The Presidential Election, Failing Higher Education and The End of Everything | Victor Davis Hanson

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the veneer of civilization as you C say is always very thin because human nature is unchanging so when I wrote the coated from the historian appan and Li and parts of liby that gruesome scene on the walls where they cut off the ears and dismal cut and mutilated these Roman soldiers there's a lot of barbarity in the ancient world but that was one of the most graphic scenes but when I read and I looked at some of the videos from Hamas two things struck me one I had never seen in the modern world that level of Mutilation or gang rape or sickness putting a child in a microwave for example and I'd never seen such indifference to it so here we are 8 months later and the people on the campus don't even mention it and not only do they not mention it they were cheering it on after it happened as I said a number of professors have been put on leave were saying things like they were exhilarated and this was the beginning of the free Palestine movement we're always just a hair's breath from our from what we really are which is pretty Savage without [Music] civilization my guest on this occasion is once again Victor Davis Hansen I don't think I know of anyone who offers deeper insights into the challenges facing America and indeed the west and the world more generally than Victor he's the Martin and Illy Anderson senior fellow in Residence in Classics and military history at the Hoover institution Stanford California uh he's written many books on Ancient and Modern Warfare he understands that human nature doesn't change and there's much to be learned from history his latest book just released is the end of everything how Wars descend into Annihilation and we'll turn to that after we've talked about the current state of American politics and the dangers of the Middle East as they present at the moment Victor thank you so much for joining us thank you John I can't help thinking that with a benefit of bit of hindsight a lot of what is now happening the divisions really come from from President Obama's uh era you know somebody who really could have reached disadvantaged America could have reached broken African-American families could have played a constructive role in heading off movements like black lives matters but somehow seems to have been more captive of the east and west coast white Elites yes certainly uh I've written that that a lot of the uh emphasis on tribal identity came was re reintroduced by the the Obama Administration and they were the ones that gave us diversity that term instead of the old black white binary they they redefined American demography as anybody who wasn't white suddenly was part of a 30 or 35% uh tribal antithesis and then they had claims against the majority and S of a Marxist binary of you know oppressor oppress victim victimizer that that came with Obama Victor it appears that most of the polls have Trump convincingly ahead of Biden as preferred president uh that may well narrow and the lead up to the election and it may very well be influenced by The Never Ending lawfare but in your views we sit here now some months out with this election that is so critical for America and the rest of the world what are you thinking will decide this election will will it basically come out down to who can get their hardcore supporters out and what what role might uh uh RFK Mr Kennedy playing it all yeah there's about four or five uh deciding points one of them of course is the third party third parties never win but they as we learned in the case of George HW Bush in 1988 um excuse me 1992 and then of course he ran uh Ross perau ran again in 96 and he may have affected that second election uh Bill Clinton won two terms without winning 50% of the vote so this time we've got Jill Stein who could get one or two% Cornell West who could get one or 2% and RFK Jr who could get maybe 9 to 15% and the problem the Biden Administration has is that all of those people are are identified with the left uh RFK is more so than he was earlier uh he's identifying more and more with the left and he's trying to make a deal with Biden that one of them would drop out so that's going to hurt I think as the as the cycle wears on it's going to hurt Biden and it shows up in the polls where suddenly this one or two point difference in the National polls is has expanded to 6 to 10 depending on the particular poll and then in the key swing states that will determine the Electoral College Trump is usually ahead in all of them and maybe even in Pennsylvania so that's one thing and then of course getting out the vote we went into a revolutionary cycle that you and I have talked about where suddenly in 2020 70% of the people didn't vote on Election Day with an ID they voted through mail and early balloting and that favors the Democrats and because they control the big cities they control the balloting they get they raised over a billion dollars to supplant the work of the registar in some key States that's something that will determine if the de if the Republicans can in swing States get 40 or 50% to vote actually on Election Day and will the other thing that no one knows John is that in these big cities Pittsburg in the swing States Philadelphia Detroit um Tucson Phoenix Las Vegas Reno uh Atlanta there's a lot of uh these are tend to be minority majority States in some cases and unlike 2020 there's now polls that show 25% of the African-American vote as much as 50% of of the so-called Hispanic vote might go Trump and those are the precisely the people who are in those big cities in positions of voter responsibility as far as the balloting goes and so you might have a lot of eyes and ears that you didn't have in 20 20 20 that are invested more to make sure that Donald Trump has an a transparent balloting count than you did in 2020 the other big thing is the the known unknowns is these riots unlike the 2020 that went on for four months uh you don't hear CA Harris this time around saying these riots are not going to stop these demonstrations are not going to stop they shouldn't stop they're going to go all the election because on unlike 2020 the N party uh is not antithetical to the protesters so Donald Trump was trying to stop them and he said these are left-wing protests and the left came back to him as Joe Biden famously remarked and said you're you're you're the president the president is responsible no matter what well now it's it's very different that the in party the protesters are on their side so there's nobody saying there's a bunch of right-wing people that Biden can't control they're saying these are your people these are the people you empathize with unlike 2020 when they were protesting against Trump and now it's your responsibility so we don't know what's going to happen because school is going to be out in a week or two and it's going to be out I think the Israelis are sort of timing their entry into Gaza on the expectation that Western campuses will be shut down for summer break and they won't have the same degree of influence the protesters on the governments as they do now but we don't know if that's true so we'll see if these protests can re rekindle when there's not an open student body uh at on in Residence at these at these campuses and then we don't know finally what the situation will be with Donald Trump he's only halfway through uh two of four so he still has a Rendevous with Fanny Willis and Jack Smith and we don't know whether the out the SE outrageousness of the prosecutors and they don't they're not doing very well in court but they're in blue cities with blue judges and blue juries and blue prosecutors so we don't know what will be the ultimate effect right now we do know that it is helping Donald Trump and people are outraged at this miscarriage OB jce but we don't know if he should be jailed taken off the campaign Trail psychologically physically exhausted uh subject to gag orders or even jailing what will be the effect on the swing voters will they say oh my God this is terrible what they're doing to him I'm going to vote for Biden or it's terrible what they're doing to him but my God he's the president he I I can't vote for a president in jail we've never done that before so that's a Known Unknown we just don't know what the reaction is going to be by November it's stating uh I suppose the bleeding obvious but the rest of the world looks on and thinks how on Earth did America come to this the thing people say to me all the time is how however did a country of America standing and Prestige and what have you 300 million people come to this point A variation on this that I hadn't thought of until I was talking to Dave Rubin a little while ago was that of the you know we see the splits the city vers ver city east coast versus and West Coast versus the Inland those with degrees those who don't have degrees those sorts of splits and then you see the political split but there's another one I'd be interested in your views on that Dave rubben referred to it's that you have blue States and red States my words not his almost becoming principalities in their own right so California is becoming I mean it's an enormous economy even today a lot of people it's bigger than a lot of European countries but it's completely absolutely different to a Florida yes and this seems to be another sort of massive set of fault lines in America you're almost seeing the emergence of principalities in a way that's I suppose gives the American people choice but does it take you further down the road to the Smashing of American uh identity yeah I I think we here in this country pride ourselves in the federal system where we have these semi-autonomous states that can develop their own culture and traditions laws customs and we feel that that's sort of a safety valve that when the federal government gets oppressive or tries to be too uniform a state can reestablish its secular traditional identity but we don't realize that there's been times in American history where the the sheer semi autonomous nature of states and the freedom to travel and to move have have given a self- selecting or Force multiplying effect to National differences we saw that in the 1850s it wasn't so much moving as there was a group of Southern States 11 of them on the issue of slavery was were you know led to the Civil War what we're seeing now is about four to six million people moving and almost 90% of them are moving in one direction from a blue State Illinois New York California Minnesota Michigan to a red State and it's massive and the red states have an entirely different code of laws as they per pertain to abortion guns they have cultural differences on religion on the traditions of the United States military service etc etc and there's an adjudicator there's a third party reality and that is the red states are not insolvent they are working they do not have a problem with big city prosecutors their campuses for the most part are quiet the city councils and red cities the Mayors and the governors of red States will not tolerate what we're seeing at Stanford University where I work or Princeton or Yale or Colombia or Chicago all of these big blue cities where our Blue Chip universities are so this is an accelerant of a kind of a strange and maybe even dangerous Trend that the country is bifurcating there's you could make the argument that Tennessee feels closer to Florida to Arizona to Texas than they do U much closer than Illinois or California but what's what I'm getting at is maybe more close and more with more affinity with each other than they do the United States and vice versa with the blue States yeah and it's it's something that's has geopolitical ramifications if that were to be true it's a very delicate thing John when you have Mark Millie the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and you have Lloyd Austin the Secretary of Defense and out of the blue in 200 21 they say there's a vast white supremacist click in the aftermath of George Floyd that they're going to root out and this is sort of a Clinger deplorable irredeemable supposed subset and the you implement Dei which is a non-ra methodology of retention promotion advancement in the military and then you tell the same demographic of white males from the rural and South lower middle class that we're going to get you we're going to even if you've had Co two or three times you're going to be out of the military if you don't vaccinate well 85 hundred of them of our best left and then we're short 45,000 soldiers it's never happened before and if you look at the demographics of the enlistment they're not Hispanics who are enlisting at the same numbers blacks are gays women Etc they're almost entirely the short shortfalls are off on the very demographic that died at twice the numbers of in the general population in Iraq and Afghanistan where 75% roughly of all the deaths were lower class middle class Suburban class white males inordinately from Red States um and they only represent white males in general about 33% of the population yet they died and yet that's the very that's the very demographic they that they are went after and now all of a sudden with the Afghanistan humiliation and Gaza Ukraine the Chinese balloon the military is in full Panic So Gone are the commercials of pregnant women and flight suits and uh George Floyd motifs for Recruitment and suddenly it's a bunch of guys that look like they're World War Two vets jumping out of helicopters or you know storming the beaches and the and the the the commercial says be all you can be Defend Your Country and this is a direct appeal to that lost uh constituency that they alienated so John all of these differences that we have in culture and politics and economics and their view of America red versus blue are starting to manifest themselves in this election year and they're not compatible and some of them are existential when you start to deal with a mil AR that as I said Ukraine Afghanistan humiliation the Gaza War China China threatening Taiwan and then you look at the military you see that it's not really equipped to replace replenish its massive airlifts to Israel and Ukraine but more importantly it's short of the very type of soldiers who volunteer to go fight in God awful places like condar or fuia or mosul and we're not getting those soldiers and so the question arises what's what's going to happen and we're also borrowing a 100 uh every hundred days we're borrowing a trillion dollars under the Biden Administration so we're very worried here about a lot of things that are they're going to come to an Apex during this election uh there's a little subset of that I was talking to a young Australian who recently applied uh to the military here and the recruiter opened up and told him that those new recruitment techniques in America where they appeal to Traditional Values as you said they you know put up imagery of traditional Brave American fighting men rather than appealing to uh the sort of uh modern mindset uh have actually been highly effective and they they do produce surges uh in recruits of the sort of people you want in the military in America as I would imagine and as I think you would see it uh and that in fact it's even being considered here in Australia where we have the same problem with attracting good people and then retaining them it's a good pointer I think as to how mad the world has gone that we're reverting to an old age and we're attracting the best and most capable young people to defend us it it is and uh when I watch the testimony of our fourstar generals I thought wow they're committing suicide in their institution because they're making unfounded charges and they're implementing new protocols that are directly aimed at a supposedly biest young 18 to 20y old uh who has never had much of an opportunity in this country they were The Losers of globalization in the Midwest and the South Rural people and yet we know from their statistics and their Battlefield efficacy that these are the very people that our enemies are are afraid of these are the people we send into the streets of Baghdad these are the people we send in uh you know to kabo and they're very good soldiers they're the world's best and yet why you would tamper with that it it makes no sense it's the same thing on the other end of the spectrum on these campuses these were the world's most preeminent campuses onethird roughly of all the students are foreign students the million Stu we have a million foreign students that come in here to study at these preeminent universities but if you look at what they've done they have dropped the SAT entrance requirement they do not grade uh High School grade point averages comparatively so if I get a straight A out here at a rural 500 person high school and somebody's you know and pow alter with 2,000 people and he's got an A it's the same so it's a methodology not to use Mar to let in students uh from Minority backgrounds for the large part or different types of gender or sexual identities and what I'm getting at is that uh they didn't understand the consequences of that just like the military didn't and the consequences in the fourth year of these reparatory admissions are they Yale is giving 80% A's Stanford about 65 they' ENT they've had to stop the traditional workload they're softening the courses uh they are introducing new courses there's thousands of diversity Equity inclusion people auditing The Faculty so they don't want to die on the altar of standards and in this conundrum we have as I said a million foreign students and they're mostly from illiberal Nations there's about 150 to 200,000 from Middle Eastern Muslim nations 3 50,000 from uh China a lot of another 200 from right-wing or leftwing aut autocracies in in Latin America and Asia and we don't audit them but the universities recruit these people because they pay full tuition with no discount no scholarships and so you put all of that together and one of the subtexts of these campus demonstrations are a lot of students feel that they want to renegotiate the university that it's too difficult or it's too traditional and they didn't sign up for that and they can't do the work and they want to be excused from their finals they want to have their senior project dropped etc etc so if you talk to employers and I know you've seen it on the news but you talk and person to them they'll say I don't want to hire these people I don't want to hire them because I see them on television every night they they leave they protest they're coddled they're hot house plants they want delivered food as they destroy buildings when they leave the campus quad it's a mess they're trash is there they treat policemen maintenance people like dirt middle class good Americans if I hire them I know they don't have the analytical skills the English fluenc or compositional skills the mathematical background that that University's preeminent degree used to signify and I know they'll go right to Human Resources the moment I hire them and complain and so you talk to these emplo employers and they'll say I would prefer Georgia Tech or Texas A&M or the University of Tennessee graduate to a Columbia graduate or a Yale graduate because actually these These are the new prestigious schools we just haven't caught up the ivy league on American higher education the elites are going the way of Disney and budlight and Target and you know CNN and they don't know it but it's happening as we as we speak so we have generals who don't know how to recruit the right people to preserve our freedom and we have University leadership teams that don't know how to preserve our freedom either essentially that's what we've got to yes we do we have to be a college President you have to go through the faculty ranks with one fear you do not want to get on the wrong side of left-wing students left-wing faculty and they're not just Democrats they're hard left now and they are predominantly taking over the general education curriculum and it's a diversity Equity inclusion ideology and so when you see a clotting a or you see the Columbia president uh you see somebody who was promoted not on mraic but on the idea that they can they're acceptable to the hard left and they will continue this drift the problem they're having is that the the nation had not seen this the nation just thought well it's Harvard Harvard's always Harvard and now they've torn a scab off with these demonstrations and they said oh my God these presidents have no moral compass they're canceling graduation they're going to zoom classes when you pay them $90,000 per students and they're they cannot say that they have an epidemic of anti-Semitism every time they're asked to address the issue of People pushing Jews or calling them you know go back to Poland and this blatant anti-Semitism they say well we we deore anti-Semitism and islamophobia even though there's almost no examples of islamophobia they have to say that because their constituency demands it and so this is kind of a re revolutionary feror we're in on these campuses it was to quote Hemingway's great line and The Sun Also Rises it was gradual like bankruptcy and then it was sudden it had been building up but the Gaza War just tore tore the scab off and I think people are astonished what they saw at my University uh we were looking for a new president and everybody was assuming that we were going to have the first black woman or the first gay president but they panicked because uh it's a little known fact John that in most of these universities the these multi-billion dollar endowments are long-term Investments and locked up and they depend a Stanford with 40 billion or a har were 60 billion they depend on 6 to 8 million billion a year that's what their fundraising is and when you lose 10 or 20% of it as some of these IV leagues are are experiencing then they panic because that's the operating budget so at Stanford we hired uh the Stanford Business Dean Mr LaVine and he's very good he's he's not politically correct he's he's a professional his father was president in a Yale for 20 years but he happens to be a white male nobody thought that would be possible but these universities are now facing the reality that their alumni do not want to subsidize this and they may be looking at a Republican president and Senate and House that has already said they're going to look at the tax-free endowment on the income they're going to look at the 1.7 trillion federal subsidized loans for these kids that you see on TV and they're going to look at these massive multi-million dollar grants from of federal Monies to these universities and so I think the universities are just now in full Panic full Panic um so that's a light at the end of the tunnel perhaps it's an encouraging sign then you're seeing things like the University of Austin your colleague Neil Ferguson and yes Barry W others setting that up so if we say there's some hope emerging there the question then is of course is it in time but there's another thing that is beginning to emerge in research in in both of our cultures because if there's one thing we know now um any contagion for good or for bad spreads unbelievably quickly in the English-speaking western part of the Western World unbelievably quickly we've got the same campus activity starting to emerge here they're using the same language even left-wing leaders of those movements who normally hate anything American America is the great Satan suddenly when it comes to protesting for for example um um you know Israel the the IDF and Israel um uh they're happy to say oh no we're following the Great lead out of America so you know they're very opportunistic but there's another side of this that gives me some hope I think there's a bit of a reentering going on amongst uh uh younger Western People particularly those young men who are reacting against the overreach of the left who have accused them of being uh oppressors uh and toxic simply because they happen to be white males do you see that reentering as somebody who's very conscious of what's happening on on campuses in America amongst number of thinking of our young people on my podcast I just interviewed Jeremy Carl who's got a best-selling book out about anti-white racism and he he it's a fascinating book He's a scholar he's not a pop political activist and he points out out that this is institutionalized in the admission so at a place like Stanford is 2100 are omitted 20% are white the Dem demographic of the white is 67% of the white demographic and so they're deliberately violating their old shibolet that they were going to be that Stanford was going to look like America that each particular demographic 12% black 15% uh Asian and Latino you know Etc we're going to look like that but they haven't they've been reparatory so there's only been 9% white males and so and he he points out that we're also told that the black po population has gone to thir 133% that the Native American has gone to four but when you actually look at the demographics and except for the Hispanics because of immigration there they haven't grown what's happened is that America is a Melting Pot still and people are marrying and integrating but the the difference now is 20 years ago you went by the proportions if you were 20 if you had one grandparent that was black and three that were white you identified as white now you identify as black now you identify as Asian so those populations are much bigger than people think and I think the left didn't quite understand why Donald Trump is appealing in a lot of it is to people who have their whole families are are married and they're starting to resent this anti-white backlash because they have brothers and sisters and parents that are part white or white and so the left is in panic right now because and you're going to see more of it this summer because it looks like they won't be able to silence Donald Trump and he looks like he could win if the election were held today and if he were to win they're projecting on what he might do there are every day there's an article or two in the Washington Post or New York Times Donald Trump's going to be a dictator Donald Trump's going to weaponize the FBI and they're very eerie the Articles because they're projections they're if you read them carefully it's almost predictable if I were Donald Trump and I had suffered what I did to Donald Trump and I had power again this is surely what I would do and therefore Donald Trump must do what I would do and I'm not sure he's going to do that at all but they're afraid that he would be take Vengeance on them the way that they really have the last four years on people on the right just on uh on the election again for a moment um why is it that successful State Governors like Ronda santis but others Nikki Haley Mike P Pence um and for that matter he didn't even nominate of course but Mike Pompeo very impressive individual ual it seems as from an outsider looking in um couldn't pack out a whole anywhere in the way that uh that pres that President Trump could what's behind that I mean if you take to Santa plainly many Americans believe that he has been a highly successful governor and if we go back to our early remarks about U federalism and and and his State appearing to be the sort of place that would appeal to a lot of more conservative people but it didn't translate into into any support any any sort of RAR view mirror view I think we're partly back to 2016 when we had a very capable field of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and Scott Walker all proven executive senders and the same phenomenon happened and so we had a very photogenic charismatic Nikki Haley we had a very sober judicious and effective Governor Ronda santis but I think the problem was that they thought the magga agenda which they supported was separ they were making the argument that you could get closed borders uh a strong defense budget but you didn't have to get Donald Trump in the bargain you could get a person who didn't tweet who didn't use capital letters who wasn't crude and vulgar and the and the Republican base or the Republican party in general said no that's not true we're at a stage in this country where we need a pitbull and we want to cut the leash and unleash him because traditional Republican candidates who are arguing they're going to be much more effective just the way they were in their own States and in their own prior governance we don't believe that's true they don't have the bant out outgoing never give a damn personality at this moment that's needed and whatever they thought about Trump is that he will fight he will fight to the death the left and he will stop this revolution I think myself that Haley and DeSantis to take two examples would have been the same but that's doesn't what I think doesn't matter it's what I know with most people that I talk to and I read about thought and Donald Trump they felt had four years of governance that in every aspect were Superior to Joe Biden's and could be easily replicated again and more importantly that when push came to shove Donald Trump would try to stop illegal immigration and Donald Trump would try to be tough with the Chinese and Donald Trump would not be ambiguous about Israel in a way that maybe the other ones I think they would have done the same but they were part of the unip party establishment that was what I detected the voters thought and that Donald Trump was a complete outside and we talked about that before he was a gunslinger who came into town and cleaned things up and he wasn't part of the town city council and that's what they wanted in 2016 they did not want it particularly in 2020 but they do again now because they've seen what happened in in the interval and they they don't like the the Biden four years and they're saying to everybody we've got to clean this up the other thing is I think very quickly we concentrate on the crudity of Donald Trump but if you are in a room with Ronda santz and Nikki Haley and Donald Trump and other candidates that were on that stage and you wanted to know who would be the funniest and the most at ease and the most authentic they would probably tell you that Donald Trump was they would like everybody else but Donald Trump uh he doesn't care that's what they want right now he doesn't care if they if they most people say oh my God I cannot go to jail or oh my god I've been indicted or oh my God I got a porno star after me it'll ruin my reputation he doesn't care and the people now have that same attitude they they got to the point where they don't care and they tell you that and uh we'll see I don't think the judges the prosecutors the juries understand that that the more they go after him the more he's gaining support from people who also don't care and they're so angry and a lot of them are in the black male Community the Latino I I live in a community of 95% and my wife and I we we interact with all of our friends and we have not met a Hispanic Mexican-American male over the O age of 40 who's voting for Joe Biden so you're you're actually practicing inclusiveness where you live are you Victor yes I've seen young hispanic women I've seen matures Hispanic women that will probably vote traditionally Democratic but not the males they don't want there there's so many issues that they have problems with the left and it's a very revolutionary explosive development and the left is the left is a revolutionary this Democratic party is a jackan party and they will not change their ideology or their agenda it's it's it's run by the Obamas and the people in the Obama Administration who feel that they missed the boat and they were too compromised to be reelected or whatever and Joe Biden is Expendable they don't care about Joe Biden he's an empty vessel and he's a very useful veneer to push this unpopular but revolutionary agenda forward and get it institutionalized so a couple things arise out of what you've just said uh first the the perception of America of Americans that Trump actually was a more successful president than Biden a CNN of all places uh a CNN poll has revealed that most Americans believe that Trump was a better president uh he was a success uh and Biden is a failure uh in direct uh distinction I suppose from the Elites in the the media who can't come to grp of that that's what ordinary Americans think and even CNN had to acknowledge it that's a pretty extraordinary State of Affairs well we we've never seen this before we've had a president ex-president run against a president 1912 with uh Teddy Roosevelt trying to unseat Taft but they were the same party and there were two records that they could compare but we've never had an expr pres that has a 4-year record from a very different political point of view versus what will be a 4-year record so when people are looking at the price of gasoline the price of of eggs and meat and mortgages and insurance car insurance and cars themselves all the staple things and they look at the Trump four years the Biden four years they look at were we was there a war in Gaza was there a war in Ukraine was there a milit humiliation in Afghanistan did the Chinese threaten daily Taiwan did North Korea Back start to threaten people again was there a Chinese balloon no they can they can see that was there greater or less racial tension they were the Camp were the campuses this ideologically was there so much anti-Semitism had we was it worse or better was Israel stronger or weaker under Biden or or Trump and they've come to the conclusion and we were you know and they know this uh because although they won't change course what the Biden people are doing is they're saying we want to replace fossil fuels but privately we've drained the Strategic petroleum Reserve to dangerous levels we're jawboning the Saudis to pump more we're secretly opening lease leases and we've got almost as much gas and oil as during the Trump Peak and we're now asking Mexico you're afraid Mr oidor as we are of Donald Trump so why don't just for the summer you clamp down on the security a little bit not let people in so they know that their agenda has been injurious to people but they won't change it but they want to airbrush it and that's not going to work they call it biomics and they've even dropped that term they don't use it anymore it's been a disaster on the the deficit the long-term debt the inflation the empty the border that the 10 million illegal aliens the campuses the foreign policy the crime that's gone up and then the sense of who of in the sense that the commander-in-chief is physically and mentally cognitively challenged and is not up to the job and that's an issue that the voters think is not necessarily age related because apparently they think Donald Trump who's only two years younger could could do would have no problem and I think they're probably right about that being commander-in-chief again it does raise the issue of um the vice president candidate for beside beside President Biden one assumes that um Donald Trump with and you mentioned it that sense of humor which he can be pretty you can use it pretty effectively uh he presumably will run the line that a vote for President Biden is a vote for a well president I suppose Cala Harris how how would that play out well there's been a lot of scenarios and I guess the fear of the democratic donor class is that Joe Biden is hemorrhaging and they're looking for ways that that Bloody blood leing would be staunched and they say to themselves is the economy going to recover and of course there's people talking about a severe recession or worse a stagflation as we go as we keep printing you know a trillion dollars every hundred days to spur the economy and people are saying well you know we don't have a lot of uh tools to to control this because we we've had inflation inflation that's not going to end and then they're looking at uh is is this war in Gaza or Ukraine going to finish no is China going to back off a little bit no is the Border going to be closed and no and so they they're looking at this Chicago convention in August and they're afraid it might be like 1968 where people went home from campus in ' 68 and everybody said well they're Democrats they're leftists schools are out it's quiet it was pretty quiet and then suddenly they came out of the woodwork and destroyed Uber Humphrey at the 68 convention and he was nobody thought Richard Nixon could win after his earlier defeat 1960 and he gave Nixon the election so they look at all this and then they say but we can't get rid of CA Harris because that's not who we are we don't get rid of black women in backdoor deals so people have suggested if this bloodletting continues somewhere in August sometime in August the Biden people would release the delegates and then they would have an A genuinely open convention and they could say to ca Harris we want you to win but you've got to win the delegates and from what we understand she'd win no delegates and it would be somebody like a Josh Shapiro the governor of Pennsylvania or gretan wh Whitmer of Michigan or Gavin Nome or someone like that and they feel that even at that late date they might have a chance to stop Donald Trump so people are talking about that all the time uh but they're very very worried that at some point and we got a wrong way to go to the uh to the election and even to the convention so people are are very very worried that something could happen to Joe Biden that he is a step an in inverton step away from one step off Air Force One into falling or one slip of the tongue of saying something so outrageous that it would be uh career ending because you can say almost anything to anyone anytime anywhere and we would have her inherit the presidency step up to the presidency and then go into the election as an incum as the incumbent so all of these are scenarios that uh I think imperil the Democrats more than they do the [Music] Republican again out of your earlier comments we've got a radically changed America middle class Americans now apparently identifying as U um essentially H well there's no other putting it we've got the same thing in Australia anti-semitic it's hard to imagine where this came from if they'd been taught their history if they really understood the Holocaust they'd hardly claimed that the Jewish people were oppressors I can't think of a race of people who have been more oppressed down through history but here we have it so the attitude towards Israel firstly uh someone commented to me recently that Jewish people are starting to think that Biden is the last Democrat president on the current trajectories who's likely to be a supporter of Israel that's a chilling Prospect but America's moved to the point where the majority of Americans are not not perhaps prepared to in the future um secure or be committed to the idea of of a home state for the Jewish people your qualifier was very important last Democratic president because if you look at the polls the nation at large is about 65 to 70% depending on how the question is posed pro Israel when you break that support down Republican Democrat the Republican support is higher than the national average it's up to 80% 90% when you look at the Democratic it goes down below 50% for the first time and so Joe Biden reflects that uh that that reality he understands that the the nation itself supports Israel and especially his opponents and there's 6 million Jewish Americans and 4 million can vote and they are over represented as the donor class 70% vote Democratic and Joe Biden then understands where the nation is at and he understands where the his a lot of his strongest supporters are at but he is he sees that the Democratic party is evaporating it doesn't really exist as it used to on issues like transgenderism or uh Dei or ESG Etc and he's the people leading the Democratic party are the radical BLM and Tifa the squad the black caucus all of these are very radical groups so the result how that manifest itself if I'm Joe Biden and they Jewish students this week beaten up or locked in a library or people are shouting go back to Poland I say I deplore all violence on the one hand I do not want to see any more anti-Semitism and I don't want to see any more islamophobia but there's no islamophobia there there's almost non-existent on these campuses the people who are expressing the anti-Semitism are primarily not exclusively but the leaders of that group are from the Middle East so when people look at this they said oh my God this is orwellian we've got all these students from the Middle East and they are the most prominent in all the demonstrations and they are yelling we are ham we love hezb uh death to America death to Israel and Joe Biden is suggesting their suffering from islamophobia this is absurd and so then he he's hemorrhaging more as much with the Jewish vote and people who sympathize with Israel in the Democratic party and the independence as he is with the young people if he were if I were Joe Biden I would write off the 250 thousand voters who are Arab American or Muslim on I don't mean light them off and offend them but I would try to maintain my party's support for Israel because there are more Jewish voters there's more donor money and there's more independent voters that sympathize and when you look at November if all of these kids on campus say we're going to sit out in Michigan well they better be very careful because if they lose Michigan and Donald Trump is elected one of the things he said he's going to do is do what he did last time and issue a travel ban not on Muslim or Arab countries but on countries he feels are dangerous and you cannot trust their home uh immigration authorities to vet their immigrants coming into here so Somalia North Korea Iran and Gaza and the the West Bank and Syria and Iraq those students many of them wouldn't be here so I can't imagine that they're going to vote for that but by not voting for Biden they will be voting for that so they The Dilemma is on them they think they're putting everybody in a dilemma uh I would say to them stay home if you want and that will that will ensure that Michigan goes to Donald Trump and while he won't Target you he will say your home country that you now romanticize and praise to the skies uh but under no circumstances do you want to go back there you're going to have to go back there and then I think we haven't even talked about among this legislation to reform the campuses there's a big move in the Republican Senate to question the promiscuous use of the student visa do we really want to let these universities determine our own immigration policies when you have a middle eastern Lebanese uh lecture at George Washington and when you have an African-American Republican Congressman Byron Donalds come on campus two days ago and he says you're an Uncle Tom you're a race Trader you're a bastard is that the type of are we so short of talented faculty United States we have to import people like that and the same goes to these students we have enough problems without having some student come and praise a Hamas to the skies I don't think they add much to the American mosaic and I think so I don't understand what where they think the Leverage is they think they have all this leverage they only have leverage in the tiny little atmosphere of the campus only because they have timid uh College pres the college presents really have all the The Leverage all it would need is all one of them in these leftwing Elite campuses could say you're going to break up the camp if you don't do it we're going to arrest you if you're arrested you're going to lose your student visa cuz we're going to suspend you and if you lose your student visa you're going to have to go back where you came from and U they're either afraid of the loss of Revenue or they're afraid that it that they would offend people but they have enormous clout if they want to use it you mentioned and it's happening here too every time they talk uh our leaders because we have on this issue very weak leadership in Australia at the moment I can't believe how weak it is because it's threatening social cohesion and every time they do they feebly bring themselves to say there's no place for anti-Semitism in Australia well they can't say it there's no place for anti-Semitism or anti or uh islamophobia now the man in the Street Watching all this they're not mugs this is the point you often make you say that you believe in an America that's good for people who don't have degrees as much as it is for the elites who do and are so condescending here's another example I think of their blindness the man in the street must be looking at this and I feel this I mean I've been a political practitioner for a lot of my life and they're saying this doesn't add up I have no reason to fear the Jews bit of a phobia is fear I'm beginning to think maybe I do have reason to fear uh Islamic beliefs and and fundamentalism in fact the attempt to to toh dismiss it to discount it to somehow say it's not there ignores the reality that the way many of these people Pro Hamas demonstrators who apologize for Hamas people who won't State the obvious it's Hamas who caused this and Hamas who can bring about a ceasefire the person in the Street's beginning to say well what do we make of Islamic belief and the way in which it seems to give rise to particularly ugly practices yeah I think the same is true here I think Americans say they put on their one hand they say who is occupying the Golden Gate Bridge the Manhattan Bridge who stormed into the St Patrick's Cathedral and disrupted Christian Services who disrupted the Christmas services who was calling for death to America who is calling for the final solution who's saying yelling these terrible things uh go back to Poland who's using violence on campus who's storming camp and they don't see Jewish students when you see the and I'm on a campus when you see the pro-israel protesters they're very Le law abiding they get a permit they have their American and is Isel Flags uh and they're not lawbre breaking and they're not violent and so one side is doing this and a lot of people say to themselves we don't really need this we we don't really do this and then when they get into the issue of Gaza uh the average American it's reflected in this 75 to 85% support for Israel says well there was a ceasefire it was called October 6th somebody broke the ceasefire and that was not Israel and they murdered 12,000 uh 1,200 innocent civilians Hamas did civilians accompanied their way in to the kutas to help out they launched 7,000 rockets at Jewish civilians and so they wanted to be disproportionate but they were incompetent and Israel was disproportionate and competent but their intent was to be just as disproportionate as anybody and so when you actually look at now what is going to happen people are saying well it would be very easy to solve you just go to the Gaza Hamas leadership and you say to them give us a list of all of the hostages all 130 plus if they are alive and release them and then simply turn over all the architects of October 7th that participated or planned it and we'll have a ceasefire and they won't do that and everybody knows why they won't do it because the people they're negotiating with are the same people who planned October 7th and they don't want to give a list of the hostages because they've murdered a lot of them and so Israel's got no choice but to go in and I think again I think they'll wait till the campuses are empty they'll go in and they will destroy Hamas and uh I don't think there's going to be a lot of people in the western world who are going to be angry about that they'll cry crocodile tears they'll say the IDF was uh inconsiderate of uh collateral damage which is not true but at the end there will be no Hamas if you let the IDF do it and I think that's what's going to happen sometime in June so you feel that Hamas can be defeated militarily scrubbed out I have sh your view that the Israelis are certainly capable of it but unfortunately a bigger question remains given that Hamas let's face it unbelievably have been winning the public relations War I mean I find that staggering but they have been and people need to stop and think about that you'll letting a PE a people who have written into their constitution the idea of the genocide written into it they're open about it they don't even try and hide it like the Nazis did but they've been winning the propaganda war in the West um Can the isra war if you want to look where the the real Crescendo of the C there was three stages here in America to the campus protest and people forget that the first stage was smaller but very virent and it happened on October 7th here where I work we had a professor that separated Jews from non-jews in his class to celebrate made him sit on one side Cornell professor said he was exhilarated there were a lot of what I'm getting at is the protest were primarily Middle Eastern students and they were celebratory bragging about it the IDF went in 20 days later on October 27th at first there was not a lot of protest because they simply swept through and humiliated Hamas when they started to bend to pressure from the West Europe Britain us that they had to go slower that they had to be careful they had to drop leaflets which is all good they slowed down and there was a sense that they [Music] were Hamas was going to survive when they stopped when the Biden Administration told Netanyahu to stop then that fueled the fire because these people felt that they were successful and they were said everybody's listening to us and more people who had no ideology at all and were completely ignorant mostly American students they rushed out and said this is like uh our parents told us it's working we're taking over the campus but had Joe Biden said in mid October the IDF did not start this war they avoid fewer casualties than we did in mosul and fuah for Israel to survive they have to destroy Hamas Hamas give up The Architects of the massacre give back the hostages or I can't guarantee what Israel will do and if they had have said to Iran you're welcome to hit Israel if that's what you want to do but there are absolutely no restraints on our part on a retaliatory a and we will try to help Israel shoot down as we did and your huge barrage of 320 plan missiles will fail and their smaller LGE will succeed if we had just had that attitude I think Israel would have there wouldn't have been a Hamas by now Israel would have been seen as successful its Arab friends the Gulf States Jordan and Egypt would have privately been ecstatic because Hamas would have been gone and the Middle Eastern students would have to wear the at uh carry the extra burden they were losers that their cause lost but now they think their cause is ascendant and they're beating the west and that was all because of Joe Biden and had he just kept what he said he was going to do on October 8th we wouldn't have be in this dilemma right now well that leads us to the title of your latest book um which is uh uh the end of everything how Wars descend into Annihilation uh as we come to it it's the story of just how horrendous the human species uh you know um horrendous sort of State can take itself to if I can put it that way is it possible just before we come to the book in a bit more detail that Israel could actually be annihilated I mean you've got heran you got it's very 20 years ago Mr rafen Johnny purportedly said that Israel was a one bomb state and then M uh subsequent Iranian leaders have said they like the idea of a Jewish State as a home for the observant Jews in the world and the idea that half the Jews who are actually Jewish in the sense that they're observant Jews are now in one place and that made their Extinction easier with a nuclear weapon and we have we have the methodology is accelerated we have bioweapons as we saw not that it was a bioweapon but we can Sol what Co did we we know about nerve agents we have Atomic weapons and we have ai so the methods of Destruction have accelerated a vast rate so there are places in the world where we have vulnerable small Nations and very rough neighborhoods with people who have promised to not just defeat them but annihilate and erase them so to give a couple of quick examples the Chinese government on on a number of occasions it says that Taiwan doesn't exist it was a historical mistake it can be rectified by destroying Taiwan or absorbing it I wrote one line in the book about that in the epilogue about examples and the Chinese uh publisher ordered me to take it out or he would cancel this massive buy of Chinese translations I I couldn't do it I wouldn't take it out so they cancelled the entire book and you can see they were very sensitive to that Mr Aron and turkey has threatened to send missiles into downtown Athens and wipe it out he's threatened he said to the Armenians that just uh carab back they had 200,000 Armenians in abban were ethnically cleansed and forced back into tiny Armenia just three million people and he said that he had a solution for them and it was a solution of his grandparents meaning the Gen Turkish Genocide uh we've had about 15 people in the Russian Parliament media and uh military say they would like to destroy Ukraine in the sense that they wanted to absorb it get rid of the Ukrainian language and put it back where it belonged as a Russian state so it's very common to and I'm not mean getting into what the crazy things Kim Jong-un has yelled uh but what's Eerie about this this is very rare to destroy a car a Carthage or a no chiton Mexico City or a Constantinople but it happens and what I was trying to show in the book is that it happens because people think it's impossible to happen so in all the cases I just delineated John uh the action has been that that that's just silly they would never do it Russians are just bluffing they would never use a tactical nuclear weapon much less a strategic eron just letting off steam he would never try to Destroy 3 million Armenians and the Iranians would know that they can't get away with that and you say to them well the Iranians would be famous Persian Shia they would inherit the Manel of Islam as the one entity that destroyed the Jewish State they might want to lose half their population to try it oh no no no they would never do that and that was what all of these ancient examples that I I point out in the book is they all said it couldn't happen here Alexander the Great wouldn't dare do it skipio it's he's an intellectual he would not do it Cortez he's met monz zuba he would not do it memt has the largest library in Islam he's an intellectual he would not destroy Constantinople or they said we can count on the geneves fleet it'll be in in the dardalis very quickly it'll save us at the last moment or a Macedonian army will come to the rear of the Roman besiegers at Carthage or uh the Athenians the Spartans they'll come and help us defeat alexand it never happen happened and so yeah I think that there's a a ten plate or a paradigm when I looked at this that shows you that countries that think that there's preeminent because they were and they're not uh honest about decline they don't take a dispassionate inventory of their defenses and resources V their attacker but they live on past dreams we're the great Byzantine Empire of 20 million people or we're ancient thieves the home of edus and antigon or were Carthage where Hannibal was at the gates of Rome almost uh or we're Mexico City that has an Empire of 4 million that doesn't matter it doesn't matter that we won World War I or we won World War II or we created the postwar order all that matters right now is how many assets Financial cultural political and especially military do you have and you can you deter an enemy and if you can't you got to be very careful well the book uh you know and you've had as the New York Times is noted uh two previous bestsellers uh the dying citizen the case for Trump Andrew Roberts author of Churchill which is you know certainly an acclaimed book and he's a very acclaimed writer he said readers will be shocked quite how often total military cultural and societal exportation happens in our species stories we need to learn from this groundbreaking book how to stop it happening to us plainly you had reasons for writing it because you know what we've been talking about is pretty Grim stuff but you and I are talking because we actually don't want Grim things to happen we want to turn things around we're about a positive agenda so you've written it for positive reasons but it's a grim book why why is it so important well the book was finished before the uh the recent developments with Iran back and forth with Israel and Gaza so I wasn't sure that it would be relevant in a topical sense but I wanted to point out that the very rare in history happens and the people that it happens to don't believe it will happen to them and the people who are conquering them are not gask Khan or tamarlane or Atilla the Hun that come in sweep through a civilization murder people and move on they are intellectuals they're very capable people they're very well read they're very articulate Alexander the Great student of Aristotle companion of the philosopher kalis when he said to the thians I will be down there in 300 miles I will be down there in 10 days and if you don't and I wipe your city out they they didn't think that was imaginable the city was 1100 years old or when skipio came they said you know we fought the Romans twice and we always had an agreement after we lost and we remember skipio African as your adopted grandfather and he was very I mean he gave us terms and we had we're the city of Hannibal we were and they didn't understand skipio amanas was a killer and he was going to destroy everything that was Carthage down to the foundations of the city and when Constantine the 11th was dealing with meit he sent him a letter and he said you're only 21 years old and we've been here for 1100 Years and we're very valuable to Islam we're the window on the west you can buy Cannon you can get expertise with your with your concessions inside the walls of Constantinople and memt basically said you've only got about 50 or 60,000 people you're not the Byzantine EMP Empire of the past and I don't want to hear anything you have to say and same thing I could go with the same argument but I'm getting at is they had no imagination how weak they were and what the actual intent of their enemies are and when you look at the real world and you ask yourself if president Chi really wanted to take Taiwan would he be willing to destroy it to take it to get rid of it everybody says well he would just he wouldn't do that because of the the chip industry or he would lose too much but could could he be stopped without a nuclear exchange I don't think he could myself given the military right now I think he could be in five years if we rearmed um nobody I think we're if Ukraine everybody thinks the Ukraine thing is static but to win that war the only way Ukraine could get Russia off it back is to follow traditional military logic and that would probably be to hit Russian Supply Depots oil refineries along the border to interrupt their their Invasion but to do that would I think invite a response from Putin that would be very unpredictable and I don't think he would I don't think he would care at all if he could level Kia and get away with it so and I don't need to talk about turkey turkey is a member of NATO but if you came from another planet and you looked at what turkey has said and done it's supplying Russia with weapons it's can't be trusted with NATO arms it during the coup six years ago in Turkey Mr eron let it be known that our Cold War huge dirty bombs I think we have 50 nuclear weapons at isart he said he didn't think that they were they they were properly the property of United States had been there so long to protect turkey that he felt that they were Turkish and he didn't want them removed and I know there are people in the US military that feel they have to remove them whether stealthily or one by one because they don't feel they're in a safe place that tomorrow if there was a conflagration between Greece and Turkey or Armenia and turkey or the Kurds and turkey that that brace could be surrounded and the weapons could be appropriated and and all of this is dependent on a a West that can't deter people and and we think we've been here so long and we've run the show so long that that's just Unthinkable all the inventions all the technology all the universities they're all Western and therefore the world needs us I don't think that's necessarily true and so I wouldn't worry if today the English-speaking countries were on armed to the teeth they were spending 3 to 4% GDP they had sophisticated anti-missile protections over there like the Iron Dome they had uh both nuclear and tactical capabilities they had Church alen like leaders and then they were on but and they weren't suffering from this fertility crisis you know and and debt crisis but I don't see that on the world today so I'm very very worried that something terrible could happen I don't think it's likely but I think it could happen actually in the book you describe some pretty horrific torture and death in your book mainly by quoting historic eyewitnesses the carthaginians torturing uh and killing um carthaginians sorry torturing and killing Romans a Human Sacrifice by both those people and most notoriously the Aztecs uh since you wrote this book as you just said of course we've seen brutality that must match even those horrendous examples in your book um with the slaughtering of and and raping and and and and just sheer unbelievable cruelty by Hamas uh in their successful attempt I suppose you'd say to provoke what's now happened it's a powerful reminder to very very very soft Generations in the west who have lived in the peace and security secured by our own forbears that human nature hasn't changed changed uh and you wonder whether we're not we haven't inculcated in ourselves such a naivity such a sort of a an innocent such a such a hopeless uh uh failure to recognize just how cruel we actually can be when we're debased and that ought to be a massive warning in itself people ought to be genuinely afraid of what might happen to themselves to their children to their loved ones if we're not prepared to say freedom matters Law and Order matters we've got to stand up so that we can secure the things we have but we seem so blinded the veneer of civilization as you City say is always very thin because human nature is unchanging so when I wrote the coated from the historian uh appan and Li and parts of liby that gruesome scene on the walls were to get the attention of the Romans they cut off the ears and disemboweled cut and mutilated these Roman soldiers and then threw them from the walls I was kind of shocked I you know I there's a lot of barbarity in the ancient world but that was one of the most graphic scenes and I I'd known of the scene for some years but when I read and I looked at some of the videos from Hamas uh two things struck me one I had never seen in the modern world that level of Mutilation or gang rape or sickness putting a child in a microwave for example and I'd never seen such indifference to it so here we are six eight months later and the people on the campus don't even mention it and not only do they not mention it they were cheering it on after it happened as I said a number of professors have been put on leave professors not student students for saying things like they were exhilarated and this was the beginning of the free Palestine movement and so we're always just a hair's breath from our from what we really are which is pretty Savage without civilization that's why it's very important when we watch these campus things that you put a high premium on having a clean campus you have a a high premium that nobody breaks in and destroys books or over turns chairs or defecates in a classroom floor if you don't do that it just each Insidious assault on civilization takes away that veneer and uh it it it can happen very quickly and that's why I think what was so shocking about the demonstrations were not just the ideology but the manner in which they treated people they went right back to the they they were like the black chirs of uh the 1930s in Germany where they just started roughing people up and nobody said a word or they uh they were like the anarchist of 19 where they just destroyed things and one of the most disturbing pictures that I saw was the UCLA campus when they were forced out it was on unimaginable the flatsome and Jetsam that was left it was almost disgraceful and then you had these Mexican American Beautiful maintenance people that had to deal with human excrement and needles it was just horrific and these were our Future Leaders The Elite no one had even said anything about it no College president said you've done millions of dollars of damage to our infrastructure and you're going to pay for it or but so the the veneer of civilization can be erased very quickly and then what's beneath it is pretty scary and so you know when Iran was talking about sending its 320 cruise missiles ballistic missiles and drones they were talking that was the largest barrage uh in missile attack since World War II from V8 V2 Rockets we've never seen that many and people forget that the intent was not measured Anthony blinkin said if you want to attack you have to do it within limits they didn't do it with limits the idea was to swarm the defenses with drones and cruise missiles and then have the 120 ballistic missiles do some real damage and uh the it was and that that's uh nobody said anything after they just Shrugged I think we don't even realize now that that has opened a new chapter we know now that the Israeli Homeland and the Iranian Homeland are not sack the same that is okay to attack it or vice versa given Iran's attack on the homeland of Israel and I expect in the years to follow months to follow week to follow that there's going to be some very scary things go on that I don't think there'll be a second Holocaust I just don't think there will be a second Holocaust I think if Israel decides that Iran has the bomb and they they will conclude that they will use it and they have good reason to believe that and they will not allow that to be used and that's going to be something that will no one can imagine what would happen in the nuclear exchange and yet we don't seem to we don't seem to I mean we're talking about a situation as we speak that the major Maritime corridors of Commerce and Communications and trade are shutting down the Red Sea is inoperable now thanks to the hoties the the Black Sea is a as a war zone The Straits of Hormuz are ran as hijacking ships the eastern coast of the Mediterranean is is iffy and they've talked about shutting attacking the Suz canal and so this is very Insidious and I don't think that we were're kind of decivilizing both at home and abroad we don't quite see it this new axis of Russia Iran China North Korea if countries like or turkey or India think it's on the ascendants then they may want to passively or covertly Aid it and if they think we're in The Descendants you know their attitude is well I don't want to be bullied by Russia or China and have you know a ambivalent America that can't protect me or I don't know whether I'm under its nuclear Shield or not so I have to make the necessary adjustments then the world gets very scary and so what I think I wrote the book with that in mind but I didn't have any idea that it would crystallize as it did on October 7 well Victor once again you've been uh very generous of your time and enormously sobering and I think the one thing we can both agree on is that it need not be this way uh we still have essentially the institution of Freedom that can be resurrected if people by uh leaders of the right caliber if uh American citizenship can be restored Australian citizenship can be restored it need not end in a mess but the late in the day and we need to wake up that's surely the the rallying call I would think that if the Western countries get ah hold of their immigration policy secur their borders get their financial house in order and rearm then and stick together because they'll hang separately if they don't uh they're a formidable they've always been the most formidable force in in the world but you open the border and you have no idea who's coming into your country or what their intent is and you borrow or print money so it's almost worthless and then you disarm why autocratic governments like China and Russia are rearming and are candid about what their objectives are it's not good but you're absolutely right we have the the West has the knowledge it has the technology it has the money it has the the skill more than any other area in the world it just has to unify and and regain that confidence so it needs to be repulsed by the stories you tell about what humanity is capable of it needs to believe in itself and it needs to make the necessary Investments uh in those beliefs uh it's not too late but if we carry much longer it may be yeah I I agree with that and I was in Israel last summer and see a a most beautiful city like hia you know I've been to hia before but if you go to hia today it's a huge Port the streets are Immaculate it's the center of the B High Faith the Israelis have hosted it the cafes are open you can do things in Hyer you could not do in an American city it's completely crime-free there's not very much of a homeless problem and the idea that Iran wanted to obliterate that city is just mindboggling and they would have had uh there had not been a a defensive system like iron doome or uh the United States and France and Britain helping to knock down drones so that that what I'm getting now is that achievement in Civilization is remarkable from where it came from just 60 years ago but it could be wiped out tomorrow if people are not good custodians thank you very much indeed okay thank you John [Music] [Music]
Channel: John Anderson Media
Views: 707,178
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Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 28sec (5128 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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