The Complete Compilation of Kevin Garnett's Greatest Stories Told By NBA Players & Legends

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welcome to the complete collection of kevin garnett's greatest stories now this series has started off with two episodes so far kobe bryant and larry bird welcome to the third episode of this series if you missed the first two episodes don't worry there's a playlist on the channel where you can watch the first two episodes you guys have shown so much support in this series and i really just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart it's been a pleasure creating this series so far and i'm absolutely loving it a lot of editing has gone involved into this series because obviously there's a lot of interviews to go through a lot of podcasts a lot of clips finding the game highlights and piecing it up all together so if you would like to help me out and help the channel out i'd really appreciate if you guys could leave a like for the next episode and comment down below which player you would like to see this series continue on with also if you're new hit that subscribe button i'd love to have you around and if you'd like to hit that notification button so you never miss an episode of this series feel free you may notice there is a few clips in this video those have been taken off videos that i've previously done on the channel so if you've already seen them you can feel free to skip them but obviously they're great stories and it was a complete collection so i had to include him in this video without further ado here's the complete collection of kevin garnett's greatest stories kevin garnett is crazy we didn't give a [ __ ] about lebron we didn't feel lebron and we didn't think that he could beat all five of us and that's how it felt he said something and i was just saying like no english no english man sorry yo first of all i play with kg too most of those things can't go on tv what some of them some of them can't be told on tv oh those are the ones we want those you know me and him have some mf days uh because i would try to take him out of practice you know used to mumble you know crazy stuff like oh god warriors don't come out of practice warriors don't come out of practice i was like all right well you just got to sit down right now fight tonight was a bar fight man we knew that was going to come in with a lot of enemies tonight was a bar fight you ever been in the ball fight hey that's kgk akg walk on the court the first his first five minutes he talking to himself come on [ __ ] that's cool he talking to himself the whole time my going into my rookie season um i didn't you know it was my first time being on nba charter flight you know i got on the plane early didn't want to be late the stewardess asked me if i wanted crab cakes i said for sure you know who who doesn't like a good crab cake so i started eating then the older guys came on after kg didn't like that i ordered my food before those guys so he he grabbed my cab crab cake gave it to reggie evans and then he asked me to well he didn't ask me he told me to serve the rest of the team until we were ready to take off so you know the stewardess got it got a day off that day but i learned to let the vets eat first i was the only guy on my team under 25 i didn't have anybody backing me up sometimes you got to know their strength and numbers and those vests stick together before the cleveland game won i kept saying the word 20. i said so 20 and the word is 20 and i kept saying 20 and everybody was looking at me kevin garnett has to take 20 shots 20 shots 20. i said it like 19 times it came to a point where we just have to tell kg hey if you pass the ball out of the post again it's going to be a problem go to work like he was that unselfish and finally the whole team started joining in 20 20. kevin was pissed because he was such a team player i would call the timeout and said and yell at kg say i said move the ball uh and he said yeah that's what i'm doing i said no no we're saying move it to you so you can shoot it not so you can pass it but kevin was so unselfish uh as a player you you there were many times that uh i have to give him a number before the game as far as you have to take this many shots for us to win uh he's the only guy i've ever had to do that too and i used to tell him you know kevin sometimes we're moving the ball to you right that's the point we don't want you to pass it once it hits you right you know but uh he was great somehow in 2010 we were going around and everyone was having arm wrestling contests and glenn big baby davis was crushing everybody i mean big baby davis is incredibly strong and so he was crushing everybody in the middle of a card game kg stands up like hey sit down we got the arm wrestle [Music] and one by one whoever took on big baby davis they lost until we got on the plane 35 000 feet up in the air big baby kg they sit down we're all thinking kg's done there's no way and on the go no one moves so you know what i'm thinking right away i just saw big baby blow down the whole team like it was easy so i'm thinking this is going to be the moment this is going to be the one moment where kevin garnett loses this is going to be a moment where like we're going to see his ego hurt and i mean i i was like convinced and big baby's trying his hardest and kevin said i'm not moving and there's a little bit of profanity in there but i'm not moving i'm not moving just start sweating just so i mean [Music] i need to sat there i'm not moving and about a minute and 30 goes by big baby his shoulder starts to fatigue out and garnett starts going going and slams big baby down and he won then he stood up he turned around at uh don't you guys ever forget it now there was some profanity yeah in this thing you probably said in this there was sweat coming down but the thing is what it proves is garnett against all odds because big baby should have won that arm wrestling contest against all odds he's going to compete at the highest level and figure out a way to me at 35 000 feet seeing kg sweat profusely and spit all over kids on the plane that was the craziest thing i've ever seen hey out of the people you named you know uh kg duncan weber rasheed dirk who was your toughest personal battle oh kg by far it's not even close because like i he was my idol and so early on i want to say in my second year i had a good game against him the very next game he would grab me and i had never experienced someone so strong before he's going to talk big [ __ ] to you too dude man i had i had to get over it i had to like you know go to the temple and like do some meditation bro he got me one time so good bro in the game and i had a terrible game too he called me a mama's boy [Laughter] oh my god and this is on top of forget all the curse words you know mf and back and forth he said wait wait hey man yo man you a mama's boy and i was like oh [Laughter] [Applause] look at garnett up under him see chris bosh you gotta swing the ball through one time and and i let him i mean who man who are you talking to bruh that woke him up and shut me down i probably i probably scored five points i got dominated and embarrassed i was just like bro i'm in my seat i'm in my bed just can't sleep just like [ __ ] me mama's boy i ain't no damn ever since that day i said i'm okay i'm not no trash talk i can't even i'm trying to think of comebacks and the game's still going you know what i mean i'm like yeah i'm gonna say this to him five bruh one thing we should mention it for bringing up kg i know i told you this story but it's great for tv right remember when you came to boston and you were blitzing us in the first half i mean you were torching us in the first half so anyways and i got ginobili this night perkins has duncan and so you know we surrounded the game plan around stopping ginobili and so we look up i think we're down like six at the half and kevin has matt bonner matt bonner has 20 points at the half reign shooters in the league he had nine points in the first quarter but he was not the star of the first half it was new hampshire native matt bonner brought a couple of bus loads worth of friends and family down from new hampshire to watch him go to work and matt bonner was out of his gourd i'm happy for my former teammate the red rocket and so i'm walking down the hallway going to the locker room halftime and i'm like who the hell got matt barner paul pierce sits right next to kg and paul is the greatest at knowing how to like poke the bear right knowing that kg has right and i'm yelling that i'm yelling out and i'm like i'm doing all this work to stop ginobili matt bonner got 20. so paul pierce stands up at halftime before the coaches came in it's like hey man who has matt bonner and he knew garnett had matt bonner right so who's got bonner someone's gotta step up and take bonner big baby you gonna step up and take bonner scout you gonna step up and take bonner by the way his best friend on the team is getting blitzed by you right all of a sudden kg has a water bottle with the cap on and he was so furious he squeezed the water bottle and the cat flew off and watched it it took me i've had you know like all the willpower in the world not to fall on the floor crying that this thing is happening right now but that was just an unbelievable story he gave me like three f-bombs you know matt you know why he got 20 because i'm out here helping out y'all [Laughter] and we went face to face right and i was like all right then what garden did but what i remember is in the second or in the second half coming out at halftime i i check into the game and kg's eyes light up he starts like foaming at the mouth i that we inbound the i inbound the side inbound the ball and i start running up the court and he picks me up full court me picks me up full court does the old like camp a champion slap the ground defense he's like right in my face like snarling and i'm like oh my god i just the third quarter i just checked in don't kill me so i now i know why what is your most memorable trash talk moment well not mine but my most memorable is my big brother my teammate kevin garnier so i remember it's game six when the uh no actually it's game seven another sell-out crowd in boston these fans have cheered their team on to a perfect 7-0 playoff record and they're trying to make it another one to advance them to the conference finals kevin garnett now the boston celtics all tied up with lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers three games apiece we playing against the cleveland cavaliers and lebron james in 2008 jay-z and beyonce sitting on the sideline and kg gets a rebound he goes to the free throw line he gets i mean gets fouled he goes to the free-throw line he's huffing and puffing he's talking noise to braun he's telling braun it's no ain't no rock in the building tonight i'm the only rocking here today and i'm like what did you come up with did you rehearse that last night like i i just didn't understand like he had the best punchlines i'm like oh you had the crib rehearsing that dog all right here we go ready because you have famous beef with chocolate how many beef were you briefly can you tell us your first interaction with joe kim noise we he does not need to let's go that's the end of the interview we're here competing i'm not going to give you anything the end of the story was joking i was like you were my idol growing up and kevin just turned to and said [ __ ] you noah real [ __ ] he asked me he asked me the move i just gave him now [ __ ] figure it out get out of here a.g gave him uh he he kind of backed him and backed him turned around a pump fake step side he shot the ball from the baseline and it was a it was a move i've seen kev work on a lot and next time down the floor joaquim noah said he's a big fella that was that was you know that was a great move how did you how did you get i need you to teach me that and he was like kg was like man get off my dick [ __ ] i look like i look like all right so tell us your side of that story i'ma tell you straight up kg was um first of all i just don't understand how i don't think he remembers because i think the story meant a lot more to me than it did to him right what's tough what sucks is that when i was growing up i used to have his poster in my room i used to wear his jersey and the truth is you know my rookie year you know i was you know an admiration of this guy and and you know he kind of shut me down and you know he was very mean to me my rookie year it was like kevin i uh i had posters when i was growing up listen it's a time and place for everything you don't ask someone during the game or during competition to no no not not me you don't ask me anything during competition i'm not i can't you can't focus right yeah we're here competing i'm not going to give you anything the end of the story was joking i was like you were my idol growing up and kevin just turned to and said [ __ ] you noah i had kg posters in my wall i had a [ __ ] kg uh jersey growing up so this is the story this is what happened the first time i play kg i'm hype as hell like we're playing the celtics i'm on the bulls and i think they're up like 30 points and i'm in the game like it's it's like the last seconds like nobody gives a [ __ ] so we're at the free throw line and uh he used to work out with this guy called joe abunasar and i was working out with him for pre-draft so i was always excited i was always hoping like kg would walk in the gym and you know i was i would be able to like work out with him and i remember asking him a question about yo you like you're going you're gonna work out with with joe i was just trying to be cool like i was just wanted to be i just wanted to say something in my idol and he just like looked over and he was like yo like who who the [ __ ] you talking to like who the [ __ ] you think you're talking to and then like when he said that i was like oh [ __ ] i shouldn't have and then like i kind of fell back knowing that i shouldn't i shouldn't have said that like not not during the game right you know and then i didn't say anything and then when i didn't say anything i guess he thought i was the [ __ ] i guess he thought i was [ __ ] or something because he was like he kept like getting like louder and louder and then i was like and then from that from that moment on i swear to god i was like yo i'm going at him every single time we play we are going at it every single time we play we are going at it and he's only mean to the young guys and the euros for some reason you know i don't know why but he's that's who he doesn't like charlie villanueva too i mean what was that all about did you guys catch the villanova story yeah that it's just not nice stuff to say you know any team cage he was on was always a big a big game let me hey dog listen kg kg used to like he had more antics dog tim i don't know like maybe because you guys were about the same size like he didn't do that [ __ ] to you i don't know but like he talked the most [ __ ] and like i remember one time he hit me with like a bow like to see what i was gonna do like you know what i mean just trying to kind of like punk you a little bit and so the next time i came down i fired one right in his ribs and he looked at me like he left me alone after that but like to that that's who he is right like that's what he tried to do right he said that you he said that she would it would frustrate him the most that he would talk all his [ __ ] but she would smile and say like good job and stuff like that would piss him off the most people would not see him verbally saying stuff because he went talking sentences to me we hit you in phrases got you almost [Laughter] this the worst right here nice try like subtle [ __ ] no gangster [ __ ] no real hardcore [ __ ] just just subtle leads to just back your ass up and put you back in like this over here why would you never engage in trash talk tim uh with him because that's what he wanted okay that's what he wanted he wanted to to get you outside of yourself he wanted to to to piss you off and kind of control the situation like you know uh and then what really really what really really really pissed me off was when the trash talking wasn't affecting him so now you're spending all this energy trying to rile this up you know i forgot about your own game you forgot about they coming to you that you're supposed to and then that's when i actually quit talking trash to timmy because he wouldn't respond he wasn't giving me the reaction that i was in yeah yeah so my mind more things just like kind of poke there just kind of kind of poking a little bit and bro piss them off a little bit and then they react and poke them again i can't get really good hype off this thing ain't even giving me nothing looking now you know started you know doing a little you know the shoulder [ __ ] and he won't react to that yeah actually you know timmy got 20 20 15. so then i started changing that so what's the real story on that story i'm i'm going to clear this up for the world right here i want you to tell the story with you and kg the big ticket story i'm a rookie and it's kind of like the first day everybody's coming back and they're getting acclimated and you know they playing pick up everybody's working out and stuff like that so we have a pickup game and you know he's the four i'm the fourth so i get the ball at the wing and i shoot it like i shoot it i tell myself i tell myself i'm talking to myself though get up get it up he he turned look like hey little [ __ ] you talking [ __ ] [Laughter] first you know what i'm saying cuz i'm really aware with crazy stuff like that like so i'm like i ain't talking [ __ ] to you i'm talking to myself big fella like i ain't at you he was like and then i was like i'm just trying to get my little swag right yeah they say [ __ ] your swag then you know the other side of me was like okay well [ __ ] your swag yeah and i'm literally like yo [ __ ] your swag yeah i'm right running back he's like all right [ __ ] all right you know how you born like a fool yeah okay just be chased like you don't see that that's right all right that's like something you know you know me i'm like all right like this is what i gotta do me being a rookie the next day i'm thinking like i'm in there early ticket walk right by me i'm like what's up you just walked like he ain't even see me like he ain't gonna talk to me you know what i mean don't acknowledge me what's up that crushed me i gotta make this right like so you know i walked up to him and i was like bro did i do something wrong to you you know yesterday i thought that stayed on the court if i did i apologize and he looked at me and he was like you know what young and i [ __ ] with you and after that we was locked in garnett doesn't mince words and sometimes it's tough and now davis down at the end with a towel on his head garnett didn't want to come back in the game but he's had to because what was a 25 point lead is now 13. funk was just frustrated and he was in a moment to where we all felt he needed a second so you know he went to the end of the bench and you know he cried and had a moment with himself but i'm gonna roll with a guy who's gonna show me his heart and wear his heart on his sleeve and gonna play with passion over anything well kevin garnett has never been shy on the court but according to charlie villanueva he crossed the line last night following the celtics 23-point win over the pistons velenaueva posted on his twitter account that garnett called him a cancer patient during the game you know him and i had a little situation i felt like it was a little more personal he talks a lot you know but i guess it's it's his part it's part of his game villanueva suffers from alopecia areata which is an autoimmune skin disease resulting into hair loss here are the tweets posted by villanueva early on wednesday morning quote kg talks a lot of blank he's probably never been in a fight i would love to get in a ring with him i will expose him kg called me a cancer patient i'm pissed because you know how many people died from cancer and he's tossing it like it's a joke i wouldn't even trip about that but a cancer patient i know way too many people who passed away from it and i have a special place for those you definitely can't do that now they i think that they're on top of things now i saw him play austin rivers when he was like a junior in high school right he got like a bucket on ticket no no no let me tell the show go ahead go ahead yo so we come in so we're coming so we come into practice probably two hours early everybody's in there so we got practice i'm saying 10. everybody's in about 8 30. so in there austin rivers is seeing his father you know they come up and visit his dad because his dad they were still living in florida imagine he juiced up too man he juiced up every guy's coming here he's feeling himself he had a little joint so he's playing one-on-one with with paul so then you know i see him and paul could paul play once in the morning just to get himself going before practice so he's you know playing one and he's giving paul some good work you know then perk like hold on let me get some of this i got to get some of this because he's just stopper everybody if you want to see where your game is you play perk 1-1 right perk ain't going for no pump fakes he's just real sound man he giving perk the business austin rivers yeah got it here so i'm like i came in here and um you know he's playing guys to fire i think he's mops i think he uh uh i think he beat pay and then he mop uh perk five-o and you know yeah king of the court he's gonna play i had my shoelaces online i came in from the weight room and he rolled the ball and i said what and i looked at it hit my toes i said what he said check i said check yeah dad everybody like and then you know i'm a dragon bro i'm a dragon and i know this is i know your dad the coach so i got to be real careful how i let this drag this a kid this is a high school kid got a lot of confidence but i'm a dragon just throw the ball to me so call me collective i just you know kick the ball to him i walk back he says check that went on the other side of the check you know when you check you on the bottom so i got on the top i said you're a kid what you mean you check get the ball like you don't get the ball yeah he was he was on them so i took around and gave him the ball and my shoes was untied and he shot the first one and missed it man i thought he made it he made it on the fire he made the fight boom i said hold on i saw off the over matter of fact he dunked it remember he dunked it and the ball went all in and i went like this hold on and i tied my shoe and i heard a piece say yeah i heard him and ta say yeah tie them shoes killer suit that's when the dragon came out and i just i mopped him 5-1 dragon he had so much swag that i was like man do i spit fire on him when i saw how hard he dumped it i know this kid said let me tell you though tied up and i went five straight but i tapped him keep working on your game he was hot through the ball man listen that's what i knew man this man is not losing nobody yes or not new right there is going to be in our league about two years yeah he said that you said i said he gonna be not leaving about two he said that he made a pro he hated losing he wanted to fight that's incredible they almost slapped that one game calm down boy you boy he said something real slick and i almost raised up the slap and i caught myself like man i ain't gonna be kicked out and get boy i can boy let me quit and that is the complete collection of kemi garnett's greatest stories if you enjoyed this video i'd really appreciate if you guys could help me out by hitting that like button it takes a long time to make these videos subscribe if you're new for nba content and obviously hit that notification button so you can stay up to date so you don't miss a video and comment down below which player you'd like me to make the next episode on i'm out peace [Music] you
Channel: Nick Smith NBA
Views: 438,194
Rating: 4.9117165 out of 5
Keywords: The Complete Compilation of Kevin Garnett's Greatest Stories Told By NBA Players & Legends, michael jordan stories kevin garnett, kevin garnett telling stories, kevin garnett storytelling, kevin garnett austin rivers story, kevin garnett trash talk story, kevin garnett legendary story, kevin garnett tells story about how trash talking michael jordan, kevin garnett trash talk, kevin garnett trash talk tim duncan, kevin garnett trash talk mj, kevin garnett trash talk compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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