Robert Horry | Ep 185 | ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode | SHOWTIME Basketball

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Andre you have to understand what I've been through all of it made me into the man that I am today 32-0 his brother Andre Ward was great I'm going to do things my way I wanted to have a body of work not just in the ring but as a man only thing you ain't done in boxing is lose SOG the book of Ward only on Showtime streaming with Paramount plus the NBA finals are here Matt what's different about the finals this year Well Jack it's the finals man it's the last games of the season and there's a lot more at stake in honor of the finals our partners at DraftKings Sportsbook are dishing out a can't miss offer all new customers bet just five dollars and get 200 in bonus bets instantly download the DraftKings sports book app now use the promo code smoke to get your bonus bets win loser draw you'll still get 200 in bonus best instantly wondering what you could do with 200 bonus bets try DraftKings same game parlay on Friday you can even join the all the smoke same game parlay see who me and stack are riding with and join along download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now new customers use promo code smoke bet five dollars and get two hundred dollars in bonus best instantly that's promo code smoke only at DraftKings Sportsbook the NBA season is coming to a close and that means we only have a few more weeks left of all the smoke same game parlay every Friday we're cooking up the new bets using DraftKings Sportsbook while you still can and make sure you go back and check out the all the smoke same game parlays head over to the app and see our Pixies we were riding with the action only happens at DraftKings Sportsbook [Music] welcome back day two La Jack amazing long ass day yesterday and then we get to start today with uh man one of the most clutch players in the history of the NBA got a lot of different nicknames all I don't care about is The Seven Rings right uh man welcome to the show Robert Ory thank you everybody appreciate it bro big bro thanks um I feel like this this interview is going to have to cut the line so we're going to drop this the first day of the finals since we're talking to someone who was seven and oh in the finals what is that you know we when you think about the the hierarchy and rings and ring talk you were someone who has seven first and foremost but you're also seven and O in those situations what comes to mind now you have a chance to sit back and look at stuff like that you know first of all I just said I was blessed to play with a lot of great [ __ ] Talent you know you think about it um one of the best big men ever I started my career out and it was a chemological one and for me coming out of college you you look at all the teams most guys were like where do you know I just want to get in the NBA I'm like what do I want to fit in where I can win the Champs and I was so fortunate to go to Houston because that's exactly what they needed a small forward and in the parallel side dream and Vernon Maxwell you know two of the greatest competitors to play the game was a great learning experience for me so I look at that and then you know all the other teams I play for there's one common it was great big man you know think about shag Tim Duncan and if you said right now name the top five big man I play with three of them yeah yeah yeah who's so who's who's who's who are you playing with three of what dreams we don't like to tell you nobody want to talk about I think you have these guys who are quiet think about it dream you know he's a really quiet guy you can't get him to do much to say much so we kind of kind of Veer away from him we don't talk about him but to me if you look at what he put together you know Defensive Player of the Year MVP in one season um all-time leading shot blocker you know those things that you look at his his history and what he's done for the game and where he how he started the game you know this dude didn't play basketball growing up went to your base where they went you think about we all went to college but they're going to teach you you and they just rolled a ball out there and he went to work and so I think what his body of work was just incredible and he's just a good dude too man that's what you have to think about good dude and people don't understand you play with all of them so your opinion is valid you've been on the court with him yeah you gotta respect that that's dope um fatherhood you recently got kicked out of the game joined the club uh for cussing that a rap I didn't curse I think that's the craziest thing I said yo Refuge suck man okay I said call the block and call and you should have cussed it they gonna throw you out for suck and that's the crazy part people like it's like he wins to the he went to the cop and the cop was like what you want me to do that's not my job right and then he went to the A.D at the school to stop the game yeah he got mad I said oh you mad at me because I say you suck I said well good job he talks about the game and so the A.D was outside talking to me he says you know I apologize she said I said can I have my money back he was like I can't do that I said well next game I come to is free right this is okay we'll do that yeah but I love watching my son play in high school man you know you know how it is when you can watch your kids and watch them try to follow their own path their own dream you know they won state championship so it was it was a great run you know for me I was so mad that I missed the the game to go to state champs because they played Corona centen everybody knows how good Tony Centennial but we it's horrible I said we because I'm a part of the Harvard Westlake fan we step up in there and beat them by 20 in their building Destiny was in their past where does fatherhood but also giving your son game how do you balance that line you know I I have a great son um he comes to me for advice okay you know you know sometimes dads want to come out and say oh you're gonna do this this and this I'm like yo just sit down let's talk what do you think you need to work on where did you mess up in this game and he he's like okay Dad I [ __ ] up because I ain't shoot this ball I didn't shoot that ball all he said I should have did this and he says tell me what how I should have gotten and I showed him little little tweaks because my son is a very intelligent player you know you got to be go to Harvard Westlake and so I just tweak a little things here and now but I also think that the people I put him in the pathway have helped him along with like I do got like Zach now I know you know exactly the trains um uh Reeves has started working on my son because I say yo I can't talk about dribbling yeah that wasn't what I was good at but I can tell you footwork and how to shoot it and so you know you have to pass along so that's one thing that I've learned about father we all don't know everything so don't be afraid to step outside the box and ask somebody for help I'll be the first one to send these [ __ ] somewhere else we're going to do it together yeah need some help and Andalusia Alabama as I said Andalusia are you from Spain is Andalucia and the Lucia yeah so yeah talk about growing up in South Alabama man you know it was it was hard I know a lot of people talk about about how racist was and you know how racism is you don't know racism until you get to Alabama in the South where certain streets we couldn't walk down even growing up I was one of the best baseball players in my city and I don't make an All-Star team because there's a situation where A ball rolls took right in front of the coach and I said throw the ball back he said boy you come get this ball and I like she and I stood on first base and I don't make also I did and then and it's just crazy and then what they fail to realize is and back then is if the team that wins it which was our team we won it every year it was all black had three white kids on our team and the two white kids that were on our team was brothers and they were the richest white kids in town because their dad was a doctor and so now we playing this game we had to play an All-Star game and I don't make the All-Star team I told my coach I'm pitching today we beat them mugs 32-3 and this is their All-Star team and so that and from that moment on they canceled that moment because they knew they were wrong they knew they [ __ ] up and then when I went on it just is one of those little things even like our cheerleaders we can only have we only allowed three black cheerleaders on our team and one on one of them was the coach's daughter so they had to make that exception so it was little things like that but it made you stronger it made you smarter it made you be aware of your surroundings is one of the things that like my wife laughed at me about now because when I go places I'm always looking I'm like you know it's only like one black person in this restaurant she said why do you always notice I said because go down me and him go link up you know and she don't and she's like why are you dancing with because you grew up in Alabama you got to be very careful in the restaurants you go to because people just start eyeballing you and and then next thing no fights break out and then you're gonna get blamed for it but you got to make sure you get about that [ __ ] alive and make sure you guys don't have your back man so when did hoop come into play and then there's two questions when did who come into play that wasn't any NBA players you looked up to man my brother got me in the hoop my brother was the second best player in the state of Alabama behind Chuck persons he did not want to play basketball and so he's the one that got me into it and then growing up you know South Alabama and you live in your mother your aunt your brother your grandma your grandfather in one house you got one TV my grandfather when he wanted to watch TV watch what he wanted to watch and that was going to be the Western no it was wrestling that's all he watched and then my grandmother watched stories so that's how I became a Days of Our Lives fan because when I come home I had to watch what she wanted to watch but for that though it was just it it was great growing up I grew up in Magic Johnson fan I love magic I used to you know have a Magic Johnson post in my in my room and in college and and then I kind of became a Scottie Pippen fan because as you grow and you learn your game you try to pick out players that are similar to your bill and so I said okay this is why I want to take something from him take some from him and then at the end of the day I realized well [ __ ] those two guys like the dribble I don't like doing that [ __ ] so I just you know I just try to be me and that's one reason I wore number 25 because when I got to high school my high school coach was like what number you want to wear and I said when we were 32 so I can be like magic John she's like nope you're not having that number and I'm like wow he says because you need to be your own in person you need to be your own player you can learn from him but be who you are and he's like when's your birthday August 25th you're wearing number 25 yeah that's how I got my number yeah and stuff you stayed home for school Alabama I didn't want to you didn't want to teammates with the trails pretty well talk about that experience yeah I I you know I wanted to go to Georgia Tech because growing up in Alabama if I say Alabama first thing you think of right now Nick Saban and football even though Nick Saban wasn't there but it was still football Derrick Thomas you know God Rest is so one of my greatest friends you know he's the one that helped me get through Alabama because I didn't want to be there and I wanted to go to Georgia Tech because I wanted to go to ACC where they played basketball you know SEC is football but when I got to Alabama you know spree came in after he transferring there we had a good time you know spree was one of those crazy athletes like he couldn't go right I mean left to save his light but when he got to Don Nelson and Golden State he forced that in him and spree was just when you talk about D you up we had a great defensive team he had me yeah Jason Kathy you had James Robinson and don't ask me why didn't we win a National Championship I know I know he had a great team we had Hollywood at one point to retirement every year yeah one point we started five Pros Hollywood was at the point spree was at the two I was at the three Jason Caffe was at the four and raw Rogers was at the five man and that was our starting lineup you know but you know you got to think about Sabrina and I were both seniors you know the other guys were Juniors and then Roy was a fresh a sophomore so but we learned a lot we helped each other out and but I think the way wimp coached us prepared us for the next level because he made us realize it ain't just about playing the games by thinking the game they came real close this year in the tournament yeah I know he was going crazy Brandon Miller uh I got a nice one coming out of there yeah he's he's really nice and the crazy part is his dad was a tight end at Alabama when I was there his mom ran track at Alabama that's why everybody was like how did somebody this [ __ ] good go to Alabama yeah it's the connection yeah so he ended up man you know I'm just happy he didn't you know go down for that crazy situation that happened um but he's a hell of athlete he probably gonna be a a top five pick probably number two top three think number two I think going number two I think because they don't yeah well they got number two right yeah they don't need a guard yeah they don't need a point guard yeah so yeah definitely top four yeah yeah uh 92 your 11th overall pick to the rockets and as you said earlier like you looked for fit and they had obviously all the pieces what is it like coming from a program where you saw success but never really got over the hump to playing with the dream and and everyone else on that team twoston yeah it's it's so hard to get over that hump and sometimes you can look at you know situations like I look at my situation in Alabama realize like okay every year we lost we lost to a team that was better than us and you had to even face reality you know my senior year we lost in North Carolina they won it that year and then when you get to Houston you look around like [ __ ] who's better than us well you got Seattle who kicks our ass all the time and you got that team called the Chicago Bulls that kicks their ass and we just said we just got to fight hard and people don't understand like my one of my favorite shots that nobody talks about was a shot I hit as a rookie in Seattle to send us an overtime uh you know they can't you know you think I got Vernon I got Kenny I got dream and I took the shot and we go into overtime we eventually lost that game in game seven that was my rookie year and next year we came back we still had a great year but it was just something about [ __ ] Sean Kemp and Kerry Bateman and people don't know how freaking good Sean Kemp was man I remember him in high school he's the same class in high school where's he from he's from uh Virginia right Indiana okay I mean when I say if I wish I could have seen this dude in high school you know because Alonzo Morning was considered the number one player in the country that year and Sean he said he'd be me Sean Allen Houston we were all hanging out and Sean one day says I can't stand that [ __ ] you're like what are you talking about he ain't better than me and it's the first time I ever seen someone like got so [ __ ] motivated because like him he went on the next game who do they say that to he was talking about a lot so um because even Chris Jackson was there and Chris Jackson was sitting there you know and he was like you know you know funny people don't know how funny Chris was before he you know he got it he was a loose guy but it do come down one time Sean killed I never seen somebody this big County Rock takes off from the free throw line dunks on Zoe and be like that's why I'm the best [ __ ] player in the country and I was like oh [ __ ] I was like okay all right and it was just you know stuff like that is just real but you know but Houston though was a perfect fit for me man it was you think they needed a three I 003 I I could you know play off a dream if you duck dream and he didn't block the shot I was blocking the shot on the other side and then you have Vernon one of the best perimeter defenders in the game you know and it was just it was just a great fit and it was just needed the bench pieces then we got Mario Ellie and Sam Cassell the following year you know so that that put us over the top and I know we always talk about this you know about who would have won the 94-95 and MJ one left but you know people don't realize how good dream was and how how competitive Vernon Maxwell was why not I mean Kenny said y'all would have handled them yeah you know what was your thoughts obviously you know you have an understanding and you win a lot yeah uh those are some tough Bulls teams but y'all was tough too so yeah we were tough but his this is why I know we would have won it because I played for Phil and I go back to this 2006 season I know two I'm sorry 2004 season where we plan we he we were playing um San Antonio and I had to guard Tim Tim gave me 36 a night I'm begging for man y'all gave him a [ __ ] double team because Tim started facing me up and doing stuff that I had never seen before I said I need a double team and Phil was like you know and one man won't beat us every damn he won't want me to be he's killing me right now you know and and so he double teamed I said and with that same mentality I knew it wouldn't change the dream dream and you think about this I I and I'm looking back at everybody that they had on that Bulls team I know I'm a better Defender than all them days and I know dream is better than than Tim so they wouldn't be able to stop dreaming they said okay and I feel like we're not the young Rob would have been competitive enough to stop Scotty mm-hmm and so I figured that's why we would have wanted and then you got you know everybody said we're about to you know black Jesus I mean MJ look at the way Vernon played I'm telling you burning them back now from nobody running back to him telling you watch Vernon play Vernon would give you 30 to 40. one of the craziest athletes you would ever see play this game but because of his craziness being Mad Max people don't talk about it how good it was we got a good team man yeah you got any crazy I'm a huge fan of Matt we had a story I'll tell our story so we were in Houston one time with the warriors with Nelly and somehow he found out we were going to have shoot around there so we got there he had like a full hour workout like Nelly look at me you know you need a 10 day to like everyone was both full well I promise you no no we first walked into Earth like somehow he found out we were practicing that so he had got in here before had a full workout talking about a 10-day Nelly what's up 10 day like this is what oh seven yeah unbelievable and I had to kind of look around like is he serious and people like no he's serious he was good though look great he looked great look great hey he looked great you talk about freaking bodies his body is just he was just ripped for no reason didn't really work out yeah but just was ripped and he could just stay up all night drink smoke all night that mother gonna come out and come go for 40. yeah his favorite thing was if you come to LA and play he loved playing in L.A that mother would hit a jumper and find that way to chill you know this one the Chili's sit on the side I'm like a fall and push yourself back into the chilies look at them prettiest white teeth smiling I'm [ __ ] them up tonight baby [Laughter] I'm telling you man that dude was a crazy competitor a great athlete and you can just do it you had to beat another time I mean we had this since we were playing you know have some time you have to shoot around guys leave we still shooting around all of a sudden our strength and condition coach comes running out like yo man I need some [ __ ] help Vernon going [ __ ] crazy so we run in there and Vernon and Carl Herrera both have weights in their hand and [ __ ] just boom boom hitting each other with the waist they like help he's like I'll be damn I'm not about getting hit with a [ __ ] weight and so them [ __ ] fall till they got tired and then the next day they hugged it out you know and if you ever see car across a big dude yeah car shoulder came out Place Vernon was the first person like I got this my boy he would help him to the back and then three weeks later the [ __ ] fighting again and it was just the craziest relationship but those two loved each other and that that was just a competitive nation of Vernon boy it was it's a lot of stories even though the time when I had to go save him in the stands yeah yeah yeah it was what happened so for those who didn't see it so we play in Portland Portland's kicking our ass right you know I'm sitting I'm pissed because you know you have a good game and you're losing you feel even worse so I'm sitting in the bench and all I hear is Yo Vernon who's that [ __ ] on your arm Vernon says what and I'm at the end of the bench because I had just got subbed out so Vernon's Jets by me and I look this way I'm like oh [ __ ] he going in the stand so I grew up in the stands it was two dudes one dude jumps up Vernon pushes him down and he gets ready to swing on and do the other dude jumps up and I'm like I'm getting ready to grab he looks to me and sticks back down like yeah [ __ ] like this I'm like yeah I'm swole right now look behind me is Otis Thorpe and I strengthen conditions and then they the guy he never hit the guy he just pushed the guy down and said what the [ __ ] you say say it again and the guy like oh you know how everybody is they talk trash until they You Know Jack had to take it to the next level yeah yeah where were you when I went in today I needed you then come grab me any three million dollars later did uh dream smack uh was that true or was that rumor that's that's the truth but I had I got there the season after okay so you went there okay yeah but Verna tell you story how you know dream you know people are you remember um Graham smack too I can't think of his name but we were playing the Clippers and I think it was Randy but you know everybody was scared of Ken was Ken Norman normally everybody was scared of kidney right you know he was like that for enforce nobody would [ __ ] with so he walking off the court and Randy's talking [ __ ] to dream and then he pushes dream dream hit him with a two-piece pop-up real quick and then he goes runs to get Ken Ken said who hit you dream ah [ __ ] that because they know because people realize dream had those hands if you go back before dream really deep dive into his religion that more fought every time he was a 25 out of 50 fine he didn't give a [ __ ] he would knock you out in a second so I think the old dream kind of came out because when you push someone you kind of lose it sometimes he ran it with that two-piece real quick he's like I'm going to get my Big Brother Big Brother saw who it was in the world the NBA finals are here Matt what's different about the finals this year Well Jack it's the finals man it's the last games of the season and there's a lot more at stake in honor of the finals our partners at DraftKings Sportsbook are dishing out a can't miss offer all new customers bet just five dollars and get 200 in bonus bets instantly download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now use the promo code smoke to get your bonus bets win lose a draw you'll still get 200 in bonus best instantly wondering what you could do with 200 bonus bets try DraftKings same game parlay on Friday you can even join the all the smoke same game parlay see who me and stack are riding with and join along download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now new customers use promo code smoke bet five dollars and get two hundred dollars in bonus best instantly that's promo code smoke only at DraftKings Sportsbook the NBA season coming to a close and that means we only have a few more weeks left of all the smoke same game parlay every Friday we're cooking up the new best using DraftKings Sportsbook while you still can make sure you go back and check out the all the smoke same game parlays head over to the app and see our pictures we were riding with it actually only happens at DraftKings Sportsbook foreign [Music] a little bit your draft 92 draft was Heavy uh Shaq so Christian Laettner uh any stories about that draft process or workouts or anything like that well you know you go to Chicago you have all these workouts so you know so you have to do that treadmill test so stress test it's me Oliver Miller Todd day we all hanging out and we all talking about SEC and shaqs on the treadmill he had just got to that point we went to like the third level Oliver was like he goes over and unplugs the thing and Shaq almost fall and everybody starts like what the [ __ ] you laughing at that [ __ ] ain't funny it's all good you know Shaq was like about Oliver Miller and then the people come well you got to do again shock like do it again [ __ ] that [ __ ] man I'm out of here and he left and so after that nobody's like oh Shaq leaving we all [ __ ] leaving everybody we just you know we follow a shot because we know he's gonna be the number one pick so whatever he said goes and uh for all of us yeah for all of us yeah but the crazy thing that happened to me personally was I had a interview with um what's the coach of Seattle name that coach Sean and all them uh called George Carr and George Carl comes to me says you know you should be playing in Chicago I'm like I just played in Orlando when I shouldn't have won I won MVP in Orlando you think I'm playing Chicago too she said what makes you think you shouldn't play in Chicago I said look around I'm betting all these [ __ ] in here I tell you that and he was like okay that's all I need to know I like confidence and so it ever since then he and I had a good relationship and it was it was so weird because of my draft you know 11 pick everybody I thought was going to be Harold Miner or Tracy Murray and so for me this was the first year that the draft wasn't held in New York it was in Portland because that's the year of the Dream Team and so we I didn't even my mom at the time was scared to fly my dad had just had neck surgery I didn't have a girlfriend at the time my agent was in New York so I was I think I was the only person went to the draft by themselves there's gonna be a lottery pick so I was literally in the bathroom and the Houston pit came up and I walked back and you know everybody I know they have the things in their ears where they take the camera they got one camera in front of Tracy Murray One camera in front of Hera minor and then all of a sudden you hit them all do this and they start running over towards where me and Chris come in Doug Creeks were boys because we did camps together we were always hanging together we always got cut at the same time so we were all on that van at these events leaving at the same time I was like oh Doug you about to get drafted by Houston and then when Houston called my name I think that was the best moment in my basketball career I started when it rings because not many guys go to the teenagers really really want to go to right and from that moment on it was just it was just the best feeling for me man so that was that was a great moment in my basketball life and I started winning championships uh the evolution of a stretch four like you have to have it now but it wasn't really a position back then you know you obviously came in as a three-man but kind of transitioned to that stretch Force speak to the kind of the development of that and where that came from well it came from because nobody could guard Charles Barkley on our team we were playing them in the playoffs we were down 3-1 to them and uh Phoenix we just made that big trade to get Clyde we traded away Otis Thorpe you know as I power forward so the first two games he was killing Pete chill because it was our power forward then it was killing Chucky Brown and all of a sudden they looked at me like well you know you gotta make a lineup change let's go did Chucky have the go-to back then or they're irregular he had to go to you know Chucky Chucky Dirty South man he still got that go-to probably so they put me at um power forward and you know even though Chuck was way stronger than me but I was faster I was quicker I was longer so you know not saying I didn't stop him but you know I kind of did you know from getting 50 at night he got 30 a night and so he eventually came back and won that series and from that moment on was like oh you are a power forward and that's why they and in the next series you know we went on to play San Antonio which kind of worked in my favor because people forget Dennis Rodman was on that San Antonio team and what Dennis gonna do he gonna rebound he ain't coming out the paint yeah and so I was just knocking out threes and then we went on to play a Orlando and you know Horace Grant ain't a really a true power forward like it was back then like the Carl Malone's all that guy and then I would just lighting him up and so after that they was like you are a power Ford and then I had to got to La I had to put on a little weight and it kind of just changed my game from them man because when I first got in the league you know I'm slashing you know I'm dunking Duncan you know I'm doing all this stuff you know because that's how we first met in Phoenix yeah he was young he used to work out with us like Sam and yeah Sam was just like him and Sam every time I look up him and saying well I mean obviously you're known for the offensive side but your defensive game was Heavy what were some of the tricks of the trade because you were one of some that learned how to guard that position one of the greatest post Defenders that doesn't really get the credits yeah obviously lock up on the wing but what were some of your tricks when you would have to play the bigger stronger guys I my my whole thing was these big strong guys like to fill your body and I used to always and so friend Kurt Ram is literally wanted me to come coach with him in Minnesota so I can teach them this move I used to do where I know my arms along so I would use my arm to give me this space so when you spent I moved my arm you're not spinning off me you're spinning off my arms so I could get in front of you you know I work with a lot of people other than Chris Webber because he was just too damn long but most everybody in Chris Webber Rashida didn't work against but and so this is what I was doing I just was just you know try to think uh I would lean to the side to make you go to the other side because I wanted you to go that way but the other thing that was a great connection was me and Kobe had this connection where you in the post Kobe lyric turn around look at you because I'd be like cool and he'll turn around because you knew it was coming I had this move where I would stick my arm between you know I would poke the ball loose and I've been doing that since college so everybody said you learned that from dream I said no I taught dream that and so because all my life I've been smaller than post players I had to play because in college I played center because we had nobody else to do it I didn't know it was a small form and so I had to learn to use the tricks of the trade my quickness and my size you know you know and it was just one of those things that I just learned to play I just love playing defense and for me that like that's my biggest regret I never made an all-defensive team and people like what you didn't play as they do I was 100 steals a game I was 100 blocks a game my first couple years in in Houston you know I was the first guy to ever be a 100 guy and that's 100 blocks 100 steals 100 threes in a season and there's so many things like that that I was like pissed by because I value defense right I think defense win championships I even get mad now watching the games when you get these guys at like this is point you know like oh dude you gotta move your feet you got to be in position you gotta go ball you man it's just it's just so weird but I just love playing defense man yeah how do you feel about so many people can't shoot in the game though they just like they backing off guys and just how do you feel about that you know that that happened to me when I was in Houston I was reluctant to shoot the balls and I couldn't shoot the ball but you just just you just want to get into the superstars and for me I think guys got to learn how okay you want to back off me just take a dribble in and they could dribble and shoot the shot and then you know eventually you make one and you make two people gonna guard you then you go from there but I think now the game is just is predicated on the three so much that people you know even when you look at guys like DeMar DeRozan who I love the death and like oh he's averaging 30 points a game but he can't shoot three who gives a [ __ ] yeah it's about getting blocked man yeah at the end of the day it's about getting buckets you I don't give a [ __ ] if you knock down 10 threes and I knock down 32s it's still the same thing you know it's just the efficiency of getting buckets and making the right play because there's not a team alive gonna let you post up and you killing someone the post because first of all if I'm guarding you Kim I'm gonna ask for help now you got a double team now it's gonna make an easy shot for these guys out here on the perimeter that's the one thing I like about the way Miami is playing you know if you've watched every three-day take it's up on the line it's not like everybody else who's like trying to shoot logo threes and I'm like it's efficiency okay in the playoffs you have to take great shots and when you up on the three-point line that's a great shot compared to two feet behind which is a good shot for somebody unless you Steph Curry right and so people that's what I look at now with the three and the twos I'm like dude just get Buckets just give it think about it if Joel Joel MB would have just got more [ __ ] bucks by taking his big ass in the pan they would have won that series but no he want to face up and shoot that little ugly Fade Away jumper also you know I'm like dude no who how Harvard Harvard is killing you or playing good Diva because you playing in his words take him to your world yeah and goes around them yeah that would be the one nine you know obviously MVP and super skill but like you said sometimes you just got to use what God gave you yeah that's your size yeah you got to take them in your world that's why when I say about taking your world when Biggs try to cross up Littles they're face up a little what if no sense a little up back his little ass down but I guess I'm too old school sometimes when I try to make the game simple they may make it hard your second and third year you know I was I'm from that area y'all won championships back to back they called it Tuesday how was it uh around that time man Houston you know clutch City where they would have called it it was it was a fantastic time because you if you you think about Houston one of them what third largest cities in the United States they've had the Oilers with Warren Moon right there almost winning the championship you know the Astros with you know Nolan almost winning championships none of these teams ever won a championship until we got to Houston went there with the twin towers and they didn't make it a car you know they didn't make it past the Celtics and all of a sudden now this team comes in and the first year like okay they're good and the next year we start off with that 16-0 record um we won the best teams and all of a sudden you know we go down 2-0 to to Phoenix and everybody starts abandoning us nobody even comes to you know we just had a Mother's Day game we had a Mother's Day game in Houston in the summit you know and I think we had about maybe five to six thousand people in there and you know anything this Arena holds twelve thousand it was half empty and I remember going on TV saying I said well you know everybody you want to call us um uh well no I wasn't clutch City but uh like when you're folded and [ __ ] now you know so y'all didn't come to the games we need your support and so they kind of got mad but then they realized oh [ __ ] they do need a support we don't know we went on to win that Championship that year but Houston great City no state tax no state tax you know and that's good as an athlete man you you get to keep the money and it's just a it's just one of those cities where you you fall in love with because um the people there are nice you know the economy is great and you know now you retire one of the things you like to do is eat a lot of great restaurants how much harder is it to win the second one it's so much harder because you everybody's expecting you to win you might not have a good team you might have the same team guys be injured but they expect you to so you do it you got to do it again and for us we started the season off bad you know Sam got hurt I got her Mario got her Dream got hurt and then the only person was on a consistent basis was Otis Thorpe and so you know we losing all of a sudden you say no we're gonna get rid of Otis and bring in Clyde and then we'd in jail until the last month because we never played together because we was all hurt and then when we got Clyde we jailed and we realized what we can do and we went small and we just started running and gunning you know even though we had to Anchor and dream but he get he'll get a blocked shot we taking our running he'll sit back and wait we score and come back down if we don't score or if it goes we had to take it out we should dream go get your big ass on the Block we give it to you and get out of the way and so and that's how we played man but it was hard to repeat and then it was really hard to three people you know the next year we we got our asses handy because everybody was hating on us MJ came back and he had a squad so for only four years in Houston man I was two championships in four years uh during that run you guys ran into a young Shack and Penny yeah talk to us about them and and you know obviously how good they were but just young at that time ah man they were young they we used to call them America's team you know so like the Cowboys they were always on TV because think about it just came up doing Blue Chips you know they're winning and kicking butt Shaq is you know doing all these things and Penny I I hate the penny knees went out because man you talk about freaking amazing man you watch his highlights when y'all he's just amazing man and and then you got D Scott and you got Anderson all these guys you know they had a great team they're young and the thing the piece they was missing was Horace Grant you know a guy bringing that veteran leadership that could anchor that defense on uh for a postman but it was great to go up against him because we were pissed because first of all we weren't on TV that much as defending Champions you know everybody was forgetting about us and everybody just forgot about the Run we had just made we went in Utah beat Karl Malone all those guys we went into Phoenix beat Charles and we was down 3-1 came back to win this and then we beat the best team in in basketball the San Antonio Spurs people get that was David Robinson you know Dennis Rodman you know Sean Elliott they had a good crew you know we beat that team and then we were going on and sweep Shack man but it's just like like I said once you get on a roll as a team can nobody stop you it's like no matter what defense you're throwing we've seen it all and at this point it's not it's about us just just knocking down threes you think about it when Anderson missed those four free throws it's almost like it's Destiny it creeps into your mind and the other team's been like [ __ ] we had them beat and we lost we lost this game and now we got we started taking our chest like oh we [ __ ] as hell now you can't beat us we we know the basketball guys on our side and one of the things that people always forget that those next two years is what made it so easy for us they moved the three-point line in that was the year they moved it in so we were knocking down threes at a high you know so that was that was easy so yeah but that the the two peak was hard but like I said that three Peak was damn near impossible and we didn't so and we mean it's hard man to win in this league period so we're going to get to the point where you did three piece so [Laughter] in the Charles Barkley deal not there long you arrive in LA with Shaq Eddie Nick said Elden Campbell uh lose to Utah in that first round uh what was going to La like and get a chance to play with Shaq initially well it was it was great you know because you think about all the battle Shack and I had in college and then in finals and then to play alongside him and see his development uh if you watch Young Shaq he didn't have the footwork as he did as he got older he started spinning and dunking on people and doing that thing and he started you know hitting his jump hook um and then you know you're playing with Kobe uh the guy and you know we all we all said it we all seen it how hard he worked and then you had guys that you know like Eddie and Nick and Rick Fox and you know Eddie Jones probably one of the most athletic guys ever you know Nick is one of the most competitive guys ever but when you got that and you got little young cops sitting on there like I need all those shots you getting I need and so we went in Utah and got swept and everybody talks about why did you go to Kobe for him and take that final sentence because the dude was hot people forget about that is you go with the hot guy and every to me great coaches go with the hot guy he had like I think like 17 in the fourth or 16 or something good and he just missed the shot so everybody's like you can't give it to a young guy but right from that moment now you can tell that this dude was gonna be something special because you're not even he came by beer yet came by liquor and he's taken over a team and you know saying get on my shoulders and it was hard but I think the best thing for us is when we brought in pieces that fit I know we hated to see Eddie and Nick go but they weren't the pieces to make us a championship team and then also we added Phil who made Shack finally get in shape you know basketball shape and um and he made Kobe play more together and we just you know we was able to win a championship speak to Phil's greatness and you know I was fortunate to I only got a year with them but his ability to push people's buttons for the greater cause of the team he may get in the [ __ ] argument I mean Ron used to cuss his ass out but he knew how to push those buttons to get different guys going speak to his greatness and kind of what he brought to that team I I think what the main thing is he got guys to understand this is bigger than you and you know he also got that little you know you have the devil and angel he's got the angel of coaching Michael Jordan on his shoulder and everybody looks at the angel instead of the devil and kind of you know listens to him but the thing would feel what people don't talk about is his ability to just bring you to a side and talk to you about what he needs you to do for the team you know I've had I had so many guys that come out of meeting with fields and man Phil told me I need to do this this and this have you talked to Philly I'm like nah he never called me in office like you what is this never they said we and I never had a conversation stuff at one time and the only reason had a conversation is because I was on a training table getting my back work done he was about to get his back work done we had a conversation in a conversation went exactly like this how you doing good so what happened between you and Danny Ames I didn't like the [ __ ] Okay in the conversation and we never had a conversation other than like yo um yo help me give me a double team with Tim you don't need that and it was never like you know like pop and I've had conversations she's asked me about my daughter he's asking about my family you know Rudy and I have conversations so it's just one of those things that I think Phil was one type person if you needed if he needed you to do what's best for the team he would have a conversation I think deep down he knew I put the team first I didn't put myself first I didn't care if I scored I didn't care how long has we won that's all I care about and so for me I think that's how Phil was able to bring everybody together he knew he'd go to B shots to be show I need you to talk to Kobe I need you to talk to Shaq I need to play get play better I need to play defense and it was one of those things that he he was like a psychologist where he just know how to mentally get people motivated as you see Shaq's greatness and Kobe's starting to grow what was that process like it was it was it was a great thing to watch I think everybody really saw the process when we played Indiana in the finals and they saw him when Shaq found out Kobe was able to take over but we saw it all season we saw it in practice we saw how he was getting better and better we saw how hard he worked and I think what was best was like Shaq understood it too you know whether he admitted it or not yeah he understood it and he'd know because there was moments where Shaq would give him the ball and you know this is how you know because Shaq will back off and try to get out of his way he would go to the dunker spot and let Kobe do his thing that's how he was able to get that dump in the Portland City because he let Kobe do his thing and even though he was killing but you know okay who has a better Advantage Kobe or Shaq you know so he said go ahead Kobe hot and he was able to get a shot and I think you know it's just like anybody when you feel like it's your team you got this young buck trying to take on you still got it you know it's the different one you don't have it you still got it and you're like no no I still got this still my city but I think he should you know I think he realized you know I need this dude to be you get what I want I need everybody on this team to get what I want it's not about me because we all seen MJ try to do it until he got you know it's Pippin and all you know Horus and all these other guys to make them whole Tony you gotta have this and I think that's what he did um any funny crazy stories be either between them or just of a young Cove or we always try to ask our guests that oh you know everybody knows about you know the batting him smacking and smacking some Michael Walker on the bus and everybody knows about how how mad he would get we would play you know the stream game hold on he smacks the monkey walking I ain't heard that you never heard this story so basically we would make little bets and so one day so Maki made a bet with Kobe and we all pay up immediately Mr Michael didn't pay you know so Mike was new to the team and so Smokey didn't pay him and Kobe kept asking one day two day two weeks later he's like you're gonna give him I might imma smack you upside the head so as Kobe was walking past him on the bus he like somebody got my money that [ __ ] got your [ __ ] money stop asking me oh hey why who's and he's just White he walked out it was the funny thing I don't know if he ever painted or not but I said no I'm not paying your head as you smack me but it was just one of those things man but yeah it was it was funny and uh you know cold we always mess with cold uh we'll be in practice you know the second team will beat them Kobe wanted to play another game you know feel new day he's like no we ain't planning now he'll get so pissed this dude literally wouldn't talk to us the next day until he got his revenge you know he just had that killed Instinct and even when we would play string games in practice you know Kobe can shoot threes you know and if you know the first couple years of his career he would get mad because he wouldn't win a game and he'll be at the early the next day working on number threes all right guys we're gonna play a stream game today and like nah we ain't playing today dog just to [ __ ] with him right man he was just that he wanted to win it everything man so that was just what US just just to give him hell and play with him but yeah but they do it was so many funny stories our best times man lyric after practice when we sit in the locker rooms and Ice down and just shoot the [ __ ] man I think you know I don't know about you guys that's what I missed by now playing we're just talking about that that's right it's the planes the locker room the going to dinner's on the road yeah so yeah uh you uh you mentioned early and we're gonna get to Timmy down the line but you you were there for hakeem's greatness and and Dominus is a big talk to us about Shacks you're most easy to just when you just saw my sheer force and dumbness he's is nobody like him you know um his ability to do take it on the brakes Spin and dunk on you and and the one thing that I I really admit that I I look up The Shack in the sense that I couldn't have been him because if you on the Block and you see how much he gets beat up and doesn't react the way he could kill somebody you know she tried to kill Brad Miller I know I'm like it's so many times where you could just literally spin right and just mess somebody up man he wouldn't do it real off he wouldn't do it he's like he would take it and you know you know there's a couple guys like Osa tag Brad Miller and all those guys that he didn't you know he didn't take it from but he he was just man in in the refs I would go to the refs like did you just hear that smack oh he's big enough he can handle that's that's that's not the point man it's a [ __ ] by smack you in your face right now you tossing me so just call the call and so but he was he was he was graceful enough where he took it and he's like it's almost like he knew that that came with being that big and that dominant that he just had to overcome it and and and he'll tell you to the day if you'd ever just got in shape like he did that first year field came they they wouldn't have broke up him and Kobe they had to find a way to make it work and he would have been the Lakers have been no tell him it had been so dominant man no it's been amazing so you know even though they tried to bring in Carl and Gary it was that disconnect and you got to be connected if you want to win a championship uh 88 or excuse me 98.99 you guys fall short swept by Utah uh swept by San Antonio the following year speak to the growth and and the importance of feeling that before you guys go on your run for three you tell me one two three Cancun see people understand where that came from that came up to me because we're actually shooting a show like that with Amazon that we're going to launch next year the one two three Cancun came when we got swept by uto and people don't understand it was it wasn't to be negative to try to loosen up Nick was trying to loosen up the team because we was down 3-0 he said man let's just go ahead and play loose if we don't we go in the Cancun on three one two three Cancun and everybody tickets at Nixon oh [ __ ] this the season's over with right he was trying to loosen guys up we lost that game you know y'all still a better team we were young immature team that got beat by a veteran team who went on to go to the championship but didn't win it though but they went on to the championship and for us everybody was like uh and then the next year you know you know we hate that the form got shut down by San Antonio we got beat by a better team and sometimes people don't look at the other team they just look at you as an individual oh you got you bad you not good you suck you know we got beat by a better team we got about beat by Tim Duncan you know Mario Ali Sean Elliott David Robinson whose people forget it's one of the best [ __ ] players the best Sinners ever play this game and so we got bit but the thing but the next year you know he came in everybody was motivated everybody was motivated we were locked in you know Shaq got in shape because we oh we got this new coach field coming in and I think this is the first training camp I've ever been to where everybody was in shape when you come into training camp and because nobody knew what Phil was how he was going to be was he going to run as a diff and you know because it's not like now where you can look at all the film on our phones and [ __ ] and see the history of what he did in the Bulls and how they used to run we didn't we didn't know any of that so we got Phil and everybody was in shape and we've you know we started the season up really good we just rolled from there man um one of your most famous shots might not be your favorite but uh the game four shot verse Sacramento yeah the anniversary that of what 21 years is coming up soon isn't it 21 years uh walking through that shot in the end of that play uh the play is called what the [ __ ] sitting his field was said we're gonna run what the [ __ ] is you get the ball around now I'm supposed to set a pick for Kobe to come off you know Doug Chris one of the best defenders to play this game he had Doug Chris on it and Kobe if he can get that angle going right you know and I think this is this layup he missed kind of you know kind of talk Kobe health I'm going left I don't have to get it the whole that's when he started developing that turn around fader right they're going right that's just one of his favorite shots and from that moment he went to the hole and he missed and then Shaq short arm tipped it and then vladi tipped it out and then I was sitting right there and people always wonder why were you still at the three why wouldn't you crashing the board because I played with code and Kobe if he can't get the shot he's gonna kick that [ __ ] back out to me for the game winner and so I'm sitting there waiting like this the whole time and then they got tipped it got tipped perfect right to your pocket right to where you know everybody likes to catch it right here so you just go straight up and then you know that's one thing about being a shooter and guarding a guy like a you know a true four back then they gravitate towards the paint and why don't Chris Webber left me I was able to knock down that shot but it it's one of the greatest moments that I've had in my career man it was just the fact when I watched this the film and the overhead shot when I make that shot the whole Arena jumps up at the same time you see Dante when our ball boy streaking across the floor and I still get goosebumps when I see that shot because you think about as a kid when you grow up a Lakers fan and as you a Laker you hit him chant Kobe's name you hit them chance Shaq's name you really never get that moment now you step on the stage in the biggest moment you knock down the shot and everybody's chatting your name and it's the best feeling to ever man especially you know you know and then after that you're not paying for your dinners nowhere you're not getting you get in the club you go to Vegas you ain't never paying for no drinks so yeah that was the best moment ever man and considering the dessert I mean you missed that shot you guys are down 3-1 yes I mean that's what a lot of people don't remember is you're down 3-1 um if you missed that shot another notable time yeah they were a really good team you guys shut the door in a lot of good teams but I want to talk about that game six because we've talked to Webb about game six we've heard Donahue speak on game six um talk to us about just look that team that game in particular because Sacramento was a good team you guys were the better team you know you came out and got the win but Sacramento was a really good team second was a really good team you know people they they break everything down when they say oh it's it's the Scandal you know Don he was calling this I'm like you know it was a couple fouls that got on on on Chris Webber I'm like I I know how to play Chris I made him follow me he elbowed me he screams like so many calls but people forget in game five they got a lot of favorable calls and people don't talk about it they talk about how they it was a possession where Bibby went out of bounds or something I can't remember exactly and it was probably in our possession they got it he knocks on a shot so it all evens out and so but don't blame us for you had home court advantage you go in your building games seven you guys stay okay [ __ ] to me this is me if you're able to walk without a limp you can play especially in the game seven to see who's gonna go to the finals he doesn't play in that game and so don't get mad at us get mad at him you know we went in your building took you to overtime and kicked your ass and now you're going to call out oh go call foul I'm like no you should go follow him stalking me she should have played in that game and nobody talks about that like you you this is why you play so hard throughout the regular season to get there right be home quarterbacks and have your fans man and then you had the cowbells and stuff how Rowdy was that crowd because this is the first time in 16 years that they got in the playoffs this year and I remember those old crowds too but how crowd crazy and loud were they the moment Phil Jackson called is town of cowbell Town it was the worst decision he's ever made they can't everybody really came with a cowbell and they were just ringing that [ __ ] we didn't hear you know we could hear anything filled with saying we looking at for a place called you know you do that that whistle thing so you can hear that [ __ ] so it's just mostly on us you know you know and that was a perfect time Kobe like oh I got it I got I'm gonna go I can't hear you I got this one-on-one but it was it was it was it but throughout the years we talked about field and that's what he would do he would put us in situations or make us uncomfortable so when we had that we would be comfortable and that's what you that's what that's the sign of great coaches they put you in uncomfortable positions so in the greatest moment arise you are comfortable so and allowed you guys like this put you up but to elaborate he allowed you to figure it out he wasn't someone who was a bunch on a quick timeouts like if teams going runs he wants you to figure that [ __ ] out yeah you know what I mean and like you said for situations where you might not be able to utilize what he has to say I I used to love that about feeling yeah and it's so funny you look for help and that's the best thing you know and I was coaching my son's AAU team and I would sit down parents would get mad at me before I call the time I'm like do the same [ __ ] let them figure it out man I'm like it's gonna make them better and so and people don't understand that you know you you you don't have to micromanage everything you don't have to do that let the guy they grown men they're smart players and I think that's one thing we don't get enough credit for we've been doing this since a young age and we have the IQ but a lot of times the coaches forget that they forget we know what the hell we doing that's why we're here yeah and that's one thing I I that's why Rudy was kind of my favorite coach of all time because after timeout she would come to us say what y'all want to run what y'all see out there what's going on you know now these coaches will spend so much time in the Huddle Rudy would come and sit and talk to us like what y'all want to run anyway you know every time was 15 that was a playful dream and get out of the way but he would talk to us and that's what coaches have to do with their players you know you know not the player that comes in and say hey we need to do this this this and tries to take over no just ask everybody as a whole you know what's the feel but you see 2003 we played in the Western Conference semis um and we ended y'all run remember that oh I remember that you remember that it was it was some great basketball being played I think that's for me that's what I was asking for help I remember that that's that that's when Tim really took it to another level man like I've never seen nobody play like that you know especially against Shaq but give me your experience and your take on it you know when you said we got a chance to see Tim and uh Shaq really go at it yeah you know for me I was on your way to four yeah you know not three four so Tim figured me out I used to do this little trick thing with Tim where when I would guard him I always want him to go to the middle so I can have my hand on his hip so every time Tim would jump I would jump and pull his hip down and try to block his shot and he will yell at the rift like he's pulling me down they're like where where and it was a little trick I would do and so the next year Tim started facing me I'm like [ __ ] I can't do my trick now and he would just go at me then spin me when I can't grab him I went and was just hitting shots I mean the dude was on a mission and when you run across a player you know like Jimmy Buck is now he's on the [ __ ] Messi team was exactly and you can't stop him you can throw everybody at him and then you know feel like oh we're gonna throw Shaq at uh he too quick for sure bro he started doing Hooks and little Runners like the best bet is try to get him on the other side of the floor because you know Tim wasn't that good off that off that right block but it's like but he just with that year and then when he wasn't hitting you know everybody knows about cold if cold don't respect you he's not gonna really guard you he wasn't really respecting Bruce Bowen next thing no I'm like damn Bruce had six threes all in the corner all in the corner and I was like damn it's like and then you get to a point and then we go into San Antonio and I missed that damn shot which could have changed everything and once I missed that shot it was like our whole team was like damn Rob Miss basketball guys must mean we gonna lose it's a video on Tim face where Rock the shot go in and come on attempts to stand like this no it's like it could it would have been over that fast and it was so weird that you know and that's I think that's the most disgusted I've ever been because I said to myself I don't miss those [ __ ] shots man I don't [ __ ] boys like [ __ ] me man but that [ __ ] went in yeah and it was just one of those things man where you sit back and it creeps in your mind it's like I don't supposed to miss this shot but maybe it's not yet the basketball guy's saying it's their year and you know it happened the next day you know they went over and win a championship man I get and then I'm out at the next year because I missed the shot I'm out so yeah you go to San Antonio how was that leaving the Lakers and it was weird man because you think about all the battles we used to have with sound it was almost like a rivalry that wasn't talked about because you think about when Shaq made up the story about him hating David Robinson and all that kind of stuff but it was it was a rivalry in it since then I remember I went there and I had some people come up man said you came here to sabotage our team then you're like what you talk what I'm like no this is why'd you come to San Antonio Spur because I fit here and I had signed up and it was weird because I was so pissed that the Lakers let me I had one year left on my deal and they looked at me like well you're washed up they literally thought I was washed up they said because I only went I think I went for three for 36 for three awful but I said you forget there's a lot of miles on this body we've been to the finals three I was [ __ ] tired and I had no energy and I was trying my best but I didn't have any energy I went back and looked at the film of my shooting you know if you usually jump like two inches to take a jump shot I was shooting like an inch it was just my legs were gone and so it and then when I got to San Antonio it was like I was I had that more time in the summer to recharge my battery and I had a bad year my first year in San Antonio and because I mean people was like oh you're here to sabotage so the next year people don't notice I signed a one-year deal the following year 2005 because I knew that I was going to be better because I was really energized now I sound like a million dollar deal and and people don't even know it's like I could have went to because Shaq wanted me to come to Miami and play and then um they wanted me to go to Dallas and play because you're the missing piece for us to win a championship but I said no I felt so bad that I had an awful first year in San Antonio and I stayed inside of you know and then we won in 2005. one you know and then I signed a three-year deal and then I was out after that but it was one of those things for me you have pride as a player and you and you don't want anybody to view you as you know a bump in my mind I was like saying I think San Antonio was viewing me as oh he's washed up he's a bum he can't do this all right and I was like no I got years left in me I said you I don't think people understand you know by the time I got to San Antonio I had already won five championships I I was already playing more playoff games than anybody and my body was just tired and then and then from there on you know I had a couple of good years there won two more championships and then rolled off into the sunset what what goes on you in your mind when the ball rolled to you like that because like I know you might know like you always been an even cool you all always cool laid back and I think that's why you've always been able to knock those shots down when the ball come to you but what what what's going on through your mind you know for me it's just absolutely nothing and you think about we play this game because we love this game you know I know it's become a business but when we started out we played a couple we loved it then it turned into a business now kids you know it's a business from day one with all the Nils and you know the followings and stuff like this but for me it was just the Love of the Game man having that beat have that ability to say oh I kicked your ass I knocked down this shot on you and so for me I don't think about anything because I know once I started thinking that's when I started messing up because you tell so many people like you can go out and do a crazy dump or something and then you go into practice man do that duck again you can't do it because you got to think about it but you can do it when you don't think and that's how basketball players or my best games are when I'm not thinking I'm just playing and reacting so I never think man yeah what was LeBron like then LeBron LeBron wasn't the jump shooter or the knockdown three he was more of a drive guy he get by a big body jump over you and that whole game plan was like we we gonna double team every time you come off a pick and roll we're gonna double team him and then it's almost like the water boy because if you had Mike Brown over there on the other side every play they ran where our players in San Antonio I'm like dude what are you doing you can't run flopping down that's our place why beside that's our way brother he ran almost every play that San Antonio ran and we look like damn this is going to be the easiest Scout yeah and that's all we did that's why I was able to sweep them man and so and then that's when you know I think elgasquez was trying to be a [ __ ] three-point shooter he didn't want to go to the pain you know you're an All-Star now all of a sudden you're playing against Tim you want to shoot threes and you can't shoot threes and it was just it was just it was just one of the easiest championships to win man because it was they wasn't ready it wasn't ready LeBron was still young double team LeBron who who else who else is going to score on that team coaches is a student of Pop exactly yeah I want to take you back to the year before against Detroit you mean everyone Raves about the King's Liquor shop but the shot you hit is a game five uh yeah game five game talk just about that shot uh yeah it was um I tell people all the time is you know when you're playing the San Antonio system we got 60 000 plays I've never been on a team with more plays than pop it's only run three yeah but he's always going through so he's gonna be a pick and roll and for me I remember going in at halftime of that game and I was like zero for six I was over and I'm just talking to myself because I've always talked to myself when I'm [ __ ] up and like because I think you know you can say what you want to say but you can't motivate me like me I know what buttons to push for myself and I remember Bruce looking at me like like oh [ __ ] did dude crazy so I come out and have a good half and what pissed me off more is like pop didn't run out one [ __ ] play for me if you go back and look at every shot I took it was either four shot or I created something I'm not a Creator that's not me I'm a spot up shooter you know slasher dunker but I'm having to [ __ ] take my own shot because you've never ran a play for me and so I'm knocking on these shots and then at the end of the game he's like okay the play was ran for Manu it wasn't even [ __ ] play for me I'm inbound the ball and Rashid bit and it was like it's almost like me saying okay I'm gonna throw this at Rasheed to kind of make him do this and go with the plot so I bounce pass which I hate [ __ ] bounce passes I don't bounce pass unless I really have to I throw the bounce pass the model and he kind of bites as soon as mono kills back up I'm shooting this [ __ ] because I'm hotter than Fish Grease and so I shoot it and then after I didn't realize that tayshawn Prince almost blocked that [ __ ] right there he almost blocked it so for me it was just one of those games man where you get hot and you just want it all the time you want the rod but that [ __ ] Detroit team was a [ __ ] beast man right and you talking about four All-Stars on one team they played together man they played great defense it was that was a tough series but I will tell you after we won game five I feel like it was like a basketball guy said oh it's meant to be dude you just had one of your best games ever in the playoff game you know you scored more points than in the second happening you probably scored in any game and it was just for me it was a great moment especially do it on the road you know there's nothing like setting crowds up I have I only have three pictures in my house and this is one of the pictures I have me making this shot and the funny thing is just to look at the reaction of the crowd because everybody knows that [ __ ] going in and you know you got one kid like this he knows everybody else like this right here so it's just funny when you go with pictures you see and you point out stuff and it's just it's just a great point and then you know and also I got in the corner is my dad who's watching he's like he has that smile and it's been like yeah yeah so yeah that's just good yeah the Detroit Pistons the best thing that happened to them was man wrong getting suspended the day when they had a chance that we beat that ass when that happened also uh quick question what do you think about the number one pick this person have a number one pick I think it's going to be good for the organization because they used to dealing with a Frenchman you know they're dealing with Tony and I think you know everybody's thinking I had so many of my friends from San Antonio Texas like we're back I'm like no you're not I said don't put that pressure on that kid that kid needs you know he's gonna need four other guys to be able to play with and he's gonna get time to learn the system I think it's just gonna be one of those things where he's gonna be like a dirk now whiskey think about when Dirk now is the first guy in the league everybody's like oh he's a bus next thing you know he's one of the best players it takes him some time to learn the game he had to learn the strength of the NBA the speed of the NBA you know people said well he's been playing professionals since he's 15. it's not like he's Luca where he's a big body he can take that beating right I think he's going to take him a while to take it like be honest it took Giannis a while yeah to take that beat yeah yeah because your body hasn't mature and you had to get to that point where you become a man because he's still he's still a young man right he hasn't lost a young part he hasn't become a man to play in this league and I think everybody's comparing him to the next great thing to LeBron I'm like dude don't do that to him LeBron is a unicorn for real he's an alien so stop comparing it as far as organization family oriented what he's being taught right the right way and how to be a professional professional that's the best place to be best place best place to be that's the one thing I will say about them I remember my daughter was sick and in my last year in San Antonio and she went in the hospital and pop was like don't come back until she's out of the hospital I said what I said don't come back I don't care if she's feeling good don't come back till she's out of the hospital I mean she got out of the hospital on a Monday I was back at practice on the Wednesday she's like what are you doing here I said you said don't come back I said she's not out of the woods yet go home don't come back I'm like are you trying to get rid of me on the slide he's like no I said you know family is the most important thing to him and that's the one thing that you know you know you have to give it up to the pop in the San Antonio Spurs organization they know basketball is a business and this is how we you know I live our lives but that's not the most important thing your family is the most important thing and for me I'm really grateful for that because you know two years later I lost my daughter but it's just one of those times that you you know you can't get those times back you got to spend that time with your loved ones while you can pop is big I got his story because I want to get Papa's props I had uh we was in Chicago and uh I was on the way to the game and at the time my wife had just miscarried and uh I was on my way to the game but I wanted to go play and pop something I'm getting dressed he made me put my clothes on and sent me back to the hotel and made me stay at the hotel for two days just to get my mind right didn't care about none of that [ __ ] and it was it was around getting ready to go into the playoff time yeah you know I'm saying but that's that's one thing I loved about pop they can say what he wanted as a coach and how the things he say but he always put family before basketball that's that's a big up to him because he was you know he and after that he would always ask me how's your daughter how's your daughter so it's that's that's important to me man because you know we love playing basketball and it's a business we can make a [ __ ] ton of money at it but at the end of the day when all that's gone all we have is our family and our loved ones you know and and it's it's just a beautiful thing when you can have a coach to make you do that yeah they care that much yeah um seven championships other than great players and coaches what's the most important thing you feel like a team hat needs to have to win it all you gotta like each other you know and you gotta like each other man and I I think I've never played it like we all go to dinners I think when even when it was with the with the Lakers we weren't really a cohesive group and Phil took he one time Phil said all right nobody making the plans we're all getting on the bus because he know when we make plans we ain't on the road you get to the hotel we got limos we all in a limo we gone he said nobody make plans he made us all go to a comedy club we went in through the back doors probably like this and we're like what the [ __ ] we at right and then this is time it's the first time I've ever seen fluffy what's his name what's the English what's the guy that he plays [ __ ] he's the comedian fluffy yeah Gabriel Iglesias he was funny as [ __ ] we all laughed and then from that moment on we started doing a lot more things as a team and it's amazing how we would come oh yeah we friends we good but we wasn't that close and from that moment on we became closer and there's little things like that I know even when I was in Houston eight of us would go to dinner no dream wouldn't go to dinner but uh everybody else in the team will go to dinner and when I got to the Spurs we would all go to dinner and it was just one of those things that you do as a family I mean the thing the funny thing about the Spurs was Tim when they're all 10 went on bottles all those little game boys or whatever it was and when he made it all play poker we all play poker on the plane everybody had you know those those names and you know you had to put the hundred dollars in the pot and everybody was like playing like who wins you get the money so it's just little things like that you do as a team and it would and and that's one of the things as the championship teams you gotta like one another y'all don't want to play hard you know you think we always say we abandoned Brothers if someone smacks your brother you're gonna smack them back right and so you got to get that love for one another and if you don't have that love if someone smacks you and you don't want to smack him back that's that's no love that's no love right there and you got it you gotta have it you know and I know one thing that that we did all have in common is we didn't ever help anybody up from another team I don't give a damn it was you know even told Mike dice will be playing the fighters available you don't be mad at me after this we can go out and have dinner but on this court you my [ __ ] enemy yeah yeah I'm gonna put you on the spot okay best team you ever played on uh it had to be the Lakers team uh you know if you think we only lost one [ __ ] game 16-81 man that team was freaking good you know San Antonio game team 2005 was pretty good too but I just think the the way Shaq and Kobe was playing the way Rick was playing people don't talk about Rick's defense Rick could play some defense you know they're looking oh he's a pretty [ __ ] he can't play but he was a he he had a nastiest about him that nobody could think so yeah not good mistaken all the time in L.A for this dude I'm like seriously still yeah nothing in life exactly [Laughter] man you know if you think about the way Shaq play in that series he was pissed off he didn't win MVP again and he was just man he was so [ __ ] dominant man I think about the average like what 35 or 36 doing that run something crazy so and then Kobe was playing think about if Shaq didn't play that good Kobe was like averaging in 28 something it was [ __ ] ridiculous how we were rolling you know this you know and that's you know I talk about being pissed off when I missed that shot but the second most ever been pissed off was when we lost game one to the to Philly we was as a team we were so [ __ ] mad we never mentioned it about we trying to sweep everybody we never mentioned it sure but we knew if we did that we'd be considered the best team ever Chuck was frying y'all didn't know y'all could do that game Chuck was crying yeah yeah Chuckles on one you know but you know if you go back and look at that game people don't it was a key moment in that game reason we lost it I'm running down the court and you know how you running you try to jump over somebody you kind of push them out the side dick pavetta calls a foul on me the Kimmy goes and shoots the two free throws sends us into overtime and we lose that game who who shot the free throws the Kimber he hit both of them yeah and so it's that moment right there where you know they don't get us wrong hey I was doing his thing but still though we should have won that game because it was like it was almost like the NBA new it's like oh these dudes too [ __ ] good we gotta get this yeah but yeah but it was it was it was so disappointing as a team and it's almost like the next practice field you have to say [ __ ] to us he saw how pissed off we were he probably said all right everybody go home okay he knew he ain't got to coach no more because he knew we were so motivated to come out and kick ass up that supposed to think think about that out of all the players that you've ever seen in the league what two players you would never want to make bad Kobe and shat you think about that you can make it so you make it like now you make LeBron man he still doesn't play like a Shaq you know you make Giannis bad he still didn't play like a Kobe it's the difference when you got two dominant guys same team take your heart you know and and knock your ass out to you you know tell you they doing it yeah yeah another tough one best player you said obviously dream is the best center was he the best player too best player you ever played with you know it's it's this is so hard because you if you look at it as a big it's it's a dream you look at it from a guard standpoint it's cold and not not knock anything off Clyde cause people sometimes forget about Classic Fun plaid was so Clyde we go to practice reading the paper don't even warm up and all of a sudden all right we're running lines that [ __ ] got running all of us he was such a great athlete but you know code was it was I think for me Kobe's Drive to be the best his his work ethic to be in the gym working on what he could not do I played with a lot of great players and I've seen players who go to practice and they work on [ __ ] they're good at or they're great at not code cover said oh all right God damn I'm great at that I'm gonna work on this now I'm great at that I'm putting this up I'm working on this and you can't get a lot of guys to do that because they I don't know if they don't have the heart they don't have the time they don't have the drive but for me you know Kobe is as far as his drive and his work ethic was just above and beyond everybody and you know you can hear people talk about it but when you see it and it's always weird when you hear people talk about it who never saw it right you know you you know you saw it you go to practice and you're like that he ain't gonna be gonna beat me today in practice and he already does icing up because he already been sweating and so it's just to me Clyde was good dream was good Manu was a hell of an athlete but I I think if I have to pick someone's gonna be cold um out of The Seven Rings which one do you identify or do you have a favorite 95 is my favorite man first one nine five ninety five he was jamming at Houston too man you know people people don't realize the Run we had to make the teams we had to be you know Karl Malone John Stockton you know Kevin Johnson people don't ever talk about was a [ __ ] beast Kevin Johnson and Charles Barkley and Dennis Rodman then you know uh uh uh David Robinson who got MVP that year and then we're gonna beat Penny and Shaq them so that run was amazing and and to be a six seed and not have home court advantage it's something special now we didn't if we just swept everybody that'll be number one but because of the the journey and being a succeed not having home court advantage was special popping around that day y'all had one that's the y'all want to stay Championship he was going down yeah um uh all right man well quick hitters first thing to come to mind we're almost finished here let us know okay and I'm glad we get to ask you this question because you saw all three MJ code LeBron where they are in in your opinion I I I think MJ is one Kobe is two and LeBron is three because someone agrees with me I I you know I tell people that I don't think MJ had a flaw in his game you say what you know people said well he he didn't shoot threes he could shoot threes when he wanted to shoot threes he didn't need to shoot threes because you couldn't stop him going to the hole or pulling up on the J you know and the code was the same way you know and I think LeBron is a [ __ ] great player you know so when you say this people would think oh you smacking LeBron in the face no no I'm not doing he's still he's still one C you know Kobe's 1B and his Mike's just his first you know and I I know the body of work that all these guys have put in but I just think when you if you say is there a flaw in LeBron's game yes was there a flaw in Kobe's game he couldn't play post defense and people don't you know if I say this people that's why yeah I've seen people get mad at me saying that don't it's like just be honest it's watching Nicole code the way he used to plan was like this it's like you can't play a player like this you got to have contact it's so many things like it wasn't offensively yeah is there so many things you talk about and so that's why to me that's how you set it up because you know those other guys got that little bomb little ones and if you're gonna you know micromanage everything like we do in this world now that's why you put MJ first and he got more rings than all of them one album you can listen to with no skips man it's gonna sound paid and full man painful painful nice man because that was my senior year in high school and that's all like you slipping so painful was my number one and so it's funny I was just I listened to that now man you know you have kids and they you compare your rap to their rap and it's like man look this is the best rap album ever right here not showing like Peyton fool like what who's Rakim you know Rakim is I'm like so it's just funny man but it's just fun uh top five power fours of all time oh top five I'll say Tim Duncan uh Charles Barkley Carl Malone uh Kevin Garnett and then this is Rasheed Wallace I I think you know people don't understand how good Rasheed was James called you know and his ability to shoot threes post up you know she had that funny backup we just do like this and then he shot it like Bill caught right from up here you could never block it but it was it was a lot of hell of a power forwards man you know you caught that was the era nice web yeah you called me actually I put web on there you know you think Grandma on there Larry Johnson yeah he's so many people you can put on that list man but you know I yeah I forgot about Larry Johnson yeah yeah if his back would have never went out man he was telling her you know and I can't you know people also what about guys like Kevin McHale I didn't play against Kevin McHale so I don't know about him you know so I can only go guys guys I played against and I see you know it's just it's available list yeah it's a hell of a list you know at that Charles Barkley was just you know he don't get enough credit for how he's he was only what six four six five monster just beasting everybody with this [Laughter] yeah who's the best basketball player in the world right now she's uh the way Jimmy Butler's playing Jimmy Butler but no um it's to me I I have to give it to The Greek Freak man I I and that's the only reason I say that you know if you can get this ad you plan right now I would say 80 but it's not it's not a consistent basis and you know if you look at the way the Greek Freak plays you know even though he has his flaws where you can't shoot free throws I just like how hard he plays each and every game yeah and his motor and his drive his ability to get to the hole even though it's traveled three-fourths of the time I just I just like the way the guy plays man you know you know people want to say Luca they want to say staff but and I just think to me I look at if you do it on both ends of the floor I don't give a [ __ ] if you you know if you go 12 for 21 game but if you play hard I'm cool with that yeah I always say can you imagine A.D with giannis's motor it would be it would be unfair it'd be [ __ ] Uncle yeah um best Robert Ory name drop in the song oh it so and they were looking at the country they were looking at her they said it was like a Wikipedia page they had to like scroll they didn't realize how many songs so many damn songs I remember um we were at a light and um this dude just pulls up next to us and we just happen to have the windows down we was in Pensacola Florida and the dude was playing Kevin Gates and Kevin Gates named my name and the dude it's a white guy in the Challenger bopping his head and I'm sitting in the car my wife is my ex-wife is driving and so we sit in the car and he said Robert he's like and he looks at me like [Laughter] but my current wife hates this song I love this song Don't you open up that window oh yeah Travis Scott yeah Travis Scott yeah and my wife every time she says is there something you can tell me this thing is I I met Travis Scott once and you know he's a he was a huge Rockets fan still is to this day and I met him I almost want to say man why'd you put me in that song and what you mean by 3p three holes of the week man but no I'm not I just it's just fun man when you hear like guys like I remember we were playing New Orleans and I ran up to Lil Wayne and I said dude I'm honored man do you even know who I am he looking like nah dude man I love your game and so for me when I hear my names and these songs and is it I think my kids are more proud of it than I is though because they get to play it and and they talk about it and it's like my middle son is the one he's always you know he's in the music deeply he sings and all this kind of so he sends me every time a song comes out he'll be a artist I've never even heard of right Dad I hear your name again he sends it to me so yeah yeah Wayne here last night no he did like 12 hours ago yeah we didn't get out here until midnight last night yeah if you could see one guest on our show who would it be but you have to help us get your answer on the show you know I'm a huge ludicrous fan we just had him yesterday yesterday right there what a coincidence that's crazy you know I think so you know I'm since I'm grouping man I love that southern rap yeah you know from Atlanta down to the bottom uh you know one guess I think you know I'm sure y'all had Snoop in here so yeah uh you know who to me has been missing is I would love to have Uncle Luke in here oh oh yeah now we need we need to have uncle look you gotta have Uncle Nina I've talked to him a few times yeah yeah we need to have him we'll go to Uncle Luke oh no I think we need to go yeah because I remember the first time I ever met him was through Vernon Maxwell and of course we had to roll up in the Rolex yeah it was yeah yeah it was man it was just it's amazing to meet him and then and that's one thing about basketball you're allowed to meet all these people I mean my first the first celebrity I ever met was MC Hammer and this one he was at the height we watched uh he invited us over on New Year's to watch the Alabama Miami game come here Vernon had it had a thousand dollar bet on that that you know I was like damn I ain't got a thousand dollars yet dude but I bet this in Alabama actually won that game so I like yes yes so it was it was people like that man being anybody to be able to just sit down and talk to them and have them be fans of yours I remember I was standing outside of a restaurant one time and and Denzel walks up me and starts talking to me like man y'all gonna win this thing this year I'm like you know all you can think about this [ __ ] Denzel talking to me you know it's just amazing that they are fans of ours as we are fans of theirs yeah absolutely well man we want to thank you first before we give you your merch real quick got some all the smoke merch right here just outside of that man just really kind of want to give you your flowers man I think your greatness sometimes is overshadowed and just limited to shots but you were a two-way competitor a monster on both ends man and we just want to let you know we appreciate you man and I'm glad we I ran into him at the airport like well like a month and a half ago when are you gonna come on because we see each other a lot I'm like well you don't come on I didn't think my name was big enough to be sure [Applause] I feel like I was the B Team man [Applause] you know I I have my podcast but I did my podcast because of you two guys because you know your realness is what's important to me and I really appreciate your realness the way y'all talk about people and y'all just keep it real you speak from the heart you know you can have disagreements with people and but you says okay that's what's great about this kind you can have different opinions yeah I just said man thanks for having me on I appreciate man and I wish y'all nothing but the best man because you too deserve man appreciate it two of the greatest competitors I've ever seen in court especially you man people understand man you know watching this dude in high school come hang out with Sam and I'm saying who's this little dude oh he gonna be pretty good huh and just you can see his Drive man back then that he wanted to be in it that's all you talk about how do I get to the league I don't think you remember that man I do I do but not just Phoenix in Houston too yeah at Fundy yeah yeah is that when you used to be able to uh stand your pants up and starts when you all the smoke on Showtime basketball YouTube and the I Heart platform black effects see y'all next week in three two one how you doing I'm ready so fat [Music] life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around once in a while miss it
Channel: SHOWTIME Basketball
Views: 252,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the smoke, nba, showtime basketball, robert horry game winner vs kings, robert horry clutch shots, robert horry highlights, Hakeem, hakeem olajuwon, hakeem olajuwon highlights, shaq, shaq highlights, shaqtin a fool, shaq breaks backboard, best nba big man moments, best nba big man of all time, Lakers, Kobe, Kobe bryant, kobe shaq highlights, kobe phil jackson, phil jackson, shaq kobe, Tim Duncan, TIm Duncan, tim duncan highlights, All The Smoke Full Episode
Id: 44EGHH02Bb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 5sec (5345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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