Joakim Noah | D-Rose & Bulls Run, Current NBA, NCAA Titles, Squashing Beef | EP 41 | KG Certified

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Andre you have to understand what I've been through all of it made me into the man that I am today 32-0 his brother Andre Ward was great I'm going to do things my way I wanted to have a body of work not just in the ring but as a man only thing you ain't done in boxing is lose SOG the book of Ward only on Showtime streaming with Paramount plus I think I appreciate this you want you one of these I'm good kg you want your Ginger shot I'm good man I'm good I need some positivity today I'm trying to cover this spread and your Bob is off sheet what's wrong with my vibe you got to get you one of these G get to sip of some of this positivity in your life you see that spray is covered thank you Mama in a minute G thank you so look today we got Joe cam Newark coming in here on Cajun certified on gas I'll be good to conversate and catch up with him y'all y'all stay tuned foreign I'm really happy to be here on the kg show you know uh the demographic that we targeting for sure I might call this uh soft there's nothing soft about facing your your [ __ ] you know what I mean so I'm really excited to be here and uh talk to kg I start kg certified to have a platform to be able to bring not only young players older players players that you know built the built the game so on and so on but I built it for a platform of conversation so you know it's dope that we can actually go back to this times or the times where we played each other or battled or whatever you want to call it and be able to talk about it so you know it's dope to have a platform to be able to bring the guys on here and do just that so that's what we're going to do today I only know kg from the court I only know kg from the course so I'm excited for this you know Warrior you know Ultimate Warrior and uh you know he got that chip nobody really liked competing against this guy but uh I loved it it was uh it definitely made me stronger and that's why I'm here today in the art of competition that's what it is so you know I think that uh I think that he understood where we were I made it very plain and simple where we were in the art of competition but yeah I'm gonna probably apologize during the day because you know I'm never here to kill someone's spirit uh I'm never here to kill someone's uh fan appreciation and while you're a fans you know fans make the game I really believe that you know what I'm saying fans I'm fans of people you know I'm saying I'm fans of sports I'm fans of other athletes so you know the Achilles Bob and all that you know but then I want to ask them a question like in the sense of what you want what he asked me which was what move did I show like what did you want me to do you want me to stop the game and actually show you what movie like so yeah but in all in all Joe Kim was uh he was young energy he played hard I respected him when we played and uh he was a force you know he made his teams better so yeah it'd be dope to have him in here today it's important to speak your truth you know and uh you know we have an opportunity more than ever now to um to do it our way so I think that's important you know as as competitors out there on the court um sometimes you know you don't have time for that it's not about content you know you're trying to get W's that's all it is so now we can look back at the body of work and uh and really you know put our minds to it [Laughter] everything good first thing I wanted to show you is the move middle right just like this boom you go for it I went right under laser that's the move that's what happened that's the move when that happened come back down it was like ages ago like when like 1864 BC I hit you with that you came back there we went to that side on the fire you asked me what's up to get off my dick that's how we hit it wow bro you see that's how you did it come out here in my head that's your story that's your side of it okay let me see it okay first of all it wasn't light like that no I was talking about it was sweet like that no you was catching a rock ha I'm in your [ __ ] ha nothing right nothing like okay then you know that knee started hurting at the end oh you had an ailment okay your joint yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah remember yeah yeah so when I was catching at the elbow back yeah now I'm dancing okay that's what I remember okay so obviously we had two perspectives of this whole thing as I can recall I had to give you mine right because everybody was like yo what's the movie talking about so that was the move let's do it this is the moment of generosity thank you for coming on Kg certified I appreciate you bro appreciate you man you hear me man respect yeah I'm happy we did this not real sure it's needed you know what I'm saying um but no no at the end of the day just what you were talking about you know don't feel bad about it no no at the end of the day that moment made me a better [ __ ] player no doubt I needed it no I'm telling you from a character standpoint I get it we was it was it was on the court whatever and it was competition but from a big bro [ __ ] like yeah if I if I can change well I was I don't want to say this but yeah if I could change anything about myself back then I wouldn't have been so up man I'm so [ __ ] locked in man I'm trying so differently just to get to a point where it was like kill or be killed and it wasn't nothing in between so when I would you know it's what it is you know what I'm saying and uh when I heard that man [ __ ] with me I was like damn bro bro [ __ ] with me like oh man I'm like oh man I feel I'm gonna have to apologize for bro man that's that's you know what I'm saying but then I know too you go through those life lessons man and we're not chopped before you know what I'm saying before all this and [ __ ] man it's just good to it's good it's good to come into a platform be peace and uh you know and chop I gotta ask you bro bro I shoot the smartphone like this bro I saw you shot the freak though bro when you get the bro when you get this before you get the joint from yeah bro first of all after that playoff series so we come back to Boston I remember I had like four of these [ __ ] where I was like I gotta jumping up but you would shoot that [ __ ] listen I was looking at him like listen the ball you're supposed to go it's 12-6 it's supposed to spin like this it's not supposed to go three to three to nine three three to nine they do I got it right yeah it's not supposed to go like this don't kill the only thing I know to take that take the I don't even know what this is I gotta consult with Rich gray and figure out what the action was [ __ ] but [ __ ] shot the ball sideways how you do how you do a three to nine on the twelve to six I don't even know what to say but all I know is when that [ __ ] went in though it was devastated I was like yo it didn't devastated he was doing [ __ ] like this I was hit him with that he was doing nothing he was doing all this [ __ ] man so I looked at Rhonda because every time I had a problem or I had an issue with you I would go to Rondo a baby man and then don't be like man he been working on this [ __ ] man he always shoot that [ __ ] okay well he's not here four of these [ __ ] like yeah you might have to get up on that [ __ ] man I ain't getting up on that [ __ ] I thought you hit three did you hit the third one you win let me get up on this [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here Ambassador with the bulls man I love everything you've been doing man yeah we're working we working hard man you know purpose purpose is strong it's everything too it is and um but I appreciate you taking the time you know and doing this this is real so I was uh I was excited to do this because I don't think um at least for me I haven't seen individuals that battle came back and have conversation what a lot of people don't know is that me and you not had a conversation since all of that right there right um I like to call it Antics I like to call it leverage you know where you're playing each other you're studying each other you're trying to figure each other out you know um you know you was no different from that you know I'm saying I talked to uh Doc Rivers and uh Rajon Rondo and big baby I think big baby and Rajon actually played against you either in college or whatever the situation was and you know it was more of a it was more of a conversation of what to expect from you and then when I played you it was a different experience it was more talkative I could tell right away your IQ was different you had a different vibration I could see you Gathering the rest of the guys so all the stuff that they was giving me was totally inaccurate so that's why not to say I seen you as a threat or nothing like that and I never anticipated or or um uh meant for that to become off like it was like anything we did was always at a high volume we battled at a high volume both mentally and physically you know what I'm saying um at the same time too when when when I'm when I'm competing just like when you compete you know at least it felt like this you hit destroy I'm in a I'm in a crew like create doubt that's that's that's one of my things like I was trying to destroy your will but never in another in another Stratosphere would I ever thought that you was a fan of mine so you know I come today and I say I apologize for feeling that lightness because I take a lot of pride in being a big brother to all the young guys you know what I'm saying appreciate that but in the form of what we were in competing that's what it was and I understood it coming from you too but I just wanted you know I recognize your Genius I saw it uh I respected it and yeah we battled bro and there was nothing like that mental play because although you could see the physicals you can see the little whatever's answers but it was a whole mental mental part of of the game being played in front of everybody's eyes and it was over everybody's head so you know what I'm saying take it takes a real one to play that game you know what I'm saying to my first question with you was was no I I don't hear a lot about like uh your makeup or uh excuse me your early Beginnings could you take me to your early Beginnings I didn't know you you from New York yeah I'm from New York what part of New York you're from I'm from Hell's Kitchen so Midtown Manhattan yeah played a lot of tournaments Uptown I think uh playing in New York definitely like shaped me you know my first year at Florida I didn't play a lot and that was tough for me so a lot of my homies Uptown were like yo you got to come and play in these Streetball tournaments so playing that Kingdom playing at Rucker Park shout out Roscoe Biggers shout out amass um voice of Harlem oh yeah you know on the mic so it was just like for me I think that that really shaped me um if it wasn't for playing with in those Street tournaments I don't think I would have been the player that I was but before we even go any further I just want to say you know um this is this is a really special moment I was like talking to some of my vets before I came on here and you know I realized that everybody had something to say and for me I'm doing this for me right now this is not for this is not for anybody else um and being able to talk to somebody that I grew up you know really uh you know admiring on the court just the way you competed really shaped my game so uh you know I hear a lot of people like talking about you know the moments when we were talking [ __ ] when we were talking [ __ ] and and you know that that moment right there um it turned me into an animal on the court it made me definitely It Made Me Stronger you know I remember you hinge shooting that turn around like silver spoon ass [ __ ] you know and you know I used to hear that from everybody and that was another reason why I had to you know go even harder because I always had that that thing to prove because you know pops was a tennis player uh so you know I think that it made me who I am and that's why today right now this moment right here is for nobody else but for me um to be able to talk about this because you know the demographics I'm trying to you know reach to might call this shits off and and uh there's nothing soft about facing your past you know what I mean so I I'm proud of this that's what's up man that's what's up and I want you to know man uh just from growth got to go through those hard moments got to go through those moments to where it does something to you and you and you're stimulated off of it you know I think today's game or at least it looks like um you know things have to have a worth and they don't care what you get paid once you get in between those lines it's about winning and losing no no one wants to be on that other end of losing you know what I'm saying so I like to think that you know still sharp and still you know what I'm saying for real and if it wasn't going to be me it was going to be somebody you know what I'm saying and then I like to think that whatever you took from this you took and you actually dominated something else or you dealt with something else and that's what this is somebody our our our interaction and what we had I had one when I was younger and it shaped me to the to the competitor and the person I was and that's what I want to be known for straight up man when all this gets stripped down of us of his Purity and you at your bare and you erecting you like ha yeah that's what I'm talking about so at the end of the day I wanted to be labeled something and I wanted to be known for a certain style and I really believe still sharp and still I'm saying talk about a little bit about what you learned from your father being a tennis player well he was competitive as hell so you know so uh in a different time too right in a different time you know he was uh playing in a white sport uh you know he was the only black guy and uh today at this year is his 40 years since he won the French Open oh wow so a lot of people say you know he's a pops shout out to Yannick you know doing his thing still um doing a lot of stuff with the kids in Africa you know building building building you know but as a tennis player you know people always said you know oh it's the last it's been 40 years since the Frenchman won you know the French Open but people don't realize that you know he came from Africa and uh he left home he left he left Cameroon when he was 11 years old to go to Seoul Arthur Asheville uh saw him play in Africa gave him a scholarship in an academy and um you know but people don't realize the sacrifices that you have to make at an early age to have a shot to be called champ you know so I was blessed to be able to see that work ethic and the work that goes into it you know I think that even though my parents were weren't together just seeing um seeing the work ethic and it's just like it's not just practice it's it's a way of life you know what I'm saying so that's what I learned from my pops that's dope man that's dope now can you play tennis I can't play tennis I can't but unlabbable though you can't live me right bro yeah yeah all right right but if if you can you can return you can get you can you can you can you can get into it like a little ah you got a little hand no I'm just saying like you can we can go into exchange like you can carry an exchange like you can hit back you know that yeah I'll [ __ ] you up with that [ __ ] for sure I don't know you'll [ __ ] me up you pray for me you know what I'm saying I'm super competitive you can't lie to me either you know what I'm saying and I'm I got a [ __ ] backhand all that but I can I can I can like I can rally a little bit you know what I'm saying if I get the right Rhythm machine you know tomorrow from the Hurricane Valley you know you need a mother who know how to hit the ball back you know what I mean you feel me but um show me that forehand again I'm trash you see how that [ __ ] was coming over like I was like what's my technique on that do I even I didn't know that uh John J Lucas I didn't know Jay Lucas was a real tennis player like B Andy Roddick like was in it and just chose basketball um was that hard for you knowing that your father and probably was passionate as [ __ ] about tennis and Ashley actually like laid the groundwork for if you want to go that route was it hard was it hard for you to go for basketball to tennis or was basketball like you're calling I was born in New York and you know my pops used to um his agent represented Patrick Ewing oh okay his agent patch um his agent also represented uh Donald shout out Donald Dell uh representing Michael in the beginning as well Michael Jordan so you know I was able to be around basketball at a young age so I used to go to the garden and and see the love that ionic got and you know when I saw that energy basketball is like a religion in New York [ __ ] so for me it was like I didn't like people comparing me at an early age all that stuff so basketball was just kind kind of um you know my sanctuary and my peace of mind and you know there wasn't no comparison or anything like that but I learned a lot from from my Pop's work ethic it doesn't matter what sport but it definitely shaped me and into the player that I I became man for the playoffs you can hit the court with a special offer of courtesy of kg certified embed MGM the king of sports book plays a one-game parlay with four legs or more and get back a bonus bet up to 25 if you miss one leg man nothing beats a w at better GM uh who do you credit for your basketball knowledge in your build and I know it's I know you got to have a coach somewhere especially in your early days when you're going to high school you're not in college yet who who's your who's your coach first of all I got to ask you you guys chose a Riverside no I was Long Island Panthers oh [ __ ] you went all the way left yeah you went against the establishment exactly but we had a squad though it was like Charlie Villanueva uh you know we had um Lenny Cook oh yeah shout out to Charlie V too yo because man y'all oh who else was on that team uh well guys y'all have some guards we had day on Merritt doing a lot of good [ __ ] with the kids out there in New York shout out Dion Merritt uh we had a guy called Cameron too he was nice um no we had we we had a squad we had a squad Long Island Panthers I had a coach called Mr Green he worked security at ABCD Camp so he used to take me with I used to go with him to ABCD I wasn't playing but I could watch everything I saw Lenny play against LeBron um and LeBron won that matchup that [ __ ] hurt from the beginning man it was it was tough from the beginning because Lenny was my guy all right so and Lenny's real too yo he had a real game a real game so he was the number one player in the country you know we're playing in all these street ball tournaments uh I'm living with Mr Green in the summer because my pops was always I didn't live with my father so he was always like yo come in the summer like come hang with me in the summer we'll chill we'll go to the same bars go on all these cool places and Mr Green is like look if you want to get if you want to get good at this basketball thing you got to stay with me so I used to stay in his house and flushing stay on his couch all summer and and you know playing in all these Streetball tournaments man for real that's what shaped me you know I came into new I came to New York I was speaking English like this what an accent so you can imagine being like a 12 year old kid you playing with all inner city kids playing with Lenny all these guys I would never get in the game never but I would just watch them watch what I should do watch what watch what I can't do and you soaking up you soaking up culture you soaking up New York listen if you ever talk to a New Yorker straight up I met Raekwon one time yo I thought I was a [ __ ] from the hood y'all I was talking to me it lost me probably like that sentence two and he was talking God and he was you know you know real respect to the guard too you know I'm saying shout out to rayquan but I'm imagining you soaking up all this New York verbiage and all this right right for real so you picking up on slang how to do how not to do what's today's mathematics knowledge God okay yeah you know I love rayquon to go so um no but New York New York man I mean there's not the the culture out there is just it's on another level so that's and you know being able to play all these Streetball tournaments that's a blessing you know you you look at Chicago you know we're doing a lot of work in Chicago with the kids and stuff but they can't even do that no more they taking the playground they taking the rims off the playgrounds and all that stuff so just to have a basketball a Streetball culture you know DJs DJs people on the mic while you're playing in the trees I played in New York yo like I'm a journeyman too bro one of my my favorite things you should do is go play everywhere at West Fourth you know 155th uh Dyckman uh Basketball City downtown right where where else they playing at because I wanted to tell you I mean I know Gordon Malone took me to Brownsville never ran never will you know what I'm saying like man Steph take me to Coney Island I'm playing on the garden over there man you hear me you hear what I'm saying I hear exactly what you think badges probably get them badges them badges make you straight up you got a favorite place to play in New York let me hear your Park my favorite part uh was kingdom kingdom Uptown right in the middle of the projects and after I didn't play uh my freshman year in in college I remember Ross my homie Roscoe he was like yo you got to play in these tournaments it's just gonna get you right so I remember playing at Kingdom voice of Harlem on I'm like you're doing all this [ __ ] like what you gonna do what you gonna do you know I mean everybody's smoking blunts everywhere you know what I mean it's hostile I love it it's hostile you need that environment so now I'm I'm in there next thing you know I'm grabbing the rebound oh wow I'm not passing it to the guard I'm bringing it up myself a butter mad as hell Adrian looking at me like you're passing the [ __ ] around the point guard but you know I used to like to get the rebound and bring that [ __ ] up myself I got the whole crowd going crazy that [ __ ] really got me hyped you know I didn't come from that environment but to be able to play in that when I came back the next year we ended up winning the chip again the MVP but it got me right well Florida right why University of Florida I love coach Donovan man oh yeah you know shut the coast tournament shout out coach Donovan will do um you know the Irish dudes they they got something there's something in the water over there you know they they different but work ethic crazy IQ and you know what I what I loved about Coach Donovan is he used to do our individuals himself oh okay you know what I mean so y'all going through oh okay all our [ __ ] he jumping in there he's jumping in there you know he's starting he's starting the workout he was like I got the whole thing planned out so I knew there was not a lot of coaches that would um that would do the individuals you know so that was big that's huge too and that's growth and it gives you confidence and continuity because now you know what he's thinking and what he's probably expecting from you right exactly you know Lord one of the things I watched you when you was in Florida uh like I said I can't remember the first year but your second year was so adamant just however you and Al uh get um I know Corey Brewer is on that Squad too and y'all had another guard or something taurian green yeah I'm going blank on all your names but I watch the continuity man yeah torian Green was on that job I'm watching I'm watching y'all continuity and just passing the big man the big man and and y'all look like y'all have been together forever you know what I'm saying talk about that team at Florida what made you all special I think we love being in the gym you know I remember I came into school I had my two bags uh and I met my my college teammates in the gym right away we checking up one-on-one I'm like okay you know this is gonna be good because we were we were in the lab we were in the lab and we lived together that class just lived together so you know and the good thing was same [ __ ] coach Don was like yo if you get the rebound he didn't let the point guard come back and get the rock so now we you know we all just head man and all that yeah and then you know what we were playing all summer so we were like as freshmen we were coming we were playing against you know David Lee Matt Walsh Anthony Roberson and you know we were competing with those guys we were busting their ass actually but that's that's another story that's another story but it was good you know what I'm saying we were on it we were on it and from the beginning and then after the second year we won the chip we we had so much fun playing together you know what I'm saying that um we did it again that was crazy when did you start to think about the league when you start for me it happened later it happened later so it wasn't until after we won that first chip that people were like okay Joe you can you know you're probably gonna be a top three pick it's time for you to go but um you know I wasn't too worried about I didn't have to worry about you know taking care of Moms taking care of Pops I knew they were all right so when When Corey Corey's situation was a little bit different and When Corey was like yo let's go back to school let's let's do this [ __ ] again like we just we having too much fun you know the lead can wait and I know that's a that's a rare position to be in you know especially when we had we had opportunities to go get some money right there and and uh When Corey said that we all decided to come back and um you know it's I'll never forget those moments those memories you know just the competition being able to win trophy bring it back to school it was wild man how the boys are on your back did it feel different it did it wasn't as fun to me you know the expectations sometimes were heavy because you know when you have when you're in the league you know you can protect yourself being a little bit outside you have your money you know you take care of your family but when you're in college you know we living in the dorm so you got people coming at you from everywhere so that was that was a lot at times nobody had no like shelter or nothing nobody to kind of protect you from that but then y'all students y'all in every day everyday hustle and bustle right I mean yeah but you got the students knocking on the doors you got students waiting outside your dorm you know you're not protected we live with that we lit as hell so it was it was fire though it was fine oh you following all the nil stuff bro the nil [ __ ] not really to be honest but um college so you see she was known for college I think it's good everybody said you [ __ ] with it or no uh you know I you know college was a great time when I look at it you look at how much how much money this [ __ ] is generating you know I mean the Anna island is just kind of putting a Band-Aid on it but the reality is this tournament is generating billions of dollars and kids aren't getting paid on it so um the nil is a good start but to me it should be more you know what I mean are these players employees these players the players that are playing in College swimming softball baseball basketball football track whatever you're doing stick ball goddamn whatever would you consider that an employee not just a player but an employee they're working they're working fast oh yeah right facts 100 everybody everybody who's generating some bread needs to get paid I think that's just that's just fair sucks yeah that's just standard to me standard right yeah but they call them players and they don't call them employees they would not label them that um you think players do you think the nil would hurt players in any way from their determination and want them to get to the next level um I mean it shouldn't it shouldn't it might I mean I've seen it many times like people get contracts people get money it makes them soft sometimes all about fall back it depends on the person's personality you know I mean and what's going on with that person too right yeah like you just said your situation was different from Corporal he probably had to do things a little different because of his situation exactly but now it's taking you away from the important [ __ ] and that's putting that block work for elbow work shooting being on the court being on the court yeah I actually said man um me and a friend was talking and um uh he asked me he said um you think giving guys bread at an early age is a bad thing and I was like you know we all are different you know I didn't want to generalize but I was like I don't think it's a bad thing for someone like you think of kids that you know a middle class and don't have that you know struggle and no [ __ ] like that they still got you know come out great people they're still out you know come out with professionals and stuff so it's not a bad thing but I understood what he was saying does it not give them their incentive anymore so I was like nah listen I always say man if you really want to see if someone loves something give them everything here give them a boatload of money see if they still work hard because I'm telling you once you get in between them lines man don't nobody give a [ __ ] about what you make if anything it's a bigger you know Target on your back right for sure you agree with that thousand percent right a thousand percent but that being said you know this is big business you know that's why we you play hard you know you work your ass off to be able to be in those positions you know we blessed this game's giving us a lot um but for sure I mean I think if if kids have opportunities to make money they should make as much as they can for sure that's what it's all about I believe that too um so you know it's crazy um hearing you talk about New York um you know I lived in Chicago for some time came out of high school there when you when I hear you talk about New York it's it's dead ass mirroring I mean a straight mirroring of Chicago Hood uh tournaments North Side West Side South Side you know High Park East Side like wherever you can find a game and you can get into some of these places and play that's where you play at and then playing in some of those environments gives you those badges that I was talking about so when you get drafted you go through the draft process you get to Chicago does it feel like New York uh parts of it to me it was to me Chicago was rougher in a lot of ways you know no true that's real that's reality too that's you know yeah no I think that I've been studying a lot of um conflict resolution you know in Chicago uh working with a lot of angels out there who changed their lives um doing work with the kids um you know the kids who are you know at risk of of the [ __ ] yeah so um shout out Kobe Williams for all the work you know just being able to you know teach me I feel like you know when you play for the Chicago Bulls you have a responsibility to this student wherever you're playing you have a respect responsibility to that City the community to that community so kids are looking up to you to me all that stuff was was the biggest blessings that you know the most impactful stuff I ever did was not on a basketball court it was you know working with uh these uh violent prevention groups and and really just going in there even though I didn't come from that world just really going in there and listening and using uh my position as a Chicago Bull player to you know do basketball tournaments bring the guys together because it's a divided City there's a lot more than a lot more than New York is you know when you say oh I'm from the Bronx people aren't saying oh he represented him he's with that group or you say oh I'm from Brooklyn you're not saying uh he's this he's that he represents that set you know in Chicago it's like that no I was like that right in the in the some of the yesteryears of of of older times it was a huge migration of blacks that came from the south trying to get a better life and when they got to these bigger cities just like New York just like Philadelphia just like in uh Chicago they fell upon really really hard times and in some some instances where the police wouldn't even come to the neighborhoods because it was so bad in some of these rural areas that the neighborhood had to actually band up and protect the neighborhood so then all these all of a sudden you have these neighborhoods come up with these little street gangs and they made a little Street games call them Street communities Street groups whatever you want to call them but they was real Protectors of the neighborhood when the women and stuff would get you know uh rather their purses and stuff they went to the local who ran this neighborhood to go handle the situation and vice versa same thing with small businesses Windows getting Busters you know the little little petty the things in the neighborhood keeping the neighborhood clean came from these these City groups and it wasn't until the soldiers came back from war now guns and drugs are introduced creatures of habit with the last to get resources all the stuff compiled and you got the environment now but these Street groups never went anywhere if anything they unified they was commutative and when they became a problems when they had all a strategic structuring and they all want to build on something to make their communities better you know what I'm saying we can all sit here and talk about the definition of what that looks like I hear what you're doing back in Chicago talk about some of well I think you just test on a little bit but talk about what you're doing in Chicago with gun prevention with bringing these groups together to at least start dialogue because I feel like when you start dialogue a lot of these groups look at themselves as they are different going into the dialogue and once the dialogue starts they see that they're very much alike and they're very much on the same patient they're very much parallel in their efforts to make something better yeah you know what I'm saying I want you to speak a little bit on what you're doing back in Chicago because I think it's not only what's what's needed but I think it's so important for people to hear I appreciate that no uh the salute you too King for that appreciate that real [ __ ] um you know we're working with um a lot of violence prevention groups and um being able to bring them together through Sports through basketball so we do the basketball league it's not about getting the top talent it's about bringing the guys together and and giving them a voice you know obviously there's a lot of hardship in the neighborhood and um if we can bring them together as much as possible I think a lot of beauty can come out in the unity you know and being able to talk and uh because everybody's just so divided so I think that one thing that was really important was just being able to bring the guys and come to the game give them tickets you know I think that that also gave me a lot of strength when I was playing because I knew I was playing for uh more than myself you know and uh that's why when I played in Chicago I think it just definitely uh I knew I was I knew I was I had my purpose was stronger than ever and still to this day look I'm done playing I'm still on it and you know the reality is the violence isn't getting any better so you know I'm not trying to come over here I'm not going over there preaching to anybody but you know it starts with just doing [ __ ] like this like you know when I'm walking in the street I'm in New York people might be like yo [ __ ] kg and they don't even know the situation I'm hearing people like talking about a moment that happened 20 years ago you know and I want the I want people to know look this is about conflict resolution and you guys are dealing with with [ __ ] on a much bigger scale though you know when you're talking about nobody dying nobody's dying when you're playing basketball you know so when your cousin's getting killed you're talking about conflict resolution you know that's that's real perspective like how do you how do you Defuse The Situation without somebody getting killed or somebody going to jail so um the reality is the violence is not getting better but there has to be a bigger investment in the community and bring guys together and get letting them talk their [ __ ] out you know it's not about it's not about me I don't like coming into environments like that preaching and telling about myself it's not about my story this is about the Gods coming together and if I can help bring the guys together I'm going to do that I love that bro if you need any help with that let me know bro I'm interested in not only bringing people together but starting to talk and changing the script bro script needs to be changed I feel like these young kids are looking for um or have an ideology of of an idea that they want to believe in but don't know how to execute it I think the old Harris want to help these young guys but don't know how to go about it and I think when you get them together it's beautiful because you get an older generation the new generation coming together I can't say that everybody or it doesn't always feel like they want them to be together sometimes it feels like you won't you won't you want it at us or it's felt like it's promoted to be at odds and uh anything that can change that narrative or anything that can change that script I'm all for so you let me know bro I'm a real [ __ ] real [ __ ] I love that that's that's why I came here for it not real sure you know what I'm saying yeah I want you to know that man and um man I love what you're doing with Africa man I see the African lady bro talk about it man what you is is that a real thing yeah it's coming yeah it's coming I saw your uh I saw your real I saw your real y'all you know your team sent me I was like um it had Obama endorsing it it had it had to leave talk about the African lead man um or something I'm really proud of you know just to be a part of a league so now you look at it you know when you're a competitor when you're in it you you don't look at the big picture if you don't look at the wild scope of it you win it you in it and now it's like okay I'm a part owner of a league in Africa um this is really special because I would go back uh in the Summers you know at the height of my career and [ __ ] there's so much work to do and now you know you're you're alone and it's like you can't change your culture like you can't do this [ __ ] by yourself so now it's about bringing you know your network bringing all the people together to do this [ __ ] but when this opportunity came to be able to be a part to invest in and be Africa for me was a no-brainer I was like this is exactly what I'm looking for um you know but basketball is not a big part of African culture yet but you know you look at Joel and B he probably the MVP of the league right now but the reality is he started playing basketball at 16 17 years old very late in this life so imagine when they lowered hoops and they got the little shorties wait till these young African boys Renee to put their own lick on it exactly so we don't have that yet right that's not there yet so the league is great um you know the NBA's invested a lot of you know a lot of big leaders are invested and now I'm at the table with with the big dogs so I'm learning a lot I'm learning a lot about business but at the same time it's like yo let's really focus on the Grassroots and what I'm hoping for is like you know ogs who are done playing who want to give their you know their experience their leadership like we can go and do that and the reality is we so bless in America people don't realize like Cameroon got one indoor court in the whole country one in the whole country so now you start building infrastructure where you have the ogs coming in and really showing these kids how to really poop it's a wrap how they building it are they building from Legos like Nigeria you know Cameroon Ivory Coast like some of the bigger South Africa are they starting with some of the bigger the bigger countries uh right now there's two there's three big Arenas so they're in Senegal um you know where there's probably the two best academies for the kids uh on the continent to learn okay so I'm an ugalo fall who's the president of uh he was he was a scout for uh Dallas yeah so we were we were we were tight coming up you know I almost went there to go play with Dirk when I came in um but we always kept our relationship and you know when he became the president and there was an opportunity I jumped on that but right now the big structures the big stadiums are in Rwanda [Music] um in Senegal and in Egypt but we still have we got ways to go we got ways to go but the talent is there for sure I saw I saw it on the Reel I saw I saw um obviously on my social media and I see uh a bits and pieces I saw J Cole going to lead play um do you see um matter of fact on a scale of one to ten when it comes to skill what's the what's what's what's Africa the continent as we know basketball and by the way basketball right now is an international uh it's a it's a um European sport right now the moves that's in the game the Euros the flopping don't look American and then the best players are European give me a take on that you agree with that um I mean there's a lot of great European Talent um but I mean there's the the talent is coming from everywhere man yeah and it used to just be States states so it's not like that no more so but what people in the states have to realize is you know I don't care where you're from you have everything here you got everything you got the best facilities in the world are here the best coaching is here but I feel like the kids are are spoiled I was hungry not as hungry as the world as the world the world is hungrier so that to me that's where I want to put my I want to put my energy when I'm talking to a shorty he's not looking at me like oh he's not playing no more like you know I don't care about my Instagram's not going to be as lit as it was when I'm not trying to hear all that [ __ ] I wanna when I'm talking to you about basketball I want you to be a hundred percent in it and yo I haven't experienced in this [ __ ] I played against the best players in the world and if you hungry and you really want it I want the kids out there to really have an opportunity so that's what this league is showing these kids they don't have to fly all the way to the states uh to go to you know boarding school or go play uh NCAA you don't have to do we're just talking about nil there's a league out there a professional league and you don't have to leave home so obviously you know Africa is a huge continent a lot of different cultures you know South Africa's culture is very different from the north uh you know and East West vice versa it's all different but the reality is when you lower the hoops and you let these kids play and they get the good coaching it's a wrap imagination takes over imagination soccer's still huge over there soccer is huge soccer socks still run this right they're winners but same thing it's like you're the God and we gotta invest in the um in the structures you know that's what it is like just if we can invest in this but to me it's like my purpose is stronger than ever more than when I was playing it was like when I was playing I was representing the Bulls I was representing my team and I tried to do that to the best of my ability now it's not about me it's just okay I have my experience but I'm watching I know what it looks like I know what a good practice looks like I know again better looks like you know because I lived there for most of my life but and I saw that I did that in Europe you know starting play basketball in France uh same same facility as where Victor win benyama same place that he he's coming up so that's why I started playing and so I saw it I saw the Grassroots and what it looks like in in Europe um America as well you know we talked about that New York City Streetball term all the stuff uh and now Africa it's like yo they're building slowly but surely but when the investment starts coming in and people really see like yo if we put this you know if we put this time in right now this next Generation from over here is going to be on another level because they're hungry greater than the G League no not yet oh yeah it's not better than NCAA I wouldn't say it's better than that super raw raw raw but it's the same thing it's like you look at African dudes when they come in right and they come to America first of all um what's their job the Dirty Work you set the screens you roll don't rebound don't ask for don't you dare ask for the ball that [ __ ] that narrative that's changing you got him beat who's about to go MVP you passing you better pass in the ball every [ __ ] time down the court you know what I'm saying all right see I'll come come down pump fake one dribble pull up hit uh right hand hook uh you got Giannis who a year where your ass to death and put you in the rim like Shaq like yeah yeah it's totally different the whole narrative's changing the whole narrative but the resources are not all the way there but the time and the equity and the investment has been there for those players to be like this wouldn't you say I mean if you worked out with code Jonas worked out with me you know Giannis worked out with other NBA Jason Kidd the honest has had the investment think about uh MB and B got not one year he set out two years think about the investment on on Africa and the players that come out of there in the time usually bro you know this and out in the times where because I'm a little older than you but bro you don't get two you get two years before you get two years two years meaning somebody was like nah yeah we're gonna wait on this yeah but in the league that's a different thing right once they're already there I see what you're talking about those Investments are making I'm expecting listen [ __ ] you got to work out with Kobe and some nah nah you yeah you're gonna be different at some point I'm waiting on it to hit so that so I'm saying when you drop those resources in there I don't think that it's going to be something I look at it I see Africa being greater than the China the China league and I say that because of the sourcing right there once you start throwing imagination start teaching start teaching little things like getting your head up and identifying in the room once you start really getting through the nuances and the tangibles that really make the game the details those kids imagination starts taking off for sure you know what I'm saying that's what needs to happen that's what needs to happen yeah you know but you you walk to the market out there and you might see a dude that look like he never touched a basketball he he looked like you bro just like me he looked just like you you never touched a basketball before you know I mean never never ever he's six eleven all that purple black green all that blue all that [ __ ] right super melanin right super don't even know what this is what is this what is that are you serious that's the re that's the reality of the thing so now we're building a course you know there's a lot of people doing a lot of dope [ __ ] we just got to keep it up and keep building damn look at this 20 years behind 20 years behind 20 years behind 20 years behind damn how do you speak how do you speed that up camps involvements because I know they I know the NBA does something over there right or they go over every year I know Mutombo used to be bigger that I'm shout out Mutombo your shout out what's the guard from uh Toronto uh the uh the I'm going blank on this night help me Rich what's the what's the African name yeah yeah I see him sending a huge charge so every every year now I think we need to put the investment of these camps floss some of the old heads over let them because you know they they know us and then it's so it's so hard on some of these young guys who are playing you play the whole season I know you don't want to take your summer and go over to Africa yeah then two um I think that script is going to start changing right for that that's the reality at the end of the day is is taking your time but it's giving your time because that's everything and that's that's the most important thing you know we get some of these ogs to come over there that means a lot it goes a long way it does and these kids they appreciate it on another level so that's really what my focus on more than you know the investment in the league all that stuff is great but focusing on the Grassroots part if we get this piece right then the League's only gonna Blossom you know so um you know I love I love talking about this with the guys and see really who who's into it sometimes I talk talk to guys about it and they're like man they're not interested but the guys who are and who are like yo I want to know about my Heritage a little bit you know it's deep you know going back we did a beautiful trip with D Rose uh last summer we brought his high school team to Senegal so he was playing against the best competition in Africa at the NBA Academy and it was like the cultural exchange was beautiful you know so being able to how to do that trip I had just got married I was on my honeymoon pool was like okay I want to do this this trip to Africa I'm not missing that [ __ ] so we went it was awesome we went to go visit the slave castles you know and then it became a trip that was bigger than basketball you know because now you got kids from Chicago coming in competing against guys in Africa they in Africa they looking around there was and the same thing it's like you don't even have to preach you don't have to say much because they're just you know you know taking in this experience they're coming back to their neighborhood and they're like yo inspired how was Africa and they can they have they have a real story to tell you know so talk about perspective um that was that was one of the dopest things I ever did in my life I was to be honest that's still you got to go through and [ __ ] you got to go through the whole shot and do that word Farragut would do something like that man so now I got to ask the question is the is the is the idealist to bring like uh some African teams over in the summer and have them play some of some of the talent in Chicago and get kind of that experience and back and forth I mean to me that's that's my dream that's the move that's that's the move Venom gym are you listening a little small to that beside this we're going to talk about the Noah's Ark yeah it's National Certified you hear me yes sir talk about it man Noah's Ark it's your foundation you know shout out to Noah's Ark you know what I'm saying y'all doing big things no doubt I appreciate it man I love that name man talk about a little bit what's Noah's Art uh Noah's Ark is a foundation I started with my mom's um you know Mom was on the West Side shout the moms right exactly um mom was you know knocking at the major Adams Community Center um mom mom um does a lot of art therapy with the kids so my mom was very Hands-On in in the work in the community she would come out when she came visit me watching me play she would always go to the community and do um do work with the kids with the art and then you know I was doing these basketball tournaments with with the ogs and to me I always I always loved the Vets you know the Vets to me was probably the most it was amazing getting the knowledge from them you know I think about you know Kurt Thomas you know Keith bogan's uh even scout scout used to come in and talk about about you all the [ __ ] time like yo this is how this is how this is what kg used to be I'll be like man nobody trying to hear that [ __ ] right now man it was just a motivation some insight shout out to White Mama shout out to the white Mamba um um but you know before before we we get out of here I just want to also talk about you know the motivate tips man and um you know I know we're talking about Noah's Ark but let me finish on Noah's Arc I'm good take your time but Noah's Ark has it's been special but you know we're really focused on the work in Chicago and right now it's about this basketball tournament that's starting up this summer using the 28 violence prevention groups come together we got South Side going on we got the west side going on bring the guys together having a conversation it's more than just basketball we're not talk the basketball part is cool we're bringing we're doing that but all the programs that are going to come in the conversations that are going to come after that's what it's all about and that's that's my mission right now my purpose is stronger than ever um and um yeah man I'm [ __ ] really hyped to be here right now because like we're talking about we're talking about conflict resolution you know I want people to know I'm about I'm handling mine right now you know I mean people aren't going to go in the street and say they can say whatever they want this one was for me I love it I love it I love it are you watching uh are you watching NBA you're keeping up with it for sure all of it is it bug is it bugged out to watch see Al still going uh it's not bugged out it's bugged out that I'm I'm rooting for Boston a little bit because I want him to get it you're getting this yo we're in here don't hit us we got the whole room we heard this right right say that again nah just but no mostly no no I can't no I wanna now for I want horsey to get one bad you know he deserves it the fact that he can still go playing at a high level and you know he's making that team go you know and and it shows the importance of having like the right OG and that's more than just basketball that's in life like having having guys that you could talk to that has been through every situation he's that guy so really proud of him the way he's handling his business and it's on that three ball really changed everything for him he started you know it's weird that it got it got it got preached to us to stay away from it right she uh I'm trying to think of Biggs that shot the three now a lot not a lot right I'm I'm going blank apologies Dirk Dirk but I'm watching the read the the the re-emergence of a guy like Brook Lopez goes to the Lakers start shooting the three and next thing you know he's having a whole nother career right man Al Horford's in that same category um the three ball has changed and then last year I watched him change the cold course of why the Celtics and destroyed it or if yeah yeah he he destroyed Giannis in that in that series to me yeah he he actually you know but then when you look at Al he took it it was a year in OKC where he didn't play where he had that whole year to just not only work out but be on a roster still be here um how long do you think Al continues to play if you know why well so I was my college roommate and you know I think if his approach is his approach is definitely the same you know he's uh he even in college he was probably like the most professional person that I ever been around it's always been big like this uh for as long as you know him yeah he I mean he got bigger for sure in fact I know that but he's always been in like a a bigger person yes you know but you know it's funny because when we were in college I was playing top of the key he was the one who was playing in the post right right you know um but you know he's he's a all-around player and just like you said you know he got that three ball um but more than just basketball I think like when that when I talk to like some of the guys I talk to Jalen Brown I all started a little bit and just like the respect that he gets from the guys that's that's dope to me you know yeah man he's a good OG and you know he's been in this situation so now he's fighting for you know it's the end of it's who knows he could probably play for for a little more but you know just to be in that position to be able to wake up in the morning and you know I got the playoffs today I got a playoff game like that's the [ __ ] I miss the most it's like yo those moments of just you know you in layup lines I mean that that to me it's like those moments playing against y'all like I could like hear the in the air tonight I can hear that song you know I mean I'm those lip lines I was so crunk I couldn't even feel my legs bro you know what I'm saying it was just superintendent super it was the best super it was the best so those moments is what I miss the most this is the time of the year that I miss the most and uh you know I really hope horfi gets one well playoffs exposes everything you can't hide anything ain't nothing new they know what you love to do they know they know you your catalog moves and I actually think that this is when players get better because you got you can't go with the A and B right so yeah my CND is nice too though you know what I'm saying so I want to this is where I want to see like the real nice players or the players so we got on like higher levels go to another level with it and those those playoffs man it's like you think that the the you know you get to the league and you think that the season is is what the NBA is all about you know but guys there's so many games that it's hard to play at that level um every night you know I think some guys do it but as a whole when you get to the playoffs I mean that first time I hit the playoffs was against you guys you were hurt that series but that series like it it changed my life very serious by the way it was hard watching that [ __ ] it was hard sitting there not being able to physically contribute um when you give me your assessment on today's game man like you're still young enough to be understanding of these young guys you know the funny clip I love on the Internet is when y'all and some of y'all in the summer plan and y'all double Booker and he was like man I'm trying to work on my game man like ain't no double teaming this summer you're like yes it is and you just kept moving like on some OG [ __ ] yeah what's your obsessed with the Young Generation right now man um I think that the game is just is different the kids are just way more polished man it's like everybody's better and the difference between yeah skill wise but one through eight you're you're the first seed against the a seed these games are close like the talent you the 15th guy on the roster the difference is not that big you know these guys are getting better the I think the talent is is better um and it's just different you know guys if you can't shoot the ball you're not playing no more [ __ ] you're not playing no more you keep the three balls the difference in Generations I think so it's it's made the big not so traditional you're traditional big right now I don't give a [ __ ] how nice you're on the box if you can't shoot the floating three if you can't trade if you can't take the trail three or make a three in the corners and it's got to be I'm talking about like six for ten type [ __ ] you gotta be like 60 from those two ain't he giving it to you you ain't doing [ __ ] in uh on defense they're not having bigs come up no more and and actually be up Steph Curry comes off of top screen and roll you're in the you're in the paint like ice there's no ice they don't push things to the side no more they're not man 150 to 145 like come on man what the [ __ ] come on man we've been fighting in the locker room bro for real like like yeah but it's all designed for a different audience and this different audience wants it to be hyped up like that they're selling offense and then come playoff time to feel like they're selling defense because you I'm so hyped in you know what me and my homies will be sitting here watching the TV man it'll be like 140 here you know I'm like yeah 140 yeah it it it does trip me out like yesterday I'm watching the game and I'm seeing like I'm not even gonna whatever he he gets the offensive rebound yo you got you got Chris Paul on you you got like you got small guys on you throwing that [ __ ] out for a three I'm like yo you come on man yeah go up analytics go up analytics that that bugs me out that trips me out if you was commissioner for for two years what would you change damn it's a tough question would I change yeah first thing you change in day one well I'm happy that they changed the pith that I think that the weed thing was great I'm really I'm really happy about that guys can just at the end of the night relax can relax see we didn't have that oh and um so I'm happy that they did that um that [ __ ] took a lot of careers too bro a lot of careers and they never did anything about drinking and all that [ __ ] took it out of the locker room but I saw drinking a such a bigger harsher habit than anything else in our league obviously harder drugs or harder drugs but I was watching my first get drunk on every night I mean what the what like nah because you need your liver and your kidneys and all that you know what I mean but yeah I'm glad they actually relaxed on that and guys can actually um have solutions to some of these elements that they have because you know nobody wants to say this but exotic is a real thing now some of these conditions are a real thing you know uh aspirin ain't gonna fix it but so much you know what I'm saying so I totally get it man uh yeah I think I think that that one was really important because I don't think people realize game you know you're playing a game at the highest level you got 20 20 000 people going crazy bucks um you know you think with that kind of adrenaline being on the court you think that you're going to sleep at 12 o'clock just oh the game's over it's time to go to bed like I can't I couldn't shut it down no way I couldn't shut it down so I'm happy that guys have you know have that outlet to just be able to calm down meditate on it and and get some rest and I think the rest is the most important thing you know guys guys are getting hurt left and right I was going to say that man you see how they talking about 65 games and you see how they are you a fan of those management uh not really but I mean it's tough man I mean everybody's different you know it's like you look at the how people are talking about Kawhi and [ __ ] yo homie's [ __ ] up homie's [ __ ] up so that's that's load management just because it wasn't my way you know it wasn't the way we were raised but at the end of the day you know I can't I can't be over here just because it wasn't my way and say you know what's right and what's wrong you know some guys need that [ __ ] for real so is it hurting the game or or is it helping again or hurting the game would you say load management load management I think there's a lot of analytics in it that's just taking taking away the soul of the game you know listen to the guys like sometimes like yo sometimes you got to play through [ __ ] [ __ ] so and and you know what that's how you get your respect like when I when I go around in Chicago and people are like talking to me and they're like yo thank you for your services that's not because that's because I was playing through [ __ ] you know that's because I was battling in the playoffs you're not gonna get that because you got a big contract or you know just because you were a good team no you gotta you gotta fight through that [ __ ] sometimes but sometimes the the the the guy I think there's a lot of like nerdy [ __ ] going on where people are like oh you know you're in the you're in the red they're putting all kinds of stuff to get data and all this yo listen to the guy man just listen to the guy sometimes I think it's it's it's too much I know you I know you spoke to them um earlier uh first off shout out for you being a um ambassador of the gang for the French team shout out to you being the Ambassador for the Chicago Bulls you know what I'm saying those are those are real key points people just don't get those real [ __ ] that's respect to you um talk about Victor a little bit man is he is he what is he as advertised I see I see him do one-legged threes I see them first off he's how how tall is bro man bro 7-7 for real yeah he's like seven four like a seven four k d yeah like long went uh biggest wingspan NBA in the NBA right away um you shoot them one you can shoot that for real and we'll see you know there's a lot of expectations on them I hope that he gets a good coach he's surrounding he's in a good environment you know how that can be early on um so if he's in a good environment and a good structure I don't know him well enough to really know you know who's going to be coming with him uh when he gets to the league and stuff but um you know when you you come in you're a top pick you know you're going to a not great team um then that's why these playoffs are so important because when you have that playoff energy from the locker room and you know the guys that play played in it they can be like yeah we [ __ ] around right now it's January but when that [ __ ] when mid when April May Come you know that's a whole different animal you know so that's why you're in the weight room more that I mean that playoff series I want to just talk about it a little bit it's just that first playoff series just shaped my life man it's my basketball career what perspective what do you mean you know just playing against perk I was getting pushed I was getting pushed around and um and that summer I remember I was like okay right that's not happening no more that's not happening it motivated me like crazy I remember you know even I mean I'm in my house I'm smoking a Black yo I'm putting the blunt down like I gotta Focus I gotta stay focused we got we've got to go back because that feeling there's no better feeling than I'm going back my push-ups you know Celtic circle on the calendar real [ __ ] I love the real [ __ ] this is a platform for all the older cats or the cash out bang the gifts all the cats and I played against all the cats I respect all the cats that got something positive going on I'm here to Echo what they're doing on this you know so I got Partners I don't have no boss in this and so I left Turner um I thought that experience I came over here and got with showtime and we're just building something so I'm gonna I'm gonna I want to keep doing that but I'm watching doe I'm watching you I'm watching baby I'm watching ta I'm watching perk I'm watching a bunch of young cats under me come onto this and want to be in this and do it a whole another way so you know we're just trying to we're trying to be a door so the grace can come through yeah because it's great right now if you ain't going to ESPN you're going to turn and you're sitting there like in limbo you know what I'm saying yeah I see Gil doing this thing I see uh Knuckleheads queuing um the um you know what I'm saying so everybody I'm trying to I'm trying to bring us all together and do something on a bigger joint you know what I'm saying not just have it be over here you know what I'm saying and that's how this is man um I'm a huge fan of um the younger generation man or generation that was younger and one of my favorite matchups that I I enjoy watching was the Rondo Derrick Rose matchup and um you know my perspective was just like yours I was always seeing it from like you know what I mean and I was watching these two great point guards be great talk a little bit about playing with uh with Derrick Rose man his greatness I mean Derek is uh you know he's he it was it was awesome playing with that guy you know just what he represented to that City of Chicago looked like it too for real look like y'all have chemistry and he was just like you know he's a quiet guy but you know every time he stepped onto the floor you know we felt like we had a chance to win fives so that was uh he gave everybody around not just the team but the whole city uh so much confidence you know um just his talent Alone um just the way he approached the game uh he never ran from no matchups you know I remember his first year uh it was a funny story uh you know he Kirk Heinrich was our best pick and roll Defender so he's gotten Steve Nash and Vinnie down there was like yo Kirk you got you got Steve Nash and Pooh's like nah I got Steve mad I'm the point guard I'm not running from no matchup so a whole the whole locker room quiet as hell but that's the kind of guy in like who then who was not taking No for nothing that as a rookie as a rookie so that's the kind of energy he had he didn't want to run from no matchup you know and he was about this this he was all all about this hoop [ __ ] and um he was the quiet guy I was a loud guy so we were kind of you know we even though he came from completely different worlds we meshed like we were brother we're still Brothers to this day and that's something I'm proud of it's like yo it's not about um I'm proud of our Brotherhood with them with those teams you know like luau dang shout out luau dang all the work that he's doing in South Sudan president of his country and basketball they just qualify for the World Cup doing real real real real real [ __ ] shout out to Luol Dengue big things look him up uh D Rose too it's like just to see the [ __ ] that he went through um the adversity that he went through with his injuries and just to see him at peace um with the game the way you know his his role as an OG with the younger guys like that goes a long way like he's not playing as much now seeing him just being there being supportive being there with the guys um and I you know the guys are looking at like yo if he can handle it and handle this [ __ ] like a like a man uh and handle his adversity like a man yo they the guys on the Knicks are seeing that every day that goes a long way so um you know I I appreciate that guy not just as a Hooper and the greatness that he was as a Hooper but the way he's handling his his [ __ ] you shocked he's still in the league um yeah nothing shocks me with that guy man nothing shocks me with that guy but I just like I like his mindset you know I think that people in his position there's a there could be a lot of um he could be bitter about a lot of [ __ ] because you know the the injuries probably robbed him of some of his uh greatness but to see him at peace with it is what I'm the most happy because that's my brother at the end of the day win or lose I don't give up it's more about seeing him happy that's what I care about but uh yeah that's what's up man I'm not I look at bro as well great and when you great you just don't put that out it just don't go nowhere you know you're great for a reason it's a lot of times in between what's between your ears you know what I'm saying so when I watch him play the other night tips threw him in that him and tip still together by the way right they gonna they're gonna go forever right when I seen tips threw him in there for like two seconds he got the joint through the lob like it was ah just I'm just in Central Park I'm just chilling like yeah man make shout out to D Rose man I'm a huge huge D Rose uh it's not over it's not over either nah keep it going B no no tips tips tips might not be playing them right now but he might be somewhere enough you never know listen it's good to have him right there where you can put him in there and he ready he's sitting there you know what I'm saying on go so yeah shout out to D Rose man it's my dog man um but I gotta ask you this bro would you ever get in the culture I'm saying it's like you got a lot of knowledge bro you got a lot of energy you got a lot of vision and you got a lot of knowledge man you gotta some of that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I know it's I heard you just say you got marijuana if you got kids but at some point you got to pass this down and I'm sure you do this to when you you know dealing with your you know your African teams and everybody else but I want to know that would you go back to Florida take up take a coaching job or would you oh there's too much politics and coaching you know I actually I coached a All-Star Game oh [ __ ] I saw the rookie sophomore game oh [ __ ] and I did there was a kid uh on Houston and I didn't play him at the end of the game and he should have I mean it was All-Star game but I got competitive and I was like yeah I'm trying to win the game though Joe Kim so I leave I leave the arena and I see he's walking with his grandma and I'm like oh [ __ ] and Grandma come to me How You Gonna this is the All-Star Game you should be ashamed of yourself you don't play my son and I was like my grandma you know what you right I should have played decided it was an All-Star Game and he's like Grandma chill Grandma chill and I should have you know I should have put him at the it was the All-Star game everybody deserved to play in the All-Star game but that's the kind of man I that's that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up though you just [ __ ] me up I'm sitting for like damn Grandma you don't tell Grandma you trying to win that [ __ ] Grandma trying to win it that's her baby man you can't save me enough he drove 200 right right right we got right in your [ __ ] you know what I'm saying what's next for you man what's next for me I gotta throw this before you even answer that my bad not to cut you off excuse me but bro you got a personality bro you ever [ __ ] what content podcast man what's what's next for you look that's another reason why I'm here you know I'm trying to figure it out um you know I got my purpose working order I know a lot of my energy is going to go on that but at the end of the day I love what you're doing right now um you know the content is you know it's the future you know because we need it man it's like there's too much [ __ ] on the internet you know we need to have the OG's come in there speak their truth and you know give it give the guy this is a this is a great platform I'm just like really happy to be here and be able to talk about this stuff I'm hearing people talking about things that this that wasn't their story this is our this is this is a moment that happened between me and you so being able to talk about this um I think it goes a long way and it's just bigger than what happened between the lines so I'm not really happy we were able to do this because to me this is what it's all about yes I respected that was great that was great that was great certified for real certified man ain't no outro man certified so big bro if you could this is the wall of fame if you could bless the wall so all the guests coming here [Music] thank you it's finally here took you long enough the moment you've been waiting for can we get on with this place the movie critics and audiences Love Is Now streaming on Paramount plus you can't deny the people what they crave [Applause] oh we got him now it's fairly wonderful oh I got a good feeling about this Dungeons and Dragons honor among Thieves weighted waited for a team now streaming on Paramount Plus
Channel: SHOWTIME Basketball
Views: 190,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, showtime, basketball, shosports, showtime sports, sports, showsports, NBA, kg certified, Kevin garnett, KG, kg certified podcast, Joakim Noah, joakim noah kevin garnett, joakim noah free throw, joakim noah highlights, kevin garnett joakim noah, kevin garnett joakim noah story, kevin garnett joakim noah paul pierce, Derrick Rose, Florida Gators NCAA basketball, derrick rose highlights, Chicago bulls, Victor, victor wembanyama, victor wembanyama highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 36sec (4656 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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