THE PRICE OF PROGRESS IS PAIN - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilations SO FAR!

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[Music] and the best advice I can give you is if I can do it you can do it no matter where you are where you come from color doesn't matter religion doesn't matter where you grew up doesn't matter circumstances don't matter I'm telling you if you'll make the promise of the future clear for yourself the things you want the places you want to go the things you want to have the person you want to become the skills you want the homes you want the future you want the friends you want all of the values of life that you could possi want if you'll make that clear make those lists and be serious about it I promise you it's an easy price to pay anybody can pay it do everything that you feel even if you are told that it's the wrong thing most of you are your own biggest hater most of you sit there and you don't go because you're afraid to go because of what people might say it's not what they actually said it's what you're imagining in your brain what people people might say if you do this or if you do that and guess what that makes you your own biggest obstacle that you need to overcome to even go so when people sit here and they don't go because they're afraid of the opinions of others they're actually afraid of the madeup opinions that they've made up and that's pretty up if you really break that down we all have a voice here inside that it's it tell us all the time it tell us the truth and they tell us sometimes why we don't want to hear you hear Too Much what the outside wall said you're going to be one of them very [Music] soon doesn't matter what people think of you or say about you your focus should not be on what people are saying your focus should not be on people's opinions your focus should be on changing yourself your focus should be on having positive opinions about yourself no matter what you do no matter who you are there are always going to be people that will try to tear you down there's always going to be people that talk down on you so the point of building a healthy self image isn't to win people over it's to win yourself over because remember if there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do was no harm discipline your thoughts stop thinking too much don't go into the past don't go into the future be in the present why because only then it's possible that the mind is free the capacity is free and now you completely immerse into whatever you you are doing and this means you have arrived you have arrived that's it life isn't fair it shouldn't be fair it's a trial ground it's a testing ground it's built to make us harder to test us to drive us mentality is the only thing that gets us through life I was an underdog we are all underdogs in life even the baddest person in the world should think that way so she said always have I've never arrived mentality and the can't hurt me mentality isn't matter where you come from the sewer or wherever you think you're from when I got out of the sewer I got to the road and looked around and said can't hurt me at some point you have to grow up and you have to be an adult if your life is going to change you are going to have to be the one to change it you can't blame anyone else anymore that blaming is now gone your life is where it is because you created your life to be where it is it's no one else's fault but your own if you want to keep playing the victim you can go for it but it's going to cost you the life that you want the most difficult roads lead to the most beautiful destination and so although it's painful and confusing we keep walking what's that thing for you that thing you've been wanting to do for a while now have you died no well I'm just here with a friendly reminder that nobody will do it for you if you're waiting for others to share the same convictions as you before you act on it you'll be waiting for a very long time time that will render your desires to act on your dreams useless if you keep putting a off stop waiting on other people or the perfect conditions in order to start something that passion you want to pursue the longer you think about it without doing the more you get used to in action and the more you get used to in action the easier it is for the dream you once had to slip out of your hands so sacrifice for what you want before what you want becomes a sacrifice how many Mondays have you told yourself that you were going to start how many years have you made the same resolutions that you failed to keep how many times have you had the conversation when you say for real this time this time I mean it no seriously I mean it we're doing it this time how many times have you told yourself that my guess is a lot what makes you think haven't you told yourself this over and over and over again you have to understand that if you are to make a change in your life you have to develop the ability to adhere to a plan resistance is that in a force that we all have that when we go to do anything particularly if it's meaningful we have that voice inside our head that says you're not good enough to do this you can't do this resistance is that voice inside our head that tells us we're not good enough do not proceed resistance will never be louder for you than when you're putting something out into the world and to take that one step further it will never be louder than when you're putting something out into the world that you really care about a c C Horizon nothing to worry about on your plate only things that are creative and not destructive look forward the road is clear ahead and now you're going to create something I think that's as happy as I would ever want to be everything is going to be okay what seems scary right now will make sense soon you have the power to change but it can't be changed from a place of fear it has to be changed from a place of love and belief so don't be scared [Music] anymore most people know what they need to do but very few actually do it we spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get better in way less time actually doing the work it all comes down to how much you want it most people know what they want but very few people want it bad enough to actually do something about it so on the days where you don't feel like showing up are you the kind of person to push past and keep going or are you the one looking for an excuse to take a break and the last thing I think about is like why not like why not you like why can't you achieve achieve all the things that are in your heart and your mind why can't you you know break that generational curse why can't you get up and start taking those steps you know what I mean why like what's stopping me and when you really get to the root of what's stopping you the only thing that is truly stopping you is you you know and you have the power to take that stand and to put one foot in front of the other take it day by day step by step and become the person that God made you to be you're not what your parents tell you you are you're not what your friends tell you you are in fact you're not even what you tell yourself you are because you don't even truly understand your Limitless potential so when you live in a situation where you're limited by the opinions and the insecurities and the projections of other people what you're doing is you're limiting your potential in your growth for self-development and the first part is understanding that you can become whoever you want to become a mystery to yourself you don't know who you are you have patterns of behavior and you're not even understanding that you don't know why you're angry you think you're angry because that person said something mean to you or did something wrong but in fact your anger probably stems from things from deep deep within from your childhood and you're not reacting to that person but to actually your parents and what they didn't give you the origin of wisdom according to the Greeks was know thyself and I believe that very firmly that knowledge about who you are is an end in itself and will help you in so many ways become that human being that I think we all have the potential to become just all the things that you aren't willing to give up for the dreams that you have and that is what the person who will beat you is willing to give up you might slip and fall in the process of trying to achieve your goals but you need to remember that it's all part of the journey you see many people say they want to be great but they're not willing to pay the price of greatness are you willing to do what most people are not willing to do are you willing to put in the work even on holidays are you willing to work to perfect your craft even on weekends are you willing to study and get better and grow even on the nights you're invited to those parties are you willing to pay the price of greatness are you willing to pay that entry fee the cost at the door of what it takes to be great you don't just stumble upon greatness you pay the price day by day Moment by moment winning didn't know my name winning doesn't know who the hell you are you know winning keeps its hands in its pocket it's going to keep its hands in its Pockets you know why cuz it doesn't want to point to anybody who isn't worthy in order to see when winning in all its Glory it wants to see you suffer it wants to know what you're made of you stay in environments where people don't recognize the value of you you will shrink your gift to the size of what they can stand and that's what causes anxiety and depression and stress because you have had to shriek into a form where people can tolerate you I don't wait for the perfect moment usually the perfect moment is now the right time to tell somebody that you love that you love them when you feel it is right now the right time to make that contact right now so I want to challenge you today that call you need to make make it now that email you need to send send it now that chapter you need to write that copy that funnel do it now I love knocking things off the list because that creates momentum and the more you do this ironically you will develop confidence in yourself to be able to attack things in the moment not just about you it's not just about whatever you're going to get it's about the example that you're setting for every single person around you it's the example in your household it's the example in your neighborhood it's the example in your community and if we all took that seriously the world wouldn't look the way that it looks you have an obligation to extract the potential that is within you you were given gifts you were given a purpose you may not know what they are yet but it is your duty to figure out what they are it is your duty to become the best possible version of yourself and you figure out who you are and what you want to do and you devote your life to it like like like a maniac like you're all in on this thing and you manifest most of these people end up doing what they say they're going to do and being who they say they're going to become it's real okay each and every day I'm just going to try to progress little by little I'm going to try to take small small steps each and every day understanding that every day is not going to be perfect I'm going to make mistakes I'm going to have days where I mess up but that's okay because we're focused on the progress we're not focused on trying to be perfect and when you focus on the progress that means even through mistakes you're looking for the lessons and the ways that you can grow and progress through the mistakes the important thing is that you just keep climbing even when you do slide back you're never at the bottom because you're always higher up than when you [Music] started how is it going to feel when your dreams become a reality go there you go there whatever it is like you have an opportunity to write the story you want to have you can write any story that you want you just have to start writing it if you want to have an asymmetric life do hard things do your thing do it for decades and write your story it's been so much of my life terrified what I was going to become and whether I was going to be right here right now God how much time did I waste afraid I wasn't going to be right here right now if I could change the only thing I'd change about my whole life would be fearing less that I wouldn't get right here the place that I was going anyway I wouldn't change all the mistakes and mishaps I needed those but all the constant worry that I wasn't going to make it that took me out of enjoying the moment it took me out of enjoying these experiences smiling or eating my lunch or doing whatever I was doing know your mission have faith you're going to get there wherever you go it's going to be all right just find ways to get out of your head love everything that happens to you as a way of learning and as a way of toughening yourself life involves pain life involves loss the people that you know are going to die you're going to get ill you're going to have terrible things happen to you people are going to screw you bad things are going to happen that is life that's what life is about that's what any animals had to deal with that's what you have to deal with if you complain and you wish things were otherwise that means that you don't love life you don't like life it's you don't accept it be the opposite accept everything that happens and find a way to love it and see the purpose behind it if life was nothing but green light and we didn't have yellows and reds things that make us pause hardships crisises times for introspection then what the hell would it all be for we need the yellows and the Reds that's how we evolve that's how hopefully there's some Ascension to our being there is always another mountain to climb the game never ends and as you keep playing you realize that there are so many more levels than you thought and the beauty of the game is not the things that the game gives you the beauty of the game is the fact that you get to wake up every single day and keep playing the way to live a life full of peace and happiness is by letting your choices reflect your hopes not your fears From This Moment forward you can make decisions based off of Hope no more lack mindset good things are coming to you every day is a new shop for you to change your life every day is a new shop for you to reinvent yourself maybe you understand the power that when the sun comes up is a new opportunity for you to live your life a new life with purpose a new life of achievements and a new life of success you wake up with intention stop waking up like an accident start waking up with purpose and understand that nobody is coming to save you the next year is going to go by whether you're doing something about your life or not and then you have to be brave enough to pounce say this is my moment you can't be afraid to lose you can't be in the moment worrying about what's going to happen you have to just be like blinders on just running as hard as you can and you have to believe that it could be you and it's really who can control the controllables the most in the moment and understand that things come and go emotions come and go the important thing is to accept them all to embrace them all and then you can choose to do with them what you want you see most people they want to go through life I want to grow through life and there's a world of difference if you go through life you're into the calendar and you're into birthdays and if you grow through life you're into how am I growing and what am I learning and am I getting better because the next level of life always requires a better [Music] you I think the greatest of people that have ever been in society they were never versions of someone else they were themselves you don't think about Michael Jordan the basketball player and say oh he was just like this other player no I think the greatest of people in society carve niches that represented the unique expression of their combinations of talents and look I'll be the the first one to tell you there were a lot of days who I did not want to get out of bed but if you have those little small goals those little small things that get you excited when you don't want to it's going to make it even better and even easier at the end if you look at the greats in anything that uh in any Walk of Life the greats do things when they don't always want to and that's the separation for me that's what I found nothing is harder than taking responsibility of your life but you have to do it you have to find the courage to chase after your dreams you have to build the life you envision you have to quiet the voices in your head that tell you you'll never be good enough and you have to ignore the ones that say you'll fail because taking responsibility of your life isn't an answer it's a journey it's a door that once opened you can't close things start to fall apart it means that there's something else trying to emerge which feels like your world is falling apart either emotionally or mentally and sometimes even physically things may shake and shift because it's been held together by a previous perception it's a part of of the letting go it's a part of what has to happen so we build our world based on our perception so when that perception changes our world changes things you thought brought you happiness before you realize oh that was just something I was doing to fill in my imaginary hole that I really don't have an imaginary hole I'm really full but I didn't think I was that particular breakdown that is actually providing a breakthrough if a new day starts in the dark where does your new beginning start we all have demons acknowledge your demons figure out how to use them make them your allies they're a part they're not going anywhere they are not going anywhere [Music] he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it there's no reason to have a plan B cuz it distracts from plan a you ain't never gave 100% in order to knock on the door 100 times you're going to have to get 120 get up out of here you can't do this and you going to have to fight and fight and fight and fight and most of you won't be successful not because you can't do it but you can't Outlast your old you long enough to get to your new new I don't know how far you can go but I know that you can go farther than you have gone so far the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to be better than today is that you're growing today that's the only guarantee and so what I know is every one of you can go farther than you've gone you can do more than you've done you can be more than you've ever been this is what I know and that's why I'm here the only reason I'm here is because of your potential it's the potential question how far can you go motivation is garbage it's not there when you really need it we are not motivated to do things that scare us we are not motivated to step into the game we are not motivated when it comes to doing things that feel a little scary that feel like they might challenge us that feel like we might not be good enough because guess what there is greatness in you even when you don't feel like it there is greatness for you to tap into there is greatness that you can apply to this situation so how the heck do you you summon it just do it push through the hesitation because the power is in the action self motivation means you understand what you need to do why you need to do it and you force yourself through the hesitation to do the thing you don't feel like doing if you can endure embarrassment for one month you can change your entire life most people are just willing to live their entire life being just safe and comfortable in what I'm currently doing and what I know how to do and I'm not going to endure embarrassment but when you look at any of the most successful people in the world they actively seek out embarrassment people that are achieving extraordinary things in the world are completely lit up by feeling like a beginner but you know that if I do this every single day for the next month I'm going to be bad at it and then if I do that again for another month now I'm going to be okay at it and then I do it again now I'm going to be proficient at it and all of a sudden you put that together in a year you might be in the top 5% at the end of a year you need to like take that leap to say okay I'm just going to trust it that's the scar asly that first one to think about where you will end up if you continue on your current path as I said to do this take some time to reflect on your current situation and your current choices and behaviors now write down on a piece of paper where are you're going to end up in 5 years if you keep doing the things that you're doing right now I want you to develop a negative vision of your future that is a paid describing in detail what's going to happen with your life in 5 years if you keep going down the path that you're currently going down and then I want you to ask yourself do you want to be in such place in 5 years and that is going to be your negative vision of your future because now you know exactly where life is going to take you if you don't change your current trajectory and you got to understand that you either take action to change that future now or that is exactly where you're going to end up at and the only way to achieve success is to take extrem extreme responsibility over your life situation the actions you take and where you end up as a result of such actions here's my advice to you today walk away from the 97% don't talk like they talk don't act like they act don't go where they go don't specialize in what they specialize in throw away the blame less they cling to start You a New Life start with the simplest of disciplines and don't be mean any of these disciplines the smallest of discipline starts the process of life change and if you'll invest in this thing called discipline you can have whatever you wish it's called the beginning of a miracle I do happen to believe that human beings are more than just an advanced life form an advanced species of the animal kingdom I do believe humans are a special creation if you do believe in spirituality in any manner here's my best advice study it and practice it do not neglect your values do not neglect your virtue one of the biggest excuses we make for ourselves is that it's not that simple but nobody wants to hear that our minds are drawn to these fancy and complicated Solutions but more often than not complexity doesn't work it doesn't last because it kills consistent action it's easy to hide behind complex Solutions and avoid what really matters which is simply just showing up and doing the work don't overthink it everything that you have gone through has led you here today if you could just take a second could you just not think of where you were 12 months ago where you were 48 months ago and to think of everything that you went through that didn't keep you down and you are here look how far you've come also know that if you don't do the hard thing the thing that you don't want to do that you don't feel like doing you know if you don't do it you're going to feel in inferior you know you're going to feel weak at that feeling that horrible feeling you know that feeling too you know it you know it's true those are the two outcomes one will cause you some shortterm gratification you'll get to sleep a little bit more you won't have to put out during a workout you don't have to do this tedious task you'll get some short-term gratification but the long-term regret will be strong if you have a clear picture in your head of something is going to happen a clear belief in that it will happen no matter what then no nothing can stop [Music] it everything that hurts you find a way to overcome it everything that you you feel is difficult for you find a way to still do it if you can get a mental image of the person you would most like to become begin now to act as that person would act in everything you do gradually imperceptibly you will actually become that person before you can do something you must first be something before you can do what you would most like to do you must first become the person who can do it what you reckon you energize if you ever want to get over the negative of your life you have to stop giving it your attention focus on the things that you're good at focus on the things that are your strengths the things that make you unique when you give that attention you give it recognition and what you recognize you energize once you're focused on your strength you can move from good to Great to Legendary it takes time it takes effort it takes dedic ation but you must eliminate all the negative stuff that's around you when you eliminate the negatives about you you can eliminate them out of the mouths of [Music] others I think the biggest disability that we have as human beings is unbelief everything starts with a vision and a man without Vision dies 1 second can actually become an eternity that's how much you can Flex you can hesitate for 1 second to get started on something a a workout a project a task something that you know you should do you can hesitate for one second that one second of hesitation all of a sudden it turns into 5 seconds and then 10 seconds and then 10 minutes and then just like that you drifted into the eternity Zone 1 second became an eternity because something that was going to happen is now never going to happen ever if tomorrow was not a guarantee how far would you push if you thought that today was your last opportunity to ever do the thing how far would you go how far would you go how fast would you run how much would you sacrifice knowing you're never going to lace it up again one of the worst things that could ever happened is that you one time just wake up are old already look back at your lifetime and then you start regretting that you uh didn't do something with your life because you deserve it you deserve your breakthrough you deserve your next level you deserve your healing stop discrediting yourself and give yourself some damn credit the most powerful decision you will ever make is when you decide that you are enough you were born enough you have always been enough you don't need to be like anyone else to be powerful you don't don't need anyone's permission approval or validation to be enough when you decide right here right now that you are enough you unlock Miracles the miracle to get started or keep going if you want to bring your best self every single day to everything that you do the first thing you have to do is believe that you can actually get there to believe that you can actually be your best self it's not enough to say I'm going to do this and in the back of your mind you've got that voice of Doubt you've got that voice saying you'll never be the person that you were meant to be you'll never be able to do that you'll never be good enough it's that self-doubt it's that negative selft talk that holds most of us back from bringing our best self to the fight step one to becoming the best version of you is actually believing that you can get there from here if you're alive you can get better yeah no matter what if you're alive you can shift things you got to embrace the storms you know what I mean the fears that we have the moments of suffering they're all part of the process they're all part of growth it's nature right you got to be able to handle those things man I failed I go back to scratch I started realizing this is part of the process this is part of the journey I had to realize this is part of my process versus just saying I'm just not good enough if I'm not good enough we always say that that I'm it's not good enough and then we try something else I'm going to make my myself good enough and that became my mentality I'm going I'm going to make myself good enough don't allow people if you can to place their impossibilities on your [Music] life and no matter what someone says no matter who it is that says it the only way that you can lose on this journey is by giving up there are no failures there's only quitting every single failure every single hardship every single obstacle is going to serve you if you allow yourself to let it serve you the formula for failure a few errors in judgment repeated every day for one month starts the weakness starts the disaster process you can imagine what happens in 6 years now here's the formula for success a few simple disciplines practice every day and if you decide today to go for the Apple instead of the Hershey bar I'm telling you you have begun the process of turning your life around and if you keep up that process not only with your health habits but with your money habits and with your communication habits with your sales habits management habits and every other habit that you've got if you'll start that process eliminate the errors and replace it with disciplines practiced I'm telling you can start this process of life change immediately after today you don't ever have to be the same again only by choice if you can keep your head when all about you a losing theirs and blaming it on you if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you if you can wait and not be tired by waiting if you can dream and not make dreams your master if you can think and not make thoughts your own if you can meet with Triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same or watch the things you gave your life for broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools yours is the Earth and everything that's in it and which is more you'll be a man my son there are Lins in every zoo and even though they are raised in that habitat and most of them were born they raised there it should be its natural habitat to be inside of that cage it's all of its experience are right there inside of that cage every moment of its life has been lived in that cage but there's a reason why they keep that door locked they keep it caged because the instincts of that L says I belong I deserve I thirst for something outside of this cage and the same thing is true with you there were times where you've known that this job is not yours this place that you're in there's something bigger than than this there's a city you were raised in and something told you I've got to move out of here I've got to go after something there's a whole world for me to explore your instincts are already telling you it's time to grow you know that thing that you have to do that sucks you know that thing yeah whether it's squats or your workout or going for a run or some paperwork or project that thing that you have to do that you know sucks well the longer you wait the longer it takes your situation will either be the reason you don't make it or it will be the story you tell when you do make it and you get to make that choice in the darkest corners of life there's a secret power hiding in the shadows it holds the key to transforming ordinary individuals into superhumans anyone can access it but almost no one does but if you're going to reach your fullest potential it is vital that you find it within yourself life is not a spectator sport it's a battlefield it's a battlefield where the Victorious are not the most talented they're not the most gifted they're not the ones who were born with the right last name it's not something you're born with it's something you forge in the fires of adversity it's time to evolve it's time to do what Beast do but you can't do that until you realize that there is something greater inside of you how do you get out of a cage how do you get out of a a place where you've been stuck you've been confined with what you can be it begins with a desire to test your limits it begins with a desire to see if you can finally get out of here and discover what's on the other side of that cage wall and see if the realm that you're supposed to have dominion on is bigger than the size of your cubicle so never feel sorry for yourself never ask what else can go wrong you just stay in the fight when you die you'll know cuz no longer fighting the dragon is all of the things the way you self-sabotage those self-limiting beliefs you're not that smart you're not that good-looking everything internal is Dragon when you learn to master the dragon and fight through the bear you have mastered life my friends and mastering the dragon means doing the self-work doing the work that you got to do even when you don't feel like it even when your emotions tell you not to even when you begin to negotiate and the inner critic comes out still do it it's like a piece of iron and life is the blacksmith pounding it into shape every blow every setback every crushing defeat is shaping you into the most powerful version of yourself it's not about avoiding failure it's about embracing it it's about learning from it and using it to grow stronger you have to change the way you see yourself you are not a victim of circumstances you're a warrior in the arena of Life the storms will come people will criticize you you will fail and the crushing weight of your reality will make you feel like giving up that's when you call upon the awesome power of resilience and drive on I want to see what it feels like to be the greatest me I don't care how people if people agree with it or not I don't care what people say I want to see what the greatest me looks like and I'm not there yet I'm not but you better bet that I'm progressing towards that person every single day the decisions that matter most in life you have control over choosing love over hate you have control over that choosing to get out of bed instead of hitting snooze that's on you using pain to fuel you rather than break you incredible opportunity see it's not about trying to control the outcome of the game see you can train and practice for hours early mornings late nights Blood Sweat and Tears and the hard truth is sometimes it still won't work out so so it's about controlling who you become who do you become in those early mornings and those late [Music] nights one can have no smaller or greater Mastery than Mastery over oneself that's Da Vinci Da Vinci did amazing things with his life I wanted to do equally amazing things with mine and if that's the game that we're playing if I can construct my belief system if I can choose at any moment to believe something that's more empowering than than I was believing the moment before and that that will actually find its way into my actions allow me to do things that I couldn't do the moment before to me the very fundamental purpose of life is to find out how many skills I can acquire that have utility and then put that utility to the test in service of something greater than myself life I've discovered always sends you scenarios perfectly designed to teach you the lessons you most need to learn to get to your next grade of growth things never unfold for your failure everything always happens in your favor and we are most alive when we are closest to our fears who do you become in those hours of practice or are you just looking at the scoreboard is that the only thing that matters to you see life is so much more than just what's on the scoreboard life is about what goes into putting points on the scoreboard this is about the means the process what path do you walk to get to the end it's about spending time with the man or woman deep down that you know is meant for more who do you see when you stare yourself back in the mirror now who do other people see have you just been going through life putting on a front but you got to want it more than anything you got a desire that Roar that's inside of you that says get up and go after it that is given to you by God so that you can find out just how much of a king or a queen or royalty that you are but you can't have it until you desire to see what's on the other side of your [Music] cage you know I heard a quote one time from Vincent Van God that really rang true he said he has dedicated his life to his art and he has lost his mind in the process when I sat and I thought about that it sounded very familiar I have given every single thing every ounce of my life to this craft to perfecting my craft and I continue to do so and in the process say I have lost my mind but in in in a good way to regular Society to people who wake up at 900 a.m. Who clock out at 5:00 p.m. they would look at me and say I've lost my mind but me I have found it almost it's okay to be unbalanced for a while it's okay don't be all this stuff people say you got to be balanced to be the best in the world at what you do you have has to be unbalanced to find every bit of fuing energy and strength that you have to pull it off then you get balanced once you become great and it takes being fing obsessed to where people think you're crazy there is a difference between passion and Obsession when you're passionate everybody cheers you on they're stoked for you oh you found your passion awesome Follow Your Passion live with passion be passionate when you're obsessed there like why you got to be so crazy why do you always got to get things so perfect why you spend so much time here when you're obsessed people think you're nuts if no one thinks you're crazy you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potential or when you ask yourself do you know that you're coming up short do you know that you're not playing for loud do you know that you're more concerned with what other people think about you rather than what you think about you have you gotten so out of touch with the beginning First Steps remember when you started remember when you said this was on your heart remember when you said this was on your soul this was your mission this was your purpose but you've let Society you've let cultures and everything pull you in every which way Direction these distractions have gotten the best of you but no more that ends today because I'm done letting you play yourself short I'm letting you sell yourself short because you were meant for so much more and I want you to see that you want to see that I know you do you look yourself in the mirror and you know that there's somebody deep down with greatness with fire staring back at you and you want to know how to bring them to the Forefront that decision is right here and right now is not about the trophy and the accolades it's about the grind it's about the obstacles it's about the challenges it's about the pain that you endure along the way for that 30 seconds of being able to either stand on the platform be acknowledged by individuals that are close to you but when that happens your mind has to immediately shift back because now you felt and tasted something that you could only get through winning are you willing to do it again I believe you're happiest not when you're watching TV you're not happiest when you're playing with your apps you're not happiest when you're looking for likes you're not happiest when you're fooling around you're happiest when you're [Music] growing at some point you got to stop negotiating the prices decide your will to win is not for sale here's the truth most people's dreams can be bought with enough failure with enough rejection they can't still fight and their will to win is buyable you can buy it with a little success or a whole bunch of failure most people will sell their will to win but if you decide at this meeting my will cannot be bought I don't care how long it takes you can't buy this dude out I'll keep fighting for my family I'm the one I'm going to change my family tree forever that's the decision decide now you going to keep negotiating the price or can you not be [Music] bought quote that I've fallen in love with the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding the magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding there are a number of descriptive words that are used for people that accomplish greatness driven committed focused but the one that stands out above all others is Relentless a Relentless spirit that pushes through any adversity any challenge or any obstacle that pushes them out on the other side to Triumph and achievement beyond what most people can even imagine that's the mountain now that mountain is made up of million little steps you establish a mountain and then after that you don't look to the summit forget about it you can't even see it just focus on the next step in front of you right you put one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other and you just keep your head down you keep working you keep working you keep working the next thing you know you find yourself at the top no no you have to hit rock bottom that's the way up yeah Rock Bottom is beautiful the struggle of coming back is beautiful that's struggle I you know it's hard it doesn't feel like it's beautiful while you're going through it but it's just being it's just being tested and without a test there's no testimony life tests you sometime life annihilates you but it's only up to you if you want to take some more it's going to dishit out but eventually if you don't quit it'll be uh merciful to you let me see what you do when you're tired let me see how you push yourself come on man get up get up again tomorrow get up again tomorrow get up again tomorrow the next day get up get up get up get up keep going if you think the price of winning is too high wait till you get the bill from regret every [ __ ] day I wake up and I don't want to do some [ __ ] I'm like okay man do you want to be a today you want to walk around all day knowing that you could but you didn't it it's unwavering it's indomitable and it is the kind of thing that if you possess it makes you the 1center Relentless is not merely a state of mind it is an absolute way of life that embodies the idea that no obstacle is too great no challenge too daunting and no setback insurmountable the Relentless individual refuses to accept defeat consistently pushing the boundaries of their potential and striving to live in excellence somebody who does not have enough courage who does not have enough discipline who does not have willpower maybe he just does not have the power anymore to keep on going and going and going after he failed so many times but because of these failures because there is something inside of you which which feels that you don't want to fail the fourth and fifth and sixth time anymore because of this something else inside of you starts to become very very strong and once again and then you only need to keep repeating and going repeating and going don't lose sight don't lose [Music] sight it's the starting line and what a beautiful place to be where else would you want to be to be standing at the edge of a new life the edge of a new opportunity the edge of a new path that you can walk and I know that you might look up and see the mountain before you the heights that you can't even see the tops of but there's no place you'd rather be because right now right now in this place is the beginning of Something Beautiful the opportunity to create like you've never created the opport to let go of everything all of that baggage that's kept you down in the past you can let it go starting [Music] now in our journey of life if we are doing it correctly we will have dreams and aspirations goals and objectives desires for success and the ability to position ourselves to help others our success in achieving any of these things will be based largely on our ability to endure along the way endurance is the foundation of upon which greatness is built and is a beacon of strength and resilience sometimes you your body just hurts your legs hurt they sore but that's how you get better and the only way that you can get better is by pushing yourself beyond what you believe you're capable of of doing nothing you want is going to happen in your timing it almost never does so everything you ask God for it comes in a process it's going going to happen it's the never giving up that hurts people the most you pray for something you ask God for something then when it don't happen in your time then you create these human excuses it just didn't happen in your timing but I can almost assure you nothing you want is going to happen in your timing it almost never does relentless embodies success Relentless and embodies setting the standard for others to follow it's the antidote to adversity it pairs with resiliency in a world teaming with distractions and obstacles relentlessness is the compass that guides us towards our goals it is the force that turns ordinary individuals into extraordinary Achievers and transforms dreams into reality it's a a trait reserved for a Chosen Few leave behind what doesn't serve you anymore you have to see that it doesn't serve you anymore and believe that there is more for you out there take that first step be in the space where you are at right now stand 10 toes down and look at it with a heart full and clear eyes and say this is where I belong this is where I'm meant to be because tomorrow I'll be further along and next month I'll be even further watch what I become in 6 months watch what I become in a year I'll be unrecognizable imagine that you knew exactly what you looked like last year and the year before but you don't have any idea about who the version of you will be in one year 12 months that can be you now is the only time that action can occur the present moment is the only time in which we can do anything so if not now when if I want to do something now is the perfect time to do it because it's literally the only time anything can be done poised for action in the present moment this is the moment that you've been waiting for your whole life is actually conspired to bring you to this exact point now is the time to act you're paying a price by sitting there being miserable you might say well the devil I know is better than the one I don't it's like don't be so sure of that the clock is ticking and if you're miserable in your job now and you change nothing in 5 years you'll be much more miserable and you'll be a lot older the next 3 months and donate that time to your future self commit to something that you're going to thank yourself for doing a year from today just accept the fact right now that the next 90 days of your life do not belong to the current version of yourself it belongs to the future version of yourself because all it takes is 3 months of consistent action to set yourself up for a successful year this time next year you don't want to look back and say to yourself damn I wish I spent my time doing this so how are you going to spend the next 3 months are you going to set yourself up for success or is it just going to be another year you have it in you if you choose to keep going cuz if you have that energy today then why can't you have it tomorrow and why can't you have it the next day and why can't you have it the day after that one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other just like for you on your journey in life that's sometimes what it feels like you feel like you have nothing left in the tank but sometimes you just connect to something and that's something causes you to take just one more step cuz every day is a battle every day is is a battle cuz your mind wants to choose the path of least resistance every day but you don't become better by by ever doing that you become normal and I don't want to be normal everything in your life right now everything you have everything you do not have right now are all results of your past actions and that's hard to accept for a lot of us but until you accept that you will not be able to move forward and when you do accept that you take ownership and control over over your life short-term pleasure equals long-term pain and short-term pain equals long-term pleasure everything you're looking for is on the other side of shortterm suffering and everything you don't want is on the other side of avoiding that suffering it's a it's many Sprints inside a marathon of life with the winning line finish line is constantly changing it's constantly moving it's constantly evolving sadness comes from a perceived lack of options it's why it feels like hopelessness you don't know what to do anxiety comes from many options but no priorities and you solve that by making a decision and you solve Sadness by figuring out what to do which means that it's something that you can solve through [Music] knowledge so there's only two things to control the quality of your life please jot them down for the rest of your life you want to remember the quality of my life is controlled by two things meaning and emotion meaning and emotion the meaning you give to things controls the emotion that you feel develop a sense of urgency get the reputation as the person who does things fast develop a reputation for Speed and dependability and your future will just open up in front of you working fast working fast that sense of urgency act now do it now do it now do it now most people just sort of shuffle through life you know they get to it when they feel like it but all the excellent people all the high performers have a sense of urgency things never feel like they're changing in the moment day by day minute by minute it's easy to feel like you're making no progress so you get frustrated and feel like you're not doing enough but the reality is everything is compounding the day things feel different doesn't happen overnight the miles you have to overcome aren't conquered in one step so just keep moving all of us walk around with stories about our Lives why choices were made why things went wrong stories are the way we make Mak sense of our lives but what happens when the stories we tell are misleading or incomplete or just wrong well instead of providing Clarity these stories keep us stuck the way we narrate Our Lives shapes what they become we talk so much in our culture about getting to know ourselves but part of getting to know yourself is to unknow yourself to let go of the one version of the story you've been telling yourself so that you can live your life and not the story that you've been telling yourself about your life what would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person's point of view what would you see now from this wider perspective just keep on going down that path that path of alignment that path of truth that path of love and authenticity and gratitude keep going down that path you know because that's the path where you will find yourself once you understand that you can control the future of your life it gives you the single most powerful emotion that you can feel hope and most people live in a state of quiet desperation they can't pay their bills they don't feel healthy they wake up and they're anxious so why are these things taking place and you can address that and understand that you want to feel different you must believe that that what you want is already yours and that time space continuum just has to catch up you think you have to become something to become someone I'm telling you right now you already were created a someone a special someone that that you know the statistics of you being you but yet we're sitting here thinking that we have to become something to be great for a lot of us in here our next level is not upward it's going inward nobody is going to save you nobody is going to make it easy for you nobody can live your life for you endure your pain for you choose your struggles for you nobody can experience the growth that comes from loss for you nobody can build your confidence through a thousand tiny failures for you nobody can lie away crying about some inconsolable loss that hurts so much it creates a bottomless pit of emptiness for you nobody can learn the lessons for you you get to do that you have the honor and privilege to suffer and overcome that suffering only to suffer and overcome again and again and again this is called being a [Music] lie don't let yourself slip away come back to the moment set your intentional and go do what you needed I think we have to clearly Define what optimism is optimism is the undying belief that the future is bright but it allows for reality to exist and I think complacency has no Ro room to exist in blind positivity or is as we're calling it sort of blind optimism so for example we can be in darkness we can be in difficulty we can be in struggle and The Optimist says look these are hard times and I do not know how long we are going to be in these hard times but what is necessary is for us to come together work hard take care of each other and I am confident that we will get through this and come out of the stronger than we went in that's what optimism sounds like it's hard to believe things that you can't see it's hard to believe it's hard to believe these things but if you can actually sit there and have a conversation with yourself and believe that all things are possible then everything is possible because like I said it all starts with the mind and the mind is is the controlling factor of everything the mind is like is like the steering wheel of your life and if you can't take control of your mind somebody else will control for you to edit your life what's most important to you when you do that you do that exercise with yourself Things become clear rather quickly say I want to be the best or I want to do this or I want to do that and if things in your life don't line up with that get rid of that it's not [Music] important I think that it's always the toughest times in your life that Define who you are much more so than the easiest time times were the best times so failures are typically some of the hardest times of your life so when I look back and I see all sort of the pivotal moments in my life it was always the struggle it was always the failure that motivated me not the like loveliness of success one day at a time you're going to say I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this and you do those things and you wake up the next day and you say I'm still in this shitty situation I don't have any confidence I don't feel good but I did do what I was supposed to do yesterday and that's where it starts it starts this little bitty wind that is seemingly insignificant and then you go around the second day and you say I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this I'm going to do this and you do those things so you're doing these things day in and day out and day in and day out and eventually those things that on the first day were soing hard for you are now just part of who you are and not only are they part of who you are you feel great about who you're becoming stop thinking too much don't go into the past don't go into the future be in the present because only then it's possible that the mind is free capacity is free and now you can completely immerse into whatever you are doing and this means you have arrived you have arrived you have to align with what's most important to you what you really believe in what's meaningful for you that if you settle for something less than that while you might you have to do it because you have to pay your bills you can't ever give up pursuing what's going to make you feel most alive because ultimately I really believe probably the most most sacred thing in our lives that we can give another human being besides our love is our labor but when nobody's watching what are you doing and so if success today was your boss and success was watching you over the last seven days with the sound off and there was a video camera following you around it is Success impressed with you is Success saying I will see you soon my friend what if success was watching you they go wow the actions sure don't match up to the words because at the end of the day the truth of the matter is what we do produces results not what we say what we do ultimately dictates the results in our life so think about how you feel when somebody breaks that contract when breaks that commitment to you everything's done handshake everything's negotiated all the way it's done it's over with and they said they're not going to do it you should be more pissed off with breaking a commitment to yourself and people do it all the time people do it all the time one of the best quotes I've ever heard on this subject is from roomie he said yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world today I'm wise so I'm changing [Music] myself most people aren't happy bro most people spend a third of their life working at a job they don't like so they can make not enough money in a relationship that they don't want to be in doing things that they don't want to do most people have an idea of who they want to be but they're not doing a single thing about it so if that's not the outcome that you want why do you do the exact same things that they do if you want different then you're going to have to be different and being different comes with its own set of consequences people aren't going to understand you you're going to miss parties you're not going to have as much fun according to the world you're going to have to say no to yourself a lot of the time you're either going to have to face the consequences of being different now or wishing you were different later [Music] e e e e
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 46,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best motivational video, motivational speech, motivational video, david goggins motivation, absolute motivation compilation, best motivational speech, motivation, absolute motivation, running motivation, 2024 motivation, morning motivation, speech, 2024 speech, study motivation, mel robbins, 2024 mindset, gym, gym motivation, david goggins, hardwork, hopecore, personal, motivational, self improvement, MINDSET, success, sam sulek, change, grow, part, you, mentality motivation
Id: 5e4ZP6K8Fr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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