The Power of Lifting Our Hands | Led by Fire - #11 | Pastor John Lindell

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[Music] we're in a series that we've entitled led by fire we're looking at the life of moses because moses leads the nation of israel during a time of challenge during a time of uncertainty and during that time the lord goes before them in a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day and just as we're in a season of challenge with the covet pandemic and so many other things a season of uncertainty i believe this i believe god's heart is to lead us as pastor of this church i am as convinced that god is going before us as if we had a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day and god not only wants to do that in the church he wants to do it in the life of every single person that is here today and those that are watching online and so we're learning lessons as we're following moses and the nation of israel and this morning we come to arguably one of the most unique stories in all of that journey and it's recorded for us in exodus chapter 17 and verses 8 through 16 let's pick it up and read it the amalekites came and attacked the israelites ever fit him moses said to joshua choose some of our men and go out and fight the amalekites tomorrow i will stand on top of the hill with that staff of god in my hands so joshua fought the amalekites as moses had ordered and moses aaron and her went to the top of the hill and as long as moses held up his hands the israelites were winning but whenever he lowered his hands the amalekites were winning when moses hands grew tired they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it aaron and her held his hands up one on one side one on the other so that his hands remained steady till sunset so joshua overcame the amalekite army with the sword then the lord said to moses write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that joshua hears it because i will completely blot out the memory of amalek from under heaven moses built an altar and called it the lord is my banner he said for hands were lifted up to the throne of the lord the lord will be at war against the amalekites from generation to generation before we jump into the text i want to just by way of observation uh make a few comments this is a passage of firsts there are things in here that we see that are unusual first of all it's the first time we meet joshua he is mentioned four times and he has mentioned without introduction which says something of his notoriety among the people even here at the start of this journey the people know who he is he has already distinguished himself as a leader as well it is the first time we meet the amalekites as a people though we have heard of the land of amalek that is mentioned in genesis 14 and the amalekites themselves are descended from esau the son of jacob by way of a concubine named timna you can read about that in genesis 36 but this is the first time that we see them as a people group what's interesting is always they are viewed as the enemies of god's people and as such become in many respects a prototype of the enemy of god's people satan himself that what we see in their behavior we see in his behavior the thief jesus said comes to kill still and destroy and when you read through the old testament you see the amalekites always and ever continually stealing killing pillaging burning destroying seeking to destroy the people of god we'll see them do that here we'll see in numbers how how their presence discourages uh the nation of israel from taking the promised land we'll watch them as again in the book of judges they pillage we'll see them in first samuel as they are a threat to the people of judah as david battles them as saul himself the first king of israel is killed by an amalekite we'll see them in the book of queen esther when haman the agga guide an amalekite tries to destroy god's people it's who they are it's what they do which is why the lord wants to destroy them there is this antagonism there is this battle that goes on we read in exodus chapter 17 and verse eight the amalekites came and attacked the israelites ever fit him it it seems almost in some sense like well you know that's what enemies do what was it about their attack that was so bad in deuteronomy moses writing at the end of his life as he looks back on 40 years in the wilderness writes this in deuteronomy 25 remember what the amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of egypt when you were weary and worn out they met you on your journey and cut off all who were lagging behind they had no fear of god they didn't care about a pillar of fire by night or a cloud by day they they had zero fear of god not only that what they did was was it was underhanded it was it was uh again something that you wouldn't expect from a normal adversary rather than fighting head-on they were picking people off and so much like the enemy who waits till you're weary and waits till you're worn out and waits till you run down and then attacks you that's what the amalekites did and so god pronounces judgment on them and you see this constant tension and battle between the amalekites and israel throughout the old testament there's something else that's interesting in this book and and in exodus you see this theme in fact through the travels of israel from egypt as slaves to entering the promised land there is this theme of tomorrow tomorrow is mentioned repeatedly tomorrow becomes a a word by which the people are made to understand that tomorrow is the day god will work that tomorrow is the day god will deliver in fact look at it in exodus chapter 17 and verse 9. moses said to joshua choose some of our men and go out and fight the amalekites tomorrow i will stand on top of the hill my question is why not today why not do it today why wait until tomorrow but tomorrow in the book of exodus represents the time when god will deliver and the time when god will punish his enemies in fact you see this i'll just show you several examples exodus eight i'll make a distinction between my people and your people this miraculous sign will occur tomorrow and the lord did this dense swarms of flies poured into pharaoh's palace in verse 28 we read this pharaoh said i'll let you go offer sacrifices to the lord your god in the desert but first you must not go very far now pray for me and moses answered as soon as i leave you i will pray to the lord and tomorrow the flies will leave in exodus chapter 9 and verse 5 the lord set a time and said tomorrow the lord will do this in the land exodus 9 and 18 at this time tomorrow i will send the worst hailstone storm that has ever fallen on egypt exodus 10 and verse 4. if you refuse to let them go i will bring locusts into your country tomorrow in numbers chapter 11 tell the people consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow and and the next day they're going to have all the quail they can eat and then in joshua chapter 3 and verse 5 joshua told the people consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the lord will do amazing things why do i emphasize this because on the one hand tomorrow is a word of grace it's a word of grace and that god gives people time to repent he gave pharaoh time to repent he said tomorrow i'll send judgment he gives people here today people watching online he gives people who are away from god who have never met god people have never received jesus as their savior he gives you today he delays judgment for another day tomorrow is a day of judgment but today is the day of salvation that's what the bible says in ii corinthians today is the day of salvation now is the appointed time the bible says today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart always today is the day of salvation you don't wait you don't put it off you don't delay making a decision when it comes to salvation tomorrow is the devil's word today is god's word and yet as well tomorrow is also a day when god does amazing things and i can't help but think as i was studying and reading that there are people here today that as we apply the word of god and what this passage is teaching to our life that tomorrow god will do amazing things that tomorrow as you've consecrated yourself today tomorrow you'll see god answer prayer tomorrow you'll get your breakthrough tomorrow you'll watch god do what only he can do some are waiting for the lord's deliverance tomorrow is your day of deliverance i declare it with with the full faith believing god's gonna do what only he can do [Applause] with that being said what i want us to do is really look though at the heart of the passage and the theme of the passage the theme is the power of lifting our hands in prayer and as we look at it i want you to notice three things first of all raised hands are a part of biblical prayer i think that's really important to establish up front especially in a church like this because at james river james river though we are affiliated with the assemblies of god the church is is by and large made up of people over 80 percent people who are from no background or other backgrounds denominationally speaking so it's got a bit of a community church feeling and because we have people from various backgrounds what can happen is when people come in and they see aspects of the worship they can assume that some of those things are part of a culture that is not necessarily biblical but is merely a style that belongs in a pentecostal church especially when you come in and you see people raising their hands and you're not used to that people can wonder if we're all giving high fives or if just everybody has a question at the same time or what in the world's going on why are all the hands lifted up in the air and what it's important for us to understand is the bible talks about this repeatedly that when you read the word of god you find that godly people throughout biblical times lifted their hands as a part of prayer in exodus chapter 9 and verse 29 moses replied when i've gone out of the city i will spread out my hands in prayer to the lord and the thunder will stop how powerful is it when you and i lift our hands in prayer if it can stop a hail storm that's the worst there's ever been i'm simply suggesting to you that what scripture suggests that there is a power in this posture of prayer it is not the only posture there is a power when you and i kneel there is a power when you and i fall flat on our face there is a power when we lift our hands it's not that we do all of them at the same time or that we do all of them every time i'm simply suggesting to you that we should do all of them at different times with regularity in first kings chapter 8 and verse 22 and you'd see a parallel passage in second chronicles 6 and 8 but solomon the son of david as he's dedicating the temple it says he stood before the altar of the lord in front of the whole assembly of israel and he spread out his hands toward heaven and then he begins to offer this incredible prayer in first kings chapter 8 and verse 54 when solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the lord he rose from before the altar of the lord where he'd been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven the bible mentions it twice why for emphasis that you and i might understand that this is one of the ways men and women of god pray how powerful was that prayer so powerful that if we were to take times to look at second chronicles you would find that when that prayer was done fire fell from heaven consumed the sacrifice and the glory of the lord filled the temple in such a degree and dimension that the priests could not even enter in how powerful is it when you and i lift our hands in prayer that god's glory would come down and fill a place simply suggesting to you this is not magical this is not mythical this is not the panacea or the answer to everything but i am suggesting to you it is a powerful tool in the christians weaponry for praying and doing spiritual warfare we read on again and see this in ezra chapter 9 and verse 5 ezra godly scribe at the time of the sacrifice he stood up from where he had sat in the morning where i sat in the morning with my clothes torn and i fell to my knees and lifted my hands to the lord my god and prayed he's praying over he's confessing the sins of the people he's shocked by their disobedience to the lord so what does he do he tears his clothes he's fasting he's praying and now at the time of the evening sacrifice he lifts his hands toward heaven and prays this beautiful prayer that ushers in a revival how powerful then are uplifted hands if when you and i pray with our hands lifted and we've cried out to god and we've been fasting and praying and we come to the close of that time if when we lift our hands a revival comes simply saying it's a powerful way to pray we see it again in nehemiah chapter 8 and verse 6 ezra praised the lord the great god and all the people lifted their hands and responded amen at the end of the service oftentimes as i as we're blessing is saying a blessing over you that that has great spiritual significance i believe it puts god's name on you and and sets his hand on you you will see people lift their hands which i think is biblical and appropriate though i've never asked anybody to do that people have done it and it's in that spirit saying amen it's saying lord let that happen lord grant what is being said let your name rest on me let your favor rest on me may your smile rest on me may your peace rest on me may your blessing rest on me may your protection rest on me amen lord let it be is what amen means the psalmist repeatedly talks about raising hands in prayer psalm 28 hear my cry for mercy as i call to you for help as i lift up my hands toward your most holy place as you're lifting your hands you're not lifting lifting them just up as an exercise you're lifting them to the very throne of god and god on his throne sees those hands and this cry it's a it's it's the prayer the fervent prayer of a person who is crying out with their whole being to god [Music] listen there are some situations that require more than some prayers set in your head prayer at its heart spurgeon the great preacher said prayer fervent prayer is the cry of the spirit the soul and the body it's your mouth it's your hands it's your whole being calling out to god asking him to do what only he can do the psalmist says again in psalm 63 david running from saul fleeing for his lives he says even in the in the difficulties of life he says i will praise you as long as i live and in your name i will lift up my hands god no matter what's happening around me when my enemies are chasing me i will praise you and i will lift up my hands to your name because when you and i lift up our hands there is a power of god that helps us win the battle we're gonna see it in a moment david knew that that's why david as he's fleeing saul lifts up his hands to the lord he understands that in the problems of life in the natural problems of life there are supernatural ramifications that require a supernatural remedy and a part of that is lifting up our hands in psalm 134 praise the lord all you servants of the lord who minister by night in the house of the lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the lord when you and i are lifting up our hands we are blessing him we are honoring him we are worshiping him we're praising him we're reaching out to him and god takes note jeremiah said this in lamentations chapter 3 and verse 41 let us lift up our hearts and our hands to god in heaven and say we have sinned and rebelled this city was in ruins but jeremiah understands that when we lift our hands and we call on god that there is an aid that that that results from that that makes a supernaturally significant difference in our life somebody hears all that and says well you know that's all old testament that's all you know rooted in the jewish culture what about the new testament well first timothy chapter 2 and verse 8 the apostle paul says i want men everywhere i want all people everywhere to lift up what holy hands in prayer in other words paul establishes this as a regular posture of prayer it doesn't have to be every time you pray but he is saying it should regularly be a part of your prayer the lifting up of your hands in prayer all of that to say that it is a biblical way of praying and yet some will say this some will say well you know i wasn't raised that way and my question to you would simply be this what comes first in your life what's going to have the priority of your life is it going to be how you were raised and how you're comfortable or is it going to be what the word of god says and every single one of us have to cross that bridge i remember the first time i went to a pentecostal church i was in my teens i'd been raised backslidden presbyterian i sat in the service i can remember sitting in the back with my brother i remember turning and looking at me and saying these people are crazy i mean what in the world is going on and yet when you see the word of god when you and i when you and i are willing to say you know what it doesn't matter how i was raised what matters is is what is in the word of god and if god says this is a powerful medium and a powerful means by which i bless him and i approach him and by which i do battle spiritually that brings victory that glorifies him when you and i respond to that in obedience powerful things happen in our life there's some of you though and i'm just simply saying this not you know i'm not trying to thump you on the on the chest with this i'm just simply saying there are some of you who will not see the victory you could see because in your pride you will not submit to scripture and you're missing a blessing i mean i i want people to be blessed i think of a couple that's from a different church background they told me the story they they would come and and they would sit up in the stadium seating and they noticed that during the the blessing at the end of the service people raised their hands and and the husband said to the wife um she started to do it a little bit you know i mean and this is kind of how it works for most people so we understand how this how this plays out practically speaking you're not from this background you've never done it before and so maybe you kind of start like this you know you got the palms like this and you're but then you know you're like that and then you know eventually get like that and then you're like that and then then eventually kind of your cattywampus and then then eventually kind of get evened out you're you're full on right so his wife started to do it but he he told her i'm not doing that and i don't know why everybody's doing that and she said well you ought to try it so here's what he said snow farmer he said i lifted my hand and it was as if a bolt of lightning went through my body threw my feet out the floor and he said now i lift them both i'm just simply telling you that i've seen that over and over again i remembered in my own life i can remember when i lifted hands to the lord i can remember doing it and thinking that felt good i could tell there was something spiritually something supernatural that was happening in my life raised hands are a part of biblical prayer and worship it's not pentecostal culture i have very little interest in promoting pentecostal culture i have every interest in utilizing the means god gives in scripture for living a life of strength and spiritual vitality second and this is the heart of the message raised hands bring victory in spiritual battles raised hands bring spiritual victory or bring victory in spiritual battles look at it in exodus chapter 17 verse 10. so joshua fought the amalekite says moses had ordered and moses aaron and her went to the top of the hill aaron is moses brother he will be the priest the leader of the levitical tribe her from the tribe of judah a another leader in israel but watch this as long as moses held up his hands the israelites were winning it's very interesting moses holds up his hand they're winning moses hand gets tired and puts it down he puts it down and they're losing the battle that's what it says but whenever he lowered his hands the amalekites were winning so very very interesting remember moses told joshua to go pick the man so joshua's hand-picking the boldest the strongest the bravest the best of his fighting men and though joshua's picked the best and though god has told them to go into battle and they're doing god's will and though there's a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day and though they're eating manna the bread of angels and though they're drinking water from the rock and although moses is their leader and he speaks to god face to face as a man speaks with his friend unless moses keeps his hands in the air they'll lose the battle what does that tell us so what kind of battle must this be at its core it's a spiritual battle and i simply want to remind you that this speaks to us that there is a spiritual component to life's problems and the challenges that we face and physical weapons would not be enough for joshua and they won't be enough for you and i if we're going to walk in victory if we're going to fight the battle spiritually and it must be fought spiritually then we need spiritual weapons we need to know what they are we need to know how to use them we need to understand their power paul said as much in second corinthians chapter 10 for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does how does the world wage war well if you don't take care of yourself no one else can take care of you it's not what you know it's who you know you got to work harder got to work smarter and there's a place for all of those things but sometimes you can have all of those things and still be losing and ultimately our confidence isn't in those things the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds and there are some here this morning and the enemy has set up a fortress a stronghold in your life and you can't budget and you can't move it and you won't be able to until you learn to use the weapons of our warfare which are divinely powerful for the tearing down of strongholds and i suggest to you one of them is the uplifted hand in prayer because we're in a spiritual world don't ever forget that it's not just a natural world it's not just your boss it's not just that hard to get along uh person co-worker it's it's not it's not just your finances it's not just your health there there are things at work there are things that are happening that are spiritual that are demonic paul says this in ephesians 6 and verse 12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood it's not against other people it's not even against your own body at times they're spiritual forces of evil i'm not saying every sickness is demonically induced but i am saying some are we know that from the gospels there's times jesus met people who were sick and what did he do he rebuked the spirit of that sickness other times he healed them without mentioning that listen it's a spiritual world and there are demonic forces rulers and authorities and powers of the dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm paul's telling us the battle is not just your family and it's not just financial and it's not just physical and it's not just emotional there's a battle taking place demonic activity is both real and relentless it is 24 7 365 days a year and there are times that the only answer i'm not saying it's the answer i am saying at times it is the only answer is to lift your hands in prayer and call on god it is a weapon for spiritual warfare look at it in exodus 12 when moses hands grew tired so he's tired as soon as he puts them down they're losing they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it aaron and her held his hands up one on one side one on the other so that his hands remained steady they understood that if the hands stay up the battle's going to be won if the hands go down the battle is going to be lost what is this saying it's a spiritual battle is there are there physical armies fighting yes are they trained for war yes do they have good leadership yes but unless god helps them it's not going to happen and what does moses need moses as godly and as great a man of god as he is even though he has that staff by which he split the red sea unless he has help to hold his hands up they're not going to win the battle you know what that's speaking to all of us need people who stand with us in prayer listen you should have your private devotions and i hope you do it's a valuable thing but the fact you pray privately does not mean you don't need or i don't need the public prayer meeting where we call on god together corporately because there is a power when you and i come together when we support one another in prayer that gives victory that would not happen otherwise [Music] i mean think of it moses has a powerful walk with god and god uses him in an unusual way but unless aaron and her join him in this battle joshua will lose and i would simply say this you may be a spiritual giant in your praying but you're foolish to think all you need are your prayers some of you are trying to go it alone in life you're saying well i'm not going to tell anybody i don't want to worry people i don't want to bother people sometimes it's more than that you're too proud to admit you have a need but whatever the case we need one another we need to pray for one another we need to encourage one another we need to come together in prayer it'll bring about victory in exodus 17 and verse 13 so joshua overcame the amalekite army with the sword to the casual observer it looked like he was the better commander that day it looked like he had the better army that day it looked like he had the better strategy that day but it was a spiritual battle one by spiritual means and the answer depended on prayer because the victory depended on god and it's no different in your life and in my life we depend on prayer because we're dependent on god it's a spiritual battle we're fighting and i just think there's some people today in this room right now that need to hear this that you've been dealing with something that will not go away and in my own life when i see something that appears to be unnatural in its inability to resolve i instantly know it's supernatural there's some of you and the enemy has got you on the run he's filled some with a heart full of fear relative to what's happening and it dominates your decisions and it's ruining your relationships there's others and this this problem keeps happening keeps occurring and you don't know what to do and god today is letting you know he's reminding you it's more than a physical battle it's a spiritual battle at its heart and he is giving you the solution as you lift your hands in prayer you're going to see his power like you've never seen it before raise hands bring victory in spiritual battles number three raised hands remind us that god is fighting for us look at it in verse 14 then the lord said to moses write this on a scroll as something to be remembered that is so important how easy it is for us to forget the lord's help over time to forget our desperateness over time to forget the spiritual nature of the problem over time to forget the spiritual solution to the problem over time to have people say wow you really handled that well wow that really worked out you were at the right time at the right place oh my goodness man you know this person and that person or you're so smart and you're so persistent and you're so this and you're so that and and you say well yeah you know well you know god did a little bit you know and [Music] pretty soon you're not even saying that [Music] honestly the best thing you and i can do is when god meets us at a point of prayer is to write it on a scroll you say well what do you mean write it on a scroll grab one of the praise cards from the seat back in front of you and to write down and to say the lord help me i was facing a battle and the lord delivered me and just briefly summarize in a way that's appropriate the victory you know something will happen in your heart and as well god's going to get the glory because others are going to be encouraged as they hear how god met your need listen moses knows this if he doesn't write it down the israelites are going to forget if he doesn't write it down they're going to think well joshua's just a great general our men are really good fighters we we we played the the game right with the terrain we had we had the high ground [Music] we just know how to do it unless he writes it down they're going to forget that they were losing until hands were lifted to the lord unless he writes it down they're going to forget that it was a spiritual battle that required a supernatural god to come in and to help them one of the things that keeps people from receiving from the lord the things he wants to do in their life is they don't give him glory for what he's done already and god says i'm not going to share my glory with another i won't share it with you i won't share it with anybody that's why i'm always quick to declare that whatever happens at james river this is the lord's church it's it's a place he's uniquely set his hand upon and when i drive by it i turn all the time to debbie and i say if ever there was a church god loved it's that church because so many things defy explanation beyond god did it i was meeting with people this last week from dallas from out of the area and they were asking about the church how it could happen i said there's just one simple answer only god could do this [Music] it's good for us to write these things down it's good for us to rehearse these things in verse 15 moses built an altar that that altar he he said i'm going to worship over what god did don't leave your your victory too quickly don't move on to the next battle too fast but when god gives you a victory and i'm telling you this because i believe with all in my heart that god is going to give many people in this room today and many people across the church across the campuses victory those watching online a victory [Music] today that you write it down that you build an altar that you worship god and you say oh god you did this and it was impossible without you it could not have happened without you and oh god i worship you for the victory that you've given me for the breakthrough that you've given me moses built an altar and called it the lord is my better is the banner he's talking about you know it's yahweh or jehovah nissi in the hebrew it's it's a banner throughout much of you know warfare throughout human history there have been banners on the battlefield could be a regimental flag could be a military standard but it was essential because when the battle became hand-to-hand combat you needed to know where the rest of the army was and if the banner if you weren't if you couldn't see the banner then you knew things were going bad for you either your your army was in retreat or you'd been left behind you could be surrounded by the enemy but if you saw the banner you would know instantly that that there's people with you you're not in the battle alone that banner was was a mark of identity it gave courage to those fighting it gave a sense of direction i want to ask you what is your banner is your banner is what gives you courage is it what you can do and what you possess and who you know or is your banner the lord are you saying no when i see him when i see him in the middle of the battle when i see him and his hand upon me when i see his direction he gives me direction he gives me courage he gives me identity [Music] moses said the lord is my banner and then he closes the story so we won't forget the point of the story for hands were lifted up to the throne of the lord [Music] listen that's the key they won the battle because hands are lifted to the lord [Music] and i i just in my heart i just know what i just know what the lord wants to do there's some of you today and you're facing a battle problems that have not been resolved circumstances for which there's been no breakthrough and today the lord is speaking directly to you this message isn't to anybody but to you and all of us together that god wants to give you victory [Music] for some of you it's going to require that you step out of your comfort zone i mean honestly i'm surprised for some people they won't raise their hands because they feel like i don't need victory i would hate to be in that place i would hate to be so content and so comfortable with where i am that i wouldn't at any given time lift my hands to the lord i'm not saying to embarrass anybody i'm just simply i'm just simply pastorally saying i would never want to be in a place where i didn't think i was totally dependent upon the lord and if it was in scripture i would never want to be in a place where i'd say well i'm not doing it and i would just i mean i would just challenge again it's you know there's some of you and like when randall and the team are up here and they say let's let their hands alert there's some of you and here's here's your default thinking well i'm not lifting my hands just because he tells me with my hands i'm with my hand i'm gonna do it i [Music] what [Music] really are you are you serious [Music] the person who's leading in that moment prayed for the spirit in that moment in the spirit being prompted by the spirit full of the spirit [Music] calling us to lift our hands is it possible he or she knows something you and i don't know that in that moment as their leading in the service god is directing them that you might be blessed and you're going to get into this nobody tell me what to do and you go home without the blessing i would never want to be there i'm just telling you i never would want to be there if the leader is asking us to do it again i'm not shaming i'm just saying i think this is practical pastoral instruction for the body of christ that will lead to your blessing and that's ultimately all i want for all of you anyway but right now there's some of you and you need a breakthrough and god wants to give it and so what we're going to do in just a moment i'm going to have you stand and i'm going to ask you to do something that some of you are used to doing it's no big deal and you know the joy of it and others have never done and that's to lift your hands and even if the best you can do is this the holy ghost to get a hold of your shoulder at some point and pull it out but to whatever degree you can muster obedience and faith in the lord i believe god will honor it in us in a spiritually significant way beyond what you can imagine [Music] hey everybody thank you so much for joining james river church on our youtube channel our prayer is that you were encouraged and your faith was strengthened today and we want to let you know that we want to connect with all our online family you can just click the link next to me to connect to us we'd love to meet you and connect with you as well we'd love if you subscribe to the channel and press the bell for notifications i'll tell you what it's a great thing to do because we're always putting out great sermons new worship content and that helps you stay up-to-date with everything that's happening we hope you have a great day today and we'd love for you to join us live for our services every sunday and wednesday thank you again for watching and god bless
Channel: James River Church
Views: 12,576
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Keywords: james river church, james river church sermons, sermon, pastor john lindell, john lindell, john lindell sermons, led by fire, preaching, preacher, sermons, exodus, sermon on exodus, worship, lifting hands, church online, online church, praise and worship, live worship, worship live, encouragement, worshipping god, 2020 sermons, best sermons, victory, spiritual battle, god will fight your battles, james river worship, moses, bible, biblical truth, biblical teaching, bible study, god
Id: ZypHgLySgU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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