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[Music] yes so as you can see I'm not actually in Miami thanks a lot coronavirus alright so for a number of reasons common sense moral obligation the fact that watch outbreak a few weeks ago I decided not to take my trip to Miami after all but a miniseries are promised and miniseries you certainly deserve so um this is big mix film this is not quite the Miami miniseries this is the Midlands miniseries ya know doesn't have quite the same ring to it but it'll have to do alright stop number one is called the Tap House in Mansfield with us Stansfield not Mansfield anyway it's a bricky they stop serving at 12:00 midday and it's quite a drive away so scary Galan all right here we are the Tap House they spell it like pop holes that the German version yeah it was just a shameless excuse to do an ollie impression let's get in there [Music] so they don't know as anyone ever to be seen to be finished this before no nobody's nobody's doing it how do you do he's been watching my videos or some guys say you wanna see what one person thinks I can do it the other person doesn't you're on to me right so today I'm at the Tap House which is in Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield comma Woodhouse so okay it's months fielding well I'm sure yet find it and I'm taking on this 41 piece mega breakfast challenge I've been looking look at the size of it it's huge no time limit or anything but I start a timer just for fun so let's get going what do you think so one person thinks I'm gonna do it the other person thinks I'm not gonna do it what's your vote so you think no I've got to prove everyone wrong now right okay let's get started 20 seconds done reckon sure what's a bit army welcome to episode number one of the the Midlands miniseries which replaces what would have been admittedly a far more tropical and cosmopolitan trip to Miami here but you know what I know a lot of people out there was psyched up for a miniseries a lot of people enjoy them and I think it's time like this the last thing I wanted to do was leave everyone kind of disappointed you can put the music back on by the way right well next don't normally exit my hands but what hold the other ones some I don't think I've every in eggs with a knife fork spoon or any other utensil whoo it's still pretty warm maybe I should have left it a few minutes longer yeah wouldn't be the first time I've got stuck in too early but as I said episode number ones taking place at the Tap House or cup house in Mansfield I'm taking on the undefeated mega breakfast challenge if you have any uh any napkins I get the feeling this is gonna get well it's already got messy that's what you get free and eggs with your bare hands [Music] thank you very much well next let's do the let's do the hash browns yeah hash browns next I didn't give too much thought to the order in which I did these things but I knew I was leaving mushrooms to the end got all of some black pudding no spam on this breakfast either which is applause still clearly traumatized by that spam Laden Judgment Day breakfast from a few weeks ago make some bacon sandwiches yeah why not seems like a thing to do there's plenty of bread to spare I didn't actually count the amount of slices but I see this as being that the main stumbling block for most people just the sheer amount of bread involved you can tell them which tomato sauce is in there because I've been dipping in that since the start it's just it's not moved yes still though you should satisfy the people that hate watching me just hock the food down dry you know watch me dip stuff as you can see here I'm dipping in the the pureed tomatoes and the the big juice too although I did um I did dip most of the bacon some cheese in the the pureed tomatoes and tried to leave the beans and accompanying bean juice for the fried bread because I love that flavor and picture of fried bread bits in in beet juice for some reason I have since I was a kid pretty much I've to say this breakfast is delicious it really is nice fried bread to my favorite little fried bread crunch don't you think fried bread is one of those things we only really eat in Britain but this is like dessert for me I'm just gonna soak them in there for a while yeah let's get right good and moist just soak in the soak in the fried bread in the bean juice just to soften it up a bit you know just delicious though also a functional advantage because the fried bread was pretty crispy I think I just love the saucy fruitiness contrast with the crisp greasy bread well you can actually see the timer however been going on for 15 minutes yeah - shall be for episode number one anyway yeah couple words on the Challenger is a pay-to-play which we have a lot of in England meaning you don't get the meal free if you when you don't even get like a prize I'm gonna t-shirt or a certificate or anything but um quite a few people maybe like six seven people asked me to to do this a while ago and yet I can't say no to an undefeated challenge even if there's no free food involved kind of using the fry bread is like a a spatula Mountain to dig dig out the tomatoes yeah which there were a great many the food was really good I actually enjoyed it the exception being the the mushrooms the bacon wasn't quite as crisp as I would like but that's kind of like subjective but the quality of food for 1895 was really good I love that fish though you know when you when you put fried bread and beat in bean juice just let it sit there I love that no judging by your reaction that's that's weird getter there was definitely a grimace from that lady when I told her about the whole duncan thing but i don't know tell me in the comments if anyone else is this enthusiastic about duncan fry bread in bay news I'm not looking forward to in the puree to Marcel's were gotta be done looking back at this now it might have been an idea to kind of mix the the wet stuff with the mushrooms but then why ruin two perfectly enjoyable elements of the breakfast the beans under smart cells by mixing them with mushrooms I guess one thing I guarantee you I'm not going to enjoy this breakfast is and mushrooms still can't stand up yep most people watching this is probably very familiar with my aunt bee fungus propaganda anyway hope you looking forward to the the miniseries that's gonna a little kind of jaunt around the Midlands a little farther south and I normally go on day trips yeah a little faith you said I wasn't gonna do it the manager just said he's not normal is it argue with that not normally you say she's dead and something there but I'm yeah they're gonna be I think for more episodes in this miniseries I'll be looking forward to it the ones I've filmed so far I've actually been really good so I I think you can enjoy the content but thanks for watching this one all right catch you next time don't be the bull I've told you you done with me feel huh no joking Thank You mushrooms right tap the next stop Oh mushrooms right that's us breakfast done now I've got a book a hotel and I may be heading down to around the Leicester area so us about another 40 minute journey from me I'm gonna check into a hotel and then 6:00 p.m. tonight I'm gonna be doing a challenge in a place called melton mowbray which is famous for uh making pork pies tonight it's not gonna be a pot pies though pizza pie just a pizza I'm gonna be doing a 20 inch piece of challenges been a while since I did two food challenges in in one day but this time this time it's personal if the tune in to the next episode to see why but um right now I think I better call mrs. beard because last term last I told her I was headed to Miami you probably wondering why I didn't bring her with me on the trip she's actually in Llandudno in there in Wales because she thought was gonna be in Miami obviously and she doesn't like to stay at home by herself so she went on holiday with uh some some family and friends so I'm gonna give her a call now and just let her know what I'm doing because I know she likes to check up on me on the find my friends up so if she sees me hundreds of miles from home she's gonna think that I'm up to some kind of mischief so it's just set online days [Music] dancer probably sleep hey babe i doing yeah I'm okay so I'm a bit rude coughing down the phone I didn't end up going to her I didn't end up going to to Miami because of the whole coronavirus thing but I know you like checking up on me on find my friends so I thought I better tell you that if you see me hundreds of miles from home I'm not choosing with any other women [Music] all right hey eat are you quite finished
Channel: BeardMeatsFood
Views: 3,952,215
Rating: 4.9129925 out of 5
Keywords: calorie challenge, mukbang, cheat day, cheat meal, man vs food, eating challenge, eating challenge uk, food challenge, matt stonie, beardmeatsfood, beard meats food, beard meets food, beard vs food, adam moran, british competitive eater, competitive eating, eating channel, eating show, 10000 calorie challenge, 10k, massive eating challenge, huge eating challenge, 100000 calorie challenge, fitness, breakfast, breakfast challenge, biggest breakfast, english breakfast
Id: QrZdBcvqzCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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