THE POOLISH YEAST SISTEM FOR PIZZA AND BREAD. Video number 2 of the English language course

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hi everybody welcome back to Pizza Creek what I'm going to show you today is how to make your best pizza ever or bread with the Polish East system policies is just the kind of East is act like the fresh one the dry one or the bigger one but also like the sourdough yes the very natural yeast so let's start and I'm going to show you how to do it the first thing we have to decide the hydration of this dough we want to do okay let's say for example we want to do with the final hydration 65% of hydration okay then after this we have to decide how much of flour we want to do then we say 1 kilo this is mean that we are going to make a 1 kilo flour with the 65% hydration it in saline with 650 grams of water then we need 10 grams of fresh yeast and 30 grams or 25 as you like observed and this is what we need for the dough okay when we agreed for this recipe the first step is to split into the flour and then we have 500 grams of flour from this water we take 500 grams water from this fresh yeast we are going to take 3 grams of yeast we don't need the salt in the first step okay we just mix these three ingredients and we're going to have the first step in this second step we have the leftover flour was alpha kilo so we put here 500 grams of flour the leftover water is under 50 gram [Music] then we need the leftover seven grams or beast and the salt and then we combine this one after 12 hours with this one and then we love the dough ready for pizza or bread okay this is the theoretical part but now I'm going to show you the practical part okay then let's do it so guys the first thing we do now is to do what we say okay let's say we need fasting for this we are using this very good very nice flower is called the reginella the first thing as we say is to mix part of the recipe okay alpha kilo okay half kilo of flour now what we are to understand is how to use the fresh is how to use the driest the driest is three times the freshest so if we need 10 grams of fresh yeast its mean we're gonna need three grams enough of dry yeast just mix the fresh yeast in the flour now we go to put water alpha kilo [Music] that's it just start to mix like this that's it when you wanna have something like this it's ready you see we cover it with the cream Finn and we leave it for 12 hours what we're gonna have it's gonna be something like this and this is what you wanna have after 12 hours now what we do next all you can mix with by hand or you can use the Machine then what we do is to put inside of kilo of flour plus 7 grams of yeast and now we need to put under 50 grams of water that's it perfect we put the salt machine and then we start to mix everything together slowly slowly the dough is ready see it's very elastic I want to be clear 65% just because we are using very strong flour this one is a very strong flour if use all-purpose flour I think is best for you if you decide to have an ideation around 58 or 60% just work on it a bit like this if you can see the dough is amazing okay okay after 30 minutes what we do next you have to cut in piece our don't yeah we have the scale here cut and then you roll it like this yeah the dough is very soft if you are an operator as pizza chef you can decide to do it between 250 and 300 grams this one is 270 is 74 is perfect and you just do it like this one if you are home and you want to do pizza for yourself this one is 35 centimeter let's set under 50 you have 350 grams of dough or if you want to make bread this one is about 800 grams you can have one full piece of bread you live at rice until it's double sides and you will be ready to be cooked and let's do it pizza now if you are an operator like pizza chef or shot just put the dough in the container the professional one may be I'm sure you have the professional container put the lid on the top and store it in the fridge for 12 hours if you are all just wait until the sides is a at least double when it will be double it's going to be ready to be cooked okay after four hours this is what you're gonna have this one is the one we left outside the fridge this one is one I put straight away in the fridge if you can see the sides of this one is more than double this one is a still small because as to rise until it more what we do next is just to show how to make a pizza if you are home or what else you can do with this kind of door okay then let's start from this one you just open the tray with the clipping remove it if you see the dough is very soft it's full of air inside it's like air even the weight it's very light into flour like this that's it now because in the home oven it's not easy to cook the pizza underneath better to put in the flat tray a bit of oil and then the pizza it will be a bit crispy beef ranching just oil and we'll leave it here now wear it like very gently turning the the flour the dough and you just start to push from the middle don't press on the edge if you want to very big idea and as you can see the pizza is almost ready now you are can just remove the flour from underneath and pull and pull okay that's it and then you go to put tomato a don't put tomato on the edge just say inside and at this point before on the first step of cooking don't put the mozzarella as well because if you have the professional event the pizza inside it will be for a few minutes let's say seconds was in the professional would do oven pizza stay inside 90 second maybe just put olive oil extra virgin olive oil and mozzarella we're gonna put inside at the end about the cooking time like for example the last two minutes this is a buffalo mozzarella already sliced as last before - just to drain the milk was inside and then you don't want to have all this water on the top okay I'll show you where to put the pizza first the oven now is at the maximum temperature as you see here is 250 and the maximum is here then we can say this kind of woman it could be around 270 degrees but I don't trust him so what I do now open the oven very quickly and put the first seven minutes on the bottom like this and close seven minutes okay after seven minutes just open quickly and put the pizza here on the very top side out of the oven for five minutes okay after more five minutes we just remove the pizza from the oven if you see it's almost done okay and now we start to put mozzarella on the top there now three more minutes in the oven on the bottom again okay and after the last three minutes this is what we're gonna have if you can see now here it's very full of air inside it was but you know because this oven it's not like professional oven it dries too much that's why you can use in the oven or this kind of the tray but it's better much better if you can use this kind of stone it's just brick stone I didn't do it here just because not everybody has this kind of stone then we have to explain how to make it home if you don't have all these kind of things the pizza now is very crunchy but you can see inside it's empty I'll show you for very close sight look inside it's like air inside yeah look and these it's mean that these pizza it's very very light for your stomach and now I want to show you what else you can do in this kind of dough because if you are a pizza shop or if you are home and you don't want to call these pizza because maybe you don't need with this one you can still make one over the best bread ever in this way just take two of these one and two this one you can split it into one and just roll it again like this you can see it's full of well parchment paper underneath and leave it like this until is at least double sides cloths on the top and it has to rise again and then you will cook it in the oven 220 degrees for at least 50 minutes and you will have the best bread ever and the light okay and now let's have a look inside I was gonna be this red is like like so guys at the end of the day what l ii say if you liked this video just share it with your friend please leave me a like and also very very important just click on the bell to activate all the notifications because almost every day at 5 o clock italian time i am doing a live on the channel then you can interact with myself and then you can ask me more question about all these kind of things if you want also you can chat to with me on my whatsapp number and the number is plus thirty nine three five one five four two one seven three six on this whatsapp number you can contact me for any other questions and then you can have also a private call or private consultant information so don't be afraid just remember subscribe leave me a like and click on the on the bell to activate the notification by from angelo pizza click
Channel: Angelo Giannino
Views: 57,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: light bread, best pizza, poolish, biga, home made pizza, home made bread, how to make the poolish yeast, strong flour, pizza click, english tutorial pizza, english pizza video course, light pizza, soft bread, long shelf life bread
Id: GD3mPC2zgQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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