The Drop Site Massacre: The Betrayal that Crippled the Imperium on Isstvan V - Warhammer 40K Lore

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welcome aboard the Lux La Bella a ship we have built to help us navigate through this powerless Galaxy in this new series we will be covering some of the planets of the 41st Millennium as well as the main events and characters that have helped shape for good or ill the fate of these planets in this first installment we will explore Estevan 5. a place where the treachery of the legions it turned the light of the emperor really came into life and showed the true colors and scale of the terrible conflict that would later be called the Horus heresy the drop site Massacre was a massive battle that saw the lives of thousands of estartes in in a matter of mere hours three whole Legions of loyalist Space Marines were almost wiped out from existence this terrible Ambush crippled the might and ability of the Imperium to defend against the traitor Legions headed by a Horus lupercow Ed once more I cannot save it from your failure father in this video we will focus on the events that happened on Estefan 5. and mainly how Ferris Manus the Primark of the iron hands Legion fell fighting against his once beloved brother fulgrim it marked the very first time a Primark had died and showed how even those god-like beings are still mortal [Music] to understand how Ferris manners Primark of the tenth Legion the iron hands how he came to Mortal blows against his brother fulgrim Primark of the third Legion The Emperor's Children one has to explore why fulgrim turned from the light of the emperor and went as far as fighting against the Imperium he once swore to protect there were many reasons as to why fulgrim would ultimately fall into the Temptations of Chaos one would argue that the spark that would become fulcrum's fall to the ruinous Powers was given life on the planets called layron a place inhabited by a race of xenos who unknowingly to The Phoenician happened to worship the chaos God of Pleasure and Pain when the third Legion conquered larim in the name of the great Crusade fulcrum and his Warriors exterminated the serpentine zenos from existence for refusing to comply with the Imperium the Primark and his Warriors entered a great Temple and discovered in the center of this location a potent artifact a masterfully crafted blade a tall silver sword that served as the physical vessel for a greater demon of slaanesh at the time the Primark and his warriors did not know of the real danger that lay within the sword and despite feeling the unsettling energies of the temple irradiated fulgrim took the sword for himself the sword had just the right weight its movement Swift the blade itself elegant and masterfully crafted fulgrim decided to keep it and from that moment on The Entity within started to slowly but surely corrupt the Primark by whispering in the deepest parts of his mind we have to remember that fulgrim was at this point still loyal to the emperor his ideals and the great Crusade but the grip of the demon sword empowered the Primark and filled him with newly found energy and vitality slowly but surely the Primark would choose to use this cursed blade replacing Fire Blade at its side the sword fashioned for him by his esteemed brother Ferris manners the two primarks had crafted weapons for one another as a sign of Brotherhood and appreciation but with the newly found sword fulgrim slayed many enemies and with each kill the influence of the sword progressed within him [Music] on one remarkable occasion fulgrim managed to kill a powerful Avatar of Cain this is a mighty enemy for any standard and a worthy opponent for even a Primark sword filled vulgrim's mind with impossible and unprecedented sensations of power and pleasure even making him almost invulnerable to injury and pain providing him with a fire and hunger needed to kill the avatar and when he achieved it the powerful and overwhelming feeling of ending a God's life with his own hands was almost too much for him every fiber of his body filled with other worldly Sensations As Time passed fulgrim continued listening to what the voice offered as it often times showed the right path and seemingly accurate advice at one point he even considered it to be his own consciousness helping him and guiding him through different battles and situations step by step and unbeknownst to him fulgrim's Soul was being corrupted and manipulated towards the service of slaanesh another factor that contributed to bringing the entire third Legion to its damnation was none other than the influence of Fabius vile back then he was the chief Apothecary of the legion he ran many experiments among the astartes with the excuse of taking the work of the emperor improve upon it fulgrim was initially reluctant about these experiments but eventually he allowed them to happen as the results showed promising advances and enhancements in the tested astartes and he was more and more permissive in the increasing acts and showings of excess and depravity within his Warriors one could argue that the pivotal moment that changed the nature of the Legion forever was when they gathered to participate in the grand Symphony called la maraviglia aboard the ship properly named The Pride of the emperor [Music] this was a performance that surpassed Every Act of excess but the legionaries had done up to their port concocted by the remember answers aboard the pride of the emperor and inspired by the corrupting experiences while visiting the temple in the lair Homeworld the whole Act was a ritual in itself and such was the darker nature of it that it opened a portal which allowed entities from the warmth to materialize in the chamber so it was at the power of slaanesh touched and tainted the entire audience the star days and auxiliaries alike Horus lupercow eventually met with fulcrum as he tried to convince him to join his cause to stand against the emperor and his lies it is important to note that the two primarks were very close to one another they even had sworn to speak no lies to each other to only speak truth under all circumstances when Horus spoke to fulgrim the Primark couldn't make sense of what the war master was asking of him despite having been tainted by the influence of chaos already fulcrum was still loyal to the emperor and his efforts in The Wider great Crusade but we know that Horus excelled at being charismatic and he masterfully touched on fulgrim's desire for perfection eventually like a dense Mist suddenly being removed fulgrim opened his eyes the undeniable truth the emperor his beloved father had been limiting the true potential of mankind only when the emperor and his Imperial truth were removed only then could Humanity really Thrive to achieve the Perfection it was meant to grasp after fulgrim was swayed to the war Master's side Horus ordered him to go and convince Pharos Manus to join them in the efforts to eventually overthrow the emperor at this point all arrangements and loyalties were being tested under the shadows Horus knew amongst his brothers who he had to try to convince first and who would never turn against their father the Primark of the iron hands was also very close to fulgrim aside from the legendary weapons that had forged as gifts they held each other in high regards fulgrim was assured he could convince his brother to join the war Master's cause but he failed in doing so the Loyalty of Ferris Manchester the emperor and the Imperium was as hard as iron and they even came to blows inside the iron hands flagship fulgrim won the duel and he left Ferris Manus there wounded but not dead as he was unable to deliver the killing blow to a still beloved brother falger made his way out and rejoined Horus bringing him the news of his failure now the traitor Legions knew it was time to mobilize and prepare for the response of the emperor the war Master new retaliation was coming and that he would be held accountable for his treachery it would all come to pass in the istvan system the true scale of the conflict that would eventually escalate throughout the Galaxy would be revealed in the planet of the Estevan 5. in the aragal depression where Horus would make his defiant stand eastvan 5 is in many regards a topographically unremarkable planet a Dusty Wasteland largely Barren if not for dark mounds and a few abandoned structures of long-lost human civilizations these ancient isvanians spoke of Legends of a God who fathered a multitude of children to populate the worlds he had created the lost children as they would come to be known produced Offspring and formed armies to eventually betray their father Waging War against their progenitor father eastvan would defeat these armies in grueling combat but in his wisdom or perhaps motivated by a fatherly love for his progeny he chose not to slay them for their treachery instead he would expel them to The Bleak conditions of istevan 5. the lost children would devolve into horrid creatures filled with hate and logging for the freedom they once enjoyed biding their time until the people of their Realms strayed from the true path and allowed them the opportunity to come forth and exact the Vengeance on those who wronged them history would repeat itself once again on this planet this time the Emperor of mankind would demand answers from his own Sons the ones that had deviated from the righteous path and had turned from the light the response of the Imperium for the war Master's actions was nothing short of bold seven entire Legions were given the order to fight against Horus The Raven guard the salamanders the word bearers the alpha Legion the iron Warriors the night Lords and the iron hands with the war Master stood his own Legion the sons of Horus alongside the traitor Legions of the world eaters The Emperor's Children and the death guard each having turned their back to the emperor for different reasons they now stood with the war master in open Rebellion having fortified the positions they awaited the loyalist forces it is important to note that the traitors by this point had already cleansed their Legion of any loyalist elements those Brave marines that stood against the Rebellion or were too loyal for the Imperium to sway they were cruelly exterminated on the planet of Esteban 3 when they were deployed on a mission to the surface of the planet just to be bombarded with lethal virus bombs dropped from orbit by their own fleets the bombs contained nothing less than the dreaded life-eated virus a terrible extremenotous class weapon with The lethality to turn every living thing into liquid rot humans plants and animals were all killed in minutes as the virus spread quickly across the planet civilians and Marines they all suffered terrible deaths as the virus liquefied their lungs and dissolve their insides on a cellular level it is claimed that 8 billion Souls were lost on istvan III and all was turned to a rotten Dead Planet this would later come to be known as the istan 3 atrocity let this fire spread across planets and consume Stars let all become the pyre from which the new way [Music] it is a shame or perhaps very fitting at such ruinous events happened on such a profoundly unremarkable landscape as the ergal depression the barren landscape wore no qualities of note apart from being the biggest of the Wasteland deserts that covered most of the planets wind blew with the smell of Abandonment and the ground was covered in thin black sand which behaved much like powdered glass crunching underweight within the argonal depression stood in ancient fortification a wall that stood 20 kilometers long built with perfectly fitting immense blocks of stone upon this gargantuan structure the Primark of The Emperor's Children mounted his defense just like Horus had instructed him shortly after the Emperor's Children were joined by the traitor Legions of Horus mortarion and angrum they dug into the defensive constructions fashioned by fulcrum and waited for their former Brothers to arrive if by chance or by some sick treachery of Destiny Allegiance who aligned with the traitorous War Master parallel the long forgotten myths of istevan in a way they became the prophesied Lost Children coming to exact the revenge on their father for in their eyes he had deviated from the righteous path the iron hands led by Ferris Manus the salamanders led by Vulcan and the Raven God led by korax arrived first at the Estevan system spurred on by the confirmation of the upcoming arrival of the other four loyalist Legions Varys Manus pushed for the attack eager to take revenge on the traitorous astartes but more so on fulcrum himself his once beloved brother who had turned his back on the emperor the word bearers Alpha Legion iron Warriors and night Lords would soon join The Fray to reinforce them and make for the final push against the war master there was no time to waste in punishing the traitors so instead of waiting for the other Legions to arrive at the system and make a full attack the Primark of the iron hands insisted they go first and then allow the others to join them as he was thirsty for Revenge Ferris Manus proceeded with the fierce initial bombardment that would have obliterated everything if not for the well-made defenses of fulgrim and his Legion the traitors will well protect it and the full ground assault will be more than needed to bring the war Masters Rebellion to heal thousands of drop pods landed across the Oregon depression and one of the biggest battles Humanity had ever seen ensued the initial moments of the assault quickly turned the battlefield into a conflict of epic proportions thousands of detonations Screams in the sound of missiles and other ballistic bodies piercing the air filled the Argo of depression the soil shall drink loyalist bird this day traitors and Loyalists alike were being killed with every minute and the Machines of War unleash terrible fire upon one another there is no shelter for those who oppose the Imperium of man charge spice Ferris Manus LED his iron hands pushing through the center of the battle line along 10 full companies of Morlock Terminators Straight Into the Heart of the enemy the warlocks are the most experienced of the iron hands the Elite Force with which the Gorgon pushed further and further against the enemy the salamanders were in charge of attacking the Left Flank of the traitors while the Raven guard hit the right flank the battle raged on all across the ergol depression screams of pain cries of bitterness and hate could be heard all across the battlefield the battle line swinged back and forth as each side would not give an inch to the other the traitors had mounted defenses and were hunkered down well within protection however the Loyalists attacked directly upon them unleashing the fury of the Imperium with them and pushing with sheer force of numbers it was a bloody fight of brother against brother in a conflict of terrible proportions and the losses were mounting on both sides eventually angrum and mortarion came forth putting a halt to the loyalist forces crashing against them they fought like gods hacking and breaking apart loyalists with each swing of their Mighty weapons varus Manus and the morlocks kept pushing deeper and deeper into Enemy Lines in search for Fallbrook stand with your brothers as they furiously Fought The Emperor's Children forces they quickly realized the extents of the corruption in their bodies often scarred and warped beyond recognition twisted and malformed adorned with grim sigils and mutations they were a mockery of the astartes perversion itself given form the tainted Warriors fought without their helmets showing their Twisted faces howling with wild Glee as they hacked apart their former Brothers this was the first time the well-known Sonic weapons of The Emperor's Children were put to deadly use these abnormal weapons Unleashed Sonic blasts of surprisingly destructive force The Killing music and deadly vibrations were Amplified to Dreadful levels and as star days and vehicles alike were torn apart by these new weapons the Primark of the iron hands fought on without stopping smashing traitors left and right with his massive fists and his high caliber gun mountainous flames and flickering lines of fire that went in all directions covered the Battleground the argyle Depression was drowned in one of the most intense battles the Galaxy had ever seen as thousands upon thousands of asparties engaged in a bitter fight to kill each other blood flowed in rivers the screaming it explosions gunfire and a myriad of other sounds of battle was deafening to all even with their equipped Advanced filters in their armor senses thousands lost their lives with every bloody minute that passed but as the battle progressed the Loyalists slowly but surely began to bend the defense lines of the traitors inching fall suffering dire losses for every step gained the tithes were turning coming from the heavens with thunderous purpose drop pods resembling comets descended through the clouds pharis witnessed the arrival of the loyalist reinforcements with which they would seal the battle finally bring the traitors to Justice in the northern edge of the ergal depression the drop pods in assault craft of the word barrage night Lords Alpha Legion and iron Warriors descended and the spirits of the Loyalists lifted as the full power of the four Legions finally arrived at the battlefield to relieve them and make for the final push against the traitors with the fight seemingly won Vulcan of the salamanders and korax of the Raven guard ordered their forces to retreat and regroup while the newly arrived forces took on the battle themselves they also urged their brother Faris Manus to do the same Primark of the iron hands was reluctant to do so he wanted to do a final push for the traitors fight deeper into the Enemy Lines as he was convinced a final push would surely break them completely but more than that Ferris Madness was driven by emotion his blood ran hot with the desire to reach his traitor brother fulgrim bring him to justice for his treason your duty is not done brother not willing to give back any of the territory gain Farris Manus ordered his morlocks to push even further and not wait for any reinforcements fulgrim was in sight and Ferris was urged to confront him in one-on-one combat this would prove to be a fatal mistake as the full scale of the war Masters heresy would soon unveil itself in an act that would Scar the history of the astartes forever as the salamanders and the Raven guard were retreating back to their trenches their calls for help went unanswered by the newly arrived Legions heavy weapons gun turrets and weapon emplacements armed atop of newly built Towers stood silent they were fully manned but no answer came from the newly arrived Legions silence was the only disconcerting answer suddenly a single flare was shot against the skies from the black Fortress in which Horus was commanding the traitor's resistance Flair exploded high up in the sky and it illuminated the battlefield in a terrible shade of flickering red revealing for a few seconds the madness developing below the entire ergol Depression was lit like a terrible vision of hell this was the sign for the newly arrived Legions to open fire so they did thousands of Guns of all calibers roared at once full scale of the treachery was revealed when the word Bears the iron Warriors the alpha Legion and the night Lords Unleashed a barrage of deadly fire on the salamanders in The Raven guard in the iron hands three Legions were surrounded by the traitors and their fate was sealed while the traitor Legions unveiled their true Allegiance Ferris watched in horror as his allies were mercilessly gunned down in volley after volley of Balter fire artillery plasma guns missiles and bombs dashing any and all Hope of Victory over the traitors on the barren Sands of istvan 5. the tables turned in a matter of seconds hundreds of astartes died within the first few moments of the deadly ambush and many more continued to die as the seconds passed a battle quickly became a Slaughter and it was a terrible sight to behold all fighting tactics became useless and what became a Killing Zone surrounded by all sides the loyalists were cut apart as they had nowhere to go the military might Unleashed was horrifying the scale of Destruction was unimaginable all contained in a width of barely 20 kilometers seeing his hopes come crashing down in a matter of months Ferris attempted to at the very least attain a small victory in the slaying of fulgrim and he made a last push towards his former brother who waited for him with a mocking smile on his face soon enough the two Mighty primarks engaged in a duel both wielding the weapons they had fashioned as gifts for each other during better times they fought amidst the madness surround them viciously clashing and causing deep wounds upon their powerful bodies but the outcome was sealed Ferris was two batters two broken in comparison to Fallbrook who was still fresh with the Ferocious blow fulgrim managed to bring Ferris to his knees Legends say that in that moment when it was time for fulgrim to deliver the final blow he hesitated with his weapon already raised High and despite being already deeply corrupted fulcrum doubted himself he was not able to deliver the killing blow to his once loved brother the dire realization of how deep he had fallen was too heavy of a burden for The Phoenician Primark of the third Legion in that pivotal moment powerful force enveloped fulcrum with strength and a sense of power he had not felt before a voice in his head screamed at him to kill Farris Manus a voice so powerful it seemed to Traverse space and time purple Flames engulfed him and while he did not truly want to deliver the killing blow he was already possessed by an other worldly presence his muscles were not his to control anymore this was no longer his choice to make with a powerful swing the silver blade cuts through the air then through the Flesh and bone of the bloodied ferrous Menace incredible energies were released from the Mortal wound this was the moment first Primark died murdered by his own brother this moment is of heavy importance in the Lord as it made the statement that even a mighty being such as a Primark could die Varys Manus was no more and fulgrim realized the grave mistake he had committed from drawing the Damned sword from the lair Temple taking the life of his own beloved brother in the fires of battle is the past consumed and the future born on tongues aflame no greater fire has there been in our times than the three bloody hours of the drop site Massacre the consequences of the battle of istanban 5 would ReSound in history as one of the most destructive episodes for the estartes and the Imperium as a whole the true might of the iron hands the salamanders and the Raven guard was practically lost after that battle the ambushed Legions were left crippled forever not able to play any pivotal Parts in the coming conflict that would later be referred to in history as the Horus Harrison what became fulgrim is a tragedy not being able to withstand the heavy burden of his own actions after killing his brother and realizing he was part of the destruction of the dreams of the emperor he attempted to kill himself after seeing the consequences of all he had done but the voice in his head convinced him not to do so Instead The Entity within suggested that in order to have the Oblivion and respite he sought he needed to surrender himself and let the demon possess his soul the sweet emptiness of Eternal peace I can grant you what you crave to all guilds and pain leave yourself open to me and I will put end to all the Primark of The Emperor's Children was drowned in sorrow and he let his guard down opening his mind and dropping his barriers to the demon it is sad that in that moment a creature older than time possessed fulgrim crushing his Consciousness and taking control of the primark's body leaving only a portion of his conscious mind to be witness of all the chaos and acts of wickedness that his own body would unleash The Phoenician proud Primark of the third Legion was from that moment a prisoner to his own body and the plaything of a creature that now possessed him fulgrim was no more cruel Destiny for a being that only wanted Oblivion the Primark Vulcan of the salamanders was lost when a massive explosion from a nuclear missile enveloped him in a deadly cloud of white hot fire corax of the Raven guard was nowhere to be seen also lost in the madness many loyalists that survived the initial battle were scattered to the wastelands some of them driven insane from the terrible experience some others Gravely wounded only able to buy themselves some more time while other Marines regrouped to search for their lost primarks or retaliated the traitors in heroic last stands and acts of vengeful defiance thousands upon thousands of estartes were killed in the ergol depression by their own Brothers in the diarist acts of treachery and many more were killed in the following Days by the cruel Hunting Party sent by the traitor Legions only a handful of loyalist Marines from the crushed Legions managed to escape the massacre after Desperate Measures and seizing whatever transports they could put their hands on some managed to eventually escape the planets to bring bitter words of the scale of the war Masters betrayal to the Imperium when news of the events reached Terror they reflected the true severity of the situation strike massacred honest vus missing Ferris Manus dead nightlords iron Warriors Alpha Legion and wordbearers are with Horus lupical [Music] honest Von 5 thousands of funeral pyres were burned and the flame tongues Rose High painting the skies above the desert in a glow of dark orange and filling the air with the smoke of burning bodies and Ash assembled before Horus the traitor primarks and their Legions cheered for the war master and the major Triumph they had achieved on that Bloody day strange rituals took place throughout the night further tainting the land when the traitors left istvon 5. only the horrific memory of what transpired remained leaving The Forsaken Plains of the planet forever scarred we hope you have enjoyed the first episode in our series exploring the theaters of war and planets of Warhammer 40K with so many places to explore and a Galaxy so vast and full of perils we'd like for you to help us choose where we should go next let us know in the comments which planet would you like to see covered in the series if you enjoyed this video you can check out our other episodes on Warhammer 40K such as the lore on the Space Marine Scouts or how the Orcs are morehammer fantasy are similar to the ones of warmer 40K if you want to join our Discord server and influence the making of our future videos consider 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Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 197,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer Lore, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k cinematic, warhammer 40k trailer, warhammer 40k movie, horus heresy lore, horus heresy cinematic trailer, isstvan v the dropsite massacre
Id: GghZj4sAHh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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