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behind africa and the rest of the world please celebrate as we receive the ministry gift of apostle joshua salman [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah praise the name of the lord thank you so much apostle thank you thank you to you and your dear wife i love you with all my heart tonight i believe that your life will never be the same [Applause] [Music] i believe this hallelujah we have tabernacled for days feasting learning being pruned by the spirit and while you're standing very quickly let me tell you five things that must happen every time you come to the house of god and every time god shows up in the midst of his people number one every time you are in an atmosphere where the presence of god is expect encounters hallelujah an encounter is the name given to an experience a supernatural experience that crystallizes the reality of god and the reality of the kingdom to you an encounter the goal of encounters is to create conviction you cannot have conviction without encounters i know whom i have believed he says and i am persuaded it is not just that i believed him but i know whom i have believed number two expect transformation every time the presence of god comes transformation is the name given to the process that makes you become like christ in experience transformation number three when we gather like this expect an outpouring of miracles signs and wonders these miracle signs and wonders reveal the love of god and they reveal the power of god miracles signs and wonders are letters from god through men to creation i am still alive number four expect impartations whenever you come to an atmosphere like this an impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities that means you can take a grace you did not come with [Applause] this is true and finally expect fellowship the mystery of human connections because you see all blessings come from god through men to men all with no exception all blessings come from god but they come through men to men so if god says yes and on earth a man says no the answer remains yes only in the realm of the spirit if it must be yes in the spirit and yes in your life god in partnership with men god can connect you to destiny help us strategically in conferences like this so you have to be sensitive hallelujah are we ready for tonight my soul says yes says says yes my soul says yes says yes one more time sing with me my soul says yes [Music] yes to your power yes to breakthroughs yes to increase yes to a new season [Music] please be seated for a few minutes i like you to be very very sensitive because i know that the power of god is strong in this place to heal to deliver but let me take a few minutes to just establish a few scriptures i did tell us yesterday that without the proceeding word the anointing has no ministry the assignment of the anointing is to confirm the word alleluia for someone here let me speak to you by the spirit i truly sense not everybody but there are a few people here who are wrapping up an old season and are about to enter new seasons in the spirit now of course what god says to one he says to all but there are specific people very specific people god has shown you in dreams the situations around your life have shown just help them this is a miracle service very specific people a season is coming to an end in your life and god is opening up new seasons sir are you a man of god what do you do what do you do i want to pray for you the call of god is upon your life come can i pray for you stand up what's your name i'm looking at the name that elijah was called in the new testament is your name what is your name elias i want to pray for you please help us with a mic in inc i stretch my hands my friend listen to me in the name that is above all names may you step into a new season new season of power and a new season of grace madam i release you to a new season i'm seeing oil being poured on your head ah carisco libra de balakuzia a new season the lord is telling me that in this season he's also bringing you restoration supern i don't know you from anywhere but i pray for you may that anointing come upon your life and shift you to a new level in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] tonight i'd like for your heart to be opened i'm not going to be teaching for too long just to establish a few things there are people whose situations have called on heaven god needs to step in and turn people's lives around hallelujah that lady sitting by the edge stand up the one yes you what's your name let it be a new season for you by the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] gabriel i'm hearing a name gabriel gabriel gabriel we'll get to the word gabriel who is gabriel i'm hearing a name gabriel just just a moment or two the man i'm talking about what is your name sir ah i'm not hearing please come do you believe in miracles father for the sake of your glory and your name right now i stretch my hands may your life and your entire family take that grace now you step into a new season never to be the same in the name of jesus christ [Applause] exodus my spirit is fired up tonight [Music] exodus chapter 3 exodus chapter 3 exodus chapter 3 listening exodus chapter 3 we start from verse 1 just to establish one or two scriptures the bible talks about this man called moses that he kept the flock of his father-in-law little did he know that there was destiny upon him that he was going to be the vessel that god would use to literally take the nation of israel from bondage to a land flowing with milk and honey even though he did not get to the land but were interested in the fact that a young frail gentleman who ran away because he killed an egyptian he did not know that the hand of god was upon his life and that one day he would be a savior and save about 2.5 million people thereabout and bring them from the grip of pharaoh and even of egypt verse 1 down to 15 tells us his encounter with the god of heaven particularly when we go to verse 9 chapter chapter 9 exodus chapter nine from verse one we're coming back to verse three but please go to exodus chapter nine the lord said unto moses go in unto pharaoh by the time god was done with this man the weak man who was running away was now sent back to the place of his fears but not as the one who left he says go into pharaoh and tell him thou sayeth the lord god of the hebrews let my people go they need to go and serve me but you are constraining them that pharaoh of sickness that pharaoh of finances he said i want to visit them but moses you go stand before pharaoh and tell pharaoh to say it the lord let my people go they need to go and serve me poverty has kept them down they need to go and serve me delay and retrogression has kept them down it was for this instruction the entire journey of exodus chapter 3 the revelation the encounters was to prepare him for the times when he will go and talk to pharaoh did you know that most of the things you've gone through in your life are simply preparatory classes because you are about to step into seasons where god is going to begin to send you to the business world send you to ministry send you to politics and governance regardless the geography of your assignment the instruction is the same whenever you find pharaoh anywhere speak to him and say i have come representing heaven let my people go now listen to me this is very important because this is the primary assignment of a witness the bible tells us that we have a corporate mandate regardless the geography of our assignment john chapter one and verse six this is the corporate mandate of the believers the bible says there was a man hallelujah everybody says sent the man did not just arrive he passed through the womb of a woman you call him a south african god said he came from god he only passed through the physical territory of south africa when you when you try to identify that individual based on geography you can say he's a south african he's an african but when you want to trace this man according to his divine location and his destiny he's more than a south african he's more than an african the bible said there was a man no name the man was sent from god when he arrived the earth they gave that man a name they called him you [Applause] but he came from heaven please pay attention with one singular assignment never forget this this is the corporate mandate of every believer whether you're a politician whether you're a businessman your corporate mandate is in verse seven read with me believers one two read verse seven one the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him his witness might believe this is it so while they call you whatever your name is that name is just a system of earthly identification the real name god calls you is witness he does not even call you a man of god he does not even call you a businessman i told you yesterday that our titles are simply a description of the geography of our assignment but he calls us witnesses who is a witness a witness is a validator of a claim the assignment of a witness is to make sure that the claims that are before the table are not negated by any other person in fact you do not need a witness until there is the contention to a claim is that true when you go to the court of law and you table a matter and someone is trying to oppose you the judge would invite you to bring a witness please listen very carefully the assignment of that witness is to prove the truthfulness of that statement and every witness is empowered with a token of truthfulness called evidence if you are truly a witness from god from heaven he does not let you go alone he grants you the capacity to prove that point he gives you an evidence are we together now the same came for a witness to the light that all men through him might believe so when the devil is ravaging creation and it looks like destinies are under siege what happens is that because of all those things satan uses men as a canvas to write a letter to god i doubt your might i doubt your power are you god indeed so god says where are the witnesses because i need to reply there needs to be a reply when god sends you as a witness and gives you the evidence when god uses you to lift people to break yokes and burdens he has used you to reply are we together now the healing the miracles are replies from god i am still god seated on the throne but every time there are no witnesses god will always look like a fraudster every time there are no witnesses god will always look like a scammer every time there are no witnesses god will always look like he is not god it is the absence of weaknesses across a territory that makes darkness look so powerful the bible says in john chapter 1 and verse 5 and the light shineed in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not is it in your bible do you know the interesting thing about darkness even if a room has been back for one year the moment you switch on the light the light does not respect the longevity of the darkness it becomes lighting immediately [Applause] darkness of one year and darkness of two days and darkness of five years and darkness of 20 years they are all solved by the same instance light you would think that the longevity of the darkness would threaten the strength of the light when you switch on the light you will not know which of the room was that first all of them come under the influence of that life so don't you tell me i've been in this condition for 30 years don't tell me i have been in this situation my entire family don't even say just started last week in light of the power of light it doesn't really matter if it is light indeed you are here working miracles i worship you i worship you you are here turning lives around i worship you i worship you we call you we make a miracle walk promise keep light in the darkness my god that is who you are listen by the privilege of god's grace and i do not mean to sound arrogant but by the privilege of the election of grace i have spent my life literally watching the manifest power of god over lives over territories i know miracles are real i know that god can move and shift systems within a moment now please hear me as mighty as god is he will always use men to achieve his purposes you have to understand this the bible says and by a prophet the lord god brought israel out of egypt he was the one who brought them but the agency the vehicle was a prophet he says and by a prophet was he preserved we have come tonight to give god an opportunity to give us visitations visitations over our lives now listen in as much as we do not serve god because of miracles because of signs and wonders we love him more than that but can i tell you he's loving enough to be attentive to our needs when they come with him three days he kept teaching teaching teaching and the disciples said these people are hungry let them go he said no this is not consistent with my character i must take responsibility for their commitment feed them how do we feed these people you cannot tabanacu here living all the things that you have to do some of you have close businesses some of you have made all kinds of sacrifices the god that we serve is a loving god the god that we serve is a powerful god and tonight he has chosen by his wisdom to reveal himself as that all-powerful god listen listen to me i i wish i had time i would have shared with you a few encounters especially from scripture and then in my own life i have seen the miracle power of god i have been in situations in my life where i needed the manifestation of god's power and i have seen him come through this god you see is dependable this god you see is reliable look up can i tell you something because of our human nature there is a way you can be so overwhelmed by the reality of your frustration your financial situation whatever it is that you may not believe you may say amen but somewhere in your heart you say look i've been i've been here in such i've been here long enough in fact i did not even write my condition in the prayer request because i'm not sure if god can attend to me brothers and sisters if you being evil the bible says that means as evil as men are even terrorists take care of their families while they kill others that means he's saying that as evil and wicked as people are there is still a a part of them that can communicate compassion he said how much more your heavenly father so the proof of his fatherhood is his ease to release blessings to you please i want you to believe this because we're going to get into a very serious session right now i want you to be dissatisfied everything that does not name the name of christ in your life be ready to wave it goodbye be ready to wave it goodbye and insist that it waves you back are we together there are many of us here under the sound of my voice what will take one month to do will now take you ten years to do there is a spirit behind that kind of thing just helped us under the anointing my spirit is fired up i have seen people let me tell you this you know that delays that work in your life when the only thing growing in your life is your age some of us are connected to men and women who can be used by god to lift us they will watch you like this and promise you heaven and hell and go around and bless others and you stand there as though you are not covered by favor please pay attention to what i'm telling you why do we need results in our lives don't you dare look down on the need for results if your life does not produce results your christian experience will be frustrated john chapter 15 and verse 8 here's what it says hearing is our father glorified when ye bear much fruit so shall you be my disciples in matthew chapter 5 jesus teaching what we call the beatitudes when you read from verse 15 and 16 he says let your light so shine before men not in heaven not before angels before men that they might see your good deeds and glorify your father which is in heaven john chapter 17 and verse 1 jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven and prayed and this is what he said father the hour has come it says glorify thy son that thy son may glorify you if the sons in light are not glorified god cannot be glorified let me tell you honestly god is not glorified when believers are poor broke limited frustrated oppressed those things do not spell a good image of this god that the bible talks about so when he comes to you he comes to lift he comes to tear down everything that mocks his integrity over your life are you blessed tonight what should we expect tonight expect to be healed what should we expect tonight expect to be delivered all kinds of yokes and and devilish things that have tied destinies down [Applause] i have been oppressed i know what it means to be oppressed they did not say the spirit of the lord is upon me for he had anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor he had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives to open up prison doors have you seen any physical prison with a man inside there are human beings moving physically but they are in prison open up those closed doors most of you have become an object of shame and mockery to yourself and all who know you they call you by all kinds of names and say you are there serving god praying fasting rolling on the ground there is nothing in your life that shows like god is alive and can i tell you that mockery has reached the heavens god is now saying i'm a warrior clear the road for me i want to have a holy convocation in the midst of my people it says the lord in the midst of thee is mighty so i'm saying this because in the next two three minutes we are going to pray and shake off unbelief shake off unbelief and say i believe i know i know that god can change my life i know that while i'm seated here god can begin to move over someone and that person will not have rest tonight until he calls me and says where have you been i have been looking for you then you know that this one is not the doing of man please believe what i'm telling you i'm not i'm not just this is not some i fear god i will not come here and waste your time you see let me tell you this it is seen to attempt to communicate a spiritual reality that is higher than the dimension of grace you have the bible says to minister according to the measure of grace difficult things that are supposed to be easy but there are people who sit you start a building project for years you are still at it yes you are still at it as if it's a course i hope you're not offended i'm challenging you because god is determined to visit you this night now please listen carefully please listen carefully can i be very honest with you under god primarily over 80 percent of the challenges of men listen carefully 80 percent or more of the challenges of men there are spirits and forces behind it find a way of believing that this is true he says the enemy has done this jesus clearly told us that the enemy has done this and so he has sent us and anointed us tonight and granted us the privilege of grace i thought i'd be able to share a few things but there's no time for that i really want to maximize the time to do that which we have to do so that will finish on time and then you make for your cuff you but let me share with you one experience i have spent my life in encounters it is an election of grace the privilege of god's grace and i don't know if i shared it last when i was here but please pay attention when the lord jesus christ appeared to me i was flat on the ground and he i don't know if he his feet was on the ground or he was in the air i can't even tell you light at his brilliance splendor i could look at any part of him forever there i was like a dead man looking at this great god that preachers talk about all the time and i said my god what will preachers do when they see him when i saw him he didn't open his mouth to say anything to me and yet he was speaking to me this is a strange thing about spiritual encounters and he stretched forth his hand and light from him entered into my being like that ordinarily is like throwing a tv set inside a volcano it should disintegrate it in a moment how i did not die it will never tell me to say this is a miracle that i will ask him to help me explain when we get to heaven but from that encounter and that light my life changed i began to experience phenomenal levels of revelation phenomenal levels of his power and in one other encounter listen very carefully i saw people who were sick people who were oppressed all kinds of people and it was as though you know how a lockdown is like a cuff you and i saw the people just lined up on the street and i was broken i said i mean who did this to these people and then i heard a voice speak to me from heaven that i should go and heal them all and when i heard that voice i said this is it i knew that that was true i was worshiping the lord and then the lord comes to me to give me an encounter and he says my son from this day i give you my presence as a gift please listen carefully can you help me with a little volume and then my eyes are open and i see this being standing by me and i said who is this and he said he will walk with you as you go to the nations i said what is his name and he said he's called the angel of the lord's presence i told you that i will explain to you what is responsible for some of these manifestations that you see i cannot take credit for it and every time i step into a place he comes with that spiritual climate to deliver to heal to save to change to lift burdens that is the reason why you can hear that in a moment oh jesus the twinkling of an eye an age long captivity just like that just like that just like that it is the power of the holy spirit i know now listen please listen i'm about to begin to minister to people just pay attention i didn't used to work very strongly in the prophetic i had miracles and all of that but one night i was watching willian branham an old video of his and i said look at this dear man people persecuted and misunderstood him because maybe towards the end of his life things just changed like that and while i was looking at him i said but this man feared god he may have made mistakes but this is a sincere man all of a sudden it was like something a cold sensation from that laptop to my head it started going down right my whole body within a period of 30 minutes and after that by the next meeting i went to the heavens and opened what what is what is happening to me i wasn't born with this [Music] now please hear me the lord gave me an instruction and he said every nation and every territory please help me if someone sit on the drums for me just a symbol yeah anybody who understands what to do he says every nation that i will send you to that light that came from me to you there must be someone in that meeting that that same light will rest upon them and i tell you by the god of heaven i have remained faithful to that call from nation to nation tonight by the privilege of the election of grace i have come as one cent you have received me and the god of heaven is about to move in this place and bring glory to the name of jesus age long captivities just like that thoughts of destinies that have been closed [Music] doors just like that [Music] atmosphere shift now change be broken break now holy spirit move now haven't hoped i want to pray for you now please pay attention your life is about to change now here's what will happen i'm going to minister to people just walk with the ushers and let's just walk so we redeem time what is your name sir what do you do i'm seeing you please someone help us with an extra mic is that possible please i'm looking at you and i'm seeing you in a vision sitting on a table and i'm seeing you with money i'm seeing you with files and i'm seeing you talking to people what do you do i'm a financial advisor you are a financial advisor you're a financial advisor the lord is saying i should tell you he's shifting you to a new season it will not be like before he's connecting you to kings and nobles take that grace now in the name of jesus christ are you ready now i want to pray for you wherefore god had so highly exalted him and giving him a name that is above every other name he said that at the name of jesus christ every knee should bow of things in heaven of things in the earth and of things under the earth i want to pray for you now please listen at the count of three i want you to shout that name jesus there are yokes that have sat upon the destinies of people and as you shout that name the power of god comes upon you please i'd like you to bring those people under the anointing gently and just bring them out here without disrupting the men of god are we together we have to be very fast at the count of three i want you to shout that name jesus everywhere inside outside father i have come as you have sent me over the land of south africa that every spirit that does not name the name of christ in the name of jesus i come tonight by the road of a higher priesthood and i decree and declare as you shout let every wall of jericho let every spirit manipulate in your destiny leave you now please whether you are an usher or not once they begin to shout and people are under the anointing they shout the name jesus help them if someone is falling under the anointing close to you please help them so they don't enjoy themselves are you ready now father let the band of wickedness be lose once and for all at the count of three shout that name that is above every other name one two three shout jesus be free now be free now be free now be free now every york every bondage capital i command every power that is not of god sitting on your destiny i rebuke you in the name of jesus the son of the living god listen carefully i'm still praying there are families that never rise beyond a certain level no matter the level of educational qualification tonight i have come mani kept are you ready one two three take that be free now be free now release your destinies release your destinies release your destinies even the lawful captains shall be delivered even the lawful captain shall be delivered [Music] hallelujah i'm seeing chains on people's hands this is what i'm seeing and this has this has limited your productivity you do things and nothing worked ministry business right now i pray upon any hand where there is a chain limiting you from rising i'm seeing fire coming on hands fire [Music] be broken be broken be broken hallelujah [Music] a language the lord is ministering to me and he's showing me a woman six years you are yet to give birth six years please who is that person i want to pray for you your time has come six years [Applause] we're still praying get dissatisfied tonight enough is enough in the name of jesus enough is enough [Music] please when you find that person very quickly let me talk to that person because we have to shift now the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing a family there is a pattern of death almost every year someone must die something happens mysteriously people just continue to die i stretch my hands i don't know who belongs to such a family capital right now i decree and declare any family that has the spirit of death romeo and in the name of jesus be delivered now be delivered now be delivered now all dead where is your sting and all grave where is your victory [Music] how many years have you been married i will pray for you but the one i'm looking for the one with six years six years without a child who is that please very quickly i will pray for you six years my dear you believe in jesus christ place your hand on your womb i don't care what the medical situation is believe in jesus listen when you see us talk like this we are not stupid people there is a name [Music] that is higher and greater of the three of you the power of god is coming on one of you right now and when that happens then i pray for the rest this is the instruction i'm receiving i just saw fire light coming on one of you these ones who are standing here in the name of jesus christ i declare and declare by the power of the holy spirit the same same time same six years the power of god is coming on one of you one of you that are standing here in the name of jesus may that anointing rest upon you and turn your life around supernaturally when that power comes on one of you one of you right now as i'm speaking karis kanika tushkali brandagata my dear shout jesus be free now look at me my dear in the name of jesus i command your womb to open now according to the time of life i speak to you in the name of jesus christ look at me your time of shame and the mockery over your life this is what the holy spirit is telling me that he's rolling away that reproach are you hearing what i'm telling you are you the one trusting god for the fruit of the womb place your hand there you believe in jesus don't cry this is what happens when jesus comes a revelation of his love i lay my hands upon you and in the name of jesus i command that devil let her go now in the name of jesus christ let that wound be opened a fatah open heather and tether in the name of jesus christ now hear me for all of you who are standing here release her destiny now now let her go the name of jesus christ the son of the living god i release your family i release everything in the name of jesus christ now let me pray for you i just saw light coming upon you and the lord is saying is your season of fruitfulness this woman let it be over right now in the name of jesus you know i have lived in this reality for many years but i never get used to it i still marvel myself at the power of god i stand i stand in horror of in jesus name [Music] [Music] to whom all no bring her back please place your hand on your stomach jesus for your glory let it come to an end amen in the name of jesus i speak to you and i release the power of the holy spirit let it be over now you will go and you will return with miracles according to the time of life in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus i'm hearing a name mary i'm hearing a name mary now of course i presume that there might be a number of people with such a name but i'm hearing a name [Music] mary mary mary i just want to speak to you very quickly and then [Music] your name is mary you're a member of this church [Music] we're going to pray sir look at me please stop that man i don't know you but as soon as you came out here the lord just opened my eyes and i saw you climbing the ladder can i pray for you i'm not i'm not manipulating you to come out here at all it's just a word look at me sir i stretch my hands by the spirit of grace and prophecy step into a new season in the name of jesus i don't know what it is that you do but i release grace upon you an end comes to this correct level [Music] for someone what you are watching happen here that is the grace you will take back to your church amen in the name of jesus christ supernatural signs genuine senuan manifestations of the power and the grace and the glory of god can i be honest with you not everyone is pretending and faking this thing that's right there are people who have encountered the god of the bible since yes sir yes sir [Music] bring the lady that shouts loud right now under the anointing to the hearing of everyone [Music] please don't come out at random we have to marry i want to pray for you [Music] you get the glory you get the praise you take the honor i just want to say thank you you got the glory you get the praise you take the honor i just want to say thank you so in my life in my life be glorified be glorified [Music] i want to pray for you my dear look at me i stretch my hands i'm seeing god take something out of your body and the lord is saying he's bringing you life right now i cost the spirit that is back of this be free now in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god [Music] in the name of jesus christ i don't know what has made you to cry but i'm declaring to you right now the lord is asking me to stretch my hands these are extensions of the hands of jesus that everything kalimaru's khatibra has katapalakatoshia ragoskian remember not the former things madam nor consider the things of all for behold god is doing a new thing in your life he's doing a new thing in your life by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ january this year you lost your job who is that person i'm seeing this in a vision january this year just like that for reasons you cannot explain the lord is asking me to pray for you we have to hurry up january please make sure you are not please don't tell lies we're in the presence of god i will pray for everybody make sure that we're walking in truth madam i don't know who you are please just let me talk with this lady yes come can i pray for you i'm looking at you and in the realm of the spirit i am seeing you know how like a ceremony happening that maybe you are you are crowning someone that's what i'm seeing happening to you and the lord is telling me that he's lifting you and opening doors that you have not even seen before i want you to believe this this is the word of the lord i stretch my hands over you and in the name of jesus may that grace come upon you that will shift you to a new realm in the name of jesus and by the power that raised jesus from the dead let there be a miracle for you right now in the name of jesus christ where are you coming from [Music] in the name of jesus christ let there be a miracle for you right now [Music] my god is able to do just what he says he will do he's gonna fulfill every pride is to you don't give up on god cause he will in jesus name i pray for you by the power of the holy spirit madam i do not know you but i ask the lord by his spirit to open up a new chapter for your life you believe that in the name of jesus i declare by the spirit of god that grace comes upon you right now my dear this lady i stretch my hands in the name of jesus i'm seeing your shoes being changed in the realm of the spirit like another kind of shoe is given to you this is what i'm seeing and the lord is saying you will begin to run he's bringing is is very strange grace for multiplication over your life receive that grace right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] i can't even remember why they are here mary i want to pray for you the last time i was here there was the name of a place that god gave me i couldn't pronounce it yes please help me pronounce that there is a businessman you are from that place right now i'm speaking the lord wants to change your life who is that person you are wearing black like a jacket or something i'm seeing it is there someone like that [Music] just take it easy my friend where are you coming from is it [Applause] stand up what do you do but things are not working you believe that i can pray for you and god will change your life [Music] i stretch my hands let captivity come to one take that grace now in the name of jesus christ i open up that door by the spirit let it be a new season for you in the name of jesus christ where where are you coming from is he coming from that place what do you do sir there's someone that i'm seeing you're into i.t this is what i'm seeing you're into i.t the lord wants to use you to change your entire family because there is a yoke that has set upon that family i don't know who that person is but i want to pray for you right now [Applause] oh [Music] new season new season new season by the power of the holy spirit a new season for you in the name of jesus christ you're a businessman i pray for you by the power of the holy spirit a new season i release you now embrace this goddess let it be a new season let the door be open for you in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god i pray for all of you who are involved in i.t the power of god is coming on one of you i don't know who but i just saw that light the lord is opening that door right now i shift you he already told you wealthy spiritual i shift you by the power of the holy ghost stepping to a new level in the name of jesus hallelujah now where is that gentleman who was doing the welcome note him and one lady one gentleman here god wants where is he is that him yes sir what do you do my friend ah he's a nightie yes i'm seeing that he's part of the people that i'm talking about i don't know anything about you my friend i'm just walking with the vision that the lord are you into it take that grace now in the name of jesus a new season for you a new season for you a new season for you i connect you by the spirit to systems and structures by the power that raise christ from the dead in the name of jesus christ hear me listen i don't mean to brag but let me tell you this territorially speaking there are people called king makers that's right they don't become kings themselves but they can then thrown kings and they can remove kings spiritually there are people god has given grace they are spiritual king makers but they can take advantage of that grace and can enthrone people and shift destinies believe me once you see the problem is once the grace of god is not administered within the boundary of scripture that is where it becomes errol and it deceives people but the moment the grace of god is dispensed within the coordinates of scripture you cannot be an error when you are within the boundary of scripture hallelujah now the lord is opening my eyes i'm seeing um [Music] you're in south africa but i'm not sure you are originally south african it's like an indian family i don't know if there's if there's someone like that with family the lord wants to bring a visitation from india if if there's someone like that i just want to pray for you india this is what i'm seeing [Music] wherever they are if you find them let me just pray for them this is what the lord is ministering to me [Applause] [Music] one of them you are wearing a nose mask that is this color this color like like blue you're a young slender gentleman who is tall like that this is what i'm seeing in my vision [Music] [Music] don't worry my friend don't worry don't worry thank you for coming sir thank you for coming man can i pray for you i'm looking at you and the lord is saying he's bringing an anointing on the entire family and that he's going to i don't know what it is that you do but i want you to mark my words from today there is such a marvelous grace take that grace in the name of jesus take that grace by the power that raised christ from the dead that anointing is coming upon you and you will begin to step into realms of possibilities in business and family i decree and declare that grace rests upon you right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah i want to pray for the sick now oh dear [Music] bernice bernice like b-e-r-n-i-c-e bernice bernice bernice you are at the back you are wearing something like a brown white and brown bernice is there someone like that are you coming from the back is she coming from the back you believe in jesus [Music] oh it's your sister can i pray for you hold hands together lift it up father turn this family around here at this conference take that fire now in the name of jesus christ you will never be the same again by the power of the holy spirit now please hear me we're going to do three things very very quickly help this woman i'm seeing oil coming on her head this indian woman i'm just seeing an angel pouring oil on her head and the lord is saying even in old age you will do much for the kingdom hallelujah now three things we're going to do very quickly how many of you came with your prayer requests now here's what i want you to do i want to pray for the sick now but whilst we are doing that to conserve time if if it is possible let's have a few ushers already just go round so that you can just drop your prayer request let's collate it you already did that oh great beautiful you already did that excellent if there's anyone who is yet to submit yours just wave it and there will be someone oh just please let's help them if there's anyone maybe a few ushers or anyone if the ushers are busy any of the workers just help them so that we make this happen very quickly hallelujah grace for you who is this lady oh huh okay the lady what's her name who knows her name [Music] my dear look at me where is your father [Music] i want to pray for you because the lord is bringing a visitation to your family you believe that i stretch my hands right now over you and i decree and declare by the power of the holy spirit the lord will bring a great visitation to your father and by extension the entire family may the grace to make this happen rest upon you right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] will you believe what i'm going to tell you now [Music] we're not we're not marketing the flesh i'm only responding to what god is doing i'm seeing literally now when we do this this is not just some blind please listen listen listen this is not just some blind marketing of the flesh but i'm seeing five people that god is raising for the sake of their families there is a dimension of strange financial empowerment i'm going to pray for everyone but these are five particular people you will come and stand one day upon this altar and you will say from that time where the prophetic word came god just connected you to men lord i don't know where the five people are but i stretch my hands in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god you don't have to come out please wherever you are don't worry in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god right now may that grace rest upon you may that graciousness apparatus help them help them help that lady please in the name of jesus may that grace rest upon you may that grace rest upon you may that grace rest upon you you can be valuable but it takes the anointing to connect you to those who can recognize the value and even reward it [Music] are we together please sit down if you can for a while i want to pray for the sick now once i'm done with you please you can return to your seat so that we just ease off this and do this very quickly about to pray for the sick now once we collect the requests may i please request that once we have the prayer request please bring all of them just keep them here just come for them here i'm about to pray for the sick i believe in the power of the holy spirit i believe in his grace to heal and to deliver i will tell you why i asked you to sit down please sit down if you can please sit down please sit down if you can now there are people here whose destinies have been tied down by delay just sit down you don't have to stand up i will tell you why i'm asking you to sit down please ushers or people around i'm going to pray and the grace for speed sit down sit down don't stand please sit down it's going to come on people some of them will begin to run physically i want you to hold them that's why i said sit down i stretch my hands now in the name of jesus the grace for speed upon your life and your destiny take that grace now don't bring them out just hold them take that grace right now from my left to my right everything that has slowed down the pace of your destiny [Music] 10 years in one year by the spirit of god 10 years and one year help them hold them 10 years in one hold them please hold them please hold them please so that they don't enjoy themselves that's why i said sit down ten years in one year i prophetically speak to everyone here every embargo that will not let you move forward i stand by prophecy i push you go forward go forward go forward go forward go forward go forward go forward go forward in the name of jesus christ go forward in ministry go forward in business go forward in career go forward in family [Music] sir are you a man of god from where [Music] okay can i pray for you sir because when i was praying for speed the same vision i saw please hold that lady the same vision i saw that god was changing the shoes of a lady that's what i'm seeing happening to you [Music] i stretch my hands sir oh there is an oil and a grace that is coming on you god will so shift you and shift the ministry by the power that raised christ from the dead may that anointing come upon you right now that the things that you could not do yesterday grace comes upon you for today in the name of jesus christ hear me there are many of you like joseph you have helped many people but they have forgotten you you were responsible for the building of many businesses you were responsible for supporting people some of them when they came into south africa they didn't know they are left from their right god used you to put their lives in place the one president forgot joseph and added two years to his captivity but in the name that is above all names i call upon my god who is also your god tonight let the book of remembrance be open be open be open be open be open be open in the name of jesus [Music] hear me and the bible says and that night could not king ahazar asleep and he said bring me the chronicles and they found where mordecai saved his life and was not rewarded and he says who is in the chamber there and the evil man her man was called he said what shall be done to this man thinking it was him he gave the best suggestion he said do the same immediately to mordechai i want to pray for someone here it may look like you have been forgotten can i tell you the truth people don't just remember they are made to remember most of you from this night i i stand by the god of heaven and i tell you you will receive strange calls this night people numbers that have not attended to you for years [Applause] i fear god i will not stand here and waste your time you are intelligent and responsible people i know what i am seeing that is making me say what i'm saying let me repeat it again there are many people this night i am telling you as as as surely as the sun rises in the day and sets i pray for you and i declare according to the vision of the lord those who have forgotten you in the name of jesus tonight will place an anointing upon your life let there be remembrance for good [Applause] let there be remembrance for good now listen we want to pray for the sick just sit down there i'm about to pray for you now listen carefully no no you don't have to bring them out except if you just dropping something don't worry i'm going to pray for everyone mama don't worry you sit i'm going to pray for you now now please hear me shortly i'm going to ask you to stand i'm asking you to sit because that's the only way to bring some order now we do this very very fast the prayer requests remember when they are ready please you can bring them here and just place them before the lord i want to pray for the sick i believe in miracles now when i pray for the sick very quickly i'm going to request that you do what you could not do before and the moment you find out that the power of god has touched you please if possible if i can have maybe one or two pastors just somewhere here so that they can confirm you and then we'll take a few years any of you at all we can take a few miracles some of you already from what has happened you are seeing that there are already miracles i want to pray for you you made a way when our backs were against the wall and it looked to see if it was over you made a way [Music] and we're standing here only because you may [Music] you made a way you made a way you made a way [Music] you made a win don't know how but you did it you made a way [Music] are you ready now to be prayed for listen to me acts chapter 10 and verse 38 peter was preaching in the house of cornelius and this is what he had to say how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power he went about doing good and healing not there that were sick there that were oppressed for god was with him i'm about to pray for you and i want you to believe you came with someone sick i want you to believe whether you are inside or outside jesus is wherever you are some of you are standing in for loved ones who are not here wherever you are i want to pray for you right now please stand on your feet if you can now the moment i pray those under the anointing you don't have to bring them out just guide them i want to pray for you believe in the power of the holy spirit we're standing to respect that anointing believe in impossible miracles right now i have seen god walk wonders and miracles in the lives of people and tonight it is my joy again as we celebrate the mighty and the marvelous hands of god now someone is going to shout loud under the anointing listen the moment that happens the healing power of jesus will begin to move i'm only asking you to stand in faith with me and to agree as i pray [Music] that's not the shout the shout you are hearing that's a shout there now let's pray in the name of jesus christ come on south africa you can say amen in the name of jesus christ [Applause] in the name of jesus christ [Applause] [Music] my god in the name of jesus christ amen my god the power of god is moving here in the name of jesus christ [Applause] in the name of jesus christ right now i decree and i declare by the power that raised christ from the dead every spirit that is back of any disease and infirmity hear the word of the lord i command you let your destinies go now release your destinies now release your destinies now now i decree and declare help them be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus from the crown of your head even to the souls of your feet oh that fire is coming on you now be healed in the name of jesus christ be healed in the name of jesus christ blood conditions be healed in the name of jesus christ blood conditions be healed right now in jesus name [Applause] hiv be healed right now in the name of jesus every born condition inability to walk inability to stand using an aid i command be healed now [Music] every kind of blindness partial blindness complete blindness i command those eyes to open now in the name of jesus the christ of god [Applause] death ears be open now in the name of jesus i'm seeing a lady you have i don't know a growth around your breast area i command that devil to go now every growth around your body hear the word of the lord i command that it dissolves and goes now [Applause] peptic ulcer be healed right now in the name of jesus asthma be healed right now in the name of jesus [Applause] severe heat around the body just your body whether it's cold or hot there's that hotness around the body the power of god is touching you right now [Applause] [Music] there's someone you couldn't lift your hand i don't know what pain you came here with but right now as i'm praying the power of god is touching you i'm seeing someone i don't know what the condition is now but you are not able to turn with your neck you feel severe like a sprain right now in the name of jesus the power of god is touching you be healed in the name of jesus [Applause] there's someone having had a heart condition i don't know what the condition is but is you have a problem with your heart we correct it right now by the power of the holy spirit [Applause] pile very painful condition of pile right now as i pray for you the power of god is touching you right now where you are be healed right now someone just at your back here the lumbar area i'm seeing that you've had severe pain it's almost as if you cannot stand and stretch i declare right now the power of god is touching you please believe it the power of god is touching you right now [Music] in the name of jesus christ your left leg for someone your left leg i don't know whether around your knee area i don't know what the problem is but the power of jesus is touching you right now amen high blood pressure goes down right now goes down right now goes down right now [Applause] hepatitis the lord is healing hepatitis of all sorts in the name of jesus be healed right now [Music] i don't know what problem you have with your truth um it's been so for a very long time so it's not covered but you have it's almost as though your truth is always dry you've tried to treat it and it's not being healed and you feel almost as if there is an injury there i'm praying for you right now the power of god is touching you this moment [Applause] and if there is any family member you know across south africa who is suffering from covet 19 in the name of jesus christ may the power of god touch them wherever they are right now hallelujah now whether i mention your case or not in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god from the crown of your head my god there are miracles be healed right now there's someone you don't see very well right now as soon as i'm done praying right from where you are god is opening your eyes to see very very clearly in the name of jesus christ [Applause] there's someone is it appendicitis you are already beginning to feel very severe symptoms of it but the power of god is touching you wherever you are right now in fact the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing someone right now in the hospital this is a kidney problem i don't know if it's your father or someone a kidney problem this is this is a situation that humanly speaking except maybe a kidney replacement or something of that sort otherwise based on the current kidneys almost damaged but in the name of jesus christ we speak life to the body of father wherever he is [Applause] be healed right now in the name of jesus now hear me a miracle has happened right now i want you to check yourself very quickly do what you could not do don't be afraid do what you could not do the moment you find out that the power of god has touched you for those outside if they are coming in for a miracle then please just allow them just come and who are they meeting this gentleman okay this is what will happen the moment you find out that the power of god has touched you very quickly wherever you are be bold and i want you to run and come here some of you even while the service was going on as you were falling under the anointing there was a miracle are you celebrating miracles here my goodness my goodness god is healing people come check yourself make your way to the front check yourself confirm that miracle creator of the universe what can you do what can't you do jesus you couldn't lift your hands look at this look at this he couldn't lift his hands you're the name above every other name what can't you change can't you change jesus hallelujah now we have to be orderly maybe we'll do two rows one here and maybe someone else there just arrange them like you see this man whoever is coordinating them help that man under the anointing are we together gentlemen hold on please help me coordinate these people here so that we we just do it like this let's have two rows do you understand what i'm saying you may have to shift them from the back so you can just join a queue there so we'll make it very fast yes please you had an accident this morning the car rolled through you had an accident yes look at this really it rolled three times and when i came here i was in so much pain and while you were preaching i got healed i couldn't do this you could oh my god look at this it traveled three [Applause] to god times thank you jesus thank you lord thank you in the name of jesus you will not die you will leave you have no covenant with death the fullness of your days you will fulfill and for this god that seems damaged may my god restore a thousand fold in the name of jesus yes please very quickly so she had a lump on her chest yes go ahead let me hear her can you help us with the volume yes please go ahead what's your name tina no don't give them the mic just hold it for them yes i had a lump on my left breast man of god to an extent for how long i think now it's for 15 years 15 years right now what happened when you you said there is a lady that has a love islam was painful in such a way that i could not even hold my child very tight or anyone trying to because of the pain that even caused the mark in in my breast what happened right now i felt the heat as you were saying that he's a lady and the lamp is not fed it's gone my goodness over 15 years i stretch my hands place your hand there this miracle remains permanent by the power of the holy spirit never to return to you again celebrate your miracle god bless you yes please [Applause] [Music] this sister had a pain in the back she had a pain in the back let her speak i had a dream i was reaching on my father's place then there was a voice which said you you mustn't come here i've sent you to the graves so from that it was 2017 what 2017 and you've had a pain what couldn't you do if i do like this okay ben stand up bend stand up any play any pain it's gone in the name of jesus everything connected to ancestry and inheritance it never returns to you by the power of the holy spirit yes please very quickly um man of god i was for a month now i was having severe back pain i went to the doctor and they said they weren't seeing anything instead they found a lump in my breast luckily the lump wasn't cancerous but the back pain was still continuing i kept on going back and they said they didn't know what it was last week they said my kidneys were swollen and they gave me antibiotics for the kidneys every time i was eating anytime i would take a pill any time i would try and eat something i would just vomit it out again when i came today i was having severe pain on my side and over here and after you prayed right now yes check yourself take that grace over forever in the name of jesus yes please [Music] you spoke about lower back pain and i've been experiencing lower back pain as a result of my one foot being shorter than the other but as you prayed i felt the power of god the mother what happened to you my one leg is shorter than the other so from the age of fifty one leg is shorter than the other yes by about an inch and a half so it's actually put a lot of pressure on my knees and my hip so the mobility even when i've gone to see a chiropractor it's like my balance is kind of shifted off but even tonight i've just felt the mobility come back even as i bend my knees look at this look at this run run run hallelujah my god what a miracle one leg shorter than the other and so he would it would feel that that that strain on his leg but jesus he'll never return to you again in the name of jesus yes very quickly we have to pray a man of god last year [Music] i had that dream i saw a kid coming in my bed it's been happening for a long time yes and what happened what was what was what was the result i had a heart problem after it and then two months ago i had a dream someone was wrapping something in my bag and then after that i've been feeling something here in my right now and yes even right now what happened to you i don't know it's just disappeared right just disappeared in the name of jesus christ supernatural healing for you i'd like to hear this gentleman's testimony what happened to him this this my yes this is my friend what happened to you i'm sitting there there's a bandit yes go ahead apostle um my three brothers and i were um were part of an accident and by the grace of god we were saved from a car that was written off you had an accident yes about a week ago oh your two sons were with you yes is that true yes oh my god we were actually we were actually on our 21 days of fasting and the day we were praying against the gods of south africa all the gods that day i remember i cursed all the strange altars in the land and as soon as we finished the prayer they drove off from here and a drunkard left his lane run on them head on coalition three of them could have died that day if not god and there was no death no no death [Applause] now what happened what happened to you my friend oh you broke your ass he broke his arm the other one broke his leg you broke your arm could you lift it before lift your hand now come on bring it down lift it again hallelujah now in the name of jesus i declare perfection for you complete perfection let me use this opportunity and let my voice with apostle felix and decree and declare if there is anyone here and the spirit of death is roaming around your life or your family by the god of heaven we declare and declare in the name of jesus christ you have no covenant with death you have no covenant with death you are protected in the name of jesus your family members are protected in the name of jesus be protected in the air be protected on land be protected by sea in the name of jesus christ indeed i speak to you that the road of the wicked will not rest upon the lord of the righteous in jesus name i pray amen god bless you yes please very quickly uh i was feeling piles my father he was also sick with pearls so when you are sitting close where there is a aircon already the people this your son he broke his leg so he can he can't walk without it's good that all three came out oh they had the surgery last week my god major surgery can i pray for three of you in the name of jesus [Applause] this is the one who seems to be most injured and you couldn't walk without this has he gone through the surgery okay in the name of jesus let there be complete recovery for all of you right now pain i cause you by the god of heaven now when we minister to people like this you have to understand that we're not down playing the place of medicine and what the doctors are doing are we together we're not we're not in antagonism we're standing in partnership with them so we're not violating the laws he's gone through a surgery and and i i just want you to understand because there is a way people minister healing that looks like they're fighting doctors no we're not we're all in partnership to see that god's people experience wellness is that all right i just needed to put that very very straight so that you get that but in the name of jesus for all three of you gentlemen may the lord bring you speedy healing and perfection the leg that went through this surgery in jesus name it will be perfected perfected by the power of the holy spirit right now in jesus name amen and amen my god there are so many testimonies i understand there's a coffee let's see how we can take a few and then i'll just bless the remaining because we have to pray and i have to speak over your life very quickly i was having piles i feel a severe pain on my back so sometimes when you're sitting close with this cold or it's cold it's june july i feel cold like i feel the very strong pain but now completely even when i fail i was supposed to feel it and i was sitting close to the fender i can't feel it in the name of jesus it never returns to you by the power of the holy spirit yes please i have a problem with my bones i had surgery when i was 18. you had a surgery yes the doctors didn't know why what was happening even with my feet if i move my bones inside in movement it's like a hammer against a cement or something or they crack or they crackle and i'm still very young the doctors didn't know what was wrong what happened to you now but now i got like a tingling in my in my feet and i can move without any sounds and crackles completely strong in the name of jesus it will never return to you again by the power of the holy spirit yes please apostle i was having a sore throat in the mornings i used to blood used to come out from my mouth like this blood just from nowhere but now i don't have anything completely in the name of jesus yes man of god something moves on in my left right from my left foot through my waist into my head and when the thing is moving i can literally trace it with my finger something just moves like that like that how long has that been for years it has been like that okay so when you said something at the left-hand side of this person i felt heat that i could not explain and the movement started seizing immediately i nearly fell actually but i was like what's going on is it like it's like current electric current moving in me immediately and now i'm free completely free from every manifestation of witchcraft in the name of jesus my goodness okay yes apostles let's just have let's just have okay yes go ahead yes uh since last month uh after coming back from work i had a sharp pain at my back the sharp pain yes and when i came even yesterday i was in a lot of pain and i was sitting there today when you were praying i just was holding my back now the pain and completely the pain is yes now can i just have one maybe one more here i was having constant stomach pains for a while now but and whenever i was pressing i would feel the pain but now i cannot feel the connection many times completely anything now very quickly for the sake of time i sincerely ha okay let's take us as a last and then i'll just pray for everyone don't worry you have you can register in your testimony for tomorrow so that we can redeem the time and just quickly pray on the request and i speak over your life praise the lord yes men of god from beginning of this year my my knees started to crack and they were so painful and when we were praying i felt a warm sensation going down and the pain just completely check yourself any pain completely completely in the name of jesus and man of god i had abdominal things and last week i went to see the doctor and he said i have fibroids and as you were praying i tried to to push back and like i could not feel that i've done it completely a completely man of god we command that fibroid to disappear from your body never returns to you in jesus name now for all of you who have been healed and those who could not make it out in the name of jesus even as you have come we declare that your healings are permanent in the name of jesus christ the power of god that has touched you we decree that that same power will preserve you in jesus name i pray amen and amen praise the lord please stand on your feet if you can hallelujah now i believe let me share with you a scripture very quickly we're praying second kings chapter 19 please from verse 14. second kings chapter 19 and okay thank you second kings chapter 19 and verse 14. now please look up the bible says and hezekiah received a letter from the hand of the messengers and read it and hezekiah went up into the house of the lord and spread it before the lord next verse and hezekiah prayed before the lord and said oh lord god of israel which dwelleth between the shadow beams thou art the god even thou alone of all the kingdoms of the earth and has made heaven and earth lord bow down thy ear and hear open lord thy eyes and see and hear the words of senate which had sent him to reproach the living god of a truth lord the kings of assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands and have cast their gods into the fire for they were no gods but the walks of men's hands wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them 19. now therefore oh lord our god i beseech thee save thou us out of his hand that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the lord god even thou only next verse then isaiah the son of amos sent to hezekiah saying thou sayeth the lord god of israel that which thou has spread unto me against senesceric king of assyria i have heard [Music] that there are times in our lives where we can be so overwhelmed even if we have to prophesy we see in part if we have to minister even if in a vigil there is only so much we can do i love to pray for requests like this because it's the most accurate representation of your desires you wrote it by yourself and many of them things you may not be able to share unto thee that answers prayer shall all flesh come here's what i want you to do i want you to just stretch your hands in one minute towards the altar and i'd like you to begin to pray that these egyptians i see today i will see them no more forever is it all right if i call apostle felix who just joined me in this prayer god bless you sir we are going to pray and declare over these requests [Music] that sentence is averted by the spirit of god and stretch your hands to heal that signs and wonders may be wrought in the name of your holy son declare that everything you have written here that has mocked don't be tired you are speaking to the god of heaven you will return with all inspiring testimonies [Music] heavenly father in the name of jesus father behold the uprightness behold their treatments and therefore now lord we decree and declare by the god of heaven in the name of yeshua jesus the son of the living god that every thing that represents the desires of your people right on this altar is now turned to a testimony amen in the name of jesus christ by the power that raised jesus from the dead every affliction everyone in captivity everyone that has been held bound everyone's seeking their body let there be an immediate answer now in the name of jesus we declare it turn around and turn around and turn around in the name of jesus lord we command speedy answers speedy answers speedy answers the word of the lord came to the servant of god and he said by this time tomorrow a barrel of meal shall be sold for a shackle at the gates of samaria father in the name of jesus by the power that raised jesus from the dead and in the name of jesus christ we declare in 24 hours the same way the fig tree dried up from the root in 24 hours in 24 hours in 24 hours in 24 hours we declared that stem on us [Applause] [Music] father you read the letter that senator spread on the altar father we are asking you o god read everyone's heart desire now [Music] and the same way isaiah declared to send a career that god has heard your prayers we now speak prophetically like you said from the mouth of your servant to henna lord that the god of israel has had your petition the god of israel has had your petition the god of israel has had your petition now receive your answers receive your answers receive your answers receive your testimony in the name of jesus hallelujah i stand in faith again and i declare [Music] he said moses why do you cry unto me say tell the people that they go forward therefore i prophesy to every one of you every request here that has kept you backward and get you stagnated i decree and declare by the voice of prophecy yes from tonight go forward in the name of jesus amen go forward in the name of jesus amen go forward in the name of jesus amen go forward in the name of jesus amen i declare over you that this egyptians you see today may you see them no more forever amen you see them no more forever in the name of jesus hear me every human vessel that must partner with the holy ghost to bring answers to this prayer yes we prophesy to the north the south the east and the west of south africa wherever the men are we gravitate them towards your destiny amen in the name of jesus christ amen hear me anyone who says over their dead bodies for these prayers to be answered we command the earth to open and swallow them amen [Applause] [Music] every altar that sponsors this pain every altar that sponsors this discomfort every altar that sponsors these tears by the power that raise christ from the dead we set them on fire amen we set them on fire [Music] [Music] and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that as ye go ye shall not go anything i decree and declare everything responsible for emptiness in your life it comes from that judgment now amen [Applause] thank you father in the mighty name of jesus christ amen and amen celebrate jesus [Applause] celebrate jesus now listen hallelujah i decree and declare the anointing required for the next level of your kingdom assignment i stand in partnership with the angel over this house there are many of you who are the next revivalist in this nation oh yes many of you are the financial apostles political apostles at the count of three i must do this impartation wherever you are some of you have seen it in dreams that you will be the ones packing the stadiums for the kingdom take that fire now take that fire now amen in the name of jesus the move of god will not be without you take that fire in the name of jesus the grace to excel in ministry the grace to do ministry with integrity the grace to excel in business receive that praise the mantle for the marketplace for politics receive your [Music] i declare and declare over your life that as god is recruiting this end time army men and women who will be at the cutting edge of god's prophetic agenda yes oh may he find you in this season amen in the name of jesus christ amen by reason of this prayer many of you will begin seasons of training with the holy ghost he will begin to walk with you he will begin to show you things every anointing that has been resolved for this end time over south africa we stand by the privilege of priesthood we declare heaven release it to god's people in the name of jesus christ apostolic mantles yes prophetic mantle evangelistic mantra yes pastoral mantra yes entrepreneur mentals governmental mentors take that grace [Applause] [Music] i pray every pastor here represented your ministries in the name of jesus whatever has stagnated you so that you will not go forward by the power of prophecy we push you go forward go forward yes greater exploit amen for jesus america exploit amen for the kingdom amen in the name of jesus amen [Music] hear me please do not miss tomorrow's service but let me speak every altar over south africa the word of the lord in the name of jesus christ ordinances of ancestry foundational orchestration destroying the destinies of men we come by the road of the highest fire and in the name of jesus on fire we speak to the two lived gates of south africa that everything that has closed stand by the privilege of the apostolic and the prophetic let the gates of south africa be open now amen be open now amen be open now amen open for greater development hallelujah and we stand in partnership with the government and all who have continued to fight kovid they are doing their best medically but we stand with the tokens of the prophetic that's right we speak over the spiritual climate of south africa here i give the word of the lord yes covenant 19 we call you by your name and we curse you by the god of heaven amen we call you by your name and we curse you by the god of heaven amen in the name of jesus christ [Music] with the korean declare everyone who has lost money everyone who has lost opportunity people have cried because of the the whole pandemic in the name of jesus may the restorer restore you a thousand fold amen [Applause] hear me every spirit that sponsors crime every spirit that sponsors corruption yes every spirit that sponsors moral decadence amen hear the word of the lord we sound the chauffeur of revival over south africa yes kingdom come oh in the name of jesus [Music] my last session with you is tomorrow in the morning and let me encourage you please whatever sacrifice you will make for tomorrow i will share with you the last key that controls the move of god and there will be a final ignition upon your spirit man amen make that sacrifice but as for tonight i assure you that you must return with a testimony amen the lord bless you the lord increase you in jesus name [Applause] son
Channel: Christian House
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, stewards of the mysteries, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, prosperity, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, Apostle joshua selman message 2021, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman live stream
Id: 3tM4ypGAbg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 49sec (7249 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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