THE MINDSET TO WIN - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

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winning is not about the trophy and the accolades it's about the grind it's about the obstacles it's about the challenges it's about the pain the reason I know so much about winning is because I've had to deal with so much losing everybody wants to win but in order to know how to win you got to know how to lose because you're going to lose more than you're going to win but what do you gain from it you've trained some of the greatest of the greatest Michael Jordan Kobe Bryant Charles Barkley Dwyane Wade so you know something about winning you know something about sustained winning over time your mind has to immediately shift back because now you felt and tasted something that you can only get through winning are you willing to do it again and that was one of Kobe's favorite words when it related to winning he says you have to be obsessed with whatever your win is be all in three greatest lessons I've learned from Michael competing accountability and then winning at all levels winning all levels what does that mean you just don't win in one Arena you win in your sports you win in business you win in your personal life other people went because you win it isn't just about you it's about being able to pull the team and show them what it feels like to win and this isn't about playing basketball like Michael Jordan did like the late great homie client Dwyane Wade this is about having the mindset to win when you fail your feelings give you excuses your mind makes you more resilient you look at when Kobe his first playoff series he had this horrible game but he shot like four or five straight air balls now he could have came back next year and said I gotta pull everybody this man YouTube your wife you take oh he was just like you know what that's on me I have to own that moment now I gotta prove to myself I can overcome this because now everybody else is doubting me but I can't doubt myself everybody told MJ don't go to North Carolina you'll never play you shouldn't be here and Michael went out and he said I don't need to prove to coach I don't need to prove to buzz I need to prove to myself that I belong here I always say you can have fear but you can't have doubt opportunity you have an opportunity of a lifetime when you understand you have an opportunity you just you play a little different when I dropped out of high school and I started going to this church and let me speak I picked up the mic I was 16 years old I picked up the mic I'm not gonna say it was the best feature I ever did but when I picked up that mic and got off that stage I was like yep I can do it so here what I'm saying opportunity [Music] I got an opportunity you got an opportunity so here's the deal when you have an opportunity why would you give 80 percent why would you give 80 70 why wouldn't you always give 120 percent and 20 percent you can't dictate if the ball gonna always go in you can't dictate what kind of game you're gonna have you can't dictate how your body is gonna respond to move it around but you can dictate your what you can dictate your good you can dictate your you can always give 120 effort and every day I want you to wake up and not just go I'm sweet like that I want you to go I'm not just going with skills there's a one type of dude who feel like because he's gifted that it's just automatic role for him let me tell y'all something you are gifted but you better humble yourself you gotta understand that Pride come before fall you may get it but right now what oh I can't hear y'all you may get it but right now what you don't have it that's not what gets you in the lead not with what you were born with you got skill and you got will you got skill and you got will two total different things you were born with certain things but to get to the next level and not just get to the next level to stay at the next level you gotta have will [Music] so when you play you have to compete I'm a high school dropout my Daddy went in my life but I found out I had a gift then I found out your gift shall make room for you and I'm like you mean to tell me if I perfect this I can eat and my kids can eat and my kids kids can eat from today on you play whatever your best game is you play that level every single time [Music] I know it's cold but are you courageous enough to step in the Uncharted Territory beating on your crab day and night I need you to disappear for the next 30 days what does that look like 720 hours dedicated to the Future where focus goes energy flows the problem is you put too much energy into Netflix you put too much energy into distractions you put too much energy into entertainment you put too much energy into things that are not feeding your purpose and Destiny can you walk away from everything life has knocked you to the ground you have survived the greatest traumas of your life how tired are you of where you are right now how bad do you want to get to that next level what are you willing to do what are you willing to sacrifice what are you willing to give up who are you willing to let go to get where it is that you want to be see everybody wants to be successful everybody wants to climb mountains everybody wants to be praised and celebrated but nobody wants to sacrifice nobody wants to put in the work nobody wants to let go of every single distraction can you learn how to say no to what's hurting you know to what's stopping you no to the people that don't believe in you The Fakes and the phonies and the people that keep saying that they'll support you when you get there but they leave you when you arrive why are you here and what are you going to do about it because the truth of the matter is we have a purpose we have a destiny we have fulfillment we've got connections to make we've got people to meet we've got rooms to walk in we've got tables to sit and I'm just wondering if you are willing if you are courageous enough if you have the faith if you're bold enough to sit down for 30 days and write down what it is that's killing you can you walk away from everything for 30 days just one month 720 hours imagine who you could be in 30 days you got One Life to Live rain sleet or snow the time is now you need to be good at pattern recognition and that's what gets somebody strong at anything I mean you look at you know why is Amazon doing so well he realized one pattern was valuable for anything else convenience right if you look at Tom Brady friend of mine he he's got pattern recognition like nobody else at 43 years old he's able to do things no one dream could be done he's got more Super Bowl rings than any team see what do they see that none of us see what's the pattern then you gotta learn pattern utilization it's one thing to see it's nothing to use it and then if you're good after a while you get to pattern creation it's like if you learn to play the piano most people play other people's music and there's a point you've learned so much that you're able to create really comes down to anyone can learn anything if it's important enough to you so it's like my drive is not just for me that wouldn't be enough because it's easy to meet your own needs it's not that difficult but if you can find something that you care about more than yourself your daughter your son your family your business your mission your community whatever it is that's really the secret to energy and vitality and strength and really learning foreign things I want to do with people during this challenge is take things that seem so complex and make them so simple so you do it get it really simple things you can do right now to change your life you can go to experience it that day and then you get momentum day one day two day three day four and all sudden now what used to be hard to do is easy to do and I think for anyone you got to understand anyone can learn anything you can just break it down to its simple core that's what I try to do most and I'm just not willing to settle for a life without passion and aliveness that's just like there's so much to learn there's so much to grow there's so much to give and I'm I'm wired to grow and give and I I think anybody gets wired to grow and give it's going to have a really fulfilling life it doesn't matter what you choose to do you're going to be alive a year ago people thought we were coming out of you know got vaccines now and we're coming out of covid and it's going to be all over now and people are excited but now after going through two years of this there's a lot of people now that no longer have a compelling future like you know people talking about New Year's resolutions most people don't even have one because it's like they never follow through anyway right but at least they had something to look forward to they're starting to get a learned helplessness learn helplessness something is so bad over and over again you start thinking the problem's permanent no problem is permanent or you start thinking the problem's pervasive because I haven't handled my finances my whole world's over because my relationship's bad The Whole World's over your life is bigger than that my goal right now is to shake that up for people people need a new perspective and you can't do it by just sitting and thinking you've got to move your body you got to change your energy and your focus but if I get you into a higher state of being mentally emotionally physically and all of a sudden you start remembering who you are and you start coming up with answers that you never even thought were possible before the idea of remembering who you are is something incredibly powerful there was a uh Batman cartoon where he gets amnesia and he gets put in like a a camp basically a Work Camp and he can't get out and he feels stuck and weak and you know afraid and then something happens I don't remember what triggers the memory and he remembers that he's Batman just in remembering that he's Batman he then takes the actions to fight his way out and look I know it's a cartoon but that has always resonated with me and whenever I'm feeling anxious about something I always tell myself remember who you are but you're really talking about the most important Concept in lasting change identity we all Define ourselves in certain ways so you start where you are and you do what's in front of you do what's next then you keep growing until you start to discover hey this is my real passion and it can change people go for five six seven years and then they usually question their business their career their their body their relationships and then one of two things happens they change direction and feel renewed or they go no I got a great deal here what the hell is wrong with me in the commit and they get stronger but that's life and if you don't grow I don't give damn how much you got going for you're going to be miserable I think it's early on I realized you know one of the things you have to understand about life is everything changes and everything ends and that kind of sounds heavy on the front end but it's a truth if everything changes and everything ends number one it should make you appreciate what you have right now and then my view is what's next is always better if I make it so it's my job to make it so and I think that's how we have to navigate but most of us most of us have been conditioned not to take a risk people ask me all the time what does it take to be happy and I always tell them it's really simple one word progress I got three worries for you shut it down log out of the social media get off the internet unplug and evaluate where you are and where you're supposed to be and I know you're broken and I know you're tired and I know you're weary and I know you're confused and and I know that you've got questions and I know you're fractured and I know you're bleeding in places nobody can see but if you shut it down you can heal you're standing at the precipice the edge of the greatest move in your life and and The Time Is Now like never before to take a leap of faith it takes Faith to jump off of The Edge it takes place to step into your purpose it takes Faith to step into your destiny it takes Faith to pull away from everything that is familiar to step in the Uncharted Territory to become the person you were born to be it takes Faith Can you disappear for 30 days the first person that needs to be influenced in your life is you it's you you can't lead anybody you can't go anywhere unless you have awakened yourself on the inside to follow a specific plan write it out I need you to disappear life is not due to the ground there are people that are trying to bury you alive and you survive are you bold enough are you radical enough in your hunger in your thirsts to go after what it is that you believe is yours are you crazy enough are you courageous enough to disappear for 30 days come back and shock the world can you suffer now that you live the rest of your life a champion here's the reality you will always be where you are until you acknowledge the leeches in your life it is time for you to navigate through the conversation comb through your contacts there are people that are taking from you everything taking your time taking your energy taking your thought life reprogramming and reconditioning you to do something that you have not been destined to do and the time is now to get tied to people that are going to help to position you and lock you in a place where you can fulfill purpose and Destiny for 30 days 720 hours imagine if you begin to write down the people that have not fed into your purpose the people that have not fed into your destiny the people that have lied in your face the face the phonies the frauds can you identify what has kept you broken what has kept you broke what has kept you defeated what has kept you covered under the blankets of anxiety and stress and overwhelm your DNA has been mutated by people that are beneath you and it's nothing wrong with having people in your life that you serve that you love but you're trying to make business moves with people that don't think like you they don't walk like you they don't sacrifice like you they're not willing to put in the blood to Sweat The Tears behind closed doors a man is rewarded in public for what he does in private think over the things you've discussed with people go through the process go through the mud run in the rain dance in the snow inhale exhale I know it's cold on the other side but it's time for you to cross over because you're too comfortable disappear for 30 days come back and shock the world who you are today has gotten you as far as you're going to get if you're going to get any further you're going to reinvent yourself and if you're going to reinvent yourself you've got to set it down for 30 days you still keep trying to walk into your future fractured broken hurting you need to walk into your future whole condition ready to grab the people that believed in you before you made it to the top go back and get them but first you've got to condition yourself you're fractured you're broken you're under anxiety and depression and you've even been borderline suicidal at times you've lost loved ones come on who am I talking to I'm talking to that person that's tired of where they are and you are bold enough you are crazy enough you are courageous enough to shut it down for 30 days you've talked about it enough you've talked to your haters about it you've talked to your supporters about it you've posted about it you've shared about it you've written about it now it's time to put the work here disappear for 30 days [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 1,009,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, motivational, best motivational speech, speech, best motivational video, powerful motivational speech, success, motiversity, motivation compilation, motivation for success, motivation for working out, work out, go hard, rise, mindset motivation, the mindset to win, be all in, the mindset to win be all in best motivational speeches compilation, the mindset to win be all in, winnser mindset, kobe bryant, bestmotivational compilation
Id: qFAsZSBOujg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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