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Beard meets food what a legend!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chase69Angel 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right it's been a while since we did anything this mad this is going to be some order but um it's about time you want to keep so uh no pressure misses beard make sure you get it right it's time oh wait you're gonna need to actually get that i'm gonna give you a list because i okay you might just want to keep keep fiddling with the screen whoa you're an expert fiddler i speak from my experience hi welcome to coverage is that right yes that's fine thank you we've got quite a few uh bits it's a large order if that's okay yeah no where's fine yep can i have um a chalupa super cream please a volcano chalupa a cheese quadzilla chicken crunchwrap supreme beef crunchwrap supreme crunchy beef taco crunchy chicken taco a soft beef taco soft chicken taco a crunchy chicken chicken taco supreme sorry crunchy beef taco supreme soft chicken taco supreme soft beef taco supreme a volcano burrito seven layer burrito nachos a beefy nacho griller yep spicy chicken griller crispy chicken taco a cheese roll-up yeah cinnamon twist churro some fries seasoned rice black beans guacamole and nacho cheese sauce anything else yeah finally can i have a strawberry splash smash smash hey we've got a lemon freeze that's all we'll do at the minute i'm afraid get a little fruit yeah yeah i love that please don't want me to bring it back to you know you've got everything probably not no we're good we're good yeah yeah it's fine thank you it's card payments only i just told mrs b my my pin number some kind of i'm a little worried now she's gonna go on some mad spending spree buy a bunch of uh quadzillas the funny thing is though the funny thing is it on the menu it's called cheese quesadilla i think that means cheese cheese snack or cheese cheesy something i think [Music] the neighbors think when they see us coming back with vast amounts of fast food like twice a week shut up and get inside all right it's been um it's been a while since i did a full fast food menu challenge even longer still has it been since uh i at taco bell they've got a bunch of new stuff since the last time i ate there but yeah this is every single item from the uh the taco bell menu the taco bell british menu so don't feel i need to go down the comments and say you're missing the super turbo nachos chicken crunch wrap supreme whatever this is everything from the the british taco bell menu and uh i'm gonna try and eat it that's that's pretty much what we do here right all right i'll uh i'll throw up account on screen and uh get the timer going um just for fun this is a bit of a warm-up before the uh the long-awaited 1 million subscriber special nobody knows what i'm going to do but uh i've got a plan in my head you excited [Music] all right let's get it going with um a soft taco why not what's up welcome back hope you're all doing fantastically well and i feel like i should warn you though this uh this video is accompanied by a rather infectious toe tap in latin groove so uh if you feel all of a sudden compelled to go out and buy i don't know like ricky martin's greatest hits don't say i didn't warn you it's not my fault don't blame me now of course i know the difference between a crispy taco and uh a soft taco i'm not really sure what makes it a supreme taco i researched it you get extra sour cream and salsa now you might be wondering why taco bell right well i think first of all i just woke up craving mexican food it's been a while since i ate mexican food but um more importantly as far as i can tell taco bell is the only fast food chain which currently has no limitation on how much you can order so mcdonald's it's like 25 quid i think burger king has a similar one but uh taco bell we called in advance they said now you can order as much as you like which you know it's handy so um i'll save a few tackles for the end because they were delicious but i'm gonna go with this burrito i don't know why i'm saying that like it's a question this burrito yeah that burrito i'm not sure what burrito this actually is it looked quite intense when i first bit into it so i was thinking maybe this is the volcano uh burrito but it's it's pretty tame so i don't know professional this is why i could never do you know just straight up mukbang videos because i don't actually know what i mean most of the time i think this was the beefy nacho gorilla i think it was good anyway jalapenos this one has a kick to it i guess this is the uh the volcano burrito it's pretty spicy it's not something i would order if i wanted to enjoy food but it's not it's not too bad yeah this is not too bad now it's worse when i get over my nose in a second [Music] oh that one got right up my nose a lot of people keep asking me why it's so long since i lasted a spicy challenge it's because whenever i eat something slightly spicy like that it reminds me of how unpleasant stuff like the tube of terror or the death nut really are all right next we got the is this the cheesy cheesy wrap just a few slices of cheese in a tortilla to be fair i think is like 89p or something [Music] i think this is from the cravings menu is like their value menu i think there we have it yet more tireless comprehensive research that's gone into this video um it is the value menu and it's 99p not 89p all right let's do a few more tacos yeah let's get on these things i don't know how these are any different to the ones i at the beginning i think these are just the regular ones i think they only have lettuce in there but i really enjoyed all the tackles not as much as i enjoyed these chalupas i'm about to eat they were something else all right i think the tacos are done now i always feel kind of bad for taco bell whenever i see one of their restaurants or drive-throughs in britain at least because they never really seem to be that full you know people typically tend to eat at mcdonald's or burger king which is confusing to me because i would i would rather eat this any day compared to mcdonald's there aren't many taco bells near me so i don't eat there often but um i mean i'm enjoying this it's good i guess this is the uh chalupa all right that is the nuts that's really nice and it's kind of like that a deep fried circle of bread with uh just beef and some cheese sauce in there and vegetables of course that's one bonus to eat that taco bell you always kind of think that you're eating slightly healthier than if you ate like a burger or something like that because there are a few uh shreds of lettuce in there and you know some vegetables some beans that kind of thing yeah i don't know what it is i think if you just eat a lot of food and some of it happens to be vegetables you feel a little bit better about yourself i don't know why these chalupas these are a bit special i'm really enjoying these yeah i feel kind of um like i let down chalupas with the the description earlier on it's you know it's a real delicacy in uh southern and some parts of central america apparently according to this uh wikipedia window i've got open while i'm watching the video but these were oh they were so good i don't know what those things oh wait now those are the uh cinnamon twists they kind of look a little bit like pork scratchings i'll leave those to the end crunchwrap yeah crunchwraps are next up and i get that i don't eat a taco bell a lot right i mentioned at the beginning of the video but i get the feeling that the crunchwrap is kind of like taco bell's equivalent of the big maccas things like everyone knows the crunchwrap right but i don't know i think relative to the chalupas i these were i don't know they were all right nothing they particularly mind-blowing i guess those are the uh quadzillas or uh whatever mrs beard called him i think she meant quesadilla this is pretty much just an extension of the uh the cheesy wrap from earlier on this is literally just cheese inside a tortilla i seem surprised by that you know the clue is kind of in the name this seems a bit tangier though so i'm not sure if there's a different type of cheese in there or some kind of sauce it's hard to tell is tangier a word i'm like i might have to look that up as well but uh these are all right the quesadillas the best part was mrs b trying to order him black beans next i can sense another explosive visit to the toilet later on [Music] much more fiber in taco bell than your average fast food meal so there's a risk with with mexican food it's a real roll of the dice you know this was you get pretty bad gas if you eat mexican food a lot you'll know that it wasn't quite in the level of the uh you know the eddie hall davy diet challenge my my bathroom was relatively unscathed afterwards i was gassy 26 minutes all right we're on to the uh the starchy stuff now and don't worry if this is nacho kind of video then uh the next restaurant challenge is coming soon i'm really starting to realize that this position in this high up it's not conducive to eating a lot right we just got the uh the fries and some of the desserts you're probably wondering why as usual i haven't used the sauce it's because i wanted to leave the uh you know the dips for uh the fries because you know i hate fries is this chocolate sauce i think it might be bonus yeah you see anything brown in my house you gotta give it a sniff test you never know but um it turned out it was chocolate sauce which is for the churros i assume anyway all right just the desserts left and i actually want to get one of each uh i think they call them freeze it's like it's like a slushie right but um i wanted to get one of each of these they do four but they only had the the lemon one um and actually two of them have alcohol in which is mind-blowing to me like a fast fast food place it does alcohol i think one was strawberry daiquiri i can't remember the other one but churros yeah i'll do these next i'm hoping this is chocolate sauce yeah i think we uh we covered that already it was chocolate sauce i also uh mix it with a little cheese in a second speaking of cheese who likes my t-shirt if you know what that's from let me know in the comments i've been thinking about it for a few seconds now and i'm gonna have to try it chocolate a little bit natural cheese [Music] together not bad a bit of a weird aftertaste but um apart from that it worked right cinnamon twists which they kind of look like prawn toast or pork like pork scratches or something yeah prawn crackers you div not prone toast anyway thanks for watching i'll catch you next one that was pretty yummy too this is baby food and that was the entire taco bell menu in 36 minutes 55 seconds [Music] it took a while but i got there and i actually i really enjoyed that that was really delicious there's that word again sumptuous scrumptious i really need to uh welcome my vocabulary anyway um hope you enjoyed it and uh yeah just another reminder to uh to get involved follow me on uh social media because the the million subscriber special which is coming very very soon uh i'm gonna need your help for so um thanks for watching and uh catch the next one [Music] didn't use the old uh squirty cream on this one
Channel: BeardMeatsFood
Views: 1,836,418
Rating: 4.9339733 out of 5
Keywords: calorie challenge, mukbang, cheat day, cheat meal, man vs food, eating challenge, eating challenge uk, food challenge, matt stonie, beardmeatsfood, beard meats food, beard meets food, beard vs food, adam moran, british competitive eater, fitness, eating channel, eating show, 10000 calorie challenge, 10k, massive eating challenge, huge eating challenge, 100000 calorie challenge, taco bell, full menu challenge, taco bell challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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