When The Bottom Falls Out

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open your Bibles with me again to the Book of Daniel at chapter 2 commencing in verse number 17 and with you are physically able would you stand for the reading of the Word of God when the Bible is open God is speaking and we always reference what God is saying you can sit down when I speak but stand up when the Lord is speaking Daniel chapter number two commencing in verse number 17 I mean yes verse 17 through verse 23 and in verses 27 and verse 28 then Daniel went to his house and made the thing known to Hananiah Mishael and Azariah his companions that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision then Daniel blessed the God of heaven Daniel answered and said blessed be the name of God for ever and ever for wisdom and might are his and he changed at the times and the seasons he removed with kings and setteth up kings he giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that no understanding he repeated the deep and secret things he knoweth what is in the darkness and the light dwelleth with him I thank thee and praise thee o thou God of my father's who have given me wisdom and might and as made known unto me now what we desired of thee without has now made known unto us the Kings matter verse 27 and verse 28 reads Daniel answered in the presence of the king and said the secret which the King have manded cannot the wise men the astrologers the magicians the soothsayers show unto the king but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and make if known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days by dream and the visions of our head upon thy bed are these thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to preach a moment about when the bottom falls out when the bottom falls out in order to appreciate and understand what God is revealing in Chapter two of the Book of Daniel we have to go back to what took place in Chapter 1 in Chapter 1 Daniel and his three friends Hananiah and Mishael and Azariah Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had been stripped of their ancestral heritage robbed of their history and their backgrounds and even their names had been changed they were forced to acculturate into Babylonian society they had to learn a new language they had to learn a new culture and the King Nebuchadnezzar had decided that they should be invited to sit at meat at the Kings table and Daniel and the three Hebrew boys decided that they would not defile themselves a sitting at Nippon is--is table and they ate vegetables and drank water for ten days and after ten days they were fatter and fairer than all of the councils of Babylon because they took a risk and God was about their side whenever you risk it all for God God is sure to stand by your side whenever you declare that you will not compromise God will reward your integrity Shadrach Meshach and Abednego along with Daniel after 10 days or fatter and fairer than all of the men of Babylon and they came there as slaves but now they are elevated to positions of prime minister they are now governors in Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon but then in chapter 2 the bottom falls out their position of prominence and prestige is now being threatened everything that they had refused to compromise about is about to fall out from underneath them here's the story Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and he calls in his astrologers and his magicians and all the Chaldeans and soothsayers the wise men in his kingdom and he calls them into Council with himself because he wants them to give him the interpretation of his dream and Nebuchadnezzar says to these astrologers and wise men and magicians I need you to interpret my dream and they say to him King tell us what your dream is and we will be able to give you the interpretation and then Nebuchadnezzar says I need the interpretation of the dream without telling you what my dream is because if you are wise men and astrologers and magicians you ought to know the dream before I tell you what it is and they say to him King no man can know what you're trying to ask us no man can know the interpretation of the dream unless you first tell us what the dream is Nebuchadnezzar says what am I paying you for what are you doing up close to me and you don't even know what it is that I'm dreaming and he signs a decree that all of the magicians and wise men and astrologers and countyians every wise person in Babylon should be put to death and that includes Daniel because the Bible says Daniel is 10 times wiser than they are and so the same captain of Nebuchadnezzar's host who presented Daniel with vegetables and water goes to Daniel with a decree signed by Nebuchadnezzar himself that Daniel who is 10 times wiser than everybody in the kingdom along with the magicians and astrologers and Chaldeans Daniel also will be put to death he's been elevated to prime minister and the bottom falls out he's been given position and prestige and the bottom for that life is going smoothly then the bottom falls out everything is coming up roses then the bottom falls out everything is working out in his favor and then the bottom falls out somebody ought to be able to testify that life starts going your way finally then the bottom falls out a parent is sick and you have to take care of them for years have a got a witness here you worked on the job 35 years and now you're laid off you plan your retirement and now you have to take care of your grandchildren you plan for life to work a certain way and then the bottom falls out you're looking for this and God sends that I need somebody to help me testify that even though you love God even though you come to church even though you read the Bible just because you're Christian does not mean that the bottom will not fall out you have to be you have to be awfully immature to think that every day is going to be a good day somebody ought to help me testify some days are better than other days some days if it ain't one thing is another especially when you get over 15 I was telling the church this morning yesterday it was my left shoulder hurting and I got that straight this morning nice my right shoulder hurt then if it's not your shoulder is your leg if it's not your leg is your back if it's not your back your washing machine goes high if it's not your washing machine you got a flat when you get up in the morning there's not a flat you got to snap you oldest son down it is not your oldest son is your youngest daughter somebody help me testify if it ain't one thing it's another it's three four five six things because when you serve God it does not mean that the bottom will not fall out here is Daniel in a position of prominence and prestige and now the man who saved him comes to him with a written decree that if he cannot give the king not only the interpretation but what the dream is in the first place he's going to die and the Bible teaches us Daniel teaches us how to respond when the bottom falls out somebody ought to help me presume it oh you can't find the answer in the bottom of a bottle marijuana it's not going to do it drugs and alcohol won't fix it somebody help me here sometimes your problems your troubles with your children or in your family or with yourself will get so bad that you got to get down on your knees and say god I can't fix this god I don't know what to do about this I've tried I've tried counseling I tried sending them to school I've tried everything I know how to do I need you if you got to use me use me but you got to fix this and so here is the first response that Daniel gives us when the bottom falls out Daniel goes to find Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and sister than whatever y'all do it stop doing it right now I need you to help me pray that sounds simple that sounds sophomoric and trite but when you can't handle the situation if prayer is not your first response it ought to be your next response see how quad you got right there but we are so self-absorbed we also techno-savvy that we know to look for an answer online come on talk back to me here I mean we are so we are so into this stuff that you don't even bring a Bible to church with you know Mona you got your iPad and while I'm preaching your search in the net ci quad you got right there and I don't have nothing against it I really don't have any problem with you but when I look around the congregation just about everybody's face is lit up not from the Holy Ghost but from the reflection of your iPad but I suggest you get off of Facebook and put your face in the book because there are some answers you can find online there's some answers you can't find on Wikipedia you need to get you three or four praying things and somebody don't know how to call on the name of the Lord I don't I don't I don't get these people I don't get these people who are members of the church and don't want nobody to know what you're going through I don't understand that you got trouble in your family you got problems personally and you don't want nobody in your business when I'm sick or when I'm in distress I want everybody who knew how to pray to call my name before the Lord come on talk back to me if you can when I'm in trouble I want everybody who knows how to pray to call my name before the Lord um my family was telling me when I was at the hospital but had a prayer line across some 26 states of people praying for me speaking in tongues known and unknown and when I came to myself they asked me if I had a problem with that and I said I don't care if it's a Muslim I don't care if it's a witch if you know how to pray printer to which God printed a Muslim God somebody going to get to the real God in that prayer sooner or later because the real God will show up if a real Saint is calling on his day and somebody here on to help me testify if you pray and pray right God hears and answers prayer I need somebody here who's had a prayer answered to help me testify that if you trust and never doubt he will surely bring you how I need somebody who knows how to pray I'm not talking about now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep I'm talking about when your soul is in trouble father I stretch my hands to see I can't handle it I can't but you can the Medical Center got doctors but God's got the power doctors and pharmacies have medicine but God's got the power that's power in prayer the factual prayers of the righteous availeth much Daniel says my brothers you got a vested interest in this prayer cuz if I don't get an answer all of us are going to be killed and the Bible says Shadrach Meshach and Abednego prayed for Daniel cuz Daniel was given by God the ability to interpret visions but he could not interpret the dream unless he knew what the dream was and God gave the answer after his friends pray and when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego got Albanese Daniel had the answer the interpretation and the dream and now here here's the second response to what you ought to do when the bottom falls out after you pray do what Daniel did Daniel gave God praise somebody oughta shout with me right here after God answers you're proud don't act like you made it because you went to U of H don't act like you made it because you're so smart when God answers your prayers you ought to come back to where you got the answer and give God some praise you know you hear me again I got another problem I got a problem with folk who don't know how to give God praise now you listen to me you can worship God quietly but you can't praise God quietly if God's been good to you God is worth more than you nodding your head if God has made a way for you you ought to do more than just clap your hands if God has opened the door for you if God has come to your rescue is God has given you a job that you wouldn't qualify for if God has made our way out of no way is God got your boy off a drugs if bar brought your child out of jail don't come to church and sit down with your mouth closed I'm about to shout here because praise I've told you this before praise is the rent you pay on blessings that you already live in in did you get that praise is the rent you pay for blessings that you already enjoy and somebody in this church today is behind on your rent payment God woke you up this morning and you ain't say thank you yet you behind in your rent payment God put food on your table and you haven't given him praise yet you're behind you are in the arrears in your rent payment now would be a good time for you to catch up your rent payment he's been good to you catch up your rent payment he gave you a car to drive catch up your rent baby he's giving you friends and family to love you catch up your rent payment he's giving your health and strength catch up your rent payments your mom and dad is still living catch up your rent payment you're in your right mind catch up your rent payments thank you hallelu oh brother little sister the older I get the louder I praise God the more he blesses me the more I want to shout and give him praise every time he wakes me up I want to tell him thank you for what you've already done and if he doesn't do anything yet he's already done more than enough for me to run all over this church right now somebody here could help me testify if it had not been for the Lord on my side I didn't make it because I went to college I didn't make it because I came from a good family I should be in jail right now but God's grace is so amazing but listen I'm not gonna let you dictate how I praise God if you really if you really came to praise God you got to watch what section you sit in that church because not everybody came to worship somebody came to criticize somebody talking about it don't take all of that speak for yourself it don't take all that for you so you sit there and be quiet as you want but your England stopped me because I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus I came here on purpose to holler and give God's and breathe now that sets you you need to go sit somewhere else you need to find you another section get in a crowd that knows that God's been good to me you have my permission right now to get out of that dead pew and get with somebody who knows how to give God some pretty I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make a boast in the Lord the humble shall hear that off and be glad o magnify or magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together here it is hor taste and see that the law he is good I said he's good I said he's good he's good I said he's real real good somebody here ought to help me testify you wouldn't be where you are right now if it wasn't for the goodness of the law God's been so good to you you are crook you are lowdown simmer I'm not talking about justice sinner you are lowdown sinner that was nothing you wouldn't try that was nothing you wouldn't do but God looked beyond all of that and sent Jesus to save you and then somebody going to tell you to be quiet somebody going to tell you to sit down Negro please I came here today to give God glory I'm came here today to shout and to tell my story God's been good to me God brought me from a mighty long way God kept me when I couldn't keep myself God made my enemies leave me alone that were folk talking about me wishing I would fall but here I am standing today standing on the promises of God that he will make a way out of nowhere he will guide your footsteps he will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on him I need somebody to help me shout a minute but hear the response to what God will do when the bottom falls out you ought to pray and then when you get through praying you oughta pries and then when you get through praising here's what Daniel did he proclaimed the name of the Lord I wish I had a witness he got before Nebuchadnezzar and he told him what his dream was and Nebuchadnezzar started giving Daniel praise then you said hold it a minute don't give me any credit don't give me any praise all the glory all the honor belongs to the law if the Lord been good to you don't you take any credit give God the praise proclaim his name give him honor and glory is there anybody here got something to be grateful about is there anybody here got a reason to be thankful today but you got a right to praise the Lord all God has done for you you got a right to praise alone all the doors God is open for you you got a right to praise alone why don't you grab somebody tell them I got a right to give God some pray not only do I have a right I got a reason why I prays alone two years ago I was supposed to be dead but here I am in Linda gross sanctuary I got a reason to praise the Lord I was supposed to be in a nursing home but here I am in my right mind I got a reason to praise alone you ought to have a reason why you shout so why don't you find your partner I'm not talking about no dead people I'm not talking about Nomad food don't fool around with no grouchy people don't fool around with no mean people find your happy saying find your joyful believer and both of y'all right now give God some hard pre give God some hallelujah pray thank you thank you thank you thank you what I have go game Wow God brought me what I know God taught me and if you don't mind I need some room right now if you don't mind I need you to back up a minute cuz I'm bout to praise and Lord I'm about to shout hallelujah I'm about to say thank you Jesus why don't you grab somebody say all magnified or magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together if he's been good to you take a praise break if he brought you out take a praise break thank you thank you thank you ah boys are hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah why don't you grab somebody tell them you don't know like I know what the Lord I know either when when the bottom falls out free and then when the answer comes praise the Lord and when you get through praising proclaim to everybody who asked I didn't do this I didn't keep myself I didn't make it on my own it was nobody but the Lord there ought to be some witnesses all over this sanctuary up in the balcony underneath the balcony it was nobody but the Lord somebody here who didn't have a mama and daddy God's been a mother and a father for you somebody who didn't have a husband god help you raise your children by yourself somebody here who was down to your last dime the Lord stepped in right on time and you ought to be able to testify had it not been for the Lord who was on my side my enemy with a swallow'd meal but thank God that still some shadow action leash Aksenov betting it goes around there's still some praying folk around who will help you pray through your situation and when you get through praying through prays through and when you get through prays and through proclaim to everybody who will listen it was not me God gets the glory when you give God the glory he will always bless your life
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 174,227
Rating: 4.7004309 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: _UUp7V725-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
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