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so you like do you order on earth and you just kind of keep bringing pizza all right i think i've got it [Music] if that's okay all right well i was gonna download the app but i was perfectly prepared to download that i promise um i might as well start with uh i guess the margarita then please all right so today i've got something a little bit different for you everyone out there is familiar with the uh the pizza hut lunchtime unlimited all-you-can-eat buffet right it's been around since the dawn of time it's a staple of every self-respected student's diet i can tell you that firsthand but uh there's all these measures in place right now to prevent the spread of covid buffets are kind of out the window right it's a bad thing for people like me that like to eat a lot thankfully i just saw that pizza have launched their new lunchtime bluffer like fake buffet which to me sounds better than the real thing because you just get a table and they perpetually bring you pizza which sounds like a great way to spend an hour if you ask me so i'm gonna try and get through as many as i can not sure how many that'll be it's pretty quiet so hopefully a few oh naturals too yeah you got them for me little nachos trying to spoil my appetite i'm on some i'm on some you get garlic bread too yeah this is incredible mrs b will be very upset to uh to miss out on this i think all right so there we go 3 15 monday the 5th of october let's see how many of these things we can do in and out pretty they're quite small they're like kids pizzas so it'd be fun to see how many i can uh can get through nice and warm too warm pizza that's that's a novelty what is up beard army welcome back i hope you're all doing well and uh today i've got something a little different for you i feel like i've been saying that pretty much every week for the past i don't know like eight weeks or something but it is a little different because it's a buffet well not really a buffet as i said it's a bluffer it's a good pizza hot too which is a quite the novelty i don't normally eat hot pizza i think normally you uh you have to order one at a time but i guess my reputation proceeds and they've agreed to to do two at a time so that's that's very nice five minutes in i think one pizza five minutes since that should be at least 12 pieces i think if we can maintain the speed i'm gonna move the uh the garlic bread out the way because purpose of today's video is to eat as much pizza as possible and uh i think this is good she'll appreciate that so i'll take it home for a little present free garlic bread they say romance is dead thank you very much appreciate it thank you anymore um i think yeah probably if you could put another two in two yeah please yeah i thought i'd start with all reliable ooh look at cheesy goo there all reliable the classic margarita cheese and tomato can't go wrong with that on a pizza and then explore some of the other flavors on offer as we get further into it not sure deep pan was the best choice though given that i'm trying to go for as many pizzas as possible [Music] oh my god i'm not gonna have any fingerprints left after this these things are ridiculously hot [Music] this is this is not good pace this is uh as much of a test a pizza sufficiency as it is mine because um probably like 13 minutes in three pizzas down that's that's only a pizza it's a pizza every five minutes i don't uh i don't know if you can see that but that's somebody asking twitter to give me the blue tick it's about time damn it come on do it do it there is something quite satisfying about walking to the buffet picking out your you know your own slice of pizza it's not quite the same than bringing it to you also helps you open up a little bit more space you know when you're walking around i'm gonna try getting to do three next time this isn't the kind of face that gets you favors though usually thank you can i twist your arms to do three pepper only yeah yeah why not i don't want to cheat too thin i suppose i should really do thin thin base creases because then you know the number would have been more impressive or whatever i'm kind of making them into like a big thick pizza tacos i've not been exaggerating now i'm telling you these things are piping hot these were hotter than the the breakfast sandwich challenge i did a few weeks ago in fact even now as i'm doing the commentary like three days later my mouth is still sore from from eating these things i think i shot myself in the foot a little bit by folding them because it meant that the steam couldn't really escape sweating now i think tactically it is quite difficult to uh to make this thing pay to make the most of this buffet thing because i mean especially if you have to just order one of these at a time they're letting me order three at a time now but um because they're so hot and there's the weight and everything it would it'd make it hard to get over 10 plates i think even for somebody with a good appetite still not sure i'm gonna do it actually thank you um yeah probably better can i do more uh three more pepperoni yeah yeah please i almost kind of pushed this one i think this came out the oven first i think yeah i think that was like half a degree cooler so i went with that one first i hope you like the snazzy pizza counter in the top right by the way no expense made with the graphics this week and as you can see we're on pepperoni now which i think was my favorite of the pizzas on offer and uh thanks to my plus 10 hat of uh speech craft i managed to convince him to allow me to order three at a time which was pretty handy because now we're uh we're making at least half decent plays i think is this pizza taco thing i could catch on yeah you didn't invent that mate you know normally i'm not a huge fan of pizza but actually when it's you know it's nice and hot it's not too bad i like the uh the base is pretty crispy and kind of it is greasy but you kind of want a little bit of greasiness in a pizza right yeah i mean my favorite pizza chain is papa john's and that's arguably the greasiest the good thing about the regular buffet is the pizza sits in a pan for a while right so yeah it's in the pan which is still hot but um it has the opportunity to cool down a little air off these things are literally out the open straight on your table i think that is that's eight pizzas right and we're about just just over halfway i'm hoping i can get 15 50 is the magic number in my head it's like eating in a sauna or something i wasn't this hot at coney island doing the the nathan's got actually no i'm lying that was one of the hottest days of my life thank you oh yeah i think so do you see this there's a vegeta a vegetable one yeah better get those uh healthy vegetables in here can i do another three three oh yeah i can't cheat now some people laughing at me over there come on please just be warm not hot i have fallen victim to the allure of um a deep pizza i thought i can't really start ordering thin base now that might look like kind of a a weak move plus i think i don't really enjoy much about pizza hut but the dough on the deep pan is is pretty it's pretty enjoyable so i thought you know i'll forget it let's just keep going down that deep pan pizza road see where it takes me all right that's i think that's 11 pizzas now i think it's 11. i remember the last time i did this i totally lost count like halfway through i reckon i can get to 15. surely i've got like a good 15 minutes left funnily enough actually i once did this show for uh channel four called the two million calorie buffet a lot you might have seen it i think it's on youtube actually feet like that in public aussie at home that's right under little minga and they found that if you could eat more than 11 plates whatever the food you can eat more than 11 plates at um like an all-you-can-eat place then you've made them lose money right not that's the goal of course but you know you get your money's worth if you eat 11 plates or more and most people aren't going to do anywhere near that oh god madonna this is not music to eat too i wish i got that on camera there was a there were like four builders just sat over that way and when they saw what i was doing they were like oh how many how many pizzas you reckon you could do and they're like yeah yeah i reckon i could do like five six i think they probably did like two each although if they're going back to work on a construction site i can let them off you wouldn't want to be doing that on a full belt i've got to get to 15 come on i've got to get to 15. oh thank you gotta get my five a day it's a terrible joke sir i'm still pretty hungry can i do um what was the other one it was a bad americana try it can i do three of those yeah um yeah why change the hobbit um yeah i love it lots of water actually thank you oh you should have seen that waitress's face i mean it was partially covered by a mask but still when i told that joke why did i get veggie at the end why indeed you can't call it a joke she's just looking at me rolled her eyes like oh my god what is this idiot talking about yeah the adventure was a poor choice at this point i wasn't really excited about eating these i'll be honest they're small but they're not like the smallest pizzas i've ever seen you know like those are good for those things you put in the microwave chicago town you chump you know what i'm talking about anyway those single serving things are done in like 90 seconds in the microwave let me know in the comments if you want to see a full chicago town pizza challenge these have got mushroom on top i didn't want to bring it up but oh yeah mushrooms on a weekly basis lately i don't know what's going on anyway these are the veggie pizzas were all right didn't seem like actually quite significantly heavier than the other ones are thank you i feel like i'm losing pace now this is the first time you come back all right we're gonna say the rule is if it's here i get to finish it right that counts as that counts as within the 60 minutes so we've got three of these things to go wow secret weapon i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit over the the pizza now oh i don't want it to be hot the barbecue was a bad choice too why did i go with barbecue sauce why valid question these things were like way too rich at this point anyway i'm gonna do some rapid maths uh on a calculator not in my head obviously but um i thought i might try and work out just how much pizza i've eaten here so the pizza hot website says these things equate to four slices each now i don't know whether that's true or not but if it is then 17 of these pizzas equals 68 slices of pizza so these things are getting bigger and prove it yeah it pretty much always feels like that after eating for an hour though you guys see it doesn't look pretty good though can't disagree they are pretty aesthetically uh pleasing anyway if um if it is 68 slices of pizza then that means uh 12.5 p 12 and a half p per slice of pizza because this is uh eight pounds 50 the the buffet bluff fade thing eight pounds 50 to partake in and you get uh some free garlic bread and nachos which is pretty cool anyway i hope you enjoyed the video i'll catch you in the next one [Music] waiting time or no waiting time i don't think i could have done much more than that i don't even think i've got a dessert in me is the cheesecake without cheese any good oh it's my favorite oh it is i'll i'll try the cheesecake with no cheese it's actually called i can't believe it's not cheesecake but i couldn't really bring myself to say that [Music] i can believe it's not cheesecake
Channel: BeardMeatsFood
Views: 1,375,140
Rating: 4.9421406 out of 5
Keywords: calorie challenge, mukbang, cheat day, cheat meal, man vs food, eating challenge, eating challenge uk, food challenge, matt stonie, beardmeatsfood, beard meats food, beard meets food, beard vs food, adam moran, fitness, eating channel, eating show, 10000 calorie challenge, 10k, massive eating challenge, huge eating challenge, 100000 calorie challenge, pizza hut, buffet, pizza hut challenge, pizza hut buffet challenge, most pizza hut eaten, all you can eat, pizza challenge
Id: F2U0H9vTEgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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