Praying Like Jesus | Pastor John Lindell | James River Church

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[Music] I want to talk to you about the one thing that will make a difference in everything and that's your prayer life the title of the message is praying like Jesus praying like Jesus when you and I pray powerful things happen when you and I pray we received from God Jesus said ask and you'll receive James talking about Prayer in James chapter 4 and verse 2 says you have not because you ask none how many times do people not receive from God not because he wouldn't but because they didn't ask in prayer prayer is not only powerful in your life but in a very real sense prayer is prophetic in every person's life show me the transcript of your prayer and I will tell you the trajectory of your life show me what you're asking God to do if you're asking I'll tell you what he'll do that's why prayer is so important if you and I want to live a power filled life if you want to see God work in your life if you want to see the miraculous happen if you want to see the hand of God on your life if you want to see the hand of the Lord on the lives of your family members if you want to see God go before you then all of it begins with prayer so in the next few moments what I want to do is I want to talk to you about six principles I want to give you six principles for a powerful life or a power filled life so we're gonna jump right into this I'm gonna give you the first one right now all of these are from Luke chapter 11 verses 1 through 13 the goal is not so much to exposit every single verse part of it as the Lord's Prayer but to simply extrapolate from this passage 6 principles that will incur you and I in our prayer life help us to grow and help us hopefully to pray num one powerful prayer is the source of a power filled life powerful prayer if you want a power filled life then be a person who prays powerfully and we see that in the life of Jesus look at it in Luke chapter 11 verse 1 now Jesus was praying in a certain place and when he finished one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray it's a very very interesting statement that the disciples made because honestly think of what they've seen they've seen him open the eyes of the blind they've seen him raised the dead they've seen him cast out demons they've seen him take and multiply the the fishes and the loaves of bread to feed thousands of people they've seen him do all kinds of things they've seen him draw large crowds they've seen his wisdom and now what are they asking you think they'd be asking Lord teach us how to draw large crowds teach us how to be able to teach the word like you do teach us how to do different miracles teach us how to have authority over demons but no they say teach us to pray the thing they understood about him as they walked with him as they watched him is it became obvious to to them that the secret to everything else he did was his prayer life when they were with him he was praying all the time always getting away always would withdrawing that he might spend time in prayer with the father that you see it in Luke chapter 3 at his baptism it says now when all the people were baptized and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying so it is baptism he's praying as he praying it says the heaven was open you want to see an open heaven in your life you want to see God rain down blessing get baptized give yourself to prayer and watch the heavens open over your life Jesus gave himself to prayer before big decisions Luke chapter 6 before he selects the disciples what does he do he prays sometimes you and I based decisions we don't know the right thing to do we're not sure it's not clear it's not obvious we need to pray some of you have come into this new year and you know you're gonna be making some big decisions which job to take which school to go to which house to buy wood which person to marry you need to pray look at this now when all the people Luke chapter 6 in those days he went out to the mountain to pray and all night he continued in prayer to God he prayed he sought God spent in all night time in prayer as the crowds began to follow him and they got larger larger what did he do he prayed Luke chapter 5 says but he would withdraw to desolate places and he would pray seeking the Lord it says this in Luke chapter 9 and verse 18 he's getting ready to reveal his identity now it happened that as he was praying alone the disciples were with him and he asked them who do the crowd say that I am if you want people to see Jesus identity pray pray for them pray that Christ might be exposed to them if you want people to see Christ in you pray look at it in Luke chapter 9 it says this in verse 29 as he was praying the appearance of his face was altered and his clothing became dazzling white the glory on the inside became evident on the outside when did that happen it happened as he prayed if you want the glory of God that's in you too shine on the outside then give yourself to prayer prayer is the key to a power filled life Jesus prayed all the time that's why mark says in mark chapter 1 and verse 35 and rising very early in the morning while it was still dark he departed and went out to a desolate place and there he prayed Jesus gave himself to prayer and I'm just simply saying as we start this year if you give yourself if you cultivate that habit if you get up a little bit early if you say I'm going to seek the Lord you will see him do amazing things in your life the second principle I want you to notice powerful prayer is based on a relationship with God as our Father look at it in Luke chapter 11 and verse 2 and he that Jesus said to them when you pray say father in other words when you and I pray some people say you know what I I just like to you know I talked to Jesus that's how I talked to another people like you know I say spirit and and that's how I go I pray to this spirit you say is that wrong it's not wrong I'm just simply saying that if you look at what the Bible teaches relative certainly toward petitioning it's not wrong to enjoy fellowship with Jesus or the fellowship of the spirit but I would suggest to you that Jesus encouragement and the work of the Spirit is that you and I would pray to the Father I mean in Matthew chapter 6 we read this pray then like this our Father that's the way Jesus taught us to pray in John's Gospel we read this this is at the Last Supper so he's given the disciples some last-minute instructions if you will in that day you'll ask nothing of me so he's saying you're not going to be asking me to do things what day when he's gone we're in that day now we're not asking him to do things truly I say whatever you ask of the Father in my name in other words father I come to you in the name of Jesus father I come because I know this is what Jesus would want we pray to the Father in the name of the son by the power of the Holy Spirit look he says whatever you ask of the Father in my name he will give it to you until now you've asked nothing in my name ask and you'll receive that your joy may be full what a great promise from Scripture that if we ask we will receive you look in Romans chapter 8 the the work of the Holy Spirit you've received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry Abba Father when the Spirit of God is working in your life he's going to cause you to pray to the Father you see it again in Galatians chapter 4 and because you are sons God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts crying Abba Father that that the Spirit of God causes us to see ourselves as children of God and this is really critical in this teaching on prayer in Luke chapter 11 and verse verse 2 and in verse 13 it's the passage is bookended if you will with father look at it in verse 13 if then you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him what Jesus is telling us about prayer what he has to say about prayers it begins with talking to the father and it ends with receiving from the father do you catch that and it's really critical how we view that it's important that you and I see God as our Father because that is the paradigm that is the basis of how prayer is to work in the life of the believer because here's what happens if you don't see God as father you'll see him as something else and it will cause you to have a warped prayer life you say what do you mean well if you don't see him as father what a lot of people a lot of people don't see God his father they see him as employer you say what do you mean well they go and they say God I need you to do this and then if it doesn't happen they're like god I worked for you I I did this I I went to church I was in a life group I went through grow track I I gave money I was nice to this first God I did all these things now you owe me I worked for you you're my employer you owe me or people will view God as a computer you say what do you mean well when you input something in the computer once it's there it's there right you don't have to keep inputting it some people view prayer they view prayer this way maybe you God is like a computer it's like well I told him once because they don't see him as a father and they don't see themselves as his child what happens is they don't understand the relational aspect of prayer and Jesus is gonna tell us a parable that illustrates that but if you don't understand that you'll say well I told him and I haven't received I don't know prayer doesn't work but God is our Father that's the basis of powerful prayer and a power filled life or if you don't see him as your father what happens a lot of people see him as a genie you know rub the lamp prayers where you rub the lamp you get the three wishes genie comes out and says what is your wish or your wish is my command people say you know I don't get it I asked it and didn't happen how come prayer doesn't work because see they see God as a genie not as their father you see when you see God as your father and you see yourself as a child here's one thing I know about children children understand that big people do a lot of things they don't understand faces except that they don't they don't they don't they're not suspicious about it they're not worked up about it they're just saying you know what sometimes big people don't do what I asked him to do and it's a good thing right when you see God as your father it changes how you respond in prayer a lot of people don't have a very good prayer life and the reason why is because God's their employer or God is a genie or God is a computer and it has discouraged them from seeking Him they've not understood he's a father and they're a son or a daughter let me give you a third principle the powerful prayer is the key to seeing God's will done look at it Luke chapter 11 verse 2 and he that's Jesus said to them when you pray say father hallowed be your name there's a respect there's a reverence for God there's there's a sense of his great awesomeness and at the same time the intimacy of relationship with him it is a beautiful paradox then it's your kingdom come your kingdom come Matthew puts it this way and this is Jesus giving the Lord's Prayer in another setting so it's something he taught often pray then like this our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven powerful prayer doesn't say thy kingdom come my will be done powerful prayers says God what I want is I want your will I want what's what you desire I want the way it is in heaven to be happening on earth I want my life to line up with heavenly desire with heavenly design with heavenly destiny I want my life to walk according to your footsteps not my will but your will that's what I want let it be done in my life here on earth as it is in heaven you start praying that way when you start when you start either a understanding the will of God and you pray it into existence or when you don't know God's will you're simply desiring Israel and you're praying that it be revealed to you that it be demonstrated in your life that will give you a power filled life number four powerful prayer is concerned about others as well as ourselves something that throws a lot of people is they spend all their time praying about themselves and for themselves not understanding the prayer well certainly God is is willing to meet our needs as Jesus teaches on prayer watch what happens here Luke chapter 11 in verse 3 give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves the first person singular is not present in Jesus prayer isn't that interesting it's not about me myself and I it's about we and us and our it recognizes the community jesus said this seek first the kingdom of God his righteousness and all these other things to be added unto you take care of praying for other people and watch God take care of of the things that matter in your life that's the way prayer works give us our forgive us our sins we ourselves lead us in prayer recognizes the community of believers it recognizes the need to pray for one another and in fact James warns us against prayers that are self-centered look at it in James chapter 4 you do not have what you want because you do not ask God for it so if you don't pray it's not going to happen he said it again if you don't pray it's not gonna happen jesus said ask and you'll receive you do not have what you want because you do not ask God for it and when you ask you do not receive it why because your motives are bad you ask for things to use for your own pleasures listen is very very important and in our Western Christianity we have we have such a a focus on the individual that that's seeped in to our spiritual understanding and it cut the heart out of biblical prayer biblical prayer recognizes the community the needs of the community this is why the permitting is so absolutely important because when we're coming together are your needs can be met sure how my needs be met at prayer absolutely but it's about praying for more than myself it's about praying for more than ourselves it's recognizing the community it's recognizing the needs around us it's recognizing what God is doing in the greater church and when the church prays God will do powerful things in the church which will be a blessing tear but he was a part of the church listen the stronger the church is it's as stronger your family will be the stronger the church is the more spiritually powerful the mortal effect not only your home not only your marriage not only your children's schools but it will affect a workplace it will affect the community it will affect the state prayer has that kind of power on a church that's why I'm just telling you the more we pray the more we seek God the more we'll see God do in the church I'm looking forward for the day when this auditorium the West Auditorium the North Auditorium the Joplin auditorium a Wednesday night is filled full to overflowing not because there was some crises but because God's people understood the power of calling on God and the blessing it would bring into their life I mean listen to what Charles Spurgeon said and I'm gonna give you a few quotes because Spurgeon one of the great preachers in the history of Christianity and the 1800s began preaching when he was 19 years old by age 25 the church had gone they had to build a new building to seat 6,000 and the day before megachurches auditorium that seated 6,000 people would line up outside to hear him preach what was the secret to Spurgeon's church the per meeting listen to what he says the condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings so is the permitting a grace ometer and from it we may judge of the amount of divine working among a people in other words as you and I pray God works in an extra measure in the last 19 years since we started the prayer meeting I have seen it work with scientific precision when the church prays well the church is powerful when the church becomes lethargic and prayer then you see the church become lethargic and ministry you look at last fall we started in the summer that fasting in prayer and people were at the prayer meeting so much so we opened the curtain you look back on the services in the fall what we saw God do it was amazing as the prayer meeting goes so goes the church listen to this if God be near church it must pray and if he be not there one of the first tokens of his absence will be a slothfulness in prayer Spurgeon went on to say this believe me if a church does not pray it is dead it may have activity it may have meetings it may be doing different things but if it wants to have spiritual power it has to pray listen straight up what you're sitting in what you're saying speaks to the truth of this 1998 we started the prayer meeting and I'm going to tell you what if if I brought up charts and graphs you would see from the day the church started to pray exponentially exponentially more salvations more baptisms more influence more power the church is how do you explain a church like this in a little town like Springfield with multi-site look around you I mean the place is full of people as soon as James ever began to pray powerful things happen this building is a miracle from the throne of grace the land up on the on the east where we will have Lord willing a Northey or an East Campus that is a that is a gift from the Lord the North Campus is a gift from the Lord the West Campus stories abound of the church praying and God answering when we pray supernaturally powerful things happen that wouldn't happen any other way one last quote it is not a matter of time so much as a matter of heart if you have the heart to pray you will find the time to pray CIM so I'm so busy it'sit's not a matter of time it's a matter of heart I understand some people have to work I'm not shaming you if you have a job I'm just simply saying that when you invest yourself in spending time by yourself certainly you can pray at your home and but that's not the same as praying with the church it's not either/or it's both and powerful prayer recognizes the key or recognizes others that it's not just about ourselves number five powerful prayer aggressively seeks a response from God if you're taking notes and I hope you re you can underline aggressively it aggressively seeks a response from God so here's Jesus he's given him the Lord's Prayer a template if you will an example of Prayer and now what Jesus does is he wants us to get into the spirit of prayer here's how you pray and now he says here's what you would say how you might think about it but here is the attitude if you will of prayer and he tells a story verse five and he said to them which of you has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey and I have nothing to set before him now you and I on our Western mindset we're like well tell the dude breakfast is served in the morning go to bed why is somebody getting somebody else up in the middle of the night again in our Western mindset we don't get this his his audience would have immediately recognized the gravity of this situation because in the oriental mindset hospitality is paramount the way you treat people who come to you is a reflection on you you honor them for the sake of your own honor and the honor of your community one translation starts us by saying imagine if you will and Jesus hers would have heard this and said that is shocking that would never happen they could not imagine that somebody would have a visitor in the middle of the night need food go to a neighbor and say hey can I get some food and that neighbors say nah sorry can't do it because that would not only dishonor the friend who is asking it would dishonor the person who turned down the request and it would result in the dishonor of the village for generations so much have is you have a a guy who's coming in from out of town he shows up at a friend's house and he says surprise I'm here the friends like he didn't know he was coming if he didn't know Neetu had something ready and he's like Anna I don't have anything because like they don't have Walmart 24-hour Walmart's they don't have you know they're the bread does isn't chock full of 5 pounds of preservatives so it doesn't go stale I mean bread bread goes stale very fast in that day so he realizes he doesn't have any bread by he remembers that earlier in the day the neighbor he can smell the smell of fresh-baked bread he knows they have bread so he goes to his friend and he says give me three loaves why three loaves because again it's not a matter of just meeting the need it's a matter of meeting the need with generosity that speaks not only of your honor for your guests but the honor of your own household and your own willingness to provide generously this is the story Jesus is setting up verse seven and he will answer from within so now the friend comes and says hey give me some of that and the guy inside the house he says don't bother me Jesus says can you imagine that and the people who like that's crazy that would never happen but the guy says don't bother me the door is now shut and my children are in bed with me what are we talking about there we're talking about a one-room house so you have everything all together you've got the the man his wife his kids and they're all together and now this guy is knocking on the window and he's or the door and he think hey you in there the guy wakes up he's like who is it it's me your friend your neighbor I've got guests from out of town I know you're I know your wife made bread that they can can I get three loaves because I gotta have something and the guy says you're gonna wake up the kids if you've ever had kids who are light sleepers you know the seriousness of this moment especially if your kids are close together and age I mean our kids are 30 months apart from you know David the Savannah and so I mean and all of them were seemingly light sleepers and all of them cried I mean they cried through the night I mean it was and not that little soft sweet cry I mean our kids all went for the big band sound so I mean so he's saying don't wake up the kids because if you do that my children and I are in bed I cannot get up and give you anything then watch what happens verse 8 Jesus says I tell you though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend yet because of his intense this is the key to understanding the attitude of prayer say what does that mean a lot of people have thought impudence means his persistence he keeps doing it keeps knocking keeps knocking that's that's not really it impudence the word it's a Greek word on a IDN and it's only used one time in the New Testament so a little hard to define but scholars agree here's what it means doesn't have to do with persistence it has to do with nerve I got a nervy person ghul insolence brazenness audacity for the Brits here cheekiness if you're familiar with with any Jewish phrases quit spa impolite nerve rudeness I told the I told the first Jesus is saying let me just say this first of all Jesus is saying that's how you approach God it's very interesting on the one hand hallowed be thy name on the other hand audacity told the story in the first service so and Debbie was here but uh so I put that as a disclaimer because some of you sat through under the bus this week we happened to be in Washington DC and we were there to watch the the swearing-in of one of our senators who happens to have family from James River and so it was a great opportunity to be with them and to be able to pray and to celebrate what God has done in their life so we're at the swearing-in on Thursday and and if you've been to the through the Capitol and seeing the gallery up above the the Senate floor and so we're we're seated in there and you got to get there early and and so they they see this in this section and and you know it's it's they're certainly not there there's no barcaloungers in that place I mean it's all very tight seating and so you like cramped your knees up to your chin and and tights and so we're there at 10:30 and it doesn't start till till noon so we're sitting in there and and there's there's a UH sure who's in charge of our section and and capitalize all caps charge this this is one of those guys bless his heart who should never be given one ounce of authority ever but has all the authority in that moment so you know so we're in there and we're watching the dude and like he's gone up to the ladies here in front of us and they're just talking just quietly and he comes over says no talking and I mean so it's this kind of thing I mean like an hour before the ceremony like who's it hurting a guy stands up and and an older gentleman and he's like suit down you know so it's it's just that kind of thing going on and you're like he's got everybody in this section very intimidated so we go through that we go through the event and as we're as we're there and watching everything it's over now and people are gradually starting to leave and so some people in our sections start to get up he's like sit down so I mean so everybody is like sitting down and he's just got everybody in Tim a but we're watching some people are leaving and now you know it's 1:30 so like the things long over and and we've been there now three hours and Debbie says to me I'm leaving and she gets up and she makes her way over to this in-charge guy and I mean I'm thinking if she's going I'm thinking oh this is great I mean we're going to be on CNN demonic yoga pastor's wife has arrested you know it's [Applause] so she goes up to this guy who's who's a big guy and she says sir I'm leaving Gaul Audacity nerve cheekiness and he looks at her and he says there's a chair right by me sit down so she sits down and I'm watching this and I'm thinking she's on the naughty chair hahahaha and she looks at me I'm like like that empty no sir does she do that then she stands back up and she says with all of the golf brazenness good spa nerve and rudeness she says sir I am leaving and so are my friends and she points to my three friends and so he's like well okay like that so all of the sudden we start walking out but then everybody else in the gallery they're going out and when we get out of there they're all thanking Debbie Debbie's in the hallway has a receiving line they're all like [Applause] all that to say when you go to God Jesus is saying that you go with this brazenness you go with this aggressiveness you go with this sense of God this is what I need you to do this is what I have to have from you that God has you come to him remember it's a father with a child and you've seen a child who wants something from their father I mean they can ask their dad to do something nobody else would ask the guy could be the world's cruelest dictator he could be the leader of the most violent cartel but if his five-year-old gets up and says daddy give me a drink of water in the middle of the night guess what he's probably gonna do it his wife or girlfriend asks he's gonna say what do you Lakes broke go get it I mean nobody's gonna be able to ask but a child can go and can ask for what no one else asked and do it in the middle of the night and as for the simplest or the most complicated thing a child can do that in Jesus says when you go to God go with that kind of understanding you're his child and you can ask in the middle of the night and you can ask for something big you can ask for something little you can ask and you don't have to flour it up and you don't have to make it all you just go and if you're a child you go and you go and you go ever had your kids and they're like they ask can we do this you said we could do this and does that does that irritate you as a parent absolutely not you're like you love when you're when your child asks you for the things you said you were going to do that daddy you said we were gonna go here you said we're gonna do that that's right we're gonna do that do you follow what I'm saying things that might annoy anyone else or that if anybody else did you might annoy you from your child you love Jesus says that's how that works there's another way to look at this word it can also be translated shamelessness in this in that understanding it would be this Jesus is saying can you imagine a friend needing something and going to the guy and the guy saying don't bother me can you imagine him ultimately saying no though the guy who has the bread ultimately saying no and their answer would have been that would never happen because his family honour and the honour of the village is at stake you say which which interpretation is right I want to suggest to you both of them that it's the audacity of the petitioner on the one hand and the honour of the one being petitioned on the other that God is not going to be dishonor God is not going to withhold some from somebody something he can do for them that he knows they need he's not gonna let that happen so go to him and when you go go aggressively go believing go asking go seeking I want to ask you when's the last time you so knew something was from God are you so desperately needed that you said I'm gonna go I'm gonna go I'm gonna go watch this and I tell you here's Jesus moral of the story if you will on that parable keep on asking I put it in brackets because in in the ESV it'll say so I tell you ask and it will be given in the Greek it's keep on asking keep on asking keep on asking some of you asked once and quit and you said prayer doesn't work why because you didn't understand God your father you didn't understand that you pursue him aggressively and you didn't understand that you ask you ask you keep on asking keep on asking keep on asking keep on asking keep on asking how long do you keep on asking you until it's given to you this is the spirit of prayers the old timers called it praying through where you say God I'm gonna get a hold of you and I'm not gonna let go until I receive from you the thing I need from you which only you can do when's the last time you so believe something to be the will of God you so new you need it did you said God I'm gonna pray and pray and pray and pray and pray god I've gotta have it until you finally received it this is what he's saying keep on asking and watch it'll be given to you keep on seeking God I'm seeking it until I see it I need it you know that I needed I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna keep asking and you'll find keep on knocking and it will be open to you for everyone it doesn't say for Pastor John it doesn't say for clergy it doesn't say fer saintly godly perfect people it says for everyone and that means everyone who asks receives if I weren't a Christian that one verse will be enough to make me want to be a Christian everyone who asks receives everyone who asks receives everyone who asks they keep on asking keep on asking keep on asking and the one who seeks finds and the one who knocks it will be opened prayer has this aggressiveness to it that says I'm going to go and go and go and go and go and maybe the reason why you did not receive and I don't say this with any sense of condemnation or condescension I simply say it as suggestion for your consideration maybe the reason you didn't receive is you stopped asking the fact you didn't get it had nothing to do with God's will or his inability it had to do with you didn't keep asking so prayer powerful prayer aggressively seeks a response from God Phillip Brooks put this prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance it's laying hold of his willingness it's not that it's not that God is reluctant banish that thought is a father reluctant to help a child never if you're assigning reluctance to God then what has happened is you've thought of God as something other than a father maybe an employer who says you don't get the raise this time or the genie who says it's not your turn for three wishes or the computer I said it once where is it and gods are simply wanting you to be reminded he's a father and you're a child and that is the basis that is the parameter that is the descriptor of our relationship with him let me close with this powerful prayer knows that God will do what is best powerful prayer knows hey listen a father and you have a good father a little kid trusts their father they trust their father to do what's best and let me add this in here before we look at the verse there are some here today and you're saying you know that the problem is John I'm just not that you know I'm trying to be a good Christian but honestly I'm not and I can see how maybe that's gonna work for Dustin or maybe that's how that's gonna work for Justin or Brandon or I can see that working in other people's life I just don't see it working in my life because honestly you know I'm I'm not what I want to be and what I'm trying to be and listen to this what father among you if his son asks for a fish well instead of a fish give him a serpent or if you ask for an egg we'll give him a scorpion father's do good things that's just true isn't it I mean I watch my grandkids at Christmas when they're opening presents they weren't like I don't know what's in there you know I don't know is there gonna be a boa constrictor I mean they're not they're not thinking that they can't wait why because they know their mom and dad are givers of good gifts safe gifts now watch this if you then who are evil for some of you and and you know who's talking about he's talking to the disciples God recognizes our frailty some of you have the wrong view of prayer that somehow you have to be perfect before you can pray and receive from God and so you don't pray and the devil loves it if you her evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the Heavenly Father give I mean I tried to be a good dad to my kids but there's no way I'd be a better dad than God how much more watch this well the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask his love we could say on that but I would just say this about him that is a sign of his incredible generosity you said what do you mean you asked for help and he gave you the helper you asked for the gift and he gave you the giver you asked for a loan and he gave you the bank that's the gracious goodness of our God and that's why you just frankly need to go to him as your loving Heavenly Father who wants to do more in your life then you could begin to imagine and we'll if you'll ask ask and you'll receive seek and you'll find knock and the door will be opened unto you
Channel: James River Church
Views: 13,224
Rating: 4.9051385 out of 5
Keywords: how to pray, what is prayer, christian prayer, jesus teaching on prayer, luke 11:1-13, luke 11, sermons on prayer, messages on prayer, sermons on praying, powerful prayer, how to have a good prayer life, john lindell, pastor john lindell, john lindell sermons, james river church sermons, pray, prayer, how to pray to god, how to pray like jesus, jesus, sermon, sermons, preaching, preacher, best sermons, best sermon, sermon on prayer, how to pray effectively, how to pray to jesus
Id: qOmU9bVDfDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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