The problem is you now.. (Minecraft Boogeyman's Final Warning)

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was that was that there last episode oh my god right where we left off guys the previous episode was probably the most intense and odd episode yet welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen back to the boogieman series if you're new here and you haven't seen the previous episodes I'm going to say one thing pause this video go back and watch the other episodes to get filled in on what's going on and if you're not yet a subscriber are you good because guys the channel the videos everything is so insane lately guys the mystery like the mysterious nature of these videos just continue to spark and I I don't even know where to begin but guys I have to tell you guys not the butcher not the butcher guys I have something to talk about with the butcher is specifically about the butcher and I kid you guys not it's really really weird oh my god there's so much to go over in this video guys but is a new day right where we left off we just got done figuring out well not cry for help but wait wait a second what do we wait cry for help where's the oh we put it back in here I was like oh my god guys we lost the power of six now when the previous episode we checked this chest and in this chest we found the book titled the power of six in that book held something very very unexpected and messages saying that the end is near and it's all going to come to a close very soon now I don't know what this means and I don't know if that was boogey man's way of telling us that he is going to completely annihilate us here in the upcoming well I don't what then okay so there's three butchers in the bill no there's three how many butchers are in this village guys so you guys have been posed in some very validating points in the comments section below and I had to take it into consideration in regards to the butcher in regards to the priest a lot of people were saying like the disciple was the priests reincarnated all kinds of weird stuff but you guys have amazing theories and amazing investigation like a very investigate able I to things that I don't even catch in this series well oh my gosh guys I did I say like the video guys because I wanted to say guys if you want to see this series continue I need you to be showing the support like in the videos so in comments guys so I know to keep doing this and continue investigating this now if I guys I paint before this video uh for this episode I saw like a zombie villager over here I just went who's that did I just see something up over wait what the heck dude I am seeing thanks guys I thought that tree i legit thought that tree was like some creature wait a second well wait a second was that was that there last episode wait a second was that there last episode I need to know guys I need to know there's another burning cross was that there at last episode I don't remember did we find that last episode wait a second wait a second wait a second I don't know I can't remember oh no no no guys why it's another burning cross guys this is not good this is not good also guys I there's so much to go over oh my god guys I am I know you guys always tell me I want you don't overload your stuff we know this is an intensive investigation take it one step at a time I'm like guys I'm trying I'm trying to take things once what does that on fire okay I think that's a zombie he's gonna burn it's weird that he was just now burning and catching on [ __ ] it's been daylight for a while now he should have died a long time ago that was almost like someone spawned him guys this is another burning cross with netherrack which guys mind you and shall I say again we felt three burning crosses in the nether at the beginning of the series I know I know I know I know a lot of people like oh and you need to put the Boogie mezz home you need to go back to the nether guys there was another burning cross over here correct oh my god guys it thickens okay Oh so for those that didn't see like 30 episodes back or whatever guys which we just got done recently doing an investigation on all this and I think the boogeyman's disciple has so much to play in with this guys like I kid you not and I got some things that I want to talk about that were not I don't know if we're gonna get to go over in this episode guys but if you guys want me to talk about this then I'll do it I'll talk about it it's something that I've really been sketched out to talk about I'm not gonna lie in regards to the series in the priest you guys know how we killed the priest well I have some information regarding that but I don't know if I want to talk about it and definitely don't know if I want to go over in this episode let me know if you guys want me to go over and talk about that about the priest so let's just say it's a very messed up stuff well anyways guys let's actually go back over here to acknowledge without a doubt there's another flame cross over here now I just realized something guys I just realized something in the nether there was three crosses faced out perfectly right and in the middle of those three crosses was a portal that led us to a dark cavern that we still haven't even explored to this day which makes me think there's one cross pointing this way one cross pointing that way is there another cross in that direction and then in the middle of these crosses could there be something hiding like I a portal no wait did you guys see that there's almost something it's an internment what's he doing it's during the day what is an internment doing out here um well guys there's a lot of there's a lot of questions that spark around just that as well but I am pretty sure we just found another crawl skies this this was this was not here last episode I don't think you guys can confirm or deny because I'm pretty sure we just got done doing a lot of investigation last episode and we found the book which was titled the power of six which led us to some weird additional factors and boogie man's agenda perhaps and IIIi don't know okay so this was a new I think we'll find out you guys will let me know now if this is anything like the setup of the nether potentially there could be another burning cross in there and in the middle could be a portal now where would this portal take us I don't know I'm guessing somewhere random in the nether that's the only portal that actually what we whoa what if it's an in portal I didn't think about that Oh No this is a little bit weird this stuff is starting to spawn and we could only say that it is probably the boogeyman's disciple doing this because we call him in the act guys we caught the boogeyman's disciple in the act while he was doing the weird geometry like symmetrical like upside-down crosses over the hill there which you guys also said that he potentially probably has a base but we do know that through the village and underneath the village runs a very weird like a whole know guys there's interments and stuff around this village again look at this block this random dirt block plays perfectly here and the boogeyman shrine guys we got some stuff that we need to go back there and do as well it's really crazy okay what okay I came back oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah guys you guys have been pointing out I don't like that cross over there because I've been pointing out this guy that randomly appeared one episode perfectly in this backyard now a black horse randomly appears in the back of a villagers like yard perfectly tamed and put back here now if a horse was randomly gonna spawn wouldn't he just spawn like random like he could have spawned out there he could have spawned over here and yes I dropped my sword but like like that's really weird guess oh and we still get the demon wings okay so this black course you guys have been pointing out I don't really know what's going on with the horse I don't know why the horse is there where the horse came from that villager just went over that that's the first time I've seen a villager go over a fence like that look at him heck dude I've never seen villagers do that before well if there's anything we're going to happen from villagers is going to be in this village now let's talk about the cry for help look this has been something that I've been wanting to address for a while now and you guys have also been telling me oh and she says you've ran into the boogeyman's disciple it's time to get some enchantments bro it's time to get the enchantments ready and gear up and make sure you 100% fortified yes your diamond tools and everything is great but you need to make 100% prepared and that's your maximum potential to fight maybe the boogeyman booked him as disciple so on so on so I have took that into consideration thank you guys so much for looking out for me in that aspect and we will be enchanting and creating an enchantment room very soon and actually what I think we may do we may just use this house world across from us this one right here for an enchantment well maybe maybe make me made me know we need a little bit more room actually there's some out there's some books already in this room and one of these right there notebooks here III boat some villagers houses have books in them have I've been wronged maybe not guys maybe that's because we don't have no librarians here and this village lacks that well this would think this village does not like and that is the butcher's guys and a got a lot of you guys were saying the butcher's was the main calls of the Steve heads and all the blood being scattered throughout the village you guys say in the butchers were actually allied with the boogie man as well now III don't know if that theory is correct guys but there are three butchers in this village and these butchers could very much so be the calls for all the blood in the weird Steve heads or have some connection whatsoever we do know one thing guys boogey man has a lot of people were siding with him and working with him and he almost like possesses the villagers and stuff at times it it's really creepy and this does this weird disciple entity working for him iiiiii I don't know guys I don't know but what I wanted to talk about in this video was of course which we need to lead to oh my god there's so much stuff that guy I swear the series is only getting more and more crazy guys but you guys have been leaving countless comments of the course of time with the cry for help book translating it getting across I can't help but think boogey man is sending us our final like finalizing the warning sign guys like this who just crawls over here like they're the disciple could this be the final warning signs to boogey man well you guys have translated that this says and comes out to say the problem is you now you your okay so your problem is your own the problem is you kyoko villager like is this hitting that the villagers are okay guys we got this from some like the minute very weird villager you guys have still been trying to translate this part and to best ability to yes I still don't know what this part over here means you guys have said a lot of weird things about this deciphering it a lot of the coding of this a lot of this as some of you guys have ever even said that it has to do with some like some very very dark stuff guys and I'm not too sure but the 666 adds up to that and this is kind of like the problem is you now like it's hinting that were the problem your prop the problem your is the problem oh now I now yeah now your is the problem now so the problem is you now is kind of what I'm getting the message from that right so I'm getting the message as the problem is you now and boogeyman is like telling us we're the problem when we shouldn't even be here but there's one thing for sure guys and I mean this we are going to find boogey man and he's been haunting us forever on this world causing countless issues guys look at this the village has been tormented but guys we killed the priest and I like I said early on in this video I have some stuff to talk about the priest but I'm not gonna do that yet guys but I feel like the boogeyman is just trying to diminish and delude us and get us on the wrong path oh that scared me stop whoa whoa whoa whoa did you what was that did you guys see that do you guys see something up here right there and disappear what could it have been the torch could it have been the torch guys what happened to that zombie over there running there was like a baby zombie running it real quick I saw something black like reappearing reappear I I guess it was the torch I don't know I don't know guess I don't I don't know okay guys like I said we got to create an enchantment room we're gonna work on that I think we're gonna go back to the boogieman shrine soon and we're gonna try to do some things that you guys commented on trying to provoke and see if we can awaken boogeyman once more why are the villagers outside the villagers should not be outside right now all right guys I don't know but um we're dia cool - here guys there's no butchers in here right okay cuz the butchers you guys have been creeping me out about the butchers - we got a we got to bring this village back to the top guys and I am deeply concerned myself anyways if you guys want to see us continue you want me to go over what I was talking about with the priests and you want me to just kind of investigate this more we got a lot that we need to do guys but I think we kind of figured out that boogeyman is hitting that the problem is us and he's getting very angry and the disciple a boogeyman is coming out there it's like it's guiding us towards something that I don't even know we want to go near but with that aside that you guys so much for all the love support on the series if you guys want to see it continue all I ask is that you guys give it a like truthfully guys I I just I I just want to do the best that I can on this channel and not to get all mushy or anything but I want to make the best that I can and you guys showing support encourages me to continue this so without getting weird I just want to say thank you and with that aside I will see you all in the next one oh my gosh I can't believe I'm still investigating this
Channel: O1G
Views: 75,681
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, Boogeyman, The Boogeyman, Minecraft Boogeyman, Minecraft Boogeyman Seed, Minecraft Boogeyman O1G, Minecraft World, Minecraft Seed, The Problem is you now.., Minecraft Boogeyman's Final Warning, Scary, Creepypasta, Scary Minecraft Video, Scary Minecraft videos for kids, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: fDAXTvmh0Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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