"The Power of Fasting" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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when I talk about fasting a lot of times people think well that's just for Puritans and ascetics know it's for all Christians it is an atomic bomb that God drops on the spiritual battlefield if you've never fasted I would encourage you to pray about it because fasting is not just for some Christians fascinating fasting is for all Christians you say well I take medicine well so do I and you can go at least on a partial fast like Daniel did Daniel is what we're studying we're in I believe our eleventh sermon on Daniel and we're in chapter 10 that's because I spent two weeks on Chapter nine and today we're looking at one of the great spiritual battles I don't know of a of a text in Scripture that describes more vividly what is going on let look at me right now in this room you've got the conflict of angels and demons you say that's in this room right now in this room if we could see if God would let us have his eyes if we could see what's going on you would see a battle raging if you could see what's going on at your home if you could see what's going on in Washington DC and in Nashville and in all the places of government if you could see what is going on all around us you would realize that we are in a spiritual conflict we are in a spiritual war and the way we are allowed to participate in that war is to pray and to fast fasting is simply doing without food to focus on God don't complicate it that's all it is doing without food to focus on God Jesus quoting Deuteronomy said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God God waltz you and me too fast he wants us to pray and fasting put your prayer in a new speed in a new power that you've never known before and I'm talking to people here today with great problems some of you have marital problems what are you going to do some of you have children who are rebelling what are you going to do some of you have major decisions to make what are you going to do are you going to just rely on common sense if you do you won't get God's best what are you gonna do about your problem what are you going to do about that mountain what are you going to do who's gonna move it you just talked to the counselor about it and talk about how bad it is I'm not against going to counseling nothing wrong with that but is that it that all you do is there any weapon out there is there any arsenal is there any thing that God has given us to have victory and have joy and have progress in our spiritual life Daniel was living in today he'd been a slave if you will even been a in a foreign country for over 60 years he's about 85 years old in chapter 10 he went there when he was about 15 so he's 60 70 years there never had married was probably made a eunuch when he was a teenager never complained about not having a family loved God far away from all of his parents his parents were probably killed when Nebuchadnezzar came into Jerusalem and yet he prayed three times a day I'm convinced he spent probably an hour every time he prayed if he did that for 70 years do the math over a thousand hours of prayer a year 60 to 70 thousand hours of prayer before he saw God no wonder God called him precious no wonder God said to him you are precious to God he spent time with God and God speaks to people who speak to him and he's concerned in our chapter he's concerned because he knows two years earlier Ezra and some other people had gone to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and things weren't going very well he got word back Nehemiah somebody had told him that hey it's not going well it's not going well the the the temple is not being rebuilt and so he sets himself on a 21 day partial fast he does without meat and without fancy food which means he either reverted to how he was eating back when he was a kid in Chapter 1 vegetables and water are probably even more meager than that maybe just bread and water we don't know it wasn't a complete fast but it was doing the way with those things that we are so concerned about what are we going to eat boy how many times do we ask that he didn't put lotion on his skin you say what's the big deal he was in a area modern-day Iraq it was a hundred plus degrees is like living in Phoenix Arizona or something like that and I hear people say well that's dry heat I don't care if you can fry an egg on it it's hot and he didn't put lotion on it sell oils on himself he didn't do that for three weeks why he wanted to focus on God don't ask is that's your focus in life is it my focus in life is it the focus of this church our focus should not be even to reach Memphis our focus should be to reach God first and then reach Memphis because if we go to Memphis without God we don't have anything to give to Memphis our goal is to go after God and then to go after souls to go after the soul savor before we go out to try to save souls are you going after God let's talk about the power of prayer and fasting number one when you pray and fast Jesus captivates your heart I mean he captivates you he overwhelms you daniel was overwhelmed by an epiphany of Jesus Christ in this text look at verse 1 in the 3rd year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel who was named Belteshazzar he's saying that to let you know I'm still the same guy I was way back yonder when I was a boy and the message was true now look and one of great conflict very interesting word conflict is Saba the T is silent TS ABA in Hebrew and it means army war warfare he was saying this message was not only true but it was a message telling me about a great conflict a great war that was going on it was not just a war with men it was a war in the spirit realm Daniel 10 describes the battle between dark principalities demonic principalities and angelic beings an army a war was going on and Daniel saw it but the Bible says but he understood the message Daniel did and he had an understanding of the vision many of the other visions this is the fourth vision he's had we don't see the vision until chapter 11 I'll preach about that next week but we're getting prepared for the vision this week the other visions he didn't really always know what they meant but he knows what this one means verse 2 in those days I Daniel had been mourning for three entire weeks I did not eat any tasty food nor did I eat any meat nor wine did wine enter into my mouth again very much like he had experienced back in chapter one nor did I use any ointment at all until the entire three weeks were completed he dedicated 21 days to the Lord he didn't do a lot of business for the medo-persians he didn't do a lot of business for himself he just focused on God he he denied himself he buffeted his body he discipline his body for the purpose of godliness verse 4 on the 24th day of the first month while I was by the bank of the great river that is the Tigris I lifted my eyes and I looked and behold there was a certain man this was obviously more than a man we're about to see it was the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus Christ the angel of the Lord the Old Testament he was dressed in linen his waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of UEFA's that is the clothing of a king and indeed Jesus's King of Kings his body also was like barrel barrel is this beautiful jewel it was blue green crystal like in its appearance and it would reflect light and that's very appropriate because Jesus is the light of the world his face had the appearance of lightening his eyes were like flaming torches lightening in his face symbolic of his purity and His Holiness flaming torches for eyes when you see those eyes you know that he knows everything about you he's omniscient and you also know that he is the judge that's what the Bible says when we stand before God he's got eyes like fire he knows everything about you can't fool God you can fool the preacher you can fool your family but you can't fool God those eyes are like fire they know it all and they will judge it all the Bible says nothing is hidden from his knowledge or his sight his arms and his feet they gleam of polished bronze that means they're strong they're strong they're stable God in Jesus Christ is strong he is stable his strength is matchless no devil no demon can knock him off of his place they can't be moved he will stand his ground he's not worried about the Liberals he's not worried about socialism he's not worried about anybody unseating him I Got News for you he's on his throne he's going to stay there his feet his legs are like bran and then the Bible says the sound of his words were like the sound of a tumult there's this huge flow of speech coming out and it is tumultuous it is overwhelming it is every it's like this huge concert with tweeters and woofers and mid-range boosters on up there Amen I mean it's blowing you out that's what Daniel is experiencing now I Daniel saw this vision while the men who were with me did not see the vision when you pray and fast you will see things and note things and hear things that other men and women don't hear and see and know you say that's works no that's obedience God blesses obedience God punishes disobedience and whether you like it or not God doesn't treat everybody the same God blesses obedient people more than he does disobedient people that's not works that's just the Bible Daniel said I alone saw the vision and when these others these men who were with me did not see the vision nevertheless a great dread fell upon them they ran away to hide themselves they sensed the presence of God and it made them afraid and they ran away but not Daniel my Bible says in verse eight he said so I was left all alone and I saw this great vision I want to say this to you some of you are always wanting to be around people you you got to be around a big crowd you got to got to be around a big class you got to be around people all the time some of the best things God will ever do in your life is when you get alone with God one-on-one with God that's what God wants you're gonna stand before him one-on-one if the judgment seat you'd better get one-on-one with him in the prayer closet before you get there just one-on-one just you and God just you and God that's where God works with people he said I was left alone verse 8 and I saw this great vision yet no strength was left in me for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor and I retained no strength but I heard the sound of his words as soon as I heard the Sun is his words I fell into a deep sleep on my face with my face to the ground I mean he just he just it was like he was cold conked by the presence God when's the last time Jesus overwhelmed your heart what's the last time Jesus just captivated you when's the last time you you like Moody one day in Chicago he'd been praying that God would just fill him with a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit he said I don't know how to explain it he said I seldom talk about it but the hand of God came on me and I literally had to put my hand on a wall and say lord please stay thy hand in other words stop Lord I can't handle any more of your presence when's the last time God did that with you when's the last time you knew you knew when you left a worship service you knew hey God was in that place today when's the last time you prayed through when's the last time God captivated your soul and you were overwhelmed by Jesus so much so you can all you can do is get on your face and say holy holy holy Lord God Almighty this prophetic vision of Jesus by Daniel in the Old Testament is amazing I've seen this somewhere where did I say oh yeah oh yeah I've seen this before Revelation chapter 1 John behold Jesus and he falls to the ground just like Daniel let me read it to you revelation 1:12 then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me having turned I saw seven golden lampstands in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like the son of man that's Jesus here it is same description clothed in a robe reaching to the feet girded across his chest with a golden sash same thing his head his hair were white like wool like snow his eyes were like what there it is again like flames of fire his feet were like what burnished bronze when it has been made to glow in the furnace his voice was like what the sound of tumultuous many waters same thing in his right hand he held the seven stars out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword his face was like the sun shining in his strength when I saw him did the same thing I fell at his feet like a dead man he placed his right in me and said the same thing that Daniel is about to hear don't be afraid I'm the first and the last now let me tell you what's what's really interesting about these these two texts Daniel saw Jesus before he came to this earth John saw Jesus after he had come to this earth Jesus this tells us that Jesus is eternal Jesus has always been Jesus didn't started Beth for him Jesus is the everlasting son of God he is from everlasting to everlasting he's just as much God as God the Father God the Holy Spirit sorry Jehovah Witnesses Jesus is Jehovah not mad at anybody sorry Mormons sorry he's not the brother of the devil he's the one who defeated the devil he is the son of God the eternal God the Son he hasn't always been he is always going to be and he said in his prayer of the night before he died in John 17 listen what he said in verse 5 now father glorify me together with yourself with the glory which I had with you before the world was I had glory before creation I had glory before I ever came to this earth he said in John 17 24 father I desire that they also my disciples also whom you have given me be with me where I am so that they may see my glory which you have given me for you have loved me before the foundation of the world oh he was overwhelmed and why did God give him this vision are you ready because he prayed and fasted is it oh I can just oh that's works that's works it's not works it's obedience God blesses obedient people and God punishes disobedient people that's the way it is in the Bible and when you pray and you draw near to God and then when you fast God knows you need to eat but when you start doing away with some food you say you know what Lord you're more important than my next breath much less my next bite you're more important to me than even the food that I eat and Lord if I just want if I just need some meager vegetables for a while and drink water and not focus on all that stuff Lord if I I pull away from the television if I pull away from the media if I pull away from all this stuff and just spend time with you god I just want to hear from you let me tell you something it's not that God just okay now start talking no it's that you tuned in better he's always been talking it's that you here's the deal it's not that it make God makes God talk more it's that you hear more you're the one that changes your receptivity is open it's like men and women women they listen better and they hear better and they talk better and they communicate better than men don't tell me it's not true they can talk to five people at one time and hear everything and process it and move on and we guys are over there and we can barely hang on to one guy trying to talk to us it's like they've got these huge dishes out there and they're going into the solar systems and the universe is out there and we've got this little bit too little ear things on the top of our television and one of them's bent down we can't hear diddly that's a Greek word for anything all right God is speaking and when you pray in you fast it's like God is shouting at you and you hear it's like if you're deaf and all of a sudden you can hear it's like suddenly I can hear and God it's when you fast and pray that's why God talked to Daniel and the other guys didn't hear it he was overwhelmed by Jesus when you pray and you fast you get overwhelmed by Jesus not by the problems but by the problem-solver God's gonna still be God on November the 9th God's still gonna be God regardless of who's in the White House God's still gonna be God regardless of who sits on the Supreme Court because the Supreme Court of the United States is not the Supreme Court God is the Supreme Court we're saying what do we do what do we do I'm all for voting go vote I'm gonna vote I'm gonna vote for people that I believe would be the best that respect life that respect the various people of color that respect all those things that respect biblical marriage but at the end of the day my hope and my trust is not in politics my hope and my trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ that's where my hope is has Jesus captivated your heart do you love him do you wake up wanting to talk with him do you love him do you pour out your heart to him is he somebody you just have to talk to when you see somebody the first thing you say is do they know Jesus do you think that way do you live that way it would change Memphis if we would live that way has he captivated I could stop here and give the invitation has he captivated your heart when you pray and fast he will he will reveal himself to you in ways he will not if you don't don't be fooled number two very quickly when you pray and fast God hears and responds God's not our boy God's not our gopher but I Got News for You God can do things for you that you can't do for yourself and when you pray and fast he does it as he sees fit look at verse 10 then behold a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and my knees he was on his face all I could do is get up on his hands and knees still not up he said to me old Daniel man of high esteem now this is not Jesus this is the angel Gabriel although his name is not given he talks just like Gabriel did in the earlier chapters and this is not this this is not someone who is striking fear in Daniels so much the fear came from seeing Jesus the angels are awesome but this is an angel Daniel oh man of high esteem understand the words that I'm about to tell you and stand upright for I have now been sent to you and when he had spoken this word to me I stood up trembling then he said to me don't be afraid Daniel typical thing that the Angels say don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself humbling yourself in the Old Testament is a way to refer to fasting when you set your heart where's your heart set but your hearts set on things of this world athletics your job set your heart on Jesus right now dial the number over set it there and tear the knob off set your mind in your heart on the things of God as of this moment from the day you set your heart on understanding this and then humbling yourself before God now look your words were heard and I have come in response to your words I hear people say what words don't matter sure they do words matter now I'm not in the camp that believes that we can create things with our words but I got news for you our words matter do you know what Jesus said in mark 11:23 and 24 truly I say to you whoever says that's words to this mountain be taken up and cast on the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says that's words is going to happen it will be granted him now I'm not talking about naming to claim it because we understand what these words are in the very next verse verse 24 they said their words of Prayer he's praying about mountains and the mountains or problems you're praying about your mountains instead of worrying about your mountains therefore I say to you verse 24 all things for which you pray and ask believe that you've received them and they will be granted you what's he saying here he said well you've got a mountain in your life when you're kids not doing right when your kid is talking smack when your kid is acting like he shouldn't have 21 in with people and she's running with people she shouldn't run with or be with when your marriage is not what it ought to be when your finances are not what they ought to be when you're not what you ought to be when you've got a mountain in your life when you're facing some problem jesus said you need to pray about it you need to speak to those mountains in prayer you need to start praying about those mountains and let God move your mountain words matter Daniel spoke and God said because you spoke I have responded to what you said in prayer so what's going on in your life what's your problem what's your mountain start praying and fasting about it quit wearing everybody else out and start wearing God out and I Got News for You God won't wear out put the phone down quit complaining quit singing the blues quit being full of despair and discouraged all the time quit talking negatively woe is me it's not what it used to be always you know what it's never been good since Adam and Eve sinned we live in a junkyard just the way it is but the church as dr. Lee used to say is a gardenia in a garbage can amen this is a little bit of heaven this is an outpost of eternal life this is place where you get hope this place where you get real answers not just stuff to prop you up another day or two but something to take you all the way through life and on to heaven and all eternity this is where you learn the truth you got a wayward child fast and pray your marriage fall apart fast and pray financial need fast and pray something frightening you fast and pray struggling with sin fast and pray struggling with depression fast and pray struggling with fear fast and pray whatever mountain is out there I don't know what your mountain is but I know who can move your mountain the Lord Jesus Christ can and he does it when we fast and when we pray God hears and responds when we fast when you fast and pray God Jesus captivate captivates your heart God hears in response and then look at verse 13 when you're praying fast demonic activity is defeated wow look at verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of Persia that's a big old demon is what it is that's over Persia why was the over Persia because Persia was the most powerful country in the world and demons flock to the most powerful countries of the world and they go to their governments I'm just telling you what they do that's their strategy because they want to control those who control the people so here you have it he's in Persia the kingdom of Persia prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for 21 days then behold Michael one of the chief Prince's came to me for I had been left with the kings of Persia whose Gabriel speaking to this prince this king of Persia he was the diabolical spiritual principality that was over Persia Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood hey people are not your problem the devil is your problem our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers against powers against world Force's of this present darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places rulers it means authorities officials powers it means governors in this case case demonic spiritual authorities officials and demonic governors world forces of this present darkness world forces means a demonic evil world ruler in the spirit realm the realm of darkness these spiritual forces of wickedness that are in heavenly places that's brothers and sisters is what we're up against we're not up against some political party we're not up against communism we're not up against people we're against the principalities behind the people and if all we do is come against the people we lose and we lose royally but if we will come in prayer and fasting and pray to Jesus Jesus knows how to defeat the root it's talking to somebody the other day said I got moles at my house I'm gonna get some mold traps I said forget it it won't work well what do you suggest I said well I had the mold problem too and I was over at one of these stores and a guy took me back I was asking for mold traps and more bold poison and all they said you're doing the wrong thing I said what do you mean I want to kill some moles he said no you don't get rid of moles like that I said how do you kill moles how many of you interested what I'm about to say yeah I'll let you in on it you killed the grub worm he said here's some poison they will kill the grub worm and when the grub worms are gone the moles are gone he'll never be able to kill them those are smarter than you I said I got that right there yeah some of you are fighting the person and the person is not the problem some of you have some real strained relationships and you think the person is the problem the person is not the problem you're not fighting against human flesh you're fighting against principalities and rulers and principals and the only way you do that is in prayer and fasting you're in the wrong battle you're fighting over here and the war is over here you need to get over here and get engaged and watch what you do over here effects over here I just helped somebody if you listen to what I'm saying it's not the moles it's the grub worms and it's not the people it's the demonic forces behind the people that's where the fight is you get down on your face and you cry out to God and you fast and God shows up the only one that can defeat the devil is the Lord Jesus Christ now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to you and your people in the latter days for the vision pertains to the days yet future this is the end of time when he had spoken to me according to these words I turned my face toward the ground I became speechless and behold one who resembled a human being was touching my lips then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me oh my lord as a result of the vision anguish has come upon me and I have retained no strength for how can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord I want to say this to you you pray a lot you won't be a big shot you won't go around cocky popping off about I did this I did that you get around God you say Lord what was me I'm just nothing god if you don't come through nothing's Goods gonna happen you'll be humble when you get in his presence when I see somebody cocky and arrogant they had been praying they sure hadn't been fasting verse 17 for how can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord as for me there remains just now no strength in me nor has any breath been left in me then this one with human appearance touched me again and strengthened me and then one of the greatest verses in all the Bible is in verse 19 I memorized this a long time ago I need the strength of God not strength of man he said old man of high esteem don't be afraid peace be with you take courage and be courageous he gave him a promise he gave him a word now as soon as he spoke to me listen as soon as he spoke to me I received strength strength comes from the Word of God coming in you I received strength and said may my lord speak for you have strengthened me God will strengthen you if you'll live in his word and let him speak to you if you'll fast and pray then he said to me do you understand why I came to you but I shall now return to fight against the Prince of Persia so I'm going forth and behold the Prince of Greece that's another demonic spirit is about a principality is about to come be however I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth the book of truth yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your Prince Michael is the Prince over Israel if you don't want Michael messing with you you'd better not mess with Israel and in chapter 11 verse 1 finishes it in the first year of Darius the Mede I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for him that's the end of the statement there by Gabriel he said I arose to be an encouragement and a protection for Michael I came in to help Michael clearly he's describing a spiritual war that's raging all around Daniel and brothers and sisters whether we know it or not we have a war raging around us at all times at all times and somebody's been saved for five minutes is already in the war five seconds and you know you fight in the war you pray and at times you fast and you seek God and you hear from God and when God tells you to do something you do what God tells you to do our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the powers against the world Force's of this present darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places for though we walk in the flesh we don't war according to flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses we're destroying speculations every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God we're taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ we're praying we're doing without food to focus on God we're fasting if we're on medication we're just eating vegetables sometimes and drinking water giving special attention to God we're praising him for who he is we're thanking him for what he's done we're confessing our sins were forsaking our sins we're praying and fasting for the needs of others were praying were fasting for our own needs we're praying and fasting for our church we're praying and fasting for our convention we're praying and fasting for our city we're praying and fasting for our nation our country were crying out to God for mercy and we're crying up to God for blessing and we're trying up to God for direction and we're crying out for God for the gospel to go forth in this country from Maine to Florida to Texas to California to Washington to Minnesota back to Maine all across America Alaska and Hawaii and we're going to pray and fast and seek God and claim the promises of God and storm the gates of Hell and we're going to watch and see what God can do that's what we're gonna do are you there that where you want to live I wish I could come and give you a little feel good sermon every week no I don't these are sober days this is time for sober preaching things are not right but if we'll fast and pray if we'll obey God we'll see things that we won't see if we don't obey God our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glow sorry for her ever ah Oh sing it with me sing it with me for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ah Oh give him glory right now amen father I pray that you would set your people to fasting and prayer in Jesus name Amen I don't think I preached the sermon today I believe I delivered a baby you know your people talking about delivering the sermon I think I delivered a sermon today I think the Lord gave it to me and gave it to you I receive it in the name of Jesus I've not been fasting I've been praying but I've not been fasting I don't look you right in the eye I'm gonna start again I don't know what God's gonna do with America I know what we deserve but I don't want what we deserve and if it goes down in ashes I want to make sure that I did my part to reach as many people with the gospel before it goes down as I can so would you join me in prayer and if the Lord lays it on your heart would you join me in fasting if you would if you want to be a house of prayer and if the Lord tells you to fast would you be doing that would you just raise your hand right now anybody out there yes I'll do it okay the Lord tells you to you do it man if I was lost I didn't know Jesus in these days I get saved so quick you don't know the Lord you're missing out in life there is nothing out there apart from Jesus nothing there's nothing in the bars there's nothing out there and the money there's nothing out there in the dope there's nothing out there in fleshly living there's nothing out there in high society there's nothing out there with more stuff more junk that your kids are going to give away after you die and they bless you are you call it precious they'll call it junk in it time to get serious about God and if a church like Bellevue doesn't who's going to do who thinks gonna do you think the Liberals gonna do it you think that liberal Church is gonna do it now we're in our coach used to tell our linebackers they get past y'all they're gone they're gonna score I Got News for I'm looking at the linebackers if this thing gets past us it's gone we're gods line of defense we're it we're the army you need to get engaged friend it's not time just to come to church it's time to go to war you don't know the Lord he is precious he's the lily of the valley he is precious come to him your hard time I don't care what you've done he'll forgive you just ask you give your heart to Jesus a day and they say pastors come very quickly and stand here if you've been saved and you're not being baptized that's how you go public Doughboy don't be ashamed of Jesus come and set up a time to be baptized you want to join this church so I don't know if I want to join or not then don't join but if you do want to join a church that wants to be in the war and we're on the winning side by the way it's already but we've already been promised victory because Jesus rose from the dead amen we've already got the victory we're not fighting for it we're fighting from it amen you want to be part of a church in the war that's us we're gonna battle on our knees we're gonna fast and pray see God you watch what God does you watch what God does God's not through
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 21,816
Rating: 4.8862557 out of 5
Keywords: the power of praying and fasting, Pray and Fast, Why You Should Fast, Pastor Steve Gaines, Bellevue Baptist Church, Bellevue Memphis, Steve Gains, Bellview, Bellvue, Steve Gaines Sermons, Bellevue Sermons
Id: UZiDE2mBvBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 13sec (2713 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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