"Warfare Like it Matters" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your Bibles and turn with me please to Ephesians 6 and I am literally not going to be able to discuss this subject in fullness the way that I would love to simply because one sermon is not enough when it comes to spiritual warfare we're in a series on live like it matters and what we're talking today about is warfare like it matters I want to encourage you to buy a little booklet that was written by my predecessor Adrian Rogers it's one of the best little booklets it's a sermon of his that he preached on what I'm talking about today how to break Satan's strongholds in your life you can get this in our bookstore you've got a copy of it right there great I would encourage you to pick this up let me just read the foreword very quickly people have all kinds of strongholds in their lives dr. Rogers said I believe strongly that there are some people reading this booklet who have allowed Satan to build strongholds in their hearts their minds and their lives not only are these satanic strongholds harmful harming them and wrecking their spiritual lives but through them they are contaminating the lives of their families and their churches all because the devil has found an unclean place in that person's heart and has built a stronghold there now what he said right there is a key and then he says he then uses it to war against God and against the work of God I don't have time to preach his booklet but what he's talking there in Ephesians 4 the Bible says don't give the devil a foothold don't give the devil literally in greek to' pass don't give him a place if you're a Christian the devil cannot possess you but he can oppress you he harassed Jesus so don't think he won't harass you he oppressed the Apostles don't think he won't oppress you if you're a Christian you're saved you're not gonna go to hell but the devil will fight you because he wants to tarnish your testimony he wants to give you that that temptation that can ruin your life I just want to encourage you today to listen to what I'm talking about just because your sins have been forgiven doesn't mean you're free there are people all across this room just like dr. Rogers said Christians who have demonic satanic sinful strongholds he said well I can't help it brother Steve that's the way it was with my mother and daddy they they had the same thing I understand so are you gonna pass that on to your children to sins of the fathers are you gonna pass that on to your children to those propensity those inclinations those temptations to sin some of you right now you have a stronghold of anger you had angry parents I'm not a psychologist I'm not there okay I'm talking about this I'm not against psychology as long as it's biblical psychology but I want to say this to you you don't have to live the rest of your life in anger you can break that and be set free from that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you don't have to pass that on to your children that propensity toward anger some of you have a spirit of control you can't handle it unless you're controlling the situation unless you're controlling your spouse unless you're controlling everything around you everybody around you you're constantly trying to domineer and control listen to me you know why because you have not let Jesus take full control of you you can break any kind of demonic stronghold grrrrrr lust some of you right now need to take your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ you have impure thoughts that you let dwell there all the time and you don't take authority over it and what you think about is what you will soon do and Jesus Christ wants to give you victory whether it's lust fear anger control jealousy any sin you want a name and it is ravaging our churches it is killing us there are people right now you are forgiven but you are not free you are not free you gossip you worry you're not walking in victory so what I'm talking about today has to do with every Christian you have an opponent there are demons and there are angels Satan was a an angel and he fell the Bible says because he tried to usurp the authority of God God cast him out of heaven to this earth with his angels the fallen angels who are demons you said do you really believe in that stuff yeah I sure do Hollywood's making a lot of money off of it and they're distorting it but it's all in the Bible Jesus believed in it Paul believed in it Peter believed in it he said that's just an archaic book no this is not a book written just by men these men were inspired by God and look at me the same demons and the same devil that Jesus fought in the first century we are fighting today in the 21st century the devil hadn't gone anywhere the demons hadn't gone anywhere just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not real okay flash you might be wrong so listen to what the Apostle Paul said he's just talked about the family he's just have talked about husband and wife and then he says in Ephesians 6 verse 10 finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might put on the full armor whoa that's that's war stuff put on the full armor of God so that you'll be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil for our struggle underline highlight verse 12 our struggle is not against flesh and blood your problem is not people your problem is the devil and his demons our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers the powers the world Force's of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places therefore take up the full armor of God so that you will be able to resist in the evil day and having done everything to stand firm stand firm therefore having girded your loins with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness having shod your feet with the bread the preparation of the gospel of peace in addition to all taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows the fiery darts of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the spirit and with this in view be on the alert with all perseverance and petition or supplication for all the saints and Paul says pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador they're in Chains that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly as I ought to speak well I've got more sermon than I have time imagine that first of all let's talk about the authority that we have now there's a difference between power and authority if you go out and you're driving and a policeman steps in front of you and tells you to stop why do you stop not because of his power but because of his authority I mean let's just be frank he's just a man in the uniform he couldn't stop your car okay he couldn't I mean you literally could if you wanted to pay the penalty run over him he doesn't stop you with power he stops you with authority he has been authorized by the government and he has a badge on he has a uniform own and you can tell he's a policeman so when he says stop you stop not because he's strong enough to stop you but because he has the authority to stop you because if you don't stop you're gonna pay the penalty look at me you're not strong enough to beat the devil you're not wise enough to beat the devil but you have been authorized I like to say this I am a spiritual Barney Fife amen I've got a bullet amen I praise God I'm even more than that I'm more than a conqueror greater is He Who is in me than he that is in the world and he has authorized me he has given me authority not just me but to you the minute you got saved you were authorized to take authority over every demon of hell finally he says in verse 10 be strong in the Lord the strength of his might put on the full armor of God where did Paul find his authority notice he was strong in the Lord not in himself not in his intellect oh he was brilliant he could speak seven languages he was well-read he was well educated but he didn't put his trust in that the arm of flesh would fail him his intellect would fail him you're not smart enough you're not slicking up and you're not strong enough to beat the devil but his authority was in the strength of the Lord in the strength of his might in the armour that God provided that's where your authority comes from that's where Jesus Christ wants to give you authority the Apostle Paul in Philip I was preaching and he came across he was on his way to pray how many of you have ever felt like the devil attacks you when you're on your way to pray anybody out there hey look at me I had a friend that said it this way spiritual activity begins spiritual activity if you're just goofing off a lot of times the devil won't bother you but if you're on your way to pray the devil will try to stop you and so listen to this text listen to this text acts 16 verse 16 through 18 it happened Luke said he and Paul were together that as we were going to the place of Prayer the devil tried to stop this is this a slave girl having a spirit of divination NUMA python in the greek literally the serpent spirit met us she was bringing her master's much profit by fortune-telling following after Paul and us she kept crying out now there's nothing wrong with the content but she was annoying them saying it repetitively it would be like somebody while I'm trying to preach stand up and say John 3:16 the whole time after a while you know that's not of God you know why because God doesn't speak through two people at the same time and so Paul is about to hear what this woman is saying and she says these men are bond servants of the Most High God who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation she continued doing this for many days Paul was a lot more patient than I would have been about the he was greatly annoyed he turned and he said to the spirit notice he's not talking to the woman he's talking to a demon oh we shouldn't do that Paul did it Jesus did it I think we're supposed to do it not as many amens there right I command you not I asked you not pretty please I command you what's that authority I command you now here's the authority in the name of Jesus Christ not because I'm an apostle but in the name of Jesus come out of her look at me that demon had no option because the demons bow at the name of Jesus it I like that it came out at that very moment you said well that's the Apostle Paul you know and that's another day you know no no no wait a minute that's a believer walking in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ Paul spoke authoritative ly he spoke in the name of Jesus you can speak the same way you parents out there your dad's especially God's given you authority in your home I walked through our home all the time when our kids were little I'd walk through the house and I just pray and I would speak in the name of Jesus and I would pray scripture over our whole home and now I take authority over any demonic spirit that we're trying any way to come against my children come against my marriage come against my ministry is that's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life no that's biblical it's biblical is what it is see biblical Christianity is so strange to people nowadays because people don't preach the Bible anymore they just kind of preach whatever little feel-good everybody is okay let's all just sing Kumbaya and everything's okay everybody's great everybody's wonderful fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy don't you feel good let me massage your sin and then you go on come as you are leave as you came that's not a church that's not a church that's some kind of religious country club you come to church you ought to get the Word of God and I'm not trying to grandstand here I'm just trying to say that's why our country is so messed up if we had 10,000 preachers that would preach the Word of God with all due respect everything and I mean if we if America had 10,000 preachers that would get up every week and preach nothing but the Word of God and spend time in prayer and walk in the spirit I believe America could be healed in a year I believe that with all my heart believe with all my heart we have the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus the word of God the spirit of God more about that later parents if you're a single mom out there you're the authority of your home I need this lady said I can't get into my son's room he locked me out do what does he pay the bills does he pay the rent he doesn't have a room he's breathing your air you pay for the air conditioner amen you go in that room take the door off the hinges whatever you have to do privacy what are you talking about go in there pray over that room pray for your children pray over their cars pray over them pray over them when they're asleep at night pray pray pray pray the name of Jesus plead the blood of Christ speak the word of God over your children pray for the Holy Ghost to be upon them pastors should do that over their churches parents should do that over their homes your home ought to be prayed over by the pastor of your home and I'm talking about you parents you're the pastor's of your home you pray over those families you pray over your home finally be strong in the Lord in the strength of his might put on the full armor of God that's the authority that we have very quickly the enemy that we face a lot of people don't believe in the devil all but he is real Paul believed didn't look at verse 11 put on the full armor of God so that you'll be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil I heard people say well God has a plan for your life so does the devil the schemes of the devil for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers the powers the world Force's of this darkness the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places my struggles not with somebody that doesn't believe what I believe my struggles not with the people of other religions my struggles not with those people that are mean to me my struggles not with any of that my ultimate struggle is in the spirit realm I'm gonna love everybody I don't care what they do to you doesn't matter you have to love everybody you have to love everybody even if they're practicing a lifestyle you don't like look at me you don't have to love their lifestyle but you have to love them and you have to be kind and you have to be prayerful and you have to realize that they are not the problem I don't care if they're staring you down and talking bad about you and your family they are not the problem that Devils your problem and Jesus has defeated him mark chapter 5 they came to the other side of the sea this is Jesus and His disciples in the country of the Gerasenes I've been there 12 times where this took place he got out of the boat notice he's by himself I can see the disciple go get him Jesus as a man is demonized we're gonna pray for you Jesus going out there we're behind you way behind you when he got out of the boat immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit he's demonized met him he had his dwelling among the tombs no one was able to bind him anymore even with the chain because he'd often been bound with shackles and chains and the chains had been torn apart by him the shackles broken in pieces no one's strong enough to subdue him constantly night and day he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains and gashing himself with stones now you I'm gonna stop it there that's what the devil wants to do to everybody in this room he wants you to lose your mind he wants you to lose your job he wants you to lose your families and he wants you to destroy yourself all this cutting and all this stuff now you see it he's gashing himself with stones seeing Jesus from a distance he ran up and bowed down before now who's in charge the devil our Jesus Jesus Jesus shouting with a loud voice he said what business do we have with each other Jesus son of the Most High I implore you by God don't torment me for he had been saying to him come out of the man you unclean spirit he was asking him what is your name and he said my name is legion for we are many he began to implore him the demon began to implore Jesus earnestly not to send him from the country I believe demons are territorial now there was a large herd of swine feeding nearby on the mountain the demons implored him saying send us into the swine so that we may enter them Jesus gave them permission and coming out the unclean spirits entered the swine if they couldn't destroy the man they would destroy the pigs and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea about 2000 them I've stood right there were those pigs drowned and they were drowned in the sea they're herdsmen ran away reported it in the city in this in the country people came out to see what it was that had happened they came to Jesus they observed the man who had been demon-possessed now watch this sitting down clothed and in his right mind idle preach there's a three-point sermon for you he was sitting he was no longer disturbed Jesus had calmed his soul he was clothed he was no longer naked Jesus had put his robe on him and he was in his right mind and when you get saved and you get set free from strongholds you're no longer running all over the place in all kinds of a it's afraid and so worried about all the time you're sitting you're composed and you're clothed in the righteousness of Jesus and you're in your right mind people will call you crazy but you no this isn't crazy I was crazy but now I've got Jesus I'm in my right mind I'm in my right mind oh man praise God I got so happy I don't I don't even know what verse I was on there it is alright the very man who had the Legion and they became frightened those who who'd begin to say described to them how it happened it happened to the demon-possessed men all about the swine they began to report Jesus to leave that region we don't want you Jesus we don't want you we don't want all this stuff that man shouldn't be down here he's crazy says you leave he's gonna go nuts again you killed our swine they were more concerned about pigs and about a man and Jesus never stays where he's not wanted you don't want him in your house he won't he won't stay there you don't want him in your life he won't stay there and by the way he won't just be part of your life he will either be your life or he won't be anything he's either gonna be your whole life he's gonna be nothing you don't want him he'll just kind of walk off Church done want me to just kind of walk with denomination no I'm just kind of walk off as he was getting both the man who had been demon-possessed was imploring him that he might accompany him can I go with you these people don't want me and he did not let him go but he said go home to your people report to them what great things the Lord has done for you how he had mercy on you and he went and began to proclaim in Decapolis that's 10 cities what great things Jesus had done for him and everyone was amazed did you hear the name though what was his name what was his net was the demon's name Legion it meant there were many of them admit that they were hostile they were combative they were destroying there were many of them they were combative and it meant that they were an army the devil has his army you are God's army and we are the ones to be praying and asking God to give us victory James 4:7 through 8 write it down James for verses 7 and 8 submit therefore to God let's all read it together off the screen read it with me good and strong submit therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God and He will draw near to you keep that on the screen because I don't only think anybody think I'm making this up how many of you know what submit to God means it means you just lay yourself out as a living holy sacrifice of God I want every part of me to be surrendered to you whatever you want in my life I'll do whatever you want I am yours I'm totally yours it's not just getting saved this after you get saved every day offering yourself as a living sacrifice Jesus I'll lay myself on the altar I did it this morning and then if the devil is harassing you then you resist the devil you say well how do you do that I'll tell you I do it I stand up and say devil I resist you now in that brilliant and then it's just brilliant I mean I'm really smart or not no I'm not smart I'm smart because I obey the scripture I never kneel well I'm 2 if I talk the devil I don't talk to him very much I don't say very much don't have to look at Jesus all he did was quote scripture to him the Bible says that I you know we're supposed to resist him now a lot of people say I'm just going to ignore him I don't believe resist and ignore our synonyms and first you know that means I don't mean they believe this the same thing they don't they're not the same thing resist means to resist so if I had a child that was living in sin I didn't sit there and just let the devil beat the tar out of him I'm the dad I'm the pastor of the home I go into their room while they're going to school and just I just want you to notice I say father I submit I submit told you but Satan I resist you from taking my child you're not gonna leave them off into alcohol you're not gonna leave them off into drugs you're not gonna leave them off into immorality you can't have them over my dead body you can't have them in the name of Jesus I resist you and the Bible says you have to flee and that's it then I walk out and I say God I draw near to you draw near to me doesn't take long it's not hard you don't have to yell it's not a shouting contest it's a truth contest and you speak the truth and you resist the enemy that's the enemy we face now the weapons we use or if you're from certain parts of Tennessee weapons that we use but there's no H in it arts and wits weapons look at verse 13 therefore take the full armor of God so that you'll be able to resist in the evil day having done everything to stand firm stand firm therefore having girded your loins with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace in addition to all this taking up the shield of faith with which you'll be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God I was never in the military my daddy fought in World War two and the Navy went all over the world on a ship I did play football on some pretty good football teams and every once in a while but this time of the year I hear a Kenny Chesney song it says this when I feel that chill and smell that fresh cut grass I'm back in my helmet cleats and shoulder pads I know about that I don't know about shooting and all that but I was the football warrior but when I was 18 I became a faith warrior and I quit knocking heads and talking trash and started resisting demons and speaking the Word of God in faith and God has changed my life God has given every Christian in this room the same weapons the blood of Jesus the name of Jesus the Word of God the Spirit of God I want to say it again the blood of Jesus the name of Jesus the Word of God the spirit of God and the armor of God I put it on everyday I pray for my whole family every day I'm talking about cousins everybody pray for the whole lot every day if they're connected to me they get prayed for I'm not trying to show off I'm not trying to sound all pious I'm just saying I'm not going to go around spiritually naked I'm gonna have on the whole armor of God he said well how do you do that I go to this text and I say Lord gird my loins with truth shod my feet an hour for my family to gird our loins with truth shot our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace put on me the breastplate of righteousness the helmet of salvation and Lord I take up the shield of faith which is which will quench all the fiery darts of the enemy I take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God I will pray at all times with all prayer and supplication in the spirit watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints I would not I would I would not walk into a day undressed and I'm not gonna walk into a day without the armor of God on my family I'm not gonna do it God has given us weapons and they work they work when the devil came after Jesus he just stuck him with the sword of the Spirit it is written it is written it has written three times he quoted either from Deuteronomy 6 or Deuteronomy 8 it is written is written the devil left him and the angels ministered to Jesus while he was praying and fasting how do you think you and I will have victory we will only have victory if we use the weapons that God has given us we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb by the word of our testimony we don't love our lives unto death we speak the name of Jesus the word of God the spirit of God the blood of Christ and we put on the whole armor of God and we stand firm and we resist the devil and he has to flee that's the weapons we use very quickly the prayers we pray you have to put on that whole armor of God through prayer look at verse 18 with all prayer and petition pray at all times now did you hear that America doesn't like to pray at all times we like to pray when there's a problem all the economy is following let's pray oh we've got somebody that's terrorizing us let's pray I tell you what you all do you ought to wake up beautiful morning stop marking up 200 points look around everything's okay all the kids okay you don't need to say man we need to pray man we need to pour our hearts out to God because either way whether you going through bad times or good times you need the Lord you need his protection you can't protect yourself you can't protect your family like God can protect you you can't protect this nation like God can protect this nation we need to be praying pouring out our heart to God at all times at all times we're praying in the spirit with this interview be on the alert we're not going to go to sleep we're not going to doze off we're going to be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for All Saints and pray on my behalf paul says jesus prayed and fasted and he got the victory and any victorious Christian is going to be a praying Christian if you don't pray you will fail as a follower of Jesus Christ if you don't pray you will stumble you will fall eventually you can't go through life as a Christian and not pray you can't be in this battle and not get hurt will your soul go to hell no but you will lose your testimony you will drag the name of Jesus through the mud and nobody will believe you're a real Christian because the anointing of God won't be on you listen to me the Holy Spirit only anoints now he will indwell you but I'm talking about that power for anointing he will only anoint you if you're a consistent prayer or you've got to learn that prayer is like spiritual breathing you can't live without it the prayers we pray and finally the gospel that we share all of this is so the gospel will go out look at verse 19 and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel verse 24 which I am an ambassador in Chains that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly as I ought to speak Paul said I'm going to tell people about Jesus it's gonna be warfare but some people are gonna get saved because I'm gonna pray I'm gonna put on the whole armor of God and we'll stand the name of Jesus the Word of God the Spirit of God the blood of Jesus I'm going to stand firm against the enemy I'm gonna go forward I'm not gonna go backwards I'm not gonna lose my testimony I'm not gonna be some little guy sitting over here just waiting for retirement so I can draw a little money so I can have a little time and I can maybe go you know catch a starfish down at the ocean or something like that what a waste of life what a waste of life you need to if you're in the kingdom you need to get involved in telling people about Jesus disciple people that get saved helping people go through their struggles teaching them how to pray teaching them how to read the Word of God teaching them how to grow in grace and then you need to go win somebody else and do the same thing for them teaching them how to mentor other people and multiply yourself and then when you die you get to go to heaven this world's not your home anyway what does it matter where you live what does it matter what kind of car you drive what does it matter how much money you leave behind for somebody else to fight over what does it matter what does any of that matter the kingdom of God is what you're supposed to be focused on seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will take care of themselves all these things I want to say this to you about twenty one or two years ago I looked at Donna I'd been pastoring for about a dozen years and I said baby if this is all there is to it I'd just soon go do something else I was wearing myself out had a good sized Church down in Alabama Oh things were going great people joining baptized all the numbers were up givings up all that I said this is all there is to it I don't care about it and I started reading the book of Acts I started realizing what I'm living is not what they had this is not this and so I started praying and I started walking in the power of prayer and fasting and I started praying warfare prayers and I started spending more time in prayer praying Scripture and all I can tell you is I looked over my whole family and I saw all the mess that was in my there's some good things in there but I saw all the mess and I declared war on it and I said you know what it may have been passed on to me but it I'm drawing a line in the sand and it's it's not going to my children and it's not going to my grandchildren over my dead body it's not going to them I'm not trying to sound anything I'm just trying to say to you I got serious about prayer about 21 or 22 years ago and I'm not saying I'm the most praying person you know and I'm not saying that I really know how to pray now but I have found a few things along the way that have helped me and I have never ever talked about this without somebody getting set free without somebody getting set free there are people in this room right now you know you know that there's got to be more to Christianity than you know and there is I'm not talking about some just set one you know come the altar we're gonna give you a second blessing I'm not talking about that I'm talking about a lifestyle I'm talking about a commitment I'm talking about changing your trajectory and saying I don't want to be this selfish I don't want to be this sinful I don't want lust in my life I don't want fear in my life I don't want anger in my family I am a soldier I'm putting on the armor every day I'm getting on my knees I'm gonna pray I'm gonna praise I'm gonna stand against the enemy the devil is not gonna have my family the devil is not going to have my marriage the devil's not going to have my ministry the devil is not going to have my future the devil is not gonna accuse me of my past I'm not gonna live in this I'm not gonna walk like this you do whatever you want to do best from me in my house we're gonna operate in warfare because we're in a war we're in a war I close with this I'm a soldier in the army of my god the Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer the holy scripture is my code of conduct faith prayer and the Word of God are the weapons of my warfare I've been taught by the Holy Spirit trained by experienced tried by adversary tested by fire I am a soldier I'm a volunteer in this army I enlisted for eternity I won't get out I will not sell out I will not be talked out I won't be pushed out I am faithful I am reliable I am capable in Christ I am dependable in the Lord if my God needs me I'm right there I am a soldier I am NOT a baby I don't need to be pampered I don't have to be petted I don't have to be primped up pumped up picked up or pepped up I am a soldier no one has to call me to remind me no one has to write me and visit me and entice me or lure me I am a soldier I am NOT a wimp I in my place I am saluting my king I'm obeying his orders I'm praising his name I'm building his kingdom no one has to send me flowers nobody has to give me a gift nobody asked him to write my name on some wall nobody's the same any food cards candy or give me a handout I am a soldier I don't need to be coddled I don't need to be cradled I don't need to be cared for I don't need to be catered to I am completely committed no matter what I am a soldier I am in this for the long run I can't have my feelings hurt because I'm dead I don't nobody can turn me around because I'm homeward bound I cannot be discouraged because then and enough to turn me aside I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit when Jesus called me to this army I had nothing so if I end up with nothing I'm still gonna come out ahead because I've got Jesus I win because Jesus won he has defeated death he has defeated hell he has defeated the grave my God will supply all of my needs I am more than a conquerer I am a triumph a child of God I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I am a soldier the devil cannot defeat me people cannot delusion me the government cannot rule me weather cannot wet weary me sickness cannot stop me battles cannot beat me money cannot buy me governments can't silence me and hell cannot handle me I am a soldier even death cannot destroy me for one day my commander he's going to call me off of this battlefield I'm going to be promoted to a captain he won't allow me to rule and to reign with him forever until then I'm gonna be a soldier I'm gonna march forward I'm gonna claim victory I will not give up I will not turn around I'm all the march I'm heaven bound here I stand will you stand with me [Applause] I am a soldier the guy soldiers out there any soldiers out there [Applause] you're in a war you're in a war minutes you got saved you became a soldier you're in a war whether you like it or not it's time to get off of leave and run to the front battle 3,000 babies are being slaughtered every day in America it's time to go to the battle and you know what more than that are going to hell every day from America it's time to get in the battle it's time to dress up it's time to fess up it's time to look up and it's time to get with the program spiritual warfare like it matters because it does matter it matters more than your next breath it matters more than your job it matters more than you god help us to fight the good fight of faith father in the name of Jesus show us that were soldiers and let us fight the good fight of faith in Jesus name if that's your prayer say Amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 5,223
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: XIm4Qau1qDU
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Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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