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changes people's position I pray by the revelation of the world coming for today all through the day we supernaturally change your position father thank you I honor your word today in Jesus precious name give another beyond of this country you may be comfortably seated I want to first this morning introduces vitae secret the grantees continuous change of level nothing ever becomes outstanding without understanding the root of anything understand our standing is understanding no one's ministry will ever be any more outstanding than its level of understanding amanda wanders away from the path of understanding shall abide in the congregation of the dead proverbs 21 verse 16 so the level of life an impact in anybody's ministry is a function of his spiritual understanding on how many still walks spiritual understanding of the truth that guarantees a oomph always and in every place can I say this here this morning I have never met young with you in my life they don't one on one on one public in my life in my life I've never met him I mean learn to me but didn't work because I couldn't make the journey but I've never seen him in my eyes with my eyes I never lied to a group from Connecticut he doesn't have he doesn't know it I never landed from Kenneth Copeland does not this area but I devote don't be chose book till I understood what it takes to make it work since 1985 I've been receiving the seed of short growth and treating it at the various levels that were in I've never sat with him he has never leaves on me then what happened understanding has been boosted I eat Danny understood by books many people so understand brain is dumb low most of us are running by a common sense you can't get any better result our common is also see what God has done in short growth without meeting your mental in it by seeking understanding through his materials now there are no internet facilities assessed to anything you want but I copied the book modern numbers there's a book modern numbers I photocopied it page by page but I was aware to get a copy first-class to those attending classes you ain't getting exploration explorative study you go to the place where does one go to those who about them I've never never met him my faith was burning I never met again until 86 I'm from 76 I have been sitting on that again through his materials and just my faith was moving and moving and moving and everybody around me knew that this is one faith kid I never saw him since I'm until a disease understandin is boosted through books Daniel 9 - I understood by books and I'm speaking to all largely Africans who are here the Caucasians would say you want to hide anything from a black man reading a book you won't find it because you can't talk from here - Oh silly on your flight while some others are building destinies on the same flight you want outstanding ministries you want to keep scaling new levels then keep seeking deeper understanding of what to do how to do it Paul a man of unusual assets to revelation say 2nd Timothy 4:13 the clock that I left our truest with couples when thou comest bring with thee the books but especially deep parchments parchment Xia means notes my notes my notes I found something from my note in 2001 10 10 2001 mmm does last week the holy ghost speaking straight to me or my personal what to do life you had jelly yesterday saying that a first listing then you went the second time making outlines okay taking notes and then the thought I'm making outlines nothing boosts our standing booth understanding like seeking more understanding from those who know more than you do um because of the abundance of revelation given to me now that is the result of 2nd Timothy 4:13 then you go to 2nd Corinthians 12:7 this man of books began to flow in unusual revelation unusual revelation by divine illumination and canter through books remember thou are the fountain of life and in delight shall we see light for with thee is the Fountain of Life there are human beings there are gifts of God in the body that we see light through their light the light go give them now a number of them also saw a light through their life now go give to others whicka remain we may all be lecturers and his crew but there is one as his graduate assistant is also teaching in class hell is like assistant lecturer is teaching in class there is also a professor emeritus is teaching in class in fact they carry the younger lecturers to come with them so they can learn how to see things so we are all pastor yeah but you see they are in different grades so I'm passionately introducing you to despite a secret behind every exploit learning at the feet of giants in your field learning at the feet of giants in your field when I go to the field by degrees of God and I spent three hours I'm likely returning with about three hundred Souls why don't you find out I stole one of my son has gone with me before of course entry please we are nobody was gathering and I began to proclaim the blessing like Tony we might train the cones and is that you're coming he was shouting email from where you are coming and they came with the mastery skill of marketing the gospel will go 61 source in that place no less good yeah no yes they are here we didn't hear my voice you come I've come to proclaim blessings on you on this ground may the blessings of today rest upon your life you beginning Amen from Muslims enemies and are coming what is to come George Grosz who don't know anything about God you come and give them because which you lead them to Christ walk over to the next place life we need understanding to experience nationals we need understanding to experience Nestor we need increasing understanding to keep experience experiencing nationals all of our respected senior friends his wife was getting one out and Willie they have been married for 50 years in ministry together toward a harpy it is in their respective field they live in California one day later hood on the book the wisdom that walks he said for the first time in my life I understand they miss you leave thinking read think don't just read like newspaper read ponder read meditate squeeze the virtue and what you are reading like you squeeze the juice from an Oran ball and I went through this book and partly read they read some chapters and the church and the church that look we are not presented in his head I had bounced back to life life became more meaningful just from this law to auto lane - OH - no there is need for a book revival among ministers I call you book revival that's a need for it how shall we walk the works of God productively the worker is to believe on him when we are saying now see you don't find any very nice tree without vibrant faith faith is what empowers us to move from level to level clarity barriers on the way so you want the wisdom that gives the rest and pleasantries look for it you may get it from this book I'm not a bookseller I've never drawn a time in my life from books and yet I can't tell you what it is that they say every year for since 1985 when my first two books were published after they about drawn a time in my life if I give you a book gift I paid for it never ones I'm not a book dealer but I'm a market of light ask my son in those days I carry against books on my head and we go from one all night to another and be advertising now on page 82 of this book I encountered light there is light all over this book I was marketing against book without a time Commission in my life one day the Lord said to me when I found was a fateful window I made you another people who are running about themselves to buy our books in Baltimore Maryland I went for a meeting and I wept I'm a market of light I don't have material returns on it is it wrong no it's my about it it became my vow when I needed money every money I could get it gave the world so what's my business so please settle down no conference we ever deliver to you all it takes to change level no there is no conference if it's three weeks it'll do it it is true that the gates of lrac see a way forward but we have this material sit and get lost I did this in UAE in one meeting the police caught fire that if Satan you can't stand the way of God lift up your heads o ye gates and believe the glory everlasting those that he can go blue remain calm in that wood chip on that Devil to you somebody came to my office and crying a man crying you know that secrete a concern women can cry because they are prone to it you in such a woman you can cry for the next one week the sort of money as property immediately that's your business as God but the woman you mark the time the exact posture and you already statement down I've never had as I said and I had that you're talking against me know somebody brought a newspaper to my house wanker honest it and I said I live in this estate and ready cover story of this newspaper is coming out tomorrow as I don't need people's it says me directly about I say yes I don't for me or against me I said go to office you'll find one man guy his name is one so give it to him is one Woody's beep I know he was in Tula if you know what I have to read will give me that junk welcome into Canaan land unity construction and then I was her robot one place the a belieber or something and so they say white people by people I said we don't then ensuring one magazine my picture was so beautiful on it is a lot of this I said we don't buy the mumbles inter love time now I have not asked T tomorrow what is in there people 1999 I've never excuse me I want people to D can you find out what they are saying till now you don't have a Foucault scofflaw see oh please Domon I said go to the busto buy this copy talk to me at 11:00 is reading it but I make him but he was loving as a horrible inside eluded a with that chip just within seven days what looks like a and the movement in his life was rode away the power of light in him was life and the life is a light of mail and the legends in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend it the devil is not your problem is light you need when light steps into a room darkness won't get out of it there is this book the unlimited power of faith the master driver of every vision he said in Habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 4 the just shall live by his faith his vision we only see the light of the day by faith if he thinks I can't do it anywhere else in the house let him go ahead for right a vision make it plain you to deliver by faith blessed is he that believeth there shall be performance of those things which were taught ha from the Lord it takes faith to deliver God's mandate on your life so build your faith I read virtually everything that again ever wrote maybe not once not twice not three times faith cannot be wished faith has to be built and the beautiful by those who are proved that they have found it and they engage any with it and it's producing results in their life follow them who have obtained the promise not those who explain the promise faith is the substance of every meaningful life and of every of stand a ministry faith is D substance so with our faith your ministry has no substance tally in Jerusalem until when do it power from above so anointing for exploits is he three in one book understanding the anointing anointed for breakthrough and then an origin for s play there are three separate books put into these and what's doing is to help you grow from one level of anointing to another from anchored deep to native from native to waist-deep from which deep to live as a Kenobi pass over so don't let the size KIU there are three books and one anybody annoying for brief - you already have a thought of it you have understand Indian origin have a thought of it and then the third one is one ok anointing for exploit an idea for accomplishing your usual I mean you know what it means to embark on a project I would demand a hundred million and time and again and again and again and without making no announcement to nobody I'm getting it going without stress faith provoking the hand of God upon any issue that has commanded and then we have exploits in ministry and that's what you came here for you came here to have meaningful adventure in ministry it's comprised of forces and laws that makes it happen don't glance it the law of diligence yes I know that they know focus that's my area the law of sowing and reaping yes everybody knows I noticed the law of mentorship I as I have had I mean Popeyes my mentor for life now this to me because God gave it is helping to establish a ladder for change of levels in humans you will come pick the forces you can pick the laws and find which one we are not aligning with and then get back to fix that step and then your operon it when it's time let me know what we're here to do this morning is to just let you experience nest levels by taking appropriate steps if I'm going up here and this step is meeting and this step is missing have a problem change a level I mean I agree with that the best place to begin is the beginning you'll be sweating here and ever see walks a lot but they're not moving forward because there are audio steps missing on the ladder that makes it difficult to go forward every Testament is an act of God what is a function of your understanding I caught it that's what people say natural when they are given testimonies and then it has only erupted you catch an understanding of the truth in any area you just began to experience testimonies from one level to another if what is happening now - today's not explain what is exploit I am hey what is inspired offered Ivan without struggling too much coconut University what is right you want to start universe to go to a new city go to Havana fest if you come back and you still want to do it let us know there is nothing lock about life light is a product of light life is a product of light in him was life and the life is the light the power of books I read the book authored by Kenneth Copeland six steps to excellence in ministry I mean I've seen doubt boo before what a blessing you know something about a book I buy it everywhere I go and I just buy modern turf of them it's a very tiny book you read you understand three times there is no reflection of chapter one chapter in his life is under standard award all it is is one thing to listen ready to understand so I can accept so much who guide me so these books are guides they they guide us to do what those individuals may have done I've done and has brought about the resource the command how can I not understand how can understand so much you gave me I still believe by the grace of God had no one studies understand financial prosperity and it's even actually grounded if you understands it if he understands it I have not been grounded once since I saw it all I can do is to present it to you if you're interested it's your duty now studied or to you understanding you think that was proof aliens good on it they don't understand as a problem how about an incident your life would oscillate but they don't mock what you read the morrow to understand you can fill with facts watermark in your paper ID facts they don't muddy stories see mark the facts so you seek understanding from those who understand if you want to a chair to pass who said what is it mathematics do not hire somebody who filled it you already are determined to dissolve the MIUI atrazine mui is now to teach yourself to know if you say why is a good man he's a good man we're looking for good understanding this campus is phosphorus was completed in seven months how many months now much 6 2002 construction started October 21 2002 dedicated now to horse of residents sitting 1005 Manor providing accommodation of 1500 students you know for Kota building all of that restaurant fertilia the colleague all of that drain rude water in seven month by the hand of God that is the audacity of faith what is it that is the sagacity of a that is fet say give it to me I can deal with it that's a shame leave it to me--one hon do it that level of it is not the one you capture only tentative eating are smiling DNA well the good news is if you read today to show tomorrow if you don't today it was a show tomorrow so got or the bookstore or the book stand and get anything you want if you think it will help you if you think it will help you now let me close by please how many minutes remaining Oh 17 hours hello 17 more minutes now in static covenant University this is the secret I never stepped the ground of our university anniversary of the grounds of Cambridge University and about 30 grams of Harvard University but from my room and we are the net I started the first nine leading universities in the world to the point I could stand on allowed did by date what they did I Russo from grad study and declared Coburn I shall be a new generation Harvard we are we today there are some research areas where we lead globally 1 2 3 4 5 today in less than 20 years now [Applause] Oxford was 1,000 years and 19 when I did I studied 1000 years and my team a one-time paco2 here is director of African Studies today in Cambridge life it answers to understanding when I give the false address to our council one of the professor stood up and said you know my 35 years in academics I've never seen anybody reviled the structure of a university the way you did by how you are not taught is talking about the world you can bring the war to your room you can bring the war to your room it's only about a Tunis and listeners today we have been invited to come on stock of another invasion one of the European nations not main nation I wanted to mention Denis please say to them and seek understanding is a wisdom is the principal thing with all your getting get understanding get understanding you can't occupy principal place in life without seeking the principal thing get understanding get understanding get understanding get understanding I pray the distance level conference will not be theoretical in your life you don't need to play I've never seen any crooked man way crown you still robbed your life yeah your dignity has been eroded nobody takes dignity without integrity I heard the voice of God for the first time in my life through the book of tlo's mom what if I never read whatever never in contact God in it I don't be guessing like many old iPod guessing there are mainly guessing people in the world what are we to do now yes I think what is going on nice touching schools let's start primary school and secondary school MA yeah night for primary school yeah the one who briefed you does we pray for them that is this how to live because is a guess walk because they guess what when is from the Lord I'll go prepare the truth you feel and yet the good will be greater by the day does the regular getting into so it's over to you I pray that this part of understanding we live with you for life let me hear your loudest amen let me hear your loudest amen the law said to connect Copland is a gap back to all the writings of Canadian all the tape so Connecticut since 1962 and he began to go over it again like eiseley new understanding you change your level somebody here is changing level in the name of Jesus Christ somebody has changing level in the name of Jesus Christ one time I returned from a trip and my wife says me said to me what have you brought us a common sea I opened the false bad books ii say what ssa that's always i said the content of this book if understood can make me manufacture of the things i will abort your value for wisdom and understanding would change your level forever that's what works so you don't have to go you don't even need a ticket sir you don't need passport to change your wall you don't need the pathways that will pray and fast for visa you don't need you don't need one I wanted to know that we have had faculty from Harvard came in here as I joined visiting professors on this ground in Nigeria inside this forest arise shine for your light has an anywhere light the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable may you keep encountering light also we have some packages that will bless you and concentrated messages on subjects of faith of vision of wisdom of success some of them have 80 messages on them some of them have a hundred messages on them so you can tune in to anyone you want and listen to the point that to understand and to the point of encounter somebody are conserved blood is enough listened to this world is a new blood here this world so it on the mp3 on and the blood a hard life is just in to grips with the truth he is the word of the Lord everything created he has the word of the creator everything everything somebody was listening to a tape and then our the car crash he parked his car in a filling station and Nutella was coming I carried this container see containers and the container fell on the car impressed him dead so a member of the church was passing by saw the stick of the church as truth please carry Jesus identity anywhere you go Jesus is Lord doesn't know who we are dick we granted one day in our journey and somebody saw Jesus is Lord and he's a Baptist becasue this talk and they helped us out of the place you didn't see the more stop so they stopped I said please I want to know where the carrot is in the video there is days I want to know where to put him so he went to the hospital and by the time they got in the mortuary by the door virtually 100 shaky so the Russian to emergency and then fix him up it burns back to life is body one good jesus came in what Osaka he was listening to it till when that accident happened and it took a plane on when was off so why responding to one ok shout Amen the hand came up and is to walked himself to the platform to give his testimony that's the power prophetic world it changes people's position well the good news is you have what it takes given what it takes it takes understanding to experience change of levels and understand we encounter through the menisci of those who understand the subject you are seeking for and looking at again house plenty of faith and he demonstrates it but he does not have as much light as connect Oprah hearts on prosperity praise God and so you knew you pick it you need that to pick it there are many anointed authors on this earth today who speak the mind of God on issues and have proved it in their lives look for them connect with them and keep your life going no matter who we invited to minister in your ministry it will never change opposition its own destiny that will change it fresco you better understand I mean we enjoy the refreshing that comes from people that minister to us yes but as for that ministry your level on the understand is what we say limit your growth a limit on this passion my prayer is that everyone here will live to experience the reality of this kind of understanding let me hear your loudest amen let me hear your loud as amen lift up your right hand to heaven thank go for show you the way for this is the way forward for show you the way forward this is a way forward in Jesus precious name we have prayed in the name of Jesus we have prayed whatever snowshoed is likely going to fail I had New York Times asked me a question impromptu question what do you do with your time I said I read and I think hello I what I what I what there is no day I don't think so including Sunday where I don't have notes before this meeting is over we'll bring you a load of some of these diaries for you to see how people explore into their future please take on this responsibility and you'll never be a liability in the name of Jesus praise the Lord please David come let's have this bit of information I think it will help [Applause] hallelujah if you consciously read for two hours every day in a week you are ready book so in a year minimum you read his 50 books and in 10 years you must have read 500 books so cautiously for me happy no matter how busy you are minimum two hours every day and each day week you read one full book thank you what you've done this morning is seeking deeper understanding for continuous change of levels seeking deeper understanding for continuous change of level no one here will ever be granted in life and ministry again rise to your feet everybody don't walk yourself dry stay fresh as you walk on fresh insight we'll keep you fresh every day what those authors do is to interpret scriptures to everyone's understanding and it's important to know that it's not a substitute for the world you are reading the reward and you are did interpreted world on any subject of interest to you a man on any subject of interest to you coming to full-time ministry I read that in a biography of our Stan Lee ministries across centuries I came into ministry like I would say humorously I was 39 years older than my colleagues haven't bought into the wisdom of 39 great lives to align with what they did I made it work and to avoid what they did that affected them that affected them negatively that's what we study for lift up those two hands to heaven pray for grace pray for grease over your life to take responsibility in seeking knowledge and understanding and Jesus precious name we have prayed somebody once asked me how do you get time to read and I ask how do you get them to eat what eating is to you is what reading is to me as long as it's time to eat there might be time to read you don't need you won't know you don't know you understand you don't understand you cannot be outstanding it's all about investing one's time appropriately Benjamin Franklin said do you love life is there day invest your time don't squander it for that is a stall that life is made of you want the best out of life don't spend your time invested no one has any more time ran order 24 hours I look at it to each one the poor the rich the failure is successful same time it is the investment quality that determines the outcome of each one's life I pray that your time with God your time the second understanding through reading of books and listening to tapes we keep on being a large body day in the name of Jesus I just told them before the kremser I've never made John betray my life but I've studied his walks since 1985 with all consistency and sense of mission here we are to divide Greece we have never made daniel said understood by books by books i told them about your book six steps to ministry excellence in ministry i want on 12 copies of it on my bookshelf understanding only those who seek for it find it you don't see for it you can't find it it's all about a sense of commitment to the future we look forward to you want to get anything great out of life seek understanding are the root of anything of standing is understanding and I pray that your second I will not stop at this conference so just pack up a new lifestyle for you where you can see them and seek spiritual understanding of any subject of interest to you in the name of Jesus this morning we have dr. Kenneth Copeland pastor Jerry Savelle are all in this service give the Lord a big hand please get seated please get seated one of my favorite verses every time I autograph a book I put this scripture underneath it most every letter that I write I include this scripture in it because it's life-changing it certainly was for my life I've lived by it for the last 50 years I'm celebrating 50 years in the ministry this year and 50 years they're working with brother Copeland hallelujah and God has been extremely good to Jerry Savelle I don't know why I'm his favorite child I just am hallelujah I know he's no respecter of persons but he certainly makes me feel that way amen first John chapter 5 beginning in verse 1 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God drop down to verse 4 for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith look at your neighbor and say I have the potential of being a world overcomer have the potential to be a world overcomer in the name of Jesus and I think you ought to thank God for that in advance amen thank him right now that you are a world overcomer now if the Bible is true and it is then that means that God has provided everything we need to live a total victorious life a life of victory living in defeat is son of the curse in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 25 the New International Version says that defeat by your enemies is a curse and we have been redeemed from the curse any say Amen so I am redeemed from living a defeated life I am blessed to live a victorious life 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 says now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ does the word always mean in Nigeria what it means in Texas always means no exceptions we have the ability and the god-given right to triumph always it's never God's will that we win a few and lose a few it's God's will that we win every time and you say Amen because the Bible says we have the potential to be a world overcomer in the message translation says in Christ God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade hallelujah I'm in a victory parade this morning God has led me from Texas here tonight to Nigeria and I am experiencing a victory parade praise God and when I leave Nigeria and I go back home I'll be in another parade when I get back home a victory parade hallelujah it's wonderful living in victory it's wonderful being triumphant I tried defeat didn't like it so I decided to be a winner hallelujah Amen so once again if this is true and it is then why would we ever accept defeat when we don't have to and we're talking about the theme of this meeting is going to a higher level going to the next level and if you're going to the next level we said last night that it begins in the way you think it begins in that your thought life as a man thinketh in his heart so easy so if you think defeat and that's exactly the way your life is going to end up you're gonna live a defeated lifestyle for me personally I don't ever think defeat I don't ever think in terms of defeat no matter what I'm going through no matter how impossible it may seem I dared to believe that somehow someway God is going to see me through thinking sure neighbors say I believe the same thing somehow someway God is going to see me through stayed with me again somehow someway God is going to see me through and then tell somebody I refuse to accept defeat amen defeat is not in my plans praise God those that are still in the world and think like the world they constantly think defeat but Paul tells us that we are not to be conformed to this world as we read last night but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds the message translation I repeat says don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking a lot of people around you have a defeat mentality a lot of people don't expect to overcome a lot of people don't to be victorious they simply have a defeat mentality but you must determine that you are not going to run with that kind of people that's not the people that you become best friends with my best friends are winners my best friends are people of faith the people that I run around with they don't talk defeat they talk victory praise God and you say Amen so it's important that who you fellowship with who you run with so to speak as we say back home has everything to do with your outcome if you run around with people that are constantly talking to feet eventually you're gonna begin to think and talk just like them and you'll wind up living just like them so it's very important that you associate with people that believe that you have the ability to win amen 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 5 teaches us that we must be selective in our thoughts the Bible says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ in other words if it doesn't line up with the Word of God then keep it out of your mind cast it down if Satan is telling you there's no way that you can win cast that thought down besides that he is a liar the truth is not in him and if he's telling you you cannot win dare to believe just the opposite because God says you can win you can overcome can you say Amen they get somebody to tell them I am a world overcomer the message translation says we are to tear down barriers that are erected against the truth of God the King James caused them strongholds don't allow the thoughts of failure and defeat to stay in your mind stay in your thinking they're simply lies of the devil and he's trying to get you to fall for them he's trying to get you to accept them but praise God you don't have to accept them Kenneth Hagin used to say I can't stop the birds from flying over my head but I can keep them from nesting in my hair amen in other words you have the ability to think negative thoughts I have the ability to think negative thoughts but praise God I refuse to accept them if they attempt to enter into my thinking then I cast them down I pull them down if it doesn't line up with the Word of God then I cast it down I cast it out the Bible says not only to be selective and how we think in casting down everything that attempts to exalt itself against the knowledge of God but it also tells us how to think think on things which are true thinks on things which are of a good report so how you think has everything to do with how your life is going to turn out if you expect to go to the next level then it begins with your thought life how you think can you say Amen hallelujah now I want us to listen to this the Bible says from the amplified version that the god of this world Satan has blinded the minds of believers that they should not discern the truth he blinds the minds of believers so they cannot discern the truth the truth is you're not a failure the truth is you don't have to live and defeat the truth is you're a world overcomer the truth is you have the ability to triumph always so it's your choice who you we'll believe I remember a number of years ago way back in the late 70s about 79 80s somewhere along in there I had bought some property out on the south side of Fort Worth and it was just a small plot small acres about five acres to start with and the Lord impressed upon me to start believing him for all the land that I could get my hands on in that very area and so I began to do that and right across the road from my property was a hundred and two acres of land that was all pasture land it was not anything built on it in fact there had been cattle on that land when I first moved out there and the Lord said if you will remain patient I will arrange for you to have all that land you won't and pay whatever you want to pay for it so I said consider me patient right now amen now patience means to be constant to be consistent never changing regardless of the circumstances that's what patience means that's a Bible definition of patience constant consistent never changing regardless of the circumstances shortly after the Lord said that to me there was an article that came out in our local newspaper the Fort Worth star-telegram and it showed a picture of the land that God had spoken to me about and it had an article about a corporation that had just bumped that land and they had a diagram in there or a plan of what they were going to build on that land so I held up the newspaper and I asked the Lord did you read the paper this morning somebody bought my land he said no I don't read that trash throw it away you shouldn't either and then he said this whose report will you believe amen I said I believe the report of the Lord now throughout that day there were thoughts that came up in my mind well maybe I didn't hear God after all maybe that was just something I dreamed up I had to cast those thoughts down because remember he said if you will remain patient then I will arrange for you to have all that land you won't and pay whatever you want to pay for it so I remembered what he said I said I cast down every negative thought I've cast down every thought that doesn't line up with what God said to me and I cast it down and I will refuse to allow it to remain in my thinking it wasn't long after that there was another article in the newspaper that said that corporation went bankrupt and they lost that land now I didn't pray that on them but it doesn't pay to touch God's anointed amen and so so far it looks like you know that land is still available but it wasn't long after that another corporation came in and bought that land but this time I didn't ask the Lord about it I just said Lord I remember you told me if I remain patient that I will have all that land I won't and pay whatever I want to pay for it so consider me still patient and eventually that corporation went bankrupt and they lost the land and then finally a third corporation bought that land I didn't say anything to the Lord about it because I knew what he was going to say didn't I tell you remain patient and so I was determined to be constant consistent and never changing regardless of the circumstances amen and the third corporation went bankrupt three corporations bought my land and they all went bankrupt finally now I'm up in New York City Jesse Duplantis and I were doing a meeting together in New York City and we left there and we went to Philadelphia to do another meeting and while I'm in Philadelphia I get a phone call from my general manager and he said we got a call today from the RTC which is a government agency and it said tell mr. Seville that it appears that he's the only one buying land out there and not going bankrupt and they said tell him we don't want this land we won't money tell him to make us an offer because we want this land off the books and then he also said and tell mr. Seville that there is a 1.3 million dollar lien on this property and so what he's going to offer us has to be far greater than the 1.3 million dollar lien and so I told him I'd call him back after I've visited with the Lord about it and so I said Lord you said that you would arranged for me to have all that land that I won't and pay whatever I want to pay for it I said I've decided I want it all all hundred and two acres he said ok what do you want to pay for it I said now they said that I have to make an offer of over 1.3 million and then some but I don't even want to do that he said then what do you want to do I told you I would arrange for you to have all that land and pay whatever you want to pay for it I said Lord all I want to do is pay $200,000 cash I want the lien removed I want a clear title not only that I want the mineral rights he said then call him and tell him so I called my attorney and my attorney is a born-again spirit-filled Bible believe in miracle work an attorney because I let him to the Lord many years ago he's been with me 35 years and I called Wayne I said towed Wayne the story I said call the RTC and tell them here's my offer tell them I won't all 102 acres I will give them $200,000 cash I want the lien removed and I want the mineral rights and a clear title he said I'll do it brother Terry and I'll call you right back after I hear back from them and so several hours went by and then Wayne called me back and he said when I called them I started off with this do you believe in miracles they said no we work for the government we don't see miracles and he said well I believe in miracles and my client believes in miracles and here's his offer he'll give you $200,000 cash he wants the lien removed he wants a clear title and he wants the mineral rights and he said there was total silence he said are you still there they said yes but that's so ridiculous we're not even going to we're not even going to tell our superiors about his offer he said yes you are your superiors told you to get the offer from him and report back to them so you tell them and then you report back to me he said they called in a few hours and their opening remarks were we now believe in miracles [Applause] amen now see if I had a defeat mentality I would not own that land if I had not cast down vain imaginations thoughts of failure and defeat I wouldn't own that land so we acquired a hundred and two acres for $200,000 and I got not only the land but a clear title the lien removed and the mineral rights and the Lord was very specific in telling me to get the mineral rights and so as time went by some major gas companies started coming to our office and wanting to know if we were willing to lease that land so that they could drill horizontal gas wells they said there's gas on this property you see if I hadn't got the mineral rights I wouldn't be entitled to the royalties that came from that gas so they drilled two horizontal wells to start with and my first royalty check was over three million dollars amen not bad for a $200,000 investment amen not only that but they decided they had to get the gas to the main plant and then they offered me another half million dollars to drill to run pipe through that property and then they decided there was gas on the property's north of my property but it had houses on it but they said there's gas under all those houses but there's not enough land for each homeowner to drill the horizontal well they said if you will allow us to put the pad site on your property so we can drill on their land we will pay you a royalty for that my first roldy check was 450,000 dollars every time I turned around I was making money on this land amen not only that but not too long ago a major developer he devotes mostly on the south side of Fort Worth he came to me and he said I'd like to buy a portion of that land and he said what would you ask for for just a small part of that acreage I say well how many acres do you want he told me and then I said well what would you offer on it he said well I'll give you one point two million dollars for that I said make it 1.5 he said you got it so every time I turn around God's doing something else with that lent I'm building buildings and paying cash for them I'm buying airplanes and paying cash for them I'm upgrading my equipment and paying cash for it how they do you all because I refuse to accept defeat amen and what happened God took me to another level maybe you want to go to another level then refused to accept defeat say it out loud I refuse to accept defeat amen give the Lord a good shout praise God Jesus said in John chapter 8 verse 31 and 32 if you continue in my word now the amplified says if you hold fast to my teachings if you hold fast to my teachings that's important the very opposite of holding fast is letting go Satan is out to steal the word amen mark chapter 4 says it in the parable of the sower shows the word once the word is sown Satan cometh immediately to steal the word but that doesn't mean you have to allow him to do it in fact you've got an advantage when when when you know that Satan is trying to steal the word from you in advance then you have an advantage you you are not ignorant of his devices many years ago in 1970 it was brother Copeland was preaching at the church that my wife grew up in and I began going to after I surrendered my life to the Lord I've shared a little bit about it last night brother Copeland came back to do another meeting and now I'm a front row Christian I don't settle in the back looking for a way out I'm on the front row I can hardly wait for him to come and and and and I could hardly wait to hear what he had to say and so one morning while he was teaching from the parable of the sower soweth the word and shortly after he had read where Jesus said Satan cometh immediately distill the word I had two daughters and they were both very young and they were both in the nursery during that service and while brother Copeland is preaching and teaching on the subject of the sower soweth the word suddenly we heard a scream from outside the auditorium and the nurse the attendant came through the side door with my youngest daughter in her arms and my daughter was screaming at the top of her voice obviously in pain I don't know what's happened to her but there's blood all over the nursery attendants dress and blood on my daughter and I still don't know what has happened and she said brother Jerry brother Jerry I stood up to go take my daughter and I still don't know what's happened but she's still crying obviously in pain and I turned to see what brother Copeland would do it's one thing to preach faith it's something else to live it he taught me faith I turned to see how he would react and I'll be honest with you if he would have reacted any other way than the way he did it probably would have affected my life in a very negative way but I turned to see what he would do now back in those days he wore a lavalier microphone around his neck and it had a cord that was attached to an amplifier you know and so he could just go so far he could just walk so far as long as that cord was and he took the mic off and he walked down to where I was and he laid his hands on my daughter who was still crying in pain and he said in about this tone of voice I commend the bleeding to stop and the pain decease and Terry stopped crying immediately she laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes and then he went back to the platform and said to the audience now listen to me I'm not through preaching and he took up where he left off I walked out of the auditorium and went into the men's restroom the men's toilet area to try to find out what happened to my daughter I'm watching the blood offer her hands and found out they these two fingers right here had been cut off at the first joint I could see the nail root I could see the nerve this baby is less than 13 months old and of course being a loving father when I saw what had happened to my daughter I felt fear trying to rise but I just read a scripture that morning before going to church from Jude 20 praying in the Holy Ghost building up your most holy faith if there's anything I needed right then with some holy faith how they do it so I just started praying in the Holy Ghost and faith faith came and fear left and then I wrote in my Bible you know Copeland had sent me one of his own personal study Bibles and I had it with me when I went into that restroom I laid it on the Shelf there by the sink and I wrote in it my God will restore my baby's fingers according to mark 11:23 I'm saying it I believe it in my heart and I could have what I say and I put the date on it and I signed it in a few moments the nursery attendant knocked on the door and said brother Jerry can I come in I said yes she came in and she said I didn't know what to do with these and she had my daughter's fingertips in the palm of her hand little tiny fingers with little tiny nails and she put him in my hand now I don't know how you feel about your children but at that moment I'd rather somebody cut my arm off then see what was in the palm of my hand my baby's fingers and that fear tried to come up again but I prayed in the Holy Ghost and fear subsided and faith came how they do you well this is not the time to run from God's not time to run to the word on you brother Copeland was still preaching so I took her back in the auditorium set there with me she was just as quiet as she could be in fact she fell asleep on my shoulder I listen to the rest of brother Copeland's message he walked off the platform came up to me and said what do you believe what are you believing I said my God will restore my baby's fingers he said then I set myself in agreement with you and don't let anybody talk you out of it and so we decided that we needed to go to the doctor to have them properly dressed because you can't leave him exposed like that so when we went to the doctor they called in one of the top plastic surgeons in the state of Louisiana at that time his name was dr. Simon wall he was a man from Asia and when I walked in his office I couldn't help but notice his Buddha statues and so but they said he was the best so he examined my daughter's fingers I gave him the fingertips assuming that he might be able to reattach them he said I can't do anything with these the tissues dead the nerve is dead and I watched that doctor take my baby's fingertips and throw him in the trash now I was saved I spilled what the Holy Ghost but I wasn't sanctified I almost slept him and he said to me I said when did you do that he said it's impossible to reattach them he said all I can do for your daughter is take some skin from her hip and do a skin graft they'll never be normal they'll never have nails I said no sir I don't accept that say I'm not accepting defeat I said I'm not accepting defeat I said I'm not accepting defeat I said I don't accept that sir I said my God will restore my baby's fingers he said it's impossible it's medically impossible I said I'm not talking about what medical science can do I'm talking about what else shadow I can do amen now here's God couldn't do things like that so I understand where he's coming from I understand his medical background you know the guy's not just trying to deceive me he knows what he's doing but I said no you do what you can do and then God will take it from there he walked over to my wife and he said your husband's in shock he's not accepting the truth I said no sir you're wrong I am accepting the truth I accept the Word of God it's a higher form of reality than what you're saying and my wife said no sir we believe that our God will restore our baby's fingers well he thought we both had lost our minds so I just said go do what you can do and God will take care of the rest and so he did a skin graft took her to the room told my wife just keep her overnight I told my wife I said brother Cobras got one more service tonight I'm going to hear him and as soon as he gets through I'll come right back to the hospital and I'll preach to you what I heard him preach so our faith will be on the same level hallelujah amen so as soon as he got through preaching I went back to the hospital I preached it just like I did my best to preach it just like he did and we both were in the same level of faith we took her home the next morning and the doctor said before we left bring her back in six weeks and so we got her home and the next night the next day I'm sorry the day before the six weeks appointment was to take place we received a little car in the mail from Kenneth Hagin ministries stating that Kenneth Hagin was going to be in Tyler Texas for one night and Tyler Texas was about a hundred miles from our home I had never heard Kenneth Hagin before I'd only heard brother Copeland referred to him and talked about how he learned so much about faith from Kenneth Hagin I told my wife and I still don't know to this day how that card got in our mailbox we certainly were not owned Kenneth Hagins mail mailing list we didn't even know the man but that card was in the mailbox and I said Carolyn we're going to Tyler Texas if Kenneth Copeland listens to Kenneth Hagin then we're gonna listen to Kenneth Hagin and so we drove to Tyler Texas and on the way there we were confessing that we'd have a front-row seat I wanted to I wanted to sees eyeballs I wanted to be as close to him as I possibly could get when we got there is a little small hotel ballroom didn't seat more than a hundred people and a man met us at the door and said we're sorry there's no more room no more chairs no more places to sit the place is full I will not accept defeat and so we just stood there as he walked off and I said just pray in the spirit we're here and we're gonna hear it Kenneth Hagin God means for us to be here and so little why I came back he said well and and we took one other person with us there was three of us he said well we just found three chairs that we didn't know we had and said the only problem is do you mind sitting in front of the front row that's the only place we got to put up we're sitting in front of the front row and I'm this close to Kenneth Hagin and I felt like he's preaching to me and everybody else was just listening in when Kenneth Hagin got through preaching faith to Jerry and Carolyn Savelle we didn't even need an automobile to get home we were higher than a Georgia pine tree we just knew that we knew that we knew that we knew the next morning when we took her to that doctor we were going to witness a miracle and so when we took her to dr. Simon wall the next morning and he cut the bandages off he lifted his hands and he screamed my god [Applause] I said I said what is it doc he said look the nails are back the fingers are normal this is a miracle and then I said to him not your God my God hallelujah my god glory to God now if I had accepted what the doctor said my daughter would be missing two fingers today in fact every once while over the years when the devil try to tell me something was impossible I'd go to my daughter and I said Terry may I borrow your fingers and I'd hold them up and I'd say what do you say devil look at this you said this was impossible don't run off I just chased him around the house with her fingers how they do hallelujah don't ever accept defeat defeat is never inevitable I like to say it this way God will never say it's over until you win amen it's never over until God says it's over but God will never say it's over until you win so make the decision that quitting giving up is no longer an option in your life and you say Amen give the Lord a good shout of praise hallelujah so jesus said hold fast to my teachings hold fast to my teachings don't allow Satan to talk you into giving up you remember the story in numbers chapter 13 where Moses had sent out the spies to look at the land and they came back with a defeat mentality 10 out of 12 of them did they said there's Giants in the land and we are but as grasshoppers in their sight now where did they give up with that they didn't get that close to them in fact they were afraid of them and they ran off how do they know what they're thinking no they had a defeat mentality we're but grasshoppers in their sight they didn't have to accept defeat in fact Joshua and Caleb didn't they had a different spirit amen look sure neighbors say I have a different spirit never never never accept defeat because defeat is never inevitable now the Apostle Paul made this statement is in telling a story of something that happened to him and it's found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verses 8 through 10 and for the sake of time I'm not going to read the King James I'm just going to read the message translation he said we don't want you to be in the dark friends about how hard it was when all this came down on us in asia province it was so bad we didn't think we were going to make it we felt like we had been sent to death row that is that it was all over for us as it turned out it was the best thing that could have happened to us instead of trusting in our own strength or in our own wits to get us out of this we were forced to trust God totally and he did it he rescued us from certain doom and he'll do it again rescuing us as many times as we need rescuing and the King James it says we were pressed out of measure above strength in so much that we despaired even of life sounds pretty bad doesn't it it sounds like this is quite an ordeal in fact Paul said that it looked like the only way this could possibly end up was it would cost us our lives but they decided instead of giving up trust God look at you neighbors say instead of giving up trust God in other words this situation became beyond his ability beyond his strength beyond his his personal ability to overcome it but he decided that since God has delivered me in the past oh why wouldn't he do it again and he decided to trust God and God came through for him and he said and as long as I continued to trust God he will always come through for me amen so he would not accept defeat in fact he didn't give up he didn't quit and instead he fought a good fight of faith and came out the winner praise God he was fully persuaded that if God has delivered him before he could and would do it again now if you study the life of Paul more than once Paul faced death but he would never accept defeat one of the stories is found in Acts chapter 14 he was in Lystra and he was taken out the city and stoned and left for dead stoned and left for dead but he still wouldn't give up in fact he got up brushed himself off he must have been a quite a sight you know these people were famous for stoning amen they didn't miss they left him for dead some of his followers were standing around looking at him laying on that dusty road thinking what do we do now the greatest person in Christianity has just been stoned where do we go from here while they're pondering what do we do next he got up brushed himself off and said let's go right back in that same city and keep on preaching how to do Amen he would not accept defeat look at your neighbor I will not accept defeat that's not the only time he faced death in his letter to the church in Philippi at the time he wrote that letter he was in prison facing death in the natural there was no way of ever being released from that prison but he said this in verse 19 of chapter 1 I know this will turn to my salvation I know this will turn to my salvation in fact when the jailer came in and and said Paul we're going to kill you his attitude was when do me a favor for me to die is gain to live as Christ but then he said I know this will turn to my salvation in other words he did not expect to be defeated he would not accept defeat and he later wrote to those same believers in Philippi and said I have decided to be with you to help you in the furtherance of your faith amen he would not accept defeat and he was released and kept preaching the gospel and they couldn't kill him until he said these famous words I have finished my course I have kept the faith amen notice they couldn't kill him until he was satisfied that he had finished his course he would not accept defeat if we're going to the next level then we have to determine that defeat is not an option quitting is not an option failure is not an option and you say min let me close it with this real quickly about little over two years ago I went to have a physical and they discovered and and I'd had no symptoms I had no idea anything was wrong with me I've enjoyed good health all these years and they discovered that the main artery in my neck where blood flows from the heart to the brain was 90% blocked and they said this could cause an tourism and other things as well and I said we recommend that you go in and we will just remove the plaque build up you'll be in the hospital overnight may be the next day then you can go home rest a couple of weeks and then get back to doing what you normally do so we went in to have the plaque removed while I was in surgery they discovered that some of the plaque broke off and went to my brain and caused a full-blown stroke I was not even aware of what had happened to me for a couple of days and when I finally awakened I had lost total use of my right arm mostly my right leg at the worst part of all total memory loss I didn't even know my family I didn't know my wife I didn't know my children my wife said brother Copeland came and prayed over me I hardly remember him being there she said Jesse Duplantis came and prayed over me I hardly remember them being there the only word I could say in English was yes yeah whatever they ask me yes I was just like a vegetable and the doctor told my wife he will never walk normal again he'll never be normal again he'll never preach again he'll never travel again and you're gonna have to accept this she said sir you don't know our God and you don't know my husband he will not accept defeat amen and so they kept me in the hospital several days and and by the time they released me I still hadn't recovered I had to hold my arm up on my chest if I let go of it it was dead weight it just followed the side I walked like this if I could walk it off and I still can't remember anything not a sermon ever preached not a verse ever studied I don't remember close friends what their names are and they let me go home and even though I couldn't communicate in my mind I'm thinking if they let me go home and be in my own environment my recovery will be immediate I'm not going to accept defeat I'm not finished with my course I'm not going to live like this for the rest of my life and so I had a granddaughter that was working with me and one morning after I had been home for a day or two I pointed to my garage out back of my house where I have classic cars and classic motorcycles that that used to be what I did before I went in the ministry restore classic cars and so forth and I have a collection of them and I pointed to her that I wanted to go to the garage my wife says quit calling it a garage it's a museum and so I finally got her to understand what I wanted to do she went and got my keys and helped me walk out to the shop like this once again if I dropped if I let go of this arm it was dead weight I'm just walking like this she unlocked the door turned the lights on turned the alarm off and I walked over to my oldest motorcycle it's a 1942 Harley Davidson it actually saw duty in World War two and I wanted to start it but I can't remember how to start it but I prayed in the Holy Spirit prayed in tongues and the Lord reminded me how to start that motorcycle and I got it started and I started every motorcycle in that shop then I went to my classic cars and I started every car in that shop I left all of them running the smell of fumes was exhilarating and then I cut everything off and started back outside and when I got when we closed the door I said Rachel give me the keys and she gave me the keys and then she said Papa did you see what you just did I said what she said you did it with your right head God totally restored my arm God totally restored my leg and then all my memory came back and in three weeks I was preaching around the world in three different continents I mean oh yeah hey man do I look like a man who had a full-blown stroke and would never preach again and God is no respecter of persons he wants to take you to the next level don't accept defeat give the Lord your best shout today I lift up those two hands and celebrate his faithful God you on your way to your next level the challenges around you notwithstanding lift up those two hands everybody give God thanks and praise for that great great translate transformation give them praise give Him praise every testimony say point out to your heritage give God thanks and praise give Him glory give Him glory give Him glory I refuse to accept defeat I am born to win I'm born to become the world common are began to profess that Professor before the Lord thank you Jesus amen will do ask Jesus or speak to me one more time this morning as this Third Ward is coming this ha come on now lift up your two hands ask him I want to hear from you Jesus I want to hear from you again and the word of the Lord came to me a second time I want to hear from you Jesus thank you Lord in Jesus precious name
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Keywords: Bishop David Oyedepo, FINANCIAL FORTUNE BANQUET, bishop david oyedepo live service today, bishop david oyedepo 2019, THE POWER OF BOOKS BY BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO, BOOKS, THE POWER OF BOOKS, audio books the power of now, audio books the power of habit, eckhart tolle books the power of now, winners chapel, living faith church worldwide, canaanland ota, bishop oyedepo, bishop david oyedepo 2017 messages, success button by david oyedepo
Id: 5BmrupjdxKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 41sec (6161 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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