NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I FALL, I WILL STILL RISE. - Best Motivational Speech Videos You Will Watch

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the man who never fail has no glory the man who fail and got back up that's where his glory is the man who fell 20 times and got up 21 times that man has even greater glory that man has more courage way more courage than the guy who was so strong from birth that he never fa there's no glory in that that's your moment it's not that all this laws when you're feeling the most trapped and and down and nothing can't go right I feel like those are the moments that define you that are like what am I going to do now and it's always the feeling when you're getting ready to you know people give up right before they get what they always wanted to get people quit and they give up and I will not be the person who quit before I got what I wanted be careful when it comes to measuring your life against another what you have to realize that there is no one who's able to go through life on the straight and narrow where there are no problems no challenges no difficulties everyone has a setback and that gives them the resiliency needed in order to step forward length and distance are the only measurements when it comes to a measuring stick sometimes it can feel like the length of time that a trial comes a problem comes blessings come or check comes doesn't last as long as it should that's why you have to think about the distance not every gift not every reward not every great thing comes immediately some of them come in the end Reggie Jackson struck out 2600 times in his career the most in the history of baseball but you don't hear about the strikeouts people remember the home runs fall forward Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments did you know that I didn't know that because the 1,1 was the light bulb fall forward growth is a beautiful process yes it might bring pain yes you might feel overwhelmed yes you might have some fear right some insecurity some anxiety right but that is all a part of growth and it's not something to be frowned upon and when you take a step back and you understand that all these things that I'm dealing with are actually a part of growth then you can start embracing them as that create something big and Lasting it's going to take time it's going to entail some pain some sacrifice and what you need to do is you need to change your whole assessment of what is pleasurable what is pleasurable is actually accomplishing something that you set out to actually reach your goals to actually take the time to make something that's meaningful to you work hard you can choose how fast you get to that distance you can accelerate your Greatness by taking over one inch at a time one goal one moment one second one breath one at a time one centima one me everyone has to go through life ups and downs in order to become something and you must embrace it and understand that what you must face must face you you are developing you are changing you are evaluating everything day after day you're smarter than you were days ago years ago months ago you are not measured by others you are measured by the goals and potential Within that's why you got to dig deep if you can pull out what's been left in you'll discover that you're not to be measured by others you become the [Music] standard see one thing I want you to promise me is that no matter how long it takes keep going no matter how much it hurts keep G so you was placed on this Earth for a reason you weren't meant to be average You Were Meant to excel you got understand that this ground me to make you who you're supposed to be if you want to give up you can give up this is your choice you can do whatever you want your time's going to come but you cannot give [Music] up the beauty is the journey that's the most important lesson I learned I remember you strive so hard for a destination that you forget all the lon lessons you're learning well you're so attached to everybody else you're so attached to what they say what they think and you forget that like that's so fleeting and so meaningless compared to the process of getting there and the the process of Mastery of anything and so we learned a lot about ourselves and a lot about life was that the beauty is not in the Final Destination that's actually the saddest part of the journey is the end the beauty is every step along the way life is much the same painful experiences and challenges come to us all but it is through these opportunities that we build character and we grow remember only the discipline one are free in life only the discipline ones are free in life if you are in discipline you are a slave to your moods you are a slave to your passions you're passionate about something people are supportive of you they believe in you they want to see you win because you're still the same version of yourself but the moment you get obsessed about something they are threatened by you because there's a new version of you they see the fire in your eyes they see the chip on your shoulder they see that this is a man who's locked on to his goals and that man is very threatening to them because when you're a obsessed when you're determined you're a very different version of yourself that's the thing you have to understand about Winners don't do things just because you think you're going to get something for it that's not why we do things do what's interesting to you follow what's interesting don't worry about the outcome we don't know we can't predict the outcome we can never predict the outcome follow your own inner guide it directs us it might not make might not make sense to us might not make sense anyone else certainly won't make sense to anyone else but it might not even make sense to us and that's okay it's fine listen to yourself why is it telling you this why is it telling you this the purpose of going for a hike ironically is not to get to the top it's to be on the trail and if you constantly stare at the top you're going to be out of breath you're going to tell yourself you have so much longer way we were going to get there and you were going to miss the entire point of your freaking life which is the ride the trail the bridge the mile markers all of it and so part of my desire to be happier is to continually remind myself it is not about getting on that mountain because when you get to the top of that mountain the top of one Mountain's just the bottom of another one and if you're going up eventually you got to come back down like that is just life if you focus on the freaking Trail whatever step you're on and you keep reminding yourself this is going to lead me somewhere that is where the meaning comes in your life doesn't matter where you are in life because the great thing about life is it's always your next move your next move that counts no matter where you are you could change your life if you want to so it's up to you the only thing holding you back is you stop waiting for the perfect moment stop waiting for motivation stop waiting for someone to give you permission you can get anything you want in this life but you have to be willing to do what you know you need to do despite how you feel we all have roadblocks but there's always someone from a worse situation who made it happen regardless your external obstacles are not excuses for not trying stop waiting start doing if we give you misery and pain and discomfort and torture that this will help you for the rest of your life it's almost kind of like an investment you know because from then on you say to yourself okay now things don't bother me you're making a big mistake to always look for Comfort because Comfort is the evil of everything Comfort is is not good looking for the easy way out is not good he said you got to go and confront kind of resistance and it's like n said you know that what does not kill you will make you [Music] stronger when you make the decision to eliminate all the things in your life that is not adding value to your vision you will take off faster than you could have ever imagined when you eliminate the friends who are not adding value to your vision you will take off when you eliminate the content all the things you're watching that is not getting you closer to being the version of you that is going to achieve your dreams you will take off a lot faster when you get rid of all the actions all the things that you're doing in your life that is getting you nowhere and you start taking the actions that is actually going to get you to where you want to be you will get there much faster you'll take off faster than you could have ever imagined like the person you want to become that's not fake it till you make it by the way this is intentional intentionally act like the person you want to become because when you intentionally act like the person you want to become your brain sees you taking those actions so your brain starts to change the way it relates to you if you can get a mental image of the person you would most like to become begin now to act as that person would act in everything you do gradually imperceptibly you will will actually become that person it goes back to what the great German poet and philosopher Gerta once said before you can do something you must first be something say okay what is the next right step I can make in this moment right I I can't climb a mountain in a day but I can take one step today and then tomorrow I can take another step and you just keep taking those steps each and every day eventually you're going to create momentum and that momentum is just going to lead to more creativity more inspiration more clarity learn to let go of what leaves because sometimes what we think is a goodbye forever is actually just to see you soon if it's meant for you and it leaves just know that it's going to come back when the timing is Bri sometimes Things Fall Apart temporarily so that they can fall into place permanently just be the best thing you can possibly be and don't worry about what anyone thinks because you cannot please everybody life is beautiful in all its colors even the darker ones they're they're here for a reason and let's just celebrate the good moments while they're happening and be grateful for everything laziness is something that has to do with you you're not connected to something deep enough you don't feel the necess necessity you don't feel the devil at your heels you don't feel the fact that you could very well die tomorrow that will impel you to get something done there's no necessity behind it and the human animal the way we were created is when we feel pressure we feel the necessity to get things done we can move mountains but when that pressure releases and we don't feel the need to get something done we can become incredibly lazy because there's no necessity so you have to create necessity in your life you have to create the need to get get things done you have to give yourself deadlines you have to remind yourself that tomorrow you could die you could have an illness give yourselves sense of urgency but I need to get things done quickly it feels scary to jump Ian that is exactly when you jump otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life and that I can't do [Music] e e e e
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 25,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best motivational video, motivational speech, motivational video, david goggins motivation, absolute motivation compilation, best motivational speech, motivation, absolute motivation, running motivation, 2024 motivation, morning motivation, speech, 2024 speech, study motivation, 2024 mindset, gym, gym motivation, david goggins, force yourself to get it done, hardwork, hopecore, motivational, self improvement, hopecore videos when you feel doubtful, RISE, still i rise, fall
Id: 3EuGI_pdq5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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