"Jesus' Keys To Raising Children" Sermon, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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I want to biz anybody in here who can resonate with me when I say that raising kids is no joke Wow yeah that's a fact raising kids is not an easy thing to do matter of fact they will drive me crazy I thought I should get a few amens right there make you lose your mind i I never cussed until I had kids yeah it's a custance we just it just one day it just came out it just come out from nowhere and then I found myself saying well I said where did that come from it's those kids who will drive me crazy but I'm grateful that I believe that God gives you the grace you need to minister to your kids God will give you grace can I get a Amen right there any does anybody know that God will help you from killing your kids because they'll figure out they know all the buttons to push they know what to say what to do to drive you up a wall they know they know that you don't have to teach them to lie you'll have to teach them to steal they don't have to teach them to disobey it comes in 8 in them it seems to be a part of their culture their nature of what they are my kids some of y'all know I got six children six six six and each one of them has tried me at some point in their life all about Natalie now my fifth child Natalie she's been a joy I mean she's wonderful she's going to Drexel next year thank God she graduates she graduates on Friday and she goes to Drexel I'm very proud of her she's the one out of all of our kids who would say to us when she saw the rest of us cutting a fool y'all supposed to be Christians that's one out of six the other ones have pushed me and tried me they and God had to give me grades he had to help me with him he had to help me when my oldest daughter Sarah won't call her by name but one time I after shortly after she got her license I asked her to take her brother to football practice and she said to me sit down she said why can't you take a look but God gave me grace she's still here y'all see she's still here she still look at that God gave me grace or oh and Joshua one sitting over here over here over here decided to climb in the window at two o'clock in the morning the one window that the alarm on the house did work that one window they figured out that the alarm didn't work on that window and here they come climbing in here he comes climbing in two or three o'clock in the morning amen but then listen let me tell you something about that moment it was a listen how do I describe it when he came through the window and looked up and saw his father standing there priceless but he's still here I didn't kill him he's still here yeah or went on uh she's sitting over here she was singing praising worship today decided to be fortification and got pregnant two people almost lost their lives on that one but God gave me grace I wish I had some people could identify with me what it feels like to have children behave in a way you had not raised them so y'all think the preachers kids should somehow be different in your kids but my kids just like your kids my kids think they they got to a place in life where they thought let me tell you don't have no teenagers let me tell you what's gonna happen they're going to reach a place where they gonna think they know more than you I promise you it's gonna happen they're gonna reach a place they don't have to be taught this nobody has to teach it to him it comes naturally it comes naturally where they start smelling themselves and the problem with them smelling themselves they think they smell good come on talk to back the miracles they stinking up the whole joint but they think it smells good but I'm telling you God gave me grace God gave me grace God gave me ring so my fourth child Jimmy he had his issue he had his his his that's he's the strongest will child of all of the kids that we had strong will strong I mean if we had had Jimmy first we wouldn't have had no more kids he would have been the lone child can y'all say anybody got a child like that at that child I come first some of y'all ain't got no more kids because you had a Jimmy first such a strong little child my youngest child John Jr I was thinking I was thinking that perhaps by the time we got the child six we had finally gotten the right child five or six now he's been great child Johnny child six I thought we had gotten it right Johnny is the child who when I called him Johnny he'd come running to me yes there I loved it it was wonderful Johnny yes there oh my god where are you from but he grew out of that stage in his life Johnny Johnny John Jr I know you hate me calling you boy it disappeared but God has smeared and giving me grace with all of these kids and I tell you about these children my kids because every one of my kids have transitioned through their bad years and behavior and are doing significant Sera's coaching at Georgetown Joshua is a police officer they gave him a gun he has our drama ministry in rights and produces plays at PAX out the dribble honor is singing and leading praise and worship at the First Baptist Church of Glynn Hardin she works for the Secret Service I will tell you what she did but I'd have to kill you after I told you Jimmy my strong will son works for BT why am I telling you that I'm telling you to tell you that there is hope for your kids look at your neighbor's it has hope for your kids I know they giving you drama you might have a child messing with drugs a child phone fortification come on pastor go ahead and say it right for Anika you may have a hole your child your children doing a whole bunch of things but I don't care where they are God can give you and smear you with grace to help them become what it is got us into the show amen praise the Lord Amy God will give you the grace to help minister to them and we can learn about what we need to do with our kids from Jesus himself because in this particular text Jesus is ministering and I want to just walk through here for just a couple of minutes and I'll let y'all go it says right here in verse 13 that Jesus is he's in a place of ministry and verse 13 says they brought little children to him that he might touch them but the disciples rebuked those who brought them let me put this in today's church vernacular they're in church the parents bring their kids to pastor Jesus the Deacons disciples say no no they rebuked the kids rebuked the parents telling them he Jesus ain't got time for that anybody got time for that he's what they're saying to them and the Bible says in verse 14 when Jesus saw it he was greatly displeased when he saw the leaders of the church telling the families not to bring their children to Jesus he rebuked them and I think we need to rebuke some people who think that the church doesn't have time for children or kids and and I love what Jesus said he said verse 14 let the children come to me and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God if you want to be a child of God if you want to make it into heaven if you want to be a disciple of the King you have to come like a child come - here's what I like Jesus made that statement and he says assuredly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God has a little child will by no means enter in that's there that's packed I don't have time to talk about that it's verse 16 that caught my eye how what Jesus modeled for us that we should be doing with our kids he modeled somebody look at your neighbors say modeled and this is important not only for parents it's important for grandparents to where the grand mama said where the grandfather's it's important for you because here's what he said here's what Jesus did he did three things look at it right here verse 16 first of all he took them up in his arms while the disciples were trying to push them away Jesus took them up in his arms I like that that's my first point we want to raise kids we want to raise them - golly kids impacting them we have to take them somebody say he took them everybody else say he took them he took them he took them say it loudly he took them that word took is an important word it means to embrace it means to accept and embrace and whether you know it or not we live in a miserable culture that really doesn't care about kids in fact children are burdens children arts are paying their bothersome they're in the way they slow them down in other words the Bible says that we ought to love kids when instead I'll caught your looks at children has a pain Jesus said what he models for us he took them up in his arms he embraced them I like that he's teaching us what it is we need to do and that's what we're trying to model our church embrace his kids I want to back up and tailor amen we embrace kids our church has a model too everybody spends an extraordinary amount of resources ministering to children and youth we do we've got our first full-time youth pastor which revin Berkeley how do you narrow em Berkeley he'll be 62 this month but you know here's what else is what's amazing about that he's 62 and he can still relate to young people why because he has a call on his life for young people and at 62 he can still has a heart for them has a passion for them amen so he we have him we have our youth a children's pastor our youth pastor we have a full-time person who takes care your kids when you come to Bible study or you go to take a class or a ministry meeting you can drop them off we got kids world to take care of your kids we invest and we ain't just taking care of them we're pouring anything why do we do that because most Christians make their decision to follow Jesus when they are young we want to influence them to decide to follow Jesus we're not trying to wait till you get old and decrepit it and you don't got in drugs and you're living a right they like to try to get you safe now we want to try to influence the children while they are young while they're still impressionable why they can still open before their hearts get hardened and it's important that you and I understand that we have to embrace kids somebody look at your neighbor say embrace the children we've got the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts I'm proud of our scouts our Boy Scouts have over 40 Eagle Scouts 40 young men that have transitioned to the Eagle Scouts our Girl Scouts are phenomenal we have the largest Girl Scout troop a pack or whatever they call it in the community what do they call it Girl Scout troops 300 girls we are packed out 300 girls and you know why so dynamic listen to me here's why I Namek because we have adult leaders who understand the importance of pouring in the kids and their lives are not so busy and so stretched out that they don't have time to pour in the kids while other churches are shutting down their packs and shutting down their troops our troops are looking for more space because we got so many kids who want to get in it and I'm thankful for the parents who are taking the time to say I will devote my time and energy to help poor to these young ladies and young men they embraced them we got discipleship programs project manhood project we got project manhood for men stall for girls we got a youth choir children's choir junior and intermediate rushers we got youth Sundays we got the Shabbat daycare the chibok school the Shabak summer camp we are pouring resources into helping your snotty-nosed and that be a change come on say Amen right there somebody holla back at me say Amen because that's the heart of God Saints the heart of God is to pour in the children from Genesis to Revelation all through the Scriptures we are given instructions about our kids love the kids disciple the kids teach the kids model for the kids over and over again talk to them about God why you're sitting at the table the Bible says teach them instruct them discipline if you spare the rod you spoil the child train up a child in the way he should go over and over again the scripture keeps telling this time at the time time after time after time at the time don't be so involved with your life your career your coming and going did you throw head time for your children embrace your kids that's with Jesus he took them somebody say he took them I love that he took them but not only did he take him he laid his hands on them that's what it says in verse 16 point to he laid his hands on them that laying on the hands is a means of endorsement it's a means of affirmation it mean it is a mean of encouragement you see you see here's the problem we have in our culture we have a lot of kids who have gone untouched by their parents they don't have time never had time to go to their football games darris idols giving their time they've got too many other important things to do but the call of God is for us to pour into them by not only embracing them but laying our hands on them and that laying our hands will means we spend time in being engaged in their life I told you I Jamie with our strong real child we'd had him first he wouldn't had all the kids but Jimmy had such a strong will whatever you decide he was going to his gun do you know we told him no you don't don't do it you don't get a spanking he would only did it so we went on and spanked him we were not here to did it but it took a lot of energy and time and resources appointed a young man's life to help get him to where he is today and proud of where he is today but admit that we had to spend time and energy and resources with him when he went to college first year college he went to play football at the school outside of Chicago I went to every one of his games I told the judge hang go be their number I got a project I'm working on Jimmy Jenkins wasn't my project and that's what some of you have to do you have to point to your kid's life to put other stuff on the side put your sobriety your fraternity your friends your whatever you're doing put it on the side and say this is a season when I need to be laying my hands on my kids don't let the only time you are touching your kids be when you are disciplining them that's the problem if you don't touch your kids somebody else will write that down if you don't put your hands on your kid somebody else will who's touching your kids ash your neighbor who's touching your kids who's laying their hands on your children who's making a mark on their lives I'm asking y'all the question y'all ain't saying nothing you don't touch them the enemy will when you're when your kids don't have affirmation from you the world will affirm let me give you this final point since y'all a loving this message with such enthusiasm and joy right here in verse 16 he took them in his arms challenging you today to take your kids embrace them that's what it means embrace them lay your hands on it that means affirm them finally it says here in verse 16 and he blessed them the word blessed is a greek word elog he is the greek word comes from the same word that we use the terminology eulogy here's what it means it's a word that means to speak well of to speak about when you do a eulogy you speaking about somebody and you can speak well about that person and when it uses its word blessed it means that Jesus spoke blessings over them he spoke away all over them when's the last time you spoke well over your kids you got to speak over them you got to tell them you're gonna win you I know you're having a tough time but you want to pass that class you're gonna be something you I love you are special you're victorious don't be defeated don't let what they say about you in the streets or in the world don't let that defeat you you are somebody we got to learn to speak well start to speak in defeat stop speaking frustrations stop telling your kids your daddy what you ain't gonna be nothing his daddy was something when you laid down with him in a bed stop speaking bad about him you might not like your father you might not have relationship with the daddy but speak well over your kids it's a very important point did you speak wall over them do you speak positively to them I don't care how they're behaving what they're saying learn how to prophesy that which not has though it is coming to fruition speak over them tell them they're more than conquerors tell them they're the head and not the tail tell them they're gonna be great wait wait a minute where are the kids where the children and stand up children where are you where are you children stand up bring come here come here come down here right now all the kids come down here right now is a whole he BR I want to say something to you that's very important you are special you are loved you are important you're not an accident you're here by the divine providence of God Almighty God has placed you in a special place in a special church you're in this church God told me to tell you he has a destiny for every last one you're beautiful you're handsome you're smart you're dynamic you have a future in front of you and I want you to know that this church is behind you praying for you and loves you remember that I don't care what anybody else said to you I don't care what your friend said to you it doesn't matter what your parents have said to you negatively let what I'm telling you today override every negative thought that you heard you're blessed you're blessed you're going to be President congressmen senators business owners one of you may pass to this church years from now years decades from now no time soon you're going to be well in pact as one of you may come up with the answer and the solution to cancer I want you to start saying to yourself every day I can do all things through Christ who strengthens you Father I pray for these young people right here right now gather all around this place I pray your favour be smeared upon each one of them help them to be mighty men and women of God father I pray in Jesus name that you council out every plot that the enemy has aimed against them rebuke it father allow these young men and young ladies to grow up with faith in Jesus Christ obedience to his will in their lives and father put a hedge of protection around them and let them be mighty warriors for your kingdom in Jesus name Amen you're loved you're loved god bless you I love you I love you I love you I love you Jesus loves you Jesus loves you jesus loves you amen give them some love y'all when they come back show them some love you're special bless them kids bless them bless them speak well over them telling you're the head and not to tell you a winner not a loser you're a victor on a victim you're up in that gown you will have life in that death amen today's dynamic message from pastor Jenkins is one that has the power to change your life but it can only do so if you have a heart and soul that belong to Jesus Christ perhaps you want to be able to make such a claim but you don't know how it's simple you just have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again with all power your sins now forgiven and you're part of the family of God welcome maybe you're already saved and in need of a church home one that will nurture your growth and development as a Christian or perhaps you were once in fellowship with God but have since drifted away and are ready to return to your first love whatever the case we'd love to have you become a part of the first baptist family simply contact us a 301 773 3600 or visit our website at WWDC glenarden org for more information on any one of our four convenient services or our one hundred-plus ministries designed to meet your most intimate needs first baptist church of glenorchy where god is developing dynamic disciples you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 57,066
Rating: 4.8271308 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Holy Spirit, Agnus Dei, Fellowship, Choir, Children, Raising, To, Keys
Id: LwubrKHoevQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 27 2015
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