Are You an Essential Service Provider? - Blake Young - Kingdomcity

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to kingdom city we're so glad you've joined us today if you're new or visiting thank you for coming our pastors and team are here to help you in any way we can and if you're part of our kingdom city family welcome home feel free to passionately praise and expressively worship and believe that the word today will change your life lift your faith even now because with god all things are possible [Music] so [Music] [Music] father god move by your power and might in our service holy spirit have your way in this place may the weak feel your strength may the sick encounter your healing may the righteous be blessed may the lonely feel your love let your miracles leave us astonished let breakthrough fill our worship may the revelation of your word bring light to our hearts and may the lost be found in jesus name [Music] there is a hope that lives in me that god has given for eternity everything changes when he's with me darkness to light and calm in the storm i will never regret following in his ways [Music] [Music] oh [Music] breath is [Music] so we should go show all the people [Music] i will never regret love [Music] always selfless always wins love is [Music] don't just want to sing about it [Music] [Music] i want to live [Music] live love loud come on maybe right now wherever you are around the world your life feels the opposite but as you heard that echo of praise let's make that our reality maybe you feel like life is leaving your very emotional state maybe love is not the emotion you're feeling right now it's not the overwhelming sense of motivation and and certainly the sound of your life is getting quieter and quieter what i want to declare over your life that as we start today's service that something is going to change things are going to shift and we're going to declare that it will not just be an emotional response but a divine shift that god will do something in you and everyone who's listening to this stream right now and you will leave the service living loving and with a sound that makes a difference wherever you are no matter where you're at let's reach our hearts in faith as i pray right now for needs around the world father we thank you that there's nobody outside the scope of your ability to reach them and your grace we humble ourselves today and we ask you to fill us with your grace and your power father we thank you that in the worship chains would break lord heaviness would lift lord things would happen lord that would shift the atmosphere of every home every space where this link is being watched right now and today god the house of the lord is wherever we are and your praises are being declared open our hearts that we may receive you thank you for the healings the testimonies the miracles and the answered prayer lord ministered each one according to their need according to their faith right where they are we give you all the praise all the honor all the glory in jesus name amen amen why don't we worship the lord together and i'll see you in a few moments after this incredible time of worship [Music] is [Music] and though i walk through the valley i will not fear there's no need to worry for i know your need you'll never leave me you'll never win and i will rest in the strength [Music] my darkest nights you'll never leave cause you are the hope that holds me the stronghold to shelter me the only god for me my great confidence and you are [Music] [Music] you never will [Music] my darkest nights never [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] and not fear i can run into your arms and i know you're always near me only wrongs they wrap around your arms wrap around me i'm never lonely i'm never lost i'm never lonely i'm never lost you never leave me [Music] when you are [Music] when you are with me [Music] he's fighting for us and he will never fail so we'll praise [Music] him through the story [Music] he praise him god is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are my great confidence put my faith in you jesus in my great confidence [Music] this is a house of worship and this is a place of praise that's right [Music] and this is a house of healing amen and our hearts are full on faith and you have our food [Music] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this isn't how some miracles so we bring everything to the feet of jesus every day in the name of jesus this is [Music] is [Music] if your blood runs through our grace [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's over [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] speaking out of faith [Music] and we still believe you're moving we still believe you're speaking god we believe you're working oh thanks for good and we fix our eyes on heaven god we receive your vision god we believe [Music] we still believe you're speaking god we believe [Music] oh [Music] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this [Music] feet of is every day in the name of jesus this [Music] jesus is alive in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] this is [Music] forever [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] father that's our prayer all the glory all the honor and all the praise belongs to you forever and ever and everybody around the world in every city every country said amen amen look i don't know what's going on in your world right now or what's going on in your heart right now but let's get one thing clear god is the same yesterday today and forever and no matter where you're at let's make one conscious choice that he's greater he's higher and he's always worthy of all the glory and all the praise and all the honor and i want to thank everyone who's a part of our church from asia from africa from europe the middle east online anywhere new zealand all our family there that are that are locked down at the moment everybody around australia wherever in the world you're at thank you for faithfully obeying god by bringing the tithe into the storehouse it's an online transaction but it's divine obedience and we thank you for your faithfulness as you as together we make a difference around the world you know it's incredible that our miracle offering season is now over and the shift that we're having in in the lives and the ministries of many that we are supporting is tangible and i cannot wait to share more stories with you as time unfolds if you're new and this is whole thing it's just brand new someone invited you to church at home or you stumbled upon this link we would love to make sure you get connected listen life is hard on its own it's so much better when we do it together in community so the details on the screen please get in touch with us i want to pray god's favor and blessing and increase over everyone today we've got a phenomenal word by pastor blake young he is literally one of the best preachers communicators of the word i've ever seen in my life and you're going to be blessed by this word essential service and as you receive the word open your heart before that there's news and all that god is doing in kingdom city but let me quickly pray father even as we hear this word open our hearts to receive it father bless every giver bless every sower thank you for every new person joining father bring a great tremendous sense of peace and unity in every home every place where this word is being declared and father we thank you you will do what only you can do and have your way in every one of our lives we pray in jesus name amen let's check out the news and then the word with pastor blake young [Music] hey beautiful people are you new to kingdom city or have you been a part of kingdom city but always wondered what kingdom city is all about i have got great news for you coming up on wednesday the 15th of september at 7 30 p.m we have got this is kingdom city it'll tell you all you need to know about kingdom city who we are what we believe and why we do what we do all you have to do is register at and you will be on there i'll be there pastor mike will be there pastor blake will be there and you're gonna get to hear from our senior leaders it's gonna be awesome [Music] here at kingdom city we believe in giving out of conviction to do so you can use the kingdom city app all you need to do is to let give on the app and the campus you're from and the giving details will be displayed on your screen you can also give by heading over to giving on your web browser thank you so much for your generosity [Music] hey church kingdom city youth is alive and well we want to say a big thank you to all of our amazing carriers who serve our teenagers week in and week out just two weeks ago at our youth service at one of our locations in perth there was a young boy with an injured leg the person doing the altar call invited people forward if they needed prayer and this young boy came forward at the altar he was prayed for and his leg was healed come on praise god fast forward two weeks our youth pastor shares the testimony at the youth service of how two weeks before that young boy's leg was healed coincidentally in that service there were two young girls with injured legs and as they hear this testimony they think well if god could heal that boy he can heal me they respond to the altar and are prayed for and both of them get healed at the altar come on praise god if you have a testimony to share we would love to hear about it just email testimony kingdom city dot com parents if you have children aged 10 to 17 why don't you send them to kingdom city youth saints and warriors which meets every friday night either in the room or online in your city [Music] what's going on kingdom city it is so good to be with you right now wherever you are from wherever you are tuning in this is a god moment that we get to do together so just if you by yourself talk to yourself right now and say god's about to move if you're next to somebody just bump them and be like god's about to move message text zoom do whatever but god is gonna move right now and i feel like i have a word from god for us right now if you don't know me my name is blake and i'm part of the amazing team here at kingdom city reppin kingdom city africa australia america it doesn't really matter but i'm excited to be here right now and i want to relate to you real quick i don't know if you feel like i feel but for me 2021 was actually a bit worse than 2020. i know sounds crazy for some people but let me break it down 2020 the pandemic happened and it was like okay how the heck do we adjust how do we get by how do we move on and and we had to learn how to live with that but 2021 has had a frustration because it's had that like okay god are we done yet you know that thing like lord here we are it's september god what are we doing when are we gonna see freedom happen when are all these lockdowns gonna be done when are we gonna see breakthrough we understood 2020 god but 2021 really it's almost 2022 and so i don't know if you feel like me but i feel like i have a word for us today that i think is going to unlock some stuff on our lives because regardless of what level your country's in right now spiritually i do feel like the devil has tried to put us in a spiritual lockdown he's tried to lock down dreams he's tried to lock down goals he's tried to lock down plans like we need breakthrough today we need breakthrough in this moment and i feel like there's a few things where i feel like i'm speaking to some groups of people number one there's some people in this room you feel like you're seeing no breakthrough at all others you have seen partial breakthrough and you know god wants to do more and you feel like there's more and others are afraid to break through you you're waiting to see the full manifestation of god in your life god i want to see the healings the miracles the presence i want to feel you and but but there's something holding me back that i need to break through and ladies and gentlemen i feel like god has given me the solution for you but first let me tell you a story i got to tell you about a buddy of mine named sheldon from kingdom city in botswana and i remember being shell shocked with 20 20. i can remember being in that moment where everything had stopped i'm stuck at home i can't go anywhere i can't do anything and i am grieving the life i wanted to be in and i remember chatting with sheldon and he said you know blake it's interesting because for me during this pandemic it's just been another day at work it's just been another monday my life hasn't actually slowed down things haven't actually stopped and sheldon if you're watching right now i love you bro but the funniest thing was i was like wait what what do you mean and he began to share with me that he was an essential service provider in botswana see the boswano government was not planned they determined who was essential they would determine what industries were essential and if you did not fall into their category you had to be at home you couldn't work you couldn't do anything you just had to stay and only essential service providers operated freely and then something was so interesting about that because i was like wow our whole world is held back missing freedoms waiting for the pandemic to be over but my buddy sheldon is unaffected basically moving on with his life still another day at work because of the essentialness of the service that he provides i ended up finding out another friend of mine he made more money in the pandemic than he ever made before because he had a business watch this he provides protective equipment to essential service workers so somehow there's some people that have made it through these lockdown seasons unscathed even some have benefited off of it and this is when god began to speak to me see ladies and gentlemen the way that me and you operate freely today in this the pandemic that we find ourselves in is by operating in our essential service and ladies and gentlemen the essential service that i feel needs to be unlocked in my life in your life like never before is evangelism i know big word some of y'all like what the heck is that some of you guys like oh here i go i know where he's going but just stay with me for a moment because i want to break this thing down for you because the essential service that me and you need is to operate constantly in evangelism it's not an option see i feel like some of us have actually flipped this thing around and i want to address this today some of us have looked at evangelism as optional or as secondary to christian living and let me say that again christian living like me just being a christian reading the bible praying every day that is actually not our primary objective it's not our primary purpose matter of fact the last words of our savior as he ascended to go be with the father was to do what to go into the world to preach the gospel to be his witnesses and i'm going to get into that later on but i need you and me to understand that we have an essential service it is to share the good news of the gospel of jesus christ and we have to get back into our essential service and when we do we will operate in more freedoms and more blessings than we have ever seen before when we realize what is essential let me break this down for you just in case you know for a recap evangelism simply means to share the gospel in greek evangelism meant a royal proclamation of someone who is rising to power and then gospel comes from the anglo-saxon word god spell which meant good story so our job today is to announce the arrival to announce the good news of jesus christ to say hey my god is here he's real he's alive and he's doing some good stuff in my world and that is our job today so what do i mean essential service here's my question for every breakthrough you're waiting on right now what if it's not you who's waiting on god but what if it's god who's waiting on you see i can feel this so strongly and i can see in the eyes of my spirit that there are people who have been frustrated and angry because they have missed out or because we feel like we're not seeing god do what he promised because we're not seeing the breakthrough we're not seeing the healing we're not seeing the benefit we're not seeing the door open that we know should open but it's actually because me and you have forgotten our essential service as believers which is evangelism and sharing the gospel the good news of jesus christ with our world see there's a couple lies here that mess with us but first let me just break it down for you because in botswana for you to become an essential service provider the government would have to deem it so or you had to apply so basically your freedoms were completely gone everything about your life is restricted but if you could go before this board before this committee and if you could apply for freedoms maybe they would be granted and maybe you could get an essential services moving permit and so you'd have to go before committee share what you do share the essentialness of your service and if your service was deemed essential they would grant you freedom see my buddy sheldon he operated in a food processing factory so he literally helped feed the nation and because of that they said his service is essential can you imagine if god did us like that ladies and gentlemen i'm sorry but all healing signs wonders and miracles they're under lock down and if you would like to see any of these blessings in your life please step before the committee and please apply for the service you are asking for and we will deem by what you do with it whether we grant it to you can you imagine standing before god saying um sir uh i'd like some blessing in my life i'd like a little bit of a miracle i i would like some financial breakthrough and then god says okay and if we do this for you what are you gonna do with it uh well well you know it would just really help my life and things just wouldn't be so hard and god you know chatting with his angels so sir let me get this straight you would like this blessing purely to make your life better only and no one else's um yes sir that that's why uh we'll be right with you and imagine god and the angels chatting again like can you imagine if me and you had to justify to god why he should bless us can you imagine how that conversation would go i'm so glad that god and his grace doesn't do us like that i'm so grateful that i serve a jesus that loves me and blesses me even when i don't deserve it when i haven't done right with it god has looked after me in ways that he should not have done so because i didn't steward all the blessings he gave so we serve a good god who is so good it doesn't even make sense but imagine for a minute that you had to make sure every blessing that was given to you had an essential service attached god i would like healing in my life okay why because god when i can operate fully in my body then i can without any hold back without any stoppage i can bless everyone who lives in my neighborhood because lord i can't walk right now but if i can get out then lord i promise you i will use these legs for you sounds good granted like can you imagine if we had to do that it would change the way we pray it would change the way we looked at what we think we deserve from god but let me show you in scripture why we should think like that just a little bit see this right here is probably one of the most misquoted verses in our bible and we use only part of it instead of the full context see most of us we read mark chapter 16 verse 17 and 18 like this these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe they will cast out demons in my name and they will speak in new languages they will be able to handle snakes with safety and if they drink anything poisonous it won't hurt them they will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will be healed see when you read it like that the signs and wonders and miracles sound like a nice little benefit and amenity package for christians oh well if you believe then you get these things and we read it like that and then we're like yeah lord i'm a believer so come on lord where's the benefit where's the mirror god i'm a believer i believe in you i pray the prayer of salvation i go to church i hear sermons so lord come on show up where's it at we do that sometimes but let's read the full context and let's go back into that scripture but let's start at verse 15 with a complete thought and it says this and then he told them go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved but anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe do you see it's different being a believer and advancing the gospel to our world was never supposed to be a separate conversation me and you do not have the benefits of our god purely to make our life better everything we were given to god given from god was to demonstrate it to our world and help bring the loss back to him so ladies and gentlemen if you realize you are an essential service provider you don't have to wait for this pandemic to be over you can operate in the fullness of freedom fullness of blessing you can take every restriction off of your life right now when you understand the essentialness of your service see let me read you another one because some of us we want a passion for study we want a passion for prayer you know we pray prayers like god i just need the bible to come alive lord i'm struggling to read the word or lord i just want a passion to pray okay well look at this right here go to matthew chapter 28 verse 18 and look at what it says here jesus came and told his disciples i've been given all authority in heaven and on earth therefore go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teach these new disciples to obey all the commands i have given you and be sure of this i am with you always even to the end of the age learning the commands which is reading the word and god being with you feeling his presence was contingent upon those who would go and make disciples on those who would go and preach the word see too many of us have wanted the benefit of the christian walk without operating in the function we were primarily called to you know it's funny it's like you know some of us we think that christianity and especially when we're part of a church and part of the body of christ it's kind of like a 24-hour fitness gym you know like those health clubs where you go in there and basically what do you do you're going there look at me i'm am i doing my gym oh let me do some push-ups let me enter barbells and you know and what do you do you work out you can get a bunch of muscles and then you leave the gym and you go back to a normal life like you get fit for no reason i know of course health and body and i get i get it okay listen i'm not hating on all the health people but just bear with me isn't it interesting that some people get muscles and do nothing abnormal with those muscles like here's my take i feel like if you have muscles you shouldn't be allowed power steering on your car if you have muscles you shouldn't be allowed to carry the same latte cup that i carry like if you have muscles something in your life should be more difficult than mine because why do you have them if they're purely for decoration and some of us we think the body of christ and getting spiritually filled is like this thing just for personal benefit you don't come into this thing as a gym just to look good and just to feel good oh look at me i feel so awesome as a christian no no let me change the perspective this is not a personal fitness gym this is a sports training performance facility see someone who is training to compete has a completely different mindset than someone who trains for personal benefit someone who's in the gym because their body is about to be put on the line is on a whole different mental hemisphere than someone who just wants a little bit of abs you know to get their little summer body going on it's a whole different ball game like people who train because they have to are different than those who train just because they want to and ladies and gentlemen we are in the have to category me and you we are essential service providers and every single day we wake up we are called to run a race we are called to fight the good fight and i have to train because every single time i go out of my door or log on to a zoom or live my life there is an enemy who is waiting to knock me out and if i can operate in my essential service and realize that this word of god the signs the wonders of healing the miracles is not for decoration it's for performance it's for battle it's for warfare and if i can understand that i will see god move in my life so much more see today maybe you need more passion maybe you need his presence maybe you want to see healing maybe you're believing god for financial breakthrough whatever it is god is here everything he has for us is here but the fullness of it is contingent upon me and you operating in our essential primary service acts 1 8 another great verse right here but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you come on raise your hand right now if you want to receive power right now in your bedroom wherever you are in your living room wherever you're watching online if you want to receive power come on make some noise get your hand up right now if you want to receive power come on everybody's like power but read the rest of the verse but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in jerusalem throughout judea in samaria and into the ends of the earth ladies and gentlemen everything we want from god is there but are you ready to operate in your essential service evangelism is not optional it's not just for the super christians it's not for those who just have gifts it's for everyone and let me back that up in scripture see some people say oh well only some are anointed to do this you know what about the fivefold gifts okay check this out ephesians chapter 4 verse 11. look at this and he has appointed some with grace to be apostles and some with grace to be prophets and some with grace to be evangelists and some with grace to be pastors and some of grace to be teachers and their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of christ check out what i just read see some people would say oh blake he's anointed to be an evangelist and yeah maybe you're right but do you know my anointing is not just so that i can be some super christian and do all the evangelism work for everybody else and some people just watch oh i'm just a normal christian let me just oh yeah you go for it blake i'll just be over here no no look at what it says and they're calling us anointed ones is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own work of ministry and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of christ what does this mean i'm not anointed to do your job i'm anointed to coach you i'm anointed to encourage you i'm anointed to help you get up off your behind and do something for god to do something for this world see my anointing is not to show off and for those out there who are listening and if you feel gifted and one of the fivefold gifts this doesn't mean you start your own website and run your own ministry and show off how awesome you are it means that you have the privilege just like me to encourage everyone around you and lift them up who don't feel like they have the same gifts see ladies and gentlemen it's an essential service for all of us and my job is not to show off but to coach you to be the best you can be to help you realize that you are called to evangelize in your world in australia we just had father's day last week and it was so fun to go to the store and me and my daughters we got some some biltong or beef jerky wherever you're from and we wrote little father's day notes and with my kids we went to every single one of our neighbors and gave them some beef jerky and simply said to the dads happy father's day and just connected with them we didn't do any altar calls we you know we didn't even say hey can i pray for you right there we just wanted to build a relationship but what am i doing i'm starting by loving the world around me see some of you might be locked at home great awesome opportunity for you to love the neighbor to your right and to your left for those of us who are watching you want to do something big for god you want to lord when is my impact going to happen and my question is does the people who live directly around you do they even know god do they even know what church you go to do they even know that you believe that there is a god see start small but i promise you god will move see three things that i want to encourage you with for all of us how we can operate as essential service providers in our everyday world see number one pray for divine opportunities and for organic moments number two have an expectation of being used daily and number three keep it relational keep it organic the opportunities are there in your world right now there is someone that needs the essential service that you provide and like my buddy sheldon when you rise and operate in your essential service you will realize that less is holding you back and restricting you then you may think today is a day for us to take the lid and take the restrictions off that have been holding us back the signs and wonders and miracles that we need today were not just for our personal benefit but so that we could personally benefit our world today if you feel like this is hitting you if you feel challenged if you feel convicted i want to challenge you right now to receive a ministry moment from god i would challenge you even to get on your knees and dedicate your life to god as we go into a time of worship i would challenge you to pray and ask yourself once again god am i ready to operate in my essential service maybe you need to repent of living your christian walk selfishly or thinking that your primary goal was just christian living instead of personal evangelism well right now let's go into a time of worship and let's go into a time of prayer but let me pray for you quickly and then as we worship god's going to meet you and minister to you right where you are holy spirit i ask you right now to touch every son and daughter that is a believer of jesus christ and i pray that you awaken conviction you awaken a passion and an ownership inside of us god to see the essential service in the world around us god wake us up and give us a burden for souls and for the sons and daughters you'll put in our world touch them right now lord every son and daughter who's ready to break the limits off of their life who's ready for their spiritual pandemic to end who's ready for their lockdown to be overseen we don't have to wait for the pandemic to be over but god we can see right now as essential service providers that we can operate above it i pray you bless them and touch them right now lord as we come into this time of worship in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] you're amen god we believe you're working oh thanks for good and we fix our eyes on heaven god we receive your [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] oh in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus this isn't how to [Music] praise god praise god i could feel the spirit in that moment and i know that god just recommissioned and reordained some amazing sons and daughters to the essential service of evangelism of sharing the gospel and i truly believe that as we we operate in faith every single one of us is going to see god move more than ever before but right now there's some people and you're like but hold on i don't even know if i have this kind of access i feel completely blocked away from god i feel completely absent of any been i feel like i'm totally locked down in my spirit maybe it's depression anxiety and frustration is gripping you i can feel there's people out there where suicidal thoughts are coming at you daily there's a heaviness in your heart and god wants to break you free there's a hopelessness that some people feel right now because your entire plan and trajectory of your life all your goals have been thrown out the window over these last two years and you don't even know who you are right now and i can feel it that god wants to touch you and he wants to fill you with his presence he wants to fill you with his love but first you have got to receive jesus christ into your life you need to accept him as your lord and savior i love our jesus i love that our god sent his son into the world to die for our sins to pay for our price and when we confess that we can believe in god and we receive that gift me and you we can live forever and live in purpose and living freedom see right now you can live free and unrestricted regardless of what lockdown you may be in so if you want to receive salvation if you want to receive jesus christ into your life i want you to pray this prayer with me and i know that god is going to move in your life and this is going to be a beautiful beginning of your journey so let's pray this prayer together say this dear god forgive me now for all my sins wash me clean and make me new thank you for sending jesus to die for me to pay my debt and so that i could be free through the death of jesus christ my life begins i receive that life now i receive that salvation now in jesus name a men whoa i'm so excited for you i'm so happy for you i'm so proud of you if you pray that prayer we want to know matter of fact we don't want to know we want to walk with you we want to do this journey with you please there's details on the screen right now don't do this journey alone get connected get plugged in join a connect group join the family that has changed all of our lives and i promise you when you do this you will see god moving your life more than ever before we love you so much have a blessed rest of your day and i pray that this changes you touches you impacts you and this is the beginning of your essential service we love you so much and we will see you soon oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] makes me [Music] you are makes me go [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kingdomcity
Views: 8,055
Rating: 4.9106145 out of 5
Keywords: mark varughese, church service, church online, mark, mark varagas, mark varugas, mv, jemima varughese, jemimav, kingdomcity, kingdomcity perth, kingdomcity online, kingdomcity kuala lumpur, kingdomcity kl, church, preacher, brian houston, lisa bevere, sunday, sermon, message, speaker, christian speaker, christian sermon, jesus, god, holy spirit, holy ghost, god is good, steven furtick, bill johnson, pentecostal, kingdomcityonline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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