the problem with the pokemon vs palworld controversy...

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at this point it's a safe bet to assume you've at least heard of power world it's taking over the Internet or at least my timeline and my timelines timelines and if the amount of WEP muting power tweets I've seen in the time since its release are any indication as a massive Pokémon fan that in large part got into making videos as a result of my desire to voice my criticisms and adoration for the franchise alike in the first place it was inevitable that had power world been successful to any real degree I'd have to check it out and share my thoughts and experiences and if it wasn't obvious it has certainly fulfilled that requirement so here we are that's what this is I play the video game for several hours and I have a ton of thoughts on that front as well as the controversy in and outside of the game and the cherry on top will be some thoughts on what power world does that Pokemon could learn from we'll be here for a bit so strap in and I don't know maybe subscribe while you're here it's free and I'll do my best to inform or at the very least entertain I promise now to rip the Band-Aid off I hate power and to be honest I hate that I hate power not because I think my hate is unwarranted we'll get to why that is in great detail the the video game thinks I'm in water because I am near water so how do I actually heal them is it like did this crash crash but rather because if not for the laundry list of issues I have with power world there's a lot of personal incentive to Champion its success but everything about it falls short to where it wildly misses the mark makes it impossible to do so that said there are things that I do think power does well that make me honestly sad that my many grievances exist in the first place that I do think are worthy of praise and isolation so we'll start with some pros and cons eventually those Pros will run out but I do think it's worth highlighting what even I do think power world does not only well but better than Pokémon the genre in minutes to minute gameplay for the most part fits the world of Pokémon a lot better than Mainline Pokemon games genre and gameplay currently do when Pokemon company releases any kind of media the way Pokemon are depicted there are nowhere near as Bland as the game's turn-based RPG battle system was suggest there's so much more energy than simply my Pokemon can use four moves and I will take turns with my opponent's Pokemon that also only can use four moves until one of us wins in every other visual medium Pokemon exists in battles are frenetic and allow for things like positioning environmental quirks individual Pokemon's personalities and sensibilities and more on top of the fact that there's so many more ways to engage with Pokemon in the world than just those battles alone while power world's gameplay doesn't exactly translate all of this one for one it does a way better job at being a more direct analog of what Pokémon has become or arguably what it always was intended to be if it weren't for the series debuting on the the Game Boy in the mid90s by changing the genre to be more of an action RPG based Survival game and no way am I saying the survival genre is what Pokemon needs to be by the way that would be a mismatch to be sure but even a lot of those elements would be apt in welcome additions in Pokemon it wouldn't be in line with Pokemon to make death a part of the gamep playay but Pokemon do eat Pokemon do get tired Pokemon can assist with tasks outside of battling power world accounting for all of that makes sense for the world we've been sold even within the Pokemon games but never actually get to see make any real impact on the game playay similarly in power world the player character gets to take part in the action unlike the survival gameplay this is something that Pokemon flirted with in Legends archist and having seen them do that I can say two things one it's something that improves The Experience so it's worth doing and two it doesn't fit Pokemon in the way it exists in power world nor does it honestly fit in the way it exists in archus either I think the player character in Pokémon physically engaging in the world they live in rather than essentially being in god mode while insane things are happening a few feet in front of their faces makes a lot of sense Sakurai captured the way Pokemon trainers currently seem to exist in Pokemon games through the Pokemon trainer character in Smash Bros and you got to admit this is a ridiculous thing to assume happens whenever there's a Pokemon battle going on it would make more sense for them to exist outside of this metaphorical bubble and it's something that is also so already regularly showcased in Pokemon media outside of the mainline games Ash tried to fight Mewtwo team Rocky gets directly attacked by Pokemon and like 90% of the episodes they appear in and even if we remove the idea of humans being directly involved in battle with Pokemon which I don't even have a desire to do I'd also like it less if the idea was the trainer being an active physical participant in the fighting in all of my hours playing power world I have never encountered a small Cliff my character couldn't get over over without the assistance of their Pals Meanwhile your player character in Pokemon can't say the same I mean seriously in scarlet and violet they start to drown the moment their feet can't touch the ground in a body of water now I know not everyone can swim but I know for a fact that most able-bodied people wouldn't be as fragile as the player characters in Pokemon games or on the more extreme angle I've seen Ash jump off of cliffs onto moving high air balloons in an effort to save his Pokemon from Team Rocket and again I'm not necessarily requesting to be afforded the ability to do the same alls I'm saying is if we can get some sort of averaging out of the Feats of an average able-bodied human in the real significantly less Fantastical world and Ash catch him in Mainline Pokemon video games that'd be great on that topic to expand on it po world has better traversal than Pokemon games both objectively in terms of the actual Act of being able to travel through the world functionally mostly this is less true with the indigo disc allowing flight but ALS also superficially with the ability to use several different Pals as mounts that sport different attributes and reasons to use one over another which has always been something I've wanted to see in Pokemon games since the first time I saw ashes Charizard carrying him through the sky in the anime or that one scene in Pokemon the movie where all the trainers Mewtwo invited to his Island made their way there by using their various Pokemon to make it through the storm by sea and sky at present Pokémon games have only ever designated specific Pokemon to visually fulfill these tasks obviously this has no direct negative impact on the ability to get around but it's hard to argue it's not a lot cooler to be able to use your individual favorite Pokemon in various categories to accomplish different tasks to go further here in power world this is also true for doing other tasks around your bases this is something Pokemon have been said and shown to be able to do in various ways but has yet to actually make its way to gameplay that goes from things like like water type Pals helping to put out fires all the way to more simple things like fire type Pals with open flames on their person lighting the way in dark areas of the world Pokémon would objectively be better with a similar level of attention to detail in their game and there's other examples like that I could cherry pick but suffice to say most of them are on this line of thought power world in more ways than one takes things from different elements of Pokémon or things that would just make sense in its world and Translate them to gameplay for the first time ever which is cool as far as cons to be quite honest the biggest downfall here is kind of impossible to rectify and that's the fact that power world ultimately isn't nor could it ever actually be Pokemon like it's cool that I can fly around on a van worm or whatever but I'll never do that without wishing it wasn't me flying around on a Charizard instead some of that is down to my individual lived experiences and preferences to be sure but the near 30 years Pokémon company has spent crafting a world worth fantasizing about in this way cannot be understated could it be what Pokemon was for me the moment I first discovered it for someone that's five and seeing it for the first time ever like I did with Pokemon when I was the same age well they probably shouldn't for reasons I'll get to but you get the point I think they still have a lot of catching up to do if they hope to compete here I think the next thing power world does better than Pokemon is the multiplayer aspect of the game sort of currently Pokemon functionally has more that can be done with friends in their latest Mainline game playtime wise as there's currently no PVP in power world it's on the road map but we can only really speak to what we've seen and we haven't seen what PvP will even mean in power world let alone if it will be good what I can say is good right now even despite this is the foundation of power world's online multiplayer in the steam version specifically as that version allows for dedicated servers with up to 32 players each which rectifies some of the issues I'm going to get into here but certainly not all power worlds multiplayer allows between four and again for the steam version 32 players to play together in one seamless world where they can form guilds to build bases and work together to ACR resources they can then use to battle and capture bosses alongside other Pals obviously I spent many more hours playing this game than I would have otherwise for its multiplayer features alone those features include the ability to take on story quests alongside your group of friends something you'd or at least I'd assume from a game like this but Pokemon has admittedly done a bad job at implementing at all let alone Implement well baseb building is something that while Pokemon company in Game Freak have never focused on in Pokemon games or lore has certainly seen rudimentary versions introduced in former Pokemon releases Guild management is different though as it hasn't been something Pokemon has even attempted but very well could have its own version that's a natural fit in the Pokémon world if they wanted there to be something like it and Cooperative boss battles are cool and all but I don't see myself wanting to challenge Gym Leaders with friends although watching them battle gym leaders in real time could be cool battling them together I think goes against the spirit of what the gym challenge is meant to be though but they could have players team up against the evil crime syndicates in future games and it fit perfectly all of that said not all of power world's multiplayer features are my ideal collection of multiplayer features for future Pokémon games that by no means says there isn't a ton Pokemon could stand to learn from power world on this front but these features are far from perfect and in some ways are even noticeably worse than Pokemon's latest swing at persistent multiplayer despite being able to utilize much more powerful Hardware with online infrastructure that's a lot more sophisticated than what's currently available on switch or at least that's the narrative on one end on a base level the world's progress isn't tied to the player in power world it's tied to individual servers or outside of the steam version individual players saves that friends can drop in and out of that means whenever you want to play with a new set of friends and a different save or server you not only need to progress through the game again you even need to make your character over again which is ridiculous considering how Pokemon scarlet and violet not only allow you to enter anyone's Union circle with your current progress intact both before during and after you join or leave a union Circle and even come bins elements from both versions of the game like version exclusive Pokemon being brought into the Union circle from the versions that are currently being used on one hand I guess power world benefits from this on some level but not in a good way I have certainly spent dozens more hours playing power world than I would have otherwise if it weren't for how poorly executed their multiplayer solution is at the launch of The Game Pass version the friends I've been playing through the game with all have their progress tied to my safe so I have to play with them L I leave them them hanging forcing them to start all over again as I'm at my wit's end with this game for reasons I have yet to get to my current solution is booting up my save sharing the code with my friends and letting my Xbox sit on the home screen until the game inevitably freezes or has some other bug that forces me to reset the whole thing which brings me to this game's abysmal performance on non- Steam versions of the game and also let's be real the steam version runs better but it still isn't a Polish Game by any means and I know early access but that title is more of an excuse to monetize the recruitment of people to bug Andor stress test your unfinished product than it is a reason to pity or give passes to a game you are still paying real money to play I digress on to the performance section I'll be up front here and say more often than not I genuinely do not care about performance I have been a console gamer all of my life I started being engaged with the medium during the era of slowdown on the N64 and the stuff that kept me playing then ultimately is most of what I prioritize or or often even care about at all now does the game have designs that make me want to play it is the game fun once I do sick then I'm sold it rarely gets more complicated than that now with that in mind does performance straight up never matter no I'd be lying if I said that was the case the only and I mean only time A Game's performance is of any concern to me at all is when it makes it impossible or even noticeably harder to physically play the game I am playing or am trying to play and other words if a game's performance impacts my performance while playing that game that is a problem and that is something that is a dealbreaker for me so with Pokemon where the bulk of the experience is scrolling through menus when the conversation devolves into the internet complaining about frame pacing in a Pokemon game I am deeply confused and even at times angry that this is what we're complaining about when in my opinion the real problem is the fact that the gaml is scrolling through a series of menus in the first place not how those cutscenes on the screen play so fast forward to now with power world a game that has done its part in addressing the gameplay concern for the most part you still don't actually have control over the battle outside of your trainer themselves your pals kind of just have Sonic Adventure Chow karate matches for the most part but I digress this game's performance is abysmal I have fallen through the map on several occasions nearly losing my resources in the process which is the game playay the game frequently drops frames and lags during fights which in an action game means I frequent ly get hit or even die as a result of not being able to react to what is happening in Pokémon more often than not the frames dropping means I lose a second or two of my life at most all the while I see people still bashing the ladder and praising the former and to be clear there has been a one bug in Pokémon that has amounted to more than the dreaded immersion breaking in the game about catching an electric rat and a ball made from a fruit and the bug in question is when Pokémon spawn inside of mountains that can't be seen or reached by the trainer which is is very annoying does it break the game nope I can still Auto Battle and even initiate regular battles by throwing one of my Pokemon's pokeballs at them or the three total times Pokémon Scarlet has crashed on me in over a year on the market and well over 600 hours played that's the worst bugs get for Pokemon meanwhile power world crashed on me a total of 16 times in the week or so I actively played it look at how slow I am moving what what the the game crashed yeah it happened to me too what level did you get the the uh the for the mount I didn't get the check oh this crashed bro let me respawn I can't [Music] respawn that's insane and I know what the only rebuttal to this will be it's a small team pocket pair themselves call this into question with claims that they can't even quantify the resources that went into this game given their use of Freelancers and other means that make it harder to put an exact number to and even with it being a small team there are pros and cons to big and small teams you'd be surprised how many people it actually takes to make the heart of a game teams getting bigger doesn't necessarily lead to games being easier to develop and actually frequently lead to the opposite and the second retort is honestly a brain dead one it's early access a developer choosing to monetize their Alpha testing phase is not an excuse or an explanation it's marketing and while you can choose to believe that marketing term is worthy of pretending a product is better than it actually is in practice by all means do that but let's not pretend it's a valid retort to people that don't opt to do the same I am paying money to play this video game it's not my job to pretend it's good it's their job to make it good or maybe take the fact that it isn't good as motivation for it to reach that lofty goal some believe the Early Access title should allow Developers the benefit of the doubt I believe that's something you earn through providing a quality experience over a period of time they haven't done that all they did was offer anti-p poemon in the promise that it will eventually be a complete product I'm not in the business of giving a completely unproven developer that level of blind Fai and I just personally think it's crazy that the same people that were crying about some frame drops in a term-based RPG are willing to have that Blind Faith in a game like this that performs like it does now this is the part of the video where I plan to talk about power world story and lore but to be quite honest with you I have no idea what it is to its credit the game does what I would say is a good thing and ultimately makes actually engaging with any of it optional but it also does the terrible thing of making it easy to not care about it enough to want to opt in to find out about any of its lore I considered doing some cursory research to compare it with Pokémon on a quality level but I think think the fact that I don't care to look into it in the first place even with the incentive of being able to do my job better speaks enough to its quality before having to read a single word of dialogue maybe I'm missing some good stuff and they just don't know how to bring it enough to the surface to lead me to dig deeper I sincerely doubt it but if you beg to differ feel free to fill me in on that in the comments all of that is to say on the story front Pokemon games are pretty mid even the best of them I think are serviceable very surface level baby's first philosophy tals at best and not much to write home about the lore and World building on the other hand is some of the best I've personally experienced in any franchise I've engaged with so yeah they do have some steep competition there in my opinion speaking of competition let's talk plagiarism the most popular or I guess unpopular con admittedly contrary to the common assumption I'm sure many have for a Pokemon fan that hates power world I actually care very little if at all all about the plagiarism controversy it wouldn't be the first property to blatantly rip off Pokémon and it won't be the last it's not even close to the first successful property to ride Pokemon's coils and all of those forbearers do have an identity of their own Beyond edgy Pokemon clone and while I never really became a fan of any of them Von's pretty cool and I own and played yo-kai watch thanks to Nintendo sending me the first few on 3DS a while back and there are others that while I never cared to give them the time of day for one reason or another I can't say I ever actually disliked any of them either all of that said none of that actually helps power world free itself of these allegations it beyond a shadow of a doubt rips off Pokémon that said not to the degree many are accusing it of nor is it in the manner its Defenders are attempting to defend it from there are some completely original Pals there are some Pals with some noteworthy inspiration from Pokémon and other properties and there are some Pals that are Shameless blatant ripoffs of Pokémon and and again other properties as well that said there are some things that power world does to set itself apart from Pokemon most of which I talked about in the opening gameplay section however even those things don't free it from the clutches of these copyright infringement allegations because first of all most people's current defenses regarding this issue isn't power world doesn't steal from Pokemon it's to what extent it steals from Pokémon and the answer there usually comes alongside the attempted make good rebuttal that it not only steals from Pokémon but rather it steals from other games as well and even more than that more important to note than any of that as I have been droning on about in most parts of this and other videos Pokemon is much more than just the mainline term-based RPGs that people think these allegations live and die by Pokemon also exists as anime and movies and card game and toys and spin-off series I can go on all of these Inspire with theand brand is and will become power world plagiarizing the games isn't the issue and that's not to say it doesn't copy the games there's a notable amount of stealing in that area too but more importantly it is to say what it takes from Pokemon games isn't the important part what power worldall does blatantly copy is the broader Pokemon brand and despite the gaming community's assumptions this is an even bigger deal than if it did just take from the games because the wider Pokemon brand as it exists across mediums is why it is an unmatched transm media Behemoth to begin with a lot of people seem to be under the assumption that the American fair use Doctrine is enough to protect power world it's parody many will say there's no way Pokemon company could have a case news flash copyright law is a lot more complicated than you think if you think that's the case here or honestly most of these defenses I've seen on the internet in an attempt to save power world if it is determined that it tangibly does steal from Pokemon like in straight up using using their models in their video game kind of stealing and to be clear the amount of stolen doesn't particularly matter all that much beyond the possibility and or ease of removal for any possible infringement for example if they are found to have Pokemon models in their game that will be enough to take their game down unless or until they remove any stolen assets ever heard of only up that's a game that's no longer on steams power world could face a similar fate and to be honest it may even be easier for Pokémon company to get to that end result as these are two Japanese companies which means one fair use isn't much of a concern here and two international law isn't even something they really need to be concerned about to begin with let alone fair you specifically Japanese copyright laws are enough to make a major impact and they are way less in favor of possible loopholes for copying the work of others not acknowledging all of these things are very true has made the internet discourse surrounding these games read this topic especially internet discoursing hurting the strength of anyone's particular argument before they get anywhere if they even part their lips to mention these two games in close proximity to each other everybody is tired of talking about this game and the face value explanation as to why is the two sides of the argument are stupid but in reality a lot of them are just acting in bad faith no one is willing to admit any level of gray for fear of the argument being anything outside of the black and white issue that decided it is and always will be means the personality they crafted for themselves is flawed there's nothing wrong with seeing yourself in the media you consume the problem in my opinion is when you're dishonest about what it is you decide to Rally behind in the process a great example of this is how the flavor of the moments controversy AI has made its way into this without any tangible proof one way or another I don't think AI really changes absolutely anything in the Ripoff conversation I don't care if intellectual property was stolen by humans or an algorithm if it was stolen it was stolen and that is the problem adding AI into it is just a thinly veiled attempt to play to the internet's blanket disdain for the technology and that just makes the conversation even more disingenuous than it's already been and that's saying a lot blindly and universally fighting for or against aide in the Fanboy or even Brewing culture war that is happening right now in relation to this isn't something I'm interested in being a part of so I'll say it plainly does power rip off Pokémon in some ways absolutely it does that and more in some ways it rips off Pokémon in some ways it rips off other things but in some ways it is genuinely wholly original or what in my opinion is Tastefully inspired by other properties and at the end of the day I'm not interested in offering an armchair verdict on if any of that spectrum is the legal Goldilocks ratio to say it is or isn't guilty of theft and therefore should be shut down and undo all of its success all of said I do have some more direct thoughts on power world success so let's get into that power world success in and of itself is another point of contention in my mind for a couple of reasons and to be clear this is another element of this discussion that I personally wish didn't come part- and parcel with these asterisk but I'd be just like every other person on the internet that seems to feel this situation is or should be black and white open and shut if I didn't get into it accounting for as much as possible I always strive to at least try to be more than that so here we are power world the last major sales update that can be directly aligned with Pokemon at the time of writing this video is 8 million units sold in the first 5 days of release this figure is for the game's steam release which I'll State plainly is phenomenal any game selling this many copies at all let alone in its first week on the market is something worth celebrating and that's without looking at the game pass numbers which we don't have access to for this time frame but with there being well over 30 million people with access to the game for free by way of Game Pass you have to imagine a good portion of them downloaded and checked out the game again this is good this many people choosing to devote their time downloading and playing your game is notable this though is where narratives begin to form and muddy how worthy of Celebration this game success is when viewed from the context it's forced to contend with some of that was asked for through its marketing as well as other factors the power world developers placed upon themselves but a lot of it is internet people crafting narratives to make themselves feel better about themselves for championing aside this then leads to comparing stells from Pokemon this is a comparison that I argue is one a losing one for power world and two an unfair comparison to begin with even if power didn't come up short in the sales department to say why let's start with a simple question what did Pokémon sell in its first 3 days on the market Pokémon scarlet and violet sold 10 million units and not only that it's worth noting that power world is a $30 game Pokémon scarlet and violet are $60 power world even had a launch sale on Steam which even if we ignore and assume every sell was for full MSRP not only did it sell less units it generated half the amount of revenue for every one of those units sold to Circle back to the second part then about the comparison being unfair from the offset on one end the comparison isn't fair because no matter how it did it will always have the asterisk of being a new IP a disclaimer that I take issue with as it is yet another disingenuous half truth sure power is technically a new IP but let's not pretend it's operating as one here because anyone with a brain could tell you it's not that simple because power world isn't succeeding at large on its own merits as a game as most new IP would need to which is typically the impressive part of new franchisees succeeding now that's not to say it's not a fun game I definitely think it is in a lot of ways but to pretend power's proximity to Pokémon and its marketing being positioned as it being the answer to problems that Pokémon fans have been screaming about isn't the majority of why people care to even find out it was enjoyable from the door is ridiculous meanwhile if we look at Pokemon when it was the new kid on the Block it succeeded in spite of its inspiration I'm sure you've seen this image floating around the internet with illustrations of Dragon Quest monster collection game and I'm positive the vast majority of you learned of the now nebulous connection it shares with Pokemon during this current controversy rather than at any other point in its nearly 40 years of existence and that's because Pokemon was from day one vastly more successful than not only the Dragon Quest spin-off monster collection games that inspired it but the entire Dragon Quest brand as a whole Pokemon was never positioned as the anti-dragon quest in fact game freak wore that inspiration on their sleeve and a very positive way and use that inspiration to make something that ultimately grew to become something else entirely power world's version of using a muse as a foundation to set yourself apart is to try to blur the lines of inspiration by taking from several Muses to hopefully come out on the other side with something wholly unique as a result or kit bashing I'll leave it up to you to decide if they succeeded in that I point all of that out to say it's impossible to genuinely conclude that power world success is some sort of indictment of Pokémon because not only would it not exist if Pokemon didn't provide not only the foundation but the entire skeleton and a lot of the meat on those bones on top of that no one would care about power world were it not for Pokemon in its current place in the way it actively exists today in the Zeitgeist and again as evidenced by the fact that most people didn't even know of the Dragon Quest connection with Pokemon it's hard to argue the same is or ever was true for Pokémon and its inspiration and there's also this graph that breaks down the power world demographic that's noteworthy given these markets what they respond to and why it says a lot I'll leave it up to you to individually come to a conclusion on what that is moving on open this video by saying I hate this game and while I touched on some of those reasons on the way to where we are now in the video none of that stuff scratches the surface really the only aspect of power world that comes anywhere close to this is the edgy counterculture for the sake of being edgy and contrarian brand it has crafted for itself part of that identity is made possible by my individual biggest problem with power world the most important con the very literal slavery for as long as Pokemon existed edgy armchair philosophers have insisted that Pokemon is ultimately a franchise about slavery and dog fighting this debate has always existed and I'm not going to solve nor do I even wish to attempt to persuade anyone to the contrary on here but I will say why this always has been a nothing burger for me in Pokémon but is a massive red flag in power World in a world where the Pokémon world was even close to one to one with our own you'd at least certainly have a case for the latter a human telling an animal to fight is indeed dog fighting something worth the crying to be sure that said Pokémon are very clearly not real world animals I have never seen an animal with the level of sentience that Pokémon have it's one thing for your dog to know how to shake your hand or even learn to open your doors it'd be an entirely different thing for your dog to be able to quite literally engage you in conversation and the language you speak having said that it has been established that these extremely intelligent creatures enjoy fighting not at all dissimilar from the way a professional boxer or MMA fighter enjoys fighting however that doesn't account for the trainer aspect Pokemon are captured by people who then become their trainers that again in a vacuum not great but in the Pokemon world even this is ultimately optional Pokémon have been shown to be able to exit their Pokeball at will let's get this straight I do not want to be anybody's Pokemon they even have been known to outright refuse being in one to begin with as well as choosing to leave their trainer alog together so again intelligent sentient creatures choosing to form and in certain instances end these relationships and I mean how many of us have pets they can't even make those decisions and I'm sure you and most wouldn't entertain people yelling Foul Play about this Dynamic and they don't even have the save so Pokémon do again I don't bring any of that up to try to convince you to not discard the world that is being sold to you by the people that created it or to not buy into the subtext I bring that up to contrast that with power world a game that allows you to not only quite literally force your pal to fight and work in what the community gleefully referred to as sweat shops it also allows you to capture enforce humans albeit with a soft message informing you of the practice being frowned upon in power world to do the same in addition to but butchering them can't forget about the butchering and because there's no good place to put this in this script but it still deserves mentioned somewhere there's a beastiality pal it's number 69 in the pal deck and since it's the funny haha meme number we're supposed to just write it off as funny similarly the best read here is it's meant to poke fun at Pokemon like Lain or gardivoir the crazy part is the only actual cursed part about these Pokemon is what creepy fans do with them on the Internet which again is entirely different from the creators of the video game very directly creating a pal that they wrote Into the lore has sex with humans there's no subtext there even if Pokemon's creators intended to create the world people cynically picture in their head it's an entire step further to then include those things like this animal cruelty or human slavery in that equation and it's not po World participating in social commentary even if it were still wouldn't be great to be clear there's no drawbacks to engaging in it in fact most of these things make the game a lot easier to play given that increased efficiency when acre and defending resources beyond that it's just there to provide the shock value they are using to sell their game to edgy scorned laps Pokemon fans which I think is gross and ultimately is the reason that I don't see myself ever playing it again I don't judge people that do but for me that's a deal breaker even as a meme or if the intent was to be social commentary that was just terribly executed i' rather not support it and I'm honestly happy I could try it via Game Pass to make this video in spite of the version's relative flaws if only for the fact that it allowed me to not give this game $30 of my money to find that out thank you to redirect first ever executive producer Trev L Steinberg and all of the other great names you see scrolling on the screen for keeping this channel flow if you like to join them and get other cool perks like exclusive content access to community events Pokemon theme merch you can find all of that and more at the Bell to be notified whenever new videos go live okay that's it for me see you in the next video
Channel: Re:Direct
Views: 2,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aj, redirect, re:direct, re direct, palworld, palworld glitch, palworld plagiarism, palworld vs pokemon, palworld pokemon, palworld pokemon ripoff, palworld controversy, palworld controversy explained, palworld steam vs xbox game pass, palworld sweatshop, palworld human capture, pokemon ripoff, pokemon with guns, pokemon scarlet and violet, game freak, pocket pair, palworld early access, palworld drama, palworld glitches, palworld console, pokemon vs palworld, pal world
Id: _CxIUP-3A4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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