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all right i just i honestly just got chills seven years in i just opened up this game hello teal are you here i just started this game and i just got chills i'm really excited we're doing mega random and oh mega random gave him two tc's which also means two kings and teal is not realized i actually quickly want to check to see who else realized cause i've done this before yep red didn't realize yet okay purple's okay what about greg great just figured it out oh yep yellow doesn't know uh green okay green figured it out i think normally people would be talking a lot more but this is like this is just amped it up and this is gonna be really stressful i wanna see who didn't know a second ago okay two tc's red just says oh god yes so this is stressful okay this is stressful now this is not exploding kings i hope that doesn't lead to disappointment some of you guys might be like no i like the explosions and that's fine we're gonna have that stuff trust me but good old-fashioned regicide diplomacy only there is a king at both tc's or i guess they're running around now or waddling whatever these kings do so anyways in order to defeat someone in this game mode you would need to kill two kings now guys i'll say this we developed this uh this captured program for one king so i honestly do not know what happens like right now if i click this it takes me to one of the kings it does not take me to multiple kings but there's going to be alerts for kings and then if someone gets killed it might cross off a king up here later on uh even though they're still alive with one additional king so we have to prepare ourselves for that there's only one way to find out but let me do the introductions of all the players here all the wonderful players who are ready to kill each other this community game i'm also going to bring this up because let's face it there's going to be some differences and straggler tree ignite oh god that's what you get for naming yourself straggler tree okay that hurt to see oh god we've got another boar coming in i'm stressed even just watching this let's just finish it dog retreat please save it nice good work there good work okay um god purple's like i really hope t90 wasn't looking at me let's do the introductions well uh needing no introduction in the purple is straggler tree who really struggled with the whole boar luring situation over here i was playing as the vietnamese i'm in the red we've got the malay for soft feather all right soft feather playing with the malay needs to delay here in the blue we've got your darn tootin it was random sieve and got twons that is a one in 39 chance my friends i i almost find that too hard to believe uh in the teal we have teal uh i i'm at some question in some other language i have no clue what this is anyways this is also vietnamese wait a second did they pick civ maybe we had pixar i don't know it's not the end of the world in the orange we've got grim tripper who's playing as the goths and the green uh we've got uh the celts for adavi in the yellow we have mackers playing as the portuguese and then in the gray we have small head our gracious host of this game playing as the turks t90 it's dutch for cookie fat guy cookie fatty really with a question mark too interesting well i know there's quite a few people from the netherlands who watch my content so thank you guys for translating no offense to you guys but i'm not at all surprised that that is the dutch language i should have looked at that and said oh yeah that's dutch anyways it's going to be slower on the diplo side i don't think we're going to have as much chatting because qtcs is really stressful but we'll have a bit of it here orange said wtf so much to do xd and then you darn suit and says hey red wanna all oh you just did so i think your darn tootin was like hey you wanna just like team everyone and then realize that it already happened um a couple reminders on how things work with this casting program uh up here we'll show you what is going on with the kings this is this is not going to function as we wanted to though because it seems to only register on one of the kings like here it says the reds garrisoned this is probably another king around somewhere that is not garrisoned oh no they're both in there bad example but like here says this is ungarrison whereas there was one garrison here we can make do though i like the fact that we can snap around to them down here shows if the people are allied it actually says allies there which is very helpful so in this case you can see your darn tootin has allied green but since there is a donut hole in the middle that means green has not accepted and that seems to be the case for green with everybody right now we'll have notifications on the left and kind of how the um what's going on throughout the game as well as chat of course and i will do my best to cycle through this has been the toughest thing to adapt to on my end is there's so much information we don't have all of it on screen because then you guys aren't going to have the actual game so i will do my best to toggle through the eco side military and then stockpiles down here so again not exploding kings just standard mega random and my god can you imagine if we did exploding villagers trying to look at the the kd here um total deaths okay so straggler tree lost two right when we were looking over there and has been flawless ever since i don't know i you you guys may or may not know this about me but i occasionally just get random feels he spells so let me get emotional for a second just say thanks um i don't know i just i have fun doing this um been working really hard the last six months both with the streaming on the platform switch but also to make sure that content is better than ever on youtube and uh it's so cool man to be able to get on like every day see what people are thinking about the videos see what people are interested on the streams i later loaded up discord this morning and you had a bunch of people just like 10 or 15 people talking about oh i wonder how many minutes t9 is going to be late today oh i can't wait for copy games well to naughty campfire it's really cool so thank you guys for that and whatever part you play even if you're just a lurker out there um i know there's a lot of people who don't like to interact and comments and such so yeah got that out of the way um i think i think what i'm going to do for the time being is i'm going to keep this i like how it shows the top three because i can still select stuff and see what's going on this shows the top three so right now you're darn tootin 53 eco and yeah we're gonna have a lot of a lot of really cool stuff uh to bring to the table too new expansion coming uh trust me when i say there will be some announcements soon after that i'm gonna be playing in events casting events and definitely hosting events green doesn't know how this works which is adorable how do i ally you i never played diploma and mackers is going to explain it yeah so i don't have it here with capture age but in the game there's these different menus and makers is even telling green the hotkey i don't even use the hotkey personally but green's gonna figure that out and that at least tells people that green doesn't necessarily have any malice towards him some people might be like okay why have you not allied me i'm gonna kill you now hey grim legend i saw you play manycom games smiley face nice to finally play here smiley face guys this is funny but he's thinking of another grim [Laughter] i no offense to grim tripper as grim tripper is trying to say basic words and he's getting it's getting bleeped i'm pretty sure he's thinking of grim gerbil who's one of the mods here who has been around a long time i've seen grim tripper play i think of one other one but i again no offense to orange i don't think he's built up that same level reputation but but orange doesn't orange doesn't seem to to think that greens aren't just like wow i'm appreciated called to play with you as well i like how blue's like are you dutch and says nice my grandparents were all dutch that is a stretch right there i mean it tells me it's honesty because if it wasn't honesty it'd be like yeah my girlfriend's dodged yes someone really close to me oh i'm a big fan of dutch superstar dutch that you know i don't know if your grandparents being i don't know maybe he's really close to his grandparents who am i to judge i actually don't even know i i should know anyways i'm gonna shut up um you still have an allied niece's yellow and hey green there we go allying everyone filling up our screen perfect if all of your grandparents are all dutch doesn't that make you part dutch yeah it definitely does it definitely does okay sweet you got a plan one of my favorite things by the way is when people i mean this is a complicated situation there's pressure everyone's like this might be their only comedy game ever they want to be the next legend right and then you have two tc's then you have two kings a lot of lot is going on here so when they try and type there's always typos and that's like one of my favorite things to read the typos i don't know if you guys have picked up on that but if you have a typo in a community game i just i run with that stuff i love it and it actually very well spoken here these guys dream sheeps that's funny i think he meant to say green but he said green which is kind of like grim which is his name see i can entertain myself with this stuff um okay looking at the eco i'm actually surprised at how close it is you have uh the dutch player the fat cookie player whatever that is uh and then mackers they're on opposite sides of the map from each other they're still in the 50s with villagers but it's not too bad and maker says gray purple let's be friends together with green all right this tc is absolutely gorgeous unless gray wants to be a bully there's a lot of reason for gray to want to stop this maybe not now but i mean showing up with siege and some military to take this out soon would be really good but gray wants to be allies straggler tree says what's in the middle of the map and guys to be honest we haven't talked about the map much looks like there's a lot of golden stone around the outer ring and i mean a lot of golden stone uh the middle is largely useless wait a second didn't we have this generation didn't we have a very similar generation when we had the um it was a recent youtube upload it was um i'm trying to remember the title it's like they will write songs about our victory brother do you remember that it had um genghis khan in it it had a valley in it i think this this actually reminds me of that i don't know i don't know if they changed it or maybe if we're just playing too much of the game these days but i feel like i encounter more and more of the same generations in mega random but i also have probably put in over 30 40 000 hours in this game so i don't know as we see a villager whoa whoa whoa never mind villager didn't die i don't know if i'm really the best person to ask wait hold on what is this what is this chat green want to trade corner to corner jaguar trees so who here thinks dave is the best aoe streamer better than t90 for sure smiley face well thank you guys that old man is this spo is this humor now is this because i said you're not the popular grim all right all right all right i see how it is let's make fun of where what did orange do wrong here oh my god he can only place four farms around this tc what a noob his two villagers are kissing each other they're not even building don't you know anything about efficiency oh my god 87 bills at 22 minutes on a two tc star are you is this the easy ai we're spectating triple gates do you have that little confidence in your abilities as a gamer okay i'm done that's right got it out of my system we're fine oh i like how it shows relics here again i'm still kind of getting used to this it looks like they're going to try and snag some i like the conversation about trade it's kind of funny how they all want to trade but they're blocking each other off here because the woodline and the stones are blocking the area you've got wood you've got uh you why did i say what yeah you've got wood and you've got stone and then it's just very clumpy there so let's try and figure out who is going to team with who hey red want to join me in teals alliance and trade in the back red says i want my relic though which is not a great response to that offer and is that why i read it what excuse me is this for trade or is this because of the relic that you want because blue did oh wait someone had that walled in anyways i don't think this is a great sign that soft feather is going to be trusted okay green want to trade corner to corner green says guess so guess so said it twice i don't know if the first one cancels out the second one a bit early though question mark teal says or you kill him xd which might be talking to blue right now and if i were soft feather bottom score especially as malay in a diplo game i would be a little careful of who i annoyed phil says i'm chatting with him he looks friendly now i want to bring this up we're going to have double castle here from purple i like it i want to bring this up real quick because um it's been brought up in the comments so i want to be as transparent as i can on the whole the whole thing so obviously i worked with the capture age team over the course of many months to eventually get this used it for registered run before um there are things that there's been feedback from from viewers on youtube stream here everything about how there's certain things they would like to see with it um i there are some things i'd like to tweak as well i don't know i don't want you guys to think that it's just going to be like super easy and super doable because quite honestly the development for this was like way more expensive than i thought it would be takes took a lot more time than i thought it would be and i just i i got away the pros and cons and what's worth it at this point when we already have a really good thing so maybe in the future i'll be able to make tweaks i also got to test this stuff of course it could affect performance if we add more things there's a lot of like crazy things involved and beyond just like oh flip a switch boom make it happen so um i appreciate the feedback from everyone over the last couple months on this so we'll see if we can maybe tweak it a little bit and prove it in what ways we can but i think it's really solid right now i'm really happy with it like if i had to deal with with quote unquote just this forever for diplo games i'd still be very happy and i hope you guys are as well okay also bleep but i mean kill him gray also looks good at this game he is imp already also bleep but i mean kill him yellow get a market at the top i don't know he got corner for trade so i'm i'm struggling to figure out i think right now that like teal is talking mainly to orange um and i think they're they're debating on taking care of green i don't know what do you think yes okay i was thinking green ha ha yeah like this to me i don't know if this stems back to the fact that green is making uh celt crossbows right now which doesn't scale too well into the late game it might stem back to the fact that green looks like an easy target it might stem back to the fact that green didn't ally them right away or that green isn't chatting or just the fact that maybe if they had to choose between fighting against blue or fighting against green green would be easier there'd be a lot of factors so yeah david i'll see if i can maybe get that done um i think a quick little five minute video would uh would make a big difference there red my friend are you okay not really just not going well with two tcs at the start ahaha i know the feeling oh this is interesting right because red is a very unique player like the way red has situated his farming eco tells me that this player is all about the fans fingers are crossed that red doesn't get killed off early because i feel like red's gonna be interesting later you can tell by red's lack of lumber efficiency that maybe red doesn't have the focus of some of the others but does have very good farms i will say that gotta get someone else with us sexy love ya tell me if you need me what that's the second time i've seen orange use the word sexy and i think your darn tootin heard that and was like are you calling me sexy okay your darn tootin says orange talking to us question mark and i mean aren't just trying to talk up red so they can eventually kill blue honestly malay are just not great man they don't have any like high-powered units their best unit is an elephant that lacks the final two armor upgrades and bloodlines blue says what is green doing that looks aggressive now you know where it's awfully quiet right now it's call it's quiet over here straggler tree isn't talking a lot clearly this is someone who's experienced probably known as another name change their name have some fun i've seen this name a couple months over the last couple months but someone who i think knows what they're doing yellow's not talking too much the teal says blue you and me against the world question mark and um well also team orange he is open we three against others okay so teal's trying to to start something here but it almost feels like they've already decided to not work with blue but oranges orange is about it says no problem is blue your buddy and teal is going to be like yeah now it really helps me when players will say who they're talking to saying do you two want to make a team with me and teal that makes no sense because i thought he was talking to you and that could be that could be orange talking to blue now some of the back to the suggestions things some people want a way to see who the chat's going to kind of similar to this i think it would be cluttery but it would be nice to have an option to check that stuff i think the people that really want that feature though are also highly overestimating people's ability to change the chat settings with such frequency uh i bet you a lot of the times everyone's seeing stuff is not responding but maybe i'm wrong on that that's a lot of going to the menu back and forth back and forth back and forth now there used to be a feature guys where you could type i think it was like um greater than and then the player number like greater than three and then type message it would only go to player 3 then there used to be a feature that was prior to the definitive edition i don't know if i i never actually brought that up to the devs um i that's not on de as far as i'm aware so that would be really good i think for for making it easier to diplo chat uh anonymous frying pan i uploaded the video where i talked about the dlcs it's about like 20 minutes 25 i went through the bonuses but also gave my opinions i wasn't just reading it i was saying what i liked and did not like uh should be interesting okay hey hey hey mr dutchman can you not because this is very blue latin v is he saying we're gonna kill green keep it in english please i don't have translators here our team's not that big let's attack green with orange and us hmm okay they also just said they don't like green's aggressive bass okay so this this is a problem for them apparently i guess i can kind of see it right he's green's the only one in the middle they're all kind of looking for a reason to attack someone i could see why green would want to do this just to secure resources but yeah green you got to talk before you do something like this probably red we are going for green join the party when you can okay so it is it is kind of orange teal blue and red and then we have not heard any conversation from the others reminder it's two kings for people who may be sped ahead in the video or here watching on the stream this is uh this is not exploding kings this is mega random it gave us two kings it was not part of our plan doing paladins now okay doing the paladins let's go to the military stats see how much military is out there i imagine we're gonna see blue creep in to the uh military count top three soon once the paladins come out oh man let's go for blue question mark green says yes okay so at least what makes this good is at least green was actually intending on attacking here i just feel like they made it way too obvious and they're going to need help from purple probably that is a lot of organ guns though kel crossbows the biggest waste of population space you'll see in the game right now five plus two so they do seven damage against paladins which have enough pierce armor to uh it's they've seven pierce armor but you still always do one damage minimum regardless so are you buddies with blue says green and orange says i don't know not sure yet ooh so grimm is talking to oh i like that i like that so now i'm not even sure which side orange is on i'm just kind of playing both sides here and purple just says i kill red grim you take his base we kill his forward okay that's a good plan from teal blue's like uh guys here they come am i gonna receive some help here attack ground attack ground attack round attack round attack ground attacker attack route attack ground attack and green says we friend right green was chatting guys green was chatting oh no it's so common in diplo and now he's freaking out he's trying to get back to the menu that he didn't know existed at the start of the game and has to get back there to turn blue to enemy to attack this is painful to see not the first time we've seen it though the green when you rewatch this if you re-watch this we've all been there green now has declared war on blue unfortunately the siegers are all gone unfortunately the crossbows are gone though that was expected anyways and red has made his move now at the same time guys this is probably part of why green was struggling green is getting attacked at this side i don't know if green has actually noticed this or not that's gonna be one of the two kings down and now we get to find out what happens okay so that's actually really good so i don't know like maybe it still was only attached to one king but it still doesn't show that green's defeated at least and green says wtf orange question mark wtf indeed i mean it always has to happen to someone and uh orange says sorry nothing personal they made me i love it and blue says they bit off more than they can chew i like it i feel like my viewers either i'm getting into the habit of paying attention to my viewers chat more or over the last year you guys have gotten a lot more quotable you know we've had a lot of really epic diplo quotes not that they bit off more than they can chew is the most epic one ever but well green's not going to be too pleased green is now out of the game us carl just killed the king right here i looked away like an idiot sorry adavi it did seem like he just it's a tough one because like yellow i don't know if you re-watch this you're gonna see that everyone's communicating everyone had a plan and then the other players kind of were not in that same boat silence is violence yeah silence is violence though that that's that's actually so true though gotta chat up orange a little bit more and maybe things go a bit differently okay so now yellow is gonna be attacked so it feels like yellow is gonna could fall apart but that's a lot of organ guns and now gray has turned on red and so i guess gray i don't even see gray's army it's very hard to see where grey's army is right now says there's 58 army oh hussars excuse me i'm blind hard to see gray on the map hustlers are storming in and trebuchets and red immediately asks exploding kings question mark i think red is realizing i might be dead can i like do something when i die i like that blue just says not exploding kings but doesn't say anything in support like i'll help you and orange is like guys help him save red meanwhile over here guys the organ guns they've made quick work of the paladins and the husk girls or at least there used to be hus girls here uh of course orange will always come back for more i mentioned it about malay malay have very cheap units but they have very weak units overall and blue is now being turned uh turning on red maybe sees the writing on the wall here maybe wanted that relic earlier in the game and it's still salty about it red lost one king but you see how it's bugged out right there's still another king and this doesn't show it so this doesn't work for multiple kings but the other king's down here now we have a bunch of keeps and it looks very nice i have to say the farming keep eco looks very nice i definitely know there's going to be people out there who are disappointed to see red go down but that could all happen right now i mean there's a lot of keeps to hop into i guess so it depends on the pathing of the king and how quick red is here and you now have teal turning on purple which makes sense teal wants to defend and oh my god you know what's so fun to watch is rats and archers versus rats and archers is they do 11 damage guys rats and archers do 11 damage but they have 10 pierce armor so they're doing one damage a hit to each other and you never get to see rats and archer v rats and archer i'm telling you it's the funniest thing because you need to have 40 of them to one shot 45 excuse me to one shot i don't think purple exactly understands what's happening here i guess in these numbers it doesn't look as ridiculous but trust me like 10 rats on archers versus 10 rats and archers is hilarious anyways red did go down there it seems out of the game tried his best we had two people go down pretty quickly over here you've got paladins from blue into the trade route and i mean the team that we thought would dominate is doing a very good job we've got the goth player vietnamese player and the two player all working together here the soft heather says y'all are too fast for me yeah i mean soft feather and maybe it was similar to green kind of like a weakest link situation sometimes being in the corner makes it tough think what's the biggest problem now uh because i think purple's in a really good spot but the biggest problem is that there's goths out there do you want to make rats and archers with vietnamese but then you've got goths he's got to switch into something else and then the opponent also has vietnamese then you've just got another player on that other team so well actually if i do the math here it is actually 3v3 yeah i must have misjudged that yeah it is kind of a 3v3 wait a sec did i enemy red by mistake shits is blue i kind of believe that that could be blue saying that so orange doesn't get upset with him but i i actually believe that and your darn tootin says i'm so bad at this game with a triple chin frowny face okay selling it a little bit there with the frowns maybe i can't believe that but yeah i just what do you do against this comp you would need gray to have a lot more than just hustlers that's for sure champions in and of themselves they're good against the huskarls and that's it they'll get wrecked by the rats and archers even though teal is missing attack upgrades and straggler tree says help it's moments like these that i remember straggler tree making a joke about me about 20 minutes ago it's it's moments like these that really make community games worth it you know you know after seven years i can't i can't get up in the morning for the same things but vengeance oh that gets me going now the straggler tree has played really well obviously making some jokes here trying his best with his unit spam he really just doesn't have the units available to deal with three different types of armies now gray does not seem interested in saving uh purple at all we now have elephants i'm just thinking about this like maybe there's a world where gray will try and snipe somebody here but it just seems like they're so heavily fortified how often do we see this where one side really communicates really teams together really like works together and then the other side does but like not to the same degree and then problems happen i think orange really did care about red um i think the sexy comment was somewhat based on reality i don't know i think that orange was upset to see red go but orange wasn't upset enough to then fight blue over it or fight anyone i guess i guess the people who did the mate most amount of damage was probably purple and gray right now i said that the vietnamese player didn't really have the units let's look at the stockpile because okay well the eco looks pretty bad right now for purple but the elephants have actually done a really good job with the unique tech you get 420 hp on your elephants with vietnamese so that's 9 000 hp out there on the field you got elephants coming in from the other vietnamese player however teal continues to forget upgrades but maybe there's a chance purple will stabilize looking at yellow's big blob of organ guns just waltzing across the map here and uh oh apparently purple was not enemied to orange that entire time that's a mistake okay straggler trees asking for food what's gray up to still has the trebs oh geez oh there's a king in there there is a king in there and i think yellow's noticed that but that also could have been the gather point actually looks like it was the gather point so there's a chance here that yellow had his gather points for his castle set forward to make organ guns or maybe yeah maybe it was set here we've seen quite a few situations where players oh god the other king's in here where players will uh forget about their kings and then send their kings into battle unintentionally and huskarls take out buildings so quickly and so yeah same deal this king ends up heading to that same area i think oh no it goes into this castle okay so yellow noticed that one he didn't notice this one he noticed that one still has two kings alive purple kind of stabilized gray here with some janissaries not a bad unit also the hussars it's a decent mix maybe a sign here of things to come though for yellow i mean you lose your castles you can't make organs that's all you've been making the trade is still not working efficiently for these players because of blue having things over here just feels like it's inevitable that gray purple and yellow go down in this one and i'm not seeing that change like okay these organ guns i was expecting it to be way more than 35 kills they they have kills all right but organ guns are just not a great unit in the open fields they're more of a choke point unit and when you have organ guns you want to have siege with it like bombard cannons to be able to take out buildings it's so easy for goths to just spam these infantry units look how many barracks doesn't need castles to make these like how blue just casually allies green which is interesting and oh that's because they were actually trading with greens markets so orange kills green and then trades with the markets that's savage right there could see a similar thing on this side i guess because like red still got markets yeah and it's pretty much the case i mean blue did turn on red so they're trading with dead players markets is actually kind of an interesting detail and oh ho-ho so if you're allied with somebody uh and they're defeated you can delete their units in buildings and someone picked up on this and my guess would be they picked up on it because they heard chatter maybe the chat settings were reset wrong what if kings gave surrounding units an attack bonus i wish there was a game mode for that i don't think that'd be good for like regular age of empires oh geez oh oh geez one of the kings have gone down the other king over is over here for yellow again it seems like the capture age program just kind of latches on to one of the kings at the start the other king is here yellow is not defeated obviously yeah organ guns expensive slow clunky they are good in mass are they good enough to push across a whole map not really especially when you don't have support and that's that's the main issue as well right he doesn't have as much support as maybe is what is needed and that's largely due to the fact that gray is making a push against blue so let's see how this works great finally move those trebs forward i think purple is going to need to fix that economy i don't think purple's really going to be stockpiling a lot it does have gold but can't trade with anyone right now and needs to fix that blue and orange just continue to go in after yellow's castles and even if they don't kill the king on this expedition they're gonna be able to make more military though every time they take out the castle it just makes it more and more difficult for yellow to stabilize here speaking of kings blues king is inside of there obviously they've got two right but that king is going to eject from the tc and it's running forward i don't know if gray is paying attention to this the king is standing right there on the farm where he's probably looking at something else right now it is time for the king to be one with his people it's the type of king you want to fight for you know the king that will visit the common folk but uh he survives this not before straggler tree shows up though straggler tree could kill that king even accidentally here and the king for yellow still alive apologies i have no way to go to it except to check and yeah it's just in another castle which is probably gonna go down soon oh wow okay so this king went down so now your darn tootin is on one king there's no notification when your kinks king starts getting attacked there's no special noise i imagine you're darn toot just simply didn't notice that oh you know what'll be really good here is teutonic knights teutonic knights would probably be a lot better than paladin in this situation but i think with how many paladins are out there the paladins are gonna clear it will yellow live to fight another day it does not seem like it okay guys it is officially time to start talking about what happens when yellow and gray and purple are killed might be a little early but yellow is one king away from going down who do you think of those three ends up winning again i could be wrong on this but something we want to start talking about like yellow is definitely dead soon there's no doubt my mind yellow is dead soon and the second yellow's dead all this pressure will probably go to gray and then purple already probably can't win a 1v1 but then purple would be you know 2v1 3v1 i feel like oh wow grace coming in i mean what's in there did i speak too soon you're darn tootin didn't notice before well your darn toot knows notice now that king is in there guys don't tell me gray could do this where will the king go there he goes okay did gray notice it gray's on on the move and unfortunately the fat king is too fast there's a good attempt there from gray i like that a lot of people are gonna be like oh he didn't go to the what a loser no no calm down i love the attempt it's better to try and snipe and not get it then to just sit back and just get destroyed well played there from gray i did disrupt the eco a little bit for blue but tootin castle is very strong teal's saying nice job guys and i can't go to where yellow's king is right now um though i'm looking excuse me oh he's defeated okay uh like 10 seconds ago he wasn't defeated so it must have just been killed my bad all right so yellow is officially out of the game wherever that king was maybe you guys had something on the minimap that would show you um you now have this pressure coming over to purple as expected right paladins are in here build a lot of eco but good job with yellow so they're working together i think to answer my own question i think that grimm has been a bit shattier than your darn tootin and your darn tootin has the higher score and is thus maybe seen as more threatening so with that with those factors uh involved here i think that when grace starts to go down if gray starts to go down uh and purple starts to go down i think that orange needs to be proactive and talk to teal to kill blue he says blue don't destroy market don't how about you just have okay so they're now trading he's trading with another player he killed you could also just have one of your allies make a market there or trade this way okay i like how panicky he was with that i i'm a i mean it's been a really good game but i would really like to see purple and gray try and speak up to blue right now and say listen those two are gonna kill you like try and break them apart and i think part of that might be rooted in the truth as well to me it would make sense for teal and orange since they border each other to eventually turn on blue so if you play your cards right here and you're purple you could maybe say hey listen you're going to kill me but they're talking about you so you could lie or they will kill you i don't know looking at the resource resource stockpile small head can certainly stay in this game for a long time 12 and a half thousand gold in the bank you have 60 some trade cards here for straggler tree however he's bringing back how much gold 13 gold a trip so it's better than nothing but it's definitely not the best trade route i've ever seen and blue look if you kill me then orange is gonna wreck you okay this might be a little late though you know like at this point you're losing everything and purple is here now too so they're like working together so be awkward to change that i think the time where that could have worked was 10 minutes ago so this this might have dawned on purple because it purple was a bit stubborn and thought well you know what the only thing that i can really do or no sorry purple was stubborn and just felt like it was possible to hold alone but oh wait a second wait a second the king goes down and purple was right grim tripper kills your darn tootin your darn tootin out of the game one of those kings had gone down to purple the other one goes down to orange don't want to say i called it but i called it and now of course blue still got units forward and all that so that will eventually go to purple if purple gets any units over there that was that was that's like me after uh a few too many tacos man silent but deadly that was crazy blue says lol had no idea what purple was talking about gigi i don't even think purple knew about that though i don't even think that purple knew that was happening i think that purple thought it would be a straight-up battle later and that was it now we have a signal from teal who noticed this and it's like hmm i don't know if i could trust this guy but now you've got vietnamese versus goths and goths will thoughts will just wreck vietnamese unless they have a lot of elephants um blue says i swear i made purple enemy but apparently it was you i was really confused why i couldn't see your land oh they're talking to each other gotcha soft feather i don't know if you picked malay like i know a lot of people in community games are concerned like they feel like they're not strong enough two things first off malay one of the worst saves you could have ever had okay that's part of it second part is i think you just gotta chat up a little bit more right um because what happened is like green and red were a little silent more silent than the others and so it just became so easy to say you know what i'm gonna take that corner they're not really talking much they're not really showing that they're gonna work with us in diplo there's always gonna be people that die first that's just there's always gonna be one or two but i think that would have maybe helped your cause a little bit hey what's up david welcome teal is gray attacking you yeah no not my bass he just enemied me how are you with gray i mean guys purple needs to talk to teal now they need to start talking because grim tripper is a clear favorite he killed blue if they don't want the goth player to just overrun everyone gots a really good civ here i think they need to start discussing things i don't think teal is a player though has that level of confidence i think teal is happy to be uh the wingman here happy to play second fiddle that is saying happy to play second fiddle it sounds i said it with confidence so you know what yeah it's a saying um i think it's the same and i think that could potentially be his eventual downfall and maybe that's okay maybe for our dutch player second place is fine i do think they need each other right now okay there's a signal and there's actually a purple king in there and also a grey king in there now rey has two and purple has two so taking that out would not lead to defeating those players but obviously do half the job uh new hope thank you very much for the 500 stars as i remember my first comedy game over five years ago five years ago hey can you can you do you remember specifics of that i want to see if i remember do you remember what your uh username was and like map things like that i probably don't remember let me put it to you this way if it's not on youtube i probably don't remember because i remember the ones that end up being like you know content youtube content worthy thank you for the stars though appreciate that gary go thank you for the new subs well ray it's you and me we gotta turn on orange i'm not a good talker can you it i don't know you seem like a pretty good talker with that statement oh oh oh oh kings on garrisoning running one after the other he's like hey follow me he's like okay glad i can keep up because we literally have the same body type let's go um well so good from orange yet again so good from orange the kings are running into the trade route i don't know where the gather point was set i don't know if any of this was intentional oh god nothing quite don't you hate it when you're trying to get to work and the two kings are just standing in the way okay gray noticed this purple noticed this and grim tripper says goddamn fast fatties okay they're big bones okay they're big bones it's their body structure they're not fat but they are fast that's for sure but i think like think about how orange killed yellow earlier orange just continued to send in wave after wave after wave you can win the game that way just finish off the castles you don't need to get the king snipe obviously what people love to do is they love to snipe the kings and everyone goes ooh ah but in this type of a situation which by the way great i don't think he does know about that king because the king is just chilling there i don't think anyone knows the king is there but yeah this is eventually going to whittle them down corner them and small head says purple you know you need us to beat orange okay i think small head [Laughter] hold on a second i might not be understanding things correctly but this is what i think happened so purple is allied with gray right and purple's like dude i can't do this talking thing we gotta get we gotta convince one of the people on the other side to work with us so can you do the talking so purple ask gray to do the talking and then gray i think is trying to talk to teal and small head who i mean it's fair maybe maybe there's not a big brain in that small head says purple you know you need us to beat orange but it's already allied with purple so what we've learned is that both of these players kind of struggle with the whole talking thing that you can't make that up also we cuss girl will find the king or is it chasing the trade card facing the trade card all right um teal let's try and take markets out and teal's like whatever you need my lord like full on strongholds good border your lordship just loving life happy to work alongside the uh the dominant goth player at the moment they've got to think that eventually purple has both his kings here by the way eventually this king's gonna die if the husk girl isn't dealt with actually it has been dealt with now so that king's just hanging out now straggler trees like screw it all talk says teal you gotta stop orange he will wreck you now i see i feel like teal is happy with the current situation though doesn't have full upgrades on unit still i think missing chemistry though excuse me but like in teal's mind there's a pretty high chance that if he were to turn on orange right now that he would just instantly die so this is where it gets tricky like what are you gonna give teal that he doesn't already have he has security right now it looks like he's at least going to get second place they almost needed to have feel earlier before it came became a 2v2 i think anyways let's look at stockpiles again uh there you go okay heel is plenty of gold grim has plenty of gold small head plenty gold and no gold income drag retreat does also have plenty of gold it seems like things have stalled out a little bit you're right i think but this game mode is destroying both tc enough wait okay purple did say i warned blue but he didn't listen and then small head says teal amigo you need us okay i like this now teal i think is confused and teel is thinking that if you lose your town centers you're defeated like sudden death this is the problem we do so many different settings and then people get all confused with all the settings they think it's exploding kings or one king two kings sudden death is you take out town centers he has to kill your kings tc's don't matter and teal says never mind guys this is this is the time where orange should be a little uneasy about this silence where is his king he's considering it he's considering it as i remember that during the game i was changing my name all the time this new hope i don't remember that one then how do you how did you do that i don't really remember that five years ago a lot was different though right silence is violence silence is violence check castle tech spies okay now that doesn't really work if anything you guys should do it oh he's maybe telling gray yeah okay so gray says ray researches it which should give some type of notification um oranges too treason should signal both sides it's in his castle in the northwest this is gray hey well there's a lot of castles there and i think do you see what orange did immediately after that immediately dropped more castles honestly you need to have like your best unit here is probably elephant and you need to have a lot of them they are hard to push see and now teals still wants to do it guys but it's so hard for teal to do it or maybe that is saying teal is saying they are hard to push ah this is actually good i think he's saying that to orange to keep orange happy and orange says he'll try on the other side just hold on yeah i know you can change your name on steam but you can't change your name like if you change your name on steam it doesn't apply in the middle of the game right which is what i thought you meant okay guys um do you ever play that game growing up where you have to like guess how many jelly beans are in the jar and the closest one to getting the correct number gets like i forget what the prize was oh well we got the thing of jelly beans that might have been the prize anyways we did that at school how many barracks do you think orange has if you had to guess by the way love this love the fact that they're extending their trade a bit more so there's more gold coming in if you had to guess how many barracks orange has what would you say whoa huss girls from the back side surprise surprise and both kings are in this castle this should be okay 48 45 46 31 okay i didn't even tell you guys what you win yet hey 69 39 40 23 53. that's carl's dead i like the approach from orange though distraction now and grace is teal like they're really hoping teal will turn i don't think that i don't think teal should honestly it'd make it more entertaining for us but i don't think he should all right let's check um i'm gonna go with 37. oh god wow i was really confident too i zoomed too far out 62. i think the closest were the people who said 69 and i don't even know if they thought it was 69 or if they were just just memeing it up a bit well tert cav archers 100 hp against huskarls doesn't feel that strong but the husks have ten pure summer right so they are doing well a whole one damage a hit yay but there's a lot of them there's 60 of them and there's elephants teal says let me find right moment i actually feel a little bad for two because i think teal's doing what's what's like kiel is doing something that is going to be the most entertaining for the rest of this game but probably something that is going to be bad for the longevity of his life just like missing i guess he's missing bracer because he has chemistry small head says right moment is now his house girls are dead okay listen small head i get what you're trying to do but i don't think you realize how strong orange is right now like you're wrong on that look at our sneaky sneak here husscarls and some bomber cannons trying to take out the castle that has purple's kings hand it to orange he continues to run into in creative ways but he does get thwarted there purple gotta hand it to him as well this is a slog this is a slog great job great recovery from him now guys if teal does turn even if he doesn't kill orange is very likely i mean it would take time but it's very likely that orange might not be able to do it on his own oh god great trebs there looks like one castle went down and all the trips went down honey this trade is important this stonewall is important all that fortifying is nice and teal says teal thought about it it says but if i help you you will kill me anyway see this is this is what i mean they're just gonna say thanks bud and then kill him if he ends up taking care of orange how much eco do these guys have okay i think at this point if you look at orange's stockpile you could probably get rid of like 10 bills teal kills orange then we fight gray only viet can survive oh so purple is making an offer to backstab gray in exchange for teal killing orange it doesn't feel like it's even though it feels like what teal has to do is way harder [Laughter] okay deals deals like what's your elo because teal wants to know if it's realistic to win the 1v1 at the end really going for the glory feels like if i do this i want there to be huge reward did grace see that chat that purple said because he says or we all die to orange hey gracie dad grace saying that makes me feel like grace saw the chat but didn't realize what it meant by the way huskarls surprising but they're actually insane against archers who would have thought it's like the second any archers show up the husk girls just melt them all how much wood is left on the map t90 there's got to be more than enough right we could play the jelly bean game again but there's a total of 2 400 trees it is kind of like the um the immovable force versus the unstoppable object right now because i would say that orange is like this spam is just going to keep him here forever and oh oh oh my god okay there's a king in there here come the rats and archers that's a lot of bomber cannons and this could be one king down maybe teal goes for the move kills it but we'll not get the other one if this was just one king obviously this would have been a very different scenario and orange is not happy about it so we are gonna see things shaken up here grimm says really you can't win without me so i like just orange's response is just like so disgusted he's like are you serious bro and then teal reports back and says i got one i got one and then he says they made me do it frowny face [Laughter] which is the exact response if you remember that was the exact response that orange gave green earlier when orange killed green that was an hour ago now and then orange says hey guys i can be your friend i'll kill teal is that a deal oh no oh no let's see if they take it like it it would make sense for purple and gray to take that deal right now and then just turn on them again anyways and then wait straggertree says done i'll take that deal then we kill gray wait so small head's gonna be the one who gets pushed out of here this diplo is taking a wild turn okay so teal says ally and so now teo is allied with purple but teal should see if he has time to look that the others are now allied with orange okay listen salutes whether it's a zero seven or the or the emote in chat please to teal i this is a bad move for you too unless you're a god that i haven't realized it you know you're not getting blacksmith upgrades on your units to have to nerf yourself because you're that good at the game i don't know if that's the case or not but listen thank god he did this because it really has shaken things up here i want to see teal and gray somehow beat the other two i don't think that's possible but that would be best case scenario for me he wants to turn on you now amigo says gray hmm now these guys are just sitting here they're kind of just waiting to see who wins this 1v1 right now small head says we have to kill orange we can handle teal after yeah i mean like even if even if the thing is orange is already attacking teal so for orange to say i'll take care of teal if you don't attack me it's kind of silly because he has to fight here he's already going to fight here i actually think they should be taking out archer's buildings okay straggler tree uh just trying to have basic diplo conversation here in a 20 year old game says i am each each or other they fight eo now did he just did he just type eo for each other man i must be getting old is that an actual abbreviation we can't say each other now now look at teal he's like purple attack him attack him purple i allied you and purple's like yeah i got it on it bro on it um i'll be there in a second don't you worry teal is getting shafted exactly as i thought he would get shafted if teal would have made that move now had teal killed orange it would have been epic but even still i think then teal would have been killed it gray i think feels bad gray is now allying teal and now orange is like would be nice if you would help not just sitting out and they're like sure we'll help yeah and grace says we'll help you and now they're attacking orange's buildings again but they gotta work through like 30 barracks castles everything is there a chance here that orange after seeing the other two are attacking him again asks teal the ally how did his pure necessity i actually think there's a chance that that happens they aren't just 3b1 right now and if orange is worried like aren't just not pushing right and it's trying of course but it's not really like made a lot of progress and you can tell it's distracted mistakes are happening aren't just falling apart gray also researched trees and i think gray is going to go and try and snipe that final king meanwhile all the buildings are going down for orange this is kind of the only way i felt like art would go down as if it was three players versus one and certainly no progress has been made let's put it that way like just keep an eye on the military stats you have to remember that while goth infantry is cheap and creates very fast they are still lower hp units still way better i think than than like malay for example which we talked about earlier in the game and teal says oof i forgot so many upgrades surprise face yes you did but i'm glad you've noticed now oh goodness these bomber cannons lagging my pc rip does anyone remember to teal lose a king i think no right there's a king inside the tc which is not a good spot for it i'm not seeing the other ones orange says i have no res anymore wow that's actually true does not have the food preview one is not nice i have no res anymore you are focusing on the wrong guy i don't know about that one buddy i understand you don't have food anymore and i'd be saying the same thing but i actually think this is perfect for them oh that's weird okay so yeah i thought oh i checked the wrong castle this castle has elephants this castle has the other king for teal [Laughter] gray says i am happy with my life decisions and orange says but i am not good job from teal man does your mama know how you were talking to other people i mean you did call someone named soft feather sexy earlier grim tripper i feel like if we were to write down if we were if we were to put on paper what people have said to each other in this diplo game i think your mother might be more disappointed than whatever small head is said mama head is proud all right there you go small head just gave mama a call hey ma beat loaf you know yell down the hallway and orange says oh come on we can still be lovers i have to say i never really thought my job would entail reading such words but there's worse there's worse vocations in life um i mean friends all right so they're they're keeping it spicy here um upgrades are now fully in for the rats and archers elephants still need more upgrades i think orange will eventually just get whittled down all the buildings are going down in the middle this now makes me think what will happen in the long run here purple has a castle that's in the trade route so i think that teal's trade will eventually go down if there's a turn there hmm those guys bleep me up oh i'm sorry be over steel why is teal saying that because it actually right now looks as though they are working together against orange or maybe maybe what it is teal is trying to say like these guys made me do it still they're still fighting here aren't absolutely love gate loves gates yeah and the trade in this corner is going down almost easter how dare you and teal says yeah i'm sorry orange is like half trolling i feel like teal actually means it but t90 taught me this heck yeah i did that's right that's right and guess who made fun of me earlier it was grim tripper that's right you and straggler tree i remember all right i remember since t90 lies don't listen to him listen buddy you don't have to listen to me all you have to do is watch just watch it i bet you can't wait till this goes to youtube look look at just the units getting wrecked next time i listen to you steel all right teal you need any res barnes says which chocolatze i'm not sure what that's about the king is on the move for orange it is running through the gates chocolate chip cookies are the best i agree with you guys on that i actually now i'm really hungry for chocolate chip cookies orange kudos to for the chatting by the way making things interesting calling them barbarians now and it seems likely that this will be the end for arn shortly i'm a little disappointed that orange didn't try and get like didn't try and chat up the others and say like hey you better get ready to kill each other after i'm dead because that's always really fun for now though it does seem like this is going to end for teal or sorry for orange once they figure out where the king is which they don't see right now and actually they can see it in the corner straggler tree just researched treason so they heard a ping and grey just did the same so the only person that hasn't researched trees and actually has been whoa what is this uh has been teal there's actually a hole here because that is orange's wall from earlier and here comes straggler tree with some vietnamese cavalier chasing this down this is what orange can see and the cavaliers see this the whole way through so um yeah i mean the king can run for a while and orange says just so you know i think your moms are beautiful human beings okay this this has definitely crossed the line to being a little weird i have only respect like there's nothing wrong with those words right saying your moms are beautiful human beings and you've only respect for them that is not a bad thing to say but it's like one of those things you're like but why are you saying that right like what's going on here yeah me too i wanted to make a mom joke now but i decided not to okay uh final words for grim tripper is your mother's your beautiful souls and he goes down to the cav archer there from gray i like how he panic typed the last line because he knew he was about to die like any last words only respect for them oh oatmeal raisin cookies okay chad what's your favorite type of cookie go i would have to say my mom's uh homemade chocolate chip cookies but oh geez oh geez somebody planned to head over here somebody planned ahead and straggler trees hills the king from grey now there should be another one out there somewhere i just don't know where it is um oh it's there it's the one from earlier it's been standing there forever and gray's last words were a wise move my friend kudos to purple honestly that was really well executed immediate move and now as they stay said before it is vietnam with vietnam the only two vietnamese players together and this actually has worked out way better than i thought it ever would for teal impressive now purple still has two kings teal still has two kings will they will they duel here or what's the plan they could always do some weird alliance thing i would be okay with it ending here but i think that straggler tree remember straggler tree is 1400 so straggler trees like got that got that confidence that you get from building your way up to 1400 so i think straggler tree is is gonna see teal as inferior remember teal wasn't hugely confident how to finish this the guy with lowest score wins question yeah that seems like a really good offer i think purple should take that oh that's funny the guy who still doesn't have fully armored elephants i think that person should win 100 missing the castle age and imperial age armor on elephants straggler tree says i am prepared to accept your surrender i mean listen you played a big hand in killing who was the biggest baddest bully of the game it was also your teammate for a while so maybe maybe teal feels bad about that you end up vietnamese vs vietnamese and teal responds with i accept your surrender also i like it purple says i will allu the old king stuck in an arena with traps okay so so that is uh that is a duel that we have seen many times over the years basically when the game's going to go on too long people try and do a little duel and teal says maybe better than fight for a few hours i honestly appreciate this there are times where i'm like no don't do the duel this type of game has already been a long one and so we'll see remember there's two kings guys so will they send both all their kings to the middle i don't know if we've ever seen it and wow this is gonna be a big arena you might be here for a while hey well uh i will keep an eye on the kings but i think the arena is going to have to complete first and they are going to build it together here towards the middle of the map we'll wait for that to be completed before we see exactly how they want to do things t90 what did they say to teal to betray me what's up grim tripper um [Music] well they basically were like you're gonna die they told teal that you were gonna kill him they were like he's gonna die you're gonna die to him anyways so you might as well help us because he's going to kill everyone else otherwise which i think would have been the case right like i think if you pushed purple and gray then you probably would have killed him so i mean in the end though for teal you know we'll see what happens i build part of the wall okay are they allied together right now they are allied together so they're making they're working together to build this arena no steve dude steve splendor don't lie it wasn't teal teal didn't bring it up teal didn't bring it up all right well the armies are here and you might think that these are here to fight no these are witnesses this is like the old uh old gladiator scene let's go baby got any tigers you can bring in here there any why get some deer in there maybe delete archers please yeah how about like you just move the archers away elite's a little excessive but i can understand purple not wanting to have range students out there can you please research fortified wall though teal because it looks weird to have part fortified part regular wall also they sent one king into the middle or at least purple did i don't know about teal remember it's two kings and teal's sending both of them ah i would double check on this also you have to be really careful that orange doesn't have random units around where's your other king says teal it died [Laughter] oh god orange got it oh i love this i love it uh such a bold lie i bet you teal's looking right now it's like i don't know about that there's a flag over there [Laughter] let me check i enemy you for a second yes yes teal doesn't believe him the teal enemies him and he's gonna research treason so he'll get two pings so we'll get a ping here and i'll get a ping here and so now purple got the declaration of war and is actually fighting back but now teal is allied again and purple's like wow and now they're fighting but now purple's king's like nope i'm out of here purple's king is like nope nope nope we tried it boys we're going home to safety it deals it's a scam it's a scam and the kings also run back home oh that was amazing that was amazing i love this so much man this game is ended so i mean it might not even be close to ending but that was that was a twist that i never expected honestly that is top tier diplo from both players like that is that is something that i've never really seen before i thought teal was a bit of a pushover earlier i take it all back uh the blacksmith upgrade's still concerning but now we have a war apparently um and i think this war is going to go on for a long time and until they decide to maybe try and use this arena again can i just re-watch that can i just re-watch that moment as a caster right now that was funny um so yeah teals kings are back here um he's brought his rats on archers forward rats and archers i'm trying to think how much damage they're doing here okay so they're doing um yeah they're doing like four damage a hit but it's 420 hp on these elephants god the fact that teal doesn't have full armor is just so sad okay treason has been researched by purple who by the way is killing teal's trade so like whatever trade teal has has been slowly dying i don't think teal has much remaining anymore i kind of like ooh teal should delete gray's market yeah true i actually forget they are allied right yes that's a very good point yeah teal making a big dipple a mistake you should be deleting these markets here because you're allied with gray and gray is dead i think i think guys purple's gonna make a run for that king or or the kings excuse me i think it's not gonna work and then maybe purple at that stage is gonna say hey can we do a deal again but i don't know maybe i'm underestimating it does have more eco than teal tl ziko is actually really low according to this a teal is 160 military 160 military is no joke but can teal actually push can teal actually work his way through this and damage the king i don't think so i have the high grounds give it up says purple i mean technically they both have the high ground so he's not wrong as expected this is not going to work and the the elephants seem to be the ticket here rats and archers would be good for king sniping but the rats and archers don't seem near as strong as the elephants obviously combined with the fact that purple actually researched the blacksmith upgrades i i agree with ethan and chad i think teal has shown that he is the weaker player between these two i think purple with his production buildings also with how much eco there is right now like maintaining 81 eco maintaining trade as the wind conditioned down and i think maybe teal will be the one that says you know what maybe i should give it up maybe we should go back let's let's try that again a pike switch would be great i really wouldn't though like like think about an elephant 1v1 is a help right and wins that fight how many halves do you need to win against a 420 hp elephant let's say three okay right here there's 53 elephants do you need like 150 helps and then the opponent has rats and archers which do so much damage you got like 20 rats and archers behind your elephants and a house which does nothing well not nothing of course i i think like making you can make an argument for rats and archers and helps yes yeah of course there's no blast furnace on either side right so there's no blast furnace for the elephant or for the halves and purple's just realizing it's so hard for them to kill my elephants i might as well just take out castles kind of like grim did earlier with the huskarls um but i mean this is not where the king is and so this is something that teal will likely survive from and purple is just going to use this time to take back the middle and guys what you're going to see here is you're going to see teal's military count start to dip i think the stockpile for teal is is almost gone so the military number that was once 160 that is going to change drastically because he doesn't have the resources to be able to make much more so like the military you're looking at for teal kind of has to work and if it doesn't work i could see this game being over pretty soon here come trebuchet's from purple we have a moonwalking treb look at him going in reverse let's go not bad i like how it hit the other treb and then he's like oh yeah sorry i'll go i'll i'll i'll look forward they're also just passing a teo trebuchet which is randomly there on fire and okay so teal has researched treason does anyone know where teals rat tons are by the way did i miss them whoa what this is the okay this is the most roundabout sniping attempt in the history of diplo games he's going all the way up here all the way down here would have to break through gray's wall get past yellow's castle get past purple's castle all the way down here all the way down here this is going to take an hour so teal is doing the right thing to try and snipe it's just a time issue right now i will say this if you ever want to snipe somebody you don't want them to expect it i don't think purple will expect this so you just stay silent you hope that your castle stay up and you imagine if this actually works yeah i guess he can delete gray's wall but he also could have deleted gray's trade so we'll see if he thinks about that when he gets in close oh this is gonna hurt later on oh no please oh pain man pain set his gather point up here by the way um so this is where he's been sending all the new bomber cannons so there will be another shipment coming in it deletes the wall now this is purple's point of view purple doesn't have the trebs here they must have got sniped by teal but does he'll have enough um okay just passing there is a slight chance this works obviously if purple notices and just patrols in a few elephants there's no way this works so guys i'm gonna tell you guys what i told my girlfriend on my very first date with okay lower your expectations get them real low okay don't expect anything great here don't don't expect this to be fantastic expect it to be mediocre expect the uh bomber cannons to die to more castles expect the rats and archers to not get the snipe and if you expect very little of me even a decent date is gonna seem fantastic all right this whole game has been fantastic you know have teal in the trade you don't really want to attack that though if your teal just saying as the kings are running don't get your hopes up here i did not actually say that to her by the way i say that to you guys though with my content all the time um yeah these kings are gonna need to run okay so purple i think noticed this i think there was a signal there uh it would have been pretty easy and teal says gg seal realizes this is over and the gg's called before the kings go down what a good game what a good game man that we had this is not how i expected it to go i thought that teal would have died hard to grim that didn't end up happening um straggler tree with a fantastic victory here i uh i think my favorite part of the game though was the old bait and switch the little trickerooskies there near the end like that was so funny i thought this game was going to end with a trebor which we've seen a bunch of times and then purple acted like he only had one king while having the other and teal immediately called him out on it i said at the time that uh we had our teal player turn on orange that i thought that eventually teal would regret that i think that teal will look back at this and will be very happy with how this game went after making that decision uh still got second place of course but got to play and and really last longer in a game where it felt like he was playing as a third or fourth place player for a while i will look to the stats now i'm sure we're going to see a lot of data here and uh you can see our goth player 2300 units lost that game payne but that's god's for you that is god's for you either units are cheap spam them fast but normally you're not going to have a positive kd with goths um he also had the most kills right behind grim tripper's kills though was straggler tree skd in the game was actually teal who i think for the most part had a really good did a really good job being selective with the fights uh didn't do as good a job with getting the cavalry blacksmith upgrades however did have a good game in terms of selecting this and the engagements very good army high as well there economically this does not surprise me because uh well first off purple and teal were in that game a lot longer than others but purple had a lot of trade that game but remember there was a point where purple was against two and had to reboom and really had to fight hard to stay alive for a while there so did a good job working and to keep the trade alive virtually the entire game that's where the resources came in sorry i never look at this there's so much data here i never really look at this for diplo games that was really good we weren't expecting two kings the players had to adapt um that was a really entertaining game i think for green and red they're going to be a little disappointed don't hesitate to sign up again just start start chatting and and if you're like oh i die early in these games use that to your advantage with your chat like listen i died like twice the last couple times be buddies with me i wanted i want to make it to the top four say those things trust me it'll go a long way a diplo is after all one of the most important things here as we learned and here's apm if this matters to you guys i don't know if apm really matters to you guys for this you got all the little zoom all the little graphs i know some of the data nerds out there are going to be really happy to see this stuff but uh great game great diplo game lovely stuff you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 65,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, game, games, gaming, Age2, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, commy, commi, comi, comie, comy, commie, community, match, regicide, diplo, diplomacy, run, it, is, it's, scam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 56sec (5396 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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