The Potter's Hands - Mark Varughese

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I want to encourage you to now give a huge warm welcome let's welcome all our cities online as well right now to give a big hand to Botswana hande and Botswana we've just started in Francis town Francis town is another spot Zambia in Cambodia Busta Bay and in London all the British folk and you need to know we have more Asians in our London church then British people and Africans we've got a lot of Africans and the phrase got so London is where all the rest of the world meet in Dubai as well looking mall at Dubai family as well today great to have you with us the Dubai London Cambodia Singapore welcome our Singapore family and everybody on YouTube everyone online right now come on give a big round of applause and welcome them all and while we're all standing here let's just pray let's pray with expectation father we thank you that your word is alive it is alive so Lord we don't just watch we receive we don't just listen we we take it in so that it will literally change us it'll bear fruit it will we declare that our hearts a good soil Lord from the newest visitor the people just who are happening to click online who are tuning in who are here today no one is here by accident the Lord we thank you that by your divine design you would have your way you have your say in Jesus name we pray and everyone said amen fantastic amen smile at the person next ui5 them do whatever is appropriate to your personality and you may take your seats cool you know when the day comes that you go and graduate to eternity and everyone will obviously but for every believer whether or not you give this day any thought on any regular basis I'm sure there's not one who wouldn't want to by the end say I think and I hope and I pray that I fulfilled my destiny but the term fulfilling my destiny it can get sometimes caught up in a bunch of stuff like what have I done where have I been and what have I got but I want to suggest to you today that fulfilling your destiny is more about who you become rather than what you've done where you've been and what you've got God is more interested in Who I am becoming not where I've been what I've gotten what I've done all of those things are the byproducts they flow and they follow but we know that God is more interested in who we're becoming because when he called his disciples he gave this phrase he said follow me and I will mate you I will make you in other words this whole journey of following God is the evolution of who you become you're safe by grace and that's it we get to start at the finishing line when it comes to our justification with God because that is all grace not of works Ephesians 2 says lest anyone should boast we are literally who we are because of the grace of God but then the journey of God making us into what he wants us to be we sang that song we sing that song make me a vessel it's God saying follow me and I will make you the journey of following God means he's gonna work in and on ask that we would become something and in the process we'll get stuff we'll go places and we'll see things but he's really interested in who we become he didn't say follow me and I will take you he said follow me and I will make you I mean when you follow God he will take you spaces and places but it's really that's not the goal he didn't say follow me and I'll give you there's a transaction Airi mind said that we can get trapped where we think God if I follow you will you give me will you give me a good business give me a good future give me some and then God does all of that but the whole goal is follow me and I'll make you out of the making there'll be some going and there'll be some giving but really the whole goal is follow me and I will make you and a great example of how we can often get just veered off into what we're getting and where we're going is often in our testimonies and now every testimony is good we've got a catalogue of testimonies over 13 years of people from the smallest provision to the largest resurrections to the most incredible creative miracles right through to just things that don't seem like that big a deal but we celebrate God anything that is worth giving God thanks for we should always give God thanks for we shouldn't compare we shouldn't compete in fact this morning I got a message from a family in Johor Bahru which is as one of our smallest campuses probably a second smallest campus globally and a gentleman there assist it shrunk supernaturally the doctors are shocked they said antibiotics doesn't shrink cysts but how it happened is that they'd only receive prayer but small family in jb which is the southern part of Malaysia the the need for prayer went out to all of KL and went out to other parts and so the beauty even if you're in London and Dubai today thing o is just a small group or just few of us being connected to a global family comes with many benefits there's a power in celebrating these testimonies that happen constantly and continually it almost can get familiar we're not careful and some God you did that Wow and we should celebrate testimonies but if we're not careful the testimony can only sometimes be reduced to what we've got and where we're going so god I want to thank you you gave me a great job and that is a testimony if you've got a bad job or no job that's a testimony can I hear an amen right so but we're not gonna really say I want to testify that God's making me a great worker I mean you might have a great job but are you a great worker which one's got more interested in they do that you're a great job where you've become a great worker who I've become becomes of more importance to God than what I've got where I'm going god I want to thank you for giving me a big house that's a good testimony when you have no house or a small house a big house is a win so that's story but here's a question are we big hearted but nobody comes to the front guys I've got a testimony Kingdom City calm I just wanna let everybody know that I've got a big heart send we don't do that because it's like it's not really a testimony and yet if God is more interested in who we becoming being a great work and having a big heart matters more than the big house in the great job even though the great house in the big job are wonderful does that make sense I want to thank God for he provided me for a holiday he gave me free source for holiday wonderful but did you come back rested is your soul at rest because that means more to God than the provision even though it's always good follow me and I will make you you know we that song made me a vessel it's not made for me a vessel Lord I'd like you to make for me a couple of things no no it's make me it's a song of yielded Nissen surrender it's not a song of demand we're talking to the God who makes us not the God who makes for us even though he does make for us probably an analogy that describes you so well as the imagery of a Potter and a clay and and that's used in the scripture of someone who makes something make something and in Jeremiah chapter 18 let me just read the scripture to you Jeremiah 18 verse 1 to 6 says this is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord and is what God says to Jeremiah go down to the potter's house and there I will give you my message so I went down to the potter's house and I saw him working at the wheel but the pot he was shaping from the clay was mud in his hands so the Potter formed it into another pot shaping it as it seemed best to him there's fine then said Jeremiah walks down to the potter's house and goes ok let's have a look God says go there that's what I'm gonna speak to you any and he's there and he says then the word of the Lord came to me he said can I not do with you Israel but substitute Israel with your name if your name's Israel you're lucky but if it's not just put your name in there Joanna Peter Jim pick add a very important pose for our path I'm just trying to think of some other names that are appropriate to the cities we're going to write the hell puppy house in a lil way you know some names put your name in there can I not do with you as this Potter does declares the Lord like clay in the hand of the Potter so are you in my hand put your name in there that's God reminding us hey by the way just let you know just in case you forget it gets all a little bit about where you're going and what you're getting it's about me making you can I not make you can I not do with you I just let's get this straight am I not the part of you the clay and yet God said Jeremiah for you to really get what I'm trying to get you to do I want you to go down to the potter's house and watch what today we're very blessed we have a Potter were that I want to introduce to you her name is Lucy evolution began as she comes in joins us Lucy's amazing and she's the real deal and she's gonna actually this is this is what God said to Jeremiah said go down and I want you to watch a Potter at work and as you watch you're gonna learn some things that is gonna actually make sense and you're gonna understand the word I want to give to Israel which is the word we all need to hear today globally we all need to hear and receive this in our hearts God says sometimes you're only gonna get it by watching the danger with the product clay analogy is we can often reduce it because if I'm just the clay and he's the Potter I I dump my entire life into the sovereignty of God and go what difference does it make he's the pot I'm the clay I do nothing and yet you realize as we talk through this analogy that there is a responsibility you and I have the danger of parking everything in the sovereignty of God is we diminish / remove our responsibility and you and I have a responsibility as clay we're not lifeless clay we are he breathed into this piece of dust and he said come on choose life he gave you an idea ability because he's not looking for robots but there is something about the pot of clay thing that we need to learn from and the clay in a sense has a response and here's what we're gonna get out of this this morning number one say stay tender stayed everyone say tender say tenderly say tender it's a softness which really means don't harden your heart if God is going to shape my life or your life into what he wants us to be the clay needs to be tender as we can tell there's a lot of Smashing and happening and that's part of something sometimes that you feel like sometimes you like gets smashed and thrown around and God says listen I'm trying to keep you tender a part of the process is sometimes the Potter are taking out sediments or stones or little things that would eventually mess up the destiny and when God is removing things from my life in your life just understand it's the part of the bigger picture of keeping us tender a tender heart is vital a soft heart is vital proverbs 4:23 says it this way above all else guard your heart for everything you do flows from it and we sometimes mistake that to go I'm guarding my heart well and what we mean is I'm gonna put a soldier in front of there no one's ever gonna hurt me again no one's even gonna get to me again that's not a guard at heart that's an isolated heart the word guard is the original word is the word not cell which means to tend to guard your heart means to watch over to tend to garden to nurture to look over which means it's not isolate your heart if keep your hat tender which means stuff is going to happen your job is not to dare remove yourself from every interaction it's to make sure daily you remove the effect of that interaction from your heart keep that heart Pinder and that tenderness is what allows the shaping to happen whether it's unforgiveness that can harden your heart bitterness can harden your heart pride can harden your heart so repentance is a beautiful thing can I suggest as well that our hearts can get hard because we get upset and offended pretty quickly and pretty easily I want to encourage you to to keep your heart tender and one of the ways of keeping your heart soft is to actually have thick skin you know thick skin is better than having a thick heart you can either have soft skin and a thick heart or thick skin and a soft heart and in fact I'll go as far as saying that one of the ways you keep a soft heart is to develop a thick skin because if your soft heart has in skin everything will get through very quickly there's no barrier there's no protection it all gets through pretty easily and then if your skin is soft so to speak I'm not talking about physically I'm talking about you know in terms of there's no resistance that's not resilience you're formed the calluses because the callus has to form somewhere but if it's gonna form let's form on the skin you know whenever there's a breach of callus forms that's called protection that's your body's way of protecting itself don't let the protection be formed around your heart let it be formed on your skin be don't let don't get so easily upset so easily offended so I'm not happy they didn't look at me they didn't talk to me that's what I'm quitting I'm out here and in 2019 you know teeth in David's day solved through Spears that was his employer today it's emotional Spears I feel emotional Spears being thrown at me I'm very sensitive yeah your hearts gonna get so calloused if you don't develop some resilience and just be careful whose hand is shaping you the tenderness of your heart I've just seen voices and conversations heart and heart so quickly you had a soft heart you hung around with some hard-hearted people your heart quickly got hard you thought now I'll soften them and you ended up heart I want to encourage you let's make sure we're aware of whose hand is shaping us stay tender someone say tender tender secondly stay centered stay centered not scen te D although cologne never hurts stay centered C en te re D which means one of the things I was surprised to learn and Lucy told me that she said when you when they put the clay on the wheel it's so vital the clay stays centered if it starts to veer to the left or the right if you actually MA the vessel and it all needs to start again and so this speaks so well of us needing to not only stay centered with God but sometimes it's the center this is the easy part just staying is the hard part there the temptation to jump off the potter's wheel every time something happens every time some you know we get off the wheel and then God say I'm trying to shape you I'm trying to make you I'm trying to form you I'm trying to do something with you and staying the idea of staying seems to be a tough gig in 2019 you know often when we lose our tenderness we can get off centre quickly where we lose our tenderness we tend to jump off but you can also be tender and still hop and jump and God says I'm trying to shape you do you know going used to be the harder command in 2019 staying tends to be the harder come and and and sometimes it's just for me it's impatience I'm an impatient person I'm an impatient fella and it's like you know I want progress and so I'm always looking for shorter quicker easier and it doesn't matter whether it's something significant or even me but I go to the airport and I'm checking out all the lines I'm like I'll do the math quickly I didn't just join the line that's closest I get that line and I stand there I infringe the person's personal space before me because it's letting them know I might have my foot and she's low like look ahead just don't stay focused how line has to win and then I realized the person stamping taking their time sweet-talking Logan you're out of my yard and there's a really clear more focused gentleman in the other line and he he's clearly knew I and but he's keen and he's on it and I've noticed they're going through quicker I'm like it's a longer line but he's going faster so I'll do the math in my head do I remain no I don't remain I do I stay no I didn't stay I moved to the next line lady strange I'm like let's see we'll see let's see what happens in this church let's see what happens in this connect group let's see what happens this job let's see what happens in this marriage hmm and so and so we do this and then we're like I realized after a while especially in the Malaysian customs the guy normally goes and takes a lunch break every three minutes to take a lunch break right he moved see some of us regret the moves we make because we're always moving to take progress and so then so then I find another line because this line I noticed there's two people at the front so they go twice as fast but even though there's more people in the line I did the math I'm like these these sheep they're not watching I'm watching I've jumped lanes four times by the time I finally get through the lady who was in front of me in the very first line she's gone through she's having a coffee she a duty-free you know we we lose our piece when we jump because SCOTUS say can you just stay long enough for me to do something can you stay long enough don't hop around all the time waiting God says I want to shape you on a formula on a change y'all gonna do something just stay long enough maybe it's traffic driving in traffic I don't know what analogy learns with you but sometimes we just need to stay long enough for God to do what he wants to do stay in that space rather than always hopping around waiting to find because the challenge was I thought my intelligence would get me there quicker sometimes our intelligence and our impatience it doesn't matter what it is we're always trying to get quick just breathe out relax and okay thank you God I'm just the clay the problem is remaining and staying sounds so stagnant it doesn't sound like we're doing anything the clay on the wheel sounds like it's not going anywhere but I can promise you when you remain it's not nothing that's happening there's a lot happening should have you just learn to remain in God when you when the clays on there the wheel is turning the hands are shaping God is doing something if you and I would just remain it's this when we get on and we get off the wheel and we realize that hey he he's trying to say something he's trying to do something let's just remain long enough John 15 49 I've highlighted the words remain in red just to make it easier for all of us globally and locally so I want you to help me let's do this we let's prove we've got audio coordination as a global church you read the word remain in red and I'll read the white that we all care with this let's try this ready three two one in me as I also in you no branch can bear fruit by itself it must in the vine neither can you bear fruit unless you in me I am the vine you with the branches if you in me and I in you you will bear much fruit do you see much fruit comes out of actually staying some of us get ourselves off way too early and we're wondering why nothing's happening it's it's it's staying you bear fruit bye Wow they're seven let's go to verse seven I'm sorry verse six let's go to physics if you do not in me you were like a branch that is thrown away and with his such branches are picked up thrown into the fire and burned not really good alternative let's keep going if you in me in my words in you ask whatever you wish it will be done for you this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples as the father has loved me so have I loved you now in my love and people like wonder what the Lord's trying to say in the Greek in the Hebrew what he's trying to say remain some say you stay they say listen just hang out hang on long enough so I can actually do what I want to do with you Joseph had to remain in places he didn't want to remain for 13 years temptation to get off the wheel would have been huge elijah was the PA - elijah it - just remain focused and remain in that space sometimes there's so much that God wants to do I was told that the larger the vessel the longer it has to remain I also want to encourage you not to see remaining is a season but as a lifestyle I'm just in my season of remaining gee I can't wait till this season is over no no apparently those who don't remain the branches are cut off and broken and thrown to the fire so I'd like to remain a long number 3 stay yielded yielded this word is a weird word we don't know what to do with it because it's not that common but staying yielded see during this process is where the shaping happens do you know you can be tender you could be scented you could be committed you could stay but if you're not yielded see the yield goodness is where the shaping happens let me give you an example of where we are committed and centered but we're not yielded and it doesn't bear fruit so when I was young we just go to the barber shop dad would take me to the scary-looking man he probably was a nice man but I was five I was scared and he had knives and scissors and things in his hands and the blades and whatever else and so I'd remain but I was very stiff I would not move in to God we relaxed him like easy for you to say you have the blade and I'd have sit there and he's like none of us he couldn't God wants to change the way you look but you've got to yield you got a yield you got a yield and maybe if you don't relate to all the ball people who cannot understand what I'm saying let's go with the dentist everyone related with the dentist that's dentists your remaining trust me your remaining you're not going anywhere but every now and then for me anywhere about you they like relax we're just putting needles in your gums relax you know yeah sometimes the impact of what God wants to do cannot be accomplished just through sheer commitment we gotta learn to yield what's yielding yielding is the humility to just God I trust you see some of us can be super committed but not yielded and then we don't see the fruits of commitment and then we resent commitment if you ever made people who resent commitment as if it's some sort of legalism legalism some dessert it's often because they were committed but maybe they weren't yielded and so they didn't see the fruits of commitment because you can be super committed and never yielded where's that kale a student that muted but it's still that the whoo was a lot laughs and about match it just got progressively software as we've done that's cool but we have the best college students awesome they're really amazing people globally locally Cambodia we have some great students Singapore we have great what SWANA we have amazing collation set amazing but every now and then the odd one and don't think of your city it'll be another city that does this and but they'll be like oh I can't believe they make me do this and I've come with this is after server and but then you hear the resolve kickin no we're gonna commit that's it I paid my money I'm gonna get my money's worth I'm gonna stick it out I hate it but I stick it out and you can see the intensity like me on a dentist's chair like being the barbershop it's like we're gonna commit and you realize that God when he wants to shape you they need to be a yielded miss here's a sign of yielded miss I'm not getting defensive I'm not defending myself I'm not arguing you know when he was always defending justifying arguing assessing critiquing that that's a sign that yielded misses in hi you might be super committed but not yielded yielded is the ability to say God have your way and the quit you know let's put it this way fast learners a quick yielders or quick learners a fast yield is whatever way you feels comfortable for you the idea that the quicker I yield the faster I learned pastor David used to say this in a discipleship course that I used to be a party he said just fall on your sword harder which is not irresponsible suicidal advice for anybody going through a tough time but when someone puts the sport in you don't go oh I'm gonna pull it out okay every time someone criticizes me everyone say every time I face discipline every time I go through a storm he was basically saying you know if God is gonna kill the flesh it's like God make it a quick work teach me do whatever you gotta do it's not it's not some sadist perspective on life it's just saying God if you're gonna shape me have your way yield to the Potters hand the plotter sometimes finds bubbles and he's got to poke it and he's like the things you like or do you allow God to actually shape you god shape me that's a great prayer pray father shape me make me whatever you want me to be Jesus that Gethsemane that's a picture of yielded Ness father not fan but not my will but yours be done the yielded miss actually will accelerate the shaping some of us have four years we still got any mache but any my purpose what are you doing with my life God and God says you're so committed but I need you to be yielded and so maybe today what's gonna happen is we're just gonna make the shift in turning a God alright I yield I yield I yield oh you kept me here long enough I want to yield to your perfect plan we sang it so I yield to you I yield to you / even when I don't understand I still choose to trust you he shapes you if we're tender if we're scented and if we're yielded and look at that beautiful vessel issues making and when God has his way when you say have your way in me God do whatever you want this can happen over years like the children of Israel in the desert sometimes it's like god I just want to be a fast learner i humble myself you know if we could match our commitment and our discipline because sometimes I'm gonna persevere because I'm trying to prove something and God's trying to prune something and I was trying to prove something and him trying to prune something is the difference is the yielded miss okay god I just I just you and there is a beautiful journey that God is taking all of us on and at the end of it there are vessels to show for it there are vessels to show for it there are vessels to show for it come on let's give Lucy a big hand Thank You Lucy you're amazing done such a good job and the fact I've got here thanks to Shaunie everyone say hi Shaunie he doesn't like Sean he likes Shaunie professionally right use three vessels this isn't a lump of clay that got lucky this is clay that was tender scented for long enough and yielded this isn't a bunch of clay that just turned out good this is clay that was tender scented and yielded this isn't just a large lump of clay that got lucky was tender centered and yielded maybe the Lord is actually just touching on your heart today and saying is it the tenderness that's missing is it the centeredness you're so tempted to or maybe it's just the yielded 'no senor the last the last point is we're Linna to stay contented stay contended see it's like oh thank you that's such a great job and this mug is very happy with himself until he sees the vos see you know we lose our contentment when we start comparing people who compare will not see the beauty that God has put in them don't compare and you'll stay content anything not fair how come and then they start a conversation after the connector it finishes no fair you get to you get to hold flowers and you look beautiful and you just sit on the shelf I have to be washed and thrown and washed in throne and everyone's handling me and everyone's pouring hot stuff at me cold stuff in me and they just throw me right and we just saw where your beautiful no oh god we've become discontented we were we were tender we were scented we were you that but we now become discontented and then and then the vas speaks up because the vows has insecurities - I've just been kept on the Shelf my whole life I'm still single everyone looked at me once and then they don't touch me but at least they hold you and they use you and you feel it always at the table I'm just sitting on the shelf and they're like well well rather be let's swap no and then meanwhile the big house the the Java is listening and you to be quiet they're like you be quiet at least you're tall we're like short and fat and you're like elegant you're like both of us combined two of us don't even make us also you're so talented you're the 10 talent person and then and then and then and then don't ever think the super talent people I have no insecurities they have major insecurities because then this guy comes along says I just carry the wine and the oil and you know what really hurts don't need the servants that hold me the servants Hall me and they pull in a master and the guest pig you up but I'm any he'll buy the servants I'm stuck in the production I'm in the kids ministry nobody thinks that gives better story I may be an impactor but really I don't even do mana give me impact and they're like yeah be still tall and beautiful so I wouldn't drive over you and and and then they hear these two arguing and then the Valles guys well this you guys got handles like we'll handle you in a minute shut up Church and yet they were all designed by the Potter to be carriers it's pretty common I mean I mean like Jesus told the story of three guys who weren't working in a vineyard and and and they worked a full day one of them second one worth half a day the third one worked one hour and it comes to the end of the day and the guy who worked all day comes and he gets his pay and he's like a job card thank you so happy until so content until what because the guy who came halfway through the service got the same prophecy this is not a incentive to come late by the way I'm just letting you go and he's like what and he's like the second guy was like listen he's sovereign he can do what he wants yes Oh Lord you are sovereign I'm at peace with the fact that you blessed me until sees the guy who comes works for one hour it really came for the last point of the sermon and God touched him and healed him it's not an encouragement to come for the last point everyone's content until and then we look at each other we look at one another and we content until look at what God has given you and just go Thank You God you were the Potter and God is saying to Jeremiah listen I thought I was the Potter I thought I could do with this what I wanted and we do that even city Dubai's like it's so hard to buy camber is like well Alicia's got money and lunch is like it's so expensive like well least you've got nice stuff and you know we can do that with each other we can look at what the other city has we are the other country has the other leader has the other pastor has and you'd be pleased to know this is not a new problem even in Jesus day they were like this Peter and John two of the most influential apostles Jesus raised read it at the end of John Peters denied Christ Jesus restores him do you love me feed my sheep you love me feed my sheep you love me feed my sheep like I'm ready okay thank you God and the t's had barely dried from Peters cheeks as he's amazed at the mercy of God on his life that God's giving him a second chance and he's like just one thing what about him and please like geez Louise you I just restored you from pretending I didn't exist and the first question is what about him how come the bean gets all the favorite I don't get the favorite near your blessing you you're serious I just restored you and now you want to know about this and Jesus says listen mind your own business if I wish that he remains that's what's gonna happen you just keep feeding my sheep and loving me and then the Gospel of John ends beautifully and we go Peter seriously you got such problems Peter so insecure but the reason we don't have the rest of conversation is because John wrote the gospel I mean not everything was recorded right only whatever so there's probably more the conversations inconveniently the ink ran out because maybe John goes hang on did you show you're giving him the microphone for the opening message of the New Testament church when the Spirit of God felled Peter stood up in front of thousands and led three thousand to the Lord he's the first guy in history to open the entire thing called the church and John's like hang on you're giving the denier the opening message are you serious the denier is getting the opening message I've been with you I didn't deny you I stayed at the cross I even looked after your mother and you're giving the denier the mic come believe in getting him to worship lead getting them to spew and then you know please like my hair oh stop did you see he's getting a gospel he can he writes a gospel and I'm writing an epistle who cares about the epistles the gospel everyone's gonna read the Gospel of John throughout time nobody's gonna get bored cuz he's boring and then they're gonna stop reading they're not gonna get to it you're putting me at the end of the book nobody gets to the end they all stop after John and then they start the next year with a new plan and they start with John again nobody starts with Peter this is these are the people Jesus mentored do you know discontent is what broke one-third of heaven away from itself Lucifer wasn't happy being the worship pastor I think there's more in me well yeah it's called help so he took a third and he went and heaven is the perfect atmosphere so discontent does not come from the atmosphere it's my home my upbringing it's just the workplace I mean it's the church I mean no discontent stats on the inside because if we can breathe in heaven it's clearly not external I might not the Potter Father you can do with me what you last verse it's the worship team you can start to come as I 64 eight it says yet you Lord are our Father we are the clay you are the Potter we are all the work of your this should send cartwheels in our spirit circling because if it's the Potter shaping me I know it'll be creative and excellent but when I realize it's my father Wow it's my father shaping me I've not left out I'm not neglecting it's not just a designer it's my father wow there's a god that's behind this that's not just removed and distant he's my father so my father is shaping me love is going into this affection is going into this it's not just excellence I'm not just on a production line my father is shaping my future my father is shaping my destiny my father is making me Wow it means I can surrender quicker I can surrender easier I can release easier because I know my God is my father and maybe today in every city every location right here maybe God is your creator because he definitely is but he's not your father and you're gonna get that opportunity to say I don't want him to just be my creator I wanted to be my father as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God everyone created but not everyone a child and God says I I didn't just make you I want to know you and when you know me you'll realize the seasons you're trying to make sense of and the pain you're trying to process and the purpose you're trying to discover and and the feelings you're fighting maybe you realize there's a father shaping me there's a father making me there's a father so I can stay tender I can stay centered I can stay yielded I can find contentment because my father is my Potter
Channel: Kingdomcity
Views: 4,590
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: mark varughese, christian, pastor, leader, mark, mark varagas, mark varugas, mv, kingdomcity, kingdomcity perth, kingdomcity sg, kingdomcity kuala lumpur, kingdomcity kl, church, preacher, lisa bevere, christine caine, sunday, sermon, message, speaker, christian speaker, christian sermon, jesus, god, holy spirit, holy ghost, god is good, steven furtick, brian houston, pentecostal, kingdomcitychurch, kingdomcityonline, online service, conference, stadium, concert, convention
Id: 0_Oj87UpeUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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