THE PINEVILLE HEIST | Action Crime Thriller | Lee Chambers | Free Full Movie

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<i>this breaking news.</i> [Voiceover] <i>As feared, the small town of Pineville</i> <i>may be heading for a tsunami of financial destruction.</i> <i>In a shocking move yesterday,</i> <i>Pineville magnate, Derek Stevens met behind closed doors</i> <i>to discuss a potential takeover bid.</i> <i>Mayor Gordon revealed that a takeover</i> <i>was bad news for the mill which employs over 58%</i> <i>of the town's working population.</i> <i>The news sparked outrage throughout the entire community</i> <i>leaving residents and business owners</i> <i>feeling helpless and abandoned.</i> [Woman on voiceover] <i>Come in Mannix.</i> <i>Got a report of a white caravan missing</i> <i>from Jerry’s lot this morning.</i> [Man on voiceover] <i>Just cleaned up a roadkill.</i> <i>I'll head over to Lundegaard’s as soon as I ditch my cargo.</i> <i>Or, I could bring by some beers and barbecue it with you.</i> [Woman on voiceover] <i>Not a chance, Mannix [laughs].</i> [Man on voiceover] <i>10-4 Laura, I’ll try again tomorrow.</i> [Voiceover] <i>May all but wipe Pineville off the State map.</i> <i>The reason behind his decision is still unknown</i> <i>as Stevens was unavailable for comment.</i> [crows cawing] [pensive music] [melancholic music] [Man] What are you reading, Aaron? - Another one? - I have the lead this time. It's Monday night. {\an1}I'm gonna be tied up with this mill situation. How's it going? {\an1}You wouldn't understand. How do you know? Because instead of taking business classes, you chose to prance around in leotards. What kind of life is that for someone anyway? {\an1}It was good enough for mom. [phone rings] [video game music from Aaron's phone] Give me the good news, Phil. You're kidding me. What the hell do you mean the mill never got the transfer? I personally made sure my funds were in the bank yesterday. [video game music from Aaron's phone] If the paychecks start bouncing, we're gonna lose everything. The whole deal will be ruined and, hold on. - [phone beeps] - Hey, come on! I'm gonna call the banks, see what the problem is. Phil! Phil, just hang tight. {\an1}I'll give you a call back. Phil, relax. It sucks. What does? Being the son of the great Derek Stevens. You know, you could show a little support here, Aaron. {\an1}Do you have any idea what I'm up against here? I'm possibly the most hated man in Pineville right now. So the last thing I need to worry about is your damn play. I'm getting tired of it, Aaron, tired. I'm tired of it too. I think we're gonna ask the driver to slow the car down so I can kick your ass out. [engine slows down] [slams door] [Derek] Ha, acting. [engine speeds up] [sad music] [birds chirping] [water flowing] [splash] [sad music intensifies] [water flowing] [ominous music] [phone beeps] You know, Gordie. {\an1}Gonna take a tour guide to find this place again. [phone beeps] Well, Jake, you don't have to worry about that. [ominous music] [Jake] So, Gordie, what's that thing do anyways? {\an1}[Gordie] It's a map, Jake. {\an1}[Jake] How is that a map? It runs on satellites, computers. I dunno why I'm telling you this. You're not gonna understand, so, {\an1}don't even worry about it. We got another hole to dig anyways. Oh, I ain't digging no more holes, it's your turn to dig a hole. {\an1}I ain't digging no hole. - Well... [sighs] - Don't sweat it. We'll find a place to stash it. But I wanna do that fancy GPFing. [Gordie] Well, when you can spell it, you can carry it. I just did. [school bell rings] {\an1}[indistinct conversations] [birds chirping] [Michael] Now cracks a noble heart. {\an1}Good night, sweet prince. [Amanda] Okay, that was good, let's try it again, but more energy. All right. {\an1}Now cracks a noble heart. {\an1}Goodnight sweet princess. [all laugh] Come on, guys. This is Shakespeare. He wrote the words this way for a reason. Keep going. Miss Becker, do we get to use real ones on Monday? These suck. Yes, Michael, you will have real swords on Monday. Let's go. [Michael] You are so busted. Keep going. I thought you took this role seriously. {\an1}I do, Miss Becker, I do, but it's not my fault, my dad made me late. [sighs] {\an1}The play is called Hamlet. You are Hamlet. So that means this whole thing rests on your shoulders. Understand? - Yes, Miss Becker. - Okay. Now, where's your book? Ah... Go and get another. {\an1}Okay, guys, from the top. Let's go. [Michael] Now cracks a noble... [door closes] [suspenseful music] Hello? Is anybody out there? All right, Aaron, quit your hollering. It's not even locked. Thanks, man. No problemo. Students? Drugs are permeating Pineville. Just as disrespect to your mothers is ripping apart the nuclear family. [sighing] What's the biggest threat to kids today? Reality TV? [laughing] Yes, miss? Facebook? - [laughing] - Come on, guys. You? - [laughing] - [Amanda] Hey! {\an1}Please continue, Sheriff. {\an1}10 million have tried it. Most users are under the age of 20. Anyone? Marijuana. Alcohol? Masturbation. - [laughing] - Aaron Stevens, office! Sorry, Sheriff. {\an1}It's a relatively new drug called methamphetamine. [voice distorting] Now, I know that Pineville High isn't known for high academics, okay? But that's all right as long as you're not using drugs. Now, you might think that Friday nights and Saturdays nights when you go out and have your little pasture parties. We know about that. We know what you do. Hey. - We know what happens. - Sheriff? Can I speak to you for a sec? [Tremblay] What are you doing here? [Carl] You need to hear this in person. [Tremblay] It better be good. The bank's been hit. What did they get away with? [sighs] Looks like four, maybe five million. [Tremblay] Shit. Any witnesses? Rosie thinks, she thinks she saw a white van parked outside the bank when she went to lunch, but that's it. Feds called yet? {\an1}Yep, they're on their way. Typical. [Tremblay] Pick up Mannix and Overley. I'm headed there now. [bell rings] Shit. You'll never guess what happened. You finally learned your lines? {\an1}Someone robbed the bank. Get out! First thing I'm gonna do is buy a Porsche. A black one. Dude, you can already get 10 as it is. I wish. {\an1}My dad put all my money in this stupid trust fund. Well, that sucks. Hey, hey, hey, {\an1}Carrera, Targa, or Turbo? {\an1}Mm, how about all three? Awesome. You know, if we find it, we should return it. Why? Because it belongs to the town. No it doesn't. It's my dad's, he deposited it. {\an1}It's not just his, dumbass, once it goes into the bank, it becomes Pineville's money. [Aaron] Whatever. {\an1}[Michael] You're an idiot. [Aaron] Banks have insurance to cover it. Yeah, but what does everyone do in the meantime? {\an1}My dad works at the mill, he has to get paid. Man, you sure know how to ruin a good thing before it even starts. You know, sorry about my dad being an ass {\an1}and closing down the mill. [Michael] It's not your fault. {\an1}It was parked right here. [sighing] Screw you! {\an1}You're wasting my time. I'm outta here. See. Wait up. [Michael] You know, you could just tell someone. [Aaron] Who? Tremblay? [Michael] No, not Sheriff, Carl. {\an1}[Aaron] Yeah, I don't know if I can trust a man who still sucks on lollipops. [Michael] It's good enough for Miss Becker. {\an1}[Aaron] What do you mean? {\an1}She's probably enjoying his lollipop as we speak. You know? [laughs] Bullshit. It's true. Bull shit. Don't believe me then. It's not my fault your girlfriend would rather do Carl than you. She's not my girlfriend, asswipe! [grunting] [ominous music] Oh, this is cool. Yeah. [Michael] Looks like a hunting camp. Hey, Mikey. Looks like they burned somebody out here! [gun fires] {\an1}- [Michael] Was that a gunshot? - [Aaron] I, I don't know. [gun fires] [Michael] Someone's coming, hide! [man] You don't have to do this man. I swear, nobody saw us. {\an1}Okay, all right, all right. [coughing] [man panting] No! I don't know where it is, I don't... No, no, no. I don't know any... [gun fires] [man grunting] [suspenseful music] Help me. Shh. [gun fires] [dramatic music] [gun fires] [dramatic music intensifies] [gun fires] [heavy breathing] You promised to have this completed over the weekend, Chuck. It's bad enough I've lost the third floor to renovations. Well, it all depends how much crap I find {\an1}up there once I get going. Once you start moving those beggars around it spreads like a bad case of rectal cancer. You know what I mean there, Mr. Parker? - Miss Becker! - Aaron? What the hell is the matter with you? The bank robbers! {\an1}What are you talking about? The bank robbers! {\an1}What are you talking about? We gotta call someone. This will get you in and out the main door. All the other doors will be chained up. {\an1}Don't lose it again, Chuck. [knocking] [door opens] Mr. Parker? What did he do now? How do we know he's not just making this up? {\an1}[Tremblay] I'm gonna take him out to the woods and make him show me what he's talking about. See if there's anything out there. [country music] {\an1}[Aaron] When we went back, we found this where the van was. {\an1}Gosh, Aaron, what were you even doing out there? {\an1}We thought we could help. I think it's through here somewhere. [country/rock music] This is it! [birds caw] He shot him right here. [Tremblay] What? He was right here. Maybe he wasn't dead. I watched him die. You have to believe me. Where were you at when this happened? Underneath the canoe. It was flipped over the other way. {\an1}Let me get this straight. You were hiding under here, you saw somebody get shot but you couldn't see who shot him? And then? I ran. Which way? And the shooter? Went after Mike. Mike! Hey, hey! Come back here! {\an1}Son, there's nothing here. Come on, let's go. I'm sure Mikey turned up somewhere. He always does. [Amanda] So? {\an1}We didn't find anything. [Carl] Nothing? There's nothing there. Wild goose chase. The kid seemed to believe there is. {\an1}There's nothing out there. {\an1}What's going on, Aaron? I don't know. {\an1}This better not be another one of your stupid pranks. Great, you don't believe me either. [indistinct chattering] All right, get in, I'm taking you back. Let's go. Amanda, you can get up front and ride with me. [car door opens] Watch your head. Soon as I drop him back off at the school, {\an1}I'll meet up with you and we'll keep searching. [car door opens] [car door closes] [country/rock music] [beeping] [beeping] [beeping] - [phone rings] - Pineville Police Department? - [Derek] Stevens. - Dad? What is it, Aaron? I just wanna let you know that I'm okay... Aaron, I'm in the middle of the robbery press conference. I don't have time for you to interrupt... [Aaron] I have your money, dad. What do you mean you have it? Where are you? At the school. {\an1}Listen, just stay there. [beeping] [Derek] Hey, Tremblay, Aaron's at the school, he has the money. You wanna send someone over to get it? Why didn't you tell me you found the money, Aaron? [Aaron] I didn't really know what to do. I just panicked. Can you handle this for now? I really do need to lock up. So where is it? I'll show you. It was right here. [suspenseful music] Jeez, Aaron. Chuck. Sorry, Miss Becker. {\an1}Have you seen a brown bag? That's your bag? It's in here. Go get it, and then get out. It's dangerous in here. [ominous music] [woman on radio] <i>Carl, please head over to Bluff's Edge,</i> <i>just had a tip in via 911.</i> {\an1}[sighs] Isn't the sheriff there? [woman on radio] <i>The sheriff is 10-7.</i> Coffee break my ass. All right, 10-4. [ominous music] [Chuck] Right under the plastic. [grunts] Holy crap. Told ya. [Amanda] Come on. [ominous music] [phone rings] [voicemail] <i>The person you're trying to reach</i> <i>is unavailable right now.</i> <i>If you'd like to leave a voice message,</i> <i>please speak after the tone.</i> Hey, it's me. I have the money. Apparently Aaron found it, and, oh, you're here. [banging on door] [door opens] Oh, I thought you were Carl. You little shit. [Amanda] What's wrong? What, what are you doing here? {\an1}[Aaron] Run, Miss Becker! [Amanda] Sheriff! Let go of me! [groans] Aaron, run! [gunshot] [bullet ricochets] [suspenseful music] Agh! Oh God. [grunting] Bitch! [ominous music] Where is he? I don't know, I think I knocked him out. [grunting] [Amanda] We gotta call Carl. {\an1}I'll call, you stay here. No! Hey! Aaron, don't go. [banging on lockers] [gasping] [dramatic music] [Amanda] Chuck? Chuck? Where are you? [gun fires] [gun fires] [gun fires] [clattering] [suspenseful music] [gun clicks] Sheriff? The bank fugitives? They're here? - Aaron! - It's me, Miss Becker. {\an1}I thought you were him. Office. I think maybe I should leave. No, it's not safe. {\an1}I'll come back and get you. [ominous music] [cellphone ringing] Hide, go! {\an1}[cellphone ringing louder] Tremblay. {\an1}[woman speaking on radio] I don't give a shit what the feds say. I've already been to the school, nobody's there. {\an1}[woman speaking on radio] I'm working on it. [sighs] [Carl] There's nothing out there. [woman on radio] <i>10-18, Carl, if you're out there,</i> <i>please pick up.</i> [Michael] They keep calling. It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you as long as you're - with me, all right? - [beeping] [voicemail] <i>One new voice message.</i> [Amanda] <i>Hey, it's me.</i> <i>I have the money.</i> <i>Apparently Aaron found it and,</i> <i>oh, you're here.</i> Shit! Buckle up. [car engine revving] [banging] Shit. [Amanda] It's Tremblay, he's crazy, he's one of the robbers. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It's true! Are you sure you're not just confused with the sheriff chasing the robber around... No! Tremblay is a robber, he wants the money. It's him! Oh, Sheriff, I was looking for you. I thought I told you to stay in your office, old man. Now go, get in there! [screams] [Tremblay grunts] Go call for help! [gun fires] [gun fires] [bullets ricochet] [car door closes] [voicemail] <i>The person you are trying to reach</i> - <i>is unavailable.</i> - Shit. You gotta help. He's got Miss Becker and Aaron. [Carl] Who? Tremblay. He's gone insane. [Carl] What happened? I know it sounds ludicrous, but after what I saw, {\an1}what he did to Miss Becker. Did he hurt her? - [Parker] I don't know exactly. - Did he hurt her? [Parker] Well, she hit him first. And then, well, I didn't see after that. [trunk door closes] Your keys. Give me your keys. Stay out here. {\an1}[Parker] Aren't you going-- Stay out here. [ominous music] This is nuts, we have to go. I have to call Carl. {\an1}But, what about Tremblay? {\an1}He could be dead or hurt, bleeding to death for all we know. [Voiceover] <i>Pineville Police Department.</i> - I can't talk. - [Voiceover] <i>Sheriff?</i> I've been hit, I've been hit! Somewhere on Beavertail Road. [Voiceover] <i>Sheriff!</i> [menacing music] [banging] [whispering] Go. [music intensifies, then stops] [suspenseful music] [clattering] [suspenseful music] [muffled sobbing] Just stop or I will bash your head in. [gasping] No! Ah! [tense music] [door squeaks] [tearing] [sobbing] Amanda? No! [sobbing] [door closes] [ominous music] Don't shoot! Don't shoot. Christ. I thought I told you to stay in the car. What the hell are you doing here? [Michael] I can help you find him. Get in here. Get in. Can I get a gun? [muffled sobbing] I just wanted to help. Carl will handle it. Let's go. [clattering] It's Amanda's room. Stay here. We're gonna stay. Mike! [tense music] [Carl] Tremblay. [Tremblay] Carl. Is that you? Don't hurt her. [gun clicks] [Tremblay] You know, Goldilocks is starting to get on my nerves. Always told you women could be trouble, Carl. She's got nothing to do with this. {\an1}Just let her go and we can figure something out. {\an1}Throw your gun in the room. {\an1}You know I can't do that. [Tremblay] Throw your gun in, Carl, and we can talk. Like two gentlemen. All right. You win, let's talk. I'm throwing it in. [gun fires] - [shotgun clicks] - No! [gun fires] [muffled sobbing] [tense music] [Aaron] Shit. [tragic music] Miss Becker? Miss Becker. [muffled shouting] Miss Becker. What happened? Are you okay? Untie me. Are you okay? I'm fine. Come, come on. Carl was here, and Mr. Parker, and there was a whole lot of shooting. No... Oh, Carl. {\an1}Look at me, look at me. {\an1}There's nothing we can do. Come on. We need to go, okay? Let's go. He's gone, he's gone, he's gone. Come on. Come on. Wait. Why aren't we going this way? I found a place to hide in the cafeteria. This way. [ominous music] This is your hiding spot, Aaron? If he shows up here, we're trapped. I'm so sorry about all this, Miss Becker. I had no idea he'd come after you. It's not your fault. It kind of is though. We wouldn't be here if I haven't taken the money. {\an1}You're just trying to do the right thing, okay? For your dad. [Aaron] My dad? Aaron. Who's running the show here? Can I get a copy of an ordinance map {\an1}so we aren't wasting time? We got to get another officer in here too. Mannix, go see what Stevens wants. What's going on here, any luck? [FBI Agent] No sign of Sheriff Tremblay, sir. {\an1}Well, this is ridiculous, why aren't you guys spreading out? [FBI Agent] We're short on manpower. The whole town is, sir. Can we get some lights in here? {\an1}I can't see a damn thing. Come on, let's go. Do you know, he's not even coming to the play on Monday. I should have just kept his stupid money. Why didn't you? What? Keep the money? Your dad's sending the whole town down the crapper anyway. [door slams] [whispering] He's here! Throw out the money. {\an1}[Aaron] I have an idea. [groans] Freeze. [tense music] Take it easy, kid. {\an1}Nobody needs to get hurt. Especially me. Give me your gun. {\an1}[Tremblay] I'm just here to serve and protect. Agh! [groans] Agh! Oh God! [glass breaks] [dramatic music] [gun fires] [glass breaks] God dammit! [Miss Becker screams] [bullets ricochet] Agh! Our only other option is for us to split up. {\an1}I'll get him to follow me. No, no, no, no, no, it's too dangerous. I'll try and get to Carl's cop car {\an1}and radio someone for help. [tense music] [door squeaks] Come out, sweetheart. Time to quit playing this cat and mouse bullshit. [music intensifies] Agh! Get back here, bitch! Now, you're gonna get me my money and I'll think-- [groaning] [Michael] Stop! Stop, please. Where's my money? I'll take you to it. Just let her go. Where is it? It's in the basement. I'll take you to it, just let her go. [ominous music] Walk backwards. Go! [mysterious music] {\an1}You do anything else stupid and I swear to God I will come back and kill her! You understand? Now, where's the money? This way. Go! Piece of shit. Where's the money? If I tell you, would you promise not to hurt Miss Becker? The only thing that bitch is gonna is a body bag {\an1}unless I get my money now. Stay there. Hey! Agh! [intriguing music] [whispering] Aaron? Who's there? I'm not scared of you any more. As soon as the police get here-- I am the law. And it's your word against mine. Who the hell do you think they'll believe? I guess I'm gonna see you in prison then. [gasps] [screaming] Chuck? [gasping] Ah! [coughing] [heavy breathing] You little dickhead. [intriguing music] [metallic banging] [tense music] Miss Becker? Miss Becker? {\an1}Come here, you little shit. [Aaron] Miss Becker. [whispering] Aaron. Aaron, Aaron. [ominous music] Wait. You have to go. I'll distract him long enough here and you can go through the library and get out. What if I can't? Carl got in, right? He must have left the side door open. Go. [Tremblay] I know you're up there. Old man Parker can't help you now, bitch. [shouting] [tense music] You think you're pretty smart, don't you. Kid, I'm getting real tired of this shit. I want the money. Both bags. Both bags? [screaming] Agh. Carl? I thought you were dead. Are you okay? [sighs] Lucky for me, Tremblay can't shoot for shit. {\an1}He did shoot you through the heart though. So did you. [metallic clinking] {\an1}Sweetheart, you're a mess. Look, it's going to take a lot more than that {\an1}to take me out, all right? A lot more. [Amanda] Okay. All right. You all right? I am. The shotgun. Oh, thank God. Empty. Pick up my jacket. Shit. [Amanda] What now? [dramatic music] Agh! [panting] Go. Go! What? {\an1}[Carl] Get out of here. [Amanda] No, no. {\an1}It's gonna be all right. He thinks I'm dead. He'll kill you. I'm not gonna let that happen. I promise. [Carls] It's gonna be all right. [Amanda] Be careful. Call for backup, please. Go. [tense music] [music intensifies] Nowhere to run now, Stevens. End of the line. Just like your old man, nothing but trouble. {\an1}[up-tempo dramatic music] [sword swooshes] [hits the floor] How do you think you're going to explain this? I don't have to. Officer Smith had this planned. Agh! {\an1}You little piece of shit. - Agh! - Wanna play dirty? - [sword swooshes] - Did you like that? [ominous music] [heroic music] [music intensifies, then stops] Okay, kid. You win. [gun fires] [groaning] [groaning stops] Are you all right? Yeah. {\an1}All right, come on, son. Did Miss Becker get out okay? She's outside waiting for us. Thanks to you. You're a hero, kid. All this because of that stupid money. Well, greed has a way of doing that to people. [echoing voice] Mr. Stevens! Mr. Stevens, up here! Aaron's in the school, he's in trouble! Mike? Here? Mr. Stevens! Go back and get Mannix, I'm going in. [Michael] Please help me, I can't get down. Pretty smart hiding it up there. [intriguing music] [ominous music] So, why do you think he did it? {\an1}Maybe because Pineville's gonna be deadsville by Christmas. So, killing everybody was just part of your twisted retirement plan? We didn't plan on killing anybody-- [box hits the floor] {\an1}[ominous music intensifies] [gun fires] Shit. [up-tempo chase music] [gun fires] Drop it. I said, drop it. That's a big gun for a little man. {\an1}You know what you're doing? Why, Carl? Because your piece of shit father left us no other choice when he decided he was closing down the mill. [Derek] Carl! Dad? You killed this town, Stevens. You know that, right? Carl, I'm saving it. What? {\an1}Carl, listen. Part of that money was used to pay for the expansion loan. The rest of it to pay the workers. Bullshit. {\an1}Put the gun down, Carl. Carl, Carl, please. It's a done deal. I own the mill outright. All I have to do is sign the papers, now please, put the gun down. I'm begging you, just take that box of cash and leave, go. {\an1}I swear to you, I promise, I will not make a call for 30 minutes. Now go. Please, Carl. You're not gonna call at all. [shotgun clicks] It's empty. It's not. {\an1}[Derek] Carl, Carl, wait! - Carl! - [guns fire] Aaron, are you okay? [Aaron] I'm okay. I'm okay. Thank God you're okay. Where's Carl? Is he still inside? [tragic music] No, no. No... [sobbing] [Mannix] I'm gonna need to get everyone's statement as to what went on exactly here tonight. When the FBI-- [Derek] Listen, listen, Mannix, give us a moment here, okay? They just went through hell. I need my purse. - Can you get my purse? - [Aaron] I'll get it. {\an1}Can I just have a minute? [sighs] [dramatic music] [FBI Agent] We only found half the money. Oh, Christ. Where the hell's the rest of it then? I got your purse. Thank you, Aaron. {\an1}Thank you for everything. [music stops] [school bell rings] {\an1}So, is your dad coming? Ah, I dunno. Right, of course. {\an1}Well, break a leg anyway. Thanks, but, don't even say that. {\an1}Do you wanna do something? Yeah, cool. [hopeful music] [coughing] He has my dying voice. And I'll tell them, with its occurrence, [coughing] more and less, which has solicited the rest is silence. {\an1}Now cracks a noble heart. Goodnight, sweet prince. [clapping] {\an1}[hopeful music continues] {\an1}[hopeful music continues]
Channel: FilmIsNow Movies
Views: 610,865
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Keywords: lee chambers, thriller, the pineville heist, the pineville heist movie, the pineville heist full movie, the pineville heist lee chambers, the pineville heist action crime thriller, action, crime, action crime thriller, heist movies, thriller movies, movies, full movies, free movies, filmisnow, filmisnow movies
Id: wN6-S6yZJxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 36sec (4536 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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