The Predator Species Complete Biology and Culture Explained

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the yaa species from the Predator movies are one of the coolest and most interesting sci-fi creatures with loads of fleshed out law to them join me in exploring the different aspects of their biology and culture from across the various movies comic books novels and video games thank you and enjoy the video when a predator removes its biome mask one of the first features the viewer will notice are the distinct mandibles overlaying the creature's mouth they are comprised of four parts which are controlled independently from one another and have a long Fang at the end of each one they are connected on each side by a membrane of skin which act like cheeks and allow the mouth to close shut when they are fully opened out the Predator's main mouth can be seen inside with fleshy gums and small sharp teeth towards the back of the mouth is the opening to the throat which can open and close while not yet confirmed behind this opening the Predator may have additional teeth perhaps molers which would allow it to chew its food in the movie The Predator both predators in the film were seen to attack by biting first The Fugitive bit into the arm of one of his captors during his escape and later on the Assassin bits the head off of a star a soldier while we have not yet seen the Predator eating on screen in Predator 2 we are told that the City Hunter had been tracked entering a meat factory and that he was likely feeding on the beef in the comic books and novelizations this aspect is explored a bit further and we see them eating mostly meat but some plant matter as well so it would seem the AER are omnivorous but lean a little bit more to the carnivorous side this makes sense as they have sharp teeth so would be best suited for eating meat also seen being prepared is a brew which seems to have a similar effect to alcohol and in the video game predator hunting grounds the player can regain their health by eating wild BS the mandibles are used as well to Aid in communication and by clicking their teeth together will produce a number of vocalizations which are used alongside croaks and growls to talk among themselves alongside the vocal mimicry function of the bi mask predators are seen to be able to imitate noises they hear such as human speech much like some types of birds can this was seen mostly in Predator 1 and two with the jungle and City Hunter Predators replicating human speech this seems to be something that later films would not have in them as much which is a shame as I think it's an interesting thing that they did and to my recol ction they don't even do it at all in the last couple of movies but I think I would like to see this concept reintroduced in a future film depending on the individual or which subspecies they belong to the mandibles may also be differently shaped and have additional tusks and fangs coming out of them in Predator 1 and AVP the Predators were seen to have the more common type of mandibles but in Predator 2 and avpr these were seen with more tusks coming from the bottom mandibles in Predators the super Predator was seen to have really large mandibles which opened laterally and looked more insect likee resembling the jaws of a beetle and in prey the feral Predator had its own style of mandibles which were spaced far apart and opened very wide in a vertical fashion if a mandible is lost it will not grow back and it is gone forever a distinctive trait from the AER present in the pr alien xenomorph type are the man Ables and they are seen in every depiction of the creature in the movie avpr they were used to latch onto a host's face much like a face hugger and when infected with the black goo pathogen a predator was seen to grow eight additional mandibles as part of its mutation an often cited piece of trivia is that while Stan Winston is credited with the overall Predator creature design it was actually James Cameron who gave him the idea to incl clude the mandibles as during a conversation he told Stan Winston that he'd always wanted to see a creature design that featured them in the Predator movies the outar seem to have bioluminescent green blood one of the most instantly recognizable and unique quirks of their biology originally the filmmaker's intent was to actually have the Predator's blood be orange so it would contrast with the jungle environment of the film but the substance was difficult to produce in the quantities they needed and so they instead used the liquid from inside green glow sticks as that was an easier and more readily available option so in the end the blood became green to create the viscosity that had be required the glow stick liquid was mixed with a lubricant and this has been how the blood has been made for the movie since so that's the short answer and the reason why from a film making perspective but what we really want to know is the reason why in Universe in real life chromoproteins are what gives blood its color and different types of animals can have different chroma proteins in most vertebrates the chroma proteins contain iron which is what gives it its red color but in many crustations and mollusks theirs contain copper which gives their blood a blue color so whatever chroma proteins the Predators blood has would be what gives it its distinctive green color sulf hemoglobin IIA is a condition in which there is excess sulfur in the blood the pigment is a greenish derivative of hemoglobin and can turn the person's blood green so it is possible the Chromo proteins in the Predator's blood contain sulfur also in some worms their blood can appear to be green the chromoprotein in their blood is similar to hemoglobin but the affinity for oxygen tends to be weaker therefore it looks green in diluted Solutions but appears light red in con concentrated Solutions the Predator's blood is also bioluminescent which means when a living organism emits light this is caused by chemical reactions usually when the compound reacts with oxygen so it is possible the blood only glows when it comes into contact with the air but does not do so when inside the body an oversight to the Predator's design can be seen when looking at the inside of the mouth and go areas and also in AVP when the Predator gives himself a scope scar with the xenomorph acid these areas appear pink like they would on as humans but the reason these skinless fleshy areas appear pink is because they have blood vessels near the surface and our red blood is what gives them their pink color so on a predator these areas should more closely resemble their own blood color Predator Blood also has lifegiving and healing properties which can give virtually any known species revitalized strength and extended lifespans in the video game Predator Concrete Jungle when the Scarface Predator was shot by Isabella bour she and her newborn baby Hunter were drenched in the out's blood which kept them alive for a century especially for Hunter who otherwise would have died shortly after birth however it needed to be constantly replenished in order for him to remain alive and he would use his cyborg Army to capture other yger to be Vamp pariz and in the comic book Aliens versus Predator Eternal Gideon son Lee was another human who consumed Predators blood in order to maintain his youth only he would take entire organs at the time of his death he was 738 years old and finally in the novel Aliens versus Predator prey the Y of blood was also able to partially neutralize the xenomorph corrosive acid one of the most recognizable features which give the Predators their unique appearance are the so-called dread locks also referred to as dreads quills or my personal favorite padlocks these are hairlike appendages seen growing from the back and sides of a Ya's head their name comes from their similar appearance to the hairstyle of the same name worn by some humans depending on the individual smaller versions of them can also be seen growing from the brow and facial areas as well as on the shoulders torso arms and legs they can also vary in length with some Predators having shoulder length dreads and others measuring a couple of feet and the feral Predator from prey had thinner dreadlocks and more of them they are usually black but other Predators have been seen to have different colors such as the falconer who had brown ones Berserker whose wear black with red tips and like hair they lose their pigment with age as the elders from Predator 2 and Alien versus Predator both had gray dreadlocks small rings are commonly seen in them which may signify which clan they come from they ranking within the clan or simply a form of jewelry for decoration as predators are known to do this with bones and other body parts taken from their prey some yaer have been seen wearing their dreadlocks in different styles notably top knot a predator from the comics Sharman from Predator 2 who had very long dreads held in a clip and in the AP Extinction game the military Hydra and Blazer had them tied back in a ponytail thought to be done in the same vein as earth-based Armed Forces will shave the heads of their soldiers and in the game Predator Concrete Jungle the captured Predators were seen to have their dreadlocks cut off likely for surgical reasons to give easier access to the brain as bour industries were turning them into cyborgs also their PR alien xenomorph cast will inherit the dreadlocks from the host as did the specimen seen in Aliens versus Predator requim there is some debate on whether they actually are hairs like on his Earth mammals or fleshy organs that serve a sensory function it's not been explained out right and there are good points for both arguments there's not necessarily a correct answer and they can differ across the various media forms they've depicted in from the movies comic books novelizations and video games some sources suggest the dreadlocks are not hair but fleshy growths that provide the Predator with an additional sense such as a nose eyes or ears all do either to Aid with detecting heat or a different one entirely in the 1996 comic book predators strange R when the Yer known as the golly wamp had some of his dreadlocks shot off they were shown to bleed in one scene from predators from 2010 we see a predator skull which has holes for the dreads to grow from so perhaps they could be rooted into the brain itself and in 2018s the Predator the scientist character theorizes the dreadlock scene on the Predator dogs maybe some sort of sensory receptors dreads that all about I don't know maybe like like sensory receptors and as for the possibility of them being the Predator's version of hair across the Predator's body numerous little examples of the dreads can be seen in the same places humans can get facial and body hair such as along the brow the cheek and Chin areas shoulders back abdomen and on the arms and legs they are seen to lose their Pig just like animal hair as seen on older members of their species and in the concrete jungle game when some of the imprisoned predators are seen with theirs cut off they are not bleeding but just appear to have been cut short alike with hair and with no detriment to their perception and finally Stan Winston who designed the creatures in the first and second movies was known to refer to the Predator dreadlocks as quills apparently likening them to feathers or porcupine quills suggesting that this is what he saw them as being an interesting detail to note is that when creating the cloaking effect in the first two films the creatures dreadlocks tended to be ignored and were simply removed from the image according to the team that worked on the effect the reason for this was intentional as it would have been too time consuming to render each individual dreadlock using the technology of the time and it was only seen to be done in a couple of shots but in later films it was made easier with the use of CGI yaa Prime is the home planet of the yaa species also known as the predators in AP requium it is shown orbiting a binary star system consisting of a gtype star and a smaller Red Dwarf star judging from the numbers of rocks we see in orbit around the planet it would likely have a ring system the planet surface is earthlike but with high temperatures and has at least two major biomes a dry hot desert environment and a humid wet jungle biome the feral Predator from prey was confirmed to be from the desert region and the jungle Hunter Clan are likely from the tropical area the terrain is mostly made up of mountains and canyons and intense volcanic activity is present with the volcanic regions known to contain areas of lethal radioactivity its atmospheric composition is almost identical to Earth's allowing the Predators to breathe on our planet it at least temporarily and the reverse would also be likely it also has a stronger gravitational pull giving the yaer the impressive physical strength they are known for the architecture of the Predator civilization is made up of pyramids statues buildings and other structures with a similar design language to their hunting equipment not much is known about the native life of the world but there seems to be a plethora of wildlife including the cipus a flying insecto the VRA a winged Beast also known as the Phoenix which spear Masters would craft their unique armor from and the quater re one of the planet's fiercest creatures the Skin and Bones of which are used to create a ceremonial biom mask the most noteworthy of course are the yaer themselves which are broken down into three known subspecies the classic Predators super predators and feral Predators classic predators are the most commonly seen type such as jungle Hunter City Hunter and Scar super Predators a slightly larger type with a different head shape examples of this species are Berserker Falconer and tracker and the feral Predators a more Savage primitive type with their own appearance the only known individual is known as the feral Predator individual groups factions and communities of the alcher are usually referred to as tribes or Clans with the two terms being used interchangeably depending on the specific tribe each may follow slightly different laws and rituals but most follow a similar code of honor where only dangerous enemies are to be hunted and killing those who do not pose any threat are deemed dishonorable any Yer who disobeys this code become known as bad Bloods essentially Yer criminals and outcasts a few examples of these tribes are the Lost Hunters the is olated Clan and the dark blade Clan the main ruling authority of yra prime are the Council of ancients who act as spiritual leaders of the species and provide guidance and structure via the laws they create the council is responsible for keeping sacred y of rituals and traditions alive and to also uphold the honor and integrity of the species as a whole and will ruthlessly destroy anything that sulles that honor thousands of years ago an advanced insect alien race called the amangi invaded the planet of yaa Prime and Enslaved the more primitive ancestors of the yaer who were then known as the his the amangi ruled over the hish ruthlessly using them primarily for slave labor food and as a means of entertainment specifically for fighting competitions however after becoming soft from centuries of luxury the amangi were suddenly subject to a massive Uprising led by an unusually strong and intelligent hish known as Kil despite their advanced technology the amangi were overwhelmed by the rebels and slaughtered the survivors were themselves enslaved by the his who seized their advanced technology and used it for themselves although the story about the amangi enslaving and then becoming overthrown by their predators isn't really considered Cannon I think it would explain how a seemingly primitive acting tribal society would have access to things like energy weapons and Interstellar spaceships the predator species also known as the Alger are shown to hold value in the momentos taken from their most worthy kills these typically include those from the deadliest creatures they hunt trophies can include a variety of items most commonly a piece of the victim's body is taken but items of personal significance to the original own owner may be claimed as well the body itself may also be mutilated and left behind in most cases trophies are collected by aler as a means to display their skill recovered trophies are often displayed proudly in a dedicated cabinet or room some are even warn about the out's person if it is of a small size the most common form of trophy collected is the victim's skull sometimes with or without the spinal cord still attached a removed skull will be meticulously cleaned the Flesh and muscles stripped from it and the brain and other organs removed before being displayed alongside other trophies collected by the individual or those of the entire Clan one of the most commonly seen types of trophies are human skulls although not much threat to a Yer physically humans are one of the deadliest prey animals a predator can hunt due to their intelligence cunning weapons and Tech technology quality trophies from Human Warriors are held in high regard another highly prized trophy are the skulls of Xenomorphs and a outa's first xenomorph kill is considered a right of passage after defeating a xenomorph a predator will advance to the next stage of their social hierarchy known as being blooded xenomorph trophies of drones Warriors and others from human born Xenomorphs are displayed proudly but there is one xen Mor which the skull is not valued and that is that of the pred alien which is viewed as an Abomination and insult to the outra species predators are sometimes seen to have trophy skools taken from other outra but these are a lot more rare and are usually seen in possession of bad Bloods though honorable predators are seen to take them sometimes if they have defeated a willing y your opponent or have themselves defeated a bad blood or rival subspecies like a super Predator some other schools from different alien creatures are seen in the movies Predator 2 AV requium predators and in prey the feral Predator was seen hunting other Earth animals one trophy we see him take is the skull of a wolf which he battled and killed smaller skulls and other bones may be worn about the Predator's person being strung through necklaces or attached to their armor in some cases the victim's body itself becomes the trophy the body will be fled of all skin disembed and hung by the feet from a height in some cases the corpse is not recovered and is left as a warning or taunt to any other prey who may discover it as well as an indication of the Predator's worth and experience to other Predators this is seen to be done to prey who did put up a fight but were not quite worthy of having their skull t taken which is reserved for the best prey in less common cases a trophy may not be a part of the victim's body but an item of personal Worth to them for example the Elder Predator encountered by Mike haragan in Los Angeles had in its possession a flint lock pistol dating from the 18th century originally claimed from a pirate Captain named Raphael adolini as shown in the comic book Predator 1718 or as later depicted in prey it was traded to Naru from a French Voyager and somehow ended up in the hands of the Elder if a member of another species defeats a predator honorably or fights alongside it they may be presented with a trophy of their own in the form of a weapon or other artifact super Predators also sometimes referred to as super black Predators or berserk outa are a subspecies of the outa race and were first introduced in the movie Predators from 2010 they are similar in size to slightly larger than classic Predators at around 7 ft tall their skin has a more reptilian appearance and is scaly in addition to having different pigmentation another feature is their dreadlocks which are more swept back than normal Yer and come in a variety of colors they possess a longer face with more exaggerated mandibles giving them a somewhat more reptilian insect hybrid looking effect and a more elaborate shape to the top of their head a super Predators vocalizations tend to sound deeper and overall different from those of classic Yer alongside their physical traits they differ in terms of culture unlike their cousins they have no quarms about killing an unarmed enemy they appear to Value trophies and large number of kills rather than honoring the hunt it is said that they are constantly trying to improve themselves to become better killers and that is why they use the most dangerous of prey in order to hone their technology and tactics the super Predators share a similar characteristic with the kill aler as they have also captured and controlled Xenomorphs for their own use the super Predator Clan is at war with the jungle Hunter Clan it is described as a blood Feud spanning for Millennia the feud was triggered by the nightstorm Predator very little is known about him Beyond his presence on Earth 4,000 years ago partaking in one of the first Earthly xenomorph Huns in ancient Egypt however he disapproved of the aljona code believing it allowed prey far too much leeway thus he departed to form his own faction Desiring to unite all super Predators under his own leadership his status cemented him as a legendary Elder who only hunted the most worthy of adversaries in Jungle Hunter Culture Night storm is considered a devil super predators are speculated to be bad Bloods meaning they are outcasts who are at war with the honorable Yer super Predators also are seen to possess unique weapons and equipment which differ from those seen on other Predators they have only a single blade on their wrist gauntlets instead of a twin pair and have different plasma casters Berserkers had a rotating Barrel allowing for a faster rate of fire and trackers could be charged creating a blast so powerful that it could vaporize a human super Predator armor is less bulky and more streamlined the falconer super Predator was shown using a predator Falcon drone to track his prey so far super predators are the only Yer known to use Falcons hellhounds are used by the super Predator Clan to flush out out their prey the hounds were controlled by the tracker Predator they have a high pain tolerance and are very resilient as evidence by them surviving wounds which would be fatal to creatures from Earth hounds most closely resemble therapsids which were reptilian looking ancestors of mammals and the creatures are covered in spikes and tusks super Predators were seen on the game preserved planet where they captured and released the deadliest species from different worlds to then track down and hunt pitting themselves up against these creatures would put the super Predators skills to the test and they would also learn from their prey and adopt their weaponry and techniques this planet was covered with tropical jungle and orbited a gas giant it also had a longer day and night cycle than Earth's and had no magnetic north a xenomorph spawned from a super Predator host is known as a Berserker alien this PR alien type has a red and black coloration and lacks the dreadlocks of a classic PR alien it is among the deadliest known Xenomorphs super predators are far rarer than classic types the individuals known to exist are Berserker the clan leader of the game preserved Planet Predators Falconer a member of berserker's tribe he was seen using a falcon drone to scout with tracker the third member of berserker's Hunting Party he was the keeper and trainer of the hellhounds nightstorm the super Predator who began the feud with the classic Predators scavage a descendant of nightstorm he was half super predator and half classic Predator and an honorable Warrior LV 412 Berserker a super Predator who Beed a striking resemblance to the game preserved Planet Yer of the same name at some point he gained the ability to control a hive of Xenomorphs the Predator language is a complex verbal in written language used by the yger it is depicted in the form of dashes and curved symbols though these may just be different fonts It Is vocalized by a series of growls croaks and clicking of the teeth and has its own alphabet although this is mainly from promotional material for the films and may not be truly Cannon to the films themselves as the chance of an alien language translating perfectly to the 26 letter English alphabet is a bit too much of a coincidence as even other Earth languages don't translate as directly as that but it is still a cool little thing for us fans to discuss here is the alphabet for the language and there are even word translators online so you can type in what you want and it'll be translated for you here also is a list of known words spelled phonetically which comes from the novelizations and comic books although in some of the movies the alphabet doesn't match exactly such as in prey where we see through the feral predator's Vision there is some text that doesn't match this alphabet so this could possibly mean that there are numerous different languages that the Predators have this would make sense as the feral Predator was said by the filmmakers to have been from a different hemisphere of yra prime so could speak a different language to other out just seen before him perhaps feral predators and super Predators could have their own distinct languages also obviously I don't think when they're making a film that they'd make sure to be that accurate what was essentially just a marketing tool for the first movie's 3D Blu-ray release so I think they would have just made the symbols look like they belong to the Predator language I realized they're just movies and it's not that deep but I do still find that sort of stuff fun to think about not all yger communication is expressed verbally and they use a lot of body language as well that is used to portray emotion for example an arched back and flared mandibles indicate rage Andor aggression an arm raised up diagonally means they are guarded and head bowed and eyes down shows submission to a superior sometimes predators are apparently able to understand some human words and phrases such as in Predator 2 when the Predator Elder gives haragan the flint lock he says take it and does so without a biom mask and in Predator one the jungle Hunter would repeat words he heard Dutch and his team say both with and without wearing his mask though in this movie it isn't really inferred that the Predator necessarily understands what they are saying the use of a predator using its biom mask to record and play playback sounds is called vocal mimicry and they will use this to seemingly employ a sort of psychological warfare when hunting in the 2018 movie The Predator when the Predators are talking what they are saying is translated on screen by the use of subtitles also towards the end of the film The Assassin uses a voice translator to translate what he is saying directly into English one question I have about the Predators having a written language is that if they see in the infrared light spectrum rather than the visible light then how would they read their own scripture perhaps since we see it a lot of the time lit up on their risk horners and search that light could perhaps give off heat for them to see it but at the same time we also see it written in carvings and runes so how would they be able to see [Music] those the yaer on a code is a rule which governs the Predator's conduct during the hunt it details under what circumstances a hunter May kill a prey creature and when they may not the code is strict and to break it purposefully accidentally or even unwillingly is a near irredeemable offense in many situations all Hunters are expected to hunt and kill while adhering to the code and tradition if they breach the codee yaer are expected to submit themselves for punishment honorably failure to do so marks a yaer as a bad blood in either case he is then excommunicated altogether from society and considered fair game for the remaining honorable Hunters some predators are specifically tasked with hunting down code Breakers that flee from punishment or hide their failures these are called enforcers or arbitrators it is not entirely impossible for a Yer that has in some way broken the code to regain their honor such opportunities are rare and limited to very specific circumstances as seen with Scarface in order to even be offered the chance of redemption the outter in question must have acknowledged the breach of code and willingly accept the punishment for that violation in the case that they are offered a chance to redeem themselves they are assigned a mission that must be complet pleed or die trying those who break the code are branded as bad Bloods they are considered an insult to outra culture and are to be killed on site when encountered when hunting the hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game and lawful to hunt worthy game must be strong enough to defend itself and or be capable of killing the hunter of age meaning hunting children or the elderly is not honorable not linked directly to other lives EG pregnant women and not weakened by disease killing prey when using less equipment is considered a greater prize and Hunters should give their prey a fighting chance if the prey demands close combat the hunter is to fight to their prey standards and should minimize the use of their plasma Caster or other projectiles to take the trophy of another Yer living or dead is considered to be a great insult for example two unblooded go on their first hunt one Yer takes on a xenomorph and both are mortally wounded while the wounded Hunter is dying the other Hunter conveniently finishes off the prey and claims the killer as his own abandoning the wounded yaer this is a crime that can be paid for with abandonment or death to kill another yger intentionally holds severe consequences this excludes self-defense and killing an opponent in a fight to settle a dispute murder is the worst crime AA can commit those that have defeated a predator in a fair fight or thought bravely alongside them should be considered a worthy adversary or Ally and shown respect if they are of an intelligent species and capable of rational thought also if this is the case they will often be given a gift as a token to show that they have earned the 's respect those who have done no harm should have no harm done to them it can be inferred that this rule must pertain only to harming other outter in their society since they hunt and kill members of many species one would call innocent it can also be inferred that bad blood Predators would ignore this rule either in part or in whole if the prey is sick or already injured it is not considered honorable the exception being if the Predator himself was the one who injured it then he is allowed to finish the prey off or if the sick or wounded attacks first then the Predator can kill it in self-defense weapons of warfare like the Blazer and electroshock missile battery are forbidden by non-military cast Hunters these are considered too destructive to constitute a hunting weapon a bad blood means a predator who has turned against its own kind and or severely violated aspects of the yaa on aode intentional or otherwise bad Bloods are generally seen as more hostile or mentally unstable Predators these sadistic Hunters have turned their back on their own kind becoming Rogues who will kill any prey they want including non-combatants and even other Predators if the individual flees before accepting punishment there can be no forgiveness according to Predator tradition and honorable predators are allowed to eliminate the outcasts on site bad Bloods are never accepted back into Predator society and are banished from yra Prime until they are hunted down themselves they wander aimlessly through the universe either hiding from enforcers or fulfilling their insociable blood lust bad Bloods still use the skills taught to them by their brothers but they use them dishonorably and P for their own personal gain Bad Blood equipment is usually the same as a normal Predators though some have been known to possess unique weapons bad Bloods will often form their own Clans who have been known to go to war with those who are still on aound not all honor code violations are done intentionally and some predators may have broken the codes due to mistakes carelessness or through brainwashing if an honorable Predator violates the code and is at risk of being labeled a bad blood if they submit to their punishment depending on the offense they can be given a chance to redeem thems and work to reclaim their previous standing however these opportunities for Redemption consist of incredibly dangerous missions where death is far more likely than success in addition to any honorable Hunter being allowed to kill them certain predators are specifically tasked with hunting down known bad Bloods and eliminating their existence this cast are known as enforcers enforcers are Yer that hold a special ranking within Predator culture unlike other out that hunt worthy game enforcers hold the position of hunting down Rogue bad Bloods and putting an end to their existence enforcers can essentially be seen as a form of Predator law enforcement ensuring that those who disgrace the Yer species are swiftly put to Justice whether they serve as a literal police force however is unknown it could be that they serve as bounty hunters or perhaps simply act solely out of personal Duty the super Predator Clan are presumed to be bad Bloods as they were engaged in a long running conflict with the classic Predators for unknown reasons it is possible they had been sent to the game reserve as their punishment because of this they may be hated by the wi out of society notable Bad Blood predator s include the Bad Blood Predator the first official Bad Blood depicted from the comic book Predator Bad Blood a mentally unstable and psychotic oucher that began a mass murder Rampage in New Jersey whilst being simultaneously hunted by an enforcer Predator devil from Predator dark river presumably killed by detective schaer this Hunter had in fact survived and become enraged and unhinged killing any Outsiders encountered armed or not and was hellbent on finding and eliminating schaer tendai from Alien versus Predator prey an ill-tempered Yer who exhibited signs of Dishonor and disrespect even before truly turning Bad Blood after leaving his pack leader for dead he murdered another Predator from his own tribe and killed several unarmed humans including children two stripes from Al versus Predator blood time an unblooded Predator who left a fellow Hunter for dead and then attempted to claim his xenomorph kill as his own the Mad Predator from the Alien versus Predator arcade game he was impregnated by face hugger and turned into an infecto which subsequently caused him to go on a murderous Rampage poaches from the video game aliens versus predator Extinction they were a rival Clan using a planet with exclusive hunting rights it turned out that they weren't bad Bloods at all but were another powerful Clan pitted against the players Clan to see who would win in battle Swift knife long Spear and stonehart from the Predator concrete jungle game they were captured by bour Industries and tortured brainwashed and turned into cyborgs Berserker Falconer and tracker from the movie Predators a trio of super Predators who were at war with the jungle Hunter style yaer they had captured a classic Predator and crucified him and the Assassin Predator from the movie The Predator a genetically hybridized Abomination he had been enhanced using the DNA of different species to turn himself into a super soldier as predators are known for adhering to a code of conduct while hunting I find it really interesting to hear about the ones that go against it essentially the Predator equivalent of criminals and serial killers I think it would be cool to see them explored in another movie and we could get some more predator on Predator fights like we saw in predators and to a lesser extent the Predator a yaa Clan also referred to as a tribe is a group of predators who both live and Hunt together similar to humans Predators live live and function in communal groups it is said that hunting Clans are made up almost exclusively of males who live a nomadic lifestyle aboard large spacecraft while females take residents on planets and mainly raise Offspring but some have been seen to be Hunters as well males will presumably return to yaa Prime and its colonies to mate or to retire into non-hunting professions predators in the same Clan will refer refer to themselves as brothers or brother Warriors these groups contain individuals who share certain characteristics such as appearance technological standards and Customs though the specifics may be different the vast majority of predators operate in accord to an honor code that is strict and demands harsh Redemption if broken if Redemption is offered at all however not all predators appear to exist within a clan once the out to reach blooded status they've proven they can hunt without assistance and supervision as they've effectively become adults to their kin and are free to leave and hunt on their own if they choose to do so to become a full member of a clan known as being blooded will consist of the young Predator having to pass a test of his hunting skills often the xenomorph is used as it is the deadliest species known to the aler the young Predator will need to successfully defeat his xenomorph and Mark himself with the Clan's Insignia in its blood while not shown it is likely that other tests or species are used by different Clans as we see mature accomplished Hunters with no acid scar on their heads tribes are led by a single individual known as a clan leader the most experienced and dominant Yer will fill this position a clan leader can also have their places usurped via a challenge from a lower ranked Hunter Predators who are members of a clan will hold a ranking to indicate their status experience and seniority within it although in some Clans they can very slightly in naming but the general order goes in ascending order from most Junior to most senior unblooded a newly recruited Predator who has not even completed basic Hunter training the lowest standing within a clan Young Blood adolescent Yer that have completed their basic training regimen they will have some hunting experience and proficiency blooded when a young blood successfully completes the blooding ritual they are considered an adult within their society and are now trusted to hunt alone without the supervision of superiors Elite sometimes called veteran these highly skilled and experienced Yer have mastered the art of hunting an elite may choose to enter into a specialized role ancient second to a clan leader a AER who is among the absolute most accomplished clan members serves as a direct adviser to the clan leader and clan leader or Elder as the title suggests the most powerful member of a yra tribe at least in honorable Clans a clan leader is thought to be selected or at least approved by the Council of ancients the Council of ancients are the prime ruling authority of the yaer and are responsible for running their society and keeping sacred yaa rituals and traditions alive Clans can also be formed out of bad Bloods and it is likely that otherwise solitary and Outcast Hunters come together to increase their survival chance against the mainstream honorable Hunters the super Predator Clan and killers are two tribes comprised of bad Bloods and both of them are in Perpetual conflict with other Mort traditional Clans the conflict between the super predators and jungle Hunter Clan was referred to by Ronald Noland as a blood Feud like individual Predators Clans can be hailed and distinguished however it is possible for an entire Clan to be disgraced and banished this could be one Avenue for a bad blood Clan to form when the hunters therein do not end their own lives as is expected by the onor code yaa will respect other Sapient creatures and will go so far as to blood them if they prove to be respectable in combat specifically against Xenomorphs as their honor and laws demand it while not outright hostile a non-a member can expect to be ignored and isolated by some yaer who may not respect other species even if they are of bloody rank or perform amazing feats worthy of Praise younger Warriors prone to disrespect anyway will openly Challenge and disrespect the non out for an alien the Hunter's white is said to be senseless and forever Out Of Reach some notable examples of different Clans and tribes from across the different Predator movies comic books and video games include the jungle Hunter Clan the Los Angeles Hunting Party the dark blade Clan the feral Clan the isolated Clan the enforcer Clan the super Predator Clan the shandai clan the mil military cast the Tartarus Clan the Council of ancients and the elite Clan the majority of the out seen across the various Predator movies Comics novels and video games appear to be males going by their basic anatomy and body proportions which does make sense from a human perspective as with USS in nature males would tend to fill the role of hunters and soldiers and are more likely to use violence whether offensively or defensively so if predators do indeed have male and females like with us we would be far more likely to encounter male yers if they were hunting humans there aren't many sources which go into the two genders when it comes to Predator law and the topic is rarely explored but there are some examples with female Predators featured in or at least mentioned some stories say that the females of the species live mostly on yaa Prime and its colonies and rear the young which are referred to as sucklings or sometimes suckers pups or younglings like females of the species infants are mentioned sparingly in extended Universe sources and where pictured appear to be smaller meaker versions of the adult yaer it is unknown if yaer are born in litters or if single births are common however most siblings observed appear to be similar in age and come in Duos or trios depictions of female Predators can vary and there is no standard set as some sources describe them with humanlike feminine features While others show them as looking similar to the males but even bigger some of the most noteworthy female ych are seen include sister midnight a female predator who features in a comic book crossover between which blade alien the dark nurse and Predator called Mind Hunter she joins an alliance with Sarah Pini and Jackie EST cardo to defend the Earth from a xenomorph infestation Big Mama a female yger from AVP dead list of the species a comic book where a predator allies with humans to defeat the xenomorph white hybrid King also in the video game predator hunting grounds female Predators feature as able characters to choose from like Cleopatra pirate and Valkyrie and in some novels there are female Predators featured the Council of ancients are the prime ruling authority of the Ure as their name implies there were a council of ancient Predators spiritual leaders of the species within Clans there are typically only one ancient meaning that the council might have been composed of several ancients from several different Clans if the clan trials have commenced and been successful the council would actually be composed of two clans the Ancients themselves and their eventual successors not much information can be discerned about the Council of ancients as its source mentions it rather sparingly what is known is that they hold superiority over all other clans which look to it for guidance and structure via the laws it creates Clans must also petition the council to have exclusive access called exclusive hunting rights to a planet for hunting purposes the council is responsible for keeping sacred yra rituals and traditions alive it is also responsible for meting out punishment when particularly egregious slights against Predator kind arise from non-predator races such as humans the council is shown to in a way be responsible for the honor and integrity of the species as a whole and will ruthlessly destroy anything that sulles that honor be it Hunter human or xenomorph if the Ancients have selected successors following the completion of the proper trials once done the 2B Council acts as a subordinate Clan to the current Council and directly carries out their edicts it is unknown if the failure to do this disqualifies the otherwise selected Clan to maintain their mantle as ancients ancient Clans do not rule forever after a point in time they begin to look at the strongest and most distinguished of lesser Clans to be successors these Clans once chosen are not notified of their nomination but pitted against each other in a violent Clash whilst viewing the others as poachers on the planet they rightfully have exclusive hunting rights to they use imported Alien X to test a Clan's hunting press in an area when distance becomes an issue the Ancients order their chosen to participate in Clan trials a pair of formal hunts designed to Showcase a clan skill these are the trials of bravery and stealth succeeding in the first trial distinguishes a clan winning the second trial one of Bravery requiring the infiltration of a mature Hive and the slaying and TR try making of a Queen alien secures a selected Clans position as successors to the council
Channel: Infinity SciFi
Views: 212,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: predator, prey, yautja, predators, predator lore, predator blood, predator yautja, wolf predator, scar predator, jungle hunter, lost tribe, elder predator, berserker predator, feral predator, super predator, neca feral predator, neca predator, avp, alien romulus, avpr, prey scene, avp scene, predator scene, infinity scifi, predator movies, predator explained, predators explained, yautja explained, yautja lore, classic predator
Id: 2cFZcb6z8NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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