The Debate Over Trump And Biden | The 2024 Election | Victor Davis Hanson

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I've been more optimistic than I ever have been the last five years and for a variety of indicators I never seen the left so paranoid they tried to destroy who's not really conservative he's a he's a empiricist moderate Joe Rogan he's got a larger audience than than all the network news combined and for one word or inarticulate expression than or they misrepresent him they try to destroy him they tried to destroy Jord Jordan Peterson they are so paranoid that they censor Facebook Twitter they looked at what happened with the Canadian truckers here and they stopped GoFundMe in other words they think to themselves we own all the institutions of communication and influence Wall Street Media Silicon Valley K through2 Academia the foundation Sports entertainment and yet these stupid people are still not with us so you've got record anger the Republican party is making uh inrs in minorities uh here in the sanen valley of California I've never seen anything like it talking to uh Mexican-American second generation Americans they sound like they're a mixture of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan they don't want anybody telling them that they have to pay for transgendered operations they don't believe in abortion on demand they do not want people coming across the border into their communities that have criminal records They don't understand why they have to pay $5 a gallon for for a San Francisco Pie in the Sky dream of some wealthy person so and the left does not believe in civil liberties anymore in fact it believes in the opposite it believes in the powers of the FBI the CIA the NSA to spy to surveil to use powers of government for Superior moral means they feel they want the tools so they can enact a superior moral vision for us so I think I'm very optimistic I have never seen anything and I I speak to you as I know that I've come on before John and been a little bit pessimistic but things are rapidly changing here I I think there's a lot of reasons to be happy and one of the in our country this will we will succeed or fail in the degree to which whether it was wise or not opening our borders and destroying the immigration policy we have led in 50 million people now who were not born in the United States and we have a lot of people who are Hispanic IC African-American mixed Heritage who have been told by the Democratic party that you will be a victim and we will identify the victimizers of you and they're white male Christian heterosexual uh middle class people and that that message is boomeranging and so we're seeing astronomical changes I I've never in my own Community if You' told me that 45% of the Mexican-American vote voted for Donald Trump or that California Ians would recall a school board by 73% of leftists and I shouldn't say Californians John I mean San Francisco liberals and here in state we voted to maintain prop 209 which forbid the use of race as a Criterion for admissions and hiring in California so I think part of it is I we can't take credit for it on the right this is the first Administration in my memory that was unapologetically socialist or hard left and they wanted the Reigns of power and they got it legislatively judicially and executively and what did they do this has been the greatest disaster of any first year president in memory every single issue is underwater every single issue has failed the people whether they're left or right black white male or female they say I can't afford gas I have $10,000 in the bank that's all I have I get zero interest it's to declined in value by 7 or 8% I don't know anything about real estate I can't even buy a house I don't know how to invest in the stock market I only have a passbook account I just heard that story the other day they go in and buy plywood I put some plywood on this home a year ago John it was $7 for 4x8 sheet of P 5/8 inch fly Plywood And I was told by the rer Guess What Victor we're in luck we got plywood for $55 a sheet that's it's not 90 anymore like it was a few months ago 90 these are astronomical changes and unlike Barack Obama and Bill Clinton who had enormous car charismatic influence and abilities they were very articulate they were young they were Dynamic and they had unpopular agendas but by the sheer weight of the personas they were able to push these agenda through Joe Biden is a very old and he he was never uh eloquent and he was always petulant and those those traits unfortunately been EX uated so I don't see a good future for them I I look around the party and I say Nancy Pelosi is 81 James clyborn that the majority of whip is 82 I think Chuck Schumer is 74 they don't have a lot of youthful uh energetic leadership and when you talk about a Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan or any of these Grassroots people they uh it's very funny they don't reference their Bas phds Mas journalism degrees even though many of them are Highly Educated their appeal is their performance whereas the left of all ideologies they are the most uh Antiquated and they hire and they reference by their the school they went to their certification seeing I work for the New York Times I have a PhD in journalism from Columbia this kind of stuff so they're aifi they're calcified and the real Dynamic fluidity podcast videos talk radio it's kind of the it it thrives because it's sort of like in the arena thumbs up and thumbs down and the popular audience reacts to it and I grew up with this idea that all these 60s people were you know they're marching on the Pentagon marching on the capital marching on uh the TV station well now they're all in those places and their idea of a revolution is become a kind of a stalinist bloated apparat check on the MayDay Das as you watch the the missiles on Mayday Parade and they're like the Soviets they're old they're tired they're intolerant they're paranoid that's the left and I think in the west and the energy now is with the right part of it's because youth are always rebellious against the Orthodoxy but part of it is that um they're very of what the left wants for them and Ukraine is sort of a wakeup call on a lot of fronts here in the United States I was listening to a senator today who has voted against every energy and uh initiative and I and he was asked on the radio deliberty are you going to support fracking and are you and he said I've always supported fracking what are you doing this to me I mean he just blatantly lied because he felt that to reveal his true intentions was a suicide I packed in November [Music]
Channel: John Anderson Media
Views: 469,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Id: QoW7Dnfjmcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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