The PHIL IVEY Interview - DAT Poker Podcast Episode #100

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Reddit Comments

Thanks for posting, was a fun interview.

Had another 30 questions that we'll have to save for the next one.

Weirdest moment was just before it started and Phil came on the Zoom meeting with us. He goes "I see Adam Schwartz" and I instantly think Phil Ivey knows my name wtf then I realize he's reading it from the video feed

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/ASchwartzpoker 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

New interview with Phil Ivey. It starts around the 20 minute mark. It’s so rare to see a long interview with Ivey that I thought I’d pass it along.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ficklesgp 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man I'd listen to Daniel and Phil shoot she shit on old stories for hours. Phil is way more chill than I ever thought he'd be after watching his poker fir years.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AGiantPlum 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Have you ever used a solver? No, but apparently I should.”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ljfe 📅︎︎ May 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Daniel "Things have changed"
Phil "Yeah, you have hair now"

I know I'm paraphrasing but I just love the needles forged in years of degeneracy that these guys break out.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/missourifats 📅︎︎ May 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome everybody to that poker podcast episode 100 uh we made it i'm your host hey schwartz uh it is may 2nd 2021 uh alongside producer extraordinaire with the vancouver grizzlies the retro hat on rosco p coltrane that's right i don't even have my drops right i'm too excited need your steve francis jersey as well uh for a little little big country ooh we can't even there's by the way mentioning big country there's a great documentary i think on youtube about finding big country and going to track him down brian reeves for anybody who is i'm sure this is boring everybody but it's it's a great story a guy from oklahoma came up to vancouver and and ended up playing a bunch of years but then you know he's back on a farm and enjoying his life in oklahoma anyways sorry uh uh we introduced ross terrence chan in uh the hinterlands terence how are you good i i wish i had uh won my seattle supersonics app uh would have fit in nicely but um yes we made it to 100 unlike that old show we quit at 4.99 we actually made it to 100 and uh we're gonna have the goat so i think things are good right daniel you got your oakland golden seals jersey on what the hell is that what the opening woolen seals from the from the nhl what team did the golden seals become is the question i don't know that is a good question the kansas city scouts became the devils i have no idea no like 99 of people are going what the hell are you all talking about i'm excited it is show 100 we promised the people for a very very long time that we get phil ivey and i'm knock on wood that you know this [ __ ] that's what that's what happens and he gives us a little bit of time so i'm excited about that good to catch hopefully you know good to catch up with our man and uh yeah so excited uh phil's gonna you know it's awesome to get an opportunity to interview him thanks so much daniel um and but let's get out to a couple of things right off the top before we get there um the first is high stakes dual part gear with uh our man here daniel lagrande versus phil hellmuth uh i believe may 5th i want to say is that right daniel yeah on poker go i believe 5 p.m east 5 p.m eastern yeah i think 5 pm e i don't know 5 p.m or 5 p.m our time i don't know yeah 5 p.m something but check it out on poker go and uh yeah we're going to be playing round two same format double basically double the chips so you know we start with 100k rather than 50 in the blinds double and i you know i expect things to go about the same the poker shares line has me right around the same amount of favorite like one minus 165 or something like that which i think is um i think actually i'm i was a better bet in round one than round two because my exploits were you know very very effective in you know getting him down and with very little risk and i would imagine he's going to try to make some adjustments i don't know how successful that will work for him but you know you would have to imagine if he watched that and he saw what happened to him in this match he's going to go holy smokes i need to make some adjustments or you know it's it's you know it's difficult to just depend on hitting you know every river for about two three hours so i feel good about it i'm excited i will come in prepared i won't toy with my food this time if you will you know when i get them down to like 3 000 i'm not gonna just like goof around i'll just finish the job so double the chips right i'm curious are the blinds the same so we're playing twice as deep at the start no no same exact structure basically like i said i mean i mean they just double everything you know well yeah it's gonna take about i i think this one will be shorter hopefully i can finish him off in the three hours do you think phil will learn anything by round one and you know i think most poker players would watch the tape and go well geez daniel picked me apart a little bit here at the start maybe i'll do something different it strikes me that phil might not really care too much about well no so i know he watched it i know he watched it all and i know that he's likely saw some things that he's gonna try to you know you know adjust to but here's the thing this is where this is where if he understood game theory or like you know went down the road of actually daniel he invented game theory right well what he could do then is he could like look at what i did because i was playing exploitative right he could look at what i did and actually come up with a plan to exploit me right i just don't think he has the fundamental idea of like he's going to do it his own way i feel like in the film hellmuth way he's like i'm going to start doing this more or that more but in terms of like a dedicated fundamental idea of how to exploit someone like that's what that's what i worked on with my guys you know what hybrid right we learn game theory right and then we see okay these are flaws that our opponent is making or at least we perceive them to be so what is the best counter strategy what are the best range adjustments what are the best expo because actually something funny that i don't know if we talked about it in the uh against doug but like there were some things that we felt in uh in terms of his defense against four bets we we according to our you know theory we thought there was an exploit there so we created ranges that were specific not just like the gto range but an exploitative range right so an exploit range and when at the end of sessions you know he we would you know send a screenshot off of our you know account balance so that we can keep track of how it's going and one time i took a screenshot and i sent it to him what i didn't realize is the screenshot i sent them right on top of it was the exploit ranges we were using oops said to throw those in the garbage real quick you know but uh yeah so anyway point being is um anybody watching that like i'm sure you guys could formulate a plan if you saw the things i was doing in this match you would think of ways in which you can exploit the hell out of me right the question is is this something that he can do for the first time in his life in such a drastic way i don't know and also listen i'm going to come prepared too i'm expecting him to make adjustments like i'm expecting him to try some more things to get aggressive right and uh so i won't play you know as exploitatively as i did in the first match how much have you been studying and obviously it's been a little bit and i don't know that you know you're going to forget or little or anything in the time period it's been whatever three weeks a month um do you think you are gonna work on it a little bit here in the next couple of days you're just gonna let's go no like so for the first match i did study i watched his matches with antonio and stuff like that and picked up some stuff um but since then and like i was it was so easy right like it worked like my strategy was so easy like i get it okay all these idiots in the chat are like you lost bro blah blah blah like you you don't understand poker if you thought that was even remotely close right like even when he started coming back like mike mattis was oh you dominated the first half and he dominated the second line but did he he hit he didn't even get value you know he made a flush he made two pair he made it straight he made you know all these kind of hands but it wasn't like oh wow you know he was really like dominating me in any way he just was catching you know the deck right so i felt like throughout the match again the only adjustment that out that i will make is i won't you know i won't toy with him so much because i took the exploits when he was short here's what he did normally he's not the type of guy that when he gets short that he just says yolo let's get it in right withdraws right he just doesn't typically do that he was deflated in this match so he started doing that which he doesn't usually do like going all in with the queen six of clubs with the queen jack suited he was just like it was like that moment where he's like what i'm he this is what he's actually quite good at heads up matches and i will i will give him credit for this he comes in with a strategy right typically and if that doesn't go well he will switch it up like he will say screw it what i'm doing isn't working i'm going to try something completely new right um that actually does increase variance and gives him a better better chance you know to win which again if he was chip leader and he's winning well he he won't play these draws aggressively like we saw a hand against antonio he folded a straight flush draw on the turn like a open-ended straight flush draw on the turn he folded to it he just checked folded the turn right so the feel the feel how make you get when he's got good when he's leading versus the one that's stuck is different the one that's stuck is more desperate more zoom zoom mode the one that's ahead you know tries to stay patient and waits for you to give him the chips if you will but like i already know this stuff about him so i don't know i feel like again i feel like uh he's going to try to make some adjustments i just don't think it's going to be enough to uh overcome like his you know expected value deficit in this match so uh if you win uh do you expect well if he wins you you are going to challenge him for his third match for the 200k match you've said you're never gonna quit him um if he wins he i don't think they'll be in third match is that right no this is if he wins sorry if you win yeah here's what he was so funny to me i was like it was so obvious that he was like almost begging we were on the no gamble no future podcast together and he's like yeah yeah so how about you see how about we make an agreement where whoever wins uh this is the last one i was like [ __ ] no like why would i do that you think i would like lose be stuck 150 and be like nope nope not going to try to get even in this one insane right like i would rather he's an intelligent guy and he knows you're never going to accept that you've stated you'll never quit him why would he say that because he's hopeful he was hopeful like i don't think that he enjoys playing against me like i think he had fun against antonio or whatever but i don't think he enjoys it as much with me because you know different vibe like i call them out in a different way and part of what i do and i mention this to the guy it's like you know people might have seen the way i was acting towards phil hellmuth oh he's being mean he was being condescending i'm like we're talking about phil hellmuth here not some 12 year old little girl who's this innocent child this is the person that called me a [ __ ] idiot for making a totally standard call who called [ __ ] terence i don't know what he called you what did he call you moronic [ __ ] ironic [ __ ] like this is a guy who's for 20 years has berated people and smashed people so i give them a little back a little bit more or whatever and all of a sudden i'm like the big bad bully who's being mean or rude give me a break you know i would not do this to eric seidel if i was playing him you know if i was playing jason [ __ ] we would maybe have some fun but i would not go that route but this is phil hellmuth like you call a three though with king nine of diamonds and he calls you a [ __ ] idiot like what the [ __ ] you uh you were trying to get some side action uh how did that go did you uh i got something i was able to get some i was able to get some um like i said i laid 150 in the first match i tried to offer a little bit more to the players that the people that got it before they didn't want it they just they really didn't like the bet anymore but i was able to get some um so yeah so it's gonna be worth a lot more to me financially than him and uh hopefully that goes well and then right after that after the phil hellmuth match i will be playing because there is the new poker go tour which is kind of a cool initiative where and i heard the guys on the fives talk about this and they sort of i think they missed the point they were like well how do these wpts and all these other smaller events not count the whole point of it is it's a high roller tour right so all 10ks and above count right you know i mean there's already systems and ranking systems for global poker endings or rankings or whatever that incorporate all this is specifically just for high rollers and it's already sort of i started which feels a little unfair because i didn't know maybe i would have played but um it's a point system thing throughout the year world series of poker events count all 10ks mixed games and stuff like that so i'm gonna jump in there on and play four of them there's two 10ks and two 225ks and uh i'm going to give it a shot i'm i'm i'm looking forward i think it's going to be a masked up situation with uh i don't think plexiglas at the poker go but it's whatever who cares at this point i'm vaccinated but i feel safe but it'll be fun it'll be really cool let's see how uh stamina wise i'd be able to do playing you know four or five days in a row like i haven't done and who knows how long uh all right moving on the uh 2021 world series of poker online bracelet events that gigi poker were announced the events themselves weren't announced but the schedule was uh announced 33 events um this year uh on gg poker for the international uh crew uh that's down from 54 last year um and that mirrors the 33 that are the world series of is having for the people in nevada and new jersey um and so the first thing that jumps out at me is you know obviously uh whatever 21 less events um this year than last year on gg and i'm guessing daniel i'm sure you probably had some discussion about this but um with it within the company but is that more because okay we're having a live event this year there's going to be a whole bunch of live bracelets maybe we'll tone down the uh the the online bracelet uh because you know people have an outlet for it well you know that's one possibility but ultimately i think like you just don't need that many right because within the gg series for example you're going to have your you know prestigious bracelet events but it's not like those that want to play events don't have stuff to play there's always side events and there's always events associated with it and then in addition to that you know you're going to have those phase events that you want to bolster so there's something to be said about when you know you have like you know fewer events they're all going to be more well attended you would expect um you know and all do better as a whole but uh yeah i mean listen like you said it could be a function also of the fact that there is now going to be a live event this year um but overall i would imagine that you know i think for gigi we prefer running like 30 rather than 60 it just makes more sense across the board um and the breakdown of the events are probably similar to last year or yeah the schedule hasn't come out but you know you would imagine the way gg does things we made the guinness book of world records for uh you know last year's we had the 25 million guarantee which is the largest and we had the guinness come out and do you know they verified it guinness book um record so you know they said at 25 million i thought that was nuts i lost money you know against you guys betting on the under i didn't think it would hit the cap but what will they do this year it won't be i imagine it wouldn't be less than 25 million so what does that leave you know i don't know man these guarantees are getting wacko but uh that's the one thing that i guess i guess i appreciate about gg is that ever since the get-go you know when we started with the gg masters which is a freeze-out event you know when you have a freeze-out event with no re-entry it's tough to put a guarantee out there because you need individual people to spend one bullet you can't hit your guarantee by people just rebuying right and they set these crazy guarantees for gg masters we missed it the first week missed it the second week and they're like let's make it bigger oh it's like you guys are nuts and it worked because now you know it's a half a million dollar guarantee in that one and there's some you know other gg masters that are a little bigger and smaller associated but like yeah they they go for it you know that's one of the reasons i think gg was able to rise so quickly is they have the guts to do the things that they believe is are right and you know most of us will appreciate it if some people don't like it we understand that you know what i mean but they're going to do what they think is best for you know the uh ecosystem the company and its growth i'd actually argue maybe that the the 25 you know you're saying it'll be more than 25 million guarantee it's even more aggressive when you consider like the 2021 climate and when this stuff is gonna happen like you know last year we had the pandemic we were all locked down at home we were all gonna play online poker because we had nothing else to do but now you know vaccination rates stuff going up you know hopefully uh the pandemic starts starts to wane or end in many countries so now like you're running this event you know where the weather is good in most parts of the world you know people just want to get outside do stuff spend time with friends they haven't been able to do that like a year and would you be like a year and a half at that point it's it's arguably even more aggressive and and if i were like a gg executive you know i might be the kind of guy that said like maybe let's maybe take something off so they're they are really going for it this year well i don't know man like downsizing just has a bad like i remember john duffy actually which is not a thing i noticed this is a trend right where you know you you work for a company or whatever and like instead of promoting your own you your strategy is to you know attack others right which i don't think is the way to go personally but john you know i remember when stars they had their barcelona event and uh they put out a guarantee the next year for the barcelona event that was a smaller prize pool than the one that they already had before which kind of like you know if you're gonna do it anytime you downsize it sends kind of a like uh you know a bad message so i wouldn't imagine you know they would make it smaller necessarily but again i'm just saying that it's it's pretty ballsy to like even even if they just put up the same guarantee it's pretty ballsy considering the circumstances around people stuck in their houses is not what it was you know this time but yeah but ultimately the thing of the point i want to make with that is like with gg poker we just focus on the fact that like we focus on our software we focus on our product we focus on what we can offer people and i you know i welcome the competition it's great to have you know different sites and different options for people but like well i'm gonna focus on you know spreading the message of like why gg is a good place to play rather than why other places aren't so the interesting thing and we talked about this on the podcast a few shows ago was when we were talking we're throwing around the number for the main event of the world series this year the freeze out the 10k freeze out um and we i think you know we discussed a number of about 10 000 entrants and i know the the donnie and the other guy over at pocket fives are talking about you know where they think it's gonna come in at and um you know now that we have and i noticed this because they are running online satellites to the main event of the world series uh on you know and gg as well i believe so that is going to you know that's that's a big big jump for for those numbers and when you start thinking about how many people are going to play if you look at the world poker tour event that just happened in florida um with eight-handed tables with plexiglass they they blew the numbers out of the water because of the pent-up demand that people have been sitting around and waiting in their house to play some live poker and you wonder about the world series of poker in the main event and where we're going to go and now we add in online satellite for these things it can get pretty crazy yeah no question about it i mean they're also having a fourth day again for you know because you know they went from day one a b and c there's gonna be a day one d again and that's partly i would imagine you know maybe uh thoughts of like uh protocol for covid but also just you know expectations that it's gonna be massive yeah so august 1st to 12 uh to september 12th is the gg series dates uh for the 33 events um so uh get fired up for there get your get your bankrolls uh up over at gg and and you can splash around trying to win a bracelet uh currently if you want to play some uh world series of poker themed uh events uh at gg right now they have the world series of poker super circuit series going on with a hunt am i reading this right daniel 100 million in guarantees this is not or circuit series and you know not that it's less or anything but the buy-ins are smaller this is a these are circuit events the main event itself has a 525 buy-in with a 5 million guarantee on it i mean this is nuts it is it really is crazy like i said you know when i first came on the company and looking at where they were at to see where they're at now and just the aggressive guarantees and um you know i guess the support really from like the folk community because obviously people enjoy playing on it there's that's that's why we have such great numbers and uh you know they continued out through themselves and you know certainly proud of uh the job they've done that's may 1 30. so that's uh starting right now um the day ones for the main event are may 23rd to may 29th so um again if you want to play tournament poker it's it's popping off right now um all right there's a ton of other stuff guys that that we could get to uh in the poke world but we are very happy to be joined by uh mr phil ivey for our 100th episode uh celebration as it were um and uh we'll we'll try and get to there's like i said about the wt florida there's a bunch of stuff going on in poker we can talk about we'll do that on the next show um but uh right now we're gonna throw it uh to an interview uh with mr phil ivey um and uh hope everybody enjoys it you know we've been hosting this uh or we've been doing this podcast here for for a couple of years and i think somewhere in the 30s or 40s one of the listeners said hey when you guys get to episode 100 why don't you try and get phil ivey on the show so you know we've been uh nudging daniel for uh about a year and a half to try and see if he could line it up so we're lucky enough uh now to be joined by uh the one and only mr uh phil ivey for episode 100 phil thanks so much for making some time and uh coming in here and answering our dumb questions appreciate it a lot all good all good i i just want to start off by saying that it wasn't very difficult to get me on the show all day you had to do was message me so you know let let the fans know he didn't hold on message phone number he didn't really put much of an effort into getting on his show do i go with phil ivey one phil ivey newest feel like he knew once because he changes his phone he loses his phone every four days or so i got 15 numbers in here for still living you mean to tell me i had to wash your car all day for for a year for nothing uh well so let's start off we've got tons of stuff uh to ask but um why don't we start off with what's happening now phil so um you know you've obviously been playing poker in asia for a few years and and just wondering what your sort of life for your day-to-day life looks like now my day-to-day life is pretty boring i would say um the last year i've been really just kind of working on myself i've been doing a lot of yoga i've been doing some meditating golfing you know spending time with family um that's it really i mean there's not really much there's not really much to it you know i'm looking forward to poker starting back and um you know getting back out there again but not not not really uh much to my life not much in macau anymore or over in asia what are you doing over there well there's no um i haven't been able to travel right um so you know um i haven't been over there in like over a year a year and a half maybe so you know i mean when that opens back up i'll go over i think i can go over to hong kong but i think i have to um i think it's like a 21 day quarantine in a room or something like that so i'm just going to wait until a little bit better of a situation are the games still going over there or have you got reports and it's all it's all still flying i think there's some games going in macau uh now but not like um super big action but there's some there's some going on over there uh so just staying on that topic for for a second i'm curious what the the progression of what it was like for those games i mean obviously when you first went over and i'm guessing and but the games must have been just fantastic poker was new uh these guys like to gamble and and that seemed to be the biggest games in the world versus sort of you know the last time you're over there how the games progressed have they gotten really really hard are they different now it's short deck what uh what would you say the problem now is mostly short deck over there because um you know the uh inexperienced players have much much better chance of short deck you know it's a lot more volatility but um when i first went over to macau i mean players were just like they were playing super big and they were just kind of learning how to play you know those guys are uh those guys are very smart so they got they caught up pretty quickly you know like um you know because they basically just played nolan and hold them so a lot of those guys have caught caught up but the games were like i mean it was it was incredible it was like almost some of them didn't even know really the rules you know yeah yeah there was there was one guy asking if a flush piece is straight you know it was like really i couldn't believe it you know so and in a ridiculously high game he doesn't know the rules yeah he just said just came he just came sat down he was playing bacharach so there was a poker game sat down and you know was asking you know and was asking the rules wow that's incredible i mean yeah i'm sure there's some great stories about uh you know the size of the games and the play over there did was there a lot of other than yourself was there a lot of north american players maybe that came over to play in them or or was it probably too hard for them to get in you got in probably because hey it's still ivy yeah i mean it was a there was a uh uh some players they had like some open games too you know that were pretty good that they that that um uh you know randomly people would pop into the games you know now and again um you know you just had to get there early and kind of get there early and wait around you know and you just wait around for for someone to sit down and play but um you know there was like lots of opportunities uh for me over there which was you know pretty nice i remember you did an interview and you're talking about how amazed you were by the fact that those guys could play for three days straight or four days straight like they were just poker playing machines and you know i guess what's the longest you saw somebody play and did you find yourself stretching the boundaries of your ability to play for long periods of time back then you know i've been lucky that i i've been lucky my whole life that i've been able to stay up a really long time um but yeah it was amazing to me the stamina that these guys had over there i mean they were it was nothing for them to play for three four days at a time you know they but um i i found out the secret later they had just like this tea that was like you know i drank this tea i i felt like i was gonna have a heart attack so it was like yeah it was like they were drinking this like special tea that they had and they were like so like yeah it was like a pretty big uh pretty big advantage that they had uh yeah it's like russian gas in the uh so uh let's go back to a little bit to the early sort of career um and a little bit later i've got sort of a phil ivey myths or legend or truth or fiction type thing of all the stories that have gone around about you and the poker community for a long time we'll get to that but uh specifically back to the the taj mahal in atlantic city right so that's where you started out playing um putting in those long hours you were talking about um and uh i believe you were underage if that's right you got some fake id that you were jerome graham it was the was the guy that you were pretending to be is that right yeah i was going down there pretty young i mean i think i started like around 15 16 years old wow you know yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not recommending that but that's that's that's just my story uh and then you got the nickname no home jerome i'm wondering if uh that obviously tied to your fake id but um also that uh there were some times maybe where you went broke or missed the last bus and you slept on the beach is that yeah i slept i i there was there was a few nights where i missed the last bus uh you know getting back to uh um getting back to north jersey and um you know i had to sleep outside you know i slept outside under the boardwalk and um yeah yeah yeah stepped outside a couple times i would say maybe like i mean i didn't make a habit of it but you know maybe five six times i was like you know you know i went broke quite a bit back then yeah yeah no kidding huh no kidding i only broke it quite quite a bit i want to ask you about your early life because i've read um that you know your grandfather was a big influence on you and he was the one who taught you to play poker taught you five card stud and obviously a big influence on your life do you think do you think you're a poker player because of him um does you know was that the big influence and what other influences did you have when you were growing up um you know my grandfather was definitely my my uh my idol growing up i would say like you know like he was um um he was like kind of the leader of the family you know i grew up in a house with like 17 people in it you know and it was like his house and um you know he golfed he had like a a dry cleaning business he was just like kind of the go-to guy everybody went to in the family so when you know you know anytime i got the chance to spend time with him i would you know so he taught me how to play poker you know he pulled out a penny jar when i was like eight years old seven eight years old and um you know i started playing right away and i just love to play i love to play games love to play cards and um every chance i got you know to play with him i would but then i just took a break for like seven six seven years i didn't really play much and then uh i played again when i was like 14 years old you know so was gambling like always a part of your childhood uh yeah you know i played i played dice on the streets we played craps in a game called celos the east coast it's a three dice game so like you know i i play that like all the time you know so i you know i learned about gambling and about kind of like odds right away and like you know what was a uh you know what would make me a favorite and things like that oh speaking of craps because i got a question because i remember way back in the day when we were in atlantic city and i met you around then you would say because you would play craps and you won like 17 out of 18 days and i was worried i'm like i don't know phil about this crap so you and you said don't worry don't worry i have a 200 limit where i can't lose more than two hundred dollars a position and that limit became 500 at one point i'm just curious did that limit get any bigger over the years yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i said i i said a lot of things back i meant them too when i said it you know but you know it didn't uh it didn't really work out like that no you hear adam he's frozen sorry i think i i i take his question what does that say in the background daniel what is that got man to put that up there you mean the woman with the the martini glass you know she's got you know she's got her uh she's got a couple little fetishes huh he likes her art i'll take adam's questions he wanted to ask you so when you start playing the taj you know were you were you a favorite in the game right away like did you did you pick it up quick i mean everybody thinks of you as this like poker prodigy and you know you just got got god's gift to play cards but was that is that true or you know was i was was our favorite nose game it's tough to say um i would say by the time i got up to like the 75 150 level i was a favorite in those games but i probably was not a favorite in the 400 800 games you know um because every time i got a hold of some money i would play the 400 800 and i would just go broke and have to go back down to 75 150 or 30 60 and build it back up so um i would say that was like kind of like a you know i just wasn't i wasn't good enough to beat those games at that point in time um you know but i i would say that you know those five ten games you know those smaller games i probably was a favor right away um even though like you know it wasn't like it was just you know i just paid attention to what everybody was doing you know i think a big actually a pivotal moment in my poker was when daniel came to town and he won that tournament you know and i um um i watched him play the final table i watched a lot a lot of the hands that he played at the final table and and i realized how many hands he was playing and i was like wow ah okay maybe i need to change some things around you know because i was playing i played pretty tight back then you know so like actually i play really tight do you remember do you remember huh it's surprising that you ever played tight because you go i mean i remember when you started playing stud like you just never folded oh i'm talking about holding i played pretty tight holding when i first started because i i just didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on excuse me i didn't know what was going on you know so when you when you went broke in those big games did you know people were was it you got staked back in the games like people recognize all this kid's pretty good like i should back him or what was the deal um i usually kept a little bit i usually kept a little bit like you know like say like i had like i build up a bankroll like 50 000. i usually keep five and ten thousand just play smaller again when i you know when i when i when i went broke but um you know i did get some help along the way here and there of course but i usually kept a certain amount and i didn't really mind going broke it never really bothered me you know never really bothered me starting over playing you know i i just always was like so incredibly grateful i was playing poker for a living that you know every day was just like i mean i i just was very happy just to be playing poker for a living you know so it never really bothered me going broke and i think that actually helped me because you know like i never really was afraid when i got in those bigger games and stuff like that but uh phil what was your relationship or how has it changed with the world series of poker specifically so you know over the years obviously there's you've uh you've won a bunch of bracelets and and you know some people in the poker world uh prioritize playing in world series of poker events and winning bracelets and and um you know having that is their goal and others uh are just in it to win money like how how has have you changed or do you feel sort of the same way you did right from the start you know i i still love the world series of poker like it's you know definitely my favorite group of events i just um you know had some personal things that i needed to deal with the last couple years so that i was not really able to you know give my attention and energy towards it um but you know i look forward to playing you know those events in the future and stuff when they when they come back and um you know i will prioritize it i mean obviously if i have something more meaningful going on you know if i have some family issues or whatever i you know i i put things have had a poker now that uh you know i don't put poker is not number one in my life anymore you know like more you know my mental health and physical health and you know my family you know and things like that i like i i prioritize those things what do you do with your mental health and physical health specifically to improve yourself what are the things that you do you know i do a lot of yoga i i you know i meditate daily um you know um i try to be of service to others you know the bet in the best way that i can um you know i spend time with my family so is it fair to say feel like because like when you when you talk about that now sounds a lot different from what i remember like 10 years ago right so like what like what would you say what would you say is like different about your life now versus like back in the day when you know [ __ ] was crazy i'm older i would say you know like that that's i don't know about wiser but i'm definitely older you know and um you know i spend a lot of time um i spend a lot of time chasing feeling good let's just say let's just put it mildly you know um you know and um you know i don't have you know i just live a different life now you know i'm much more happier much more content with you know my life today i you know it's funny that you put it that way because i watched the interview you did with bear greenstein and you know he you know you talked a little bit about how you talk about chasing being happy you told him that you know you used to think that having a lot of money and buying lots of things and having all the stuff would make you happy at some point did it just sort of hit you like another question like these aren't the things that make you happy or was it yeah the thing is like you know like my you know i grew up very modestly i grew up with nothing basically you know and um you know you know i made money my god you know i made money my god and you know once you acquire these things you get you know you get a hold a bunch of money you realize that's not to answer you know and you know i was just never it was never satisfying always wanted more i always wanted more i always wanted more and it's just you know you just hit a limit where you just kind of like tap out and you just realize that's not the answer so you just for me i had to you know start searching for other ways of you know finding i guess contentment or happiness or whatever whatever words you want to use you know and um you know now i have much more balanced life and um what's it is that a hand up oh sorry yeah that was just me i was going to say something after you're done that's our little zoom call oh okay no i was going to ask is like so what's interesting about what you said right he's like because i know you're always chasing the money right and big money but at the same time you're sitting here in a freaking 400 1500 like no limit hold them even at the world series of poker so like i know you love the grind the world series of poker right and then you know we sort of asked this question before i'm curious like as you've gotten older has your like legacy in terms of the world series of poker and bracelets and all that has that changed does it mean more to you or just or less um at one point it meant at one point it meant a lot now i am just if i have an opportunity to play the world series of poker i'm like stoked you know like it's great um will it change like my legacy like in my mind no like if i win if i don't win another event that's okay you know if i win 10 more events that's great you know that's the way i mean that's just the way i uh you know it is for me you know like i don't i don't really give much thought to that you know i try to stay in the moment you know try to stay like here and now and you know and that's just well there is one guy there's one guy ahead of you embrace the count right and he he specifically i okay so he said if i asked you this you'd say what what this so he asked he said to me if you ask phil ivey who's a better no limit holden player me phil hellmuth or or phil ivey what would phil what would what would phil ivey say i don't i mean what do you i mean what do you mean what would i say about what like is like in like tournaments either one you pick you answer the question everyone but i i he said to me he says you know i said do you think you're better than phil ivey he goes if you ask phil ivey he'll tell you i'm better than him so curious i don't know i don't know oh come on you don't know politically correct here what do you mean i i i don't know i mean i would have to play him right i mean i've never really played phil hellmuth you know i played him in tournaments and stuff like that do i think like if if uh you know would i bet on myself first him in a tournament yes i would well let me just say this i'm glad to see that like with all the changes in your life that you still got the hustler in you because because i said what phil ivey would say is this he's like he'd be like i don't know you know hey you never know anybody can win and sit down at the table i mean great player so uh but i'll tell you what i mean if i have to all better myself i'll give it a shot i'll give you a little call daniel just up in here blowing up your spot like then daniel comes on this podcast like two weeks ago and just says yeah i'm late i'm late i'll lay like minus 170 on this like short on this like freeze out oh we lost him you're good can you hear me yeah we're back yeah my phone ran out of battery i had a feeling which phone phone six uh phil i want to go back to speaking of the world series i want to go back to the 2009 uh world series of poker main event that the final table that you made you know obviously every poker player wants to make the final table the world series poker wants to win the win the final table um you know two guys here have done that or have made the final table but um i wanted to ask you looking back on it now if there's anything uh that you would do differently rather in preparation or any of the hands that came down at that final table do you do you like the way you approached that final table and played it out well i i didn't really i never really prepared for anything back then to be honest you know like so there was really no preparation or anything like that um do i like the way i played now there was some i made i made some mistakes sure um i made some mistakes again um there's always you know there's always i mean there's every every time i play poker there's always something i would have done differently you know looking back at it so but yeah it was it was a it was a hell of an experience i tell you that it was like you know that poker was really blooming back then yeah that final table is crazy obviously uh darvin and and all the personalities that were there i think the moment that stuck out for me and for most people phil was like you were in a pot for all the chips right and most people are like come on baby hold the phone and you were just chewing on an apple that was the best i love that apple like was that like you just saying yo no big deal like was that an intimidation thing or you just being you i don't know i was hungry i mean not really much to it you know not not really much to it i don't know the one hand i wanted was the jacks i think you've pulled the jacks to antoine so sevens is that one of them yeah yeah yeah yeah i had a live tail that was wrong oh interesting and that's all to it really you know um yeah okay that that that that's all to it you know not really not really much to it can you talk about the tell now that you're never going to play antoine so again no you know hash bad memories yeah yeah i don't remember exactly what it was but it was okay well you are you are obviously uh you know famous for reading people and stuff and you know that tends to make people scared of you a little bit at the table you know you crafted this this intimidating presence you you probably the best presence of all time in poker is you know how much of it was this is something i'm going to work on i'm going to be kind of scary and intimidating and enigmatic table how much it was it was just like hey people seem to be scared at me i'm gonna run with it i never even i never even gave it a thought of being scary or intimidating or anything like like that you know like this is what people tell me this and i'm like whoa wait a second you know like really when i first heard it i'm like really you know like you know but then when i look at myself on tv i'm like oh okay yeah i i kind of can see it now i am pretty intense you know but i i just always been intense like that like when i'm competing and stuff like that it's always like put it's just me putting my energy in and focus into it and it comes off that way you know i'm not like they're like thinking oh i'm gonna intimidate this guy or i'm gonna like you know scare this guy that's not even in my thought process yeah but you must know that you know after the years people play differently against you because of it and you know if you can share a little like how have you been able to sort of take advantage of of the idea that like some amateur is playing in like a fifteen hundred dollar world series event it isn't a pot against you like how do people tend to react like what are they you know they they all react differently some people try to some people wanna wanna get in there and bluff some people play a little bit more timid you know um each one you gotta you kind of got to fill out each each what each one's um you know how they see you you know what i mean so like each one's different it's not like some overall thing like okay this guy you know i could just like run over you know what i mean i mean i think i think i think i think people i think people view it like that i think people a lot of people feel like okay well phil's gonna be able to do this against him and uh uh you know like they're just going to come and just give their give their chips to him because it's phil ivey and blasey bob but it's not really like that you know once in a while i get some gifts yeah yeah i'm wondering phil so like we've been around for a while you know me and you like 20 years or whatever and poker's evolved and it's like you know it's gotten tougher in a lot of ways and whatnot and i've got hair now huh you got hair now i don't i got hair yeah it flipped flipped i got important unless a whole bunch of [ __ ] changed but i'm wondering like so like do you think about you know like because there's all these super high roller tournaments 25k 100k 300ks and i know you've played a little of if you haven't played a ton but like is that something that's in your kind of idea of like something you want like how do you feel like you stack up against some of the best you know nolan players now that play these tournaments um i don't know we're just going to have to find out i think i mean i just i don't know you know i mean i've done very well in high rollers up until you know now in my lifetime like i'm so so far so good you know so so far so good in those high rollers but like do you spend much time studying the game at all or just like you just have a feel i don't i just play but i i i'm gonna start studying i'm gonna start studying and like put some you know time and energy into it you know i just um um haven't really it hasn't really been my priority you know what are you a solver have you got have you done any of that stuff no i have not but apparently i should i don't know maybe maybe not but i want to actually go back a little bit here and ask daniel because you guys were talking about you know when you guys are playing against amateurs and playing in tournaments and sometimes they'll gift you your chips and i'm curious daniel what you think the difference is between people react to you versus uh phil ivey or you know and other players that maybe i want to answer that question for you real fast i'm gonna jump in i think daniel gets a little bit more than i do because uh daniel's much more vocal so because he's more vocal he gets more out of people and he gets more reactions he's able to play off of that i mean i can be vocal i just don't have the energy for it you know like it's like a lot of it's a lot of work for him it's like natural i would say like it's natural he's just much more talkative than i am you know what i mean to whereas i kind of like going to a shelling and i like kind of like just like paying attention to everything and like kind of like being to myself when i play usually yeah i would say the biggest difference is like generally when i'm at the table like i guess i'm somewhat naturally but like he said just trying to make people more comfortable and i think when phil ivey's at the table just naturally his presence makes people hell uncomfortable and people make mistakes either way like against alive they're just scared and then they level themselves and i think like i've watched i did a video on it i broke down a hand you played where i don't name the person but like they called you with like two sevens when you check raised the river all in it was like ace king 10 and i'm like they were just like in another there's no man's land because it's like the phil ivey effect right where they're just like oh my god it's philadelphia he's the greatest you feel like because i remember too when i grew up playing against these big players i thought they were doing all this kinds of crazy advanced [ __ ] right like did you have that same sort of epiphany with poker where like you realized some of the big names when we were growing up they were just like they're just people you know they're just human there weren't like you know superheroes yeah i had that epiphany when i first came to vegas and um the first time i played i played with chipping doyle and um they did something that i was like whoa that wasn't i mean they're obviously very great playing they're they're amazing players right you know but they did something that i really i didn't agree with you know i was like oh wow they are it it it they are human you know like they can play a hand badly like you know because you just don't think like you know it's it it's possible you know you see these guys on tv you hear about like you know you you hear about you hear all these stories or whatever and then when you finally get in there you know and and play against them and you see them what you make a mistake what you think is a mistake at the time you realize that they're human and that they you know you you you can beat these guys what was your relationship like you know chip's gone now the door's still around what was your relationship like with those two guys because you're like the up-and-comer and you know they've been around i mean me and dawg we've always had like a love-hate relationship kind of like at the table we've had some uh a lot of you know uh big fights at the table but you know away from the table it's it's it's great uh but me and chip we were pretty close especially before he passed we were like really um hanging out quite a bit golfing you know i was going over to his house we're playing lots of chinese poker and like uh we fly out to the larry game together and um you know i learned quite a bit from chip you know just how to you know his behavior at the table was legendary you know you know how much you played with him and um you know definitely uh miss him he's definitely missed by you know like i mean that was like a big loss for poker relationship i remember shadow creek right we showed up for a tee time you're supposed to play with doyle for an 11 a.m tee time okay it's now 2 p.m and we still haven't teed off because you guys are arguing over half a shot right like what's that about you guys because you guys are like kind of like brothers or whatever that fight uh-huh i just think we just both don't want to give in you know it's just a matter of like you know like he's he's stubborn i was like you know how stubborn he is you know and i was like very stubborn that's his dog yeah i mean i've got a whole golf section later phil we're going to get to some golf stuff for sure um but we've got uh i put together sort of this iv factor fiction because you know there's phil ivey story he's been going around you know the poker community for a long time and obviously you don't have to answer but i thought it'd be fun to throw a couple of the myths at you to see uh which one of them or you can confirm and which maybe you'll just kind of laugh off but um the first one i want to ask you about is in 2008 uh canadian and ad medic won the 10k plo championship at the world series of poker i think it was about 800 grand or something and reportedly he walked up to you and said hey phil um i just want big this tournament here's a bunch of cash you backed me and uh and you know here you go and you looked at him and said who are you no you can't say i didn't that's not what happened i didn't say who are you but i didn't realize that i was backing him oh so that's that's that that's what happened i said oh that's nice i just i just i just i just forgot uh all right um there's another one um at the 2015 aussie millions you win uh the 250k for like 2.2 million i believe the uh australian 2.2 million and apparently mentioned that uh it got you even from losing on the seahawks in the super bowl would that would that be true no comment uh okay uh the next one is uh a story about in the club and uh uh you were in the club with bottles of this one night apparently and uh a businessman guy sent you over a bottle of champagne you sent him back five uh and he sent you 10 and you sent it back 20. is that true i i vaguely remember that i was very drunk that night sounds good uh next one is a story about daniel yeah in monte carlo where uh daniel slapped you opened facebook and slapped you in the face uh yeah and you said you looked at him instead of hitting him and said revenge will be sweet and i said i said i i owe him a smack but i'm gonna smack him on television i still haven't done it yet well it was the next day right because like i didn't he said he came to me the next day he's like you know i owe you something right and i was like sweet how much it's like i thought it was you know like he borrowed money and he owes me money and i thought he's like you slapped me in the face three times in front of my girl it was actually very funny wow yeah it was it was actually very we had a fun night that night you feel like he drinks tequila glasses right and he's like you know tequila shots they're like a shot he drinks tequila cups and like i'm just i was already drunk and i come over to where phil's at the club and phil's drinking these things it feels like six three and big dude or whatever he's been drinking he's like i'm not a tequila guy but i'm like well if he can do it so can i didn't work out so well for me because uh i think you had to later that i had to put daniel in a wheelchair and take him to his room he's like he's like he's like he's like leave me in the lobby leave me in the lobby i'm fine i was like no no you're not fine you're not buying taking care of your buddy who just slapped you in the face three times in front of his girl and he still take care of his buddy how's that it wasn't his it wasn't exactly like that but yeah okay it wasn't exactly like it was a fun slap all right it wasn't a [ __ ] slap well i have no muscle the last one i have is uh you won a world series of poker event one year and the money obviously you didn't pick it up right away it was it was left in the cage and ended up being a dealer tip is that is that true i don't i don't think so no i don't think so that's just crazy but yeah how much was it i don't know apparently you won an event so it's got to be a fair amount okay you know i'm pretty sure that did not happen we talked about uh money i'm curious of what you think like maybe on a scale of one to ten what your money management skills were like back in the day zero zero like just like terrible terrible and then now do you think you're better now yeah yeah i'm a little bit better now yeah sure you're a little a little bit better yeah a little bit better because it does get us into some of this uh i mean you're not just a famous poker player you're also just a famous gambler you know you love the props and all that and i i watched the interview i think it was like lee davey i can't remember who it was but it said you don't get much of a oh no it's the paul foie one um and you know you said you don't get much of a rush from high stakes poker which i understand you've been doing it for a long time but like is there ever like a worry that do you ever you ever chase that rush you know whether it's in the pit or on the golf course or whatever like is that is that worrisome to you or is it just like you accept it i don't really play the pit anymore i have a couple bad experiences with the pit hold up hello can you hear me yeah yeah yeah i i had a couple bad experiences with the pistol i don't really play any to pit anymore and um you know i still like to gamble i mean you know the right situation comes up or whatever you know but like i'm not really chasing any um any any any rush or any feeling has that that's changed over you know yeah that's changed over time you know before like i would just go randomly like shoot off some money and craps or like go and like play like you know obscene amounts of like you know play really high baccarat or something like this you know before but yeah i don't i don't really do that anymore that desire is gone you know it's like i don't really get anything out of it yeah i remember phil i remember the days when we just played tpc summerlin we just played all these big matches and i remember one day we were playing with the late great mike sexton right and you guys were like in a bloodbath of a match right then it comes to 18 and you got like for all the money big money you got like a 20-footer and you ask your caddy you know like what does it do and the cat of darren says it's dead straight phil and you go it doesn't break at all and he's like nope dead straight in the hole right so you line up over the putt 20-footer you hit the putt it's going towards the hole it's going in it starts to turn to the right at the end but it drops you make the putt you win all the money and what was the first thing you said to darren uh i said dead straight huh you gave him so much [ __ ] and i wonder like how much of that was you just like actually feeling that way for darren or was it just absolutely to stick the needle in mike sexton and everybody else it was 100 stick to needle in mike sex let's uh let's talk about mike as someone who was fortunate enough to be able to play some rounds with mike he every round would talk about how whoever's in his group is the best seven handicapped they've ever seen he like he religiously like he would say it every time and it's just like mike you can't keep saying that first of all you're winning all the money most sometimes but i mean what a great guy and an amazing legacy for poker for a human being um i i cherish every moment i was lucky enough to spend spend with mike um you guys must have feel the same with on the golf course one thing that stands out with mike on the golf course is that he had zero choke to him like you know like he just never ever choked he wasn't very good but he never ever choked he never like hit a bad shot for his money or whatever like i mean he may hit some bad shots but it wasn't a choke it just was a bad shot you know and um yeah we have some like me daniel mike we have some epic golf matches i mean the man tells me mike sexton tells me he's a bogey golfer we're playing he's still dangling doug is still upset about this to this day he shot 76. 75 but he birdied in every time every [ __ ] hole he birdied four five and six and says oh i'll tell you what i never made two birdies in a row i tell you what i never made 30 birdies in a row oh i tell you what that's the best round of my life i'm like i was like back in those days i'm like how can i play with people who have the best round of their life every single time i play with them oh man yeah yeah you were uh daniel was like was like very good to golf with for a while then he turned it around and he became like extremely he became extremely difficult to golf with you know like oh speaking of i remember we played a match and you're caddy danny okay we were playing a match and you were up three and on the front nine you were up three with three to go i won the last three holes okay even after nine we're dead even on the match and you and your caddy came to me and says we need strokes for the back we just broke even on the front he's like yeah yeah banana you're playing too good and your catty danny left he wouldn't he went home he would not continue that's too funny all right we've reached the golf section of the interview this is my favorite part i'm excited about this um you know back and i'm sure phil you've played golf with some some big names um and some famous people and probably some professional golfers and and i think back to um the legends of like guys like evil knievel and there was you know legends for years where evil knievel had a foursome where they played so high you know it would just make your yeah you know it's back in the day right we're talking about the 70s and the 80s and they invited lee trevino out apparently this is from a book and um lee played and lee wasn't used to playing for his own money he's used to playing for purse money and playing for you know big money out of his pocket he played the round and he said he'd never do it again because he was so uncomfortable couldn't stand over putts for that that amount of money with those guys and i'm wondering you know phil if you've played with some of those guys and i don't know that you have but i'm guessing you have and played for you know fairly big stakes do you see that as well with some of the professional players because you know they are used to playing for somebody else's money i have yes i have with a couple of professionals i i i play with them and play a little bit i mean they yeah when they when it when it's like well i i don't want to say this there's just one guy very well known professional we end up playing like um i mean he has quite a bit of money but somehow i got him he started off with a thousand hole i got him up to ten thousand a whole and he played terrible i mean i couldn't even believe it he just couldn't he just it was just like i don't know he just wasn't used to it you know it's one of those things you got to get you know gambling high on the golf course you got to get used to it you know like if it's like your first time especially like the the most difficult thing i would say gambling on the golf course is shooting at a score you know would you say that dang like shooting at a score if you've never done it before like the first time is very difficult to win well yeah especially because like you know the mind plays tricks on you right you're 13 holes in and you're like okay just got a freaking bogey out we're good and then when you do that you just you fall apart and all of a sudden you make a triple and you know you're out of it what about guys that are good playing from like tiger i imagine is really really good playing for his own this is my guess because his competitive nature he's super focused guy and it it looks like pressure doesn't get to him um and i know he played with michael jordan you know is that are those maybe guys that that would be good playing for their own money when i played with my michael jordan never ever dogged it once i mean he just like he's just uh you know he's just uh he's just a special human being i mean like he was just like um he never ever like he's just never ever left a putt short like the entire time i played with him like he just never ever not wants to he looked nervous or like ever like he's very um he's like probably i would say the toughest competitor i ever played golf with like that's for sure wow sounds a lot like you huh i like you yeah that's interesting yeah okay so um favorite three golf courses you've ever played uh let's go with that first your top three the golf courses you've ever not just the course not the everything else um i would say shadow creek um there's a there's a course called uh el dorado down in cabo and summit i guess yeah okay if you're trying to play augusta or anything like that or any the old course in saint andrew anything you've been over there i i haven't i got invited once to augusta but i was out out of the country so yeah i couldn't make it gotcha all right then favorite foursome that you ever played in golf course doesn't matter the favor the four guys that you had the most fun with i would say daniel mike saxton and doyle that's for sure all right we're going to wake up terence now he's completely bored of the uh of the golf discussion oh good it's all good um well you mentioned uh some uh some pit stuff uh i'm curious if there was a movie made about you uh and and maybe some experiences that you've had um are you at all curious about who's gonna play you in the movie um yeah i am curious yeah i i have no idea right now i mean there's a uh uh a couple people one second okay there's a uh there's a um who do you think should play me how about that get him that's a good one i don't know michael i think jordan michael b jordan yeah that's my pick chris yeah all right the question is does he have to look like you right like is he is it about the acting or is it about the appearance right i have no idea i'm just going to trust the people doing them doing the movie that they they figured out did they ask you about it do they go hey phil who do you want to play who do you think do you want to sign off or anything like that uh yeah they they they put together like a a list of people and ask for your input or whatever yeah i told they all seem fine to me you know uh okay couple last things i know we've kept you for a long time and i really appreciate it um uh cryptocurrency were you an early adopter did you do you believe in it is it something that you think is is uh you know the future anything like that um my crypto story i don't even want to tell it oh come on we've all got one you gotta have a good one huh you gotta have a good one uh painful yeah a little painful yes a little painful yeah but like it involved like some people uh got in some trouble and stuff like that that was very close to me okay yeah that's different so um sorry go ahead terence yeah no phil i just wanted because you've been so much you know you you didn't do much media for such a long time you know you you can go online and try to look up every fill iv interview you'll probably be done in about half an hour um but you're you're opening up a bit more you know the interview with barry the interview you know that we're doing right now and i know it's because you know barry is your friend because daniel's a friend so we appreciate that but like i guess i just want to ask like you know the the sort of the new open field ivy that's a new thing that's changed but also like what else is that is that how they seem i'm the open phil ivy is that i don't know like you just you know for so many years nobody could get you for an interview you know daniel even joke i'm gonna blow you up daniel but uh yeah and you'll even joke before we did this before you use off man i hope phil shows up for this thing you know because i did see i did see one youtube video these guys had their cameras daniel has never asked me to be on the show not once just so just so you know no i didn't but i i saw one video where somebody they set up all the lights and set up all the cameras and they're sitting off they'll didn't show up but that's not that's not true that that's just not true all right if if if if i get you know um call for something or i i commit to something i'm there i'm not the type of person just to say i'm going to do something don't do it you know just not show up that's just not you know no i'll i'll send you i'll send you that link and you can you can talk to them i actually remember we were lucky enough to have phil about five years ago on the poker cast the old two plus two poker cast and phil texted us we were like i don't know it was five minutes before the interview time it feels like are we doing this or what you're like you're ready to go you were in bed i mean you did it from your bed but you you were pregnant i'm in bed now i got a question go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead no you go ahead say what you're gonna say oh no no never mind okay i just want to so world series poker is going to have online here in vegas like in in june july and or and then they're going to be like on gg poker or whatever and then there's going to be like an alive world series poker at rio like is if you if you're available and you're not playing big games or whatever like are you planning on playing like a decent amount of 100 100 gonna play if i'm in town okay and what do you think like so obviously you're younger than he is and you're like the closest threat to passing hellmuth has got you know whatever 15 or 16 and you got 10 bracelets do you think that's something that you know in the next 10 15 years you could contend for yeah i think i could contend for it if i played all the events sure um it doesn't matter to you at all it would be nice to pass him is it am i going to um am i going to uh um am i going to prioritize it no i'm not you know i'm not i'm not i'm not going to like put things ahead that i deem more important than that you know what i mean it's not like you know it was before where i would say like even like six seven five six years ago it would i would make that number one in my life but now net today's just different well one of the things was bracelet bets right you made a bunch of bracelet bets to try and get you to put your head down and play in those smaller tournaments yeah maybe maybe me and daniel will make a bracelet or something like that let's how about this oh let's do it like we did before where we make the bet where we bet on me and you as a team because we did that one year yeah that's what i mean yeah it was so crazy too because i came second like five times i made every final table feel like he didn't have a cash cash the first four weeks nothing no cash he wasn't even on the board this guy was out but then he made then he cashed and made the final table and of course my man for live he finished the job tournament yeah at the last minute who was the bet against what's the team like how does that work well we just i think we just had i think i think we just bet against everybody i don't remember like we just we just bet we bet against everybody i think we offered it at a two to one and anybody you know we just took in a bunch of money like i was actually tracking it i kept track of everybody and phil ivey just said you know get as much as you can down how much and i was like whatever you can get you know okay he's confident i'm in let's do it what about online do you think you're going to play in the online events phil is that do you like playing those um yeah i mean sure i'll play i'll play in them when is it it's uh the the one here in vegas is in july and then it moves over uh international in august for like okay yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna play a lot i'm gonna play lots of world series events this year people know i know i know i've said that the last couple years but it's just taiwan i am okay awesome phil thanks so much for your time really appreciate uh you putting up with us here for for an hour and yeah that was it was it was easy i had a good time actually it was fun uh you know i'll do it again no time no time soon but i'll do it again i was gonna say next sunday worked for you or you're gonna maybe for your two maybe for your 200th i'll come back on all right there you go thanks phil really appreciate it uh and we'll uh and you know we'll be watching to see uh you grind out these world series of poker events this year all right buddy thanks so that was awesome that was a lot of fun um phil you know to to the the discussion about him enjoying opening up more a little bit um he clearly seems to be enjoying it obviously it's great that daniel his his buddies here too to to be able to you know uh chat about with and daniel thanks so much for forgetting that for everybody i know it's no no you didn't understand daniel didn't even ask him i'm sorry i was waiting for the right time and you know then you're the i didn't want to ask here's i didn't want to ask him too early you know what i mean i was like all right we're in the 100th episode wait for the 100th episode to ask him yeah yeah so now is doyle 101 or where's doyle oh did we have are we going to have doyle i mean you never gave me i mean we could do doyle we could do dorwana dole's got those been on his twitter has been fired doyle's twitter's been like all these awesome great stories i don't know if you can see them adam you might know you might have to do that one without me guys he definitely would not know that that you were blocked who i am no no it'd be fine um all right uh that's gonna wrap it up a long show but uh a lot of fun um again thanks daniel and thanks to phil ivey for for joining us i hope people enjoy that um and we will talk to you soon all right ooh what's the doggy's name asia asia i'm in a black dog [Laughter] all right let's fire it up you guys ready to go yeah all right [Music]
Channel: Daniel Negreanu
Views: 80,617
Rating: 4.9388728 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Negreanu, Poker, Daniel Negreanu Poker, PokerStars, Poker Hands, Negreanu Poker, Poker Vlog, Phil Ivey, High Stakes Poker, Macau Poker, poker videos, top poker hands, poker 2020, best poker moments, best poker hands, poker tournament, poker strategy, poker tips, poker live, phil ivey interview, Ivey Negreanu, Phil Ivey strategy
Id: UG2E0tGdvLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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