Stay Away from BLACK SHEEPS in Minecraft! (Boogeyman's Warning)

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No why are those Steve heads on the ground why is the village villagers should be inside right now why is this black sheep back look if you've been following this series you guys know this black sheep always spawns here is spawns it D spawns it returns guys I logged into this world I had to start recording right away no preparation guys I just had to start recording because one it's raining - I walked over here and I swatted redstone already guys first off I want to point some things out with this world I want to clarify some things what does that village you're doing what is going on why is the blood everywhere why is this black sheep here oh there's so much stuff going on okay guys first and foremost subscribe if you had alright dang it I'm hearing stuff that will say this again subscribe if you have not guys welcome to the channel one of the craziest channels like honestly every single episode every single upload guys it's not just the boogeymen series we have some other creepy stuff that we're doing and discovering a Minecraft it's just seriously like what is going on sometimes we all I'm saying is guys you don't want to miss anything and if you have missed the previous episodes you might want to go ahead and pause this one go watch those the story develops guys the plot thickens okay it's serious um I've log into this world it's storming there's redstone on the ground in the village that normally wasn't here and I just want to say and a few episodes back we followed the redstone we got a message from the boogey man that said you shouldn't be here it was almost like the boogeyman is warning us and getting more serious and guys I just want to point this out this stuff has started getting a lot more intense ever since we got this book called cry for help which some weird entity delivered to us now I also want to say guys this is not a realm this is a local world and I also want to ask the question why is this black sheep here now guys if you don't know the history in the backstory when we first spotted the boogey man up on this hill here we thought it was a black sheep okay why is there always a black sheep here is this like the boogeyman like sending us warnings it's like it's like he's deliberately just sitting just warning shots like you need to quit you need to quit doing this if you guys have been following this series you know this black sheep shows up all the time it's probably one of the more creepy things I'm not gonna lie the fact that a random black sheep guys what does a black sheep mean what isn't that something like the black sheep what is that III think it means so guys did I I'm so sorry I'm diving into this video guys also you guys know I'm doing the giveaway stuff guess I'm giving away gift cards it's an inner all you got to do is subscribe enable posted vacations like the video and comment below all right I always have to like that because I want to make sure you guys know and you have an opportunity and chance they like give some PlayStation codes and Xbox but anyhow what is the black sheep symbolize Black Sheep symbolism I'm googling by the way guys I'm googling this in English language the black sheep is an it item used to describe an odd or disreputable member of the group especially within a family so the black sheep is kind of like the outcast sort of existence about those completely blind to their personal legends like sheep so basically the black sheep guys symbolizes like the like the outcast in a way like the one that's different right so that's what the black sheep symbolizes but how could that be maybe maybe we're overthinking him maybe it's just the boogeyman puts a black sheep here because you know the booking bands like all black and you know guys we went into like this black room and read those like signs and stuff which was weird first off I hate this store the best Sheep cross over here that fast how that that was pretty fast for a sheep to cross guys okay whatever that's that's not of my concern is just a stupid sheep but I don't know the weird resemblance and connection that's going with the black sheep guys but I do know one thing I'm getting down to the bottom of this mystery guys and as long as you guys keep dropping the likes and comments you bet we're gonna figure this out and guys all the comments you drop the itch to helps out so much guys I'm telling you like we combed it like it's just like I couldn't get any closer to this book figuring this out if we didn't know I just realized this a lot of high grass here that's weird that was not here before was it maybe it was I don't know guys there is No why are there Steve heads on the ground why is the village villagers should be inside right now there's more what is this who's that what look at all the villages bundled up oh my God look at him what the heck was that about what are they doing what was that guys I am trembling in fear right now like what were you through Steve heads on the ground oh yeah that's weird a chicken okay there's more and there's blood all throughout the Oh No look at that he's just in the post this is getting out of hand guys this is a little bit too much like the whole village is for other guys like the whole village is full of it I'm terrified for some reason the villagers don't touch that down there can they not access it they're not farming that what is this why is the redstone place like this you would think it may be a cross but now it just looks like a sigil or something guys a lot of evil stuff usually ties with sigils and like runic like stuff guys I don't know but it's everywhere [Music] guys I am aware I know I know there's a lot that we need to do this is it's just like when we go to do something else something distracts those guys like this blood here this village incident like there's something distracting us from going further with just like the mystery of this book ever since we got this book things have been going weird why is the black sheep over here now was the black sheep doing maybe the black sheep knows something we don't wait I just realized something the black sheep walked over to the priest guys we had the priests locked up in this house no no no this is not good why is the black sheep drawn to the priests guys the priest is creepy and weird we know this guys you know how weird that priest is that's what we locked him in the house and the crazy thing is he was already locked up in jail when we find him I just want to point that out guys if you're new we found the priests locked up in a cage over here we didn't know why we thought the priest could help but the priest started acting weird and like the villager children started running from him he started stalking us guys and you think I'm kidding right you're like OMG you're exaggerating okay this is all elaborate whatever you you totally exaggerating this alright I got video proof guys go back and watch the video where what is your deal the Sheep is acting weird but go back and watch the video of the priest oh god the creeper [Music] where's the creeper at what did it go no no no guys I worked so hard trying to keep this village right [Music] you guys have no glue oh my god there's so much stuff going on well kind of placed it there that in German though I just realized that that intimate just guys explain to me why that interment just teleported smacked me and left and why did boogeymen do this is he trying to distract us [Music] how do you like well this is no get out of here creepers God alright guys we're just gonna it's in the help okay there's a Steve head right up my bedroom door second thought I'm not gonna sleep [Music] everything looks fine in the bedroom alright why is this black sheep doing what it's doing this is creeping me out more than anything guys the black sheep is creeping me out guys just so you know the AI of the mobs everything in Minecraft that cannot be that cannot be fake at you stay over there as I was saying guys it's it's valid that you know like I can't make this stuff up with the sheep's the villagers like they that they have AI of their own why are you getting close to me what is going on and he goes back to the priest where's the priest we weighed the priests go where's yet I'm trying to listen to you sheep this guy is creepy okay he's dude it over he's creepy mad maybe the black sheep is trying to tell us something I don't know guys should we go in our bedroom too if we should let me know in the comment section below this is insane I know this episode was a little weird guys but there's black sheeps and stuff going on is storming our bedrooms blocked off now the creepers in ermine like this this is unexplainable this is unexplainable stuff guys what do you want I know the priest is creepy there's something wrong with the priest I know we're gonna deal with that priest in a next episode or something I I guess this is this is beyond weird alright guys have a nice day I'll see you guys in the next video leave it like if you want me to continue this in a comment I'm gonna grow some apple or bread own Alliance Apple guys I can't think straight right now did that piece of redstone glitch out I'm I'm spooked alright I'll see you guys in the next video have a nice day that's that alright I'll see you guys
Channel: O1G
Views: 109,197
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, Minecraft Boogeyman, Boogeyman, Black Sheeps, Minecraft Black Sheep, Scary, Creepy, Creepypasta, Scary Minecraft Video, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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