"The Power & Purpose of Praise & Worship" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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Luke ate y'all and look at ya verse 4 and when a great multitude had gathered and they had come to him from every city he spoke by a parable no saw went out to sow his seed and has he sold something fell by the wayside and it was trampled down and the birds of the air devoured it some fell on rock and as soon as it's spring of it withered away because it lacked moisture and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it another's fell on good ground sprang up and yielded a crop a hundredfold when you said these things he cried he who has ears to hear let him hear look at your neighbor said it's time to hear now it's time tell them on the other side here this tell them here this you can be seated but for you in that sweet that's worship right there I want to talk to you today from this chapter the blue gate eighth chapter and I want to set the stage for the word by talking about the fact that Jesus uses a parable to teach a lesson and the lesson he wants to teach answers a question some questions that I've had for a long time and from a pastoral standpoint he helped to me this passage helped me would struggle with something I struggle with from time to time with just people I struggle with people we have a great church if we didn't have to have people in it people people people people people and and what what what challenges me and bothers me has bothered me until Jesus helped me get an understanding about it is I struggle with the fact that you care about people you love people you're pouring the people you pray for people you counsel people you cry with people rejoice with people only to discover that people don't change you cry with them talk to them share the truth with them they disappear I don't know if you know what it's like I have I have a pastor's heart ever pastor's heart which means I love people and I want to see people move forward and I want to see them grow and I want to see them develop I want to see him get to know Jesus never pastor's heart I'm not just a preacher I just don't come and just preach and just leave I love people and I get stressed out when I pour into people then don't see them no more disappear off the face of the planet or or they come every now and then y'all notice and nobody say Amen right there because that's what some of y'all are your you are some tiny people sometimes look at your leg and say when the last time you've been here go here look at him ask him sometime tell me Allah once a month people something I wants every six month people but some of y'all the first Sunday only people only when when your choir sing and you show up when you sing when ultimately God is after helping people become consistent and growing means having a level of consistency in your life and Jesus is speaking to this fact because he addresses the issue of why sometimes people are not consistent now it's 105 now I promise I'll be done by 2:30 you're strapped in your belt put your seatbelt on so I want to talk about the keys to sustainable spiritual growth the keys to sustain sustained and spiritual growth what is it that it takes for you to sustain growth now all y'all are here today I told the eight o'clock crowd I know that they are there at eight o'clock because they are hungry for Jesus they want more of God I know that's why the eight o'clock crowd you don't get up out of your bed at seven o'clock six o'clock in the morning to come to church unless you are hungry for God yeah y'all getting up don't y'all clap because y'all don't know nothing about that that's the eight o'clock crowd now a lot of twelve o'clock people - I love y'all but everybody is not here because they're interested in spiritual growth everybody's not here because they are interested in spiritual things some people just the thing to check off your list some of y'all come because you know your spouse made you come or whatever reason everybody everybody doesn't come because they're hungry for God I hate to say it but it's the truth but Jesus addresses this matter right here in this 8th chapter and that's what I want to talk about today this parable that he uses and he tells a parable about a sower who goes in Souls seed he souls the seed out and it and and the seeds land on various types of soil and based on the soil that it lands on it determines the result of the seed now there's some common components in this story so he goes out and the first common component is the sower somebody say it's the same sort because Jesus tells the parable and he says a sower not a multiplicity of swords not the swords a so it's the same sword it's the same person going out sowing out seed it's the same sword everybody in here has a sore in their life you have somebody who speaks truth to you somebody who challenges you somebody who tells you what you need to know to help you move forward and that's what the sword represents the person who disperses into your life that which you need to move forward now if you remember the First Baptist Church of Lonard your swords name is John Kay Jenkins see now you might have others but at least every week when you come to 600 Watkins Park Drive I'm sowing the seed somebody say the seed so I'm the source or passing on seeing I'm sowing and he's passing out the seed somebody say the seed the seed is the word of God and when you come to First Baptist Church with Martin you're going to have sown into your life the seed of the word we don't preach from the papers don't preach politics don't preach we preach the word amen we go to the word take it out of the word want you to apply to your life can I get a can I can't y'all say amen to that good lord y'all gotta say amen to that y'all know to aid you ain't nothing else true that's true we come right from the book you go to some churches they open up the Bible read the scripture close the book they'll refer back to the Bible the rest of the day that's not what this church is about so so with a sword and we're passing out to see it's the same seed same source same seeds it's not different you got people sitting here today everybody will hear from the same soil the same seed the same message but unfortunately the results will not be the same that's unfortunately if there's eight people on your row two of them is going to be wayside soil two going to be rocky soil two going to be thornfield soil to UM be good soil those are the four levels right there so four types of soil Wayside rocky thorny good it's eight people on the row which one of you yeah I know everything I'm the good one I'm gonna go everybody look at all eight people they're not the good ones and the point I'm making is everybody hears the word but it but people every I doesn't change everybody doesn't grow everybody done be spiritually mature but yet they hear the same word they get the same word but they don't change and Jesus explains why he says because everybody doesn't change is because even though it's the same soil and the same seed the problem is is the soil the soil determines what happens to the seed the soil determines what happens to the seed the soil determines what happens to the see look at your neighbor say the soil determines what happens to the sea and and he tells us these four types of soil because here's what hasn't happened to the seed the seed gets planted and then the seed has to die and when the seed dies the the shell around the seed breaks open has to be broken and then the seed will begin to germinate it will begin to spring roots out and eventually if it's in the right kind of soil if it's in the right environment if all the things are right the temperatures right if it's covered by the dirt if everything is right it will produce a crop something when you get that word planted in you and if the soil is right and the conditions are right something will change in you if it doesn't change the problem is not with the seed if you don't change the problem is not with the sword because every week I be coming out tossing out some seeds every section got to do it multiple time city section right here that these are young adults here they need multiple seats the first the first type of so he calls right here versa number eight number number number five verse or went out to sow his seed and has he sold some fell by the wayside holla back at me say wayside he sold it and it fell by the wayside and here's what happened it was trampled down and the birds of the air devoured it the seed was planted out birds of the air devoured it trampled it destroyed it he tells us in verse number twelve what that means he says in verse twelve those by the wayside are the ones who hear they heard it but here's what happens then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved here's old man I so profound right there because here's what happens this will happen somebody all the wayside you hear the word I mean you hear the word but then the devil comes and before you get home something has happened that has come and snatched the word out of your heart y'all got to get that in you got to get that down here's what happens before you get home be but but before the week is out something tragic something troublesome something problematic comes enters into your domain and the devil takes the word and that's what you got to know you have to know that God will plant a truth in you that will change your life get you in the right direction put you in the right course but the devil comes before it gets the opportunity to get planted and to die and to germinate and make production in your life and the devil will come and snatch it away and it's important for you to understand that because if you don't understand that this is a lifestyle this is the way our life has to be we come here every week with seeds being sold and words being planted and before you get home before the week is out the devil wants to snatch it and here's the truth the more profound and powerful the word is the more life-changing it will be the more effort the devil will put in it in order to snatch out of your hearts snatch away the seed of the fact that God loves you to see that there are consequences to your sins the seed of truth that you have a purpose and an assignment the seed of the truth that God has made provisions for your sins to be forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ before you know it the devil has snatched that away takes the truth out of your heart is the wayside the seed is fallen by the wayside didn't get planted you would get saying you would give your life to Jesus you will be committed but the devil snatches it then there's the second kind of soil right here in verse number six some fell on rock and as soon as it sprang up it wither away because it lacked moisture oh my gosh can I talk about that for a moment rocky soil somebody say rocky soil and it says about the rocky soil it sprang up did this you know let me tell you something whoo man that God just gave me this the seed is so powerful that will even germinate on rocks your heart could be as hard as can be but that word is so powerful it'll show life even when it doesn't have good soil to be planted yeah your heart is hard and so he says here I love this right here he says it withered away there was on the rocky heart rocky ground hard ground sprouting out and it withered away because it lacked moisture can I talk about that for a second moisture water it needs water one of the things a seed needs a lot of things it needs it needs oxygen it needs dirt it needs in these water moisture and I thought of thinking about what all of the things that the Scriptures could bench imagens moisture didn't mention the dirt he didn't mention in this particular case it didn't mention oxygen assists in these moisture and the moisture is a representation in the Bible it means the water means a couple is a symbol for several things in the Bible well one of the things I want to talk about that it symbolizes the power and presence of God matter of fact you can find that scatter all through the scriptures that that that Jesus said to the woman at the well in John you said when the woman came in and met him at the well jesus said to her if you knew who I was you would ask me for the water that I have to offer and I will give you living water and you will never have to come back to this well again some of y'all are going to the wrong whales for water you you're drinking from the wrong whale you you're drinking from the wells of the club and the whales of the nightclubs and the that's right I forgot the lounges you call them now you know from the well now you know what it's called I think I straighten that out last week it's the lounge now yeah y'all go after like y'all don't know what I'm talking about but I know y'all do when you go to that when you go to those thing you go to the club to the lounge and you go to the drinking into the drugs into the sex you'll have to come back to that lounge again but that place again but when you come to the presence of God when you come to Jesus he gives you water and you never have to come back again he satisfies you he feel he fulfills you he satisfies the thirst that represents that water that moisture represents the presence of God the glory of God and and here Jesus is saying that the seed failed to grow it died because it didn't have the presence and the power of God what are you saying pastor I'm saying we have to water our seeds and how do you water your seeds you got the seed is the word and and the water represents the presence of God Jesus told the the Pharisees on one occasion you do earth because you don't know the Scriptures nor the power of God in order to have both to grow and become everything God wants in your life you got to have the word and the power and presence of God see we got some people who can you can quote scriptures and they can quote them left and right but if you don't have any power to go along with it your life will never change I'm tired of seeing people who can quote scriptures but ain't got no power in their life somebody said how do I get the power of God in my life listen here grab this if you don't get nothing else today get this right here you need the power in presence of God and how do you get the presence of God you get the presence of God by worshipping Him you get the glory of God by worshiping him and praising him how do you know that pastor he inhabits the praises of his people he live in the midst of his people scattered throughout the Bible when people got together and worship God we see God step into the domain in a supernatural way when we see people worship Him some of y'all are too proud too arrogant too cute concerned a lot about what other people say about you to worship Him what I'm trying to tell you is God has been too good for you to you for you to be concerned about what other people think about you if you want the glory and the power of God in your life you better learn how to open your mouth and raise your hand and give God the glory the honor and the praise somebody say he's worthy he's worthy I want the glory of God I want the power of God I want the presence of God in my life that's the that's the water of his presence that's the moisture that gives the seed the opportunity to sprout and live is his presence you got to learn to to welcome his glory I know he lives in us I'm not talking about invite God just to show up you God don't come in and out of here who lives in you I'm talking about his glory shouting and she smeared all over not that power and that glory is is welcomed when we worship Him that's why I learned how to worship and while I'm walking down the street got up bless you I'm driving down the highway father I give you the glory of the earth I've learned how to praise him all the day long from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same I'm praising him all day long no matter what my circumstance no matter what my situation regardless of my drum all my pain tears running down my eyes got situations I can't solve but God I still praise you I know somehow someway you're gonna work it out I don't see how you're gonna do it I don't know how you're gonna do it but I bless I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth I magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together he's worthy to be praised if I could just get about a hundred people just say I will bless him I I will worship him I will open my mouth I will raise my hand I will give him the prize giving him the praise giving him the frames giving him the glory that's how your moisture that's how you bring moisture to the seed moisture to the seed somebody say moisture is present and its glory to the seat that's how it lives we've got to get that you got to get that you got to get that high-five somebody say you got to get that you got to get that that's what it's all about some of y'all the see won't live it won't it will spring up it'll stop you get it something will happen but he can't stay cuz you're too cute you're too arrogant worried about messing up your hair just write about your makeup and your clothes worry about what people say forget about what you look like forget about your weave in your hair forget about your makeups and bless him wake up and bless him and open your mouth and give him a shout open your mouth and give him sites tell him he's worthy to be praised worthy to be praised I feel a shot on me today I feel I worship down inside of me I'm one of those people who will bless him all the time talk about me laugh about me love me do it everyone is okay I'm gonna bless his name you know got me too far for me to sit down poem on all the pleasures all the grace of a miracle you think I won't be quiet on him you lost your mind ah oh you said somebody say I used to dance for the devil team that nothing for me you think I won't dance for Jesus when I think about where he brought me from when I think about the doors he's open when I think about the miracles he has brought in my life I will bless the Lord at all times I want you to tell three or four people look quick that's the moisture that's what invites the moisture my worship invites the mush somebody tell your neighbor I'm gonna worship him so much I'm gonna get a flood over my see I'm gonna worship him so much I'm gonna have rain falling so much I will have so many seeds so much now you know what's important about you know what's important about the moisture it helps produce the roots y'all miss a great spot this shot right there cuz seeds need to be able to expand his roots and and the reason this seed didn't make it cuz it's all rocky soil listen it's on rocky I love this service because I can take my time I'm telling y'all we might be out by 2:30 come on somebody say go and preach master take your time see the moisture see the reason the seed here on the rocky soil doesn't last is because the soil is hard is rock is hard and so this the roots have no place to go but moisture softens the soil it's my worship that softens my heart it's my praise that makes me appreciate where he brought me from and when you have a soft heart God can get the seed and root down in your soul y'all missed it y'all missed it do y'all get what I'm saying you didn't win your heart when your heart is soft the sea can go down deeper and he can sustain and last let me hurry up I'm finished with that take my time that's what I was wanting somebody to say take my time in verse 13 it says but the ones on the rock of those when they hear here's what happens they received the word with joy somebody said they receive it with joy but these have no roots who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away because since they have no root when temptation comes they just go with it they cannot resist temptation the thing that took them down before is still taking them down now who you only got to say man the thing that see there has to come a time in your life when that which you easily fail to you got to get to a point where it doesn't bother you in there you got to get to a place that when it calls your name you who hey you can walk on by y'all ain't hearing me here today you got to get to a place and that's why you need to see to the word planted in you need the presence of God because you can't tell temptation no without the presence of God but when you got the presence of God and you got that seed planted and it's rooted in the dirt that temptation can come and call you all day long it doesn't bother you cuz you got a see with some fruit y'all not here when I'm sayin anybody know does anybody know what I'm talking about has anybody ever been at a place that something as soon as it called your name you went for it but now it calls your name and you don't even hear it no more you don't respond you don't get weak no more your knees don't shots take it no more you can walk on by anybody know what I'm talking about do I have witnesses anywhere Oh number three number three I gotta hurry up verse seven gives us a third and some fell among thorns y'all see that verse 7 is some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it y'all see that right there verse 14 explains now the ones they fell among thorns verse 14 are those who when they have heard go out and are choked with cares riches and pleasures of life cares riches pleasures of life look at your neighbor cares riches pleasures of life look on the other side say cares riches pleasures of life did y'all tell them tell them one more time cares stop right there cares you know what that is work activities meet and distractions someplace to go something to do always got something got time for the word ain't got time for ministry ain't got time for church you got to work you got to go here you got a meetin you got a sorority mean fraternity me you got to go to the queues to AIDS the DS to B's you faithful to their means but you ain't faithful to the kingdom you gotta go to the Masons the eastern stars you gotta go all these other play that y'all II got to like me can I tell you something is those cares you chasing after taking care all this stuff you got your exercise mean you go to every Tuesday one more two more three more formula far more you give more money to that than you do to the kingdom you're more faithful to that than you are to the king y'all ain't got to like me you ain't never got to come back but why are you here you're gonna hear the truth from me while I cares choke it out you hear it but it soaks it out you hear it you receive it it's not that you don't know it it's not that you haven't heard it but the cares choke it out I gotta go to work got this meeting that mean this you get distracted distracted cares not only kids but riches the pursuit of wealth and abundance possessions in pursuit of stuff we have such a greedy culture y'all should all say it amen on that somebody said greedy greedy you gotta have a certain kind of car with certain kind of clothes even a certain kind of neighborhood and and the tragedy is you choked out the word you can you can draw the fanciest car but if you don't have some fruit in your life you ain't going nowhere I'd rather have a word in my life and fruit in my life a see planet that brings forth fruit and have to catch a bus at least I'm going on no way I'm going somebody who's your neighbor say but you some of y'all got fancy cars but you ain't going nowhere I'd rather catch the bus call me a you book car is it you boo boo uber whatever it's called I should have known the 12 o'clock crowd knew what that was the eight o'clock people didn't have no idea what I was talking about amen riches houses you're living in a house big old mansion but it ain't a home ain't no love in the house ain't no communication in the house is dry sad empty cuz you don't have us you don't have you have any seeds flourishing in I'm almost finished you chasing after riches you know what the Bible says you got to be careful when here's what I discovered see key first Matthew 6:33 the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things all these things he will add to you don't chase after the riches chase after God and he'll have the you'll have the the riches chase you I can't get no help up in here you'll have the riches track you debt on it catch up with you you chasing after the money chasing after the stuff it's the wrong thing I don't know I'm talking to but you hear Amen somebody say preach all past I'm doing the best okay that's what God's trying to tell you he's trying to tell you you got to stop check stop letting that those those things choke out the word cares riches and the pleasures of life the lust the strong desires somebody on your roll is full of lust don't look to the right of the left because they might be looking at you don't look to the left of the right is everybody looking at you just look straight ahead lust you got to have it doesn't matter what it costs whose lives whose life it damages what pain it causes it doesn't matter you got to have it that's that's the pleasures of life life god never designed life just to to circle around what you want and and verse 14 says and it brings no fruit to maturity no fruit that that that thorny soil produces absolutely no fruit some of y'all have no fruit no fruit in your life anyone Abadi to Jesus no change in your life somebody say no fruit here's a fourth and final thing I'll be finished it says right here verse eight I love this right here but others fail but others somebody say but others fell on good ground sprang up and yielded a crop a hundred for I love that somebody say good good soil I wonder what kind of soil are you are you good soil it yielded a crop it produced a crop multiply a crop if you did a harvest a hundred times what was put there that's real good soil what is good soil verse 15 look at verse 15 I'm finished but the work the ones that fail I was hoping somebody say keep on going past but that's okay I got y'all but the ones that fell on the good ground verse 15 are those who having heard the word here it is here's the good soil with a noble and good heart here's what good soil is it is the soil that gets the word here's the word with a noble and good heart what's a noble heart a noble heart is a heart that wants the truth it's a heart that wants the truth you know what's wrong with the church today P only want the truth that they want oh man Jesus they only want the truth that they want see here's what here's what rich people they pick and choose what truth they want they pick and choose what they're going to apply to their life and that's not good soil some of you will never move forward in life because you keep on picking and choosing what you're going to apply to your life you pick and choose you like it you accept it you don't like it you're rejected you agree with it you do it you don't agree with it you're rejected you you you're able to do it amen you're not able to do it you don't want to do it you kick it to the side or the pastor got it interpreted the wrong way I don't believe that that's um that's what the Lord knows when I'm ready you know he knows I'm not ready for that he'll bring it around he knows you're ready for it because he brought it to you for me to preach it to you cuz he know you're ready for it now you need to be good sorrow somebody say you need to want it they want truth they want a good heart wants to truth no matter what it is they want it I don't know we're all on your on your life but I want good truth I want the truth of God I don't care if I like it if I agree it doesn't matter I want it and that's what a good heart is he wants it not only that he says not only a noble heart but a good heart and a good heart wants to please God it's about pleasing the King of Kings and the Lord of lords that's what a good heart is a good heart is about praising and exalting and wanting to live that life for his pleasure and to be able to satisfy him some of you told busy trying to satisfy other people God can never get you the way he wants you to be because you're so busy trying to please other and the scripture says the ones that fell on the good ground are those who have a having heard the word with a noble and good heart here's what they do verse 15 keep it is that in your Bible you know what keep it means I ask y'all a question do you know what keep it means I said yes or no answer here's would keep it mean here's the key this is a key I'm finished after this I'm almost finished after this it's my first close keep it means listen they put soldiers around the word that they received to keep the devil from stealing it they do what's necessary to get that word in their heart and not allow the devil to take it this is him say what's gonna happen when you leave church today you gonna have a good word I've given you all a good word whether you know whether you know it or not this is the word and before you get home your wife gonna say some to you in the car that's going to take you off on the deep end come on y'all said say you can say just say Amen she won't hit you right up here in the church something gonna happen that's gonna take you out make you get angry I got a few bold brothers raising and their wives are pulling their hands down something about your husband gonna do something that ain't right say something that's going frustrate you and up your something something your kids going pisses you off your kids gonna do something that's gonna make you you're gonna get home you won't get a call somewhere this week that's gonna turn you the wrong way make you upset steal that word out of your heart but my assignment is to tell you right here no matter what happens when you get that word put some soldiers around it put some protection around it don't let the enemy come in take your mind off of it take your heart off of it get it in your heart plant it in your heart and don't let anything or anybody take your heart out away from that truth hallelujah matter of fact the text says they keep it and bear fruit that's the only way you can bear fruit is to keep it and then here's what it says and they bear fruit with patience I told you last week patience means to keep walking with God even though you're going through hell patience means to keep on sticking with God even though life is not going in the direction you want it to go in when you got a seed planted in you and the word planted in you you will bear fruit and keep on walking with God somebody look at your neighbor and say keep on walking with God tell him keep on walking with God stick with God take somebody's out and been through hell but I'm still here I've cried a lot of tears but I'm still here I got a lot on I got rejected they fired me but I'm still here I should have lost my mind but I'm still here should have had a nervous breakdown should have shocked myself but I'm still here I'm still here I'm patient I'm waiting on God to make a change I'm looking for God to give me a breakthrough I'm expecting God to do something fabulous on my behalf he may not come as quickly as I want him to come but I know when he shows up he will be on time I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know who God told me to talk to but I'm here to tell you God is planting a seed in you and your job is to keep it it is your protected it is to embrace it and do it who am i preaching twice gotta be for somebody one person hallelujah the key to sustained spiritual growth is being the right kind of soil that the seed is tossed out you don't allow the wrong kind of soil to be you the condition of your heart you don't want to be the wayside soil you don't want to be the thorny soil you don't want to be the rocky soil you want to be the soil that's hungry for God's Word want to please him and you do whatever it takes to keep it and keep the devil from taking it HiFi your neighbors say I got it stand on your feet and help me give God a praise you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 31,892
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, Praise & Worship
Id: k5DKs4Ii528
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2015
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