray for you the holy spirit ministered to me and i i've been saying this all both nights i'm going to say it until sunday night because i've been given an assignment and it's not for everybody the holy spirit said to me that during these nights that i would be ministering he said there would be 40 people who will hear the voice within my voice hear the word of god who are believing god for some manifestation now once again i i want to make this clear i make it clear all the time you do not buy blessings from god you do not buy miracles from god you don't get the goodness of god in exchange for money so then why do we ever give because giving is an act of worship and if you read your bible there are times when god would say i'm doing this i'm doing that i'm doing that and he said have the people bring something to me not so i can do it but so i want to know who's believing i want to know who's agreeing elisha said i believe it was in in second kings chapter six he delivered a prophetic word about something supernatural that was going to happen there was famine in the land and elijah said tomorrow this time you're gonna have anything you need and anything you want and there was one man who said you know what if god would open windows in heaven this couldn't happen and the prophet looked at him and said you know what you're going to see it but you're not going to eat it why because god's going to do it anyway see whether god does it or not has nothing to do with what you give what you give what you so has to do with how you get in on it god's going to do it anyway but believing is an act of faith the lord said to me there would be 40 and i believe already about 28 29 almost 30 have done so so i'm there's there's 10 or 12 more out there or in here that during this time were just so a seven seven seven seven hundred and seventy seven dollar seed i was the first i sold mine miracles are already happening supernatural things are already happening now some of you may think this is a game this is a gimmick turn me off don't pay me any attention go watch the news i'm delivering truth go listen to the lies amen but there are others of you that know what the word of god says second chronicles 20 20 says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe his prophets so shall you prosper prophet what does that mean one who speaks under divine inspiration the holy spirit ministered to me said there will be 40 people listening now if you're not one of those 40 don't be nervous just keep doing what you're doing he said there'd be 40 that would sow a seed of seven seven seven seven is the number of completion maturity rest he said these things that i will be doing are going to happen in all three dimensions spirit soul and body he said i want you and i want you to believe me for 39 other people during this season who will sow that seed i'm actually believing him over the 40 days for 200 but during this time he said target 40. there are 40 and you may be one of them if the spirit of god is dealing with you ministering your body you may be a businessman businesswoman student you may be uh a professional maybe you're uh believing god for something once again you don't exchange finance for blessing it is an act of worship and believing i want you to lay your hands upon yourself if you're not one of those then i want you to sow whatever the spirit of the lord puts upon your heart to sow might be five dollars might be ten might be a hundred might be two hundred might be seven cents whatever it is if the spirit of grace is speaking to you about it it's because there's something supernatural on the other side of your believing you say bishop mcclendon how can you say such things because i've been worshipping god and giving since i was 20 some years old and he has never ever failed me every word that he's ever said to me he's brought it to pass i'm not talking just from revelation i'm talking from experience my god shall supply all of your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus so if you're one of those i want to pray for you as you get ready so and even if you're not sowing it tonight you say you know what prophet i'm going to sew between now and sunday call the number on the screen i'm going to give it to you in just a moment because i want to agree with you i'm agreeing with every one who's sowing that seed on the 14th of may i'm going to be sharing something very special with you in a very special service that's the end of that 40 days the spirit of the lord directed me to do that i'm going to do it and you're going to want to hear what god is going to say but right now if you're one of them i want you to get prepared and i want you to sow you say prophet of god listen if i had that i would sow it but i don't have that but i'm going to give the very best i can the bible says if their first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has i know i've taken a minute with this but you know the enemy takes all week to fill you with unbelief and i've got maybe seven eight nine ten minutes to get your mind in a position where god can minister to you are you there the bible says that you shall remember the lord your god for it is he deuteronomy 8 18 that gives you power to get wealth that word remember if you look it up in the original hebrew it literally means to create space for it doesn't mean just to think about it means to open an opportunity see when you and i worship god we give him access [Music] into our circumstance and situation i don't know who i'm talking to but i sense very strongly there's somebody listening to me and you're in a place where you need the spirit of god to do something that no human power can do i've come to tell you you're not out of options our god is able not only is he able he's willing and he will if you'll dare to believe it right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a way for you to sew if you're watching me live streaming if you're here the ushers are getting envelopes and you can do that but if you're watching me live streaming on your computer screen there's a way for you to sew or you can text give cem to 41444 follow the prompts c-e-m-m to 4-1-4-4-4 there's a number on your screen 310-323-2600 many times you need someone to agree with you in prayer you're sowing a seed you're believing god for something but you need the prayer of agreement i've got trained prayer ministers right now not some call center these are men and women i have trained to pray and agree with you 31032 call the number on the screen let somebody agree with you here's what i assure you when we pray for you something's going to happen because we're going to pray a prayer that we know god will answer you say how can you say such a thing because i can read the bible says this is the confidence we have in him if we ask anything according to his will we know that he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we desire whatever we ask we know we have what we've desired of him see we're going to pray according to god's will i know it's his will to prosper you i know it's his will for your need to be met i know it's his will so call the number on the screen 310-323-2600 let us agree with you sow your seed send me your prayer request let me get it in the national prayer altar we're going to pray over it over these next 40 days and believe god with you amen if you've got the bishop mcclendon app you can sew that way that's an easy way to sew and if you want to bring your seed onto these grounds and sew it every single day tuesday through friday 11 to 3 p.m someone's here or you can meet me here this weekend and so in faith i want to pray over your seed i want to pray over your giving if you've already given i want you to lift your hands before the lord if you're here in the auditorium if you're making out a check make it payable to c-e-m-m but however you're giving i want you to do it with expectation lift your hands before the lord everybody father in the name of jesus god you said to me that during these days you were going to be making personal appearances you're going to be showing up in situations and circumstances god your people are believing you and i am declaring what you have said and i remind you you said if any two of us shall agree as touching anything they ask it shall be done for them so we count this done and i pray now the blessing of the lord rest upon my brother my sister in favor in finances and in things being added to them i want you to lift up both of your hands and say this out loud i'm talking to you sitting in your living room too lift your hands and say lord i believe my need is met not only that i am abundantly supplied and i boldly confess in favor in finance in things being added to me i am blessed and i am a blessing in the name of jesus it is so amen now whatever you're going to do do it with joy as unto the lord and let's worship the lord together as we prepare to receive the word of god oh lord [Music] bless i pray i pray for him that's me indeed [Music] please increase oh lord bless me indeed my territory [Music] i pray for it [Music] jesus [Music] say that again i pray i want you to lift your hands and worship god this is the prayer of jabez this is bless me indeed [Applause] [Music] bless me [Music] and bless the lord do it now [Music] amen and amen isn't it good to worship the lord together amen i want you to turn with me in your bibles quickly to second corinthians five second corinthians 5 and i shall begin reading at verse number 18. i believe the lord has given me a way tonight to cut through some things and get to the heart of the matter thank god for these singers and these musicians amen appreciate them tonight second corinthians chapter number five and i'm going to begin reading at verse number 18. now remember we are we're we're teaching or ministering from the subject three new things uh and when we say new things we're speaking in the context of second corinthians here chapter five which we will read three new things that the new creation believer must know settle and put into operation these are things you've got to know everybody say i need to know this this is something you've got to settle say i need to settle this and then finally the spirit of the lord impressed upon me this is something that you and i have got to put into operation in these days if we're going to see now please hear me the results that the scripture has promised us and live in the victory and the dominion that christ jesus died and rose again to give to us now again these things have always been the case but as things get darker in the world in the systems and in the structure uh paul said this when he wrote to him he said in the last days perilous times will come the word perilous there actually means exceedingly fierce in other words the the environment will be exceedingly fierce to those of us who have determined to live and walk by faith which means now you've got to know what you're packing come on say amen to this and you have to know how to use it and how to function in it the time was where you could kind of you know kind of marginally get by kind of you know know a few things about the word and and and and be able to function uh no more no more the atmosphere has shifted uh and and things now are more uh uh vehemently against uh deleterious two walking by faith now what does that mean it means that those of us who know our god are gonna have to be strong and we're going to see the exploits and the manifestations that he has promised to us now specifically tonight as we look at how the new creation uh achieves change or how the new creation achieves transformation uh i want to entitle this thematically having and manifesting eternal life and when i talk about when we talk about now how the new creation changes or how the new creation transforms things we're talking both about things as relates to themselves and things as relates to the world or the circumstances around them now please pay attention because we're going somewhere and i've got to get there uh rather quickly and i've got to get there uh as with as many of you uh coming along as i can second corinthians chapter five uh verse we'll start at verse 17. therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation now once again let me qualify this term in christ because we've got to cover a lot of ground and when it says if anyone is in christ it is talking about once again the operation of god where through christ death burial resurrection ascension and seeding remember there is more to the gospel than death burial resurrection there is the passion of christ where before he even goes to the cross he is scourged and he is beaten and the bible says those stripes are for your and my healing isaiah 53 are you still here and then there is his hanging on the cross according to the scripture on that cross he that knew no sin is made to be sin for me that i might be made the righteousness of god then there is his death the the hanging on the cross achieves something uh the death achieves something amen the burial achieves something the resurrection achieves something the ascension achieves something and the seating at the right hand of the father achieves something and according please pay attention and according to the scripture you and i through the operation of god are with jesus through the whole process we're with him through the whole process that's romans chapter six so if we are with him please pay attention if we are with him through the whole process then whatever happened to him according to the operation of god happened to you this is why the bible says that we died with him that we were raised with him and that we were seated with him because through the operation of god he placed us in christ he united us together with him through the entire process and heaven heaven lay your hands on yourself and say heaven heaven heaven has it recorded that what happened for christ occurred to you [Music] and for you are you there so now when the bible says if any man be in christ that's more than just being saved do you understand see because we've taught this well if any man be in christ if any man saved well no no no no no huh lord help me get into this if any man be in christ he is a new creation now you say bishop mclennan well if you're saved aren't you in christ yes but you may not know what you got and this is where we have to deal if anyone is in christ he is a new creation all things have passed away and behold all things everybody say all things said again all things now again and behold all things have become new so now everything in this new creation is new meaning it's not the same way as it was in the original creation so the principles that worked in the original creation don't necessarily work in the new creation and in colossians where i've read you the last couple days it says that we died with christ to the basic principles of this world we died to those principles are you with me now what does that mean it doesn't mean that none of the principles of the natural realm apply to us it means we have been raised to another set of principles and the principles we have been given override the basic principles of this world they are more powerful they are stronger and it is for that reason that things are possible for the new creation that are not possible for men and women who are not in christ why because i am working with another set of principles but now here's the problem the problem is that new creations in christ jesus have been attempting to work by old principles and then blaming god that his word doesn't work come on say amen to that so watch this if any man be in christ he is a new creation all things will pass away behold all things have become new and now all things are of god translation all things are as god says they are now all things are of god all things are the way god says they are about you and the world around you so what does that mean i need to know what god has said about me because whatever he has said about me is what is who now all things are of god watch this now uh who has reconciled us to himself everybody say i have been reconciled to god who have reconciled who has reconciled himself to us through christ jesus and given us the ministry of reconciliation i want you to see what we do here and i i got to hurry with this but i want you to see what we do here cause we all do it and we've all been trained to do it we've been taught this way preached to this way so we do it without thinking and here's what we do notice notice the words therefore if anyone is in christ therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation opening the past way behold all things have become new now all things are of god watch this who has reconciled us who's he talking to who's he talking to who is he talking to the new creation right who has reconciled us to himself through jesus christ and has given to us who's he talking to the new creation and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation verse 19 that is that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespass notice what we do the moment we start reading that verse we turn this whole thing towards the world he's talking about us first so watch this when he says when he says now all things have become new now all things are of god who has reconciled us to himself and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation the first place that that ministry is to be working is on us not for somebody else the the first place the ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation is to work is on you not on the world and this is the problem we have commissioned christians to go try to work on the world what they haven't already worked on themselves [Applause] and we're trying to convince people of a reality that we ourselves are not living in and then wondering why they don't buy it they don't buy it because you're not producing any evidence and you're not producing evidence because you haven't worked it on yourself yet now what what what do you mean here he he has reconciled us the bible says to himself everybody say reconcile say it again reconciled he has reconciled us the word reconciliation once again means to bring it means the bringing of adversaries enemies or opposing forces together to oneness are you still here uh the greek word is catalaso to change mutually therefore this bringing together of adversaries or opposing forces to oneness is a mutual change on both sides on our side our nature has changed on god's side his position toward us has changed because now we are the righteousness of god in christ jesus oh you said here so when the bible says now all things are of god get this now all things out of god who has made us one with himself that's what that means all things out of god who has now made us one with himself meaning he has placed his nature and his character in you that's what made you a new creation your nature was changed stay with me here now watch this he has made us one with himself through jesus christ and has given us the ministry the ministry of reconciliation this word minister oh don't miss this this word ministry from which we get the english word deacon or the diaconate it literally means the administering oh god help the people get this it means the administering or the administration of the oneness again he says now he has reconciled us to himself he has made us one with him and has given to us the power and the responsibility to continue ministering or administering the oneness no no no no no no no no no he has given he has reconciled us he has made us one with him and then he said now you keep administering the oneness to yourself i need you to see what i'm saying this this would be like this will be let's let let's take vaccines for a minute since everybody everybody knows about vaccines right now let's say that you had you had a disease that a vaccine could cure and god gives you the initial injection and then he says now here is the supply of what i injected you with continue administering it to yourself i gave you the initial injection now it is your job to continue administering it to you and if you stop administering it to you you will not be able to function in the world and stay away from their contagion which is a mindset of sin consciousness defeat and condemnation oh god i wish i had time i don't have time to go here see literally this is what god did for you in giving you eternal life he gave you the initial inoculation and he said and he said now it is your responsibility to keep administering this to yourself and you see what we've done we got saved didn't even know what we got we don't even know the effects of what we got you know like people trying to give you a vaccine they don't know what's going to happen when you take it i mean i mean no no like people who and see because because we haven't seen through experience what what the injection of eternal life we receive does we're trying to sell it to people and we don't even know whether it works [Applause] [Music] and then we're wondering why they are rejecting our eternal life vaccine because it's not working for you and you haven't learned how to administer it to yourself so nobody's going to trust you to administer it to them stay with me now this is what i mean by the distinction between having and manifesting eternal life because the religion has taught you once you have eternal life your strength no once you have eternal life you are fit for heaven you very well could be destroyed down here boy it's quiet why because in order to function down here you have to know how to administer it not just have it i'm going to say that again because to walk in victory down here you have to know how to administer eternal life not just have it stay with me i think i've got your attention now and this is to watch this whoa this is true for yourself and this is true for the things around you this is how this is one of the things that has shaped this is one of the things that is new the new creation is transformed by the continuous administration of the oneness to themselves i'm going to say that again the new creation is transformed by the continuous administering of the oneness to themselves it is for this reason that jesus our example i'll show this to you in just a moment it is for this reason that jesus our example said at certain times i and my father are one why was he saying that why was he saying it he and his father were one he didn't have to tell us why is he saying it he is administering the oneness to himself why does jesus say things like he didn't say that but it's coming why did jesus say things like i only do what i see my father doing he was administering the oneness to himself why did jesus go in to the temple in luke 4 18 find the place in the book find the place in the book find the place in the book so what is he doing he's reading the bible find the place in the book where it says the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me why is he doing that he is administering the oneness to himself and the more he administers the oneness to himself the more power he is walking in in manifestation it's in him all the time but he's trying to get it out he's not just trying to be a carrier hallelujah i said hallelujah now when you understand this and i'm going to show this to you in the scripture when you understand this a few things change like when when when jesus says in john oh in john 3 15 john 3 16 put it up put it out put it up put it up put it up john 3 15 16. i'm jumping around i'm moving by the spirit of revelation that whoever believes in him should not perish but have have have everlasting or eternal life once again everlasting life eternal life the greek words are ayanos zoe again and i say greek not to try to impress you with language the original uh new covenant is written in greek and the greek language is more colorful than english the word is ayandeos zoe it literally means life that cannot be put out life that cannot be extinguished unstoppable life oh god i said oh god it actually means life that cannot be put out life that cannot be extinguished unstoppable life life you can't stop you try to kill it it raises up again you can't keep it down for more than three days you conspire against it it finds a way out of the trap you set for it [Applause] you put sickness on it it eats up sickness and disease it eats sickness for lunch [Music] it is andorra cassandre it is unstoppable how many of y'all remember i just saw this i just saw this in my mind how do you remember pac-man pac-man pac-man some of y'all in the middle pack man pack what the ate some see unstoppable life is a constant consumer it just eats up anything that tries to overcome it it overcomes [Applause] now watch it watch it see that that whoever believes in him should not perish but have ionaeus zoe that whoever believes in him should have life that can't be put out that whoever believes in him should have life that cannot be extinguished whoever believes in him should have life that is unstoppable can't stop me you cannot stop me you can't stop me till i'm done done with what done with what he told me to do you can't stop me till i'm done devils can't stop you until you're done demons can't stop you till you're done trouble can't stop you till you're done [Applause] but now watch that whoever believes in him should have i am now zoey for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish or should stop perishing should be able to halt perishing no you're not no you're not that anybody who believes in him should be able to hold a stop sign up wherever they see perishing anything that's perishing body perishing stock finance is perishing stop family perishing stop business perishing stuff that's what rebuke means it means to say stop it that's enough eternal life is the stop sign for death what the church has not understood is we have been deputized to police the planet from the spirit of death wherever we see it [Music] but now we have to understand something and let me let me just let me qualify this and i'm not gonna spend a lot of time here because if i spend too much time here i'll get i'll get stuck so you're just gonna have to understand when we talk about new creation realities the things that the scripture says about who we are and what we have in christ there is a legal aspect of it and there is a vital aspect of it the legal aspect of i'm so far ahead of myself god the legal aspect of it is what is yours and mine because of what christ jesus did it has legally been transferred to you so get it healing is yours legally because of the finished work of jesus but it will only be yours vitally when you learn how to manifest it prosperity is yours legally because of what jesus christ has done now this is very important for some scripture we're going to see in just a few minutes prosperity is yours legally stopping perishing wherever it shows up is yours legally by what jesus christ has done but for that to become vital you understand vital means in your life for that to become vital you have to learn how to manifest it the think of the thing that separated jesus from everybody else was not what he had it's what he knew how to manifest okay so let's go a little deeper now you with me and so now having ayan neos zoe eternal life and manifesting i and they also eternal life ah yeah here's what the lord said this to me this afternoon this was good he said he said son eternal life is the force that manifests change eternal life is the force that manifests transformation it's a force it's a spiritual force in the spirit it has the same kind of density as steel has if you bang steel up against something it's going to make a dent the same is true with iron naos zoe if you bang it up against a thing it's going to make a dent and the heavier the weight of the flow of ionios zoe that is flowing through you the more results you get which is why the bible says guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the forces of zoey now this is why god tells you don't get offended don't back bite don't don't do don't allow yourself to get offended it's not because being offended will keep you from going to heaven what being offended will do it won't keep you from going to heaven but it may keep your healing from manifesting because it's blocking the flow okay let me i'm ahead of myself having eternal life and manifesting eternal life are not the same thing go to first john chapter one having eternal life and manifesting eternal life are not the same thing having eternal life and manifesting eternal life are not the same thing having eternal life and manifesting eternal life are not the same thing having eternal life and manifesting eternal life are not the same thing every christian has it but not every christian manifests it and the degree to which you experience victory health prosperity dominion all the things that the new creation has promised you is the degree to which you learn to manifest ios zoid first john hallelujah i just preached a fit on me first john chapter one excuse me first john chapter one you know i don't know where that thing developed that holler i got i didn't always have that it it it has just come out in the last several months i don't know where it comes from watch watch first john i didn't always have that in my ministry watch this first job are you with me i said are you with me are you are you getting this i i know you are first john chapter one watch this oh children watch this powerful powerful watch this ah that which was from the beginning which we have heard now this is john one of the apostles of jesus who's writing that which we have heard from the beginning uh that which we that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the word capital w of life so the word is the word of life the life was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you that ayanos zoe which was with the father and was manifested to us this is what he's saying he's saying what we declare to you is i and they are zoe we what we declare to you is the eternal life that was manifested see the preaching of the gospel is the transfer of ionia zoe ioneos zoe is the force that is released when the gospel is preached see if i may say it this way and don't label me a heretic i'm saying it for the purposes of example it is not the gospel that saves you it's the force that's released when it's preached no i'm reading the bible to you look at verse two the life was manifested the zoe is what manifested and we have seen and bear witness and declare to you that ayanos zoe which the father which was with the father and was manifested to us we got the revelation that what manifested to us was iron nail zoe okay let me go a little deeper let me go a little deeper first john 5 10. go there i'm working first john 5 oh man first john 5 10 oh goodness watch this he who believes in the son of god has the marturion the evidence that's what this word witness means he the greek word is martyrdom he who believes in the son of god has the evidence in himself in other words quebec what happened to you when you believed is the evidence was deposited in you i know lord he will see we read this and see what religion has done to us he who believes in the son of god has the witness in himself we here he believes in this has the witness the witness what the witness [Music] the witness that is not what is being talked about here the witness now again i speak in tongues i believe in speaking in tongues i'm like paul i pray that i speak in tongues more than you all but that is not 40 seconds he said when you believed in the son of god he deposited the evidence in you what is the evidence ayano zoe and ali neos zoe is what saved you i've said this before i think i can say it now with a degree of clarity that you can understand jesus did not come to earth to save you now see so you're looking at me cross-eyed giving me the side eye but i just read to you the bible says god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life didn't say anything about saving you that verse doesn't say anything about savior see we've made that a salvation scripture and the word save ain't there it ain't there you can put it there but it ain't there now that doesn't mean that you're not saved but the point is the objective he did not come to save you he came that you might have something and once you have it that is what saves you and once you know how to release it it'll save everything around you [Applause] but don't get me wrong bishop mcclendon said we're not safe i didn't say that i didn't say that you are saved you you are s [Music] well god but the fact is that if you have eternal life and don't know how to manifest it really the only thing you are saved from is hell you really are not saved from sickness because you don't know how to manifest in a zoe so you're going to heaven but every time sickness comes it hits you and this this is what has happened in too many places in the church the coronavirus came knocking at your door we have some virus for you would you like some virus today we're passing out virus see see no it's not funny but i'm just i'm we're passing out viruses would you like some virus which virus would you like the flu virus is coming around in a few months would you like some of that i know you missed corona but flu i've got some headache for you tomorrow would you like some headache first john 5 did he who believes in the son of god has the witness in himself watch this he who does not believe god has made him a liar because he has not believed the testimony that god has given of his son and this is the testimony oh i love the bible it explains itself if you keep reading and and and as i believe the testimony that god has given his son and this is the testimony that god has given us and this zoe is in his son that's where you get it if you want it you got to go to the son to get it this is why confucius may be a smart bible guy but he cannot be a savior and buddha may be an intelligent guy but he cannot be a savior and muhammad may have said some right things but he cannot be a savior why he has no zoe to give you the zoe is in the sun hallelujah now watch it watch it watch watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it what now now when you understand saying this this will change some things watch he's not believed the testimony that god gave his son and this is the testimony oh i read that and a scripture came up in my and this is the testimony that god has given us eternal life and then another scripture came up to me and they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the words of the eternal life they've been given see you're the testimony in a saying praise god that he woke me up this morning no no no no no no the testimony is not telling people about the good stuff god did for you in some crisis eternal life is transmitted by words eternal life is manifested by words now this is the piece that the men and women of god who preached and taught confession of the word they taught the confession but they didn't give the reason why it works the reason why it works is because it is how ayanos zoe is transferred it's how it is manifested are y'all there yeah okay let me keep reading oh goodness uh watch this car and this is the testimony that god has given us is away and this zoe which is iron nail zoe is in his son watch this he who has the sun has the zoe [Applause] [Laughter] see the point in believing on the sun is not so you can wear a crucifix around your neck okay i'm i'm yelling let me calm down try to act more dignified first john 5. watch this he was the son has life watch this and so let's put it this way because because now we know we're talking about zoe he who has the son has the zoe and he who does not have the son of god does not have the zoe these things i have written to you who believe in the name of the son of god that you may know that you have inaudible i want you to get it he said the point of this entire thing i'm telling you is so you know you've got it because if you don't know you have it you will wonder what to do when situations come no you didn't hear he said i'm writing this so you know you you have it see you don't have to go get it you have it see religion has taught us that we need more faith you don't need more you need to remove the impediments to its force ah okay i i there's a hundred places i could go from there but i won't get to where i want to go go down the first go down to verse verse number 20. watch this same chapter verse number 20 watch this and we know that the son of god has come and has given us an understanding that we may know him who is true and we are in him who is true and we are in him who is true in his son jesus christ this is the true god and ayanos zoe so now watch this so go back to john 3 15 real quick saint john chapter 3 and verse 15. i'll i'll read 15 and 16. john john chapter 3 verses 15. and 16 that whoever believes in him should not perish but have i and naos zoe unstoppable life life that cannot be extinguished life that cannot be put out for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should stop the perishing and have enao zoe so he came that you might have something go to john chapter 10 quick i've got a few minutes john jesus john chapter 10 verse number 27 is this helping anybody watch oh oh watch watch watch this watch this is powerful now take your religious glasses off for a moment and let's look at it like we're looking at it for the very first time watch [Laughter] my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i give them zoe oh oh god i feel that all in my spirit my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i give them eye and eyes away so now we are learning how we keep receiving i and they are zoe his voice the words that he speaks to you every time he speaks to you he is transferring i in naos zoe no you're you're every time he speaks to you ayanos zoe is being deposited that's why we follow we don't follow so we can go to church we follow so we can get more irony out zoe see my sheep know my voice the implication is not just they hear me go ah no he's he's he's he's talking about words my sheep know my voice when i say to one of my sheep this is going to be over in less than seven days he didn't say that just to comfort you now it may comfort you but he didn't say it to comfort you he gave it so you could shoot it no you didn't he said it so you could release some zoe into whatever forces natural or spiritual that are trying to keep you in that mess more than seven days he said it so you could shoot your zoe gun my my sheep hear my voice oh what what watch the rest of it jill it's glorious my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and while they're hearing my voice and following me i'm giving them i and they are zoey and and as i give them i and they are sorry they shall never perish and that just doesn't mean when they put your remains in the ground that means whatever the enemy plans against you will not take you out not if you use the zoey jesus thank you oh and i give them my nails and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand while they're using i gave the inaudib will be able to snatch them out of my hand they'll stay in my hand no matter what they tell you you're still in his head glory i said glory somebody lift your hands and say eternal life i got it i got it i got it i got it say the more i follow the more i get say the more i hear him speak to me the more i get see and the difference between the man or woman who is seeing life and victory and power manifests around them all the time and the saint that sees an occasional victory is one is shooting with a snub nose 38 and the other has an ak-47 [Applause] [Music] i don't know much about guns but you know it just keeps repeating [Music] some sayings go i hope that works [Music] and godzilla said no no you just would be like rambo yeah so you function in this enough and what happens is you start hitting next month's devil [Applause] you you you you got so much word going out it's already affecting next year that's what i'm talking about too that's what i that's what i'm talking about watch watch watch watch now i need you to see this i need you to see this uh where did we just read john what 10 right yes 27 and i give them eternal life and no man takes the and they shall never press and neither shall anyone take them out of my hand now watch watch this watch this i'm going to read the rest of it watch this watch this my father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand by the way i and my father ah what's he doing administering the oneness [Music] why because he knows that's the power that's the force behind it the fact that we're one see there are times i am telling you i am authorizing you as a servant of the most high god in your prayer time in your time of meditation you need to start saying i and my jesus are one i and my jesus are one we are one and i am persuaded that nothing can separate me you need to start declaring it why the more you minister the oneness to yourself the greater power you will begin to walk in [Applause] see what i'm i'm trying to show you jesus did it and it was it was part of the reason that he walked in such power go to john chapter 1 verse number 12. oh we're doing good tonight we're doing good tonight watch this john chapter 1. is anybody being helped has anybody learned anything tonight that you didn't know when you came in the room let me see let me see has anybody okay watch this john chapter 1 and all i'm doing is reading your bible to you john chapter 1 watch this john chapter 1 oh thank you lord now watch what happens to this john chapter 1 and verse number 12. but as many as received him to them he gave okay the king james says power the new king james version says right but as many as received them and both of them in this sense are correct but i'm going to make a distinction but as many as received him meaning as many as received the lord to them he gave one translation says power the other translation says right i'm going to use the word right here because of the greek word that's used here but as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of god now who are the ones that become children of god those who believe on his name ah now i need to break this down a moment because there was just ministered to us a load of revelatory truth it says to as many as received him that is the lord jesus to them to everyone who received him he gave king james says power to become a son of god new king james has right to become a son of god to become to become what to become so sonship is something you become not something you have just by salvation now paul makes this distinction even more acute in the book of galatians when he says now the heir as long as he is a child differs nothing from a servant even though he is master or the inheritor of everything in other words what is being said here is there are certain rights that an individual has that they don't get to exercise until they become mature and sonship in hebrew means a mature individual with nature and character not a child now watch this to as many as received him to them he gave the right to become a son the the right so let me let me let me break it down to you a little more accurate and you can look this up in your greek lexicon concordance w e vines whatever uh interlining your bible whatever you use to translate from greek and english there are three greek words that are primarily translated power from greek into english one is the greek word exousia which is the one that is used here another is the greek word dunamis which is the one that is used in acts 1 8 where it says and you shall receive power the other one that is used is uh the greek word inner jail from which we get the word energy which is often translated might okay in in in uh in the king james and the new king james bible the difference now is dunamis is the greek word from which we get our english word dynamite which has to do with actual explosive power on the point at the point it's it's it's it's not uh what they call it's not kinetic energy it is actual energy it's it's it's i'm not i'm sorry it's not potential energy it's kinetic energy dunamis is kinetic energy it's it's there on the spot working that's what jesus said you will have after that the holy ghost has come upon you you will have power on the spot active energetically working but here now the word that is used for for power is the greek word exousia the greek word exousia means legal right to display pow it doesn't mean you are functioning in it it means you have legal right to access it it is that word power that jesus uses in matthew chapter 10 where it says and he gave them power over unclean spirits that word is exusa it means legal right to display power because they didn't yet have the kinetic power they didn't yet have the holy ghost within them so they had legal right and that's why they come back to jesus and they say even the demons are subject to us in your name later you'll see them just say come out they didn't even say in the name of jesus why because they knew now they had the power that he had don't have time to get into that but legal right to so watch this to as many as received him to them he also gave legal right to manifest what they've received but some people receive it and never manifest it let me give you an example you may if you are a citizen of the united states you have legal right to vote but whether you exercise that right watch this now has to do not with the government it has to do with your actions so you've got legal right to vote but in order for your legal right to count you got to get off your blessed assurance go to some place where votes are cast and do the work this is what is being said here everybody who received him got legal access to manifest in their zoe but not everybody is exercising the right because many people have not learned how to manifest it are you still in the room with me i'm coming in for a landing john chapter 1 verse number 12. let me hurry but as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of god to those who believe on his name now watch this go to romans chapter 8 verse 19. i'm going roman 7 verses 19 through 22 romans chapter 8 verses 19 through 22 for the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing or the king james says the manifestation of the sons of god so watch this the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god to as many as received him to them he gave the right to become sons of god but the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god but to as many as received him to them he gave legal right to function like a son of god but the creation is still waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god but to as many as received him to them he gave the legal right to function as a son but the creation is waiting so if the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of god that means that a majority of those who have been given the right aren't exercising they aren't walking in it they aren't manifesting it are you still here i said are you still here now this is very significant and and once again this this word here means it's waiting for them to be revealed uncovered it's not waiting for them to show up it is waiting for what is in them to start coming out now how do you know that because the scripture says beloved now are we the sons of god he's talking to mature believers watch us let me read on for the creation was subjected to futility verse 20 not willingly but because of he was objected into hope because the creation itself also will be delivered the creation will be delivered who's going to deliver the creation the sons the sons who know how to exercise their authority they see you are supposed to be delivering the creation [Music] which means man man is a part of that creation amen i said amen for the creation was subjected if you're not willing to because it was in hope because the creation itself also everybody say also the christian itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of god for we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now why is it groaning and travailing because the suns aren't releasing iron they are zoe because we got people in church who have it and don't know how to release it now i'm going to bring this to a close so let me show so let me let me show you something oh i pray the holy spirit sear this verse into your life until jesus comes to get you go to john chapter six watch this john chapter six i want you to see something see manifesting eternal life is a matter of choosing to consistently exercise the right i've been given the right i have chosen to consistently exercise the right i have chosen to minister the oneness to myself how do i minister to the oneness to myself simply by continuing to say to myself what god has said about me when i'm saying to myself what god has said about me i'm administering the oneness to myself so i walk around the house saying i am fearlessly and wonderfully made i say i'm the head and not the tail i'm above only and not beneath i walk around the house a thousand may fall at my side ten thousand by right here but it shall not come near me only with my eyes shall i see the destruction of the wicked his truth shall be my shield and buckler i will not fear the pestilence of what i walk around the house i drive in the car saying by his stripes i am healed my god has supplied all of my need everything i need is supplied i have plenty and some left over i am holy and blameless and unreprovable in the sight of god i am accepted by the great god jehovah i'm seated at his right hand with jesus my savior i was resurrected with him as he is so am i god loves me just like he loves jesus and i believe the love god has for me and i receive the love god has for me and nobody can take him out or take me out of his head i said what am i doing i'm administering the oneness hallelujah i said hallelujah [Music] and the more you administer the oneness to yourself the more ready you are to shoot zoey now watch this do you consistently exercise the right here it is i'm going to show you two things and then i'm going to pray for you and let you go watch this look at john 6 for this man i i'm going to tell you right now this right here this this right here has been my meditation now for about uh eight to 12 weeks every time i pray it comes out of my mouth i have meditated in it meditated in it to the point i've meditated in it to the point where the oneness of it the unity of watch this look at verse 66 it says from that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more then jesus said to the twelve do you also want to go away watch this but simon peter answered him lord to whom shall we go you have the words of ahinaos the way you have the words peter had found something out that jesus has the words of unstoppable life he has the words of life that cannot be extinguished he has the words of life that cannot be put out so when you receive his words you are receiving ayaneos zoe he has the words that tells me something about where ionao zoe is contained it's in his words it's in his words it's in his words whenever i say anything he has said to me zoey is released at whatever i point it at and i have learned to point it at myself with regularity if he says it to me i say it to me i say it to me before i say it to you [Music] if he says it i say it and i know when i say it life is flowing i've gotten to the point where i can close my eyes and see the life shooting you may think i'm crazy maybe so i've got the book well i literally i i can sense the life leaving me you understand you can get to the point where you actually feel power leave you jesus the bible says when that woman with the issue of blood touched him he felt virtue flow out of him and there are times i don't know if it's ever happened to you but i pray it happens to you that you'll be in prayer or you'll be saying something and something comes out of you and you know that you know that you know that you know something just got shifted you have the words of inaudible so unstoppable life is transmitted transferred by the words of jesus that's why oh god that's why jesus said this is why you need the holy ghost he said because he will bring all things to your remembrance whatever i have spoken unto you now you understand this saying man shall not live man shall not live by bread alone but by every word in other words i have given you my words for you to live by yeah no no no no see when i say live by you think to abide by no no i've given you my words so you can say them and life can be yours as you say them now and i got i've got to make i got to make a leap here and i'm going to make it write this down eternal life manifests by the speaking of and the acting on god's words i was really tired when i got here eternal life man i need you to see this children i need you to see it because once you understand this you understand the entire key to seeing victory dominion change transformation in your life and in the situations around you is the release of ayano zoe i've said it before but it bears repeating in this context when you were born again you were made an authorized distributor of ayaneos zoe do you know what you know what an authorized distributor is if you're if you're an authorized distributor of rolex it means that rolex stands behind and backs what you do rolex will even correct your errors if you're an authorized distributor if you're not an authorized distributor you do not have the right to work on rolexes and rolex won't fix what someone messes up if you take it to someone who is not authorized the reason your name is written down in the lamb's book of life is so angels know who they have to obey and demons know who they have to move at when they speak jesus your name is not written in the lamb's book of life so you can get to heaven your name is written in the lamb's book of life so devils and angels know who is authorized to distribute zoe and when an authorized distributor distributes it all of heaven backs them up lay your hands on yourself say i'm an authorized distributor of zoe now watch this zoe peter says john 6 68 you have the words of i so now i know that is in his words it's in his words i speak the word but the zoe hits the yoke i speak the word but the zoe hits the devil in his chest i speak the word but the zoe breaks the chain i speak the word but the zoe attacks the cancer and there is so much zoe ayo zoe in his words that when you receive one the zoe comes off on you now the action that you take at the word that you received i need you to pay attention because you've left me i know it's time to close the the the action that you take on the word you have received actually releases the zoe as you move oh he that has used to hear let him hear because there's so much zoe in the word you received when you receive the word the zoe gets all over you [Applause] and when you move you are moving at that word in that word and the zoe is being disseminated as you do it this is why it is important for you to obey the word if he says do it you do it why because the zoe is released with the action not just with the declaration [Applause] now you say bishop mcclendon where do you get that from your bible write it down you can study it when you get home second chronicles 20 22 put it up the bible says when the people of oah moab among them also came against jehoshaphat they didn't know what to do they prayed the word of the lord came you'll not have to fight in this battle stand still see the salvation of the lord jehoshaphat gives instructions here's what god said we're not supposed to fight we're supposed to praise we're supposed to worship look at verse 22 now when they began to sing and to praise the lord set ambushes what happened their praise because it was what god said do release zoey zoe was transmitted from their praise to their targeted adversary that's why god tells you to rejoice always and again i say rejoice that's why he says when men speak evil of you rejoice and be exceedingly glad why because subway is being released [Applause] watch it watch it luke 17 14 put it up jesus meets ten lepers and he tells them go show yourself to the priests you have the words of ayanna there is ioneous zoe in those words go show yourself to the priests and so it was as they went they were cleansed why because zoe went to work in their bodies while they were acting on the word because there was zoe in the instruction [Music] john chapter nine verse number seven let me give you three witnesses jesus you'll tell a man born blind and says go wash in the pool of salon and the bible says so he went and washed came back seeing why there was zoey in the instructor this is not magic this is not a gimmick this is not a game this is why god says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe his prophets and you shall prosper because if you're dealing with a man or woman who's got a word from god there's no way in the word lay your hand upon yourself say it out loud i have received unstoppable life jesus gave it to me he's the one who has it and he's the only place you can get it i have received unstoppable life life that cannot be extinguished life that cannot be put out i am a carrier and an authorized distributor it is resident in me all the time but i'm not just supposed to have it i am ordained to manifest him and i know how to release it when i speak his words zoe is released when i act on his instructions zoe is released say it out loud i will never act on the word of god again and not expect something to happen i will never act on the word of god again and not expect something supernatural that cannot be explained to happen in my life say it out loud i am and authorize deputize distributor of life unstoppable life and i have an assignment to stop perishing wherever i see it in my own life in my body in my family in the name of jesus i am authorized to stop the permission i am authorized to stop sickness dead in its tracks to stop poverty dead in its tracks to stop lack damn in its tracks and i finally declared i shall walk in it from this moment forward now lift up your hands lift them up lift your hands down at your house lift them up and if you pray in the holy ghost i want you to give me 60 seconds of the holy ghost if you pray in the spirit give me 60 seconds of praying in the holy ghost because i'm praying for you tonight that the words of jesus the words he has spoken to you the things he has said to you that the holy spirit will begin to bring them to your remembrance and i am praying for you tonight that whatever situation you are in that you hear his voice that you hear his words and when you hear them that you speak them and you act on them i need you to pray in the spirit another 30 seconds do it now i can't hear your church [Music] mandela [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] lay your hands upon yourself i just heard the holy spirit say the waiting is over [Music] i just heard the holy ghost say the waiting is over there are some of you you've been waiting on god now you understand god is waiting on you you're not waiting on him he is waiting on you he's waiting on you to say what he said to act on what he told you to take a move toward what he said is yours because the zoe is in the words this away is in the instruction i just heard the holy spirit say the waiting the waiting is over somebody said well wait a minute but the bible says they wade upon the lord shall renew this right that word wait doesn't mean to sit there twiddling your thumbs it actually means to worship and to minister and you know why they that way upon the lord shall renew their strength because you can't minister to god and him not speak to you you can't worship him and him not talk to you if you worship he's going to say something and when you say what he says your strength will be renewed when you say what he says you'll learn and not get weary when you say what he said you'll walk and not faint [Music] lay your hand upon yourself i gotta let you go i was exhausted when i got here i yawned about seven times in the car i'm strong as an ox right now i can preach another hour but i'm gonna let you go home lay your hands upon yourself hallelujah i declare to you as a man of god [Music] that the word of the lord has come to you some of you heard things the holy spirit said to you beyond what i could speak while i was talking verses were coming together in your mind things were popping up in your spirit you were being reminded of things that you've heard and that you've been told and god began to renew vitality and strength in you there are those of you in the last hour you came into this session not knowing what to do and you're now like i wish he would shut up so i could go to work and get this thing done and put to work what he said so i'm gonna stop but i am telling you under the anointing of the holy ghost there are those of you that heard me speak a word about an hour and a half ago about 40 people that are just so a 777c i'm coming back to it because now you understand there is no way in the instruction it may not be for everybody it may not be for everybody but it is for you and if i'm talking to you you know it and it's not about budgets for the meeting this is not for me i'm not taking a dime of this and the budget for this meeting is already met i'm not trying to meet a budget it's done i'm speaking to people because god has ordained something supernatural in your tomorrow in your next three days in your next seven days in your next 30 days there is something that has already been appointed and it's moving towards you but god is looking to see is anybody hearing me is anyone believing zoe is released i am speaking the word of god and that witness that evidence is bearing witness with you so if you're one of them if you're one of them ma'am you need to get ready to do what the spirit of god has directed you to do and i'm saying it because i know i've got somebody's miracle in my mouth [Music] i didn't ask for this assignment god gave it to me but now that i got it i'm going to do it i'm getting reports all the time i need you to listen to me if you are one of those i declare to you there is ayaneos zoe being released in the instruction when you act on it zoe is going to flow into some area of your life this is how this kingdom works this is one of the things that has become new you don't change situation by working three jobs you don't change situations by borrowing money from everybody you think's got it you don't change situations by begging and pleading people you change them by acting on the word of god speaking the word of god by ministering the oneness to yourself [Music] lay your hands upon yourself father in the name of jesus i pray for every person who is hearing the sound of my voice whether they're hearing it live or whether they're hearing it on some recording whether they're listening to me in this nation or in another nation of the earth there is no time or distance in the realm of the spirit and you anointed me and sent me with this word for your people everywhere now i pray in the name of jesus that unstoppable life would flow into every situation circumstance into every body that is believing you right now and god whatever it is that my brother my sister needs i set myself in agreement with them that it manifests according to your word now right there where you are if you're one of those i want you to get and there's about nine of you there's about nine of you listening to me right now some of you may be watching me some of you may be here i don't know where you are i know there are nine people at least right now that the spirit of god is bearing witness with you need to move there are others of you and the holy spirit has spoken to you something so profoundly that you need to act on that you need to do it i don't know what he's told you but if there is a seed that he has spoken to you to sow it may not be the seven seven seven it might be seventy dollars it might be seven it might be five it might be 25 it might be a hundred when you understand in the new creation what your giving actually is you'll understand why god would instruct you to do it i'm going to share something with you on sunday that is going to change your life forever in this area and it's something i've never heard anybody preach but god said it to me while i was on my face seeking him concerning these things that he has given me to teach and i went to the word and when he began to open it to me it was profound i'm talking to you right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a donate button if god is speaking to you now is the time to use it and so the seeds sow into this moment so into this anointing there's somebody else watching me and you can text give texts cement to 7777 see no i'm sorry text cement to 41444 c e m m two four one four four four let me say it again c e m m two four one four four four if god is speaking to you if he's not disregard me i may not be sent to everybody but i'm sent to someone and i've got to speak to them there's a number on your screen i've got prayer ministers there are those of you that know that you know that you know there is a miracle being burst in this atmosphere there is something that has been purposed to manifest there are some of you you're on your knees right now with your hands lifted there are people crying in front of computer screens because you sense the power of god i can literally see you in my spirit the number there on your screen 310-323-2600 call it let us agree with you in prayer send me your prayer requests we want to agree over them we're going to put them in the national prayer altar we're going to stand with you for the miracle that you need and mix your faith with your giving whatever god tells you to sow sow it if you've got the bishop mclennan app use it if you want to bring your gift here then do it but whatever you are ordained in this moment to do i am telling you to do it and i tell you as a man of god as a prophet of god on the basis of the word of god which i just showed you that when you act on a divine instruction power is released that's one of the ways you release ayaneos zoe into your situation i'm gonna pray for you father in the name of jesus i pray whether in this room or in a private room watching me i pray that wherever people are hearing your voice god it is your voice it's your words not mine [Music] but you give me your words and i speak them and i thank you for it it is not my doing no miracle that happens happens because of me it is your word but i am a vessel and i do hear your voice thank you for that now in the name of jesus i set myself in agreement for miracles breakthroughs glorious appearings supernatural interventions personal appearances of the power of god and the person of jesus in bodies in homes and families in situations and circumstances in the name of jesus of nazareth and i thank you for it now whatever the spirit of god has directed you to do you do it i want everybody in this room just to lift your hands and worship god if you have been impressed of the lord and you're here to give something just go ahead and and give it now if you're here in the room and you've been impressed to give it us just do whatever you need to do but do it now do it now do it now just move the hour is late if you're not giving just worship god just lift your hands right where you are if you're watching me live streaming just lift your hands right where you are if you're sowing do it now don't let the moment pass you by do it now i'm talking to you do it now somebody that god is speaking to to sow a major seed a very significant seed there's somebody watching me you're in another nation of the world and god is speaking you to sow a very large seed into this moment and into this anointing i see i see a a preacher i see you in a garment the garment is is multi-colored i can literally see you sitting there you are building a very large edifice in another nation seats about 8 000 people or more and the spirit and it's like your circle your situation has come to a halt it's like something just got stuck and the word of god now is about to break it open for you and you've known this you've sensed god doing something and he just spoke to you i don't know who you are but i do know that you're hearing me and the spirit of god has spoken to you to do something you need to do it and mark my words within 10 days from the day that you release it you're going to see the situation turn around in your favor 10 days mark it down on the calendar mark it down within 10 days you're gonna see the thing it's like just open up and everything you need is going to be supplied watch what god will do hallelujah lift your hands just a moment i'm going to let you go i'm going to release you i know the hour is late but it's friday you don't have any place to go but home hey man and those of you that are already at home [Music] you're already at home if you're watching me and you've never accepted jesus christ as your savior and your lord i want to lead you in a prayer and i want you to understand see this is not just about going to heaven this is about receiving ayanna zoe unstoppable life learning how to work it and walk in it to see victory in this life and eternity with god in the life to come say these words after me say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one you are the one who was designated to make me one again with god you are the atoning victim thank you for your finished work on the cross i declare my sins are remitted you died for me and your resurrection is my receipt that your sacrifice was accepted and therefore i am accepted i am in the family of god jesus you are reconciler you are savior you are lord in jesus name i am born from above now listen to me and hear me very clearly if you prayed that prayer with me i want you to write me at let me know you prayed the prayer tonight that salvation has come to your house we're going to begin praying for you and with you that every area of your life will be affected by this life that you have received from the lord jesus christ don't forget sunday morning sunday night i'm going to be sharing and finishing these teachings and i want you to be with us now father in the name of jesus of nazareth i pray for your people and i pray the hedge of protection around them in the north the south the east and west around them their families their households their goods and all they have on every side i pray in the name of jesus for them that everything their hands touch prosper and that they continue to increase in the land that you give them and lord we boldly confess that the angels of the lord encount about us and they deliver us because we are those that fear the lord in the name of jesus and everyone who agreed said amen the lord bless you i'll see you sunday good night and have a great weekend amen someone with arthritis is being healed in the lower extremities in the legs and the knees if you'll just begin to pick up your legs this is everett blake's you called out by the spirit of grace that god was ministering to someone with arthritis in their legs what did you feel it was just like the pain just lifted because i wanted to dance today when they were dancing at service and i couldn't i want you to hear me when i tell you i've i've prayed for the sick since i was 21 years old when this anointing came out of my life i have seen miracles of all kinds i've seen dead people raised god i feel like the prophet clarency mclennan and clarency mclendon ministries are pleased to announce that registration for the 2021 spring session of the academy of healing and wellness convention is now open join the prophet on wednesday may 19th to friday may 21st at 7 30 p.m and sunday may 23rd at 10 a.m exclusively online the academy of healing and wellness convention is for you one if you desire to be credentialized as a healing minister with the clarence e mclennan ministries global healing ministry team authorized to minister at clarencey mclennan ministries sponsored conferences and crusades two if you want to be assured that during these sessions the prophet bishop clarence mcclendon prays for your specific healing three if you want to be in an atmosphere of supernatural signs wonders and miracles and see how the healing grace of jesus christ of nazareth is manifested in the 21st century church all services will be held exclusively online and broadcasted live on facebook youtube and the bishop mclendon website for more information or to register for the spring 2021 session visit or call 310-323-2600 when it comes to dealing with devils and demons it takes a degree of discernment see when you are full of the word you can hear something and know what its source is people who are telling you the future who have not the spirit of god are telling you the future by demon power you don't need horoscopes when you've got holy ghost someone with arthritis
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FazYfywrBhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 40sec (7960 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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