"The Power of a Praying Woman" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your Bibles and turn with me please to first samuel chapter one and in just a moment i'll start reading in verse one today is Mother's Day and I thank God that the Lord gave me a wonderful mother named Dorothy Gaines my mom was born outside of Ripley Tennessee in 1927 and she grew up in Ripley during the Great Depression and she knew my father but they weren't real good friends when they were growing up but they knew of each other grew up in the same community and at the age of sixteen my mother had to quit school to go to work she had already been working on the farm but she took a job at a cotton gin in Ripley and she never looked back she worked for the rest of her life until she retired at the very end of her life and my mother was one of the hardest working women I've ever known in my life she was a generous person when she died and we were at her visitation at her funeral so many people came by to tell us what she had given to them now wouldn't you like that to happen at your at your funeral people bragging on you how much you gave away she was generous she was loving but you know she went through a lot my mother when she was 24 was diagnosed with double breast cancer she had one mastectomy and she was about to have the other she was lying semi sedated in her room and the lady who was the roommate with her there who had also had a mastectomy came over and prayed for my mother all night that God would heal her was a little Baptist lady and she laid my mother's blonde hair in her head in her lap prayed for her all night my mother said she would come to and hear that lady praying and the next day my mother who did not know Jesus was healed they came in and the spots were all gone the lumps were all gone and that same lady then shared the gospel with my mother led her to Christ my mother got healed and saved on the same at the age of 24 she went back to Central City Kentucky got baptized my daddy then got saved and got baptized and that's how we became Baptist later on she had a stillborn baby and then she had my brother and then she had me she worked hard started a janitorial business which she had for 30 years in Dyersburg Tennessee where I grew up and I'm just so grateful for my mom I just thank God for her what a godly mother she was my wife was holding her hand when she died and my wife is a godly mother I thank the Lord for her you've already heard from her a moment ago Donna is just one of those sweetest godless people I've ever been around and her children love her our son and three daughters love her and now our son is married to a precious girl and they have five children then our other children are all married and they have children our daughters are our daughters our wonderful mothers and then my mother-in-law is a wonderful miss so I've seen great examples of motherhood all of my life and I thank God for mothers but today we're going to study someone who wanted to be a mother but couldn't have children but she prayed God gave her a promise and the whole world has been different because of her prayers I want to talk to you today about Hannah Hannah's one of my favorite people in the whole Bible and today I want to talk to you about the power of a praying woman one praying woman changed the spiritual trajectory of the nation of Israel one praying woman and I want to look you right in the eyes all you ladies look at me America and the church in America needs you to pray like never before I don't believe I'm just preaching a Mother's Day sermon I believe I am preaching a word from God some women out there and God is calling you to become a serious prayer warrior God is saying to some of you right now that the rest of your life you're to dedicate yourself to minister to him in prayer and become a prayer warrior like this godly woman and God needs to raise up some Samuels in our day that will be men of God and will never have Samuels until we have praying hennas we will never have the men of God and the women of God that can change this nation and change this world spiritually until we have some Hana's some mothers that will cry out to God in prayer ladies we need your help we need your prayers now let's look at Hannah the power of a praying woman first thing I want to share with you is praying women have problems just because you pray doesn't mean you won't have any problems Hannah had some problems what was her problem look there in verse 1 chapter 1 first samuel now there was a certain man from rama thym zou phim from the hill country of ephraim and his name was Elkanah the son of Jareau ham the son of Elihu the son of Tohu the son of zeus and ephraim i he had two wives that was a sin he shouldn't had two wives the name of one was hannah and the name of the other pnina and pnina had children but hannah had no children there's her problem she had no children now she was the first one that he married Elkanah and we know from 1st chronicles 6 that Elkanah was a Levite he was in the ministry if you will and periodically he would minister down as shiloh at the tabernacle he was in the priestly line of God's people and the Bible says yet he had two wives a sin and Hannah must have been his first wife but she was infertile she couldn't have children so instead of praying for his wife to be healed which he should have done you know what he did he went got another wife and pnina was his second wife he didn't really love her but he thanked her for having children she was able to have children when Hannah was 9 and nowadays there are women like Hannah who are childless they want to have children but they're unable many of you can empathize with what Hannah was going through at this time look at verse 3 now this man would go up from his City yearly to worship and to sacrifice to the Lord of Hosts in Shiloh and the two sons of Eli hophni and Phinehas were priests to the Lord their Shiloh was where the tabernacle was the tabernacle was the tent if you will that was built in Moses day during the wilderness wandering after the people of God Israel had come out of Egyptian bondage they built this tabernacle and it's where God would meet with them and now it's stationary it is set in place people aren't carrying it anymore the Levites aren't carrying it anymore on their shoulders it is set in place now at Shiloh and God is meeting with them there and so this man L cannot would come up annually and sacrifices were made look at verse 4 when the day came that Elkanah sacrificed he would give portions to pnina his wife and to all her sons and her daughters she has had all kinds of children by Elkanah but to Hannah who had no children he would give a double portion why four he loved Hana it never says that he loved pnina she was just utilitarian she was to have children but the Bible says he loved Hannah but the Lord had closed her wounds that tells us that God is sovereign over the womb of a woman the womb of a woman is sacred ground and it should be safe territory the womb of a woman is where God fearfully and wonderfully creates a human being it's where the seed of man and the egg of woman come together and at that moment a human being comes into being and develops in the mother's womb the psalmist talked about it very vividly in Psalm 139 verse 13 and following for you he's talking to God for you formed my inward parts you wove me where in my mother's womb I will give thanks to you I am fearfully and wonderfully made the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom I'm fearfully made that is I'm made by God wonderfully made wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well my frame that is my skeletal system was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth talking about the womb your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in your book God has a book he knows every one of your days in your book Oh Lord were written all the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them and he just praises God how precious also are your thoughts to me O God how vast is the sum of them that's why abortion is so wrong it's not just a Republican thing no no no forget all that has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats every Christian should hate abortion not people who we don't hate people who have had in abortions if you're listening to this and you've had an abortion yes you've sinned against God yes you have killed a baby no doubt about it and that blood is on your hands but if you will repent and ask God to forgive you he will he will and if you are a performer of abortions I want to say this to you repent repent God doesn't want you killing babies what are you thinking the reason I believe our nation is in such a moral state of disarray I think this is the sin that if we don't repent it's gonna take us down it's been going on legally since 1973 I was in high school I was in the tenth grade when Roe vs. Wade went through the Supreme Court in passed and since then we have killed millions of babies over 2,000 every day I'm telling you it is these sin that will take us down there is no other sin in America like abortion nothing else is killing 2,000 plus children a day if that was happening if they were throwing 2,000 children off of some bridge into a river there would be a war everybody stopped immediately but every day because it spread out over 50 states and it's a silent death we let it go on and we say it's women's rights no woman has a right to take the child's life not even the mother does it is not right it ought to be the safest place in America but it is the most dangerous place in America and I'm gonna say this upsets you I can't help it you should never vote for anyone who is pro-abortion I don't care if they're a Democrat or a Republican don't ever as a child of God vote for anybody that is pro-abortion god help us god help us we're killing unborn children god help us god help us God had closed Hannah's wound she had a problem and elkanah was there to rub it in look at verse 6 her rival however would provoke her bitterly to irritate her because the Lord closed her womb it happened year after year as often as she went up to the house of the Lord she would provoke her so she wept and would not eat alcohol lovingly has to rebuke his wife she's not eating the holy meal look at verse 8 Elka and her husband said her Hannah why do you weep why do you not eat why is your heart set that she couldn't have children he was saying God has blessed you you're a blessed woman don't don't be sulking all the time he said am I not better to you than 10 sons I love you more than I can even say he was saying to her we're about to see Hannah's one of the most godly praying women but she had a problem now some of you out there you say brother Steve I would pray more but God just hasn't been very good to me don't say that God's been very good to you he said well I've got problems well who doesn't I've got problems my wife's got problems you say oh you don't have any problems yes I do sure everybody's got problems Jesus said in John 14:27 peace I leave with you my peace I give to you now listen not as the world gives to you do I give to you don't let your heart be troubled don't let it be fearful the devil is constantly trying to make us have troubled hearts and fearful hearts and remind us of our problems in fact Jesus went on to say this is all by the way the night before he died he's saying these things in John 7:14 and now John 16:33 these things I have spoken to you so they didn't me jesus said so that in me you may have peace we don't have peace in our circumstances we have peace in the person of Jesus Christ in me you may have peace but in the world you'll have tribulation but take courage I have overcome the world Jesus Christ said you're going to have problems even if you follow me but I've overcome the world Paul said in acts 14:22 straight he was strengthening the souls of the disciples he was encouraging them to continue the faith and what was he saying how was he encouraging them saying through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God loving Jesus does not purge problems out of your life godly praying people have problems too Abraham was a godly man but he had problems Moses had problems David had problems Elijah Jeremiah Peter Paul John Jesus had problems Jesus was the sinless son of God and yet he had difficulties in life he was perfect and yet he had problems so all you ladies out there even if you're devoted to prayer praying women have problems number two praying women pray passionately you're gonna get to the point where you got to shut the door and you don't really want to anybody else to see you praying this passionately you're gonna you're not gonna just give some little five minute devotional to God you know we're doing these daily devotionals that's great but that's all you're getting that's zero all right that's that's that's really nothing these these people that advert advertise five-minute devotionals and think that that's all you need when we do that we're just saying let that kind of be a starter for you then but you need to get alone with God and spend some time with God and this girl did it man I'm telling she prayed passionately look at verse 9 then Hannah rose after eating and drinking and Shiloh she didn't eat very much she didn't have an appetite Eli the priest was sitting on the seat by the doorpost of the temple of the Lord now here the tabernacle is referred to as the temple again because now if it's parked if you would it's stationary now people aren't carrying anymore it said Shiloh and so here you've got Eli and Eli is one of the last of the judges and he's the leader of all the priests he's got some really scoundrels for his sons hophni and Phinehas but he's sitting in the seat of authority at the house of God overseeing all the worshipers who came to the tabernacle to all Sakura by offer sacrifices and Hannah was just one in a great big crowd look at verse 10 she greatly distressed prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly she wept bitterly these were not dry prayers Keith Green wrote a song one time my eyes are dry my faith is old my heart is hard my prayers are cold and I know how I ought to be alive to you and dead to me so what can be done to an old heart like mine soften it up with oil and wine the oil is you your spirit of love and then he talks about the wine is the word of God wash me in your blood listen to me you don't need to simply have dry eyes all the time sometimes you ought to pray weeping before God when's the last time you wept while you pray this was not some dried prayer no she was weeping she was crying out to God the Bible says Jesus cried when he prayed over Jerusalem Luke 19 41 when he approached Jerusalem he saw the city and he wept over it I want to ask you who is weeping over Memphis Tennessee who is weeping over the division in our city who is weeping over the sins and the problems in our city who is weeping over your city who is praying and crying out to God where are the hennas that will cry out to God and weep because there have a broken heart while they're praying look at verse 11 she made a vow and I've hear certain people say all you shouldn't do that well she did it she's not bargaining with God she just made a vow she said o Lord of Hosts verse 11 if you will indeed look on the affliction of your maidservant and remember me and not forget your maidservant but will give your maidservant a son she didn't just ask for a child she asked for a boy she said I want a son I want him to be a man of God we need some leadership around here I want a man of God I want a son then I will give him to you Lord all the days of his life and a razor shall never come on his head she made a vow she prayed seriously she said I promise you that if you will give me a son I will give him back to you by the way anything you give to God he gave to you to begin with that's all generosity is all generosity is is giving back to God what he already gave you she prayed sir she prayed solemnly she said O Lord when's the last time you said O in your prayers we've lost the oh we've lost the awe of God we just kind of come in well I'll give you five minutes I Got News for You Great Walks with God great men and women of God are not built a little-bitty five-minute prayers just just forget all that I want to say this to you you need to get the.oh back in your walk with God O Lord O Lord of Hosts she prayed solemnly she prayed sacrificially give your maidservant a son then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life again she understood that everything she received came from the Lord and everything she gave to God he gave to her first hand also prayed sacredly a razor will never come on his head my husband is a Levite that's wonderful but I don't want my son just being a Levite I want him to be a Nazarite I want him to be totally devoted to the Lord this broken woman praying fervently and faithfully she was also praying silently not just seriously solemnly sacrificially and sacredly she played prayed silently look at verse 12 now it came about as she continued praying before the Lord that Eli was watching her mouth as for Hannah and Elizabeth she was speaking in her heart only her lips were moving but her voice was not heard she was praying before the Lord she was not trying to impress anybody else she was talking to the Lord I remember one time I was hearing a guy praying and somebody said I can't hear he said well I'm not talking to you you need to be talking to the Lord when you're praying not trying to impress other people her lips were moving she was speaking in her heart her lips were moving but her voice was not heard and to Eli she acted like somebody that was drunk she was so caught up in her prayers she was so caught up in her burden she was so caught up sharing her burden with her God she didn't care about anybody she didn't she just got lost in the moment she didn't care what people thought she didn't care what the priest thought she care what anybody thought she was crying out to God and she was doing it silently and yet seriously and sacredly and solemnly she was crying out to God when's the last time you prayed and somebody said they're drunk that's exactly what they said about the disciples on the day of Pentecost the Bible says in acts 2:13 but others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they're just drunk that's all no they were drunk they were filled with the Holy Spirit when is the last time you were so filled with the Holy Spirit in prayer somebody said that guy's drunk what's the last time you prayed like that have you ever prayed like that maybe that's why Jesus said shut the door when you pray so Eli thought she was drunk Eli senator how long will you make yourself drunk put away your wine from from you hidden seen anybody pray like that in so long oh I want to say this to you we're so dignified nowadays in our prayers but she wasn't dignified she was crying out to God she says in verse 15 she replied no my lord I'm a woman oppressed in my spirit I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink I have poured out my soul before God I have poured out my soul I haven't poured liquor into myself rather I have not poured something in me to get me drunk oh no no no I am in the spirit of God I am pouring out my soul I'm not being poured into I'm pouring out I'm crying out to God Eli hadn't seen that in a long time he's seen people get drunk but he hadn't seen anybody full of the Holy Spirit praying in a long long time he was she was casting all of her cares on the Lord in sacred prayer pouring out her soul I mean there was nothing left she was pouring out emptying her heart before the Lord and then she said something that touched tender spot in Eli's she said in verse 16 don't consider your maidservant as a worthless person that word that phrase worthless person is a woman of Belial a woman of the devil now why did that touch the heart of Eli because his two sons hophni and Phinehas who were under him as priests were sons of Belial they were referred to in the Bible as sons of Belial worthless men First Samuel 2:12 says now the sons of Eli were worthless men and Hebrew is sons of Belial they were sons of the devil they were immoral they were ungodly they were mean they didn't know the Lord they did not know the Lord that's exactly what First Samuel 2:12 says they did not know the Lord they were also sexually immoral first samuel 2:22 says Eli was very old he heard all that his sons were doing to Israel to all of Israel how they lay with the women who served at the doorway the tent of meeting I mean there at the the tabernacle at Shiloh these men were being sexually immoral with the women that would help there she says now we're going back to Hannah now for I have spoken until now of my great concern and provocation she prayed passionately her prayer was like an offering to the Lord I memorize a scripture recently they stopped kind of guided memorize I'm gonna read it to you because I don't wanna mess it up it's so good psalm 141 verse 2 the psalmist said may my prayer be counted as incense before you the lifting up of my hands as the evening offering that's what prayer is it is incense before God we talked about this last week to how God saves our prayers as incense in golden bowls in heaven and now she's praying and offering unto God she is offering herself to Lord out of deep concern great concern and provocation no wonder jesus said in Matthew 6:6 but you when you pray go into your inner room close your door pray to your father who is in secret your father who sees in secret will reward she was praying so passionately she didn't want anybody else it but you know what if they did she couldn't help it in Eli I know it blessed him because what's about to happen she prayed passionately now now this part number three here is huge I might get a little happy and I'm not trying to show off I'm just telling you God has spoken to me out of this text listen to this number three praying women don't just pray passionately they receive divine promises this woman prayed through until God spoke to her and he spoke to her through Eli look at verse 17 Eli by the way was so encouraging to Eli he had not seen genuine faith in that tabernacle for a long time and so rather than rebuke her for quasi rebuking him about his sons she just he just gives her a blessing a priestly blessing verse 17 in Eli answered and said go in peace Shalom go in peace may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of him now that doesn't sound like much to you but to a praying woman who had labored and who had suffered four years of infertility and she cried out to God and cried out to God and cried out to God and cried out to God and all of a sudden she gets she hears not just the voice of Eli she hears the voice of God through Eli she gets a promise from God she needed a word from God and she got it through the priest of God Eli even though he didn't know that he was giving it to her he just thought he was blessing somebody oh but it was a Rhema to her soul it was a promise of God and it burned in her so much I'm telling you instantly she was impregnated with the promise of God hey look at me she got pregnant with scripture before with the Word of God if you will before she got pregnant with Samuel the Bible says in first Peter 1:23 three that the Word of God is seed it is seed and when it comes into our hearts it bears life it bears life and God planted a little promise in her heart and it changed this woman's life and look at me it changed the history and the projectory of all Israel she prayed through she got through to God she wrestled with God like Jacob she poured out her heart to God and God liked it it's the first time he saw anybody praying like that in years in Israel and this main priest gave her a promise go in peace may the god of history grant your petition that you have asked of him and all of a sudden she knew it look at verse 18 she said let your maidservant find favor in your sight she knew that the favor of God was upon her the hand of God was upon her God had given her a promise so the woman went her way and ate that's the first time she'd eaten really a good meal and tasted the food in a long time then her face was no longer sad suddenly her countenance was changed God had touched her heart he just given her a promise some of you need a promise right now from Almighty God living this word stay in this word five minutes a day won't do you in the Word of God no you need to stay in the Word of God you need to live in the Word of God until God talks to you and you get a promise from him and you know that you know deep in your soul that he has impregnated you if you will with the word of God whatever God gives you he will then let it have a time of gestation a time of waiting in due time it's going to come but look at me you know it's coming you know it's coming just as surely she knew that she was gonna have a baby you know that's gonna come some of you need to tarry in the presence of God you're calling everybody talking to everybody let me tell you something you need to talk to God and God will give you a promise and God will change your life with the promises he gives you you said brother Steve you're kind of wound up you you got it I am wound up today God is speaking to my heart giving me some promises you know it's one thing to read the Word of God and it just kind of hitch and go I'll roll off of you but when you soak it in and it literally impregnates your spirit God you know God has given you a word you know what there's a real difference my friend because when God plants something in your heart you know it's going to take place that's what's going on here in this text I love this text I may preach it against soon I love this thing through the main priests God gave her a promise let your maidservant find favor in your sight verse 18 so the woman went her way a tanned face was no longer sad verse 19 then they arose that is she and elkanah I'm sure old pnina was over there saying I've got children and you don't I've got children and you don't you know this time Hannah just says God bless you bless your little heart everything's gonna be okay she had her promise I'm telling you she had her promise before she had her son she received the promise of God before she received her son in her womb she received a promise of God in her heart before she received that little boy in her womb she prayed and thanked God for the promise can't get over it and in due time that's God's time he was right on time the Bible says came about in due time verse 20 well I mean let me go back up let me just go back to verse 18 she said let your maidservant find favor in your sight so the woman went her way in ate her face was no longer said then they arose early in the morning and worship before the Lord returned again to their house and Rama and elkanah had relations with Hannah his wife and the Lord remembered her she had said in her prayer by the way remember me and that's exactly what God he remembered her and it came about in due time that's God's time which is always right on time it takes a while sometimes after Hannah had conceived she gave birth to a son she named him Samuel means asked of God every time somebody would say his name she would be as you say that's oh that's the boy I asked for that's the boy God gave me that boy oh that's Samuel right there that's that's the that's the ask for child right there that's the one I labored over in prayer right there oh yeah asked of God what a great son was and every time she would remember that when she said his name verse 21 then the man Elkanah went up with all his household to offer to the Lord the yearly sacrifice and pay his Val but Hanna did not go up she said to her husband I'll go up until the child I will not go up until the child is weaned then I will bring him that he may appear before the Lord and stay there forever Elkanah her husband said to her do what seems best to you remain I'm so glad he wasn't a bossy husband do whatever seems right to you best to you remain until you've weaned him only may the lord confirm his word so the woman remained and nursed her son until she weaned him probably for about three years she just loved on him taught him I won't tell you something those first three years are crucial in a child's development and she poured into him she discipled him if you will and she then she fulfilled her vow look at verse 24 now when she had weaned him she took him up with her with a three-year-old bull one eepa of flour a jug of wine and brought him to the house of the Lord in Shiloh Allah although the child was young then they slaughtered the bull brought the boy to Eli she said o my lord she was constantly honoring Eli she called him Lord earlier when he rebuked her and now she calls him Lord twice o my lord as your soul lives my lord I am the woman who stood before but here besides you praying to the Lord and then she makes this mighty statement of prayer you've never seen better scriptures about children and their parents right then verses 27 to 28 for this boy I prayed and the Lord has given me my petition which I asked of him so I have also dedicated him to the Lord as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord and the last phrase of 1st Samuel 1 shows that all of her three years of mentoring work even as a three-year-old boy the Bible says he worshiped the Lord that is who who worship the Lord Samuel worshiped the Lord there at Shiloh God fulfilled his promise praying women receive divine promises I'm gonna say this again some of you have problems man is not your primary helper God is and you need to stay in this book and live in this book and pray and travail in prayer until God gives you a promise he puts the seed of the word of God in you and you will see miracles happen I don't care if you're a man or a woman you will see God move in your life if you stay in the word until God gives you a promise that you can stand on about your problem and God will birth it in you so much that I'm telling you you will know that it is on its way even before it shows up and in due time guess what it will show up and God will show you how much he loves you praise the Living God you're looking at one happy Baptist preacher this morning praying women receive divine promise now very quickly let's go through the rest of the text here praying women give God praise just turn to chapter 2 I just want to read it and I'll just kind of make a few comments I wanna say this to you when God answers your prayers thank him thank you you know when somebody makes you a meal thank them when somebody does something for you thank them nobody deserves anything we all just thank God was last time you thank God for someone's the last time you thank God for keeping your heart meeting when's the last time you thank God for the food that you eat when's the last time you thank God that you woke up in your right mind when's the last time you thank God you can walk across the floor when's the last time you thank God that you can talk you can reason when's the last time you thank God that your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life quit griping quit complaining quit going around moping all the time and start thanking God thankful people are blessed by God and this girl I'm telling she's gonna thank the Lord in 10 verses look at this then Hannah prayed she's a praying woman and said my heart exalts in the Lord she didn't exalt in the baby she exalted in the one who gave her the way she rejoiced in the Lord her joy was not just insane her joy was in Jehovah God my horn that is my strength is exalted in the Lord I'm not strong just because of that boy are because of Elkanah I'm strong because of Jehovah God my mouth speaks boldly against my enemies because I rejoice in your salvation I'm rejoicing dear Lord in what you've done for me you have blessed me O God and even my enemies can't stop me there is no one holy like the Lord indeed there's no one besides you there there's nobody there's nobody like you and there's nobody on your level nobody besides you you're above everybody nor is there any rock like our Rock everybody else is saying shifting saying like Jesus we'll talk about in the Sermon on the Mount at the very end in Chapter 7 of Matthew he said he you can either build on the sand or you can build on the rock God is the rock you're the rock Oh Lord most no more so very proudly verse 3 do not let arrogance come out of your mouth I think she's talking about pnina or maybe a pnina maybe she was talking about the Philistines I don't know but she's talking about people that came against her and against the people of God for the Lord is a God of knowledge and with him actions are weighed I want to say is you against him with him actions are weight god weighs every action if your Apennine out there pestering people I'm telling you God sees your action and he weighs them the boughs of the mighty are shattered that is they come in looking strong they got all these these weapons and God just shatters their weapons but the feeble she's talking about herself gird own strength I have put on strength those who were full hired themselves out for bread those who had a lot now they don't have much anymore do they but those of us who were hungry she's saying cease to hunger even the Baron gives birth to seven you say she only had six if you count up the five and the one she also had a birth of a promise before she got the six children she had seven she received she could seed that promise and then she conceived six children all she had seven she had seven but she who was it has many children languishes at Spadina the Lord kills and makes alive the Lord brings down to Sheol and raises up the Lord makes poor and rich he's saying God is sovereign over all these things even the womb he brings low and he also exalts he raises the poor from the dust talking about herself he lifts the needy from the ash heap talking about herself to make them sit with nobles and I'm telling you who was it that would anoint the first two kings of Israel her son Samuel she raised him up from the dust she raised him up from nobodies if you will God comes into your life you become somebody you're not a nobody anymore to make them sit with Nobles and inherit a seat of Honor for The Pillars of the Earth are the lords and he set the world on them God is in charge she said man's not in charge I talked to the one who's in charge and that's God and she prophesized about the Messiah in verses 9 and 10 he keeps the feet of his godly ones that is if he keeps our feet we're gonna be have a steady foundation but the wicked one the wicked ones are silenced in the darkness for not by might shall a man prevail those who contend with the Lord will be shattered I want to say this to you those of you that come against the the Lord and against his people and against his church God says those who contend with the Lord will be shattered against them he will thunder in the heavens the Lord will judge the ends of to the ends of the earth and he will give strength to his king he will exalt the Horn of his anointed now he's talking about Jesus The Anointed One the Messiah is the word she prophesized that Messiah is going to come she talked about Jesus oh wow she gave God praise and I want to say this to you when God answers your prayer and even before he does just start praising him just start praising him and worshiping and I want to end by showing you something and don't don't you don't you leave I just wanna show you something did God bless her prayers more than she ever dreamed of what did God do through Samuel I don't have time he's what he's the greatest man of God in the Bible since the time of Joshua you're talking about the greatest man of God since Joshua's time nobody like him in his whole era and the Bible says that this praying woman gave birth to a godly prophet and I want to say this to you this is what we need in America we need for some of you women to pray up some men of God oh please and some women of God we need some prophets in America we need somebody that will get us out of the mess that we're in and I don't think it's a politician that's gonna get us out of the mess Democrat or Republican I think God needs to raise up a Samuel and that's going to come from a praying woman most men of God have a praying mother like Hannah ladies God will answer your prayers and notice what happened 1st Samuel to 11 then Elkanah went to his home a trauma that is they left little Samuel there but the boy ministered to the Lord I love that phrase he ministered he prayed he talked with the Lord and he ministered the Lord before Eli the priest first samuel 2:18 now Samuel was ministering before the Lord as a boy wearing a linen ephod he was growing up he was just ministering the Lord ministered Lord every day in the temple of God ministering the Lord at the tabernacle 1st samuel 221 the lord visited hannah and she conceived and gave birth to three sons and two daughters and the boys Samuel grew before the Lord he just kept growing mama was having more babies that's fine I'm a man of God I'm in the house of God I'm gonna be the real man of God notice how it's progressing now 1st Samuel - 26 now the boy Samuel is growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and with men what does that sound like Jesus in Luke 2:52 who increased in wisdom stature and in favor with men and God he and when Luke wrote that he knew this verse and Samuel and used that verse to talk about Jesus samuel was christ-like first samuel 3-1 now the boy samuel was ministering to the Lord before Eli and word from the Lord was rare in those days visions were in but all that was about to change because God was gonna talk to the man he was going to talk to this man that was dedicated to him by his mother this Nazarite first samuel 3 10 through 11 says he heard the voice of God and he was called by God then the Lord came and stood and called as another time Samuel Samuel Samuel said speak for your servant is listening the Lord said to Samuel behold I'm about to do a thing in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle he was about to kill hophni and Phinehas and take the Ark of the Covenant out and reprimand his people he was going to straighten him up and discipline them and he said I'm calling you boy I want you to be my leader first Samuel 3 19 through 21 thus Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fail that is any prophecy he gave it came true all Israel from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south knew that samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the Lord and the Lord appeared again hallelujah the Lord appeared again at Shiloh because the Lord revealed himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the Lord thus the word of the Lord came to all Israel everybody was blessed because of a praying mother she prayed through she went through it she went through the hard times she prayed and God gave her a Samuel and she gave the Samuel back to God and now God is blessing everybody because one woman travailed in prayer wasn't worth it yes it was worth it the word of the Lord Samuel came to all this refers Samuel 7 8 then the sons of Israel said to Samuel don't cease to cry to the Lord our God for us that he may save us from the hand of the Philistines and all the days of his life God saved him from the Philistines the Bible says in 1st Samuel 713 so the Philistines were subdued and they did not come out anymore within the board of Israel and the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel I'm telling you praying women give birth to godly prophets and I'm asking you women today I'm telling you I'm not listening I'm not just talking today I'm telling you what we need out of you right now is to pray O God O God give me a Samuel give me a man of God let my son be dedicated to you let my daughter be dedicated you O God give me a leader give me somebody that will lead our people out lead the people of God O God cry out to God cry out to God mothers cry out to God say Oh God we need a Samuel in America we did a Samuel in our world today we need somebody that will lead us out and help us to move in the power of God if you pray you're gonna have problems that's okay pray through the problems and you pray passionately until God gives you a promise and he will impregnate you with the Word of God and you will know in your knower you will know I'm telling nobody has to tell you'll know and your knower all is gonna be well that God's gonna see you through regardless of what happens and you'll start giving him praise and God's gonna raise up somewhere somehow I believe God is going to raise up a prophet of God he that hath ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying today it's not just a little Mother's Day sermon for somebody out there this is a Word of God maybe several somebodies and I'm telling you I believe what I don't know I know with all my heart God is telling some of your mothers you start praying you start praying to use your prayers I'm gonna use your prayers to change the trajectory of this nation Oh God in heaven how desperately we need you Lord I pray for these praying mothers out there and women that need to be praying mothers let them offer their children up to you like Hannah offered Samuel up to you even before he was born and before they get impregnated with a child that will be a man of God impregnate them with the promise of God from your word give them the Word of God and let them hold to it and pray it back to you Lord God until you answer in Jesus name Amen if you don't know the Lord I know I've preached to mothers today I always preach to Christians but you can't pray and all you can't do all this stuff if you don't know Jesus would you come to him today very quickly God loves you but you're a sinner so am i and the wages the penalty of our sin is spiritual death separation from God that's why you you have a hard time praying you don't know the Lord but God loves you and he sent His Son Jesus to die for you when you couldn't get to God God came to you in the person of Jesus Christ born of a virgin free from a sinful nature went to the cross died in our place paid the sin debt for you and for me paid our penalty that we owed to God because of our sin and then he didn't just die he rose from the dead to give us eternal life and now if we repent if we turn from our sins we do a u-turn spiritually we turn from our sins we turned to the Lord and we believe that he died for us and rose in the dead to give us eternal life and if we receive him if we repent believe and receive he becomes our Lord and Savior would you do that right now would you pray and receive Christ and you can become a praying mother but before that you've got to pray and ask Christ to come into your life would you do that pray with me men and women both that's fine boys and girls pray with me right now here's how you pray to receive Christ just say something like this dear Lord Jesus thank you that you love me I am a sinner I cannot save myself you're the only Savior I repent of my sin I turn from my sin I turn to you I believe you died on the cross and you paid my sin debt I believe you rose from the dead I believe you're alive I receive you right now save me Lord Jesus I call on your name right now and by faith I receive you in Jesus name Amen now well some of you ladies pray this with me that you'll become a praying woman dear God in heaven I want to be a praying woman I want to pray that you will use me to bring about godly people whether it's people I disciple our children I begin I pray that you will use me Lord to birth spiritual Giants God raised up a samuel in America for your glory if you agree with me in that say in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 2,472
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: F1i3lQpZq3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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