The PROBLEM With Geometry Dash Fangames

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free Geometry Dash games are very controversial with most levels seen as rushed and poorly designed so with fan games recently taking the community by storm I want to answer one big question have we made better games than robtop check out this innocent fanm teaser uploaded by Joba on Twitter I sure hope greedy YouTubers don't oh shoot M click baited it this video opened the floodgates and caused many YouTubers to make their own bad remakes to cash in Geometry di Razer Leaf was no longer an inocent image but now a tool used to trick 8-year-olds into watching Banger levels like a Event Horizon definitely not just a nerfed copy of arabus okay this guy is even trying it wouldn't take long for fan games to become terrible and Bland and while some creators genuinely try to make great Creations they were overshadowed and Razor Leaf burned Into Obscurity until over 5 years later a Creator by the name of ellip Sentra would see this Infamous Trend and decided to create his own fan game but with his own levels shocker I know so let's take a look after entering the leafwood forest I would snatch this key I sure hope you aren't given a coin for free you are given a coin for free after this tell me what gives you more happiness in life the feeling of snatching this precious gold or some lame key yeah I'm taking the former at least the soundtrack is a banger and the game play didn't put me into sleep inducing coma despite being three stars this already looks way better than OG Razer Leaf though things begin to look worrying with Aurora Theory as while the decoration was nice the gameplay felt a lot less play tested and I constantly died to things that didn't feel like my fault maybe ocean Paradise plane rule redeem this off the bat the theme is strange considering this has been a game about you know Forest but there's lava everywhere in subzero so I'll let it slide the start of the map is very reminiscent of a custom level as while the designs look unique and everything looks like a spike waiting to end your run there are invisible portals everywhere and this portal decided that's nothing like all these other portals and is died for some reason scientists will cure cancer before they find out what this portal was for dislike scientists wonder why you aren't subscribed I'm waiting before this fan game I was super hyped up to play the new swing mode it's very underutilized in custom levels but by now I just wanted my misery to end why are there gravity portals in the swing the swing can already flip gravity so this is just so and don't get me started on these coins go through a wall hey this one ain't that bad go through a wall you can make this a fast food venue item hey uh can I get two wall coins with the side of I don't know collecting on another key for a coin despite the flaws of these Maps it is Miles better than the OG Razor Leaf and I'll need these cuties to slide their numbers it's nice to see that one image could turn this into such an interesting project but can it beat as update 2.2 took longer and longer many players began growing exhausted from the weight if robtop wasn't going to give us 2.2 then we'd make it ourselves and so the Industrial Revolution for fan games would soon begin with the most popular and significant of these being geometry Das Breeze similarly to spin-off games like Subzero it starts off great with over the cloud ands both of these levels are bangers and have awesome soundtracks however this fan game begins to fall apart when you approach the harder stages like bit explosion wow it's almost like the level copy not only explores decoration but also it's terrible gamep playay I wonder if these mid coins are a prediction of what the coins will be in the finished version of explorers looking at Rob's recent track record I mean you literally just click a toggle orb and get a coin it doesn't get any more unoriginal than that fortunately the level realizes readability is a thing and is a lot more readable for the rest of the level man I should be a stand-up comedian after this short fun section we return back to this explorers type B and switch game modes every other second like we're playing a Twitter layout what's funny is that it feels like a free Geometry Dash app the quality gets progressively worse and it never receives update wait Breeze was actually updated adding six more levels spin-off games getting updated Society is healing I'm talking about you third world Island unfortunately as it goes on it gets worse and worse shocker while Skittles was a The Banger Maps like cloudbuster were the complete opposite our first boss fight level interesting now let's do a equas is the boss well indicated yes yes yes or yes well if you guessed any of those you are dead wrong almost none of the attacks are indicated I thought we learned to not do that in 2016 it even Fades out on a drop disgusting wait is that a demon that's right just presumed off of all the previous levels and that it's a demon you can make a pretty good guess on how bad it is if you told me this was a weekly demon from early update 2.1 I'd believe you and the ending made me feel like at over 200 beats per minute my heart must have been working overtime so was this it while robtop might have suffered the same fate with the spin-off games they were at least filled to the brim with original inventions and creative ideas while games like Bree either lacked identity because they're trying to copy robtop too hard or completely win off the defense and it was safe to say Rob was still the goat of side games until a trailer came out for a new fan game deeper space this was the sequel to a spin-off manx made over 5 years ago while these levels were okay they were eventually forgotten by mostly everyone except manx who is now looking to make a truly legendary side game since the community was exposed to the new 2.2 features for far longer at this point the future looked bright for once could this rival Ro top himself and be the Redemption of fan games let's find out our first level would be Cosmic dolphin which is created by the goat manic it starts off with great decoration and simple effects that truly feel like something Rob would do but it quickly outshines him with his swing section which is fun for both noobs and Pros as while noobs focus on dodging these Stars pros can focus on coin maxing for this third coin leading us to the most mind-blowing segment of the level seriously this is beautiful I've never seen this kind of effect done before and it fits the theme so nicely also this might be a hot take but the air trigger introduction is even better than Rob's introduction in dash ignoring the beginning of course well okay every fan game so far has started off great what makes this special well the levels only get better and better as it goes on while the style in groovy Tower is admittedly simpler here the gameplay in syn is great and coins like this one where I stole this Chompies precious gold that might have called me a criminal charge or great I even love how the background gradually adds more details as it goes on going from simple buildings to massive castles in the clouds something that isn't really possible with one of the boring default backgrounds after this extremely well-crafted Castle part that somehow seamlessly Incorporated cubes into the block design we approach this part which is like that one feeling where the final mission is named after the game this Tower segment might I say is even better than robtops there's way less waiting and it feels like you've actually escaped well a tower especially when the satisfying flag animation happens clown party was another level created by MX and hold it Cobb as someone with a clown license I think I should handle this one let's get crazy the start seemed one-dimensional until I realized that I could B clowns for money let me rephrase that hit or strike clown noses to get the coin the balloon mechanic is great as well this next part reminds me of that one time I got lost in a fun house and this next part looks like a mod Y G game chaos chaos this Delta run inspired effect goes hard on this stage you're not just a clown you're the entire circus this part has so much charm and great storytelling I just wish manx added a reference to the amazing digital all right no more Clowning Around even though these fireworks gave me a heart attack this is easily one of my favorite levels of all time I don't have words for how goofy yet well-crafted this section is had me smiling the whole way through this level oozes with originality and proves that manx is still the goat after all these years but this wouldn't be maddox's last level in the series and the final thing he created was insane but before we get to that this is fire exit while I do have nitpicks like this part that teaches you that falling into lava gives you teleport Powers it makes up for it with wildcrafted parts like this that are super creative some people were saying that there wasn't that much time to react but eh that just seems like a skill issue while this part is random it's still very fair and fun in this part you're for course it desend a burning Tower rather than climbing it it also has a banger coin here where you skip all of the X marked blocks to reach it this part is so clever that I use alternative methods to figure it out it's great to see that this level is oosha certified though phone me first is also a banger I love how the level tis custom level type gimmicks like skipping orbs for a coin and telegraphs it into such an easy to understand way many parts of this level take aspects of Dash and transform them in interesting and original ways and small details like these skulls spinning towards you feel like such a rock top thing to add great level all around I don't really have any complaints on the Run has energetic gameplay with amazing sink this level is so well made and Polished that I don't have a lot to say about it aside from this lovely comment interaction so why did you put a jump indicator with 92% ticked thank you to the guy that died at 92 you saved my life that jump indicator was in fact a traitor although this couldn't all just be and rainbows how we win is the most controversial level yet a lot of people were talking about how this is the least official feeling level out of the whole fan game and while I agree I don't think that's a bad thing as it brings a ton of cool ideas to the table like these rolling Thorn monsters they have to dodge or this unique mechanic where you dash into slopes and click for a boost while it was frustrating at first once I got the timing down it was satisfying to pull off though the later half of the level gets pretty confusing I must say there's this cool gimmick of hitting these blocks to change the type of Launchpad but it's really awkward when you're going fast and the troll orbs certainly don't help dang does make up for it though with another cool gimmick of swapping two players out each time you enter a pipe too bad there's this secret way in practice mode criticism aside I don't think the level's bad some parts are Splendid and this is easily one of the most original deeper space levels I just think the game play could have used more work although I understand that it may not be for everyone including me while this level might have been weaker compared to the others there was still one level left both iconic laser Blitz and manx collaborated on the final level like the good old days to form one of the craziest demons I've ever seen the level starts off great and while you may think these cuties are just air decoration they're actually part of the game play levitating you up you can even hit this background or whatever you call it to play as part of the background which is awesome after this amazing swing up the and this spider that you thought I was going to make a joke about we enter this cool vvvv vs part where you go off screen to access the other side of the map I hope more people use this gimmick it's learny but not in a forc way and this hologram art is awesome I wish I was skilled enough to enjoy the game play as Parts like this where you Traverse from planet to planet a nice call back to Super Mario Galaxy looks like a blast to play but even this is nothing compared to this boss fight which makes generation retro look like a terrible level I can talk about this part for hours it's super M syncs feels cohesive and most importantly is Peak Cinema I especially love this part that creatively remixes the original Space Invaders how do you even come up with this kind of stuff finally the level closes off with the Comm but atmospheric ending as you slowly charge along these meteors overall an awesome level I'm surprised they didn't get legendary so with this controversial history of fan games we come to one final question has the community outdone robtop while we have certainly outdone Robin quality and have done stuff that Rob would never consider doing robtop will always be the king of Simplicity and the point of geometry T has always been that he makes the tools and we the players do whatever we wants with it and hey YouTube thinks you'll enjoy this video so see if they're right and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Cob
Views: 100,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometrydash, geometry dash, gdcob, geometry dash razorleaf, geometry dash breeze, geometry dash deeper space, deeper space gd, razorleaf gd, breeze gd, gd spinoff, geometry dash spinoff, geometry dash meltdown, geometry dash world, geometry dash fangame, fangame, spinoff
Id: iiHhkGUk_QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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